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Effective 10 September 2024, API Documentation can be found on our Equinix Product Documentation site.
The content on this page will not be updated after 1 Oct 2024 and will be inaccessible after 31st Dec 2024.

Attribute Eligibility

Default Configuration Settings

Get Default Settings for EIA with Dedicated Port

 GET /internetAccess/v1/dedicatedPortDefaultConfigurations
Path ParametersNot applicable
Query Parametersconnection.aside.accessPoint.port.location.ibx, offset, limit
Body ParametersNot applicable

This API request returns default, recommended configuration settings for Equinix Internet Access with dedicated port.

Sample curl request

curl -X GET ''
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'

Query parameters

connection.aside.accessPoint.location.ibx string
IBX data center identifier.
Applicable values: Use the Get IBX Data Centers API request to retrieve IBX data centers where Equinix Internet Access is available.
Example: DC5
offset integer
Index of the first item returned in the response.
Default value: 0
limit integer
Maximum number of items returned per page.
Default value: 50

Sample response

"pagination": {
"offset": 0,
"limit": 50,
"total": 3
"data": [
"type": "DUAL_PORT",
"useCase": "MAIN",
"billing": "FIXED",
"bandwidth": 500,
"connection": {
"aside": {
"accessPoint": {
"location": {
"ibx": "DC5"
"port": {
"physicalPortsQuantity": 1,
"physicalPort": {
"speed": 1000,
"demarcationPoint": {
"mediaType": "Single-Mode Fiber"
"interface": {
"type": "1G SMF"
"routingProtocol": {
"type": "STATIC",
"ipv4": {
"customerRoute": {
"importPolicy": "PA",
"prefixLength": 29
"ipv6": {
"customerRoute": {
"importPolicy": "PA",
"prefixLength": 64
"type": "SINGLE_PORT",
"useCase": "BACKUP",
"billing": "USAGE_BASED",
"bandwidth": 0,
"connection": {
"aside": {
"accessPoint": {
"location": {
"ibx": "DC5"
"port": {
"physicalPortsQuantity": 1,
"physicalPort": {
"speed": 1000,
"demarcationPoint": {
"mediaType": "Single-Mode Fiber"
"interface": {
"type": "1G SMF"
"routingProtocol": {
"type": "BGP",
"ipv4": {
"customerRoute": {
"importPolicy": "PA",
"prefixLength": 30
"ipv6": {
"customerRoute": {
"importPolicy": "PA",
"prefixLength": 64
"type": "SINGLE_PORT",
"billing": "FIXED",
"bandwidth": 15,
"connection": {
"aside": {
"accessPoint": {
"location": {
"ibx": "DC5"
"port": {
"physicalPortsQuantity": 1,
"physicalPort": {
"speed": 1000,
"demarcationPoint": {
"mediaType": "Single-Mode Fiber"
"interface": {
"type": "1G SMF"
"routingProtocol": {
"type": "DIRECT",
"ipv4": {
"customerRoute": {
"importPolicy": "PA",
"prefixLength": 30
"ipv6": {
"customerRoute": {
"importPolicy": "PA",
"prefixLength": 64

Response payload body description

pagination object
Data set pagination information.
offset integer
Index of the first item returned in the response.
limit integer
Maximum number of items returned per page.
total integer
Total number of items returned.
data array[object]
Data set containing recommended configuration settings for Equinix Internet Access with dedicated port.
type string
Port type.
Possible values:
  • SINGLE_PORT - Internet access over a single connection.
  • DUAL_PORT - Internet access over two redundant connections.
useCase string
Use case.
Possible values:
  • MAIN - Primary internet connection.
  • BACKUP - Backup internet connection.
  • MANAGEMENT_ACCESS - Out-of-band access for assets management and monitoring.
billing string
Type of billing.
Possible values:

Default: FIXED
bandwidth integer
Service bandwidth in Mbps.
Example: 500
minBandwidthCommit integer
Service minimum bandwidth commitment in Mbps.
Example: 500
connection object
Configuration for the connection.
aside object
Configuration for the A-side connection.
accessPoint object
Configuration for the A-side connection access point.
location object
Access point location information.
ibx string
IBX data center identifier.
Example: DC5
port object
Configuration for the A-side connection access point port.
physicalPortsQuantity integer
Number of physical ethernet ports that are available on the access point for connecting wired devices.
Example: 4
physicalPort object
Configuration for the physical port(s).
speed integer
Physical port speed in Mbps.
Example: 1000
interface object
Physical port interface.
type string
Type of physical port interface.
Possible values:
  • 1G SMF - 1 Gbps single-mode optical fiber
  • 10G SMF - 10 Gbps single-mode optical fiber
  • 100G SMF - 100 Gbps single-mode optical fiber
demarcationPoint object
Demarcation point of physical port.
mediaType string
Media type of physical port demarcation point.
Example: Single-Mode Fiber
routingProtocol object
Routing protocol configuration.
type string
Type of routing protocol.
Possible values:
  • BGP
ipv4 object
Routing protocol configuration for IP v4.
customerRoute object
Customer route configuration.
importPolicy string
Customer route import policy.
Possible values:
  • PI - Provider independent, customer owned IP address.
  • PA - Provider assigned, IP addresses leased from Equinix.
prefixLength integer
Number of bits used to identify the network portion of an IP address.
Example: 30
ipv6 object
Routing protocol configuration for IP v6.
customerRoute object
Customer route configuration.
importPolicy string
Customer route import policy.
Possible values:
  • PI - Provider independent, customer owned IP address.
  • PA - Provider assigned, IP addresses leased from Equinix.
prefixLength integer
Number of bits used to identify the network portion of an IP address.
Example: 64

Get Default Settings for EIA with Fabric

 GET /internetAccess/v1/virtualConnectionDefaultConfigurations
Path ParametersNot applicable
Query Parametersconnection.aside.accessPoint.location.ibx, connection.aside.accessPoint.location.metroCode, offset, limit
Body ParametersNot applicable

This API request returns default, recommended configuration settings for Equinix Internet Access with Fabric.

Sample curl request

curl -X GET ''
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'

Query parameters

connection.aside.accessPoint.location.ibx string
IBX data center identifier.
Applicable values: Use the Get IBX Data Centers API request to retrieve IBX data centers where Equinix Internet Access is available.
Example: DC5
connection.aside.accessPoint.location.metroCode string
Metropolitan area identifier.
Applicable values: Metropolitan area identifier must match the IBX data center location.
Example: DC
offset integer
Index of the first item returned in the response.
Default value: 0
limit integer
Maximum number of items returned per page.
Default value: 50

Sample response

"pagination": {
"offset": 0,
"limit": 50,
"total": 1
"data": [
"type": "SINGLE_PORT",
"useCase": "MAIN",
"billing": "FIXED",
"bandwidth": 500,
"connection": {
"aside": {
"accessPoint": {
"location": {
"metroCode": "DC",
"ibx": "DC5"
"routingProtocol": {
"type": "STATIC",
"ipv4": {
"customerRoute": {
"importPolicy": "PA",
"prefixLength": 27

Response payload body description

pagination object
Data set pagination information.
offset integer
Index of the first item returned in the response.
limit integer
Maximum number of items returned per page.
total integer
Total number of items returned.
data array[object]
Data set containing recommended configuration settings for Equinix Internet Access with dedicated port.
type string
Port type.
Possible values:
  • SINGLE_PORT - Internet access over a single connection.
useCase string
Use case.
Possible values:
  • MAIN - Primary internet connection.
billing string
Type of billing.
Possible values:
bandwidth integer
Service bandwidth in Mbps.
Example: 500
minBandwidthCommit integer
Service minimum bandwidth commitment in Mbps.
Example: 500
connection object
Configuration for the connection.
aside object
Configuration for the A-side connection.
accessPoint object
Configuration for the A-side connection access point.
location object
Access point location information.
metroCode string
Metropolitan area identifier.
Example: DC5
ibx string
IBX data center identifier.
Example: DC5
routingProtocol object
Routing protocol configuration.
type string
Type of routing protocol.
Possible values:
  • BGP
ipv4 object
Routing protocol configuration for IP v4.
customerRoute object
Customer route configuration.
importPolicy string
Customer route import policy.
Possible values:
  • PA - Provider assigned, IP addresses leased from Equinix.
prefixLength integer
Number of bits used to identify the network portion of an IP address.
Example: 30

Get Routing Protocol Configurations

 GET /internetAccess/v1/routingProtocolConfigurations
Path ParametersNot applicable
Query ParametersuseCase, type, offset, limit
Body ParametersNot applicable

This API request returns routing protocol configurations.

Sample curl request

curl -X GET ''
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'

Query parameters

useCase string
Use case.
Applicable values:
  • MAIN - Primary internet connection.
  • BACKUP - Backup internet connection.
  • MANAGEMENT_ACCESS - Out-of-band access for assets management and monitoring.
type string
Port type.
Applicable values:
  • SINGLE_PORT - Internet access over a single connection.
  • DUAL_PORT - Internet access over two redundant connections.
offset integer
Index of the first item returned in the response.
Default value: 0
limit integer
Maximum number of items returned per page.
Default value: 50

Sample response

"pagination": {
"offset": 0,
"limit": 20,
"total": 1
"data": [
"useCase": "MAIN",
"type": "DUAL_PORT",
"routingProtocol": {
"type": "STATIC",
"ipv4": {
"customerRoute": {
"importPolicy": "PA"
"peering": {
"vrrpEnabled": true,
"peerSubnet": {
"prefixLength": 29,
"quantity": 1
"ipv6": {
"customerRoute": {
"importPolicy": "PA"
"peering": {
"vrrpEnabled": true,
"peerSubnet": {
"prefixLength": 64,
"quantity": 1

Response payload body description

pagination object
Data set pagination information.
offset integer
Index of the first item returned in the response.
limit integer
Maximum number of items returned per page.
total integer
Total number of items returned.
data array[object]
Data set containing available routing protocol configurations.
useCase string
Use case.
Possible values:
  • MAIN - Primary internet connection.
  • BACKUP - Backup internet connection.
  • MANAGEMENT_ACCESS - Out-of-band access for assets management and monitoring.
type string
Port type.
Possible values:
  • SINGLE_PORT - Internet access over a single connection.
  • DUAL_PORT - Internet access over two redundant connections.
routingProtocol object
Routing protocol configuration.
type string
Type of routing protocol.
Possible values:
  • BGP
ipv4 object
Routing protocol configuration for IP v4.
customerRoute object
Customer route configuration settings.
importPolicy string
Customer route import policy.
Possible values:
  • PI - Provider independent, customer owned IP address.
  • PA - Provider assigned, IP addresses leased from Equinix.
peering object
Peering configuration settings.
vrrpEnabled boolean
Indicates if the routing protocol is enabled for Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP).
Example: true
peerSubnet object
Peer subnet configuration.
prefixLength integer
Number of bits used to identify the network portion of an IP address.
Example: 30
quantity integer
Number of subnets created.
Example: 1
ipv6 object
Routing protocol configuration for IP v6.
customerRoute object
Customer route configuration settings.
importPolicy string
Customer route import policy.
Possible values:
  • PI - Provider independent, customer owned IP address.
  • PA - Provider assigned, IP addresses leased from Equinix.
peering object
Peering configuration settings.
vrrpEnabled boolean
Indicates if the routing protocol is enabled for Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP).
Example: true
peerSubnet object
Peer subnet configuration.
prefixLength integer
Number of bits used to identify the network portion of an IP address.
Example: 68
quantity integer
Number of subnets created.
Example: 1

Bandwidth Options

Get Bandwidth Configurations for EIA with Dedicated Port

 GET /internetAccess/v1/dedicatedBandwidthConfigurations
Path ParametersNot applicable
Query Parametersconnection.aside.accessPoint.port.physicalPort.speed, useCase, billing, offset, limit
Body ParametersNot applicable

This API request retrieves available bandwidth configurations for Equinix Internet Access service with dedicated port.

curl -X GET ''
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'

Query parameters

connection.aside.accessPoint.port.physicalPort.speed integer
A-side access point physical port bandwidth capacity in Mbps.
Applicable values:
  • 1000
  • 10000
  • 100000
useCase string
Use case.
Applicable values:
  • MAIN - Primary internet connection.
  • BACKUP - Backup internet connection.
  • MANAGEMENT_ACCESS - Out-of-band access for assets management and monitoring.
billing string
Billing type.
Applicable values:
offset integer
Index of the first item returned in the response.
Default value: 0
limit integer
Maximum number of items returned per page.
Default value: 50

Sample response

"pagination": {
"offset": 0,
"limit": 2,
"total": 1479
"data": [
"useCase": "MAIN",
"bandwidth": 20,
"billing": "FIXED",
"connection": {
"aside": {
"accessPoint": {
"port": {
"physicalPortsQuantity": 3,
"physicalPort": {
"speed": 10000
"useCase": "MAIN",
"bandwidth": 1900,
"billing": "FIXED",
"connection": {
"aside": {
"accessPoint": {
"port": {
"physicalPortsQuantity": 3,
"physicalPort": {
"speed": 10000

Response payload body description

pagination object
Data set pagination information.
offset integer
Index of the first item returned in the response.
limit integer
Maximum number of items returned per page.
total integer
Total number of items.
data array[object]
Data set containing available bandwidth options.
useCase string
Use case.
Possible values:
  • MAIN - Primary internet connection.
  • BACKUP - Backup internet connection.
  • MANAGEMENT_ACCESS - Out-of-band access for assets management and monitoring.
bandwidth integer
Connection bandwidth in Mbps.
Example: 500
minBandwidthCommit integer
Minimum bandwidth commitment in Mbps. Applicable to burst based billing.
Example: 500
billing string
Billing type.
Possible values:
connection object
Connection configuration.
aside object
A-side endpoint connection parameters.
accessPoint object
A-side access point configuration parameters.
port object
A-side port configuration.
physicalPortsQuantity integer
Number of physical ethernet ports that are available on the access point for connecting wired devices.
Example: 2
physicalPort object
Physical port configuration.
speed integer
Physical port bandwidth capacity in Mbps.
Example: 1000

Get Bandwidth Configurations for EIA with Fabric

 GET /internetAccess/v1/virtualBandwidthConfigurations
Path ParametersNot applicable
Query ParametersuseCase, billing, offset, limit
Body ParametersNot applicable

This API request retrieves available bandwidth options for Equinix Internet Access service with Fabric.

curl -X GET ''
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'

Query parameters

useCase string
Use case.
Applicable values:
  • MAIN - Primary internet connection.
billing string
Billing type.
Applicable values:
offset integer
Index of the first item returned in the response.
Default value: 0
limit integer
Maximum number of items returned per page.
Default value: 50

Sample response

"pagination": {
"offset": 0,
"limit": 50,
"total": 5
"data": [
"useCase": "MAIN",
"billing": "FIXED",
"bandwidth": 10
"useCase": "MAIN",
"billing": "FIXED",
"bandwidth": 20
"useCase": "MAIN",
"billing": "FIXED",
"bandwidth": 500
"useCase": "MAIN",
"billing": "FIXED",
"bandwidth": 4000
"useCase": "MAIN",
"billing": "FIXED",
"bandwidth": 4100

Response payload body description

pagination object
Data set pagination information.
offset integer
Index of the first item returned in the response.
limit integer
Maximum number of items returned per page.
total integer
Total number of items.
data array[object]
Data set containing available bandwidth options.
useCase string
Use case.
Possible values:
  • MAIN - Primary internet connection.
  • BACKUP - Backup internet connection.
  • MANAGEMENT_ACCESS - Out-of-band access for assets management and monitoring.
billing string
Billing type.
Possible values:
bandwidth integer
Connection bandwidth in Mbps.
Example: 500

Get Customer Route Configurations

 GET /internetAccess/v1/customerRouteConfigurations
Path ParametersNot applicable
Query Parametersoffset, limit, useCase, type, routingProtocol.type
Body ParametersNot applicable

This API request returns customer route configurations.

Sample curl request

curl -X GET ''
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'

Query parameters

useCase string
Use case.
Applicable values:
  • MAIN - Primary internet connection.
  • BACKUP - Backup internet connection.
  • MANAGEMENT_ACCESS - Out-of-band access for assets management and monitoring.
type string
Port type.
Applicable values:
  • SINGLE_PORT - Internet access over a single connection.
  • DUAL_PORT - Internet access over two redundant connections.
routingProtocol.type string
Type of routing protocol.
Applicable values:
  • BGP
offset integer
Index of the first item returned in the response.
Default value: 0
limit integer
Maximum number of items returned per page.
Default value: 50

Sample response - IP v4

"pagination": {
"offset": 0,
"limit": 20,
"total": 481
"data": [
"useCase": "MAIN",
"routingProtocol": {
"type": "DIRECT",
"ipv4": {
"customerRoute": {
"importPolicy": "PA",
"prefixLength": 27
"peering": {
"vrrpEnabled": true
"type": "DUAL_PORT"
"useCase": "MAIN",
"routingProtocol": {
"type": "DIRECT",
"ipv4": {
"customerRoute": {
"importPolicy": "PA",
"prefixLength": 24
"peering": {
"vrrpEnabled": true
"type": "DUAL_PORT"

Sample response - IP v6

"pagination": {
"offset": 0,
"limit": 20,
"total": 1
"data": [
"type": "SINGLE_PORT",
"routingProtocol": {
"type": "DIRECT",
"ipv6": {
"customerRoute": {
"importPolicy": "PA",
"prefixLength": 64
"peering": {
"vrrpEnabled": true

Response payload body description

pagination object
Data set pagination information.
offset integer
Index of the first item returned in the response.
limit integer
Maximum number of items returned per page.
total integer
Total number of items returned.
data array[object]
Data set containing customer's route configurations.
useCase string
Use case.
Possible values:
  • MAIN - Primary internet connection.
  • BACKUP - Backup internet connection.
  • MANAGEMENT_ACCESS - Out-of-band access for assets management and monitoring.
type string
Port type.
Possible values:
  • SINGLE_PORT - Internet access over a single connection.
  • DUAL_PORT - Internet access over two redundant connections.
routingProtocol object
Routing protocol configuration. One of properties ipv4 and ipv6 will be always present in routing protocol object.
type string
Type of routing protocol.
Possible values:
  • BGP
ipv4 object
Routing protocol configuration for IP v4.
customerRoute object
Customer route configuration.
importPolicy string
Customer route import policy.
Possible values:
  • PI - Provider independent, customer owned IP address.
  • PA - Provider assigned, IP addresses leased from Equinix.
prefixLength integer
Number of bits used to identify the network portion of an IP address.
Example: 30
peering object
Peering configuration.
vrrpEnabled boolean
Whether is enabled for Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP).
Example: true
ipv6 object
Routing protocol configuration for IP v6.
customerRoute object
Customer route configuration.
importPolicy string
Customer route import policy.
Possible values:
  • PI - Provider independent, customer owned IP address.
  • PA - Provider assigned, IP addresses leased from Equinix.
prefixLength integer
Number of bits used to identify the network portion of an IP address.
Example: 64
peering object
Peering configuration.
vrrpEnabled boolean
Whether is enabled for Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP).
Example: true

Get Dedicated Port Configurations

 GET /internetAccess/v1/portConfigurations
Path ParametersNot applicable
Query Parametersconnection.aside.accessPoint.port.location.ibx, useCase, offset, limit
Body ParametersNot applicable

This API request retrieves port options for Equinix Internet Access with dedicated port in a selected IBX data center.

Sample curl request

curl -X GET ''
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'

Query parameters

connection.aside.accessPoint.port.location.ibx string
IBX data center identifier.
Applicable values: Use the Get IBX Data Centers API request to retrieve IBX data centers where Equinix Internet Access is available.
Example: DC5
useCase string
Use case.
Applicable values:
  • MAIN - Primary internet connection.
  • BACKUP - Backup internet connection.
  • MANAGEMENT_ACCESS - Out-of-band access for assets management and monitoring.
offset integer
Index of the first item returned in the response.
Default value: 0
limit integer
Maximum number of items returned per page.
Default value: 50

Sample response

"pagination": {
"offset": 0,
"limit": 50,
"total": 2
"data": [
"useCase": "MAIN",
"type": "SINGLE_PORT",
"routingProtocol": {
"ipv4": {
"enabled": false
"ipv6": {
"enabled": true
"connection": {
"aside": {
"accessPoint": {
"port": {
"location": {
"ibx": "DC5"
"physicalPort": {
"interface": {
"type": "1G SMF"
"speed": 1000,
"demarcationPoint": {
"mediaType": "Single-Mode Fiber"
"useCase": "MAIN",
"type": "DUAL_PORT",
"routingProtocol": {
"ipv4": {
"enabled": false
"ipv6": {
"enabled": false
"connection": {
"aside": {
"accessPoint": {
"port": {
"location": {
"ibx": "DC5"
"physicalPort": {
"interface": {
"type": "100G SMF"
"speed": 100000,
"demarcationPoint": {
"mediaType": "Single-Mode Fiber"

Response payload body description

pagination object
Data set pagination information.
offset integer
Index of the first item returned in the response.
limit integer
Maximum number of items returned per page.
total integer
Total number of items returned.
data array[object]
Data set containing ports configurations.
useCase string
Use case.
Possible values:
  • MAIN - Primary internet connection.
  • BACKUP - Backup internet connection.
  • MANAGEMENT_ACCESS - Out-of-band access for assets management and monitoring.
type string
Port type.
Possible values:
  • SINGLE_PORT - Internet access over a single connection.
  • DUAL_PORT - Internet access over two redundant connections.
routingProtocol object
Routing protocol configuration.
ipv4 object
Routing protocol configuration for IP v4.
enabled boolean
Whether IP v4 is enabled.
Example: true
ipv6 object
Routing protocol configuration for IP v6.
enabled boolean
Whether IP v6 is enabled.
Example: true
connection object
Configuration for the connection.
aside object
A-side connection configuration.
accessPoint object
A-side connection access point configuration.
port object
A-side connection port configuration.
location object
Location of access point port.
ibx string
IBX data center identifier.
Example: DC5
physicalPort object
Configuration for the physical port(s).
speed integer
Physical port bandwidth capacity in Mbps.
Example: 1000
interface object
Physical port interface.
type string
Type of physical port interface.
Possible values:
  • 1G SMF - 1 Gbps single-mode optical fiber
  • 10G SMF - 10 Gbps single-mode optical fiber
  • 100G SMF - 100 Gbps single-mode optical fiber
demarcationPoint object
Demarcation point of physical port.
mediaType string
Media type of physical port demarcation point.
Example: Single-Mode Fiber