400: Bad Request
The 400 (Bad request) status code indicates that server cannot process the request due to something that is perceived to be a client error (e.g. malformed request syntax, invalid request message framing, or deceptive request routing).
Code | 400 |
Description | Validation Error. |
Generic Cause | Malformed request due to field or business validation. |
Quick Fix | Ensure the payload sent adheres to the parameter requirements. |
There are different types of Validation errors and this section provides sample scenarios with validation errors as well as tips on how to identify them.
Code | EQ-2010010 |
Description | One or more properties are invalid |
Generic Cause | There is an issue with at least one of the properties in the request. |
Quick Fix | Identify the issues specified in 'additional info' and correct any invalid values passed. |
ERROR CODE: "EQ-2010010"
MESSAGE: "One or more properties are invalid"
"property": "ibx",
"reason": "Unknown query parameter 'ibx'",
"value": "AM1"
Verify the query parameters passed in the request, and update them accordingly.
Correct the query parameter "ibx" to "ibxs".
curl -X
GET "https://api.equinix.com/v2/quotes/1-203123456789?ibx=CH1"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
Code | EQ-2012010 |
Description | One or more properties are invalid |
Generic Cause | There is an issue with at least one of the properties in the request. |
Quick Fix | Identify the issues specified in 'additional info' and correct any invalid values passed. |
ERROR CODE: "EQ-2012010"
MESSAGE: "One or more properties are invalid"
"property": "details.zSide.patchPanel.id",
"reason": "Patch panel is not found",
"value": {
"id": "PP:0101:1010101"
Verify the Z-side patch panel ID and modify the value accordingly.
The patch panel ID is incorrect. Replace it with the correct ID.
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/colocations/v2/orders/crossConnects"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
"details": [
"aSide": {
"connectionService": "Multi-Mode Fiber",
"mediaType": "50 MICRON MULTI-MODE FIBER OM3",
"protocolType": "10 GIG ETHERNET",
"connectorType": "ST",
"patchPanel": {
"id": "PP:0101:1234567"
"zSide": {
"connectorType": "SC",
"circuitId": "1-23123123",
"patchPanel": {
"id": "PP:0101:1010101"
Code | EQ-2012011 |
Description | One or more mandatory properties are missing. |
Generic Cause | There is an issue with at least one of the properties in the request. |
Quick Fix | Identify the issues specified in 'additional info' and correct any invalid values passed. |
ERROR CODE: "EQ-2012011"
MESSAGE: "One or more mandatory properties are missing."
"property": "details[0].aSide.patchPanel.id",
"reason": "details[0].aSide.patchPanel.id is required"
A-side patch panel ID is missing. Verify patch panel ID and include it in the request payload.
A-side patch panel ID is missing. Add "id": "PP:0101:1010101" to the patchPanel object.
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/colocations/v2/orders/crossConnects"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
"details": [
"aSide": {
"connectionService": "Multi-Mode Fiber",
"mediaType": "50 MICRON MULTI-MODE FIBER OM3",
"protocolType": "10 GIG ETHERNET",
"connectorType": "ST",
"patchPanel": {}
"zSide": {
"connectorType": "SC",
"circuitId": "1-23123123",
"patchPanel": {
"id": "PP:0202:2020202"
Code | EQ-2012012 |
Description | Attachment is invalid |
Generic Cause | There is an issue with at least one of the properties in the request. |
Quick Fix | Identify the issues specified in 'additional info' and correct any invalid values passed. |
ERROR CODE: "EQ-2012012"
MESSAGE: "Attachment is invalid."
"property": "attachments[0]",
"reason": "Attachment exceeds 5MB limit",
"value": "1111a11b-c1d1-1e1f-1h1i-11j111klm1n0"
Upload a new attachment that falls within the size limit using POST Attachments File. Use this newly generated ID to replace the old one in your request.
Replace the attachment ID with a new ID.
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/colocations/v2/orders/crossConnects"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
"details": [
"aSide": {
"connectionService": "Multi-Mode Fiber",
"mediaType": "50 MICRON MULTI-MODE FIBER OM3",
"protocolType": "10 GIG ETHERNET",
"connectorType": "ST",
"patchPanel": {
"id": "PP:0101:1234567"
"zSide": {
"connectorType": "SC",
"circuitId": "1-23123123",
"patchPanel": {
"id": "PP:0101:1010101"
"attachments": [
"id": "1111a11b-c1d1-1e1f-1h1i-11j111klm1n0",
"name": "AdditionalDetails.pdf"
Code | EQ-2012025 |
Description | Selected value is not in allowed list of values. |
Generic Cause | Value passed in request does not match applicable ENUM values. |
Quick Fix | Identify the issues specified in 'additional info' and correct any invalid values passed. |
ERROR CODE: "EQ-2012025"
MESSAGE: "Selected value is not in allowed list of values."
"property": "details[0].aSide.connectionService",
"reason": "Selected details[0].aSide.connectionService is invalid. Allowed list is COAX, MP4_CABLE, MULTI_MODE_FIBER, POTS, SINGLE_MODE_FIBER, UTP"
"value": "MULTI_MODE"
Verify the the A-side connection service and modify the value accordingly.
The value for connectionService is incorrect. Replace it with "MULTI_MODE_FIBER".
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/colocations/v2/orders/crossConnects"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
"details": [
"aSide": {
"connectionService": "MULTI_MODE",
"mediaType": "50 MICRON MULTI-MODE FIBER OM3",
"protocolType": "10 GIG ETHERNET",
"connectorType": "ST",
"patchPanel": {
"id": "PP:0101:1234567"
"zSide": {
"connectorType": "SC",
"circuitId": "1-23123123",
"patchPanel": {
"id": "PP:0101:1010101"
Code | EQ-2014010 |
Description | One or more properties are invalid |
Generic Cause | There is an issue with at least one of the properties in the request. |
Quick Fix | Identify the issue specified in the additional info and correct any invalid values passed. |
ERROR CODE: "EQ-2014010"
MESSAGE: "One or more properties are invalid"
"property": "ibx",
"reason": "Unknown query parameter 'ibx'",
"value": "CH1"
Verify the query parameters passed in the request, and update them accordingly.
Correct the query parameter "ibx" to "ibxs".
curl -X
GET "https://api.equinix.com/colocations/v2/orders/1-203123456789?ibx=CH1"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
Code | EQ-2016010 |
Description | One or more properties are invalid |
Generic Cause | There is an issue with at least one of the properties in the request. |
Quick Fix | Identify the issue specified in the additional info and correct any invalid values passed. |
ERROR CODE: "EQ-2016010"
MESSAGE: "One or more properties are invalid"
"property": "details.carrierTrackingNumbers",
"reason": "details.carrierTrackingNumbers is required"
Verify the properties passed in the request, and update them accordingly.
Add the missing required property "carrierTrackingNumbers".
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/colocations/v2/orders/shipments"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d {
"type": "INBOUND",
"requestedDateTime": "2021-01-24T19:23:51Z",
"cageId": "DC3:01:007550",
"details": {
"numberOfBoxes": "1",
"carrier": "OTHER",
"carrierName": "Unlisted Carrier",
"carrierTrackingNumbers": [
Code | EQ-2016011 |
Description | One or more mandatory properties are missing. |
Generic Cause | Request is incomplete due to missing required properties. |
Quick Fix | Identify the issue specified in the additional info and correct any invalid values passed. |
ERROR CODE: "EQ-2016011"
MESSAGE: "One or more mandatory properties are missing."
"reason": "order is not inbound/outbound shipment"
Verify the order ID passed is for the intended shipment order.
The order ID is incorrect. Replace the ID with the correct value.
curl -X
PATCH "https://api.equinix.com/colocations/v2/orders/shipments/1-200000000000"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d {
"details": {
"carrierTrackingNumbers": [
Code | EQ-2016012 |
Description | Attachment is invalid. |
Generic Cause | There is an issue with the attachment. |
Quick Fix | Identify the issue specified in the additional info and correct any invalid values passed. |
ERROR CODE: "EQ-2016012"
MESSAGE: "Attachment is invalid."
"property": "attachments[0]",
"reason": "attachments[0] is not found",
"value": {
"id": "1111a11b-c1d1-1e1f-1h1i-11j111klm1n0",
"name": "AdditionalDetails.pdf"
Verify the attachment ID passed.
The attachment ID is incorrect. Replace the ID with the correct value.
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/colocations/v2/orders/shipments"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d {
"type": "INBOUND",
"requestedDateTime": "2021-01-24T19:23:51Z",
"cageId": "DC3:01:007550",
"details": {
"numberOfBoxes": "1",
"carrier": "OTHER",
"carrierName": "Unlisted Carrier",
"carrierTrackingNumbers": [
"attachments": [
"id": "1111a11b-c1d1-1e1f-1h1i-11j111klm1n0",
"name": "AdditionalDetails.pdf"
Code | EQ-2016025 |
Description | Selected value is not in allowed list of values. |
Generic Cause | There is an issue with at least one of the properties in the request. |
Quick Fix | Identify the issue specified in the additional info and correct any invalid values passed. |
ERROR CODE: "EQ-2016025"
MESSAGE: "Selected value is not in allowed list of values."
"property": "details.carrier",
"reason": "Selected details.carrier is invalid. Allowed list is DHL, FEDEX, UPS, OTHER, CUSTOMER_CARRIER",
"value": "OTHERS"
Verify the properties passed in the request, and update them accordingly.
The selected carrier is incorrect. Replace "OTHERS" with the correct value, "OTHER".
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/colocations/v2/orders/shipments"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d {
"type": "INBOUND",
"requestedDateTime": "2021-01-24T19:23:51Z",
"cageId": "DC3:01:007550",
"details": {
"numberOfBoxes": "1",
"carrier": "OTHERS",
"carrierName": "Unlisted Carrier",
"carrierTrackingNumbers": [
Code | EQ-2019010 |
Description | One or more properties are invalid. |
Generic Cause | There is an issue with at least one of the properties in the request. |
Quick Fix | Identify the issues specified in 'additional info' and correct any invalid values passed. |
ERROR CODE: "EQ-2019010"
MESSAGE: "One or more properties are invalid"
"property": "id",
"reason": "To make a modification, contact the Global Service Desk."
Contact Equinix Global Service Desk for more information.
Contact Equinix Global Service Desk for more information.
curl -X
GET "https://api.equinix.com/v2/tickets/1-204872197269/notes"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
"text": "Updating 1-way-notes #1"
One or more properties are invalid
Code | EQ-2021010 |
Description | One or more properties are invalid |
Generic Cause | There is an issue with at least one of the properties in the request. |
Quick Fix | Identify the issue specified in the additional info and correct any invalid values passed. |
ERROR CODE: "EQ-2021010"
MESSAGE: "One or more properties are invalid"
"property": "deactivationDateTime",
"reason": "deactivationDateTime should be valid date or greater than current date",
"value": "2021-02-31T01:10:11.355Z"
Verify the date passed in the request, and update it accordingly.
Correct the deactivationDateTime value from "2021-02-31T01:10:11.355Z" to "2021-02-28T01:10:11.355Z".
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/access/v2/users"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d {
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"companyName": "Sample Company",
"contactDetails": [
"type": "PHONE",
"value": "+81-111-111-1111"
"type": "EMAIL",
"value": "example@email.com"
"deactivationDateTime": "2021-02-31T01:10:11.355Z"
Code | EQ-2042252 |
Description | No pending negotiation found for the given parameters |
Generic Cause | There are no outstanding negotiations for this order. |
Quick Fix | Verify the order ID passed. |
ERROR CODE: "EQ-2042252"
MESSAGE: "No pending negotiation found for the given parameters"
Verify the order ID passed.
The order ID is incorrect. Replace the ID with the correct value.
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/colocations/v2/orders/1-203123456789/negotiation"
-H "content-type: application/json"
-H "authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
"referenceId": "1-2ABCDEF1",
"action": "CANCEL"
Code | EQ-2061010 |
Description | One or more properties are invalid |
Generic Cause | There is an issue with at least one of the properties in the request. |
Quick Fix | Identify the issues specified in 'additional info' and correct any invalid values passed. |
ERROR CODE: "EQ-2061010"
MESSAGE: "One or more properties are invalid"
"property": "cabinetId",
"reason": "cabinetId should match pattern \"^([a-zA-Z0-9.\\-_!: ]{1,}:)+[a-zA-Z0-9.\\-_!: ]{1,}$\"",
"value": "AM3"
Verify the cabinet ID in the request, and update it accordingly.
The cabinet ID is incorrect. Replace it with the correct value.
curl -X
GET "https://api.equinix.com/colocations/v2/patchPanels?cabinetId=AM3"
-H "content-type: application/json"
-H "authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
Code | EQ-2061011 |
Description | One or more mandatory properties are missing. |
Generic Cause | Request is incomplete due to missing required properties. |
Quick Fix | Identify the issues specified in 'additional info' and correct any invalid values passed. |
ERROR CODE: "EQ-2061011"
MESSAGE: "One or more mandatory properties are missing."
"property": "permissionCode",
"reason": "permissionCode is required"
Verify the request passed, and update the missing properties accordingly.
Add the missing query parameter 'permissionCode' and its accompanying value to the endpoint.
curl -X
GET "https://api.equinix.com/colocations/v2/locations?permissionCode=CROSS_CONNECTS"
-H "content-type: application/json"
-H "authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
Code | EQ-2061025 |
Description | Selected value is not in allowed list of values. |
Generic Cause | There is an issue with at least one of the properties in the request. |
Quick Fix | Identify the issues specified in 'additional info' and correct any invalid values passed. |
ERROR CODE: "EQ-2061025"
MESSAGE: "Selected value is not in allowed list of values."
"property": "permissionCode",
"reason": "Selected permissionCode is invalid. Allowed list is CROSS_CONNECTS, SHIPMENTS, WORK_VISIT",
"value": "CROSS_CONNECT"
Verify the permission code, and modify the value accordingly.
The value for permissionCode is incorrect. Replace it with "CROSS_CONNECTS".
curl -X
GET "https://api.equinix.com/colocations/v2/locations?permissionCode=CROSS_CONNECT"
-H "content-type: application/json"
-H "authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
One or more properties are invalid
Code | EQ-2086010 |
Description | One or more properties are invalid |
Generic Cause | There is an issue with at least one of the properties in the request. |
Quick Fix | Identify the issue specified in the additional info and correct any invalid values passed. |
ERROR CODE: "EQ-2086010"
MESSAGE: "One or more properties are invalid"
"property": "startDate, endDate",
"reason": "Start date and end date range should be within 90 days."
Verify the date range, and update the date values accordingly.
Correct the endDate value from "2021-01-01" to "2020-12-30".
curl -X
GET "https://api.equinix.com/v2/invoices?startDate=2020-10-01&endDate=2021-01-01"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
Code | EQ-2095025 |
Description | Selected value is not in allowed list of values. |
Generic Cause | There is an issue with at least one of the properties in the request. |
Quick Fix | Identify the issues specified in 'additional info' and correct any invalid values passed. |
ERROR CODE: "EQ-2095025"
MESSAGE: "Selected value is not in allowed list of values."
"property": "productTypes[0]",
"reason": "Selected productTypes[0] is invalid. Allowed list is CROSS_CONNECT, SMART_HANDS, POWER, NETWORK, SMVSENSOR, SMARTVIEW, SERVICES"
Verify the product type, and modify the value accordingly.
The value for productTypes is incorrect. Replace it with "CROSS_CONNECT".
curl -X
GET "https://api.equinix.com//colocations/v2/purchaseOrders?accountNumbers=123456&productTypes=CROSS_CONNECTS&ibxs=AM3&offset=0&limit=1"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
Object has missing required properties (%s)
Code | EQX-111-1216 |
Description | object has missing required properties (%s) |
Generic Cause | Missing mandatory attributes in the request payload. |
Quick Fix | Add the missing attributes to the request payload. |
ERROR CODE: "EQX-111-1216"
FIELDS: "/serviceDetails"
MESSAGE: "object has missing required properties (%s)"
MESSAGE PARAMS: "serviceDetails"
Add the missing attributes to the request payload.
Add the missing "serviceDetails".
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/v1/orders/smarthands/cageCleanup"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
"ibxLocation": {
"ibx": "AM1",
"cages": [
"cage": "AM1:0G:00EQ11",
"accountNumber": "108812"
"serviceDetails": {
"permissionToDiscardBoxes": true,
"dampMoistMopRequired": true,
"scopeOfWork": "Light dusting of equipment, microfiber mop to be used."
"contacts": [
"contactType": "ORDERING",
"userName": "johndoe123"
"contactType": "TECHNICAL",
"userName": "johndoe123",
"workPhonePrefToCall": "ANYTIME"
"contactType": "NOTIFICATION",
"userName": "johndoe123"
String \"%s\" is invalid against requested date format(s) %s
Code | EQX-111-1252 |
Description | string \"%s\" is invalid against requested date format(s) %s |
Generic Cause | The scheduled date input does not follow the requested date format. |
Quick Fix | Verify that the "requestedStartDate" or "requestedCompletionDate" value follows the requested date formats ("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ", or "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ"), and modify accordingly. |
ERROR CODE: "EQX-111-1252"
FIELDS: "/schedule/requestedCompletionDate"
MESSAGE: "string \"%s\" is invalid against requested date format(s) %s"
MESSGE PARAMS: "2019-08-31",
Verify that the date input follows the requested date formats, and modify accordingly.
Rename the "requestedCompletionDate" value to '2019-08-31T03:00:24.311Z'.
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/v1/orders/smarthands/other"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
"ibxLocation": {
"ibx": "AM1",
"cages": [
"cage": "AM1:0G:00EQ11",
"accountNumber": "108812"
"schedule": {
"requestedStartDate": "2019-08-30T22:00:49.776Z",
"requestedCompletionDate": "2019-08-31"
"serviceDetails": {
"scopeOfWork": "check cage for left over objects after work visit",
"contacts": [
"contactType": "ORDERING",
"userName": "johndoe123"
"contactType": "TECHNICAL",
"userName": "johndoe123",
"workPhonePrefToCall": "ANYTIME"
"contactType": "NOTIFICATION",
"userName": "johndoe123"
If scheduled Maintenance is selected then requestedCompletionDate & requestedStartDate are mandatory attributes.
Code | EQX-111-5502 |
Description | If scheduled Maintenance is selected then requestedCompletionDate & requestedStartDate are mandatory attributes. |
Generic Cause | Missing mandatory attributes in the request payload. |
Quick Fix | Add the missing attributes to the request payload. |
ERROR CODE: "EQX-111-5502"
FIELDS: "/schedule"
MESSAGE: "If scheduled Maintenance is selected then requestedCompletionDate & requestedStartDate are mandatory attributes."
Verify and add the missing attributes.
Add the missing "requestedCompletionDate" and "requestedStartDate".
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/v1/orders/smarthands/cageEscort"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
"ibxLocation": {
"ibx": "AM1",
"cages": [
"cage": "AM1:0G:00EQ11",
"accountNumber": "108812"
"schedule": {
"requestedStartDate": "2019-08-30T22:00:49.776Z",
"requestedCompletionDate": "2019-08-31T22:00:49.776Z"
"serviceDetails": {
"durationVisit": "4 Hours",
"openCabinetForVisitor": true,
"scopeOfWork": "scope of work",
"supervisionReqForVisitor": true,
"workVisitOrderNumber": "1-19864326570532"
"contacts": [
"contactType": "ORDERING",
"userName": "andrew1"
"contactType": "TECHNICAL",
"userName": "andrew1",
"workPhone": "0148211111",
"workPhonePrefToCall": "MY_BUSINESS_HOURS",
"workPhoneTimeZone": "Europe/London"
"contactType": "NOTIFICATION",
"userName": "andrew1"
Your cage (%s) does not belong to this ibx (%s)
Code | EQX-111-5522 |
Description | Your cage (%s) does not belong to this ibx (%s) |
Generic Cause | The cage ID number is not related to the indicated IBX. |
Quick Fix | Verify the "cage" and "ibx" values passed and modify as needed. |
ERROR CODE: "EQX-111-5522"
FIELDS: "/ibxLocation/cages/cage, /ibxLocation/ibx"
MESSAGE: "Your cage (%s) does not belong to this ibx (%s)"
Verify the "cage" and "ibx" values passed and modify as needed.
Rename the "cage" value to 'AM1:0G:00EQ11'.
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/v1/orders/smarthands/locatePackage"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
"ibxLocation": {
"ibx": "AM1",
"cages": [
"cage": "AM2:0G:00EQ11",
"accountNumber": "108812"
"schedule": {
"requestedStartDate": "2019-08-30T22:00:49.776Z",
"requestedCompletionDate": "2019-08-31"
"serviceDetails": {
"shipmentOrderNumber": "1-1234567890",
"trackingNumber": "All tracking numbers in this shipment order.",
"possibleLocation": "Last known location was the loading bay.",
"packageDescription": "Multiple DHL boxes.",
"scopeOfWork": "Locate and group all boxes together in a fixed location for easy identification and later collection."
"contacts": [
"contactType": "ORDERING",
"userName": "johndoe123"
"contactType": "TECHNICAL",
"userName": "johndoe123",
"workPhonePrefToCall": "ANYTIME"
"contactType": "NOTIFICATION",
"userName": "johndoe123"
Purchase Order Number is mandatory if account is PO Bearing account
Code | EQX-111-5527 |
Description | Purchase Order Number is mandatory if account is PO Bearing account |
Generic Cause | Missing mandatory attributes in the request payload. |
Quick Fix | Add the missing attributes to the request payload. |
ERROR CODE: "EQX-111-5527"
MESSAGE: "Purchase Order Number is mandatory if account is PO Bearing account"
Verify and add the missing attributes.
Include purchase order type and number to the request body.
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/v1/orders/smarthands/runJumperCable'"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
"ibxLocation": {
"ibx": "AM1",
"cages": [
"cage": "AM1:0G:00EQ11",
"accountNumber": "108812"
"purchaseOrder": {
"purchaseOrderType": "EXISTING",
"number: "PO2019-EQX12345"
"schedule": {
"scheduleType": "STANDARD"
"serviceDetails": {
"quantity": "2",
"scopeOfWork" : "provide both cables with the following requirements; jumperType- Jumper, mediaType - Multi-mode 62.5mic, connector- RJ45."
"contacts": [
"contactType": "ORDERING",
"userName": "andrew1"
"contactType": "TECHNICAL",
"userName": "andrew1",
"workPhone": "821-123456-78910",
"workPhonePrefToCall": "ANYTIME"
"contactType": "NOTIFICATION",
"userName": "andrew1"
The following fields are mandatory for Cage Clean Up Request [\"dampMoistMopRequired\", \"permissionToDiscardBoxes\"]
Code | EQX-111-5571 |
Description | The following fields are mandatory for Cage Clean Up Request [\"dampMoistMopRequired\", \"permissionToDiscardBoxes\"] |
Generic Cause | Missing mandatory attributes in the request payload. |
Quick Fix | Add the missing attributes to the request payload. |
ERROR CODE: "EQX-111-5571"
FIELDS: "/serviceDetails"
MESSAGE: "The following fields are mandatory for Cage Clean Up Request [\"dampMoistMopRequired\", \"permissionToDiscardBoxes\"]"
Add the missing attributes to the request payload.
Add the missing "dampMoistMopRequired", and "permissionToDiscardBoxes".
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/v1/orders/smarthands/cageCleanup"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
"ibxLocation": {
"ibx": "AM1",
"cages": [
"cage": "AM1:0G:00EQ11",
"accountNumber": "108812"
"serviceDetails": {
"permissionToDiscardBoxes": true,
"dampMoistMopRequired": true,
"scopeOfWork": "Light dusting of equipment, microfiber mop to be used."
"contacts": [
"contactType": "ORDERING",
"userName": "johndoe123"
"contactType": "TECHNICAL",
"userName": "johndoe123",
"workPhonePrefToCall": "ANYTIME"
"contactType": "NOTIFICATION",
"userName": "johndoe123"
The following fields are mandatory for Shipment Unpack Request [\"inboundShipmentOrderNumber\", \"discardShipmentMaterial\", \"copyOfPackingSlipNeeded\"]
Code | EQX-111-5572 |
Description | The following fields are mandatory for Shipment Unpack Request [\"inboundShipmentOrderNumber\", \"discardShipmentMaterial\", \"copyOfPackingSlipNeeded\"] |
Generic Cause | Missing mandatory attributes in the request payload. |
Quick Fix | Add the missing attributes to the request payload. |
ERROR CODE: "EQX-111-5572"
FIELDS: "/serviceDetails"
MESSAGE: "The following fields are mandatory for Shipment Unpack Request [\"inboundShipmentOrderNumber\", \"discardShipmentMaterial\", \"copyOfPackingSlipNeeded\"]"
Add the missing attributes to the request payload.
Add the missing "inboundShipmentOrderNumber", "discardShipmentMaterial", and "copyOfPackingSlipNeeded".
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/v1/orders/smarthands/shipmentUnpack"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
"ibxLocation": {
"ibx": "AM1",
"cages": [
"cage": "AM1:0G:00EQ11",
"accountNumber": "108812"
"serviceDetails": {
"inboundShipmentOrderNumber": "1-190403752735",
"discardShipmentMaterial": false,
"copyOfPackingSlipNeeded": false,
"scopeOfWork": "Flatten the boxes and keep them by the side of the cage."
"contacts": [
"contactType": "ORDERING",
"userName": "johndoe123"
"contactType": "TECHNICAL",
"userName": "johndoe123",
"workPhonePrefToCall": "ANYTIME"
"contactType": "NOTIFICATION",
"userName": "johndoe123"
The following fields are mandatory for Cage Escort Request [\"durationVisit\", \"openCabinetForVisitor\", \"supervisionReqForVisitor\", \"workVisitOrderNumber\"]
Code | EQX-111-5573 |
Description | The following fields are mandatory for Cage Escort Request [\"durationVisit\", \"openCabinetForVisitor\", \"supervisionReqForVisitor\", \"workVisitOrderNumber\"] |
Generic Cause | Missing mandatory attributes in the request payload. |
Quick Fix | Add the missing attributes to the request payload. |
ERROR CODE: "EQX-111-5573"
FIELDS: "/serviceDetails"
MESSAGE: "The following fields are mandatory for Cage Escort Request [\"durationVisit\", \"openCabinetForVisitor\", \"supervisionReqForVisitor\", \"workVisitOrderNumber\"]"
MESSAGE PARAMS: "serviceDetails"
Add the missing attributes to the request payload.
Add the missing "workVisitOrderNumber", "openCabinetForVisitor", "supervisionReqForVisitor", and "durationVisit".
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/v1/orders/smarthands/cageEscort"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
"ibxLocation": {
"ibx": "AM1",
"cages": [
"cage": "AM1:0G:00EQ11",
"accountNumber": "108812"
"serviceDetails": {
"workVisitOrderNumber": "1-19864326570532",
"openCabinetForVisitor": true,
"supervisionReqForVisitor": true,
"durationVisit": "4 Hours",
"scopeOfWork": "If staff from customer company is unable to attend, please continue to accompany the visitor."
"contacts": [
"contactType": "ORDERING",
"userName": "johndoe123"
"contactType": "TECHNICAL",
"userName": "johndoe123",
"workPhonePrefToCall": "ANYTIME"
"contactType": "NOTIFICATION",
"userName": "johndoe123"
The following fields are mandatory for Equipment Install Request [\"deviceLocation\", \"elevationDrawingAttached\", \"installationPoint\", \"installedEquipmentPhotoRequired\", \"mountHardwareIncluded\", \"patchDevices\", \"powerItOn\"]
Code | EQX-111-5574 |
Description | The following fields are mandatory for Equipment Install Request [\"deviceLocation\", \"elevationDrawingAttached\", \"installationPoint\", \"installedEquipmentPhotoRequired\", \"mountHardwareIncluded\", \"patchDevices\", \"powerItOn\"] |
Generic Cause | Missing mandatory attributes in the request payload. |
Quick Fix | Add the missing attributes to the request payload. |
ERROR CODE: "EQX-111-5574"
FIELDS: "/serviceDetails"
MESSAGE: "The following fields are mandatory for Equipment Install Request [\"deviceLocation\", \"elevationDrawingAttached\", \"installationPoint\", \"installedEquipmentPhotoRequired\", \"mountHardwareIncluded\", \"patchDevices\", \"powerItOn\"]"
Add the missing attributes to the request payload.
Add the missing "patchDevices".
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/v1/orders/smarthands/equipmentInstall"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
"ibxLocation": {
"ibx": "AM1",
"cages": [
"cage": "AM1:0G:00EQ11",
"accountNumber": "108812"
"schedule": {
"requestedStartDate": "2019-08-30T22:00:49.776Z",
"requestedCompletionDate": "2019-08-31"
"serviceDetails": {
"deviceLocation": "DHL tracking no. 1039 5739 92",
"elevationDrawingAttached": false,
"installationPoint": "Front and center.",
"patchDevices": true,
"patchingInfo": "When patching use the next available port, but maintain a symmetrical appearance.",
"powerItOn": true,
"mountHardwareIncluded": true,
"installedEquipmentPhotoRequired": true,
"scopeOfWork": "When installing make sure wires are all labeled."
"contacts": [
"contactType": "ORDERING",
"userName": "johndoe123"
"contactType": "TECHNICAL",
"userName": "johndoe123",
"workPhonePrefToCall": "ANYTIME"
"contactType": "NOTIFICATION",
"userName": "johndoe123"
The requested operation is under temporary maintenance, Please reach out to Equinix help desk for any urgent need.
Code | EQX-111-6450 |
Description | The requested operation is under temporary maintenance, Please reach out to Equinix help desk for any urgent need. |
Generic Cause | The requested operation is temporarily disabled at this IBX. |
Quick Fix | Contact Equinix help desk for more information. |
ERROR CODE: "EQX-111-6450"
MESSAGE: "The requested operation is under temporary maintenance, Please reach out to Equinix help desk for any urgent need."
Equinix help desk should be contacted for more information.
Contact Equinix help desk for more information.
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/v1/orders/smarthands/other"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
"ibxLocation": {
"ibx": "AM1",
"cages": [
"cage": "AM1:0G:00EQ11",
"accountNumber": "108812"
"schedule": {
"scheduleType": "STANDARD"
"serviceDetails": {
"scopeOfWork": "check cage for left over objects after work visit",
"contacts": [
"contactType": "ORDERING",
"userName": "johndoe123"
"contactType": "TECHNICAL",
"userName": "johndoe123",
"workPhonePrefToCall": "ANYTIME"
"contactType": "NOTIFICATION",
"userName": "johndoe123"
Query parameter ' [parameter name] ' is required on path ' [URL path] ' but not found in request.
Code | EQX-121-1007 |
Description | Query parameter ' [parameter name] ' is required on path ' [URL path] ' but not found in request. |
Generic Cause | Missing required query parameters. |
Quick Fix | Include the missing query parameters and their corresponding values. |
ERROR CODE: "EQX-121-1007"
MESSAGE: "Query parameter 'crossConnectType' is required on path '/crossconnect/providers' but not found in request."
Include the missing query parameters and their corresponding values.
Add the missing "crossConnectType"
curl -X
GET "https://api.equinix.com/v1/orders/crossconnect/providers?ibx=AM1&cage=AM1:0A:00BC11&account=100022&crossConnectType=STANDARD"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
Parameter ' [parameter name] ' is required but is missing.
Code | EQX-121-1008 |
Description | Parameter ' [parameter name] ' is required but is missing. |
Generic Cause | Missing value for the required parameter. |
Quick Fix | Include the missing value. |
ERROR CODE: "EQX-121-1008"
MESSAGE: "Parameter 'account' is required but is missing."
Include the missing value.
Add the missing A-side's account number '100022'.
curl -X
GET "https://api.equinix.com/v1/orders/crossconnect/providers?crossConnectType=STANDARD&ibx=AM1&cage=AM1:0G:00EQ11&account="
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
Value ' [value input] ' for parameter ' [parameter name] ' is not allowed. Allowed values are <[enum values]>.
Code | EQX-121-1009 |
Description | Value ' [value input] ' for parameter ' [parameter name] ' is not allowed. Allowed values are <[enum values]>. |
Generic Cause | Invalid value passed in enum. |
Quick Fix | Rename the value to satisfy the criteria. |
ERROR CODE: "EQX-121-1009"
MESSAGE: "Value 'Z-SIDE' for parameter 'side' is not allowed. Allowed values are <[A_SIDE, Z_SIDE]>."
Rename the value to satisfy the criteria.
Replace 'Z-SIDE' with 'Z_SIDE'.
curl -X
GET "https://api.equinix.com/v1/orders/crossconnect/locations?side=Z-SIDE"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
Parameter ' [parameter name] ' is not a valid boolean value.
Code | EQX-121-1036 |
Description | Parameter ' [parameter name] ' is not a valid boolean value. |
Generic Cause | Value input for the parameter is an invalid boolean value. |
Quick Fix | Check that the boolean value, 'true' or 'false', is spelled correctly. |
ERROR CODE: "EQX-121-1036"
MESSAGE: "Parameter 'detail' is not a valid boolean value."
Check that the boolean value, 'true' or 'false', is spelled correctly.
Replace 'tru' with 'true'.
curl -X
GET "https://api.equinix.com/v1/orders/crossconnect/locations?detail=tru"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
Instance value (%s) not found in enum (possible values: %s)
Code | EQX-121-1212 |
Description | instance value (%s) not found in enum (possible values: %s) |
Generic Cause | Invalid value passed in enum. |
Quick Fix | Verify the enum value passed. |
ERROR CODE: "EQX-121-1212"
FIELDS: "/schedule/scheduleType"
MESSAGE: "instance value (%s) not found in enum (possible values: %s)"
Verify the value of the enum value passed and modify the value as needed.
Rename the "scheduleType" value to 'STANDARD'.
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/v1/orders/crossconnect/standard?action=SUBMIT"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
"quantityRequested": 1,
"serviceDetails": {
"aside": {
"ibxLocation": {
"ibx": "AM1",
"cages": [
"cage": "AM1:0J:00PG11",
"cabinets": [
"accountNumber": "45786"
"connectionService": "MultiModeFiber",
"mediaType": "62.5 MICRON MULTI-MODE FIBER",
"protocolType": "FIBRE CHANNEL",
"connectorType": "ST",
"patchpanel": {
"name": "PP:0501:10356887",
"portA": "Next Available",
"portB": "Next Available"
"zside": {
"customerAccount": "102786",
"ibxLocation": {
"ibx": "AM1",
"cages": [
"cage": "AM1:0J:00PG36",
"cabinets": [
"connectionService": "Multi-Mode Fiber",
"connectorType": "ST",
"patchpanel": {
"name": "PP:0105:1034578",
"portA": "Next Available",
"portB": "Next Available"
"circuitId": "73/HCGS/123456/000/CC",
"loa": {
"attachments": []
"schedule": {
"scheduleType": "Standard"
"contacts": [
"contactType": "ORDERING",
"userName": "andrew1"
"contactType": "TECHNICAL",
"userName": "andrew1",
"workPhoneCountryCode": "+1",
"workPhone": "1111111",
"workPhonePrefToCall": "NEVER"
"contactType": "NOTIFICATION",
"userName": "andrew1"
Object has missing required properties (%s)
Code | EQX-121-1216 |
Description | object has missing required properties (%s) |
Generic Cause | Missing mandatory attributes in the request payload. |
Quick Fix | Add the missing attributes to the request payload. |
ERROR CODE: "EQX-121-1216"
FIELDS: "/serviceDetails"
MESSAGE: "object has missing required properties (%s)"
MESSAGE PARAMS: "serviceDetails"
Add the missing attributes to the request payload.
Add the missing "serviceDetails".
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/v1/orders/crossconnect/standard?action=SUBMIT"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
"quantityRequested": 1,
"serviceDetails": {
"aside": {
"ibxLocation": {
"ibx": "AM1",
"cages": [
"cage": "AM1:0J:00PG11",
"cabinets": [
"accountNumber": "45786"
"connectionService": "Multi-Mode Fiber",
"mediaType": "62.5 MICRON MULTI-MODE FIBER",
"protocolType": "FAST ETHERNET",
"connectorType": "FC",
"patchpanel": {
"name": "PP:0501:12356887",
"portA": "Next Available",
"portB": "Next Available"
"zside": {
"customerAccount": "123456",
"ibxLocation": {
"ibx": "AM1",
"cages": [
"cage": "AM1:0J:00PG36",
"cabinets": [
"connectionService": "Multi-Mode Fiber",
"connectorType": "ST",
"patchpanel": {
"name": "PP:0105:1034578",
"portA": "Next Available",
"portB": "Next Available"
"circuitId": "73/HCGS/123456/000/CC",
"loa": {
"attachments": []
"schedule": {
"scheduleType": "STANDARD"
"contacts": [
"contactType": "ORDERING",
"userName": "johndoe123"
"contactType": "TECHNICAL",
"userName": "johndoe123",
"workPhonePrefToCall": "ANYTIME"
"contactType": "NOTIFICATION",
"userName": "johndoe123"
Both the workPhone and workPhonePrefToCall fields are mandatory for Technical Contacts
Code | EQX-121-5516 |
Description | Both the workPhone and workPhonePrefToCall fields are mandatory for Technical Contacts |
Generic Cause | Missing mandatory attributes in the request payload. |
Quick Fix | Add the missing attributes to the request payload. |
ERROR CODE: "EQX-121-5516"
MESSAGE: "Both the workPhone and workPhonePrefToCall fields are mandatory for Technical Contacts"
Verify and add the missing attributes.
Add "workPhone" and "workPhonePrefToCall".
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/v1/orders/smarthands/runJumperCable'"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
"ibxLocation": {
"ibx": "AM1",
"cages": [
"cage": "AM1:0G:00EQ11",
"accountNumber": "108812"
"purchaseOrder": {
"purchaseOrderType": "EXISTING",
"number: "PO2019-EQX12345"
"schedule": {
"scheduleType": "STANDARD"
"serviceDetails": {
"quantity": "2",
"scopeOfWork" : "provide both cables with the following requirements; jumperType- Jumper, mediaType - Multi-mode 62.5mic, connector- RJ45."
"contacts": [
"contactType": "ORDERING",
"userName": "andrew1"
"contactType": "TECHNICAL",
"userName": "andrew1",
"workPhone": "821-123456-78910",
"workPhonePrefToCall": "ANYTIME"
"contactType": "NOTIFICATION",
"userName": "andrew1"
Email is invalid
Code | EQX-121-5520 |
Description | Email is invalid |
Generic Cause | "email" paramater is missing, or the value is invalid. |
Quick Fix | Verify and add the missing attribute, and ensure the email address is valid. |
ERROR CODE: "EQX-121-5520"
MESSAGE: "Email is invalid"
Verify and add the missing attribute, and ensure the email address is valid.
Add "email".
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/v1/orders/crossconnect/intracustomer?action=SUBMIT"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
"quantityRequested": 1,
"serviceDetails": {
"aside": {
"ibxLocation": {
"ibx": "AM1",
"cages": [
"cage": "AM1:0J:00PG11",
"cabinets": [
"accountNumber": "45786"
"connectionService": "MultiModeFiber",
"mediaType": "62.5 MICRON MULTI-MODE FIBER",
"protocolType": "FAST ETHERNET",
"connectorType": "ST",
"patchpanel": {
"name": "PP:0501:10356887",
"portA": "Next Available",
"portB": "Next Available"
"zside": {
"customerAccount": "108812",
"ibxLocation": {
"ibx": "AM1",
"cages": [
"cage": "AM1:0J:00ABCD",
"cabinets": [
"accountNumber": "108812"
"connectionService": "Multi-Mode Fiber",
"connectorType": "ST",
"patchpanel": {
"name": "PP:0105:1234578",
"portA": "Next Available",
"portB": "Next Available"
"circuitId": "73/HCGS/123456/000/CC",
"loa": {
"attachments": []
"schedule": {
"scheduleType": "STANDARD"
"contacts": [
"contactType": "ORDERING",
"userName": "johndoe123"
"contactType": "TECHNICAL",
"name": "Jane Smith",
"email": "janesmith@johndoe.com",
"workPhoneCountryCode": "+1",
"workPhone": "1234567890",
"workPhonePrefToCall": "ANYTIME"
"contactType": "NOTIFICATION",
"userName": "johndoe123"
Patch panel number provided as part of request is not authorized to your organization, please contact equinix support for more details.
Code | EQX-121-5530 |
Description | Patch panel number provided as part of request is not authorized to your organization, please contact equinix support for more details. |
Generic Cause | Patch panel number belongs to another organization. |
Quick Fix | Verity the query parameter "name" value, and modify as needed. |
ERROR CODE: "EQX-121-5530"
MESSAGE: "Parameter 'account' is required but is missing."
Verity the query parameter "name" value is a patch panel belonging to your organization, and modify as needed.
Rename the "name" value.
curl -X
GET "https://api.equinix.com/v1/orders/crossconnect/patchpanel?name=PP:0101:205079"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
A-Side IBX (%s) and Z-Side Provider account number (%s) is required to fetch z-side location
Code | EQX-121-5535 |
Description | A-Side IBX (%s) and Z-Side Provider account number (%s) is required to fetch z-side location. |
Generic Cause | Missing required query parameters. |
Quick Fix | Add the missing query parameters. |
ERROR CODE: "EQX-121-5535"
MESSAGE: "A-Side IBX (%s) and Z-Side Provider account number (%s) is required to fetch z-side location."
Verify and add the missing query parameters.
Add "asideIbx" and "accountNumber".
curl -X
GET "https://api.equinix.com/v1/orders/crossconnect/locations?side=Z_SIDE&asideIbx=AM1&accountNumber=1234566'"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
No eligible ibxs found for aside ibx (%s)
Code | EQX-121-5557 |
Description | No eligible ibxs found for aside ibx (%s). |
Generic Cause | A-side IBX location code is incorrect. |
Quick Fix | Verify the "asideIbx" value passed. |
ERROR CODE: "EQX-121-5557"
MESSAGE: "No eligible ibxs found for aside ibx (%s)."
Verify the "asideIbx" value passed and modify it as needed.
Rename the "asideIbx" value to 'AM1'.
curl -X
GET "https://api.equinix.com/v1/orders/crossconnect/locations?side=Z_SIDE&asideIbx=AM&accountNumber=100022"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
Provider does not have presence in zside ibx
Code | EQX-121-5558 |
Description | Provider does not have presence in zside ibx. |
Generic Cause | The provider does not have a Z-side presence, or the provider's account number is incorrect. |
Quick Fix | Verify the "accountNumber" value passed. |
ERROR CODE: "EQX-121-5558"
MESSAGE: "Provider does not have presence in zside ibx."
Check that the provider's account number is correct.
Rename the "accountNumber" value to '100022'.
curl -X
GET "https://api.equinix.com/v1/orders/crossconnect/locations?side=Z_SIDE&asideIbx=AM1&accountNumber=10002"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
No Cabinet found for accountNumber (%s) and cage (%s)
Code | EQX-121-5564 |
Description | No Cabinet found for accountNumber (%s) and cage (%s) |
Generic Cause | The cabinet number does not belong to the account number and corresponding cage. |
Quick Fix | Verify the "cabinets" value passed. |
ERROR CODE: "EQX-121-5564"
MESSAGE: "No Cabinet found for accountNumber (%s) and cage (%s)"
Verify the cabinet number and modify it accordingly.
Rename the "cabinets" value to 'AM1:0J:00PG11:0123'.
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/v1/orders/crossconnect/standard?action=SUBMIT"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
"quantityRequested": 1,
"serviceDetails": {
"aside": {
"ibxLocation": {
"ibx": "AM1",
"cages": [
"cage": "AM1:0J:00PG11",
"cabinets": [
"accountNumber": "45786"
"connectionService": "MultiModeFiber",
"mediaType": "62.5 MICRON MULTI-MODE FIBER",
"protocolType": "FAST ETHERNET",
"connectorType": "ST",
"patchpanel": {
"name": "PP:0501:10356887",
"portA": "Next Available",
"portB": "Next Available"
"zside": {
"customerAccount": "123456",
"ibxLocation": {
"ibx": "AM1",
"cages": [
"cage": "AM1:0J:00ABCD",
"cabinets": [
"connectionService": "Multi-Mode Fiber",
"connectorType": "ST",
"patchpanel": {
"name": "PP:0105:1234578",
"portA": "Next Available",
"portB": "Next Available"
"circuitId": "73/HCGS/123456/000/CC",
"loa": {
"attachments": []
"schedule": {
"scheduleType": "STANDARD"
"contacts": [
"contactType": "ORDERING",
"userName": "johndoe123"
"contactType": "TECHNICAL",
"userName": "johndoe123",
"workPhoneCountryCode": "+1",
"workPhone": "1234567890",
"workPhonePrefToCall": "ANYTIME"
"contactType": "NOTIFICATION",
"userName": "johndoe123"
Patch Panel Port {0} is not a valid Available Port
Code | EQX-121-5604 |
Description | Patch Panel Port {0} is not a valid Available Port |
Generic Cause | Patch panel port is occupied or invalid, and therefore unavailable. |
Quick Fix | Verify the "portA" value and modify it as needed. |
ERROR CODE: "EQX-121-5604"
MESSAGE: "Patch Panel Port {0} is not a valid Available Port"
Verify the "portA" value and modify it as needed.
Rename "portA" value to 'Next Available'.
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/v1/orders/crossconnect/standard?action=SUBMIT"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
"quantityRequested": 1,
"serviceDetails": {
"aside": {
"ibxLocation": {
"ibx": "AM1",
"cages": [
"cage": "AM1:0J:00PG11",
"cabinets": [
"accountNumber": "45786"
"connectionService": "MultiModeFiber",
"mediaType": "62.5 MICRON MULTI-MODE FIBER",
"protocolType": "FAST ETHERNET",
"connectorType": "ST",
"patchpanel": {
"name": "PP:0501:10356887",
"portA": "1"
"zside": {
"customerAccount": "123456",
"ibxLocation": {
"ibx": "AM1",
"cages": [
"cage": "AM1:0J:00ABCD",
"cabinets": [
"connectionService": "Multi-Mode Fiber",
"connectorType": "ST",
"patchpanel": {
"name": "PP:0105:1234578",
"portA": "Next Available"
"circuitId": "73/HCGS/123456/000/CC",
"loa": {
"attachments": []
"schedule": {
"scheduleType": "STANDARD"
"contacts": [
"contactType": "ORDERING",
"userName": "johndoe123"
"contactType": "TECHNICAL",
"userName": "johndoe123",
"workPhoneCountryCode": "+1",
"workPhone": "1234567890",
"workPhonePrefToCall": "ANYTIME"
"contactType": "NOTIFICATION",
"userName": "johndoe123"
Cage {0} belonging to the IBX {1} is not valid, path {2}
Code | EQX-121-5605 |
Description | Cage {0} belonging to the IBX {1} is not valid, path {2} |
Generic Cause | The cage number is incorrect for this IBX. |
Quick Fix | Verify the "cage" value and modify it as needed. |
ERROR CODE: "EQX-121-5605"
MESSAGE: "Cage {0} belonging to the IBX {1} is not valid, path {2}"
Verify the "cage" value and modify it as needed.
Rename "cage" value to 'AM1:0J:00ABCD'.
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/v1/orders/crossconnect/standard?action=SUBMIT"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
"quantityRequested": 1,
"serviceDetails": {
"aside": {
"ibxLocation": {
"ibx": "AM1",
"cages": [
"cage": "AM1:0J:00PG11",
"cabinets": [
"accountNumber": "45786"
"connectionService": "MultiModeFiber",
"mediaType": "62.5 MICRON MULTI-MODE FIBER",
"protocolType": "FAST ETHERNET",
"connectorType": "ST",
"patchpanel": {
"name": "PP:0501:10356887",
"portA": "Next Available",
"portB": "Next Available"
"zside": {
"customerAccount": "123456",
"ibxLocation": {
"ibx": "AM1",
"cages": [
"cage": "AM4:0J:00ABCD",
"cabinets": [
"connectionService": "Multi-Mode Fiber",
"connectorType": "ST",
"patchpanel": {
"name": "PP:0105:1234578",
"portA": "Next Available",
"portB": "Next Available"
"circuitId": "73/HCGS/123456/000/CC",
"loa": {
"attachments": []
"schedule": {
"scheduleType": "STANDARD"
"contacts": [
"contactType": "ORDERING",
"userName": "johndoe123"
"contactType": "TECHNICAL",
"userName": "johndoe123",
"workPhoneCountryCode": "+1",
"workPhone": "1234567890",
"workPhonePrefToCall": "ANYTIME"
"contactType": "NOTIFICATION",
"userName": "johndoe123"
Cabinet {0} belonging to the Cage {1} is not valid, path {2}
Code | EQX-121-5606 |
Description | Cabinet {0} belonging to the Cage {1} is not valid, path {2} |
Generic Cause | The cabinet number is incorrect for this cage. |
Quick Fix | Verify the "cabinets" value and modify it as needed. |
ERROR CODE: "EQX-121-5606"
MESSAGE: "Cabinet {0} belonging to the Cage {1} is not valid, path {2}"
Verify the "cabinets" value and modify it as needed.
Rename "cabinet" value to 'AM1:0G:00ABCD:0105'.
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/v1/orders/crossconnect/standard?action=SUBMIT"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
"quantityRequested": 1,
"serviceDetails": {
"aside": {
"ibxLocation": {
"ibx": "AM1",
"cages": [
"cage": "AM1:0J:00PG11",
"cabinets": [
"accountNumber": "45786"
"connectionService": "MultiModeFiber",
"mediaType": "62.5 MICRON MULTI-MODE FIBER",
"protocolType": "FAST ETHERNET",
"connectorType": "ST",
"patchpanel": {
"name": "PP:0501:10356887",
"portA": "Next Available",
"portB": "Next Available"
"zside": {
"customerAccount": "123456",
"ibxLocation": {
"ibx": "AM1",
"cages": [
"cage": "AM1:0J:00ABCD",
"cabinets": [
"connectionService": "Multi-Mode Fiber",
"connectorType": "ST",
"patchpanel": {
"name": "PP:0105:1234578",
"portA": "Next Available",
"portB": "Next Available"
"circuitId": "73/HCGS/123456/000/CC",
"loa": {
"attachments": []
"schedule": {
"scheduleType": "STANDARD"
"contacts": [
"contactType": "ORDERING",
"userName": "johndoe123"
"contactType": "TECHNICAL",
"userName": "johndoe123",
"workPhoneCountryCode": "+1",
"workPhone": "1234567890",
"workPhonePrefToCall": "ANYTIME"
"contactType": "NOTIFICATION",
"userName": "johndoe123"
Connection Service {0} is invalid, path {1}
Code | EQX-121-5607 |
Description | Connection Service {0} is invalid, path {1} |
Generic Cause | The value passed for "connectionService" does not meet the "connectionService" criteria. |
Quick Fix | Verify the "connectionService" value passed. |
ERROR CODE: "EQX-121-5607"
MESSAGE: "Connection Service {0} is invalid, path {1}"
Verify the "connectionService" value and modify it as needed.
Rename "connectionService" value to 'Multi-Mode Fiber'.
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/v1/orders/crossconnect/standard?action=SUBMIT"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
"quantityRequested": 1,
"serviceDetails": {
"aside": {
"ibxLocation": {
"ibx": "AM1",
"cages": [
"cage": "AM1:0J:00PG11",
"cabinets": [
"accountNumber": "45786"
"connectionService": "MultiModeFiber",
"mediaType": "62.5 MICRON MULTI-MODE FIBER",
"protocolType": "FAST ETHERNET",
"connectorType": "ST",
"patchpanel": {
"name": "PP:0501:10356887",
"portA": "Next Available",
"portB": "Next Available"
"zside": {
"customerAccount": "123456",
"ibxLocation": {
"ibx": "AM1",
"cages": [
"cage": "AM1:0J:00ABCD",
"cabinets": [
"connectionService": "Multi-Mode Fiber",
"connectorType": "ST",
"patchpanel": {
"name": "PP:0105:1234578",
"portA": "Next Available",
"portB": "Next Available"
"circuitId": "73/HCGS/123456/000/CC",
"loa": {
"attachments": []
"schedule": {
"scheduleType": "STANDARD"
"contacts": [
"contactType": "ORDERING",
"userName": "johndoe123"
"contactType": "TECHNICAL",
"userName": "johndoe123",
"workPhoneCountryCode": "+1",
"workPhone": "1234567890",
"workPhonePrefToCall": "ANYTIME"
"contactType": "NOTIFICATION",
"userName": "johndoe123"
Media Type {0} is invalid, path {1}
Code | EQX-121-5608 |
Description | Media Type {0} is invalid, path {1} |
Generic Cause | The value passed for "mediaType" does not meet the "mediaType" criteria. |
Quick Fix | Verify the "mediaTypevalue" value passed. |
ERROR CODE: "EQX-121-5608"
MESSAGE: "Media Type {0} is invalid, path {1}"
Verify the "mediaType" value and modify it as needed.
Rename "mediaType" value to '50 MICRON MULTI-MODE FIBER OM3'.
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/v1/orders/crossconnect/standard?action=SUBMIT"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
"quantityRequested": 1,
"serviceDetails": {
"aside": {
"ibxLocation": {
"ibx": "AM1",
"cages": [
"cage": "AM1:0J:00PG11",
"cabinets": [
"accountNumber": "45786"
"connectionService": "Multi-Mode Fiber",
"mediaType": "Single-Mode Fiber",
"protocolType": "FAST ETHERNET",
"connectorType": "ST",
"patchpanel": {
"name": "PP:0501:10356887",
"portA": "Next Available",
"portB": "Next Available"
"zside": {
"customerAccount": "102786",
"ibxLocation": {
"ibx": "AM1",
"cages": [
"cage": "AM1:0J:00PG36",
"cabinets": [
"connectionService": "Multi-Mode Fiber",
"connectorType": "ST",
"patchpanel": {
"name": "PP:0105:1034578",
"portA": "Next Available",
"portB": "Next Available"
"circuitId": "73/HCGS/123456/000/CC",
"loa": {
"attachments": []
"schedule": {
"scheduleType": "STANDARD"
"contacts": [
"contactType": "ORDERING",
"userName": "andrew1"
"contactType": "TECHNICAL",
"userName": "andrew1",
"workPhoneCountryCode": "+1",
"workPhone": "1111111",
"workPhonePrefToCall": "NEVER"
"contactType": "NOTIFICATION",
"userName": "andrew1"
Protocol Type {0} is invalid, path {1}
Code | EQX-121-5609 |
Description | Protocol Type {0} is invalid, path {1} |
Generic Cause | The value passed for "protocolType" does not meet the "protocolType" criteria. |
Quick Fix | Verify the "protocolType" value passed. |
ERROR CODE: "EQX-121-5609"
MESSAGE: "Protocol Type {0} is invalid, path {1}"
Verify the "protocolType" value and modify it as needed.
Rename "protocolType" value to 'GIGABIT ETHERNET'.
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/v1/orders/crossconnect/standard?action=SUBMIT"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
"quantityRequested": 1,
"serviceDetails": {
"aside": {
"ibxLocation": {
"ibx": "AM1",
"cages": [
"cage": "AM1:0J:00PG11",
"cabinets": [
"accountNumber": "45786"
"connectionService": "MultiModeFiber",
"mediaType": "62.5 MICRON MULTI-MODE FIBER",
"protocolType": "FIBRE CHANNEL",
"connectorType": "ST",
"patchpanel": {
"name": "PP:0501:10356887",
"portA": "Next Available",
"portB": "Next Available"
"zside": {
"customerAccount": "102786",
"ibxLocation": {
"ibx": "AM1",
"cages": [
"cage": "AM1:0J:00PG36",
"cabinets": [
"connectionService": "Multi-Mode Fiber",
"connectorType": "ST",
"patchpanel": {
"name": "PP:0105:1034578",
"portA": "Next Available",
"portB": "Next Available"
"circuitId": "73/HCGS/123456/000/CC",
"loa": {
"attachments": []
"schedule": {
"scheduleType": "STANDARD"
"contacts": [
"contactType": "ORDERING",
"userName": "johndoe123"
"contactType": "TECHNICAL",
"userName": "johndoe123",
"workPhonePrefToCall": "ANYTIME"
"contactType": "NOTIFICATION",
"userName": "johndoe123"
Connector Type {0} is invalid
Code | EQX-121-5610 |
Description | Connector Type {0} is invalid |
Generic Cause | The value passed for "connectorType" does not meet the "connectorType" criteria. |
Quick Fix | Verify the "connectorType" value passed. |
ERROR CODE: "EQX-121-5610"
MESSAGE: "Connector Type {0} is invalid"
Verify the "connectorType" value and modify it as needed.
Rename "connectorType" value to 'LC'.
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/v1/orders/crossconnect/standard?action=SUBMIT"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
"quantityRequested": 1,
"serviceDetails": {
"aside": {
"ibxLocation": {
"ibx": "AM1",
"cages": [
"cage": "AM1:0J:00PG11",
"cabinets": [
"accountNumber": "45786"
"connectionService": "Multi-Mode Fiber",
"mediaType": "62.5 MICRON MULTI-MODE FIBER",
"protocolType": "FAST ETHERNET",
"connectorType": "FC",
"patchpanel": {
"name": "PP:0501:12356887",
"portA": "Next Available",
"portB": "Next Available"
"zside": {
"customerAccount": "123456",
"ibxLocation": {
"ibx": "AM1",
"cages": [
"cage": "AM1:0J:00PG36",
"cabinets": [
"connectionService": "Multi-Mode Fiber",
"connectorType": "ST",
"patchpanel": {
"name": "PP:0105:1034578",
"portA": "Next Available",
"portB": "Next Available"
"circuitId": "73/HCGS/123456/000/CC",
"loa": {
"attachments": []
"schedule": {
"scheduleType": "STANDARD"
"contacts": [
"contactType": "ORDERING",
"userName": "johndoe123"
"contactType": "TECHNICAL",
"userName": "johndoe123",
"workPhonePrefToCall": "ANYTIME"
"contactType": "NOTIFICATION",
"userName": "johndoe123"
Z Side Connector Type is null
Code | EQX-121-5611 |
Description | Z Side Connector Type is null |
Generic Cause | Value for "connectorType" is missing. |
Quick Fix | Add a valid value for "connectorType". |
ERROR CODE: "EQX-121-5611"
MESSAGE: "Z Side Connector Type is null"
Add a valid value for "connectorType".
Add 'ST' to "connectorType" value.
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/v1/orders/crossconnect/standard?action=SUBMIT"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
"quantityRequested": 1,
"serviceDetails": {
"aside": {
"ibxLocation": {
"ibx": "AM1",
"cages": [
"cage": "AM1:0J:00PG11",
"cabinets": [
"accountNumber": "45786"
"connectionService": "MultiModeFiber",
"mediaType": "62.5 MICRON MULTI-MODE FIBER",
"protocolType": "FAST ETHERNET",
"connectorType": "ST",
"patchpanel": {
"name": "PP:0501:10356887",
"portA": "Next Available",
"portB": "Next Available"
"zside": {
"customerAccount": "123456",
"ibxLocation": {
"ibx": "AM1",
"cages": [
"cage": "AM1:0J:00ABCD",
"cabinets": [
"connectionService": "Multi-Mode Fiber",
"connectorType": "",
"patchpanel": {
"name": "PP:0105:1234578",
"portA": "Next Available",
"portB": "Next Available"
"circuitId": "73/HCGS/123456/000/CC",
"loa": {
"attachments": []
"schedule": {
"scheduleType": "STANDARD"
"contacts": [
"contactType": "ORDERING",
"userName": "johndoe123"
"contactType": "TECHNICAL",
"userName": "johndoe123",
"workPhonePrefToCall": "ANYTIME"
"contactType": "NOTIFICATION",
"userName": "johndoe123"
Z Side Account Number {0} is invalid, path {1}
Code | EQX-121-5612 |
Description | Z Side Account Number {0} is invalid, path {1} |
Generic Cause | The value passed for "customerAccount" is incorrect. |
Quick Fix | Verify the "customerAccount" value passed. |
ERROR CODE: "EQX-121-5612"
MESSAGE: "Z Side Account Number {0} is invalid, path {1}"
Verify the "customerAccount" value passed and modify it as needed.
Rename the "customerAccount" value to '123456'.
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/v1/orders/crossconnect/locations?side=Z_SIDE"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
"quantityRequested": 1,
"serviceDetails": {
"aside": {
"ibxLocation": {
"ibx": "AM1",
"cages": [
"cage": "AM1:0J:00PG11",
"cabinets": [
"accountNumber": "45786"
"connectionService": "MultiModeFiber",
"mediaType": "62.5 MICRON MULTI-MODE FIBER",
"protocolType": "FAST ETHERNET",
"connectorType": "ST",
"patchpanel": {
"name": "PP:0501:10356887",
"portA": "Next Available",
"portB": "Next Available"
"zside": {
"customerAccount": "123450",
"ibxLocation": {
"ibx": "AM1",
"cages": [
"cage": "AM1:0J:00ABCD",
"cabinets": [
"connectionService": "Multi-Mode Fiber",
"connectorType": "ST",
"patchpanel": {
"name": "PP:0105:1234578",
"portA": "Next Available",
"portB": "Next Available"
"circuitId": "73/HCGS/123456/000/CC",
"loa": {
"attachments": []
"schedule": {
"scheduleType": "STANDARD"
"contacts": [
"contactType": "ORDERING",
"userName": "johndoe123"
"contactType": "TECHNICAL",
"userName": "johndoe123",
"workPhonePrefToCall": "ANYTIME"
"contactType": "NOTIFICATION",
"userName": "johndoe123"
Circuit ID is null
Code | EQX-121-5619 |
Description | Circuit ID is null |
Generic Cause | "circuitId" parameter or value is missing. |
Quick Fix | Add the "circuitId" attribute or value. |
ERROR CODE: "EQX-121-5619"
MESSAGE: "Circuit ID is null"
Add the "circuitId" parameter and value.
Add the missing "circuitId".
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/v1/orders/crossconnect/standard?action=SUBMIT"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
"quantityRequested": 1,
"serviceDetails": {
"aside": {
"ibxLocation": {
"ibx": "AM1",
"cages": [
"cage": "AM1:0J:00PG11",
"cabinets": [
"accountNumber": "45786"
"connectionService": "MultiModeFiber",
"mediaType": "62.5 MICRON MULTI-MODE FIBER",
"protocolType": "FAST ETHERNET",
"connectorType": "ST",
"patchpanel": {
"name": "PP:0501:10356887",
"portA": "Next Available",
"portB": "Next Available"
"zside": {
"customerAccount": "123456",
"ibxLocation": {
"ibx": "AM1",
"cages": [
"cage": "AM1:0J:00ABCD",
"cabinets": [
"connectionService": "Multi-Mode Fiber",
"connectorType": "ST",
"patchpanel": {
"name": "PP:0105:1234578",
"portA": "Next Available",
"portB": "Next Available"
"circuitId": "73/HCGS/123456/000/CC",
"loa": {
"attachments": []
"schedule": {
"scheduleType": "STANDARD"
"contacts": [
"contactType": "ORDERING",
"userName": "johndoe123"
"contactType": "TECHNICAL",
"userName": "johndoe123",
"workPhonePrefToCall": "ANYTIME"
"contactType": "NOTIFICATION",
"userName": "johndoe123"
Z Side cabinetDetails is mandatory
Code | EQX-121-5631 |
Description | Z Side cabinetDetails is mandatory |
Generic Cause | "cabinets" parameter is missing from Z-side information. |
Quick Fix | Verify and add "cabinets". |
ERROR CODE: "EQX-121-5631"
FIELDS: "/serviceDetails/zside/ibxLocation/cageDetails/cages/cabinets"
MESSAGE: "Z Side cabinetDetails is mandatory"
Verify and add "cabinets" and its corresponding value.
Add the missing "cabinets".
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/v1/orders/crossconnect/intracustomer?action=SUBMIT"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
"serviceDetails": {
"aside": {
"ibxLocation": {
"ibx": "AM1",
"cages": [
"cage": "AM1:0J:00PG11",
"cabinets": [
"accountNumber": "45786"
"connectionService": "Multi-Mode Fiber",
"mediaType": "62.5 MICRON MULTI-MODE FIBER",
"protocolType": "FAST ETHERNET",
"connectorType": "ST",
"patchpanel": {
"name": "PP:0501:10356887",
"portA": "Next Available",
"portB": "Next Available"
"zside": {
"customerAccount": "45786",
"ibxLocation": {
"ibx": "AM1",
"cages": [
"cage": "AM1:0J:00PG36",
"cabinets": [
"accountNumber": "45786"
"connectionService": "Multi-Mode Fiber",
"connectorType": "ST",
"patchpanel": {
"name": "PP:0105:1034578",
"portA": "Next Available",
"portB": "Next Available"
"circuitId": "73/HCGS/123456/000/CC",
"loa": {
"attachments": []
"schedule": {
"scheduleType": "STANDARD"
"contacts": [
"contactType": "ORDERING",
"userName": "johndoe1"
"contactType": "TECHNICAL",
"userName": "johndoe1",
"workPhonePrefToCall": "ANYTIME"
"contactType": "NOTIFICATION",
"userName": "johndoe1"
Z Side connection service is mandatory
Code | EQX-121-5632 |
Description | Z Side connection service is mandatory |
Generic Cause | "connectionService" parameter or value is missing from Z-side information. |
Quick Fix | Add the "connectionService" parameter or its corresponding value. |
ERROR CODE: "EQX-121-5632"
FIELDS: "/serviceDetails/zside/connectionService"
MESSAGE: "Z Side connection service is mandatory"
Add the "connectionService" value.
Add 'Multi-Mode Fiber' to "connectionService" value.
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/v1/orders/crossconnect/standard?action=SUBMIT"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
"quantityRequested": 1,
"serviceDetails": {
"aside": {
"ibxLocation": {
"ibx": "AM1",
"cages": [
"cage": "AM1:0J:00PG11",
"cabinets": [
"accountNumber": "45786"
"connectionService": "MultiModeFiber",
"mediaType": "62.5 MICRON MULTI-MODE FIBER",
"protocolType": "FAST ETHERNET",
"connectorType": "ST",
"patchpanel": {
"name": "PP:0501:10356887",
"portA": "Next Available",
"portB": "Next Available"
"zside": {
"customerAccount": "123456",
"ibxLocation": {
"ibx": "AM1",
"cages": [
"cage": "AM1:0J:00ABCD",
"cabinets": [
"connectionService": " ",
"connectorType": "ST",
"patchpanel": {
"name": "PP:0105:1234578",
"portA": "Next Available",
"portB": "Next Available"
"circuitId": "73/HCGS/123456/000/CC",
"loa": {
"attachments": []
"schedule": {
"scheduleType": "STANDARD"
"contacts": [
"contactType": "ORDERING",
"userName": "johndoe123"
"contactType": "TECHNICAL",
"userName": "johndoe123",
"workPhonePrefToCall": "ANYTIME"
"contactType": "NOTIFICATION",
"userName": "johndoe123"
Provided Purchase Order number not exists.
Code | EQX-121-5722 |
Description | Provided Purchase Order number not exists. |
Generic Cause | The purchase order number provided is either incorrect or invalid. |
Quick Fix | Verify the "number" value passed. |
ERROR CODE: "EQX-121-5722"
FIELDS: "/purchaseOrder/number"
MESSAGE: "Provided Purchase Order number not exists."
Verify the "number" value passed and modify as needed.
Rename the "number" value to 'PO2018-EQX12345'.
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/v1/orders/smarthands/runJumperCable"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
"ibxLocation": {
"ibx": "AM1",
"cages": [
"cage": "AM1:0G:00EQ11",
"accountNumber": "108812"
"purchaseOrder": {
"purchaseOrderType": "EXISTING",
"number": "PO2019-EQX12345"
"schedule": {
"scheduleType": "STANDARD"
"serviceDetails": {
"quantity": "2",
"scopeOfWork" : "provide both cables with the following requirements; jumperType- Jumper, mediaType - Multi-mode 62.5mic, connector- RJ45."
"contacts": [
"contactType": "ORDERING",
"userName": "johndoe123"
"contactType": "TECHNICAL",
"userName": "johndoe123",
"workPhonePrefToCall": "ANYTIME"
"contactType": "NOTIFICATION",
"userName": "johndoe123"
Purchase Order with Existing purchaseOrderType, just require Purchase Order Number.
Code | EQX-121-5724 |
Description | Purchase Order with Existing purchaseOrderType, just require Purchase Order Number. |
Generic Cause | Purchase order number is missing from the request payload. |
Quick Fix | Verify and add "number" to the request payload. |
ERROR CODE: "EQX-121-5724"
FIELDS: "/purchaseOrder/number"
MESSAGE: "Purchase Order with Existing purchaseOrderType, just require Purchase Order Number."
Verify and add "number" and its corresponding value.
Add the missing "number".
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/v1/orders/smarthands/runJumperCable"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
"ibxLocation": {
"ibx": "AM1",
"cages": [
"cage": "AM1:0G:00EQ11",
"accountNumber": "108812"
"purchaseOrder": {
"purchaseOrderType": "EXISTING",
"number": "PO2019-EQX12345"
"schedule": {
"scheduleType": "STANDARD"
"serviceDetails": {
"quantity": "2",
"scopeOfWork" : "provide both cables with the following requirements; jumperType- Jumper, mediaType - Multi-mode 62.5mic, connector- RJ45."
"contacts": [
"contactType": "ORDERING",
"userName": "andrew1"
"contactType": "TECHNICAL",
"userName": "andrew1",
"workPhonePrefToCall": "ANYTIME"
"contactType": "NOTIFICATION",
"userName": "andrew1"
The requested operation is under temporary maintenance, Please reach out to Equinix help desk for any urgent need.
Code | EQX-121-6450 |
Description | The requested operation is under temporary maintenance, Please reach out to Equinix help desk for any urgent need. |
Generic Cause | The requested operation is temporarily disabled at this IBX. |
Quick Fix | Contact Equinix help desk for more information. |
ERROR CODE: "EQX-121-6450"
MESSAGE: "The requested operation is under temporary maintenance, Please reach out to Equinix help desk for any urgent need."
Equinix help desk should be contacted for more information.
Contact Equinix help desk for more information.
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/v1/orders/crossconnect/standard?action=SUBMIT"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
"quantityRequested": 1,
"serviceDetails": {
"aside": {
"ibxLocation": {
"ibx": "AM1",
"cages": [
"cage": "AM1:0J:00PG11",
"cabinets": [
"accountNumber": "45786"
"connectionService": "Multi-Mode Fiber",
"mediaType": "62.5 MICRON MULTI-MODE FIBER",
"protocolType": "FAST ETHERNET",
"connectorType": "FC",
"patchpanel": {
"name": "PP:0501:12356887",
"portA": "Next Available",
"portB": "Next Available"
"zside": {
"customerAccount": "123456",
"ibxLocation": {
"ibx": "AM1",
"cages": [
"cage": "AM1:0J:00PG36",
"cabinets": [
"connectionService": "Multi-Mode Fiber",
"connectorType": "ST",
"patchpanel": {
"name": "PP:0105:1034578",
"portA": "Next Available",
"portB": "Next Available"
"circuitId": "73/HCGS/123456/000/CC",
"loa": {
"attachments": []
"schedule": {
"scheduleType": "STANDARD"
"contacts": [
"contactType": "ORDERING",
"userName": "johndoe123"
"contactType": "TECHNICAL",
"userName": "johndoe123",
"workPhonePrefToCall": "ANYTIME"
"contactType": "NOTIFICATION",
"userName": "johndoe123"
Object has missing required properties (%s)
Code | EQX-141-1216 |
Description | object has missing required properties (%s) |
Generic Cause | Missing mandatory attributes in the request payload. |
Quick Fix | Add the missing attributes to the request payload. |
ERROR CODE: "EQX-141-1216"
FIELDS: "/contacts"
MESSAGE: "object has missing required properties (%s)"
MESSAGE PARAMS: "contacts"
Add the missing attributes to the request payload.
Add the missing "contacts".
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/v1/orders/troubleticket"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
"ibxLocation": {
"ibx": "DB1",
"cages": [
"cage": "DB1:0G:00EQ11-1",
"accountNumber": "109921"
"serviceDetails": {
"incidentDateTime": "2019-07-02T03:00:24.311Z",
"problemCode": "ms01",
"serviceName": "Firewall Issue"
"contacts": [
"contactType": "ORDERING",
"userName": "johndoe123"
"contactType": "TECHNICAL",
"userName": "johndoe123",
"workPhonePrefToCall": "ANYTIME"
"contactType": "NOTIFICATION",
"userName": "johndoe123"
String \"%s\" is invalid against requested date format(s) %s
Code | EQX-141-1252 |
Description | string \"%s\" is invalid against requested date format(s) %s |
Generic Cause | The incident date input does not follow the requested date format. |
Quick Fix | Verify that the "incidentDateTime" value follows the requested date formats ("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ", or "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ"), and modify accordingly. |
ERROR CODE: "EQX-141-1252"
FIELDS: "/serviceDetails/incidentDateTime"
MESSAGE: "string \"%s\" is invalid against requested date format(s) %s"
MESSGE PARAMS: "2019-12-29",
Verify that the date input follows the requested date formats, and modify accordingly.
Rename the "incidentDateTime" value '2019-12-29T03:00:24.311Z'.
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/v1/orders/troubleticket"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
"ibxLocation": {
"cages": [
"cage": "AM3:0G:00EQ11",
"accountNumber": "108812"
"ibx": "AM1"
"serviceDetails": {
"incidentDateTime": "2019-12-29",
"problemCode": "cc01",
"callMeFromCage": true
"contacts": [
"contactType": "ORDERING",
"userName": "johndoe123"
"contactType": "TECHNICAL",
"userName": "johndoe123",
"workPhonePrefToCall": "ANYTIME"
"contactType": "NOTIFICATION",
"userName": "johndoe123"
At least one Notification Contact is required
Code | EQX-141-5506 |
Description | At least one Notification Contact is required |
Generic Cause | Notification contact object is missing from the request payload. |
Quick Fix | Add the missing attributes to the request payload. |
ERROR CODE: "EQX-141-5506"
FIELDS: "/contacts"
MESSAGE: "At least one Notification Contact is required"
Add the missing attributes to the request payload.
Add the missing "contactType": "NOTIFICATION" and "userName".
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/v1/orders/troubleticket"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
"ibxLocation": {
"ibx": "DB1",
"cages": [
"cage": "DB1:0G:00EQ11-1",
"accountNumber": "109921"
"serviceDetails": {
"incidentDateTime": "2019-07-02T03:00:24.311Z",
"problemCode": "ms01",
"serviceName": "Firewall Issue"
"contacts": [
"contactType": "ORDERING",
"userName": "johndoe123"
"contactType": "TECHNICAL",
"userName": "johndoe123",
"workPhonePrefToCall": "ANYTIME"
"contactType": "NOTIFICATION",
"userName": "johndoe123"
Provided Attachment is invalid, id {0}
Code | EQX-141-5510 |
Description | Provided Attachment is invalid, id {0} |
Generic Cause | The attachment ID number is invalid due to incorrect or expired attachment ID number. |
Quick Fix | Verify the "id" value passed, and modify as needed. |
ERROR CODE: "EQX-141-5510"
FIELDS: "/attachments"
MESSAGE: "Provided Attachment is invalid, id {0}"
Verify the "id" value passed, and modify as needed.
Rename the "id" value with a valid attachment ID number.
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/v1/orders/troubleticket"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d " {
"attachments": [
"id": "372ffa24-c5ae-48d9-886b-88932cd30c9b",
"name": "PhotoReference.docx"
"ibxLocation": {
"cages": [
"cage": "AM1:0A:00EQ11",
"cabinets": [
"accountNumber": "102345"
"ibx": "AM1"
"serviceDetails": {
"incidentDateTime": "2019-07-10T00:56:12.92Z",
"problemDetailsCategory": "Environment",
"problemCode": "env01"
"contacts": [
"contactType": "ORDERING",
"userName": "andrea"
"contactType": "TECHNICAL",
"userName": "andrea",
"workPhoneCountryCode": "+1",
"workPhone": "1111111",
"workPhonePrefToCall": "NEVER"
"contactType": "NOTIFICATION",
"userName": "andrea"
Your cage (%s) does not belong to this ibx (%s)
Code | EQX-141-5522 |
Description | Your cage (%s) does not belong to this ibx (%s) |
Generic Cause | The cage ID number is not related to the indicated IBX. |
Quick Fix | Verify the "cage" and "ibx" values passed and modify as needed. |
ERROR CODE: "EQX-141-5522"
FIELDS: "/ibxLocation/cages/cage, /ibxLocation/ibx"
MESSAGE: "Your cage (%s) does not belong to this ibx (%s)"
Verify the "cage" and "ibx" values passed and modify as needed.
Rename the "cage" value to 'AM1:0G:00EQ11'.
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/v1/orders/troubleticket"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
"ibxLocation": {
"cages": [
"cage": "AM3:0G:00EQ11",
"accountNumber": "108812"
"ibx": "AM1"
"serviceDetails": {
"incidentDateTime": "2020-12-29T03:00:24.311Z",
"problemCode": "cc01",
"callMeFromCage": true
"contacts": [
"contactType": "ORDERING",
"userName": "johndoe123"
"contactType": "TECHNICAL",
"userName": "johndoe123",
"workPhonePrefToCall": "ANYTIME"
"contactType": "NOTIFICATION",
"userName": "johndoe123"
An Ordering Contact is mandatory
Code | EQX-141-5550 |
Description | An Ordering Contact is mandatory |
Generic Cause | Ordering contact object is missing from the request payload. |
Quick Fix | Add the missing attributes to the request payload. |
ERROR CODE: "EQX-141-5550"
FIELDS: "/contacts"
MESSAGE: "An Ordering Contact is mandatory"
Add the missing attributes to the request payload.
Add the missing "contactType": "ORDERING" and "userName".
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/v1/orders/troubleticket"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
"ibxLocation": {
"ibx": "DB1",
"cages": [
"cage": "DB1:0G:00EQ11-1",
"accountNumber": "109921"
"serviceDetails": {
"incidentDateTime": "2019-07-02T03:00:24.311Z",
"problemCode": "ms01",
"serviceName": "Firewall Issue"
"contacts": [
"contactType": "ORDERING",
"userName": "johndoe123"
"contactType": "TECHNICAL",
"userName": "johndoe123",
"workPhonePrefToCall": "ANYTIME"
"contactType": "NOTIFICATION",
"userName": "johndoe123"
A Technical Contact is mandatory
Code | EQX-141-5551 |
Description | A Technical Contact is mandatory |
Generic Cause | Technical contact object is missing from the request payload. |
Quick Fix | Add the missing attributes to the request payload. |
ERROR CODE: "EQX-141-5551"
FIELDS: "/contacts"
MESSAGE: "A Technical Contact is mandatory"
Add the missing attributes to the request payload.
Add the missing "contactType": "TECHNICAL", "userName", and "workPhonePrefToCall".
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/v1/orders/troubleticket"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
"ibxLocation": {
"ibx": "DB1",
"cages": [
"cage": "DB1:0G:00EQ11-1",
"accountNumber": "109921"
"serviceDetails": {
"incidentDateTime": "2019-07-02T03:00:24.311Z",
"problemCode": "ms01",
"serviceName": "Firewall Issue"
"contacts": [
"contactType": "ORDERING",
"userName": "johndoe123"
"contactType": "TECHNICAL",
"userName": "johndoe123",
"workPhonePrefToCall": "ANYTIME"
"contactType": "NOTIFICATION",
"userName": "johndoe123"
Please pass correct serviceName
Code | EQX-141-6003 |
Description | Please pass correct serviceName |
Generic Cause | "serviceName" value does not match the specific problem code. |
Quick Fix | Verify the "serviceName" value and modify as needed. |
ERROR CODE: "EQX-141-6003"
FIELDS: "/serviceDetails/serviceName"
MESSAGE: "Please pass correct serviceName"
Verify the "serviceName" value and modify as needed.
Replace "serviceName" value 'Other' with 'Firewall'.
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/v1/orders/troubleticket"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
"ibxLocation": {
"ibx": "DB1",
"cages": [
"cage": "DB1:0G:00EQ11-1",
"accountNumber": "109921"
"serviceDetails": {
"incidentDateTime": "2019-07-02T03:00:24.311Z",
"problemCode": "ms01",
"serviceName": "Other"
"contacts": [
"contactType": "ORDERING",
"userName": "johndoe123"
"contactType": "TECHNICAL",
"userName": "johndoe123",
"workPhonePrefToCall": "ANYTIME"
"contactType": "NOTIFICATION",
"userName": "johndoe123"
IncidentDateTime (%s) should always be in past
Code | EQX-141-6004 |
Description | incidentDateTime (%s) should always be in past |
Generic Cause | The "incidentDateTime" value is in the future instead of in the past. |
Quick Fix | Verify the"incidentDateTime" value passed, and ensure it is in the past. |
ERROR CODE: "EQX-141-6004"
FIELDS: "/serviceDetails/incidentDateTime"
MESSAGE: "incidentDateTime (%s) should always be in past"
MESSAGE PARAMS: "2020-12-29T03:00:24.311Z"
Verify the "incidentDateTime" value passed, and modify as needed.
Rename the "incidentDateTime" value to '2019-12-29T03:00:24.311Z'.
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/v1/orders/troubleticket"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
"ibxLocation": {
"cages": [
"cage": "AM1:0G:00EQ11",
"accountNumber": "108812"
"ibx": "AM1"
"serviceDetails": {
"incidentDateTime": "2020-12-29T03:00:24.311Z",
"problemCode": "cc01",
"callMeFromCage": true
"contacts": [
"contactType": "ORDERING",
"userName": "andrew1"
"contactType": "TECHNICAL",
"userName": "andrew1",
"workPhonePrefToCall": "ANYTIME"
"contactType": "NOTIFICATION",
"userName": "andrew1"
ServiceName (%s) is mandatory field if problem code is from Managed Service Codes
Code | EQX-141-6005 |
Description | serviceName (%s) is mandatory field if problem code is from Managed Service Codes |
Generic Cause | "serviceName" is missing from the request payload. |
(This is applicable for request payloads with the following "problemCode" values: ms01, ms04, ms05, ms06, ms07, ms08, ms12, ms13). | |
Quick Fix | Verify and add "serviceName" to the request payload. |
ERROR CODE: "EQX-141-6005"
MESSAGE: "serviceName (%s) is manadatory field if problem code is from Managed Service Codes"
MESSAGE PARAMS: "ms01","ms04","ms05","ms06","ms07","ms08","ms12","ms13"
Verify and add "serviceName" to the request payload.
Add the missing "serviceName".
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/v1/orders/troubleticket"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
"ibxLocation": {
"ibx": "DB1",
"cages": [
"cage": "DB1:0G:00EQ11-1",
"accountNumber": "109921"
"serviceDetails": {
"incidentDateTime": "2019-07-02T03:00:24.311Z",
"problemCode": "ms01",
"serviceName": "Firewall Issue"
"contacts": [
"contactType": "ORDERING",
"userName": "johndoe123"
"contactType": "TECHNICAL",
"userName": "johndoe123",
"workPhonePrefToCall": "ANYTIME"
"contactType": "NOTIFICATION",
"userName": "johndoe123"
Please choose correct problem code ,Managed services is allowed for only these IBX's {DB1,DB2,DB3,DB4}
Code | EQX-141-6006 |
Description | Please choose correct problem code ,Managed services is allowed for only these IBX's {DB1,DB2,DB3,DB4} |
Generic Cause | Invalid problem code was selected for this IBX. |
Quick Fix | Verify the "problemCode" value and modify as needed. |
ERROR CODE: "EQX-141-6006"
FIELDS: "/serviceDetails/problemCode"
MESSAGE: "Please choose correct problem code ,Managed services is allowed for only these IBX's {DB1,DB2,DB3,DB4}"
Verify the "problemCode" value and modify as needed.
Replace the "problemCode" value with a different code.
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/v1/orders/troubleticket"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
"ibxLocation": {
"ibx": "DB1",
"cages": [
"cage": "DB1:0G:00EQ11-1",
"accountNumber": "109921"
"serviceDetails": {
"incidentDateTime": "2019-07-02T03:00:24.311Z",
"problemCode": "ms01"
"contacts": [
"contactType": "ORDERING",
"userName": "johndoe123"
"contactType": "TECHNICAL",
"userName": "johndoe123",
"workPhonePrefToCall": "ANYTIME"
"contactType": "NOTIFICATION",
"userName": "johndoe123"
Object has missing required properties (%s)
Code | EQX-161-1216 |
Description | object has missing required properties (%s) |
Generic Cause | Missing mandatory attributes in the request payload. |
Quick Fix | Add the missing attributes to the request payload. |
ERROR CODE: "EQX-161-1216"
FIELDS: "/ibxLocation"
MESSAGE: "object has missing required properties (%s)"
MESSGE PARAMS: "ibxLocation"
Add the missing attributes to the request payload.
Add the missing "ibxLocation".
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/v1/orders/workvisit"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
"ibxLocation": {
"ibx": "AM1",
"cages": [
"cage": "AM1:0J:00JD11",
"accountNumber": "126854"
"serviceDetails": {
"visitors": [
"userName": "JohnDoe123"
"firstName": "MaryJane",
"lastName": "Watson",
"company": "Jingleheimer Schmidt Co."
"schedule": {
"startDateTime": "2019-08-23T06:54:45.225Z",
"endDateTime": "2019-08-30T06:55:01.063Z"
"contacts": [
"contactType": "ORDERING",
"userName": "johndoe"
"contactType": "NOTIFICATION",
"userName": "johndoe"
String \"%s\" is invalid against requested date format(s) %s
Code | EQX-161-1252 |
Description | string \"%s\" is invalid against requested date format(s) %s |
Generic Cause | The scheduled date input does not follow the requested date format. |
Quick Fix | Verify that the "startDateTime" or "endDateTime" value follows the requested date formats ("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ", or "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ"), and modify accordingly. |
ERROR CODE: "EQX-161-1252"
FIELDS: "/serviceDetails/schedule/startDateTime",
MESSAGE: "string \"%s\" is invalid against requested date format(s) %s"
Verify that the date input follows the requested date formats, and modify accordingly.
Rename the "startDateTime" and "endDateTime" values to '2019-08-23T06:54:45.225Z' and '2019-08-30T06:55:01.063Z' respectively.
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/v1/orders/workvisit"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
"ibxLocation": {
"ibx": "AM1",
"cages": [
"cage": "AM1:0J:00JD11",
"accountNumber": "126854"
"serviceDetails": {
"visitors": [
"userName": "JohnDoe123"
"firstName": "MaryJane",
"lastName": "Watson",
"company": "Jingleheimer Schmidt Co."
"schedule": {
"startDateTime": "2019-08-23",
"endDateTime": "2019-08-30"
"contacts": [
"contactType": "ORDERING",
"userName": "johndoe"
"contactType": "NOTIFICATION",
"userName": "johndoe"
At least one Notification Contact is required
Code | EQX-161-5506 |
Description | At least one Notification Contact is required |
Generic Cause | Notification contact object is missing from the request payload. |
Quick Fix | Add the missing attributes to the request payload. |
ERROR CODE: "EQX-161-5506"
FIELDS: "/contacts"
MESSAGE: "At least one Notification Contact is required"
Add the missing attributes to the request payload.
Add the missing "contactType": "NOTIFICATION" and "userName".
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/v1/orders/shipment/inbound"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
"ibxLocation": {
"ibx": "AM1",
"cages": [
"cage": "AM1:0J:00JD11",
"accountNumber": "126854"
"serviceDetails": {
"estimatedDateTime": "2019-01-23T00:00:30.610Z",
"shipmentDetails": {
"inboundType": "CUSTOMER_CARRY",
"noOfBoxes": 2
"contacts": [
"contactType": "ORDERING",
"userName": "johndoe"
"contactType": "NOTIFICATION",
"userName": "johndoe"
Name is mandatory if contact type is technical
Code | EQX-161-5515 |
Description | Name is mandatory if contact type is technical |
Generic Cause | Technical contact is missing either the mandatory "userName" or "name" parameter. |
Quick Fix | Verify that the Technical contact has either a "userName" or "name", and modify accordingly. |
ERROR CODE: "EQX-161-5515"
FIELDS: "/contacts"
MESSAGE: "Name is mandatory if contact type is technical"
Verify and add the missing attributes.
Add the missing "name".
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/v1/orders/shipment/inbound"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
"ibxLocation": {
"ibx": "AM1",
"cages": [
"cage": "AM1:0J:00JD11",
"accountNumber": "126854"
"serviceDetails": {
"estimatedDateTime": "2019-01-23T00:00:30.610Z",
"shipmentDetails": {
"inboundType": "CUSTOMER_CARRY",
"noOfBoxes": 2
"contacts": [
"contactType": "ORDERING",
"userName": "johndoe"
"contactType": "NOTIFICATION",
"userName": "johndoe"
"contactType": "TECHNICAL",
"name": "John Smith",
"email": "johnsmith@johndoecorp.com",
"workPhone": "821-123456-78910",
"workPhonePrefToCall": "ANYTIME"
Both the workPhone and workPhonePrefToCall fields are mandatory for Technical Contacts
Code | EQX-161-5516 |
Description | Both the workPhone and workPhonePrefToCall fields are mandatory for Technical Contacts |
Generic Cause | Missing mandatory attributes in the request payload. |
Quick Fix | Add the missing attributes to the request payload. |
ERROR CODE: "EQX-161-5516"
FIELDS: "/contacts"
MESSAGE: "Both the workPhone and workPhonePrefToCall fields are mandatory for Technical Contacts"
Verify and add the missing attributes.
Add the missing "workPhone" and "workPhonePrefToCall".
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/v1/orders/shipment/inbound"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
"ibxLocation": {
"ibx": "AM1",
"cages": [
"cage": "AM1:0J:00JD11",
"accountNumber": "126854"
"serviceDetails": {
"estimatedDateTime": "2019-01-23T00:00:30.610Z",
"shipmentDetails": {
"inboundType": "CUSTOMER_CARRY",
"noOfBoxes": 2
"contacts": [
"contactType": "ORDERING",
"userName": "johndoe"
"contactType": "NOTIFICATION",
"userName": "johndoe"
"contactType": "TECHNICAL",
"userName": "andrew1",
"workPhone": "821-123456-78910",
"workPhonePrefToCall": "ANYTIME"
An Ordering Contact is mandatory
Code | EQX-161-5550 |
Description | An Ordering Contact is mandatory. |
Generic Cause | Ordering contact object is missing from the request payload. |
Quick Fix | Add the missing attributes to the request payload. |
ERROR CODE: "EQX-161-5550"
FIELDS: "/contacts"
MESSAGE: "An Ordering Contact is mandatory."
Add the missing attributes to the request payload.
Add the missing "contactType": "ORDERING" and "userName".
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/v1/orders/shipment/inbound"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
"ibxLocation": {
"ibx": "AM1",
"cages": [
"cage": "AM1:0J:00JD11",
"accountNumber": "126854"
"serviceDetails": {
"estimatedDateTime": "2019-01-23T00:00:30.610Z",
"shipmentDetails": {
"inboundType": "CUSTOMER_CARRY",
"noOfBoxes": 2
"contacts": [
"contactType": "ORDERING",
"userName": "johndoe"
"contactType": "NOTIFICATION",
"userName": "johndoe"
DateTime (%s) cannot in past date time.
Code | EQX-161-5702 |
Description | DateTime (%s) cannot in past date time. |
Generic Cause | The "estimatedDateTime" value is in the past instead of the future. |
Quick Fix | Verify the "estimatedDateTime" value passed, and ensure it is in the future. |
ERROR CODE: "EQX-161-5702"
FIELDS: "/serviceDetails/estimatedDateTime"
MESSAGE: "DateTime (%s) cannot in past date time."
MESSGE PARAMS: "2019-01-23T00:00:30.610Z"
Verify the "estimatedDateTime" value passed, and modify as needed.
Rename the "estimatedDateTime" value to '2020-01-23T00:00:30.610Z'.
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/v1/orders/shipment/inbound"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
"ibxLocation": {
"ibx": "AM1",
"cages": [
"cage": "AM1:0J:00JD11",
"accountNumber": "126854"
"serviceDetails": {
"estimatedDateTime": "2019-01-23T00:00:30.610Z",
"shipmentDetails": {
"inboundType": "CUSTOMER_CARRY",
"noOfBoxes": 2
"contacts": [
"contactType": "ORDERING",
"userName": "johndoe"
"contactType": "NOTIFICATION",
"userName": "johndoe"
Please pass either userName or other details firstName,lastName and companyName in visitor detail.
Code | EQX-161-5703 |
Description | Please pass either userName or other details firstName,lastName and companyName in visitor detail. |
Generic Cause | Missing mandatory attributes in the request payload. |
Quick Fix | Add the missing attributes to the request payload. |
ERROR CODE: "EQX-161-5703"
FIELDS: ""/serviceDetails/visitors"
MESSAGE: "oPlease pass either userName or other details firstName,lastName and companyName in visitor detail."
Add the missing attributes to the request payload.
Add the missing "company".
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/v1/orders/workvisit"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
"ibxLocation": {
"ibx": "AM1",
"cages": [
"cage": "AM1:0J:00JD11",
"accountNumber": "126854"
"serviceDetails": {
"visitors": [
"userName": "JohnDoe123"
"firstName": "MaryJane",
"lastName": "Watson",
"company": "Jingleheimer Schmidt Co."
"schedule": {
"startDateTime": "2019-08-23T06:54:45.225Z",
"endDateTime": "2019-08-30T06:55:01.063Z"
"schedule": {
"requestedStartDate": "2019-08-30T22:00:49.776Z",
"requestedCompletionDate": "2019-08-31T22:00:49.776Z"
"contacts": [
"contactType": "ORDERING",
"userName": "johndoe"
"contactType": "NOTIFICATION",
"userName": "johndoe"
Not more than 5 visitors are allowed at this point of time to the IBX: %s
Code | EQX-161-6120 |
Description | Not more than 5 visitors are allowed at this point of time to the IBX: %s |
Generic Cause | More than 5 visitors were included in the work visit request to this IBX. |
Quick Fix | Reduce the number of visitors to 5 or less. |
ERROR CODE: "EQX-161-6120"
FIELDS: "/serviceDetails/visitors"
MESSAGE: "Not more than 5 visitors are allowed at this point of time to the IBX: %s "
Reduce the number of visitors to 5 or less.
Remove the additional visitors.
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/v1/orders/workvisit"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
"ibxLocation": {
"ibx": "AM1",
"cages": [
"cage": "AM1:0J:00JD11",
"accountNumber": "126854"
"serviceDetails": {
"visitors": [
"firstName": "Jan",
"lastName": "Jacob",
"company": "Jingleheimer Schmidt Co."
"firstName": "Jane",
"lastName": "Smith",
"company": "Jingleheimer Schmidt Co."
"firstName": "Havush",
"lastName": "Politanka",
"company": "Jingleheimer Schmidt Co."
"firstName": "Dona",
"lastName": "Rosa",
"company": "Jingleheimer Schmidt Co."
"firstName": "XiaoMing",
"lastName": "Lim",
"company": "Jingleheimer Schmidt Co."
"firstName": "Anna",
"lastName": "Nowak",
"company": "Jingleheimer Schmidt Co."
"firstName": "Sade",
"lastName": "Vatandas",
"company": "Jingleheimer Schmidt Co."
"schedule": {
"startDateTime": "2020-03-30T06:54:45.225Z",
"endDateTime": "2020-04-03T06:55:01.063Z"
"contacts": [
"contactType": "ORDERING",
"userName": "johndoe"
"contactType": "NOTIFICATION",
"userName": "johndoe"
The requested operation is under temporary maintenance, Please reach out to Equinix help desk for any urgent need.
Code | EQX-161-6450 |
Description | The requested operation is under temporary maintenance, Please reach out to Equinix help desk for any urgent need. |
Generic Cause | The requested operation is temporarily disabled at this IBX. |
Quick Fix | Contact Equinix help desk for more information. |
ERROR CODE: "EQX-161-6450"
MESSAGE: "The requested operation is under temporary maintenance, Please reach out to Equinix help desk for any urgent need."
Equinix help desk should be contacted for more information.
Contact Equinix help desk for more information.
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/v1/orders/workvisit"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
"ibxLocation": {
"ibx": "AM1",
"cages": [
"cage": "AM1:0J:00JD11",
"accountNumber": "126854"
"serviceDetails": {
"visitors": [
"userName": "JohnDoe123"
"firstName": "MaryJane",
"lastName": "Watson",
"company": "Jingleheimer Schmidt Co."
"schedule": {
"startDateTime": "2019-08-30T22:00:49.776Z",
"endDateTime": "2019-08-31T22:00:49.776Z"
"contacts": [
"contactType": "ORDERING",
"userName": "johndoe"
"contactType": "TECHNICAL",
"userName": "johndoe",
"workPhonePrefToCall": "ANYTIME"
"contactType": "NOTIFICATION",
"userName": "johndoe"
Date should neither future date nor older date than an year.
Code | EQX-171-5554 |
Description | Date should neither future date nor older date than an year. |
Generic Cause | The dates passed are either in the future, or more than a year in the past. |
Quick Fix | Verify the dates passed. |
ERROR CODE: "EQX-171-5554"
FIELDS: "filters/fromDate (or) filters/ToDate (or) both"
MESSAGE: "Date should neither future date nor older date than an year."
Verify that the dates passed are are neither in the future nor more than a year in the past, and modify accordingly.
Rename the "fromDate" and "toDate" values to '05/01/2020' and '05/02/2020' respectively.
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/v1/retrieve-orders"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
"filters": {
"ibxs": [
"fromDate": "05/01/2018",
"toDate": "05/02/2018"
"page": {
"number": 0,
"size": 25
Instance value (%s) not found in enum (possible values: %s)
Code | EQX-414-1212 |
Description | instance value (%s) not found in enum (possible values: %s) |
Generic Cause | Invalid value passed in enum. |
Quick Fix | Verify the enum value passed. |
ERROR CODE: "EQX-414-1212"
FIELDS: "/filter/types/0"
MESSAGE: "instance value (%s) not found in enum (possible values: %s)"
Verify the value of the enum value passed and modify the value as needed.
Rename value for types to 'IBX_MAINTENANCE'.
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/v1/notifications/ibx/search?offset=0&limit=100&sorts=notificationNumber"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHIZZZZ"
-d '{
"filter": {
"ibxs": [
"types": [
"statuses": [
"dateRange": {
"fromDate": "2020-01-28T03:46:36.720Z",
"toDate": "2021-03-28T03:46:36.720Z"
Instance value (%s) not found in enum (possible values: %s)
Code | EQX-816-1212 |
Description | instance value (%s) not found in enum (possible values: %s) |
Generic Cause | Invalid value passed in enum. |
Quick Fix | Verify the enum value passed. |
ERROR CODE: "EQX-816-1212"
FIELDS: "/scheduleType"
MESSAGE: "instance value (%s) not found in enum (possible values: %s)"
Verify the value of the enum value passed and modify the value as needed.
Rename value for scheduleType to 'WEEKLY'.
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/v1/reportCenter/reports/scheduler"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHIZZZZ"
-d '{
"name": "orders_report",
"parameters": [
"name": "ibxinfo",
"value": "AM1,AM2,AT2,CH1,CH2"
"name": "orderStatus",
"value": "cancelled"
"scheduleType": "WEKLY",
"period": "7_DAYS"
Object has missing required properties (%s)
Code | EQX-816-1216 |
Description | object has missing required properties (%s) |
Generic Cause | Missing mandatory attributes in the request payload. |
Quick Fix | Add the missing attributes to the request payload. |
ERROR CODE: "EQX-816-1216"
FIELDS: "/period"
MESSAGE: "object has missing required properties (%s)"
Add the missing attributes to the request payload.
Add the missing "period".
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/v1/reportCenter/reports/scheduler"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHIZZZZ"
-d '{
"name": "orders_report",
"parameters": [
"name": "ibxinfo",
"value": "AM1,AM2,AT2,CH1,CH2"
"name": "orderStatus",
"value": "cancelled"
"scheduleType": "WEKLY",
"period": "7_DAYS"
EQX-816-400: Parameter value invalid for parameter type
The parameter value [value] is invalid for input parameter type [name]
Code | EQX-816-400 |
Description | The parameter value [value] is invalid for input parameter type [name] |
Generic Cause | The parameter value passed does not match the corresponding applicable values for this parameter type. |
Quick Fix | Verify the parameter value passed. |
ERROR CODE: "EQX-816-400"
MESSAGE: "The parameter value [cancelled] is invalid for input parameter type [orderStatus]"
Verify the value passed for this parameter name is the correct applicable value, and modify accordingly.
Rename value for orderStatus to 'CANCELLED'.
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/v1/reportCenter/reports/scheduler"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHIZZZZ"
-d '{
"name": "orders_report",
"parameters": [
"name": "ibxinfo",
"value": "AM1,AM2,AT2,CH1,CH2"
"name": "orderStatus",
"value": "cancelled"
"scheduleType": "WEEKLY",
"period": "7_DAYS"
EQX-816-400: Parameter value required for parameter [endDate]
The parameter value is required for input parameter type [endDate]
Code | EQX-816-400 |
Description | The parameter value is required for input parameter type [endDate] |
Generic Cause | Parameter type endDate was not passed in the request body when customized period was selected. |
Quick Fix | Verify parameter type endDate and its corresponding parameter value are passed. |
ERROR CODE: "EQX-816-400"
MESSAGE: "The parameter value is required for input parameter type [endDate]"
Verify that an object with report parameter type "endDate" and its corresponding parameter value are passed in the request body when the value for period is "CUSTOM".
Add the missing object for report parameter 'endDate'.
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/v1/reportCenter/reports/scheduler"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHIZZZZ"
-d '{
"name": "order_notification_report",
"parameters": [
"name": "ibxinfo",
"value": "AM1,AM2,AT2,CH1,CH2"
"name": "status",
"name": "endDate",
"value": "2020-01-30"
"name": "startDate",
"value": "2019-07-01"
"scheduleType": "ONE_TIME",
"period": "CUSTOM"
EQX-816-400: Parameter value required for parameter [startDate]
The parameter value is required for input parameter type [startDate]
Code | EQX-816-400 |
Description | The parameter value is required for input parameter type [startDate] |
Generic Cause | Parameter type startDate was not passed in the request body when customized period was selected. |
Quick Fix | Verify parameter type startDate and its corresponding parameter value are passed. |
ERROR CODE: "EQX-816-400"
MESSAGE: "The parameter value is required for input parameter type [startDate]"
Verify that an object with report parameter type startDate and its corresponding parameter value are passed in the request body when the value for period is "CUSTOM".
Add the missing object for report parameter 'startDate'.
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/v1/reportCenter/reports/scheduler"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHIZZZZ"
-d '{
"name": "order_notification_report",
"parameters": [
"name": "ibxinfo",
"value": "AM1,AM2,AT2,CH1,CH2"
"name": "status",
"name": "startDate",
"value": "2019-07-01"
"name": "endDate",
"value": "2020-01-30"
"scheduleType": "ONE_TIME",
"period": "CUSTOM"
EQX-816-400: Period not allowed for Schedule Type
Period [CUSTOM] for Schedule type [scheduleType] is not allowed
Code | EQX-816-400 |
Description | Period [CUSTOM] for Schedule type [scheduleType] is not allowed |
Generic Cause | The value passed for scheduleType is invalid when passed with customized period. |
Quick Fix | Verify the value passed for scheduleType. |
ERROR CODE: "EQX-816-400"
MESSAGE: "Period [CUSTOM] for Schedule type [WEEKLY] is not allowed"
Verify the value passed for scheduleType is "ONE_TIME" when value for period is "CUSTOM".
Rename value for scheduleType to 'ONE_TIME'.
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/v1/reportCenter/reports/scheduler"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHIZZZZ"
-d '{
"name": "order_notification_report",
"parameters": [
"name": "ibxinfo",
"value": "AM1,AM2,AT2,CH1,CH2"
"name": "status",
"name": "startDate",
"value": "2019-07-01"
"name": "endDate",
"value": "2020-01-30"
"scheduleType": "WEEKLY",
"period": "CUSTOM"
EQX-816-400: Report name not configured
Report[name] is not configured.
Code | EQX-816-400 |
Description | Report [name] is not configured. |
Generic Cause | The report name passed is incorrect. |
Quick Fix | Verify the payload sent adheres to the parameter requirements. |
ERROR CODE: "EQX-816-400"
MESSAGE: "Report [order_report] is not configured"
Verify the report name passed matches the available report names.
Rename report name to 'orders_report'.
curl -X
PUT "https://api.equinix.com/v1/reportCenter/reports/scheduler/ffb1cb2d-d123-1b42-beb1-1b234ce5678"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHIZZZZ"
-d '{
"name": "order_report",
"parameters": [
"name": "ibxinfo",
"value": "AM1,AM2,AT2,CH1,CH2"
"name": "orderStatus",
"value": "CANCELLED"
"scheduleType": "WEEKLY",
"period": "7_DAYS"
EQX-816-400: Supplied and existing report names are mismatched
Existing report name [name] does not match with supplied name [name]
Code | EQX-816-400 |
Description | Existing report name [name] does not match with supplied name [name] |
Generic Cause | Report name passed does not match the report name of the scheduled report. |
Quick Fix | Verify the report name passed. |
ERROR CODE: "EQX-816-400"
MESSAGE: "Existing report name [order_notification_report] does not match with supplied name
Verify the report name passed matches the existing report name linked to the schedule ID, and modify accordingly.
Rename report name to 'order_notification_report'.
curl -X
PUT "https://api.equinix.com/v1/reportCenter/reports/scheduler/ffb1cb2d-d123-1b42-beb1-1b234ce5678"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHIZZZZ"
-d '{
"name": "orders_report",
"parameters": [
"name": "ibxinfo",
"value": "AM1,AM2,AT2,CH1,CH2"
"name": "status",
"scheduleType": "WEEKLY",
"period": "7_DAYS"
Value '[value]' for parameter 'limit' greater than allowed max value 100.000000.
Code | EQX-826-1013 |
Description | Value '[value]' for parameter 'limit' greater than allowed max value 100.000000. |
Generic Cause | Value exceeds the configured limit. |
Quick Fix | Rename the value to satisfy the criteria. |
ERROR CODE: "EQX-826-1013"
MESSAGE: "Value '1000.0' for parameter 'limit' greater than allowed max value 100.000000."
Verify the value of the query parameter and modify the value accordingly.
Rename the limit value to 100.
curl -X
GET "https://api.equinix.com/v1/finance/accounts?limit=1000&sorts=ACCOUNT_NUMBER"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHIZZZZ"