Layer 2 Seller APIs (v3 APIs will be deprecated June 2024)
DELETE Layer 2 Service Profiles {uuid}
DELETE l2/serviceprofiles/{uuid} | |
Method | DELETE |
URL or Endpoint | /ecx/v3/l2/serviceprofiles/services/{uuid} |
Headers | Authorization, Content-Type |
Query Parameters | Not applicable |
Body Parameters | Not applicable |
This API deletes the service profile of a given layer 2 service profile. The authorization token and content-type are the only headers that are passed to this API and a response is received based on the values passed.
Uuid is an identifier unique for each service profile.
If you are unaware of how to obtain an authorization token, refer to Requesting Access and Refresh Tokens under the Getting Access Token section.
The following screenshot shows a sample curl request to delete an L2 seller profile.
curl -X
-H "content-type: application/json"
-H "authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
The description of the URL parameter is as follows:
URL Parameter Name | Mandatory | Type | Example | Applicable Values | Description |
UUID | Yes | string | 97d1850f-4df0-468c-9281-fa7b0dfa2096 | Identifier of the service profile. |
"message": "UUID's [c9d90584-30f4-4fc0-90be-d63c4430fa24] successfully deleted",
"status": "SUCCESS"
The description of the response payload is as follows:
Field Name | Type | Example | Description |
message | string | UUID successfully deleted | Description of the status. |
status | string | SUCCESS | The status of the API call. |
If you get “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for Equinix Fabric Portal access.
GET Layer 2 Seller Connections (v3)
GET l2/seller/connections | |
Method | GET |
URL or Endpoint | /ecx/v3/l2/seller/connections |
Headers | Authorization, Content-Type |
Query Parameters | status, metroCode, portName, state, profileId, pageNumber, pageSize |
Body Parameters | Not applicable |
This API returns the details of all the connections connected to the service profiles affiliated to the submitted user credentials. The authorization token and content-type are the only headers that are passed to this API and a response is received based on the values passed.
If you are unaware of how to obtain an authorization token, refer to Requesting Access and Refresh Tokens under the Getting Access Token section.
The following screenshots show a sample curl request and JSON response to obtain all incoming layer 2 connections associated with the user credentials submitted.
curl -X
GET ""
-H "content-type: application/json"
-H "authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
The description of the query parameters are as follows:
Query Parameter Name | Mandatory | Type | Example | Applicable Values | Description |
metroCode | No | string | DC | The 2 character code denoting the metro to which connections have been created. It can be a single code (&metroCode=Dc) or an array of codes (&metroCode=Dc&metroCode=Sv). | |
portName | No | string | JohnDoePort | The name of the seller port. | |
state | No | string | 006d08e2-788e-4c83-82d3-07b1787644a5 | The state of the connection. | |
profileId | No | string | JohnDoe2Port | The unique identifier of the seller service profile. | |
pageNumber | No | integer | 1 | The page number of the page which is currently being displayed. | |
pageSize | No | integer | 20 | The number of items to be displayed per page. The server will return a set of pages with the requested number of items per page. |
"isFirstPage": true,
"totalCount": 467,
"isLastPage": false,
"pageSize": 20,
"content": [
"buyerOrganizationName": "JOHN-DOE-ORG",
"uuid": "006d08e2-788e-4c83-82d3-07b1787644a5",
"name": "SAL-AZURE-TR-SEC-20",
"vlanSTag": 200,
"portUUID": "66284add-86d1-6d10-b4e0-30ac094f8af1",
"portName": "JOHN DOE TEST",
"asideEncapsulation": "dot1q",
"zsideEncapsulation": "dot1q",
"metroCode": "DC",
"metroDescription": "Ashburn",
"providerStatus": "DEPROVISIONED",
"status": "DEPROVISIONED",
"billingTier": "Up to 50 MB",
"speed": 50,
"speedUnit": "MB",
"redundancyType": "secondary",
"redundancyGroup": "8a8a10d9-956f-46ad-a510-ebeaf810fcdf",
"sellerMetroCode": "TR",
"sellerMetroDescription": "Toronto",
"sellerServiceName": "Azure Express Route",
"sellerServiceUUID": "a1390b22-bbe0-4e93-ad37-85beef9d254d",
"sellerOrganizationName": "John Doe Org",
"notifications": [
"createdDate": "2018-08-30T04:20:36.033Z",
"createdBy": "",
"createdByFullName": "JohnDoe",
"createdByEmail": "",
"lastUpdatedBy": "JohnDoe",
"lastUpdatedDate": "2018-09-14T02:21:06.425Z",
"lastUpdatedByFullName": "JohnDoe",
"lastUpdatedByEmail": "",
"deletedBy": "",
"deletedDate": "2018-09-02T16:03:36.349Z",
"deletedByEmail": "",
"updateInProgress": false,
"zSidePortName": "John-Port",
"zSidePortUUID": "6f5680ea-1513-5130-50e0-30ac094f83ec",
"zSideVlanSTag": 8,
"remote": false,
"private": false,
"self": false
"redundantUUID": "79f53f74-31c9-4e77-a7f2-5fdb181a7e07"
"pageNumber": 0
The description of the response payload is as follows:
Field | Type | Example Values | Description |
isFirstPage | boolean | true false | Indicates whether the page being displayed is the first page. |
totalCount | integer | 467 | The number of items returned as a response for this API request. |
isLastPage | boolean | true false | Indicates whether the page being displayed is the last page. |
pageSize | integer | 20 | The number of items to be displayed per page. |
content | array[object] | An array containing the response data. | |
buyerOrganizationName | string | JOHN-DOE-ORG | The name of the buyer organization associated with this connection |
uuid | string | 006d08e2-788e-4c83-82d3-07b1787644a5 | The unique identifier of the connection. |
asideEncapsulation | string | "Dot1q" "Qinq" | The encapsulation of the buyer port. (Applicable values are Dot1q or QinQ). |
billingTier | string | Up to 50 MB | Billing tier for connection. |
createdBy | string | | The username of the user who created the connection. |
createdByEmail | string | | The email ID of the user who created the connection. |
createdByFullName | string | JohnDoe | The full name of the user who created the connection. |
createdDate | string | 2018-08-30T04:20:36.033Z | The date on which the connection was created. |
lastUpdatedBy | string | JohnDoe | The username of the user who updated the connection. |
lastUpdatedDate | string | 2018-09-14T02:21:06.425Z | The date on which the connection was last updated. |
lastUpdatedByEmail | string | | The email ID of the user who updated the connection. |
lastUpdatedByFullName | string | JohnDoe | The full name of the user who updated the connection. |
deletedBy | string | | The username of the user who deleted the connection. |
deletedDate | string | 2018-09-02T16:03:36.349Z | The date on which the connection was deleted. |
deletedByEmail | string | | The email ID of the user who deleted the connection. |
updateInProgress | boolean | false | |
notifications | array[string] | | A list of email addresses that would be notified when there are any updates on this connection. |
metroCode | string | DC | The metro code denoting the source metro from where the connection was created. |
metroDescription | string | Ashburn | The name of the metro from where the connection was created. |
name | string | Name of the connection. | |
namedTag | string | Private Public Microsoft Manual | The type of peering for Azure Express Route. |
portName | string | JOHN DOE TEST | The name assigned to the port. |
portUUID | string | 66284add-86d1-6d10-b4e0-30ac094f8af1 | The unique identifier of the port. |
private | boolean | true false | Indicates whether this connection is connected to a private profile. |
purchaseOrderNumber | string | An optional field to link the purchase order numbers to the connection on Equinix which would be reflected on the invoice. | |
redundancyGroup | string | 28c02121-f093-4340-90c9-081b17b239c8 | A unique ID that groups the primary and secondary connection. |
redundancyType | string | secondary | The type of connection. It can either be primary or secondary. |
remote | boolean | true false | Indicates whether the connection is a remote connection. (If the seller and buyer metros of the connection are different then it is a remote connection.) |
self | boolean | true false | Indicates whether the connection is a self-connection. (i.e. the source (A-side) and destination (Z-side) belongs to the same organization.) |
sellerMetroCode | string | Tr | The metro code that denotes the connection’s destination (Z side). |
sellerMetroDescription | string | Toronto | The destination (Z side) metro of the connection. |
sellerOrganizationName | string | John Doe Org | The name of the seller service organization associated with this connection |
sellerServiceName | string | Azure Express Route | The name of the seller service profile associated with this connection. |
sellerServiceUUID | string | a1390b22-bbe0-4e93-ad37-85beef9d254d | The ID of the seller service profile associated with this connection. |
speed | integer | 50 | Speed/Bandwidth be allocated to the connection. |
speedUnit | string | MB | Unit of the speed/bandwidth allocated to the connection. |
providerStatus | string | "DEPROVISIONED" "PROVISIONED" "PENDING_APPROVAL" "NOT_AVAILABLE" "DEPROVISIONING" "PROVISIONING" "FAILED" "PENDING_BGP" "AVAILABLE" "OUTOFBANDWIDTH" "ERROR" | The status of the connection at the service provider's end. |
status | string | DEPROVISIONED PROVISIONED | The status of the connection at Equinix's end. |
vlanSTag | string | 4 | Stag name of the connection. |
zSidePortName | string | John-Port | The name of the Z side port. |
zSidePortUUID | string | 6f5680ea-1513-5130-50e0-30ac094f83ec | The unique identifier of the Z side port. |
zSideVlanCTag | integer | 5 | The C Tag of the Z side port. |
zSideVlanSTag | integer | 8 | The S Tag of the Z side port. |
redundantUUID | integer | 79f53f74-31c9-4e77-a7f2-5fdb181a7e07 | The UUID of a primary connection or secondary connection. |
If you get “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for Equinix Fabric Portal access.
GET Layer 2 Service Profiles (v3)
GET l2/serviceprofiles | |
Method | GET |
URL or Endpoint | /ecx/v3/l2/serviceprofiles |
Headers | Authorization, Content-Type |
Query Parameters | state, pageNumber, pageSize |
Body Parameters | Not applicable |
The serviceprofiles API returns all layer 2 service profiles affiliated to the user credentials submitted. The authorization token and content-type are the only headers that are passed to this API and a response is received based on the values passed.
If you are unaware of how to obtain an authorization token, refer to Requesting Access and Refresh Tokens under the Getting Access Token section.
The following screenshots show a sample curl request to obtain details of layer 2 seller profiles within DC, USA and a JSON response containing details of a sample seller named John-Doe Demo.
curl -X
GET ""
-H "content-type: application/json"
-H "authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
The description of the query parameters are as follows:
Query Parameter Name | Mandatory | Type | Example | Applicable Values | Description |
pageSize | No | Integer | 150 | The number of items to be displayed per page. The server will return a set of pages with the requested number of items per page. | |
pageNumber | No | Integer | 1 | The page number of the page which is currently being displayed. | |
state | No | array[string] | APPROVED | "PENDING_APPROVAL" "APPROVED" "REJECTED" "DELETED" | The state of the profiles requested. |
"isLastPage": true,
"isFirstPage": true,
"totalCount": 147,
"pageSize": 150,
"content": [
"uuid": "9da3f720-6982-4c40-aa80-af3aad5852a1",
"name": "JohnDoe_TEST_Profile",
"requiredRedundancy": false,
"connectionNameLabel": "Connection",
"equinixManagedPortAndVlan": false,
"apiAvailable": false,
"allowOverSubscription": false,
"vlanSameAsPrimary": false,
"tagType": "CTAGED",
"enableAutoGenerateServiceKey": false,
"onProfileApprovalRejectNotification": [
"onBandwidthThresholdNotification": [
"onVcApprovalRejectionNotification": [
"ports": [
"id": "8e638dbf-1713-7130-64e0-30ac094f85f6",
"sellerRegion": null,
"sellerRegionDescription": null,
"metroCode": "SV",
"inTrail": null,
"crossConnectId": null,
"xa": null
"allowCustomSpeed": false,
"speedFromAPI": false,
"speedBands": [
"speed": 50,
"unit": "MB"
"speed": 200,
"unit": "MB"
"speed": 500,
"unit": "MB"
"speed": 1000,
"unit": "MB"
"description": "JohnDOe Testing",
"state": "APPROVED",
"createdDate": "2019-08-15T10:19:46.092Z",
"createdBy": "JohnDoe",
"lastUpdatedDate": "2019-09-12T02:07:11.156Z",
"lastUpdatedBy": "JohnDoe",
"createdByFullName": "John Doe",
"lastUpdatedByFullName": "John Doe",
"createdByEmail": "",
"updatedByEmail": "",
"organizationName": "John-Doe-Corp",
"allowHighAvailability": true,
"allowAuthorizationKeyReUse": true,
"allowSecondaryLocation": true,
"private": true,
"features": {
"cloudReach": true,
"testProfile": false
"pageNumber": 0
The description of the response payload is as follows:
Field Name | Type | Example | Description |
isLastPage | boolean | true false | Indicates whether the page being displayed is the last page. |
isFirstPage | boolean | true false | Indicates whether the page being displayed is the first page. |
totalCount | integer | 23 | The number of items returned as a response for this API request. |
pageSize | integer | 20 | The number of items to be displayed per page. |
content | array | An array containing the response data. | |
uuid | string | 97d1850f-4df0-468c-9281-fa7b0dfa2096 | The unique identifier of the service profile. |
name | string | John-Doe Demo | The name assigned to the service profile. |
requiredRedundancy | boolean | true false | Indicates whether redundant connections are required when connecting to this service profile. If requireRedundancy is true, the user will either need two different ports (primary port and secondary port) for each connection or one port with two connections (primary and secondary). |
connectionNameLabel | string | JohnDoeConnection | The label which the user will see when creating connections. |
equinixManagedPortAndVlan | boolean | true false | Indicates whether the VLAN ID details are managed by Equinix. |
apiAvailable | boolean | true false | Indicates whether the service profile has been integrated via APIs with Equinix for automated provisioning of connections. |
allowOverSubscription | |||
vlanSameAsPrimary | boolean | true false | Indicates whether the same VLAN can be used for both primary and secondary connections. |
tagType | string | CTAGED BOTH NAMED | The type of tagging to be used when connecting to this service profile. The default value is CTAGED. |
enableAutoGenerateServiceKey | |||
onProfileApprovalRejectNotification | string | | The email id to be notified when the profile gets approved or rejected. |
onBandwidthThresholdNotification | string | | The email id to be notified when the port bandwidth exceeds. |
onVcApprovalRejectionNotification | string | | The email id to be notified if an incoming connection is approved or rejected. |
ports | array | An array containing port information. | |
id | string | 8e638dbf-1713-7130-64e0-30ac094f85f6 | The ID of the port. |
sellerRegion | string | The region in which the seller port resides. | |
sellerRegionDescription | string | The description of the seller region. | |
metroCode | string | SV | The metro code of the port associated with this profile. |
inTrail | string | ||
crossconnectId | string | ||
xa | string | ||
allowCustomSpeed | boolean | true false | Indicates whether the profile allows custom speed/bandwidth when creating connections to this profile. |
speedfromAPI | string | true false | Indicates whether the bandwidth of the connection can be obtained directly from the cloud service provider. |
speedBands | array | An array containing the speed/bandwidth supported by this profile. | |
speed | double | 50 200 500 1000 | The speed/bandwidth supported by this profile. |
unit | string | MB | Unit of the speed/bandwidth supported by this profile. |
description | string | JohnDoe Testing | Description of the service profile. |
state | string | APPROVED | The state of the service profile. |
createdDate | string | 2018-12-07T13:31:58.525Z | The date on which the service profile was created. |
createdBy | string | JohnDoe | The username of the user who created the service profile. |
lastUpdatedDate | string | 2018-12-07T13:58:28.258Z | The most recent date that the service profile was updated. |
lastUpdatedBy | string | JohnDoe | The username of the user who last updated the service profile. |
createdByFullName | string | John Doe | The name of the user who created the service profile. |
lastUpdatedByFullName | string | John Doe | The name of the user who last updated the service profile. |
createdByEmail | string | | The email ID of the user who created the service profile. |
updatedByEmail | string | | The email ID of the user who last updated the service profile. |
organizationName | string | John-Doe-Corp | Organization name associated with the service profile. |
allowHighAvailability | boolean | false | Indicates whether the profile supports redundant connections. |
allowAuthorizationKeyReUse | boolean | false | |
allowSecondaryLocation | boolean | false | |
private | boolean | true false | Indicates whether this is a private profile. Unlike public profiles such as AWS/Azure/Oracle/Google, etc, users can only create connections to private profiles after the seller has granted permissions. |
features | object | An object containing feature-related information such as cloudReach, testProfile, etc. | |
cloudReach | boolean | true false | Indicates whether connections to this profile can be created from remote metros. |
testProfile | boolean | true false | Indicates whether this profile can be used for test connections. |
pageNumber | integer | 0 | The page number of the page which is currently being displayed. |
If you get “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for Equinix Fabric Portal access.
GET Layer 2 Service Profiles {uuid} (v3)
GET l2/serviceprofiles/{uuid} | |
Method | GET |
URL or Endpoint | /ecx/v3/l2/serviceprofiles/{uuid} |
Headers | Authorization, Content-Type |
Query Parameters | Not applicable |
Body Parameters | Not applicable |
The serviceprofiles API returns the details of a given layer 2 service profile uuid. The authorization token and content-type are the only headers that are passed to this API and a response is received based on the values passed.
Uuid is an identifier unique for each service profile.
If you are unaware of how to obtain an authorization token, refer to Requesting Access and Refresh Tokens under the Getting Access Token section.
The following screenshots show a sample curl request to retrieve the seller profile details for the ID 9da3f720-6982-4c40-aa80-af3aad5852a1 and a JSON response containing details of a sample seller profile named John-Doe Demo.
curl -X
GET ""
-H "content-type: application/json"
-H "authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
The description of the URL parameter is as follows:
URL Parameter Name | Mandatory | Type | Example | Applicable Values | Description |
UUID | Yes | string | 97d1850f-4df0-468c-9281-fa7b0dfa2096 | Identifier of service profile. |
"uuid": "9da3f720-6982-4c40-aa80-af3aad5852a1",
"name": "JohnDoe_TEST_Profile",
"requiredRedundancy": false,
"connectionNameLabel": "Connection",
"equinixManagedPortAndVlan": false,
"apiAvailable": false,
"allowOverSubscription": false,
"vlanSameAsPrimary": false,
"tagType": "CTAGED",
"enableAutoGenerateServiceKey": false,
"onProfileApprovalRejectNotification": [
"onBandwidthThresholdNotification": [
"onVcApprovalRejectionNotification": [
"ports": [
"id": "8e638dbf-1713-7130-64e0-30ac094f85f6",
"sellerRegion": null,
"sellerRegionDescription": null,
"metroCode": "SV",
"inTrail": null,
"crossConnectId": null,
"xa": null
"allowCustomSpeed": false,
"speedFromAPI": false,
"speedBands": [
"speed": 50,
"unit": "MB"
"speed": 200,
"unit": "MB"
"speed": 500,
"unit": "MB"
"speed": 1000,
"unit": "MB"
"description": "Testing editing.",
"state": "APPROVED",
"createdDate": "2019-08-15T10:19:46.092Z",
"createdBy": "JohnDoe",
"lastUpdatedDate": "2019-09-12T02:07:11.156Z",
"lastUpdatedBy": "JohnDoe",
"globalCustId": "0018000000S1BpZAAV",
"createdByFullName": "John Doe",
"lastUpdatedByFullName": "John Doe",
"createdByEmail": "",
"updatedByEmail": "",
"organizationName": "John-Doe-Corp",
"allowHighAvailability": true,
"allowAuthorizationKeyReUse": true,
"allowSecondaryLocation": true,
"private": true,
"features": {
"cloudReach": true,
"testProfile": false
The description of the response payload is as follows:
Field Name | Type | Example | Description |
isLastPage | boolean | true false | Indicates whether the page being displayed is the last page. |
isFirstPage | boolean | true false | Indicates whether the page being displayed is the first page. |
totalCount | integer | 23 | The number of items returned as a response for the API request. |
pageSize | integer | 20 | The number of items to be displayed per page. |
content | array | An array containing the response data. | |
uuid | string | 97d1850f-4df0-468c-9281-fa7b0dfa2096 | The unique identifier of the service profile. |
name | string | John-Doe Demo | The name assigned to the service profile. |
requiredRedundancy | boolean | true false | Indicates whether redundant connections are required when connecting to this service profile. If requireRedundancy is true, the user will either need two different ports (primary port and secondary port) for each connection or one port with two connections (primary and secondary). |
connectionNameLabel | string | JohnDoeConnection | The label which the user will see when creating connections. |
equinixManagedPortAndVlan | boolean | true false | Indicates whether the VLAN ID details are managed by Equinix. |
apiAvailable | boolean | true false | Indicates whether the service profile has been integrated via APIs with Equinix for automated provisioning of connections. |
allowOverSubscription | |||
vlanSameAsPrimary | boolean | true false | Indicates whether the same VLAN can be used for both primary and secondary connections. |
tagType | string | CTAGED BOTH NAMED | The type of tagging to be used when connecting to this service profile. The default value is CTAGED |
enableAutoGenerateServiceKey | |||
onProfileApprovalRejectNotification | string | | The email id to be notified when the profile gets approved or rejected. |
onBandwidthThresholdNotification | string | | The email id to be notified when the port bandwidth exceeds. |
onVcApprovalRejectionNotification | string | | The email id to be notified when an incoming connection is approved or rejected. |
ports | array | An array containing port information. | |
id | string | The ID of the port | |
sellerRegion | string | The region in which the seller port resides. | |
sellerRegionDescription | string | The description of the seller region. | |
metroCode | string | SV | The metro code of the port associated with this profile. |
inTrail | |||
crossconnectId | |||
xa | |||
allowCustomSpeed | boolean | true false | Indicates whether the profile allows custom speed/bandwidth when creating connections to this profile. |
speedfromAPI | string | true false | Indicates whether the bandwidth of the connection can be obtained directly from the cloud service provider. |
speedBands | array | An array containing the speed/bandwidth supported by this profile. | |
speed | double | 50 200 500 1000 | The speed/bandwidth supported by this profile. |
unit | string | MB | Unit of the speed/bandwidth supported by this profile. |
description | string | JohnDoe Testing | Description of the service profile. |
state | string | APPROVED | The state of the service profile. |
createdDate | string | 2018-12-07T13:31:58.525Z | The date on which the service profile was created. |
createdBy | string | JohnDoe | The username of the user who created the service profile. |
lastUpdatedDate | string | 2018-12-07T13:58:28.258Z | The most recent date that the service profile was modified. |
lastUpdatedBy | string | JohnDoe | The username of the user who last updated the service profile. |
createdByFullName | string | John Doe | The name of the user who created the service profile. |
lastUpdatedByFullName | string | John Doe | The name of the user who last updated the service profile. |
createdByEmail | string | | The email ID of the user who created the service profile. |
updatedByEmail | string | | The email ID of the user who last updated the service profile. |
organizationName | string | John-Doe-Corp | Organization name associated with this service profile. |
allowHighAvailability | boolean | false | Indicates whether the profile supports redundant connections. |
allowAuthorizationKeyReUse | boolean | false | |
allowSecondaryLocation | boolean | false | |
private | boolean | false | Indicates whether this is a private profile. Unlike public profiles such as AWS/Azure/Oracle/Google, etc, users can only create connections to private profiles after the seller has granted permissions. |
features | object | An object containing feature-related information such as cloudReach, testProfile, etc. | |
cloudReach | boolean | true false | Indicates whether connections to this profile can be created from remote metros. |
testProfile | boolean | true false | Indicates whether this profile can be used for test connections. |
pageNumber | integer | 0 | The page number of the page which is currently being displayed. |
If you get “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for Equinix Fabric Portal access.
GET Layer 2 serviceprofiles validateIntegrationId {integrationId} (v3)
GET l2/serviceprofiles/validateIntegrationId/{integrationId} | |
Method | GET |
URL or Endpoint | /ecx/v3/l2/serviceprofiles/validateIntegrationId/{integrationId} |
Headers | Authorization, Content-Type |
Query Parameters | Not applicable |
Body Parameters | Not applicable |
The validateIntegrationId API validates a layer 2 API integration ID and returns the regions associated with this ID.
If you are unaware of your integration ID, contact your local Equinix Service Desk.
The authorization token and content-type are the only headers that are passed to this API and a response is received based on the values passed.
If you are unaware of how to obtain an authorization token, refer to Requesting Access and Refresh Tokens under the Getting Access Token section.
The following screenshots show a sample curl request to validate an API integration ID and its respective JSON response.
curl -X
GET ""
-H "content-type: application/json"
-H "authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
The description of the URL parameter is as follows:
URL Parameter Name | Mandatory | Type | Example | Applicable Values | Description |
IntegrationID | Yes | string | Sample-01 | API Integration ID. |
"redundancy": "REDUNDANT",
"message": "Demo API integration",
"state": "VALID",
"sellerRegions": [
"interconnectionRegion": "AMER",
"regionData": [
"key": "us-west-1",
"description": "US West N.California"
"interconnectionRegion": "APAC",
"regionData": [
"key": "ap-southeast-1",
"description": "Asia Pacific - Singapore"
"interconnectionRegion": "EMEA",
"regionData": [
"key": "eu-west-2",
"description": "EU - London"
"metadata": []
The description of the response payload is as follows:
Field Name | Type | Example | Description |
redundancy | string | SINGLE REDUNDANT | The type of redundancy associated with the integration ID. |
message | string | Sample API integration | Description of the API. |
state | string | VALID INVALID | Indicates whether the submitted key is valid or invalid. |
sellerRegions | array[objects] | An array containing all the regions associated with the integration ID. | |
metadata | array |
If you get “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for Equinix Fabric Portal access.