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Effective 10 September 2024, API Documentation can be found on our Equinix Product Documentation site.
The content on this page will not be updated after 1 Oct 2024 and will be inaccessible after 31st Dec 2024.

Update Bandwidth/Speed of a Connection

Step 1: Authenticate

Submit your user credentials, Client ID, and Client Secret for OAuth2 authentication.


Refer to Generating Client ID and Client Secret under the Getting Access Token section for instructions on how to create client ID and client secret and refer to Requesting Access and Refresh tokens section for instructions on how to call Oauth API to validate and authenticate your credentials.


If you are unaware of your user credentials for Equinix Fabric, contact your local Equinix Service Desk.

Step 2: Update Bandwidth/Speed

Update the speed of the connection using the below API.

 PATCH /connections/{uuid}
URL or Endpoint/ecx/v3/l2/connections/{uuid}
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Query Parametersaction
Body Parametersspeed, speedUnit

The connection speed can only be updated for Microsoft Azure, Oracle FastConnect, Google, and Enterprise connections.


Uuid is an identifier unique to each connection.


If you are unaware of how to obtain an authorization token, refer to Requesting Access and Refresh tokens section under the Getting Access Token.

The following screenshots show a sample curl request and JSON response to update the speed of a connection with UUID 9999a8-0e07-44d0-944c-88a25d8d28f7

curl -X
-H "content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{

The description of the request payload is as follows:

URL Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleApplicable ValuesDescription
UUIDYesstring9999a8-0e07-44d0-944c-88a25d8d28f7The Equinix-assigned ID of the connection.
Query Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleApplicable ValuesDescription
The action to perform on the connection.
Body Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleDescription
speedYesinteger50Speed/Bandwidth you would like to allocate to the connection
speedUnitYesstringMBUnit of the speed or bandwidth.
"message": "Connection updated Successfully",
"primaryConnectionId": "9999a8-0e07-44d0-944c-88a25d8d28f7",
"status": "submitted"

The description of the response payload is as follows:

Field NameTypeExample valuesDescription
messagestringConnection updated SuccessfullyIndicates the status of the PATCH API call.
primaryConnectionIDstring9999a8-0e07-44d0-944c-88a25d8d28f7Indicates the primary connection ID.

If you get “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for Equinix Fabric Portal access.


In order for the speed to be updated, your seller must accept this request and make the relevant changes at the sellers' end. Once this is done, you can verify the speed using the API GET Connections{uuid}