Deprovision Equinix Internet Access Service Instance
Deprovision Equinix Internet Access service instances that you no longer need.
Currently, you can deprovision Equinix Internet Access with Fabric and Equinix Internet Access with Network Edge. To deprovision an Equinix Internet Access with Dedicated Port service instance, contact Equinix Service Desk.
To deprovision an Equinix Internet Access service instance:
- Equinix Internet Access Manager role must be assigned to the account used to send API requests. For information on access management, see Assign Roles to Users.
- The order processing for the service instance that you want to deprovision must be completed (order.status:
) and the service instance status must be one of the following:ACTIVE
Step 1: Authenticate
Submit your user credentials, Client ID, and Client Secret for OAuth2 authentication.
Sample curl request
curl -X
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-d '{
"grant_type": "password",
"client_id": "ABCDE12345",
"client_secret": "FGHIJ67890",
"user_name": "",
"user_password": "jd1@#$"
Refer to Generating Client ID and Client Secret for instructions on how to create client ID and client secret. For further details on how to authorize your API requests, see Requesting Access and Refresh tokens.
If you don't know your user credentials for Equinix Customer Portal, contact your local Equinix Service Desk.
Step 2: Determine Equinix Internet Access Service Instance Identifier
Use the Retrieve Equinix Internet Access Service Instances to determine the identifier of a service instance that you want to deprovision.
Sample curl request
curl -X POST ''
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-d '{
"filter": {
"and": [
"property": "/state",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
Sample response
"pagination": {
"offset": 0,
"limit": 20,
"total": 2
"sort": [
"direction": "ASC",
"property": "/name"
"data": [
"href": "",
"uuid": "ba9d90e3-8f86-4d00-8ea0-2c719d6e4b64",
"type": "SINGLE_PORT",
"name": "EIA dot1q Juniper",
"bandwidth": 50,
"billing": "FIXED",
"state": "ACTIVE",
"draft": false,
"useCase": "MAIN",
"change": {
"href": "",
"uuid": "07e49217-2575-49c0-bded-7422ea12d7c4",
"changeLog": {
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"createdByFullName": "johnDoe johnDoe",
"createdByEmail": "",
"createdDateTime": "2023-05-09T14:03:38.338900Z",
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"updatedByFullName": "johnDoe johnDoe",
"updatedByEmail": "",
"updatedDateTime": "2023-05-09T14:03:38.338902Z"
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"updatedDateTime": "2023-05-09T14:03:38.338902Z"
"bandwidth": 50,
"aSide": {
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"type": "COLO",
"name": "sit-001-200001-CX-DC5-L-Dot1q-STD-10G-PRI-NK-275",
"location": {
"href": "",
"region": "AMER",
"metroName": "Ashburn",
"metroCode": "DC",
"ibx": "DC5"
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"href": "",
"type": "XF_PORT",
"uuid": "c4d85dbe-fa2a-a2a9-f7e0-306a5c00af26"
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"prefix": "",
"prefixLength": 30
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"updatedDateTime": "2023-05-09T14:03:38.338902Z"
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"href": "",
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"parentOrganizationName": "sit-001-200001a"
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"uuid": "bbd5a2bb-9bc8-4e1a-871e-4ee7e00f3ecd",
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"updatedDateTime": "2023-05-09T14:02:27.721774Z"
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"billing": "FIXED",
"state": "ACTIVE",
"draft": false,
"useCase": "MAIN",
"change": {
"href": "",
"uuid": "3026b1ff-7e94-436f-a737-b71b1ae2312b",
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"createdDateTime": "2023-05-10T11:26:55.038309Z",
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"updatedByFullName": "johnDoe johnDoe",
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"updatedDateTime": "2023-05-10T11:26:55.038311Z"
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"updatedDateTime": "2023-05-10T11:26:55.038311Z"
"bandwidth": 50,
"aSide": {
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"type": "COLO",
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"location": {
"href": "",
"region": "AMER",
"metroName": "Ashburn",
"metroCode": "DC",
"ibx": "DC5"
"port": {
"href": "",
"type": "XF_PORT",
"uuid": "c4d85dbe-fa2a-a2a9-f7e0-306a5c00af26"
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"type": "DOT1Q",
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"name": "Routing Protocol static",
"ipv4": {
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"importPolicy": "PA",
"prefix": "",
"prefixLength": 27,
"ipBlock": {
"href": "",
"uuid": "b7cc54e6-3f31-488a-ab98-51e02f64d8ad",
"type": "IA_IP_BLOCK"
"peerings": [
"connections": [],
"customerPeerIps": [
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"prefix": "",
"prefixLength": 30
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"equinixPeerIps": [
"changeLog": {
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"createdByFullName": "johnDoe johnDoe",
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"createdDateTime": "2023-05-10T11:26:55.038309Z",
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"updatedByFullName": "johnDoe johnDoe",
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"updatedDateTime": "2023-05-10T11:26:55.038311Z"
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"href": "",
"accountNumber": "200001",
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"href": "",
"projectId": "6548320d-866b-4fdf-9b05-dcbe95f43bb1",
"projectName": "Project-22999",
"parentOrganizationId": "43ecef86-ec2b-43c9-b7c0-74229e464780",
"parentOrganizationName": "sit-001-200001a"
"order": {
"href": "",
"uuid": "960643a1-0983-476e-a3da-e4fc2952ec39",
"type": "AMENDMENT",
"draft": false,
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"createdByFullName": "johnDoe johnDoe",
"createdByEmail": "",
"createdDateTime": "2023-05-10T11:25:03.318122Z",
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"updatedByFullName": "johnDoe johnDoe",
"updatedByEmail": "",
"updatedDateTime": "2023-05-10T11:25:03.318122Z"
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"contacts": [
"href": "",
"type": "TECHNICAL",
"registeredUser": "johnDoe",
"details": []
"href": "",
"registeredUser": "johnDoe",
"details": []
"href": "",
"type": "ORDERING",
"registeredUser": "johnDoe",
"details": []
"links": []
"links": []
Step 3: Delete Equinix Internet Access Service Instance
Use the Delete Equinix Internet Access Service Instance to deprovision a specified EIA service instance.
Deleting an Equinix Internet Access with Network Edge service instance also deprovisions the associated Fabric connection between the Network Edge device and the EIA service profile.
Sample curl request
curl -X DELETE ''
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
You can use dryRun
query parameter to execute the API request in test mode and determine if the user account has sufficient permissions to delete the given service instance.
Sample response
"type": "SINGLE_PORT",
"useCase": "MAIN",
"name": "EIA dot1q Juniper",
"bandwidth": 50,
"uuid": "1416e55b-f9ee-4867-9ebe-e785a0295d7e",
"account": {
"accountNumber": "200491"
"billing": "FIXED",
"changeLog": {
"createdBy": "890702",
"createdByFullName": "johnDoe johnDoe",
"createdByEmail": "",
"createdDateTime": "2023-05-10T11:26:55.038309Z",
"updatedBy": "890702",
"updatedByFullName": "johnDoe johnDoe",
"updatedByEmail": "",
"updatedDateTime": "2023-05-10T11:26:55.038311Z",
"deletedBy": "890702",
"deletedByFullName": "johnDoe johnDoe",
"deletedByEmail": "",
"deletedDateTime": "2023-09-09T12:34:56.038311Z"
"draft": false,
"links": [
"href": "",
"authenticate": false
"order": {
"href": "",
"uuid": "d78b048c-0ccb-4158-a6e0-2c4cc752f806",
"type": "AMENDMENT"
"project": {
"href": "",
"projectId": "ad419c0f-bb03-45be-9753-e828c555fea9"