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Subscribe to EMG

You can subscribe to Equinix Messaging Gateway (EMG) in a self-serviceable way and integrate with Platform Equinix over event-based channels.

Integration with Apps

An integral part of the EMG subscription process is the integration with your apps.

More: Apps Integration Benefits

  • Integration: The Equinix app dashboard integrates with the Messaging Gateway to help developers manage their apps and handle real-time notifications.
  • Real-Time Updates: The Messaging Gateway sends updates and alerts from Equinix services.
  • Notification Management: You can set up and manage these notifications through the app dashboard and subscribe to specific events.
  • Performance: Integration keeps apps updated with real-time information, improving their performance and helping resolve issues quickly.

For more details, see how to register app.


  • You have valid user credentials to access the Equinix Customer Portal (see Sign Into the Equinix Portal)
  • You must have the required permissions to order and receive EMG notifications

If you are unaware of your user permissions or need access to some Equinix products and services, contact your Primary Administrator.

To create and manage your Equinix Messaging Gateway subscriptions, follow the steps below:

Access Messaging Gateway

  1. Log in to the Equinix Portal.
  2. From the global navigation menu, select Developer Settings > Messaging Gateway to display subscription details.

EMG - New Subscription


API License Agreement
Before using the platform and APIs for the first time, you must read and accept the displayed API license agreement. Once you have accepted the agreement, you can find it in the Additional Information section.

Details: API License Agreement and Additional Information

EMG - New Subscription EMG - New Subscription

Create Subscription

Step 1 - Initiate New Subscription


One subscription per environment.
You are limited to one active subscription per environment.

  1. Click Create New Subscription.

EMG - New Subscription

In the displayed form, provide the subscription details:

  1. Enter subscription name.
  2. Choose an integration environment for your subscription:
    • Sandbox — select if you are conducting integration testing with EMG. It is a global mock test environment to simulate Equinix production behavior.
    • Production — select if you want to integrate your subscription into a live, production setting.

EMG - New Subscription

Step 2 - Specify Equinix Products and Services

  1. Select Equinix products and services for which you want to receive EMG notifications.
  2. Click Next to proceed.

Based on your preferences, you can choose one or multiple features and sub-features to integrate with your app.

Details: Features and sub-features

  • Order Management:

    • You can create, update and cancel orders for Equinix products and services, such as BreakFix/Trouble Tickets, Cross Connect, Shipments, SmartHands, and WorkVisit.
    • Receive notifications for the latest order status, order updates, and any follow-up queries from Equinix technicians regarding the submitted orders.
  • Billing Notifications:
    Receive notifications when your submitted order is closed, and Equinix starts billing.

  • DataCenter IBX Notifications:
    Receive notifications for any planned and unplanned maintenance at Equinix DataCenter locations. Example, such as Advisory, Incidents, Maintenance, or Security Incidents.

  • Equinix Fabric Notifications:
    Receive notifications for Equinix Fabric port and provisioned virtual connections.

  • Network Notifications:
    Receive notifications for incidents and maintenance..

  • Managed Services:
    Receive notifications for BreakFix/Trouble tickets and service requests.

  • Non-EMG Order Notifications:
    Receive notifications for orders made outside EMG (includes orders placed via API and Customer Portal).

EMG - Review Available Subscriptions

# Permission Required

You may also have products or services you need access to due to the lack of permissions.

Example: Permission Required

EMG - Review Available Subscriptions


If you are unaware of your user permissions or need access to some Equinix products and services, contact your Primary Administrator.

# Non-EMG Order Notifications

Order Management and Managed Services allow you to receive notifications for orders placed outside of EMG.
After choosing the specific features of Order Management or Managed Services, you can:

  • Decide if you want notifications for non-EMG orders:
    • Choose Yes if you want to get these notifications.
  • The Authentication section is enabled as a second step.

EMG - Review Available Subscriptions

Step 3 - Choose Authentication Method

  1. Specify Authentication type.
  2. Click Next to proceed.

EMG offers two types of authentication:

  • Access Token
  • Signed Certificate

For detailed information, refer to the Access and Authentication resource.

EMG - Auth Methods

# Access Token Authentication

If you opt for access token authentication, you can use an existing app or create a new one.

EMG - Access Token Auth

Example: New App Created

EMG - Access Token Auth, Create app

# Certificate-based Authentication

If you opt for certificate-based authentication, you can provide certificate details (primary and secondary public keys).

EMG - Certificate-based Auth

Step 4 - Verify Subscription Summary

# Before Creating Subscription

Check the subscription summary.
Before you create a subscription, you can edit subscription details and authentication. You can also go back to the previous steps.

Example: Subscription Summary

EMG - Subscription Summary

Step 5 - Activate Subscription

Once you verify all data, click Create to create a new subscription.

Example: New Subscription Created

A notification banner is displayed.

EMG - Subscription Created

The newly created subscription is listed.

EMG - Subscription Listed

Step 6 - Congratulations on subscribing to EMG!

Congratulations on successfully subscribing to Equinix Messaging Gateway! To get started with EMG, check out our video tutorials and explore the available SDKs.

Now you can access your subscription details, check the configuration, and follow the next steps.

# Subscription Details

Verify subscription details.

Example: Subscription Details

EMG - Subscription Details

# Subscription Configuration

Check configuration details in YAML format.

Example: Subscription Configuration

EMG - Subscription Configuration

# Next Steps

Follow the next steps.

Example: Subscription Next Steps

EMG - Subscription - Next Steps

Manage Subscription

You can also manage (edit and delete) your subscription and send test notification.

  1. Open the Messaging Gateway page.
  2. Select a subscription.
  3. Click the menu located on the right side of the subscription.
  4. Select an action you want to perform.

EMG - Subscription - Manage

# Send Test Notification

  1. Specify a feature, sub-feature, and a status for sending test notification.
  2. Click Send to send a test notification or Cancel to abort.
Example: Send Test Notification

EMG - Subscription - Test Notification

# Edit Subscription

  1. Edit your subscription data.
  2. Click Update to save changes or Cancel to abort.
Example: Edit Subscription

EMG - Subscription - Edit

# Delete Subscription

  1. Make sure you want to remove the subscription from the list permanently.
  2. Click Delete to remove the subscription or Cancel to abort.
Example: Delete Subscription

EMG - Subscription - Delete