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Effective 10 September 2024, API Documentation can be found on our Equinix Product Documentation site.
The content on this page will not be updated after 1 Oct 2024 and will be inaccessible after 31st Dec 2024.

Fabric v4 APIs


Create Connection

 POST /fabric/v4/connections
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/connections
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Path ParametersNot applicable
Query ParametersNot applicable
Body Parameterstype, name, order, bandwidth, aSide, zSide, notifications

The POST Connections API request creates a layer 2 connection between two endpoints located in IBX data centers.

Sample curl request - non-redundant connection from a DOT1Q port to a QINQ port

curl -X
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-d '{
"type": "EVPL_VC",
"name": "Conn-1",
"order": {
"purchaseOrderNumber": "1-129105284100"
"bandwidth": 1000,
"aSide": {
"accessPoint": {
"type": "COLO",
"port": {
"uuid": "a867f685-41b0-1b07-6de0-320a5c00abdd"
"linkProtocol": {
"type": "DOT1Q",
"vlanTag": 1001
"zSide": {
"accessPoint": {
"type": "COLO",
"port": {
"uuid": "20d32a80-0d61-4333-bc03-707b591ae2f4"
"linkProtocol": {
"type": "QINQ",
"vlanSTag": 2001,
"vlanCTag": 2002,
"project": {
"projectId": "1234567"
"notifications": [
"type": "ALL",
"emails": [

Sample curl request - non-redundant connection to a QINQ port using an A-side servie token

curl -X
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-d '{
"type": "EVPL_VC",
"name": "My-Layer2-Connection-3",
"bandwidth": 1000,
"redundancy": {
"priority": "PRIMARY"
"aSide": {
"serviceToken": {
"uuid": "a00cef6f-8e35-4794-9ff9-665e084e4e6d"
"order": {
"purchaseOrderNumber": "po1234"
"zSide": {
"accessPoint": {
"type": "COLO",
"port": {
"uuid": "a00cef6f-8e35-4794-9ff9-665e084e4e6d"
"linkProtocol": {
"type": "DOT1Q",
"vlanTag": 1001
"project": {
"projectId": "1234567"
"notifications": [
"type": "ALL",
"emails": [

Sample curl request - Network Edge virtual device to DOT1Q port with VLAN range

curl -X
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-d '{
"type": "EVPL_VC",
"bandwidth": 1000,
"name": "vd to COLO",
"aSide": {
"accessPoint": {
"type": "VD",
"virtualDevice": {
"type": "EDGE",
"uuid": "20d32a80-0d61-4333-bc03-707b591ae2f4"
"interface": {
"type": "NETWORK",
"id": 45645
"zSide": {
"accessPoint": {
"type": "COLO",
"port": {
"uuid": "20d32a80-0d61-4333-bc03-707b591ae2f4"
"linkProtocol": {
"type": "DOT1Q",
"vlanTagMin": 300,
"vlanTagMax": 1099
"order": {
"purchaseOrderNumber": "1-129105284100"
"project": {
"projectId": "1234567"
"notifications": [
"type": "ALL",
"emails": [

Body parameters

type string
Connection type.
Applicable values:
  • EVPL_VC - Ethernet virtual private line connection type used for tagged layer 2 connections.
  • EPL_VC - Ethernet private line connection type used for untagged layer 2 connections.
  • ACCESS_EPL_VC - E-access, layer 2 connection between a QINQ port and an EPL port.
  • IP_VC - Layer 2 connection between a Fabric Cloud Router instance and a port.
  • EVPLAN_VC - Ethernet virtual private local area network connection for DOT1Q ports or virtual devices.
name string
Connection name.
Applicable values:
  • Maximum: 24 characters
  • Allowed characters: alpha-numeric, hyphens ('-') and underscores ('_')
Example: my_connection
order object
Order details.
purchaseOrderNumber string
Subscriber's purchase order identifier.
Example: 1-129105284100
bandwidth integer
Connection bandwidth in Mbps.
Applicable values:
  • 10
  • 50
  • 200
  • 500
  • 1000
  • 2000
  • 5000
  • 10000
redundancy object
Connection redundancy configuration.
group string
Redundancy group identifier.
Example: 5c0e9384-aa79-4ec9-b7a2-557f8c307292
priority string
Relative priority in a redundancy group.
Applicable values:
aSide object
Source port definition.
accessPoint object
Connection endpoint configuration.
type string
Connection endpoint type.
Applicable values:
  • COLO - Colocation space in an IBX data center.
  • VD - Network Edge virtual device.
  • CLOUD_ROUTER - Fabric Cloud Router instance.
  • NETWORK - Fabric network that enables creating multipoint connections.
  • METAL_NETWORK - Metal instance.
port object
Port associated with the connection.
uuid string
Equinix-assigned port identifier.
linkProtocol object
Link protocol configuration.
Applicable to COLO type access points.
type string
Link protocol type.
Applicable values:
  • DOT1Q
  • QINQ
vlanTag integer
DOT1Q protocol VLAN tag.
Applicable values:
  • Minimum: 2
  • Maximum: 4094
vlanSTag integer
QINQ protocol, outer (service) VLAN tag used to identify packets as they traverse trunk lines.
Applicable values:
  • Minimum: 2
  • Maximum: 4094
vlanCTag integer
QINQ protocol, inner (customer) VLAN tag used to identify packets as they traverse trunk lines.
Applicable values:
  • Minimum: 2
  • Maximum: 4094
virtualDevice object
Virtual device configuration.
Applicable to VD type access points.
type string
Equinix-assigned virtual device identifier.
  • EDGE
uuid string
Virtual device instance identifier.
interface object
Interface configuration.
Applicable to VD type access points.
type string
Virtual device network interface type.
Applicable values:
id integer
Virtual device network interface identifier.
Example: 544211
serviceToken object
Service token specification.
Applicable to connections that use A-side service tokens.
uuid string
Service token identifier.
Example: e05f4f23-d098-4d7c-a9ca-c2897b465107
zSide object
Destination port definition.
serviceToken object
Service token specification.
Applicable to connections that use Z-side service tokens.
uuid string
Service token identifier.
Example: e05f4f23-d098-4d7c-a9ca-c2897b465107
accessPoint object
Connection endpoint configuration.
type string
Connection endpoint type.
Applicable values:
  • COLO - Colocation space in an IBX data center.
  • SP - Service profile.
  • VD - Network Edge virtual device.
  • NETWORK - Fabric network that enables creating multipoint connections.
  • METAL_NETWORK - Metal instance.
port object
Port associated with the connection. Applicable to COLO type access points.
uuid string
Equinix-assigned port identifier.
Example: 20d32a80-0d61-4333-bc03-707b591ae2f4
linkProtocol object
Link protocol configuration.
Applicable to COLO type access points.
type string
Link protocol type.
Applicable values:
  • DOT1Q
  • QINQ
vlanTag integer
DOT1Q protocol VLAN tag.
Applicable values:
  • Minimum: 2
  • Maximum: 4094
vlanTagMin integer
DOT1Q protocol VLAN tag range lowest value. Applicable to connections originating from Network Edge devices. Required if vlanTag isn't specified.
vlanTagMax integer
DOT1Q protocol VLAN tag range highest value. Applicable to connections originating from Network Edge devices. Required if vlanTag isn't specified.
vlanSTag integer
QINQ protocol, outer (service) VLAN tag used to identify packets as they traverse trunk lines.
Applicable values:
  • Minimum: 2
  • Maximum: 4094
vlanCTag integer
QINQ protocol, inner (customer) VLAN tag used to identify packets as they traverse trunk lines.
Applicable values:
  • Minimum: 2
  • Maximum: 4094
vlanCTagMin integer
QINQ protocol lowest customer VLAN tag value. Applicable to connections originating from Network Edge devices. Required if vlanCTag isn't specified.
vlanCTagMax integer
QINQ protocol highest customer VLAN tag value. Applicable to connections originating from Network Edge devices. Required if vlanCTag isn't specified.
profile object
A named provider service and its network connectivity requirements.
Applicable to SP type access points.

Use the Retrieve Service Profiles API request to search for service profiles and determine their identifiers and available locations.
type string
Service profile type.
Applicable values:
uuid string
Service profile identifier.
Example: 22d4e853-ef33-4ff0-b5b2-a2b1d5dfa50c
location object
Connection endpoint location information.
Applicable to SP type access points.
metroCode string
Metropolitan area identifier.
Use the Get Specified Service Profile API request to determine where a given service is available.
network object
Fabric network instance information. Applicable to NETWORK type access points.
uuid string
Equinix-assigned Fabric network instance identifier.
Example: 20d32a80-0d61-4333-bc03-707b591ae2f4
project object
Customer resource hierarchy project information.
Applicable to customers onboarded to Equinix Identity and Access Management. For more information see Identity and Access Management: Projects.
projectId string
Customer project identifier.
Example: 377533000114703
notifications array[object]
Notification settings for messages related to the asset configuration or its status.
type string
Notification messages category.
Applicable values:
  • ALL
emails array[string]
Email addresses of up to 12 recipients.
Example: ["",""]

If you get an “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for Equinix Fabric Portal access.

Sample response - non-redundant connection from a DOT1Q port to a QINQ port

"href": "",
"type": "EVPL_VC",
"uuid": "3a58dd05-f46d-4b1d-a154-2e85c396ea62",
"name": "Conn-1",
"order": {
"purchaseOrderNumber": "1-129105284100",
"billingTier": "Up to 1 Gbps"
"bandwidth": 1000,
"aSide": {
"accessPoint" {
"type": "COLO",
"port": {
"href": "",
"type": "XF_PORT",
"uuid": "a867f685-41b0-1b07-6de0-320a5c00abdd"
"linkProtocol": {
"type": "DOT1Q",
"vlanTag": 1001
"zSide": {
"accessPoint": {
"type": "COLO",
"port": {
"href": "",
"type": "XF_PORT",
"uuid": "20d32a80-0d61-4333-bc03-707b591ae2f4"
"linkProtocol": {
"type": "QINQ",
"vlanSTag": 2001,
"vlanCTag": 2002,
"notifications": [
"type": "ALL",
"emails": [
"operation": {
"equinixStatus": "PROVISIONING",
"providerStatus": "NOT_AVAILABLE"
"changeLog": {
"createdDateTime": "2021-07-15T19:30:29.526Z"

Response payload body description


Response payload includes configuration parameters defined in the request body. The following table contains descriptions of additional information included in the response payload. For descriptions of the remaining fields, refer to the Body parameters section.

href string
An absolute URL that returns the specified connection.
uuid string
Equinix-assigned connection identifier.
Example: 3a58dd05-f46d-4b1d-a154-2e85c396ea62
state string
Lifecycle stage of a connection.
order object
Order information.
billingTier string
Billing tier for connection bandwidth.
Example: Up to 1 Gbps
aSide object
Source port definition.
accessPoint object
Connection endpoint configuration.
port object
Port associated with the connection. Applicable to COLO type access points.
href string
An absolute URL that returns the specified port.
type string
Type of port.
Example: XF_PORT - Equinix Fabric port used as a Fabric connection endpoint.
zSide object
Destination port definition.
accessPoint object
Connection endpoint configuration.
port object
Port associated with the connection. Applicable to COLO type access points.
href string
An absolute URL that returns the specified port.
type string
Type of port.
Example: XF_PORT - Equinix Fabric port used as a Fabric connection endpoint.
profile object
A named provider service and its network connectivity requirements.
Applicable to SP type access points.
href string
An absolute URL that returns complete specification for the given entity.
type string
Service profile type.
  • L2_PROFILE - layer 2 service profile for establishing connections in layer 2 of the OSI networking model.
  • L3_PROFILE - layer 3 service profile for establishing connections in layer 2 of the OSI networking model.
operation object
Connection type-specific operational data.
equinixStatus string
Progress towards provisioning a specified connection.
providerStatus string
Provider's progress towards provisioning a specified connection.
changeLog object
A permanent record of asset creation, modification, or deletion.
createdBy string
Identity of the asset creator.
Example: AverageJoe
createdDateTime string
Asset creation timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.000+0000
Example: 2021-07-15T19:30:29.526Z

Get Specified Connection

 GET /fabric/v4/connections/{uuid}
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/connections/{uuid}
Path Parametersuuid
Query Parametersdirection
Body ParametersNot applicable

This API request retrieves details of the specified connection.


For instructions on how to obtain an authorization token, refer to Requesting Access and Refresh Tokens.

Sample curl request

curl -X
GET ''
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'

Path parameters

uuid string
Equinix-assigned connection identifier.

Query parameters

direction string
Connection direction from the requestor's perspective.
Applicable values:

If you get an “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for Equinix Fabric Portal access.

Sample response

"type": "EVPL_VC",
"href": "",
"uuid": "d3ba5c1a-7763-492f-8881-091052420bb1",
"name": "SustainStandardConn",
"state": "PROVISIONED",
"operation": {
"providerStatus": "AVAILABLE",
"equinixStatus": "PROVISIONED"
"order": {
"billingTier": "Up to 1 Gbps",
"purchaseOrderNumber": "PO439401015499"
"notifications": [
"type": "ALL",
"emails": [
"account": {
"accountNumber": 270106,
"orgId": 91996,
"globalOrgId": "0016u000003JZ4rAAG"
"changeLog": {
"createdBy": "testV",
"createdDateTime": "2022-02-09T05:12:32.183Z",
"updatedBy": "testBuyerStandardUserAllPerm",
"updatedDateTime": "2022-02-09T05:12:33.078Z"
"bandwidth": 1000,
"redundancy": {
"group": "2e455f6d-da91-4f7d-a50b-40cdcab257fe",
"priority": "PRIMARY"
"isRemote": false,
"direction": "INCOMING",
"aSide": {
"accessPoint": {
"type": "COLO",
"account": {
"accountNumber": 270106,
"orgId": 91996,
"organizationName": "testGlobalcust-270100",
"globalOrgId": "0016u000003JZ4rAAG"
"location": {
"region": "EMEA",
"metroName": "Brussels",
"metroCode": "BL"
"port": {
"href": "",
"uuid": "c791f8cb-5bf9-bf90-8ce0-306a5c00a4ee",
"name": "testGlobalcust-BL1-NL-Dot1q-STD-PRI-10G-JN-769",
"redundancy": {
"priority": "PRIMARY"
"linkProtocol": {
"type": "DOT1Q",
"vlanTag": 1140
"zSide": {
"accessPoint": {
"type": "SP",
"account": {
"orgId": 91997,
"organizationName": "testBuyer-270001",
"globalOrgId": "0016u000003JZ4sAAG"
"location": {
"region": "EMEA",
"metroName": "Brussels",
"metroCode": "BL"
"port": {
"href": "",
"uuid": "c791f8cb-5bd1-bd10-8ce0-306a5c00a4ee",
"name": "testBuyer-BL1-L-Dot1q-STD-PRI-10G-JN-729",
"redundancy": {
"priority": "PRIMARY"
"profile": {
"href": "",
"type": "L2_PROFILE",
"name": "Sustain_Standard_USER_SP_L2_2",
"uuid": "73e92924-7ea7-4aff-9d2c-50d3faf6c792"
"linkProtocol": {
"type": "DOT1Q",
"vlanTag": 4080

Response payload body description

type string
Connection type.
  • EVPL_VC - Ethernet virtual private line connection type used for tagged layer 2 connections.
  • EPL_VC - Ethernet private line connection type used for untagged layer 2 connections.
  • ACCESS_EPL_VC - E-access, layer 2 connection between a QINQ port and an EPL port.
  • IP_VC - Layer 2 connection between a Fabric Cloud Router instance and a port.
  • EVPLAN_VC - Ethernet virtual private local area network connection for DOT1Q ports or virtual devices.
href string
An absolute URL that returns the specified connection.
uuid string
Equinix-assigned connection identifier.
Example: 3a58dd05-f46d-4b1d-a154-2e85c396ea62
name string
Connection name.
Example: my_connection
state string
Lifecycle stage of a connection.
operation object
Connection type-specific operational data.
equinixStatus string
Progress towards provisioning a specified connection.
providerStatus string
Provider's progress towards provisioning a specified connection.
order object
Order details.
purchaseOrderNumber string
Subscriber's purchase order identifier.
Example: 1-129105284100
billingTier string
Billing tier for connection bandwidth.
Example: Up to 1 Gbps
notifications array[object]
Notification settings for messages related to the asset configuration or its status.
type string
Notification messages category.
  • ALL
emails array[string]
Email addresses of up to 12 recipients.
Example: ["",""]
account object
Customer account information.
accountNumber integer
Equinix-assigned account number.
Example: 270106
orgId integer
Equinix-assigned organization identifier.
Example: 92362
globalOrgId string
Equinix-assigned top-level organization identifier.
Example: 0016u000003JZ62AAG
changeLog object
A permanent record of asset creation, modification, or deletion.
createdBy string
Identity of the asset creator.
Example: AverageJoe
createdDateTime string
Asset creation timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.000+0000
Example: 2021-07-15T19:30:29.526Z
bandwidth integer
Connection bandwidth in Mbps.
  • 10
  • 50
  • 200
  • 500
  • 1000
  • 2000
  • 5000
  • 10000
redundancy object
Connection redundancy configuration.
group string
Redundancy group identifier.
Example: 5c0e9384-aa79-4ec9-b7a2-557f8c307292
priority string
Relative priority in a redundancy group.
isRemote boolean
Indicates if both connection endpoints are in the same location.
Example: false
direction string
Direction of the connection (from the requester's point of view).
aSide object
Source port definition.
accessPoint object
Connection endpoint configuration.
type string
Connection endpoint type.
  • COLO - Colocation space in an IBX data center.
  • VD - Network Edge virtual device.
  • CLOUD_ROUTER - Fabric Cloud Router instance.
  • NETWORK - Fabric network that enables creating multipoint connections.
  • METAL_NETWORK - Metal instance.
account object
Customer account information.
accountNumber integer
Equinix-assigned account number.
Example: 270106
orgId integer
Equinix-assigned organization identifier.
Example: 92362
globalOrgId string
Equinix-assigned top-level organization identifier.
Example: 0016u000003JZ62AAG
location object
Port associated with the connection.
region string
Broad geographic area in which a specified Equinix asset is located.
Example: EMEA
metroName string
Metropolitan area name.
Example: Brussels
metroCode string
Metropolitan area identifier.
Example: BL
port object
Port associated with the connection.
href string
An absolute URL that returns the specified port.
uuid string
Equinix-assigned port identifier.
name string
Equinix-assigned port name.
Example: 272010-SV5-CX-Secondary-01
redundancy object
Port redundancy information.
priority string
Relative port priority.
linkProtocol object
Link protocol configuration.
Applicable to COLO and VD type access points.
type string
Link protocol type.
  • DOT1Q
  • QINQ
vlanTag integer
DOT1Q protocol VLAN tag.
Example: 222
vlanSTag integer
QINQ protocol, outer (service) VLAN tag used to identify packets as they traverse trunk lines.
Example: 222
vlanCTag integer
QINQ protocol, inner (customer) VLAN tag used to identify packets as they traverse trunk lines.
Example: 333
virtualDevice object
Virtual device configuration.
Applicable to VD type access points.
type string
Equinix-assigned virtual device identifier.
  • EDGE
uuid string
Virtual device instance identifier.
interface object
Interface configuration.
Applicable to VD type access points.
type string
Virtual device network interface type.
id integer
Virtual device network interface identifier.
Example: 544211
router object
Cloud Router associated with the connection.
href string
Absolute URL that returns the specified entity.
uuid string
Fabric Cloud Router identifier.
Example: bb818900-d4b4-445a-85a2-cecd88061662
name string
Fabric Cloud Router name.
Example: E2E-API-FG
serviceToken object
Service token specification.
Applicable to connections that use A-side service tokens.
uuid string
Service token identifier.
Example: e05f4f23-d098-4d7c-a9ca-c2897b465107
zSide object
Destination port definition.
accessPoint object
Connection endpoint configuration.
type string
Connection endpoint type.
  • COLO - Colocation space in an IBX data center.
  • SP - Service profile.
  • VD - Network Edge virtual device.
  • NETWORK - Fabric network that enables creating multipoint connections.
  • METAL_NETWORK - Metal instance.
account object
Customer account information.
accountNumber integer
Equinix-assigned account number.
Example: 270106
orgId string
Equinix-assigned organization identifier.
Example: 92362
globalOrgId string
Equinix-assigned top-level organization identifier.
Example: 0016u000003JZ62AAG
location object
Port associated with the connection.
region string
Broad geographic area in which a specified Equinix asset is located.
Example: EMEA
metroName string
Metropolitan area name.
Example: Brussels
metroCode string
Metropolitan area identifier.
Example: BL
port object
Port associated with the connection.
href string
An absolute URL that returns the specified port.
uuid string
Equinix-assigned port identifier.
name string
Equinix-assigned port name.
Example: 272010-SV5-CX-Secondary-01
redundancy object
Port redundancy information.
priority string
Relative port priority.
linkProtocol object
Link protocol configuration.
Applicable to COLO and VD type access points.
type string
Link protocol type.
  • DOT1Q
  • QINQ
vlanTag integer
DOT1Q protocol VLAN tag.
Example: 222
vlanTagMin integer
DOT1Q protocol VLAN tag range lowest value. Applicable to connections originating from Network Edge devices. Required if vlanTag isn't specified.
Example: 222
vlanTagMax integer
DOT1Q protocol VLAN tag range highest value. Applicable to connections originating from Network Edge devices. Required if vlanTag isn't specified.
Example: 333
vlanSTag integer
QINQ protocol, outer (service) VLAN tag used to identify packets as they traverse trunk lines.
Example: 222
vlanCTag integer
QINQ protocol, inner (customer) VLAN tag used to identify packets as they traverse trunk lines.
Example: 222
vlanCTagMin integer
QINQ protocol lowest customer VLAN tag value. Applicable to connections originating from Network Edge devices. Required if vlanCTag isn't specified.
Example: 222
vlanCTagMax integer
QINQ protocol highest customer VLAN tag value. Applicable to connections originating from Network Edge devices. Required if vlanCTag isn't specified.
Example: 333
profile object
A named provider service and its network connectivity requirements.
Applicable to SP type access points.

Use the Retrieve Service Profiles API request to search for service profiles and determine their identifiers and available locations.
type string
Service profile type.
Example: L2_PROFILE
uuid string
Service profile identifier.
Example: 22d4e853-ef33-4ff0-b5b2-a2b1d5dfa50c
location object
Connection endpoint location information.
Applicable to SP type access points.
region string
Broad geographic area in which a specified Equinix asset is located.
Example: EMEA
metroName string
Metropolitan area name.
Example: Brussels
metroCode string
Metropolitan area identifier.
Example: BL
network object
Fabric network instance information. Applicable to NETWORK type access points.
uuid string
Equinix-assigned Fabric network instance identifier.
Example: 20d32a80-0d61-4333-bc03-707b591ae2f4
name string
Network name.
Example: EPLAN-GLOBAL-1017a
type string
Network type.
Example: EPLAN
scope string
Network geographic scope.
Example: GLOBAL
serviceToken object
Service token specification.
Applicable to connections that use Z-side service tokens.
uuid string
Service token identifier.
Example: e05f4f23-d098-4d7c-a9ca-c2897b465107

Retrieve Connections

 POST /fabric/v4/connections/search
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/connections/search
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Path ParametersNot applicable
Query ParametersNot applicable
Body Parametersfilter, pagination, sort

This API request retrieves layer 2 connections that match provided search criteria.


For instructions on how to obtain an authorization token, refer to Requesting Access and Refresh Tokens.

Sample curl request

curl -X POST ''
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-d '{
"filter": {
"and": [
"property": "/direction",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
"property": "/operation/equinixStatus",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
"pagination": {
"limit": 25,
"offset": 0,
"total": 0
"sort": [
"property": "/name",
"direction": "DESC"

Body parameters

filter object
Object defining search conditions.
and array[object]
Array of search parameters.
property string
Search parameter.
Applicable values:
  • /isRemote
  • /name
  • /uuid
  • /account/orgId
  • /aSide/accessPoint/account/accountName
  • /aSide/accessPoint/account/accountNumber
  • /aSide/accessPoint/router/uuid
  • /aSide/accessPoint/linkProtocol/vlanCTag
  • /aSide/accessPoint/linkProtocol/vlanSTag
  • /aSide/accessPoint/location/metroCode
  • /aSide/accessPoint/location/metroName
  • /aSide/accessPoint/name
  • /aSide/accessPoint/port/uuid
  • /aSide/accessPoint/port/name
  • /aSide/accessPoint/type
  • /aSide/accessPoint/virtualDevice/name
  • /aSide/accessPoint/virtualDevice/uuid
  • /aSide/serviceToken/uuid
  • /change/status
  • /operation/equinixStatus
  • /operation/providerStatus
  • /project/projectId
  • /redundancy/group
  • /redundancy/priority
  • /zSide/accessPoint/account/accountName
  • /zSide/accessPoint/authenticationKey
  • /zSide/accessPoint/linkProtocol/vlanCTag
  • /zSide/accessPoint/linkProtocol/vlanSTag
  • /zSide/accessPoint/location/metroCode
  • /zSide/accessPoint/location/metroName
  • /zSide/accessPoint/name
  • /zSide/accessPoint/port/uuid
  • /zSide/accessPoint/network/uuid
  • /zSide/accessPoint/port/name
  • /zSide/accessPoint/profile/uuid
  • /zSide/accessPoint/type
  • /zSide/accessPoint/virtualDevice/name
  • /zSide/accessPoint/virtualDevice/uuid
  • /zSide/serviceToken/uuid
  • *
operator string
Search parameter operator.
Applicable values:
  • =
  • !=
  • >
  • >=
  • <
  • <=
  • LIKE
  • IN
  • NOT IN
  • ~* - Case insensitive like.
values string
Search parameter value.
Example: ACTIVE
pagination object
Search results pagination settings.
offset integer
Index of the first item returned in the response.
Minimum: 0
Default value: 0
limit integer
Maximum number of items returned per page.
Minimum: 1
Maximum: 100
Default value: 20
sort object
Search results sorting settings.
direction string
Search results sorting direction.
Applicable values:
  • ASC
  • DESC
property string
Search results sorting parameter.
Applicable values:
  • /name
  • /direction
  • /aSide/accessPoint/name
  • /aSide/accessPoint/type
  • /aSide/accessPoint/account/accountName
  • /aSide/accessPoint/location/metroName
  • /aSide/accessPoint/location/metroCode
  • /aSide/accessPoint/linkProtocol/vlanCTag
  • /aSide/accessPoint/linkProtocol/vlanSTag
  • /zSide/accessPoint/name
  • /zSide/accessPoint/type
  • /zSide/accessPoint/account/accountName
  • /zSide/accessPoint/location/metroName
  • /zSide/accessPoint/location/metroCode
  • /zSide/accessPoint/linkProtocol/vlanCTag
  • /zSide/accessPoint/linkProtocol/vlanSTag
  • /zSide/accessPoint/authenticationKey
  • /bandwidth
  • /uuid
  • /changeLog/createdDateTime
  • /changeLog/updatedDateTime
  • /operation/equinixStatus
  • /operation/providerStatus
  • /redundancy/priority

Default value: /changeLog/updatedDateTime
"property": "/name",
"operator": "LIKE",
"values": [
operator string
Search field parameter operator.
Applicable values:
  • =
  • !=
  • LIKE
  • IN
  • NOT IN
  • ~*
value array[string]
Connection name.
Example: ["%myFavoriteConnection%"]
"property": "/uuid",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
operator string
Search field parameter operator.
Applicable values:
  • =
value array[string]
Connection identifier.
Example: ["3a58dd05-f46d-4b1d-a154-2e85c396ea62"]
"property": "/account/orgId",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
operator string
Search field parameter operator.
Applicable values:
  • =
  • LIKE
value array[integer]
Equinix-assigned organization identifier.
Example: [91997]
"property": "/aSide/accessPoint/account/accountName",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
   "John Doe"
operator string
Search field parameter operator.
Applicable values:
  • =
  • LIKE
value array[string]
Legal name of the account holder.
Example: ["John Doe"]
"property": "/aSide/accessPoint/account/accountNumber",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
operator string
Search field parameter operator.
Applicable values:
  • =
value array[integer]
Customer account number.
Example: [299001]
"property": "/aSide/accessPoint/router/uuid",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
operator string
Search field parameter operator.
Applicable values:
  • =
value array[string]
Equinix-assigned Fabric Cloud Router identifier.
Example: cea65afb-aa36-a366-2ae0-387a5c00a944
"property": "/aSide/accessPoint/linkProtocol/vlanCTag",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
operator string
Search field parameter operator.
Applicable values:
  • =
value array[integer]
QINQ protocol inner (customer) VLAN tag used to identify packets as they traverse trunk lines.
Example: ["486"]
"property": "/aSide/accessPoint/linkProtocol/vlanSTag",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
operator string
Search field parameter operator.
Applicable values:
  • =
value array[integer]
QINQ protocol outer (service) VLAN tag used to identify packets as they traverse trunk lines.
Example: ["486"]
"property": "/aSide/accessPoint/location/metroCode",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
operator string
Search field parameter operator.
Applicable values:
  • =
  • LIKE
value array[string]
Metropolitan area identifier.
Use the Get All Metros API request to retrieve the list of available metros.
Example: ["SV"]
"property": "/aSide/accessPoint/location/metroName",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
    "Silicon Valley"
operator string
Search field parameter operator.
Applicable values:
  • =
  • LIKE
value array[string]
Metropolitan area name.
Example: ["Silicon Valley"]
"property": "/aSide/accessPoint/name",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
operator string
Search field parameter operator.
Applicable values:
  • =
value array[string]
Access point name.
Example: ["Name"]
"property": "/aSide/accessPoint/port/uuid",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
operator string
Search field parameter operator.
Applicable values:
  • =
value array[string]
Equinix-assigned port identifier. Use the Get All Ports API request to retrieve ports information.
Example: ["cea65afb-aa34-a346-2ae0-387a5c00a944"]
"property": "/aSide/accessPoint/port/name",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
operator string
Search field parameter operator.
Applicable values:
  • =
  • LIKE
value array[string]
Equinix-assigned port identifier. Use the Get All Ports API request to retrieve ports information.
Example: ["290071-WA1-NL-Qinq-10G-9"]
"property": "/aSide/accessPoint/type",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
operator string
Search field parameter operator.
Applicable values:
  • =
  • LIKE
value array[string]
Metropolitan area name.
Applicable values:
  • COLO - Colocation endpoint in an Equinix IBX data center.
  • SP - Service profile.
  • VD - Netork Edge virtual device.
  • CLOUD_ROUTER - Fabric Cloud Router instance.
  • NETWORK - Fabric network that enables creating multipoint connections.
"property": "/zSide/accessPoint/virtualDevice/name",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
operator string
Search field parameter operator.
Applicable values:
  • =
  • LIKE
value array[string]
Virtual device name.
Example: ["E2E-NE-Device-Aut-171221033749146"]
"property": "/zSide/accessPoint/virtualDevice/uuid",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
operator string
Search field parameter operator.
Applicable values:
  • =
  • LIKE
value array[string]
Equinix-assigned virtual device identifier.
Example: ["0e9daf19-72bd-4ba7-b305-e0132740224b"]
"property": "/zSide/serviceToken/uuid",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
operator string
Search field parameter operator.
Applicable values:
  • =
  • LIKE
value array[string]
Equinix-assigned service token identifier.
Example: ["0e9daf19-72bd-4ba7-b305-e0132740224b"]
"property": "/project/projectId",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
operator string
Search field parameter operator.
Applicable values:
  • =
  • LIKE
value array[string]
Customer project identifier.
Example: ["1003513458238"]
"property": "/zSide/accessPoint/authenticationKey",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
operator string
Search field parameter operator.
Applicable values:
  • =
  • LIKE
value array[string]
Z-side acess point authentication key.
Example: ["qwerASDF"]
"property": "/zSide/accessPoint/profile/uuid",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
operator string
Search field parameter operator.
Applicable values:
  • =
  • LIKE
value array[string]
Equinix-assigned service profile identifier.
Example: ["0e9daf19-72bd-4ba7-b305-e0132740224b"]
"property": "/zSide/accessPoint/network/uuid",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
operator string
Search field parameter operator.
Applicable values:
  • =
  • LIKE
value array[string]
Fabric network instance identifier.
Example: ["0e9daf19-72bd-4ba7-b305-e0132740224b"]
"property": "/change/status",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
operator string
Search field parameter operator.
Applicable values:
  • =
  • LIKE
value array[string]
Operation status life cycle.
Applicable values:
"property": "/operation/equinixStatus",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
operator string
Search field parameter operator.
Applicable values:
  • =
  • LIKE
value array[string]
Progress toward provisioning a specified connection.
Applicable values:
"property": "/operation/providerStatus",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
operator string
Search field parameter operator.
Applicable values:
  • =
  • LIKE
value array[string]
Provider's progress toward provisioning a specified connection.
Applicable values:
"property": "/redundancy/group",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
operator string
Search field parameter operator.
Applicable values:
  • =
  • LIKE
value array[string]
Redundancy group identifier.
Example: ["0e9daf19-72bd-4ba7-b305-e0132740224b"]
"property": "/redundancy/priority",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
operator string
Search field parameter operator.
Applicable values:
  • =
  • LIKE
value array[string]
Relative priority within the redundancy group.
Applicable values:
"property": "/isRemote",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
operator string
Search field parameter operator.
Applicable values:
  • =
value array[string]
Indicates if both connection endpoints are in the same location.
Applicable values:
  • true
  • false
"property": "/*",
"operator": "LIKE",
"values": [
operator string
Search field parameter operator.
Use the Get All Ports API request to retrieve ports information.
  • =
  • !=
  • LIKE
  • IN
  • NOT IN
  • ~*
value array[string]
All categories search.
Example: ["%Silicon%"]

Sample response

"data": [
"type": "EVPL_VC",
"href": "",
"uuid": "50a4ad8f-2b00-434a-9ea1-f3bbb894541f",
"name": "P2SPConn012",
"state": "PROVISIONED",
"change": {
"uuid": "da6a1a0b-0872-4c06-b9d7-5c8ee3056775",
"status": "APPROVED",
"createdDateTime": "2021-12-12T06:00:01.183Z",
"updatedDateTime": "2021-12-12T06:00:09.278916Z",
"data": {
"op": "replace",
"path": "/aSide/accessPoint/port/uuid",
"value": "c791f8cb-58f9-8f90-8ce0-306a5c00a4ee"
"operation": {
"providerStatus": "AVAILABLE",
"equinixStatus": "PROVISIONED"
"order": {
"purchaseOrderNumber": "POTEST1"
"notifications": [
"type": "ALL",
"emails": [
"account": {
"accountNumber": 270001,
"orgId": 91997,
"globalOrgId": "0016u000003JZ4sAAG"
"changeLog": {
"createdBy": "dragonstestBuyer",
"createdDateTime": "2021-11-19T22:56:24.666Z",
"updatedBy": "dragonstestBuyer"
"bandwidth": 10000,
"redundancy": {
"group": "66c10a60-789e-4b25-b85c-7eb225a4c344",
"priority": "PRIMARY"
"isRemote": true,
"direction": "OUTGOING",
"aSide": {
"accessPoint": {
"type": "COLO",
"account": {
"accountNumber": 270001,
"orgId": 91997,
"organizationName": "testBuyer-270001",
"globalOrgId": "0016u000003JZ4sAAG"
"location": {
"href": "",
"region": "AMER",
"metroName": "Silicon Valley",
"metroCode": "SV"
"port": {
"href": "",
"uuid": "c791f8cb-58fa-8fa0-8ce0-306a5c00a4ee",
"name": "testBuyer-SV1-L-Dot1q-STD-PRI-10G-JN-2",
"redundancy": {
"priority": "PRIMARY"
"linkProtocol": {
"type": "DOT1Q",
"vlanTag": 2021
"zSide": {
"accessPoint": {
"type": "SP",
"account": {
"orgId": 92154,
"organizationName": "testSeller1-270271",
"globalOrgId": "0016u000003JZ59AAG"
"location": {
"href": "",
"region": "AMER",
"metroName": "Dallas",
"metroCode": "DA"
"port": {
"href": "",
"uuid": "c791f8cb-5a85-a850-8ce0-306a5c00a4ee",
"name": "testSeller1-DA1-L-Dot1q-STD-SEC-10G-NK-397",
"redundancy": {
"priority": "SECONDARY"
"profile": {
"type": "L2_PROFILE",
"name": "Non-Redundant-DOT1Q-SP",
"uuid": "bebd6257-bf4d-4819-8ff9-e921c564ce26"
"linkProtocol": {
"type": "DOT1Q",
"vlanTag": 458
"pagination": {
"offset": 0,
"limit": 25,
"total": 1

Response payload body description

data array[object]
Data array containing search results.
type string
Connection type.
  • EVPL_VC - Ethernet virtual private line connection type used for tagged layer 2 connections.
  • EPL_VC - Ethernet private line connection type used for untagged layer 2 connections.
  • ACCESS_EPL_VC - E-access, layer 2 connection between a QINQ port and an EPL port.
  • IP_VC - Layer 2 connection between a Fabric Cloud Router instance and a port.
  • EVPLAN_VC - Ethernet virtual private local area network connection for DOT1Q ports or virtual devices.
href string
An absolute URL that returns the specified connection.
uuid string
Equinix-assigned connection identifier.
Example: 3a58dd05-f46d-4b1d-a154-2e85c396ea62
name string
Connection name.
Example: my_connection
state string
Lifecycle stage of a connection.
operation object
Connection type-specific operational data.
equinixStatus string
Progress towards provisioning a specified connection.
providerStatus string
Provider's progress towards provisioning a specified connection.
order object
Order details.
purchaseOrderNumber string
Subscriber's purchase order identifier.
Example: 1-129105284100
billingTier string
Billing tier for connection bandwidth.
Example: Up to 1 Gbps
notifications array[object]
Notification settings for messages related to the asset configuration or its status.
type string
Notification messages category.
  • ALL
emails array[string]
Email addresses of up to 12 recipients.
Example: ["",""]
account object
Customer account information.
accountNumber integer
Equinix-assigned account number.
Example: 270106
orgId integer
Equinix-assigned organization identifier.
Example: 92362
globalOrgId string
Equinix-assigned top-level organization identifier.
Example: 0016u000003JZ62AAG
changeLog object
A permanent record of asset creation, modification, or deletion.
createdBy string
Identity of the asset creator.
Example: AverageJoe
createdDateTime string
Asset creation timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.000+0000
Example: 2021-07-15T19:30:29.526Z
bandwidth integer
Connection bandwidth in Mbps.
  • 10
  • 50
  • 200
  • 500
  • 1000
  • 2000
  • 5000
  • 10000
redundancy object
Connection redundancy configuration.
group string
Redundancy group identifier.
Example: 5c0e9384-aa79-4ec9-b7a2-557f8c307292
priority string
Relative priority in a redundancy group.
isRemote boolean
Indicates if both connection endpoints are in the same location.
Example: false
direction string
Direction of the connection (from the requester's point of view).
aSide object
Source port definition.
accessPoint object
Connection endpoint configuration.
type string
Connection endpoint type.
  • COLO - Colocation space in an IBX data center.
  • VD - Network Edge virtual device.
  • CLOUD_ROUTER - Fabric Cloud Router instance.
  • NETWORK - Fabric network that enables creating multipoint connections.
  • METAL_NETWORK - Metal instance.
account object
Customer account information.
accountNumber integer
Equinix-assigned account number.
Example: 270106
orgId integer
Equinix-assigned organization identifier.
Example: 92362
globalOrgId string
Equinix-assigned top-level organization identifier.
Example: 0016u000003JZ62AAG
location object
Port associated with the connection.
region string
Broad geographic area in which a specified Equinix asset is located.
Example: EMEA
metroName string
Metropolitan area name.
Example: Brussels
metroCode string
Metropolitan area identifier.
Example: BL
port object
Port associated with the connection.
href string
An absolute URL that returns the specified port.
uuid string
Equinix-assigned port identifier.
name string
Equinix-assigned port name.
Example: 272010-SV5-CX-Secondary-01
redundancy object
Port redundancy information.
priority string
Relative port priority.
linkProtocol object
Link protocol configuration.
Applicable to COLO and VD type access points.
type string
Link protocol type.
  • DOT1Q
  • QINQ
vlanTag integer
DOT1Q protocol VLAN tag.
Example: 222
vlanSTag integer
QINQ protocol, outer (service) VLAN tag used to identify packets as they traverse trunk lines.
Example: 222
vlanCTag integer
QINQ protocol, inner (customer) VLAN tag used to identify packets as they traverse trunk lines.
Example: 333
virtualDevice object
Virtual device configuration.
Applicable to VD type access points.
type string
Equinix-assigned virtual device identifier.
  • EDGE
uuid string
Virtual device instance identifier.
interface object
Interface configuration.
Applicable to VD type access points.
type string
Virtual device network interface type.
id integer
Virtual device network interface identifier.
Example: 544211
router object
Cloud Router associated with the connection.
href string
Absolute URL that returns the specified entity.
uuid string
Fabric Cloud Router identifier.
Example: bb818900-d4b4-445a-85a2-cecd88061662
name string
Fabric Cloud Router name.
Example: E2E-API-FG
serviceToken object
Service token specification.
Applicable to connections that use A-side service tokens.
uuid string
Service token identifier.
Example: e05f4f23-d098-4d7c-a9ca-c2897b465107
zSide object
Destination port definition.
accessPoint object
Connection endpoint configuration.
type string
Connection endpoint type.
  • COLO - Colocation space in an IBX data center.
  • SP - Service profile.
  • VD - Network Edge virtual device.
  • NETWORK - Fabric network that enables creating multipoint connections.
  • METAL_NETWORK - Metal instance.
account object
Customer account information.
accountNumber integer
Equinix-assigned account number.
Example: 270106
orgId string
Equinix-assigned organization identifier.
Example: 92362
globalOrgId string
Equinix-assigned top-level organization identifier.
Example: 0016u000003JZ62AAG
location object
Port associated with the connection.
region string
Broad geographic area in which a specified Equinix asset is located.
Example: EMEA
metroName string
Metropolitan area name.
Example: Brussels
metroCode string
Metropolitan area identifier.
Example: BL
port object
Port associated with the connection.
href string
An absolute URL that returns the specified port.
uuid string
Equinix-assigned port identifier.
name string
Equinix-assigned port name.
Example: 272010-SV5-CX-Secondary-01
redundancy object
Port redundancy information.
priority string
Relative port priority.
linkProtocol object
Link protocol configuration.
Applicable to COLO and VD type access points.
type string
Link protocol type.
  • DOT1Q
  • QINQ
vlanTag integer
DOT1Q protocol VLAN tag.
Example: 222
vlanTagMin integer
DOT1Q protocol VLAN tag range lowest value. Applicable to connections originating from Network Edge devices. Required if vlanTag isn't specified.
Example: 222
vlanTagMax integer
DOT1Q protocol VLAN tag range highest value. Applicable to connections originating from Network Edge devices. Required if vlanTag isn't specified.
Example: 333
vlanSTag integer
QINQ protocol, outer (service) VLAN tag used to identify packets as they traverse trunk lines.
Example: 222
vlanCTag integer
QINQ protocol, inner (customer) VLAN tag used to identify packets as they traverse trunk lines.
Example: 222
vlanCTagMin integer
QINQ protocol lowest customer VLAN tag value. Applicable to connections originating from Network Edge devices. Required if vlanCTag isn't specified.
Example: 222
vlanCTagMax integer
QINQ protocol highest customer VLAN tag value. Applicable to connections originating from Network Edge devices. Required if vlanCTag isn't specified.
Example: 333
profile object
A named provider service and its network connectivity requirements.
Applicable to SP type access points.

Use the Retrieve Service Profiles API request to search for service profiles and determine their identifiers and available locations.
type string
Service profile type.
Example: L2_PROFILE
uuid string
Service profile identifier.
Example: 22d4e853-ef33-4ff0-b5b2-a2b1d5dfa50c
location object
Connection endpoint location information.
Applicable to SP type access points.
region string
Broad geographic area in which a specified Equinix asset is located.
Example: EMEA
metroName string
Metropolitan area name.
Example: Brussels
metroCode string
Metropolitan area identifier.
Example: BL
network object
Fabric network instance information. Applicable to NETWORK type access points.
uuid string
Equinix-assigned Fabric network instance identifier.
Example: 20d32a80-0d61-4333-bc03-707b591ae2f4
name string
Network name.
Example: EPLAN-GLOBAL-1017a
type string
Network type.
Example: EPLAN
scope string
Network geographic scope.
Example: GLOBAL
serviceToken object
Service token specification.
Applicable to connections that use Z-side service tokens.
uuid string
Service token identifier.
Example: e05f4f23-d098-4d7c-a9ca-c2897b465107

If you get an “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for Equinix Fabric Portal access.

Update Connection

 PATCH /fabric/v4/connections/{uuid}
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/connections/{uuid}
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Path Parametersuuid
Query ParametersNot applicable
Body Parametersop, path, value

This API enables modifying connection parameters.


For instructions on how to obtain an authorization token, refer to Requesting Access and Refresh Tokens.

Sample curl request - update connection name

curl -X
PATCH 'https: //'
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-d '[
"op": "replace",
"path": "/name",
"value": "Conn-Name-2"

Sample curl request - update connection bandwidth

curl -X
PATCH 'https: //'
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-d '[
"op": "replace",
"path": "/bandwidth",
"value": 1000

Sample curl request - update A-side port

curl -X
PATCH 'https: //'
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-d '[
"op": "replace",
"path": "/aSide/accessPoint/port/uuid",
"value": "c791f8cb-599a-99a0-8ce0-306a5c00a4ee"

Sample curl request - update notifications recipients

curl -X
PATCH 'https: //'
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-d '[
"op": "replace",
"path": "/notifications",
"value": [
"type": "ALL",
"emails": [

Sample curl request - update A-side Virtual Device

curl -X
PATCH 'https: //'
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-d '[
"op": "replace",
"path": "/aSide/accessPoint",
"value": {
"virtualDevice": {
"type": "EDGE",
"uuid": "20d32a80-0d61-4333-bc03-707b591ae2f4"
"interface": {
"type": "NETWORK",
"id": 5

Path parameters

uuid string
Equinix-assigned connection identifier.

Body parameters

op string
Update reqest type.
Applicable values:
  • replace
path string
Parameter path.
Applicable values:
  • /name
  • /bandwidth
  • /aSide/accessPoint/port/uuid
  • /notifications
value string
New parameter value.
value string
Connection name.
Applicable values:
  • Maximum: 24 characters
  • Allowed characters: alpha-numeric, hyphens ('-') and underscores ('_')
Example: Conn-Name-2
value integer
Connection bandwidth in Mbps.
Applicable values:
  • 10
  • 50
  • 200
  • 500
  • 1000
  • 2000
  • 5000
  • 10000
value string
Equinix-assigned port identifier.
Use the Get All Ports API request to retrieve available ports information.
Example: c791f8cb-599a-99a0-8ce0-306a5c00a4ee
value array[object]
List of up to 12 recipients.
    "type": "ALL",
    "emails": [
value object[object]
Id of the Virtual Device and the interface Id.
  "virtualDevice": {
    "type": "EDGE",
    "uuid": "20d32a80-0d61-4333-bc03-707b591ae2f4"
  "interface": {
    "type": "NETWORK",
    "id": 5

If you get an “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for Equinix Fabric Portal access.

Sample response - update connection bandwidth

"href": "",
"type": "EVPL_VC",
"uuid": "3a58dd05-f46d-4b1d-a154-2e85c396ea62",
"name": "Conn-Name-2",
"state": "PROVISIONED",
"change": {
"uuid": "af90d2b5-c7f9-4183-b050-637b7a9e3bf7",
"status": "COMPLETED",
"createdDateTime": "2022-11-30T08:37:14.536Z",
"updatedDateTime": "2022-11-30T08:41:21.539960Z",
"data": {
"op": "replace",
"path": "/bandwidth",
"value": "1000"
"order": {
"purchaseOrderNumber": "1-129105284100",
"billingTier": "Up to 1 Gbps"
"bandwidth": 1000,
"redundancy": {
"group": "m167f685-41b0-1b07-6de0-320a5c00abeu",
"priority": "PRIMARY"
"aSide": {
"accessPoint": {
"type": "COLO",
"port": {
"href": "",
"type": "XF_PORT",
"uuid": "a867f685-41b0-1b07-6de0-320a5c00abdd"
"linkProtocol": {
"type": "DOT1Q",
"vlanTag": 1001
"zSide": {
"accessPoint": {
"type": "SP",
"profile": {
"href": "",
"type": "L2_Profile",
"uuid": "20d32a80-0d61-4333-bc03-707b591ae2f4"
"location": {
"href": "",
"metrocode": "SV",
"region": "AMER"
"notifications": [
"type": "ALL",
"emails": [
"operation": {
"equinixStatus": "PROVISIONED",
"providerStatus": "PROVISIONED"
"changeLog": {
"createdDateTime": "2021-07-15T19:30:29.526Z",
"updatedDateTime": "2021-08-15T19:30:29.526Z"

Response payload body description

type string
Connection type.
  • EVPL_VC - Ethernet virtual private line connection type used for tagged layer 2 connections.
  • EPL_VC - Ethernet private line connection type used for untagged layer 2 connections.
  • ACCESS_EPL_VC - E-access, layer 2 connection between a QINQ port and an EPL port.
  • IP_VC - Layer 2 connection between a Fabric Cloud Router instance and a port.
  • EVPLAN_VC - Ethernet virtual private local area network connection for DOT1Q ports or virtual devices.
href string
An absolute URL that returns the specified connection.
uuid string
Equinix-assigned connection identifier.
Example: 3a58dd05-f46d-4b1d-a154-2e85c396ea62
name string
Connection name.
Example: my_connection
state string
Lifecycle stage of a connection.
change object
Specifics of the connections change.
uuid string
Equinix-assigned change request identifier.
Example: af90d2b5-c7f9-4183-b050-637b7a9e3bf7
type string
Change request type.
status string
Change request processing status.
createdDateTime string
Change request creation timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.000+0000
Example: 2021-07-15T19:30:29.526Z
updatedDateTime string
Change request update timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.000+0000
Example: 2021-07-15T19:30:29.526Z
data object
Change request details.
op string
Update reqest type.
Example: replace
path string
Parameter path.
Example: /bandwidth
value string/integer
New parameter value.
Example: 1000
operation object
Connection type-specific operational data.
equinixStatus string
Progress towards provisioning a specified connection.
providerStatus string
Provider's progress towards provisioning a specified connection.
op string
Update reqest type.
Example: replace
path string
Parameter path.
Example: /aSide/accessPoint/port/uuid
value string
Parameter value.
Example: c791f8cb-58f9-8f90-8ce0-306a5c00a4ee
order object
Order details.
purchaseOrderNumber string
Subscriber's purchase order identifier.
Example: 1-129105284100
billingTier string
Billing tier for connection bandwidth.
Example: Up to 1 Gbps
notifications array[object]
Notification settings for messages related to the asset configuration or its status.
type string
Notification messages category.
  • ALL
emails array[string]
Email addresses of up to 12 recipients.
Example: ["",""]
account object
Customer account information.
accountNumber integer
Equinix-assigned account number.
Example: 270106
orgId integer
Equinix-assigned organization identifier.
Example: 92362
globalOrgId string
Equinix-assigned top-level organization identifier.
Example: 0016u000003JZ62AAG
changeLog object
A permanent record of asset creation, modification, or deletion.
createdBy string
Identity of the asset creator.
Example: AverageJoe
createdDateTime string
Asset creation timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.000+0000
Example: 2021-07-15T19:30:29.526Z
bandwidth integer
Connection bandwidth in Mbps.
  • 10
  • 50
  • 200
  • 500
  • 1000
  • 2000
  • 5000
  • 10000
redundancy object
Connection redundancy configuration.
group string
Redundancy group identifier.
Example: 5c0e9384-aa79-4ec9-b7a2-557f8c307292
priority string
Relative priority in a redundancy group.
isRemote boolean
Indicates if both connection endpoints are in the same location.
Example: false
direction string
Direction of the connection (from the requester's point of view).
aSide object
Source port definition.
accessPoint object
Connection endpoint configuration.
type string
Connection endpoint type.
  • COLO - Colocation space in an IBX data center.
  • VD - Network Edge virtual device.
  • CLOUD_ROUTER - Fabric Cloud Router instance.
  • NETWORK - Fabric network that enables creating multipoint connections.
  • METAL_NETWORK - Metal instance.
account object
Customer account information.
accountNumber integer
Equinix-assigned account number.
Example: 270106
orgId integer
Equinix-assigned organization identifier.
Example: 92362
globalOrgId string
Equinix-assigned top-level organization identifier.
Example: 0016u000003JZ62AAG
location object
Port associated with the connection.
region string
Broad geographic area in which a specified Equinix asset is located.
Example: EMEA
metroName string
Metropolitan area name.
Example: Brussels
metroCode string
Metropolitan area identifier.
Example: BL
port object
Port associated with the connection.
href string
An absolute URL that returns the specified port.
uuid string
Equinix-assigned port identifier.
name string
Equinix-assigned port name.
Example: 272010-SV5-CX-Secondary-01
redundancy object
Port redundancy information.
priority string
Relative port priority.
linkProtocol object
Link protocol configuration.
Applicable to COLO and VD type access points.
type string
Link protocol type.
  • DOT1Q
  • QINQ
vlanTag integer
DOT1Q protocol VLAN tag.
Example: 222
vlanSTag integer
QINQ protocol, outer (service) VLAN tag used to identify packets as they traverse trunk lines.
Example: 222
vlanCTag integer
QINQ protocol, inner (customer) VLAN tag used to identify packets as they traverse trunk lines.
Example: 333
router object
Port associated with the connection.
href string
Absolute URL that returns the specified entity.
uuid string
Fabric Cloud Router identifier.
Example: bb818900-d4b4-445a-85a2-cecd88061662
name string
Fabric Cloud Router name.
Example: E2E-API-FG
serviceToken object
Service token specification.
Applicable to connections that use A-side service tokens.
uuid string
Service token identifier.
Example: e05f4f23-d098-4d7c-a9ca-c2897b465107
zSide object
Destination port definition.
accessPoint object
Connection endpoint configuration.
type string
Connection endpoint type.
  • COLO - Colocation space in an IBX data center.
  • SP - Service profile.
  • VD - Network Edge virtual device.
  • NETWORK - Fabric network that enables creating multipoint connections.
  • METAL_NETWORK - Metal instance.
account object
Customer account information.
accountNumber integer
Equinix-assigned account number.
Example: 270106
orgId string
Equinix-assigned organization identifier.
Example: 92362
globalOrgId string
Equinix-assigned top-level organization identifier.
Example: 0016u000003JZ62AAG
location object
Port associated with the connection.
region string
Broad geographic area in which a specified Equinix asset is located.
Example: EMEA
metroName string
Metropolitan area name.
Example: Brussels
metroCode string
Metropolitan area identifier.
Example: BL
port object
Port associated with the connection.
href string
An absolute URL that returns the specified port.
uuid string
Equinix-assigned port identifier.
name string
Equinix-assigned port name.
Example: 272010-SV5-CX-Secondary-01
redundancy object
Port redundancy information.
priority string
Relative port priority.
linkProtocol object
Link protocol configuration.
Applicable to COLO and VD type access points.
type string
Link protocol type.
  • DOT1Q
  • QINQ
vlanTag integer
DOT1Q protocol VLAN tag.
Example: 222
vlanTagMin integer
DOT1Q protocol VLAN tag range lowest value. Applicable to connections originating from Network Edge devices. Required if vlanTag isn't specified.
Example: 222
vlanTagMax integer
DOT1Q protocol VLAN tag range highest value. Applicable to connections originating from Network Edge devices. Required if vlanTag isn't specified.
Example: 333
vlanSTag integer
QINQ protocol, outer (service) VLAN tag used to identify packets as they traverse trunk lines.
Example: 222
vlanCTag integer
QINQ protocol, inner (customer) VLAN tag used to identify packets as they traverse trunk lines.
Example: 222
vlanCTagMin integer
QINQ protocol lowest customer VLAN tag value. Applicable to connections originating from Network Edge devices. Required if vlanCTag isn't specified.
Example: 222
vlanCTagMax integer
QINQ protocol highest customer VLAN tag value. Applicable to connections originating from Network Edge devices. Required if vlanCTag isn't specified.
Example: 333
profile object
A named provider service and its network connectivity requirements.
Applicable to SP type access points.

Use the Retrieve Service Profiles API request to search for service profiles and determine their identifiers and available locations.
type string
Service profile type.
Example: L2_PROFILE
uuid string
Service profile identifier.
Example: 22d4e853-ef33-4ff0-b5b2-a2b1d5dfa50c
location object
Connection endpoint location information.
Applicable to SP type access points.
region string
Broad geographic area in which a specified Equinix asset is located.
Example: EMEA
metroName string
Metropolitan area name.
Example: Brussels
metroCode string
Metropolitan area identifier.
Example: BL
network object
Fabric network instance information. Applicable to NETWORK type access points.
uuid string
Equinix-assigned Fabric network instance identifier.
Example: 20d32a80-0d61-4333-bc03-707b591ae2f4
name string
Network name.
Example: EPLAN-GLOBAL-1017a
type string
Network type.
Example: EPLAN
scope string
Network geographic scope.
Example: GLOBAL
serviceToken object
Service token specification.
Applicable to connections that use Z-side service tokens.
uuid string
Service token identifier.
Example: e05f4f23-d098-4d7c-a9ca-c2897b465107

Manage Connection

 POST /fabric/v4/connections/{uuid}/actions
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/connections/{uuid}/actions
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Path Parametersuuid
Query ParametersNot applicable
Body Parameterstype, data, description

This API enables:

  • Approving connections
  • Rejecting connections
  • Approving connection bandwidth change
  • Rejecting connection bandwidth change
  • Accepting connection deletion
  • Triggering BGP synchronization (applicable to Microsoft Azure connections)
  • Fetching latest bandwidth from provider

For instructions on how to obtain an authorization token, refer to Requesting Access and Refresh Tokens.

Sample curl request - approve connection

curl -X
POST 'https: //'
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-d '{
"data": {
"zSide": {
"accessPoint": {
"type": "COLO",
"port": {
"uuid": "20d32a80-0d61-4333-bc03-707b591ae2f4"
"linkProtocol": {
"type": "QINQ",
"vlanSTag": 1002,
"vlanCTag": 1001

Sample curl request - reject connection

curl -X
POST 'https: //'
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-d '{
"description": "Invalid connection update request"

Sample curl request - approve connection bandwidth update

curl -X
POST 'https: //'
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-d '{

Sample curl request - reject connection bandwidth update

curl -X
POST 'https: //'
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-d '{
"description": "Invalid connection update request"

Sample curl request - accept connection deletion

curl -X
POST 'https: //'
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-d '{

Sample curl request - trigger Microsoft Azure connection BGP synchronization

curl -X
POST 'https: //'
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-d '{

Sample curl request - fetching latest bandwidth from provider

curl -X
POST 'https: //'
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-d '{

Path parameters

uuid string
Equinix-assigned connection identifier.

Body parameters

type string
Connection management action.
Applicable values:
  • CONNECTION_CREATION_ACCEPTANCE - Approve pending connection.
  • CONNECTION_CREATION_REJECTION - Reject pending connection.
  • CONNECTION_UPDATE_ACCEPTANCE - Approve bandwidth update.
  • CONNECTION_UPDATE_REJECTION - Reject bandwidth update.
  • CONNECTION_DELETION_ACCEPTANCE - Accept connection deletion.
  • CONNECTION_PROVIDER_STATUS_REQUEST - Send BGP synchronization request.
  • CONNECTION_PROVIDER_BANDWIDTH_REQUEST - fetch the latest bandwidth from provider.
Note that the action type determines the list of applicable body parameters.
description object
Rejection reason.
Applicable to CONNECTION_UPDATE_REJECTION action type.
Example: Invalid connection update request.
data string
Additional data related to the connection action type.
zSide object
Z-side (provider) connection configuration.
accessPoint object
Connection endpoint configuration.
type string
Connection endpoint type.
Applicable values:
  • COLO - Colocation space in an IBX data center.
port object
Port associated with the connection.
uuid string
Equinix-assigned port identifier.
Example: 20d32a80-0d61-4333-bc03-707b591ae2f4
linkProtocol object
Link protocol configuration.
type string
Link protocol type.
Applicable values:
  • DOT1Q
  • QINQ
vlanTag integer
DOT1Q protocol VLAN tag.
Applicable values:
  • Minimum: 2
  • Maximum: 4094
vlanSTag integer
QINQ protocol outer (service) VLAN tag used to identify packets as they traverse trunk lines.
Applicable values:
  • Minimum: 2
  • Maximum: 4094
vlanCTag integer
QINQ protocol inner (customer) VLAN tag used to identify packets as they traverse trunk lines.
Applicable values:
  • Minimum: 2
  • Maximum: 4094

If you get an “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for Equinix Fabric Portal access.

Sample response - approve connection

"href": "",
"type": "EVPL_VC",
"uuid": "3a58dd05-f46d-4b1d-a154-2e85c396ea62",
"name": "Conn-Name-2",
"state": "PROVISIONED",
"order": {
"purchaseOrderNumber": "1-129105284100",
"billingTier": "Up to 1 Gbps"
"bandwidth": 1000,
"change": {
"uuid": "da6a1a0b-0872-4c06-b9d7-5c8ee3056775",
"status": "APPROVED",
"createdDateTime": "2021-12-12T06:00:01.183Z",
"redundancy": {
"group": "m167f685-41b0-1b07-6de0-320a5c00abeu",
"priority": "PRIMARY"
"aSide": {
"accessPoint": {
"type": "COLO",
"port": {
"href": "",
"type": "XF_PORT",
"uuid": "a867f685-41b0-1b07-6de0-320a5c00abdd"
"linkProtocol": {
"type": "DOT1Q",
"vlanTag": 1001
"zSide": {
"accessPoint": {
"type": "SP",
"profile": {
"href": "",
"type": "L2_Profile",
"uuid": "20d32a80-0d61-4333-bc03-707b591ae2f4"
"location": {
"href": "",
"metrocode": "SV",
"region": "AMER"
"port": {
"href": "",
"uuid": "c791f8cb-5ae1-ae10-8ce0-306a5c00a4ee",
"name": "testBuyer-FR4-L-Dot1q-STD-PRI-10G-JN-489"
"linkProtocol": {
"type": "DOT1Q",
"vlanTag": 837
"notifications": [
"type": "ALL",
"emails": [
"operation": {
"equinixStatus": "PROVISIONED",
"providerStatus": "PROVISIONED"
"changeLog": {
"createdDateTime": "2021-07-15T19:30:29.526Z",
"updatedDateTime": "2021-08-15T19:30:29.526Z",

Response payload body description

href string
An absolute URL that returns the specified connection.
type string
Connection type.
  • EVPL_VC - Ethernet virtual private line connection type used for tagged layer 2 connections.
  • EPL_VC - Ethernet private line connection type used for untagged layer 2 connections.
  • ACCESS_EPL_VC - E-access, layer 2 connection between a QINQ port and an EPL port.
  • IP_VC - Layer 2 connection between a Fabric Cloud Router instance and a port.
  • EVPLAN_VC - Ethernet virtual private local area network connection for DOT1Q ports or virtual devices.
uuid string
Equinix-assigned connection identifier.
Example: 3a58dd05-f46d-4b1d-a154-2e85c396ea62
name string
Connection name.
Example: my_connection
state string
Lifecycle stage of a connection.
order object
Order details.
purchaseOrderNumber string
Subscriber's purchase order identifier.
Example: 1-129105284100
billingTier string
Billing tier for connection bandwidth.
Example: Up to 1 Gbps
bandwidth integer
Connection bandwidth in Mbps.
  • 10
  • 50
  • 200
  • 500
  • 1000
  • 2000
  • 5000
  • 10000
change object
Connection update details.
uuid string
Connection change identifier.
Example: da6a1a0b-0872-4c06-b9d7-5c8ee3056775
type string
Connection change action.
status string
Connection change status.
createdDateTime string
Connection change creation timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format:
Example: 2021-07-15T19:30:29.526Z
redundancy object
Connection redundancy configuration.
group string
Redundancy group identifier.
Example: 5c0e9384-aa79-4ec9-b7a2-557f8c307292
priority string
Relative priority in a redundancy group.
operation object
Connection type-specific operational data.
equinixStatus string
Progress towards provisioning a specified connection.
providerStatus string
Provider's progress towards provisioning a specified connection.
notifications array[object]
Notification settings for messages related to the asset configuration or its status.
type string
Notification messages category.
  • ALL
emails array[string]
Email addresses of up to 12 recipients.
Example: ["",""]
account object
Customer account information.
accountNumber integer
Equinix-assigned account number.
Example: 270106
orgId integer
Equinix-assigned organization identifier.
Example: 92362
globalOrgId string
Equinix-assigned top-level organization identifier.
Example: 0016u000003JZ62AAG
changeLog object
A permanent record of asset creation, modification, or deletion.
createdBy string
Identity of the asset creator.
Example: AverageJoe
createdDateTime string
Asset creation timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.000+0000
Example: 2021-07-15T19:30:29.526Z
updatedBy string
Identity of the person who updated the asset.
Example: AverageJoe
updatedDateTime string
Asset update request timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.000+0000
Example: 2021-07-15T19:30:29.526Z
bandwidth integer
Connection bandwidth in Mbps.
  • 10
  • 50
  • 200
  • 500
  • 1000
  • 2000
  • 5000
  • 10000
isRemote boolean
Indicates if both connection endpoints are in the same location.
Example: false
direction string
Direction of the connection (from the requester's point of view).
aSide object
Source port definition.
accessPoint object
Connection endpoint configuration.
type string
Connection endpoint type.
  • COLO - Colocation space in an IBX data center.
  • VD - Network Edge virtual device.
  • CLOUD_ROUTER - Fabric Cloud Router instance.
  • NETWORK - Fabric network that enables creating multipoint connections.
  • METAL_NETWORK - Metal instance.
account object
Customer account information.
accountNumber integer
Equinix-assigned account number.
Example: 270106
orgId integer
Equinix-assigned organization identifier.
Example: 92362
globalOrgId string
Equinix-assigned top-level organization identifier.
Example: 0016u000003JZ62AAG
location object
Port associated with the connection.
region string
Broad geographic area in which a specified Equinix asset is located.
Example: EMEA
metroName string
Metropolitan area name.
Example: Brussels
metroCode string
Metropolitan area identifier.
Example: BL
port object
Port associated with the connection.
href string
An absolute URL that returns the specified port.
uuid string
Equinix-assigned port identifier.
name string
Equinix-assigned port name.
Example: 272010-SV5-CX-Secondary-01
redundancy object
Port redundancy information.
priority string
Relative port priority.
linkProtocol object
Link protocol configuration.
Applicable to COLO and VD type access points.
type string
Link protocol type.
  • DOT1Q
  • QINQ
vlanTag integer
DOT1Q protocol VLAN tag.
Example: 222
vlanSTag integer
QINQ protocol, outer (service) VLAN tag used to identify packets as they traverse trunk lines.
Example: 222
vlanCTag integer
QINQ protocol, inner (customer) VLAN tag used to identify packets as they traverse trunk lines.
Example: 333
virtualDevice object
Virtual device configuration.
Applicable to VD type access points.
type string
Equinix-assigned virtual device identifier.
  • EDGE
uuid string
Virtual device instance identifier.
interface object
Interface configuration.
Applicable to VD type access points.
type string
Virtual device network interface type.
id integer
Virtual device network interface identifier.
Example: 544211
router object
Port associated with the connection.
href string
Absolute URL that returns the specified entity.
uuid string
Fabric Cloud Router identifier.
Example: bb818900-d4b4-445a-85a2-cecd88061662
name string
Fabric Cloud Router name.
Example: E2E-API-FG
serviceToken object
Service token specification.
Applicable to connections that use A-side service tokens.
uuid string
Service token identifier.
Example: e05f4f23-d098-4d7c-a9ca-c2897b465107
zSide object
Destination port definition.
accessPoint object
Connection endpoint configuration.
type string
Connection endpoint type.
  • COLO - Colocation space in an IBX data center.
  • SP - Service profile.
  • VD - Network Edge virtual device.
  • NETWORK - Fabric network that enables creating multipoint connections.
  • METAL_NETWORK - Metal instance.
account object
Customer account information.
accountNumber integer
Equinix-assigned account number.
Example: 270106
orgId string
Equinix-assigned organization identifier.
Example: 92362
globalOrgId string
Equinix-assigned top-level organization identifier.
Example: 0016u000003JZ62AAG
location object
Port associated with the connection.
region string
Broad geographic area in which a specified Equinix asset is located.
Example: EMEA
metroName string
Metropolitan area name.
Example: Brussels
metroCode string
Metropolitan area identifier.
Example: BL
port object
Port associated with the connection.
href string
An absolute URL that returns the specified port.
uuid string
Equinix-assigned port identifier.
name string
Equinix-assigned port name.
Example: 272010-SV5-CX-Secondary-01
redundancy object
Port redundancy information.
priority string
Relative port priority.
linkProtocol object
Link protocol configuration.
Applicable to COLO and VD type access points.
type string
Link protocol type.
  • DOT1Q
  • QINQ
vlanTag integer
DOT1Q protocol VLAN tag.
Example: 222
vlanTagMin integer
DOT1Q protocol VLAN tag range lowest value. Applicable to connections originating from Network Edge devices. Required if vlanTag isn't specified.
Example: 222
vlanTagMax integer
DOT1Q protocol VLAN tag range highest value. Applicable to connections originating from Network Edge devices. Required if vlanTag isn't specified.
Example: 333
vlanSTag integer
QINQ protocol, outer (service) VLAN tag used to identify packets as they traverse trunk lines.
Example: 222
vlanCTag integer
QINQ protocol, inner (customer) VLAN tag used to identify packets as they traverse trunk lines.
Example: 222
vlanCTagMin integer
QINQ protocol lowest customer VLAN tag value. Applicable to connections originating from Network Edge devices. Required if vlanCTag isn't specified.
Example: 222
vlanCTagMax integer
QINQ protocol highest customer VLAN tag value. Applicable to connections originating from Network Edge devices. Required if vlanCTag isn't specified.
Example: 333
profile object
A named provider service and its network connectivity requirements.
Applicable to SP type access points.

Use the Retrieve Service Profiles API request to search for service profiles and determine their identifiers and available locations.
type string
Service profile type.
Example: L2_PROFILE
uuid string
Service profile identifier.
Example: 22d4e853-ef33-4ff0-b5b2-a2b1d5dfa50c
location object
Connection endpoint location information.
Applicable to SP type access points.
region string
Broad geographic area in which a specified Equinix asset is located.
Example: EMEA
metroName string
Metropolitan area name.
Example: Brussels
metroCode string
Metropolitan area identifier.
Example: BL
network object
Fabric network instance information. Applicable to NETWORK type access points.
uuid string
Equinix-assigned Fabric network instance identifier.
Example: 20d32a80-0d61-4333-bc03-707b591ae2f4
name string
Network name.
Example: EPLAN-GLOBAL-1017a
type string
Network type.
Example: EPLAN
scope string
Network geographic scope.
Example: GLOBAL
serviceToken object
Service token specification.
Applicable to connections that use Z-side service tokens.
uuid string
Service token identifier.
Example: e05f4f23-d098-4d7c-a9ca-c2897b465107

Sample response - fetching the latest bandwidth from provider

"data": {
"providerBandwidth": 500
"changeLog": {
"createdDateTime": "2024-07-10T21:58:51.581Z",
"updatedDateTime": "2024-07-10T21:58:51.581Z"

Response payload body description - fetching the latest bandwidth from provider

type string
Connection change action.
data object
Object with result set.
providerBandwidth integer
Bandwidth configured on the provider token. This may be different from (usually equal or greater than) the bandwidth utilized on the connection.
Example: 2GB
changeLog object
A permanent record of asset creation, modification, or deletion.
createdBy string
Identity of the asset creator.
Example: AverageJoe
createdDateTime string
Asset creation timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.000+0000
Example: 2021-07-15T19:30:29.526Z

Delete Connection

 DELETE /fabric/v4/connections/{uuid}
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/connections/{uuid}
Path Parametersuuid
Query ParametersNot applicable
Body ParametersNot applicable

This API request deletes a specified connection.


For instructions on how to obtain an authorization token, refer to Requesting Access and Refresh Tokens.

Sample curl request

curl -X
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI

Path parameters

uuid string
Equinix-assigned connection identifier.

If you get an “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for Equinix Fabric Portal access.

Sample response

"href": "",
"type": "EVPL_VC",
"uuid": "3a58dd05-f46d-4b1d-a154-2e85c396ea62",
"name": "Conn-1",
"order": {
"purchaseOrderNumber": "1-129105284100",
"billingTier": "Up to 1 Gbps"
"bandwidth": 1000,
"redundancy": {
"group": "m167f685-41b0-1b07-6de0-320a5c00abeu",
"priority": "PRIMARY"
"aSide": {
"accessPoint": {
"type": "COLO",
"port": {
"href": "",
"type": "XF_PORT",
"uuid": "a867f685-41b0-1b07-6de0-320a5c00abdd"
"linkProtocol": {
"type": "DOT1Q",
"vlanTag": 1001
"zSide": {
"accessPoint": {
"type": "SP",
"profile": {
"href": "",
"type": "L2_Profile",
"uuid": "20d32a80-0d61-4333-bc03-707b591ae2f4"
"location": {
"href": "",
"metrocode": "SV",
"region": "AMER"
"notifications": [
"type": "ALL",
"emails": [
"operation": {
"equinixStatus": "DEPROVISIONING",
"providerStatus": "DEPROVISIONING"
"changeLog": {
"createdDateTime": "2021-07-15T19:30:29.526Z",
"deletedDateTime": "2021-08-15T11:10:19.516Z"

Response payload body description

type string
Connection type.
  • EVPL_VC - Ethernet virtual private line connection type used for tagged layer 2 connections.
  • EPL_VC - Ethernet private line connection type used for untagged layer 2 connections.
  • ACCESS_EPL_VC - E-access, layer 2 connection between a QINQ port and an EPL port.
  • IP_VC - Layer 2 connection between a Fabric Cloud Router instance and a port.
  • EVPLAN_VC - Ethernet virtual private local area network connection for DOT1Q ports or virtual devices.
href string
An absolute URL that returns the specified connection.
uuid string
Equinix-assigned connection identifier.
Example: 3a58dd05-f46d-4b1d-a154-2e85c396ea62
name string
Connection name.
Example: my_connection
state string
Lifecycle stage of a connection.
operation object
Connection type-specific operational data.
equinixStatus string
Progress towards provisioning a specified connection.
providerStatus string
Provider's progress towards provisioning a specified connection.
order object
Order details.
purchaseOrderNumber string
Subscriber's purchase order identifier.
Example: 1-129105284100
billingTier string
Billing tier for connection bandwidth.
Example: Up to 1 Gbps
notifications array[object]
Notification settings for messages related to the asset configuration or its status.
type string
Notification messages category.
  • ALL
emails array[string]
Email addresses of up to 12 recipients.
Example: ["",""]
account object
Customer account information.
accountNumber integer
Equinix-assigned account number.
Example: 270106
orgId integer
Equinix-assigned organization identifier.
Example: 92362
globalOrgId string
Equinix-assigned top-level organization identifier.
Example: 0016u000003JZ62AAG
changeLog object
A permanent record of asset creation, modification, or deletion.
createdBy string
Identity of the asset creator.
Example: AverageJoe
createdDateTime string
Asset creation timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.000+0000
Example: 2021-07-15T19:30:29.526Z
bandwidth integer
Connection bandwidth in Mbps.
  • 10
  • 50
  • 200
  • 500
  • 1000
  • 2000
  • 5000
  • 10000
redundancy object
Connection redundancy configuration.
group string
Redundancy group identifier.
Example: 5c0e9384-aa79-4ec9-b7a2-557f8c307292
priority string
Relative priority in a redundancy group.
isRemote boolean
Indicates if both connection endpoints are in the same location.
Example: false
direction string
Direction of the connection (from the requester's point of view).
aSide object
Source port definition.
accessPoint object
Connection endpoint configuration.
type string
Connection endpoint type.
  • COLO - Colocation space in an IBX data center.
  • VD - Network Edge virtual device.
  • CLOUD_ROUTER - Fabric Cloud Router instance.
  • NETWORK - Fabric network that enables creating multipoint connections.
  • METAL_NETWORK - Metal instance.
account object
Customer account information.
accountNumber integer
Equinix-assigned account number.
Example: 270106
orgId integer
Equinix-assigned organization identifier.
Example: 92362
globalOrgId string
Equinix-assigned top-level organization identifier.
Example: 0016u000003JZ62AAG
location object
Port associated with the connection.
region string
Broad geographic area in which a specified Equinix asset is located.
Example: EMEA
metroName string
Metropolitan area name.
Example: Brussels
metroCode string
Metropolitan area identifier.
Example: BL
port object
Port associated with the connection.
href string
An absolute URL that returns the specified port.
uuid string
Equinix-assigned port identifier.
name string
Equinix-assigned port name.
Example: 272010-SV5-CX-Secondary-01
redundancy object
Port redundancy information.
priority string
Relative port priority.
linkProtocol object
Link protocol configuration.
Applicable to COLO and VD type access points.
type string
Link protocol type.
  • DOT1Q
  • QINQ
vlanTag integer
DOT1Q protocol VLAN tag.
Example: 222
vlanSTag integer
QINQ protocol, outer (service) VLAN tag used to identify packets as they traverse trunk lines.
Example: 222
vlanCTag integer
QINQ protocol, inner (customer) VLAN tag used to identify packets as they traverse trunk lines.
Example: 333
virtualDevice object
Virtual device configuration.
Applicable to VD type access points.
type string
Equinix-assigned virtual device identifier.
  • EDGE
uuid string
Virtual device instance identifier.
interface object
Interface configuration.
Applicable to VD type access points.
type string
Virtual device network interface type.
id integer
Virtual device network interface identifier.
Example: 544211
router object
Port associated with the connection.
href string
Absolute URL that returns the specified entity.
uuid string
Fabric Cloud Router identifier.
Example: bb818900-d4b4-445a-85a2-cecd88061662
name string
Fabric Cloud Router name.
Example: E2E-API-FG
serviceToken object
Service token specification.
Applicable to connections that use A-side service tokens.
uuid string
Service token identifier.
Example: e05f4f23-d098-4d7c-a9ca-c2897b465107
zSide object
Destination port definition.
accessPoint object
Connection endpoint configuration.
type string
Connection endpoint type.
  • COLO - Colocation space in an IBX data center.
  • SP - Service profile.
  • VD - Network Edge virtual device.
  • NETWORK - Fabric network that enables creating multipoint connections.
  • METAL_NETWORK - Metal instance.
account object
Customer account information.
accountNumber integer
Equinix-assigned account number.
Example: 270106
orgId string
Equinix-assigned organization identifier.
Example: 92362
globalOrgId string
Equinix-assigned top-level organization identifier.
Example: 0016u000003JZ62AAG
location object
Port associated with the connection.
region string
Broad geographic area in which a specified Equinix asset is located.
Example: EMEA
metroName string
Metropolitan area name.
Example: Brussels
metroCode string
Metropolitan area identifier.
Example: BL
port object
Port associated with the connection.
href string
An absolute URL that returns the specified port.
uuid string
Equinix-assigned port identifier.
name string
Equinix-assigned port name.
Example: 272010-SV5-CX-Secondary-01
redundancy object
Port redundancy information.
priority string
Relative port priority.
linkProtocol object
Link protocol configuration.
Applicable to COLO and VD type access points.
type string
Link protocol type.
  • DOT1Q
  • QINQ
vlanTag integer
DOT1Q protocol VLAN tag.
Example: 222
vlanTagMin integer
DOT1Q protocol VLAN tag range lowest value. Applicable to connections originating from Network Edge devices. Required if vlanTag isn't specified.
Example: 222
vlanTagMax integer
DOT1Q protocol VLAN tag range highest value. Applicable to connections originating from Network Edge devices. Required if vlanTag isn't specified.
Example: 333
vlanSTag integer
QINQ protocol, outer (service) VLAN tag used to identify packets as they traverse trunk lines.
Example: 222
vlanCTag integer
QINQ protocol, inner (customer) VLAN tag used to identify packets as they traverse trunk lines.
Example: 222
vlanCTagMin integer
QINQ protocol lowest customer VLAN tag value. Applicable to connections originating from Network Edge devices. Required if vlanCTag isn't specified.
Example: 222
vlanCTagMax integer
QINQ protocol highest customer VLAN tag value. Applicable to connections originating from Network Edge devices. Required if vlanCTag isn't specified.
Example: 333
profile object
A named provider service and its network connectivity requirements.
Applicable to SP type access points.

Use the Retrieve Service Profiles API request to search for service profiles and determine their identifiers and available locations.
type string
Service profile type.
Example: L2_PROFILE
uuid string
Service profile identifier.
Example: 22d4e853-ef33-4ff0-b5b2-a2b1d5dfa50c
location object
Connection endpoint location information.
Applicable to SP type access points.
region string
Broad geographic area in which a specified Equinix asset is located.
Example: EMEA
metroName string
Metropolitan area name.
Example: Brussels
metroCode string
Metropolitan area identifier.
Example: BL
network object
Fabric network instance information. Applicable to NETWORK type access points.
uuid string
Equinix-assigned Fabric network instance identifier.
Example: 20d32a80-0d61-4333-bc03-707b591ae2f4
name string
Network name.
Example: EPLAN-GLOBAL-1017a
type string
Network type.
Example: EPLAN
scope string
Network geographic scope.
Example: GLOBAL
serviceToken object
Service token specification.
Applicable to connections that use Z-side service tokens.
uuid string
Service token identifier.
Example: e05f4f23-d098-4d7c-a9ca-c2897b465107

Validate Connection Authorization Key

 POST /fabric/v4/connection/validate
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/connection/validate
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Path ParametersNot applicable
Query ParametersNot applicable
Body Parametersfilter

This API request validates the authorization key required for establishing connections to cloud service providers.


For instructions on how to obtain an authorization token, refer to Requesting Access and Refresh Tokens.

Sample curl request

curl -X POST ''
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-d '{
"filter": {
"and": [
"property": "/zSide/accessPoint/authenticationKey",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
"property": "/zSide/accessPoint/profile/uuid",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
"property": "/zSide/accessPoint/sellerRegion",
"operator": "=",
"values": [

Body parameters

filter object
Object containing Z-side access point parameters for validation.
and array[object]
Array of access point parameters.
property string
Access point parameter.
Applicable values:
  • /zSide/accessPoint/authenticationKey
  • /zSide/accessPoint/profile/uuid
  • /zSide/accessPoint/sellerRegion
operator string
Parameter operator.
Applicable values:
  • =
values string
Parameter value.
Example: 3a58dd05-f46d-4b1d-a154-2e85c396ea62
"property": "/zSide/accessPoint/authenticationKey",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
operator string
Search field parameter operator.
Applicable values:
  • =
value array[string]
Connection name.
Example: ["xx-xx-xx"]
"property": "/zSide/accessPoint/profile/uuid",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
operator string
Search field parameter operator.
Applicable values:
  • =
value array[string]
Equinix-assigned service profile identifier.
Example: ["3a58dd05-f46d-4b1d-a154-2e85c396ea62"]
"property": "/zSide/accessPoint/sellerRegion",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
operator string
Search field parameter operator.
Applicable values:
  • =
value array[string]
Service provider region.
Not applicable to connections to Microsoft Azure.
Example: ["us-west1"]

Sample response - validate connection to Microsoft Azure

"additionalInfo": [
"key": "message",
"value": "Authorization key provided is valid"
"data": [
"bandwidth": 500,
"redundancy": {
"priority": "PRIMARY"
"zSide": {
"accessPoint": {
"type": "COLO",
"port": {
"type": "XF_PORT",
"linkProtocol": {
"type": "QINQ",
"vlanSTag": 1003
"bandwidth": 500,
"redundancy": {
"priority": "SECONDARY"
"zSide": {
"accessPoint": {
"type": "COLO",
"port": {
"type": "XF_PORT",
"name": "SIN-TEST-EQIX-06GMR-CIS-1-PRI-2"
"linkProtocol": {
"type": "QINQ",
"vlanSTag": 1003

Response payload body description

additionalInfo array[object]
An array of key-value pair objects containing additional information.
key string
Additional information key parameter.
Example: message
value string
Validation result message.
Example: Authorization key provided is valid
data array[object]
Data array containing connection properties.
bandwidth integer
Connection bandwidth in Mbps.
Example: 500
redundancy object
Connection redundancy configuration.
priority string
Relative priority in a redundancy group.
Example: PRIMARY
zSide object
Destination port definition.
accessPoint object
Connection endpoint configuration.
type string
Connection endpoint type.
Example: COLO - Colocation space in an IBX data center.
port object
Port associated with the connection.
name string
Equinix-assigned port name.
Example: 272010-SV5-CX-Secondary-01
linkProtocol object
Link protocol configuration.
Applicable to COLO and VD type access points.
type string
Link protocol type.
  • DOT1Q
  • QINQ
vlanTag integer
DOT1Q protocol VLAN tag.
Example: 222
vlanSTag integer
QINQ protocol, outer (service) VLAN tag used to identify packets as they traverse trunk lines.
Example: 222

Fabric Cloud Routers

Create Fabric Cloud Router

 POST /fabric/v4/routers
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/routers
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Path ParametersNot applicable
Query ParametersNot applicable
Body Parameterstype, name, location, package, order, notifications, account, project

This API creates a Fabric Cloud Router instance.

Sample curl request

curl -X
POST 'https: //'
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-d '{
"type": "XF_ROUTER",
"name": "My-Fabric-Cloud-Router",
"location": {
"metroCode": "SV"
"package": {
"code": "LAB"
"order": {
"purchaseOrderNumber": "1-129105284100"
"notifications": [
"type": "ALL",
"emails": [
"account": {
"accountNumber": 272010
"project": {
"projectId": "995072000433550"

Body parameters

type string
Asset instance type.
Example: XF_ROUTER - Fabric Cloud Router.
name string
Fabric Cloud Router instance name.
Example: My-Fabric-Cloud-Router
location object
Fabric Cloud Router location information.
metroCode string
Metropolitan area identifier.
Example: SV
package object
Fabric Cloud Router package determining the number of supported routes and Network Access Control Lists (NACL).
code string
Fabric Cloud Router package code.
Applicable values:
  • LAB - Max Routes IPv4 = 50; Max Routes IPv6 = 50; 10Mbps max per connection ingress/egress bandwidth limit; Max connections per FCR: 10 (Trial package)
  • STANDARD - Max Routes IPv4 = 1000; Max Routes IPv6 = 100
order object
Order details.
purchaseOrderNumber string
Purchase order identifier.
Example: 1-129105284100
notifications object
Notification preferences regarding changes in asset configuration or its status.
type string
Notification preferences for a specified asset.
Applicable values: ALL
emails array[string]
List of recipients.
Minimum: 1
Maximum: 12
Example: [""]
account object
Customer billing account information.
accountNumber integer
Equinix-assigned account number.
Example: 272010
project object
Customer resource hierarchy project information.
Applicable to customers onboarded to Equinix Identity and Access Management. For more information see Identity and Access Management: Projects.
projectId string
Customer project identifier.
Example: 995072000433550

If you get an “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for Equinix Fabric Portal access.

Sample response

"href": "",
"uuid": "201b7346-a9eb-42fe-ae7a-08148c71928d",
"state": "PROVISIONED",
"type": "XF_ROUTER",
"name": "My-Fabric-Cloud-Router",
"location": {
"metroCode": "HH"
"package": {
"code": "LAB"
"order": {
"purchaseOrderNumber": "1-129105284100"
"project": {
"projectId": "12345"
"notifications": [
"type": "ALL",
"emails": [
"account": {
"accountNumber": 123
"bgpIpv4RoutesCount": 0,
"bgpIpv6RoutesCount": 0,
"connectionCount": 0,
"changeLog": {
"createdBy": "",
"createdByFullName": "abc",
"createdByEmail": "",
"createdDateTime": "2021-09-24T06:59:46Z"

Response payload body description

href string
An absolute URL that returns the specified asset.
uuid string
Equinix-assigned asset identifier.
Example: 3a58dd05-f46d-4b1d-a154-2e85c396ea62
state string
Asset lifecycle stage.
  • PENDING - Fabric Cloud Router creation pending.
  • PROVISIONING - Fabric Cloud Router is being provisioned.
  • PROVISIONED - Fabric Cloud Router has been provisioned.
  • LOCKED - Fabric Cloud Router package upgrade has failed. Existing connections associated with this Fabric Cloud Router instance continue to work but you can't make any changes to them or create new ones. For assistance, open a support case with Equinix Service Desk.
  • DEPROVISIONING - Fabric Cloud Router is being deprovisioned.
  • DEPROVISIONED - Fabric Cloud Router has been deprovisioned.
type string
Asset instance type.
Example: XF_ROUTER - Fabric Cloud Router.
name string
Fabric Cloud Router instance name.
Example: My-Fabric-Cloud-Router
location object
Fabric Cloud Router location information.
metroCode string
Metropolitan area identifier.
Example: SV
package object
Fabric Cloud Router package determining the number of supported routes and Network Access Control Lists (NACL).
code string
Fabric Cloud Router package code.
Applicable values:
  • LAB - Max Routes IPv4 = 50; Max Routes IPv6 = 50; 10Mbps max per connection ingress/egress bandwidth limit; Max connections per FCR: 10 (Trial package)
  • STANDARD - Max Routes IPv4 = 1000; Max Routes IPv6 = 100
order object
Order details.
purchaseOrderNumber string
Purchase order identifier.
Example: 1-129105284100
project object
Customer resource hierarchy project information.
Applicable to customers onboarded to Equinix Identity and Access Management. For more information see Identity and Access Management: Projects.
projectId string
Customer project identifier.
Example: 995072000433550
notifications object
Notification preferences regarding changes in asset configuration or its status.
type string
Notification preferences for a specified asset.
Applicable values: ALL
emails array[string]
List of recipients.
Minimum: 1
Maximum: 12
Example: [""]
account object
Customer billing account information.
accountNumber integer
Equinix-assigned account number.
Example: 272010
bgpIpv4RoutesCount integer
Number of IPv4 BGP routes in use.
Example: 0
bgpIpv6RoutesCount integer
Number of IPv6 BGP routes in use.
Example: 0
connectionCount integer
Number of connections associated with this Fabric Cloud Router instance.
Example: 0
changeLog object
A permanent record of asset creation, modification, or deletion.
createdBy string
Identity of the asset creator.
Example: AverageJoe
createdByFullName string
First and last name of the asset creator.
Example: Joe Average
createdByEmail string
Email address of the asset creator.
createdDateTime string
Asset creation timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.000+0000
Example: 2021-07-15T19:30:29.526Z

Get Specified Fabric Cloud Router

 GET /fabric/v4/routers/{uuid}
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/routers/{uuid}
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Path Parametersuuid
Query ParametersNot applicable
Body ParametersNot applicable

This API request retrieves details of a specified Fabric Cloud Router instance.

Sample curl request

curl -X
GET ''
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'

Path parameters

uuid string
Equinix-assigned Fabric Cloud Router identifier.
Example: 3a58dd05-f46d-4b1d-a154-2e85c396ea62

If you get an “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for Equinix Fabric Portal access.

Sample response

"href": "",
"uuid": "201b7346-a9eb-42fe-ae7a-08148c71928d",
"state": "PROVISIONED",
"type": "XF_ROUTER",
"name": "My-Fabric-Cloud-Router",
"location": {
"metroCode": "HH"
"package": {
"code": "LAB"
"order": {
"purchaseOrderNumber": "1-129105284100"
"project": {
"projectId": "12345"
"notifications": [
"type": "ALL",
"emails": [
"account": {
"accountNumber": 123
"bgpIpv4RoutesCount": 0,
"bgpIpv6RoutesCount": 0,
"distinctIpv4PrefixesCount": 4,
"distinctIpv6PrefixesCount": 4,
"connectionCount": 0,
"changeLog": {
"createdBy": "",
"createdByFullName": "abc",
"createdByEmail": "",
"createdDateTime": "2021-09-24T06:59:46Z"

Response payload body description

href string
An absolute URL that returns the specified asset.
uuid string
Equinix-assigned asset identifier.
Example: 3a58dd05-f46d-4b1d-a154-2e85c396ea62
state string
Asset lifecycle stage.
  • PENDING - Fabric Cloud Router creation pending.
  • PROVISIONING - Fabric Cloud Router is being provisioned.
  • PROVISIONED - Fabric Cloud Router has been provisioned.
  • LOCKED - Fabric Cloud Router package upgrade has failed. Existing connections associated with this Fabric Cloud Router instance continue to work but you can't make any changes to them or create new ones. For assistance, open a support case with Equinix Service Desk.
  • DEPROVISIONING - Fabric Cloud Router is being deprovisioned.
  • DEPROVISIONED - Fabric Cloud Router has been deprovisioned.
type string
Asset instance type.
Example: XF_ROUTER - Fabric Cloud Router.
name string
Fabric Cloud Router instance name.
Example: My-Fabric-Cloud-Router
location object
Fabric Cloud Router location information.
metroCode string
Metropolitan area identifier.
Example: SV
package object
Fabric Cloud Router package determining the number of supported routes and Network Access Control Lists (NACL).
code string
Fabric Cloud Router package code.
Applicable values:
  • LAB - Max Routes IPv4 = 50; Max Routes IPv6 = 50; 10Mbps max per connection ingress/egress bandwidth limit; Max connections per FCR: 10 (Trial package)
  • STANDARD - Max Routes IPv4 = 1000; Max Routes IPv6 = 100
order object
Order details.
purchaseOrderNumber string
Purchase order identifier.
Example: 1-129105284100
project object
Customer resource hierarchy project information.
Applicable to customers onboarded to Equinix Identity and Access Management. For more information see Identity and Access Management: Projects.
projectId string
Customer project identifier.
Example: 995072000433550
notifications object
Notification preferences regarding changes in asset configuration or its status.
type string
Notification preferences for a specified asset.
Applicable values: ALL
emails array[string]
List of recipients.
Minimum: 1
Maximum: 12
Example: [""]
account object
Customer billing account information.
accountNumber integer
Equinix-assigned account number.
Example: 272010
bgpIpv4RoutesCount integer
Number of IPv4 BGP routes in use (including non-distinct prefixes).
Example: 0
bgpIpv6RoutesCount integer
Number of IPv6 BGP routes in use (including non-distinct prefixes).
Example: 0
distinctIpv4PrefixesCount integer
Number of distinct IPv4 routes.
Example: 4
distinctIpv6PrefixesCount integer
Number of distinct IPv6 routes.
Example: 4
connectionCount integer
Number of connections associated with this Fabric Cloud Router instance.
Example: 0
changeLog object
A permanent record of asset creation, modification, or deletion.
createdBy string
Identity of the asset creator.
Example: AverageJoe
createdByFullName string
First and last name of the asset creator.
Example: Joe Average
createdByEmail string
Email address of the asset creator.
createdDateTime string
Asset creation timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.000+0000
Example: 2021-07-15T19:30:29.526Z

Update Fabric Cloud Router

 PATCH /fabric/v4/routers/{uuid}
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/routers/{uuid}
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Path Parametersuuid
Query ParametersNot applicable
Body Parametersop, path, value

This API modifies Fabric Cloud Router instance parameters.

Sample curl request

curl -X
PATCH 'https: //'
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-d '[
"op": "replace",
"path": "/name",
"value": "Cloud-Router-2"

Path parameters

uuid string
Equinix-assigned Fabric Cloud Router identifier.
Example: 3a58dd05-f46d-4b1d-a154-2e85c396ea62

Body parameters

op string
Update reqest type.
Applicable values:
  • replace
  • add
  • remove
path string
Parameter path.
Applicable values:
  • /name
  • /package/code
value string
New parameter value.
value string
Fabric Cloud Router instance name.
Example: myUpdatedFabricCloudRouter
value string
Fabric Cloud Router package code that determines the maximum allowed number of routes and ACL rules. Note that when you upgrade a Fabric Cloud Router package, you can only upgrade to a higher package level.
Applicable values:
  • LAB - Max Routes IPv4 = 50; Max Routes IPv6 = 50; 10Mbps max per connection ingress/egress bandwidth limit; Max connections per FCR: 10 (Trial package)
  • STANDARD - Max Routes IPv4 = 1000; Max Routes IPv6 = 100

If you get an “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for Equinix Fabric Portal access.

Sample response

"href": "",
"uuid": "3c9b8e7a2-f3b1-4576-a4a9-1366a63df170",
"state": "PROVISIONED",
"operation": {
"bgpIpv4RoutesUsage": 0,
"bgpIpv6RoutesUsage": 0,
"staticIpv4RoutesUsage": 0,
"staticIpv6RoutesUsage": 0,
"aclsUsage": 0,
"aclRulesUsage": 0,
"connectionCount": 0
"type": "XF_ROUTER",
"name": "Cloud-Router-2",
"location": {
"metroCode": "HH"
"package": {
"code": "LAB"
"order": {
"purchaseOrderNumber": "1-129105284100"
"project": {
"projectId": 123456
"notifications": [
"type": "ALL",
"emails": [
"account": {
"accountNumber": 123
"changelog": {
"createdDateTime": "2021-07-15T19:30:29.526Z",

Response payload body description

ParameterTypeExample valuesDescription
hrefstring absolute URL that returns the specified asset.
uuidstring3a58dd05-f46d-4b1d-a154-2e85c396ea62Equinix-assigned asset identifier.  
statestringPROVISIONEDAsset lifecycle stage.

PENDING - Fabric Cloud Router creation pending.

PROVISIONING - Fabric Cloud Router is being provisioned.

PROVISIONED - Fabric Cloud Router has been provisioned.

LOCKED - Fabric Cloud Router package upgrade has failed. Existing connections associated with this Fabric Cloud Router instance continue to work but you can't make any changes to them or create new ones. For assistance, open a support case with Equinix Service Desk.

DEPROVISIONING - Fabric Cloud Router is being deprovisioned.

DEPROVISIONED - Fabric Cloud Router has been deprovisioned.
operationobject-Operational status information.
typestringXF_ROUTERAsset instance type.

XF_ROUTER - Fabric Cloud Router.  
namestringCloud-Router-2Fabric Cloud Router instance name.
locationobject-Fabric Cloud Router location information.
packageobject-Fabric Cloud Router package determining the number of supported routes and Access Control Lists (ACL).
orderobject-Order details.
projectobject-Project data in customer resource hierarchy.
notificationsarray[object]-Subscriber preferences for notification of changes in asset configuration or status.
accountobject-Customer billing account data.
changeLogobject-A permanent record of asset creation, modification, or deletion.
bgpIpv4RoutesUsageinteger0Number of IPv4 BGP routes in use.
bgpIpv6RoutesUsageinteger0Number of IPv6 BGP routes in use.
staticIpv4RoutesUsageinteger0Number of IPv4 static routes in use.
staticIpv6RoutesUsageinteger0Number of IPv6 static routes in use.
aclsUsageinteger0Number of Access Control Lists (ACL) in use.
aclRulesUsageinteger0Number of ACL rules in use.
connectionCountinteger0Total number of connections to the given Fabric Cloud Router instance.
metroCodestringHHMetropolitan area identifier.
codestringLABFabric Cloud Router package code.

LAB - Max Routes IPv4 = 50; Max Routes IPv6 = 50; 10Mbps max per connection ingress/egress bandwidth limit; Max connections per FCR: 10 (Trial package)

STANDARD - Max Routes IPv4 = 1000; Max Routes IPv6 = 100

purchaseOrderNumberstring1-129105284100Subscriber's purchase order identifier.
projectIdinteger123456Project identifier.
typestringALLNotification preferences for a specified asset, such as a service token, port, access point, or profile.
emailsarray[string][""]List of recipients.
accountNumberinteger123Equinix-assigned account number.
changeLog.createdDateTimestring2021-07-15T19:30:29.526ZAsset creation timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format:

Manage Routing Tables

 POST /fabric/v4/routers/{uuid}/actions
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/routers/{uuid}/actions
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Path Parametersuuid
Query ParametersNot applicable
Body Parameterstype

This API request triggers update of the Fabric Cloud Router instance's routing tables.

Sample curl request

curl -X
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-d '{

Path parameters

ParameterMandatoryTypeExample ValuesApplicable ValuesDescription
uuidyesstring638895bc-4458-4627-9a3d-02c76ab362d7-Equinix-assigned Fabric Cloud Router instance identifier.

Body parameters

ParameterMandatoryTypeExample ValuesApplicable ValuesDescription
typeyesstringROUTE_TABLE_ENTRY_UPDATEROUTE_TABLE_ENTRY_UPDATERouting table management action.

ROUTE_TABLE_ENTRY_UPDATE - Update routing table.

If you get an “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for Equinix Fabric Portal access.

Sample response

"uuid": "37c10edc-ba2e-4240-a850-8a48f9c47d00",
"state": "PENDING",
"changeLog": {
"createdDateTime": "2021-07-15T19:30:29.526Z",
"updatedDateTime": "2021-08-15T19:30:29.526Z"

Response payload body description

ParameterTypeExample valuesDescription
typestringROUTE_TABLE_ENTRY_UPDATERouting table management action.
ROUTE_TABLE_ENTRY_UPDATE - Update routing table.
uuidstring3a58dd05-f46d-4b1d-a154-2e85c396ea62Equinix-assigned action request identifier.
statestringPENDINGAction execution status.
PENDING - Requested action execution pending.
DONE - Requested action has been completed successfully.
FAILED - Requested action execution has failed.
changeLogobject-A permanent record of asset creation, modification, or deletion.
createdDateTimestring2021-07-15T19:30:29.526ZAsset creation timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format:
updatedDateTimestring2021-08-15T19:30:29.526ZAsset update timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format:

Get Routing Tables Management Requests

 GET /fabric/v4/routers/{uuid}/actions?state=PENDING
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/routers/{uuid}/actions?state=PENDING
Path Parametersuuid
Query Parametersstate
Body ParametersNot applicable

This API retrieves routing tables management actions requests.

Sample curl request

curl -X
GET ''
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'

Path parameters

ParameterMandatoryTypeExample ValuesApplicable ValuesDescription
uuidyesstring638895bc-4458-4627-9a3d-02c76ab362d7-Equinix-assigned Fabric Cloud Router instance identifier.

Query parameters

ParameterMandatoryTypeExample ValuesApplicable ValuesDescription
Action execution status.

PENDING - Requested action execution pending.
DONE - Requested action has been completed successfully.
FAILED - Requested action execution has failed.

If you get an “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for Equinix Fabric Portal access.

Sample response

"uuid": "37c10edc-ba2e-4240-a850-8a48f9c47d00",
"state": "PENDING",
"changeLog": {
"createdDateTime": "2021-07-15T19:30:29.526Z",
"updatedDateTime": "2021-08-15T19:30:29.526Z"

Response payload body description

ParameterTypeExample valuesDescription
typestringROUTE_TABLE_ENTRY_UPDATERouting table management action.
ROUTE_TABLE_ENTRY_UPDATE - Update routing table.
uuidstring3a58dd05-f46d-4b1d-a154-2e85c396ea62Equinix-assigned action request identifier.
statestringPENDINGAction execution status.
PENDING - Requested action execution pending.
DONE - Requested action has been completed successfully.
FAILED - Requested action execution has failed.
changeLogobject-A permanent record of asset creation, modification, or deletion.
createdDateTimestring2021-07-15T19:30:29.526ZAsset creation timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format:
updatedDateTimestring2021-08-15T19:30:29.526ZAsset update timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format:

Retrieve Fabric Cloud Routers

 POST /fabric/v4/routers/search
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/routers/search
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Path ParametersNot applicable
Query ParametersNot applicable
Body Parametersfilter, pagination, sort

This API request retrieves Fabric Cloud Router instances that match provided search criteria.


For instructions on how to obtain an authorization token, refer to Requesting Access and Refresh Tokens.

Sample curl request

curl -X POST 'http: //'
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-d '{
"filter": {
"and": [
"property": "/name",
"operator": "LIKE",
"values": [
"property": "/state",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
"property": "/project/projectId",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
"property": "/location/metroCode",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
"pagination": {
"offset": 0,
"limit": 20
"sort": [
"direction": "DESC",
"property": "/changeLog/createdDateTime"

Body parameters

filter string
Array of objects defining search conditions.
and array[object]
Logical operator applied on objects in the array.
property string
Search field parameter. Note that the property value determines the list of applicable operators and values.
Applicable values:
  • /name
  • /uuid
  • /state
  • /location/metroCode
  • /location/metroName
  • /package/code
  • /*
operator string
Search field parameter operator.
Applicable values:
  • =
  • !=
  • >
  • >=
  • <
  • <=
  • LIKE
  • IN
  • NOT IN
  • ~*
value array[string]
Search field parameter value.
pagination object
Search results pagination settings.
offset integer
Index of the first item returned in the response.
Minimum: 0
Default: 0
limit integer
Maximum number of items returned per data page.
Minimum: 1
Default: 20
sort object
Search results sorting settings.
direction string
Search results sorting direction.
Applicable values:
  • ASC
  • DESC
property string
Search results sorting parameter.
Applicable values:
  • /name
  • /uuid
  • /state
  • /location/metroCode
  • /location/metroName
  • /package/code
  • /changeLog/createdDateTime
  • /changeLog/updatedDateTime

Default value: /changeLog/updatedDateTime
"property": "/name",
"operator": "LIKE",
"values": [
operator string
Search field parameter operator.
Applicable values:
  • =
  • !=
  • LIKE
  • IN
  • NOT IN
  • ~*
value array[string]
Fabric Cloud Router name.
Example: ["%Test%"]
"property": "/uuid",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
operator string
Search field parameter operator.
Applicable values:
  • =
value array[string]
Fabric Cloud Router instance identifier.
Example: ["3a58dd05-f46d-4b1d-a154-2e85c396ea62"]
"property": "/state",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
operator string
Search field parameter operator.
Applicable values:
  • =
  • !=
  • LIKE
  • IN
  • NOT IN
  • ~*
value array[string]
Asstet lifecycle status.
Applicable values:
"property": "/location/metroCode",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
operator string
Search field parameter operator.
Applicable values:
  • =
  • !=
  • LIKE
  • IN
  • NOT IN
  • ~*
value array[string]
Metropolitan area identifier.
Example: ["SV"]
"property": "/location/metroName",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
    "Silicon Valley"
operator string
Search field parameter operator.
Applicable values:
  • =
  • !=
  • LIKE
  • IN
  • NOT IN
  • ~*
value array[string]
Metropolitan area name.
Example: ["Silicon Valley"]
"property": "/router/package/code",
"operator": "IN",
"values": [
operator string
Search field parameter operator.
Applicable values:
  • =
  • !=
  • LIKE
  • IN
  • NOT IN
  • ~*
value array[string]
Fabric Cloud Router package identifier.
Applicable values:
  • LAB
"property": "/*",
"operator": "LIKE",
"values": [
operator string
Search field parameter operator.
Applicable values:
  • =
  • !=
  • LIKE
  • IN
  • NOT IN
  • ~*
value array[string]
All categories search.
Example: ["%Silicon%"]

Sample response

"pagination": {
"offset": 0,
"limit": 20,
"total": 1,
"next": "/search?offset=4&limit=2",
"previous": "/search?offset=0&limit=2"
"data": [
"href": "",
"uuid": "201b7346-a9eb-42fe-ae7a-08148c71928d",
"state": "PROVISIONED",
"type": "XF_ROUTER",
"name": "My-Fabric-Cloud-Router",
"location": {
"metroCode": "HH"
"package": {
"code": "LAB"
"order": {
"purchaseOrderNumber": "1-129105284100"
"project": {
"projectId": "12345"
"notifications": [
"type": "ALL",
"emails": [
"account": {
"accountNumber": 123
"bgpIpv4RoutesCount": 0,
"bgpIpv6RoutesCount": 0,
"connectionCount": 0,
"changeLog": {
"createdBy": "",
"createdByFullName": "abc",
"createdByEmail": "",
"createdDateTime": "2021-09-24T06:59:46Z"

Response payload body description

pagination object
Search results pagination settings.
offset integer
Index of the first item returned in the response.
Example: 0
limit integer
Maximum number of items returned per page.
Example: 20
total integer
Total number of items returned.
Example: 10
next string
Next data page URL.
Example: /search?offset=40&limit=20
previous string
Previous data page URL.
Example: /search?offset=0&limit=20
data array[object]
Data array containing objects that match the provided search criteria.
href string
An absolute URL that returns the specified asset.
uuid string
Equinix-assigned asset identifier.
Example: 3a58dd05-f46d-4b1d-a154-2e85c396ea62
state string
Asset lifecycle stage.
  • PENDING - Fabric Cloud Router creation pending.
  • PROVISIONING - Fabric Cloud Router is being provisioned.
  • PROVISIONED - Fabric Cloud Router has been provisioned.
  • LOCKED - Fabric Cloud Router package upgrade has failed. Existing connections associated with this Fabric Cloud Router instance continue to work but you can't make any changes to them or create new ones. For assistance, open a support case with Equinix Service Desk.
  • DEPROVISIONING - Fabric Cloud Router is being deprovisioned.
  • DEPROVISIONED - Fabric Cloud Router has been deprovisioned.
type string
Asset instance type.
Example: XF_ROUTER - Fabric Cloud Router.
name string
Fabric Cloud Router instance name.
Example: My-Fabric-Cloud-Router
location object
Fabric Cloud Router location information.
metroCode string
Metropolitan area identifier.
Example: SV
package object
Fabric Cloud Router package determining the number of supported routes and Network Access Control Lists (NACL).
code string
Fabric Cloud Router package code.
Applicable values:
  • LAB - Max Routes IPv4 = 50; Max Routes IPv6 = 50; 10Mbps max per connection ingress/egress bandwidth limit; Max connections per FCR: 10 (Trial package)
  • STANDARD - Max Routes IPv4 = 1000; Max Routes IPv6 = 100
order object
Order details.
purchaseOrderNumber string
Purchase order identifier.
Example: 1-129105284100
project object
Customer resource hierarchy project information.
Applicable to customers onboarded to Equinix Identity and Access Management. For more information see Identity and Access Management: Projects.
projectId string
Customer project identifier.
Example: 995072000433550
notifications object
Notification preferences regarding changes in asset configuration or its status.
type string
Notification preferences for a specified asset.
Applicable values: ALL
emails array[string]
List of recipients.
Minimum: 1
Maximum: 12
Example: [""]
account object
Customer billing account information.
accountNumber integer
Equinix-assigned account number.
Example: 272010
bgpIpv4RoutesCount integer
Number of IPv4 BGP routes in use.
Example: 0
bgpIpv6RoutesCount integer
Number of IPv6 BGP routes in use.
Example: 0
connectionCount integer
Number of connections associated with this Fabric Cloud Router instance.
Example: 0
changeLog object
A permanent record of asset creation, modification, or deletion.
createdBy string
Identity of the asset creator.
Example: AverageJoe
createdByFullName string
First and last name of the asset creator.
Example: Joe Average
createdByEmail string
Email address of the asset creator.
createdDateTime string
Asset creation timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.000+0000
Example: 2021-07-15T19:30:29.526Z

If you get an “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for Equinix Fabric Portal access.

Delete Fabric Cloud Router

 DELETE /fabric/v4/routers/{uuid}
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/routers/{uuid}
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Path Parametersuuid
Query ParametersNot applicable
Body ParametersNot applicable

This API request deletes a specified Fabric Cloud Router instance.

Sample curl request

curl -X
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'

Path parameters

uuid string
Equinix-assigned Fabric Cloud Router identifier.
Example: 3a58dd05-f46d-4b1d-a154-2e85c396ea62

If you get an “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for Equinix Fabric portal access.

Get All Fabric Cloud Router Packages

 GET /fabric/v4/routerPackages
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/routerPackages
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Path ParametersNot applicable
Query Parametersoffset, limit
Body ParametersNot applicable

This API request retrieves Fabric Cloud Router packages' details.

Sample curl request

curl -X
GET ''
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'

Query parameters

offset integer
Index of the first item returned in the response.
Minimum: 0
Default value: 0
limit integer
Maximum number of items returned per page.
Minimum: 1
Maximum: 100
Default value: 20

If you get an “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for Equinix Fabric Portal access.

Sample response

"pagination": {
"offset": 0,
"limit": 20,
"total": 1
"data": [
"href": "",
"code": "STANDARD",
"description": "string",
"totalIPv4RoutesMax": 5,
"totalIPv6RoutesMax": 5,
"staticIPv4RoutesMax": 3,
"staticIPv6RoutesMax": 3,
"naclsMax": 2,
"naclRulesMax": 5,
"haSupported": true,
"routeFilterSupported": true,
"natType": "STATIC_NAT",
"maxConnLimit": 10,
"maxGwLimit": 3,
"maxBwLimit": 50,
"changeLog": {
"createdDateTime": "2022-02-10T00:14:47Z",
"updatedDateTime": "2022-02-10T00:14:47Z"

Response payload body description

pagination objectData set pagination information.
offset integer
Index of the first item returned in the response.
Example: 0
limit integer
Maximum number of items returned per page.
Example: 20
total integer
Total number of items returned.
Example: 123
data array[object]Data set containing Fabric Cloud Router packages.
href string
An absolute URL that returns the specified asset.
type string
Fabric Cloud Router package type.
code string
Fabric Cloud Router package identifier.
description string
Fabric Cloud Router package description.
totalIPv4RoutesMax integer
Maximum number of IPv4 BPG routes allowed.
Example: 5
totalIPv6RoutesMax integer
Maximum number of IPv6 BGP routes allowed.
Example: 10
staticIPv4RoutesMax integer
Maximum number of IPv4 static routes allowed.
Example: 3
staticIPv6RoutesMax integer
Maximum number of IPv6 static routes allowed.
Example: 3
naclMax integer
Maximum number of network access control Lists (NACL) allowed.
Example: 2
naclRuleMax integer
Maximum number of network ACL rules allowed.
Example: 10
haSupported boolean
Indicator showing if high availability configuration is supported.
Example: true
routeFilterSupported boolean
Indicator showing if route filtering feature is supported.
Example: true
natType string
Cloud Router package network address translation (NAT) type.
Possible values:
  • STATIC_NAT - Static network address translation.
maxConnLimit integer
Maximum number of connections that can be created using this cloud router.
Example: 10
maxGwLimit integer
Fabric Cloud Router limit per customer org. Only applicable for LAB package tier of Fabric Cloud Router.
Example: 3
maxBwLimit integer
Maximum allowed bandwidth.
Example: 50 Mbps
changeLog object
A permanent record of asset creation, modification, or deletion.
createdDateTime string
Asset creation timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.000+0000
Example: 2021-07-15T19:30:29.526Z
updatedDateTime string
Asset modification timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.000+0000
Example: 2021-07-15611:12:29.526Z

Get Specified Fabric Cloud Router Package

 GET /fabric/v4/routerPackages/{routerPackageCode}
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/routerPackages/{routerPackageCode}
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Path ParametersrouterPackageCode
Query ParametersNot applicable
Body ParametersNot applicable

This API request retrieves details of a specified Fabric Cloud Router package.

Sample curl request

curl -X
GET ''
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'

Path parameters

routerPackageCode string
Fabric Cloud Router package identifier.
Applicable values:
  • LAB

If you get an “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for Equinix Fabric Portal access.

Sample response

"href": "",
"code": "STANDARD",
"description": "string",
"totalIPv4RoutesMax": 5,
"totalIPv6RoutesMax": 5,
"staticIPv4RoutesMax": 3,
"staticIPv6RoutesMax": 3,
"aclMax": 2,
"aclRuleMax": 10,
"haSupported": true,
"routeFilterSupported": true,
"natType": "STATIC_NAT",
"maxConnLimit": 10,
"maxGwLimit": 3,
"maxBwLimit": 50,
"changeLog": {
"createdDateTime": "2022-01-24T10:28:51.024Z",
"updatedDateTime": "2022-01-24T10:28:51.024Z"

Response payload body description

href string
An absolute URL that returns the specified asset.
type string
Fabric Cloud Router package type.
code string
Fabric Cloud Router package identifier.
description string
Fabric Cloud Router package description.
totalIPv4RoutesMax integer
Maximum number of IPv4 BPG routes allowed.
Example: 5
totalIPv6RoutesMax integer
Maximum number of IPv6 BGP routes allowed.
Example: 10
staticIPv4RoutesMax integer
Maximum number of IPv4 static routes allowed.
Example: 3
staticIPv6RoutesMax integer
Maximum number of IPv6 static routes allowed.
Example: 3
naclMax integer
Maximum number of network access control Lists (NACL) allowed.
Example: 2
naclRuleMax integer
Maximum number of network ACL rules allowed.
Example: 10
haSupported boolean
Indicator showing if high availability configuration is supported.
Example: true
routeFilterSupported boolean
Indicator showing if route filtering feature is supported.
Example: true
natType string
Cloud Router package network address translation (NAT) type.
Possible values:
  • STATIC_NAT - Static network address translation.
maxConnLimit integer
Maximum number of connections that can be created using this cloud router.
Example: 10
maxGwLimit integer
Fabric Cloud Router limit per customer org. Only applicable for LAB package tier of Fabric Cloud Router.
Example: 3
maxBwLimit integer
Maximum allowed bandwidth.
Example: 50 Mbps
changeLog object
A permanent record of asset creation, modification, or deletion.
createdDateTime string
Asset creation timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.000+0000
Example: 2021-07-15T19:30:29.526Z
updatedDateTime string
Asset modification timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.000+0000
Example: 2021-07-15611:12:29.526Z


Get All Metros

 GET /fabric/v4/metros
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/metros
HeadersContent-Type, Authorization
Path ParametersNot applicable
Query Parametersoffset, limit, presence
Body ParametersNot applicable

The GET Metros API request retrieves metros where Equinix Fabric is available. Returned data set includes connection latency information for each location. This performance data helps network planning engineers and administrators make strategic decisions about port locations and traffic routes.


To learn how to obtain an authorization token, see Requesting Access and Refresh Tokens under the Getting Access Token section.

Sample curl request - get all metros with user-provisioned ports

curl -X GET ''
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
-H 'Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'

Query parameters

offset integer
Index of the first item returned in the response.
Minimum: 0
Default value: 0
limit integer
Maximum number of items returned per page.
Minimum: 1
Maximum: 100
Default value: 10
presence string
Returns all metros with user-provisioned Fabric ports.
Applicable values:

Response body

"pagination": {
"offset": 0,
"limit": 75,
"total": 12
"data": [
"href": "",
"type": "XF_METRO",
"code": "AM",
"name": "Amsterdam",
"region": "EMEA",
"localVCBandwidthMax": 10000,
"geoScopes": [],
"connectedMetros": [
"href": "",
"code": "MX",
"avgLatency": 133,
"remoteVCBandwidthMax": 10000
"href": "",
"code": "HH",
"avgLatency": 8.65,
"remoteVCBandwidthMax": 10000
"href": "",
"code": "SL",
"avgLatency": 230,
"remoteVCBandwidthMax": 25000
"href": "",
"code": "SO",
"avgLatency": 36.5,
"remoteVCBandwidthMax": 50000

Response payload body description

pagination object
Search results pagination settings.
offset integer
Index of the first item returned in the response.
Example: 20
limit integer
Maximum number of items returned per page.
Example: 20
total integer
Total number of items returned.
Example: 1
data array[object]
Data array containing search results.
href string
Absolute URL that returns the specified entity.
type string
Metro type.
Example: XF_METRO - Metro in which Equinix Fabric is available.
code string
Metropolitan area identifier.
Example: AM
name string
Name of the city in which the data center is located.
Example: Amsterdam
region string
Broad geographic area in which the data center is located.
  • EMEA - comprises Abhu Dhabi (AD), Amsterdam (AM), Barcelona (BA), Dubai (DX), Dublin (DB), Dusseldorf (DU), Enschede (EN), Frankfurt (FR), Geneva (GV), Hamburg (HH), Helsinki (HE), Istanbul (IL), Lisbon (LS), London (LD), Madrid (MD), Manchester (MA), Milan (ML), Munich (MU), Muscat (MC), Paris (PA), Seville (SA), Sofia (SO), Stockholm (SK), Warsaw (WA), Zurich (ZH), and Zwolle (ZW).
  • AMER - comprises Atlanta (AT), Bogota (BG), Boston (BO), Chicago (CH), Culpepper (CU), Dallas (DA), Denver (DE), Houston (HO), Los Angeles (LA), Mexico City (MX), Miami (MI), Monterrey (MO), Montreal (MT), New York (NY), Philadelphia (PH), Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Sao Paulo (SP), Seattle (SE), Silicon Valley (SV), Toronto (TR), and Washington, DC [Ashburn] (DC).
  • APAC - comprises Adelaide (AE), Brisbane (BR), Canberra (CA), Hongkong (HK), Jakarta (JK), Melbourne (ME), Osaka (OS), Perth (PE), Seoul (SL), Shanghai (SH), Singapore (SG), Sydney (SY), and Tokyo (TY)
localVCBandwidthMax integer
This is the max bandwidth for a local virtual connection.
Example: 10000
geoScopes array[string]
A list of boundaries within which the connection traffic can be constrained.
Example: ["CONUS"]
connectedMetros array[object]
Array of objects with connection latency data for the specified metros.
href string
Absolute URL that returns the specified entity.
code string
Metropolitan area identifier.
Example: MX
avgLatency integer
Average monthly connection latency in ms.
Example: 133
remoteVCBandwidthMax integer
Max bandwidth for the remote connection.
Example: 50000

If you get an “Access Denied” error, please contact your local Equinix Service Desk for help.

Get Metros by Metro Code

 GET /fabric/v4/metros/{metroCode}
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/metros
HeadersContent-Type, Authorization
Path ParametersmetroCode
Query ParametersNot applicable
Body ParametersNot applicable

This API request retrieves a specified metro. Returned data set includes connection latency information for each location. This performance data helps network planning engineers and administrators make strategic decisions about port locations and traffic routes.


To learn how to obtain an authorization token, see Requesting Access and Refresh Tokens under the Getting Access Token section.

Sample cURL request

curl -X GET ''
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
-H 'Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'

Path parameters

metroCode string
Metropolitan area identifier.
Applicable values:
  • AD - Abhu Dhabi
  • AM - Amsterdam
  • BA - Barcelona
  • DX - Dubai
  • DB - Dublin
  • DU - Dusseldorf
  • EN - Enschede
  • FR - Frankfurt
  • GV - Geneva
  • HH - Hamburg
  • HE - Helsinki
  • IL - Istanbul
  • LS - Lisbon
  • LD - London
  • MD - Madrid
  • MA - Manchester
  • ML - Milan
  • MU - Munich
  • MC - Muscat
  • PA - Paris
  • SA - Seville
  • SO - Sofia
  • SK - Stockholm
  • WA - Warsaw
  • ZH - Zurich
  • ZW - Zwolle
  • AT - Atlanta
  • BG - Bogota
  • BO - Boston
  • CH - Chicago
  • CU - Culpepper
  • DA - Dallas
  • DE - Denver
  • HO - Houston
  • LA - Los Angeles
  • MX - Mexico City
  • MI - Miami
  • MO - Monterrey
  • MT - Montreal
  • NY - New York
  • PH - Philadelphia
  • RJ - Rio de Janeiro
  • SP - Sao Paulo
  • SE - Seattle
  • SV - Silicon Valley
  • TR - Toronto
  • DC - Washington, DC [Ashburn].
  • AE - Adelaide
  • BR - Brisbane
  • CA - Canberra
  • HK - Hongkong
  • JK - Jakarta
  • ME - Melbourne
  • OS - Osaka
  • PerthPE -
  • SL - Seoul
  • SH - Shanghai
  • SG - Singapore
  • SY - Sydney
  • TY Tokyo

Response body

"href": "",
"type": "XF_METRO",
"code": "AT",
"name": "Atlanta",
"region": "EMEA",
"localVCBandwidthMax": 10000,
"geoScopes": [],
"connectedMetros": [
"href": "",
"code": "LD",
"avgLatency": 100,
"remoteVCBandwidthMax": 10000
"href": "",
"code": "SV",
"avgLatency": 150,
"remoteVCBandwidthMax": 25000

Response payload body description

href string
Absolute URL that returns the specified entity.
type string
Metro type.
Example: XF_METRO - Metro in which Equinix Fabric is available.
code string
Metropolitan area identifier.
Example: AM
name string
Name of the city in which the data center is located.
Example: Amsterdam
region string
Broad geographic area in which the data center is located.
  • EMEA - comprises Abhu Dhabi (AD), Amsterdam (AM), Barcelona (BA), Dubai (DX), Dublin (DB), Dusseldorf (DU), Enschede (EN), Frankfurt (FR), Geneva (GV), Hamburg (HH), Helsinki (HE), Istanbul (IL), Lisbon (LS), London (LD), Madrid (MD), Manchester (MA), Milan (ML), Munich (MU), Muscat (MC), Paris (PA), Seville (SA), Sofia (SO), Stockholm (SK), Warsaw (WA), Zurich (ZH), and Zwolle (ZW).
  • AMER - comprises Atlanta (AT), Bogota (BG), Boston (BO), Chicago (CH), Culpepper (CU), Dallas (DA), Denver (DE), Houston (HO), Los Angeles (LA), Mexico City (MX), Miami (MI), Monterrey (MO), Montreal (MT), New York (NY), Philadelphia (PH), Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Sao Paulo (SP), Seattle (SE), Silicon Valley (SV), Toronto (TR), and Washington, DC [Ashburn] (DC).
  • APAC - comprises Adelaide (AE), Brisbane (BR), Canberra (CA), Hongkong (HK), Jakarta (JK), Melbourne (ME), Osaka (OS), Perth (PE), Seoul (SL), Shanghai (SH), Singapore (SG), Sydney (SY), and Tokyo (TY)
localVCBandwidthMax integer
This is the max bandwidth for a local virtual connection.
Example: 10000
geoScopes array[string]
A list of boundaries within which the connection traffic can be constrained.
Example: ["CONUS"]
connectedMetros array[object]
Array of objects with connection latency data for the specified metros.
href string
Absolute URL that returns the specified entity.
code string
Metropolitan area identifier.
Example: MX
avgLatency integer
Average monthly connection latency in ms.
Example: 133
remoteVCBandwidthMax integer
Max bandwidth for the remote connection.
Example: 25000

If you get an “Access Denied” error, please contact your local Equinix Service Desk for help.

Get All Subscriber Metros

 GET /fabric/v4/metros?presence=MY_PORTS
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/metros
HeadersContent-Type, Authorization
Path ParametersNot applicable
Query Parametersoffset, limit, presence
Body Parameterspagination, data

GET All Subscriber Metros uses the /fabric/v4/metros endpoint with an option query parameter to return all Equinix Fabric™ metros in which the customer has a presence, as well as latency data for each location. Network planning engineers and administrators can then analyze this performance data in making strategic decisions about port utilization.


To learn how to obtain an authorization token, see Requesting Access and Refresh Tokens under the Getting Access Token section.

Sample cURL request

curl --location --request GET
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"

Query parameters

Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleApplicable ValuesDescription
offsetnointeger?offset=0>=0Index of the first item returned in the response. The default is 0.
limitnointeger?limit=75[1 .. 100]Maximum number of search results returned per page. Number must be between 1 and 100, and the default is 10.
presencenostring?presence=MY_PORTSMY_PORTSReturns all ports associated with the customer's account, as well as latency data for each port.

Response body

"pagination": {
"offset": 0,
"limit": 75,
"total": 12
"data": [
"href": "",

"type": "XF_METRO",
"code": "AM",

"name": "Amsterdam",
"region": "EMEA",
"localVCBandwidthMax": 10000,
"connectedMetros": [
"href": "",

"code": "MX",
"avgLatency": 133,
"remoteVCBandwidthMax": 10000
"href": "",

"code": "HH",
"avgLatency": 8.65,
"remoteVCBandwidthMax": 10000
"href": "",

"code": "SL",
"avgLatency": 230,
"remoteVCBandwidthMax": 25000
"href": "",

"code": "SO",
"avgLatency": 36.5,
"remoteVCBandwidthMax": 50000

Response body description

FieldData TypeExampleDescription
paginationobjectPagination specifications for the response data.
dataarray[object]Data returned from the API call.
pagination object
offsetinteger0Index of the first element returned in the response. The default is 0.
limitinteger75Maximum number of elements returned. The default value is 75.
totalinteger12Total number of elements returned.
data array
hrefstring canonical URL at which the resource resides.
typestringXF_METROIndicator of a Fabric metro.
codestringAMCode assigned to an Equinix International Business Exchange (IBX) data center in a specified metropolitan area.
namestringAmsterdamName of the city in which the data center is located.
regionstringEMEABroad geographic area in which the data center is located (EMEA, AMER, or APAC):

EMEA comprises Abhu Dhabi (AD), Amsterdam (AM), Barcelona (BA), Dubai (DX), Dublin (DB), Dusseldorf (DU), Enschede (EN), Frankfurt (FR), Geneva (GV), Hamburg (HH), Helsinki (HE), Istanbul (IL), Lisbon (LS), London (LD), Madrid (MD), Manchester (MA), Milan (ML), Munich (MU), Muscat (MC), Paris (PA), Seville (SA), Sofia (SO), Stockholm (SK), Warsaw (WA), Zurich (ZH), and Zwolle (ZW).

AMER comprises Atlanta (AT), Bogota (BG), Boston (BO), Chicago (CH), Culpepper (CU), Dallas (DA), Denver (DE), Houston (HO), Los Angeles (LA), Mexico City (MX), Miami (MI), Monterrey (MO), Montreal (MT), New York (NY), Philadelphia (PH), Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Sao Paulo (SP), Seattle (SE), Silicon Valley (SV), Toronto (TR), and Washington, DC [Ashburn] (DC).

APAC comprises Adelaide (AE), Brisbane (BR), Canberra (CA), Hongkong (HK), Jakarta (JK), Melbourne (ME), Osaka (OS), Perth (PE), Seoul (SL), Shanghai (SH), Singapore (SG), Sydney (SY), and Tokyo (TY).
localVCBandwidthMaxinteger10000Max bandwidth of a local connection.
Example: 10000
connectedMetrosarray[object]Array of objects containing latency data for the specified metros.
hrefstring URL at which the resource resides.
codestringMXCode assigned to an Equinix International Business Exchange (IBX) data center in a specified metropolitan area.
avgLatencyinteger133.0Average monthly latency (in milliseconds[ms]) between two specified metros.
remoteVCBandwidthMaxinteger50000Max bandwidth of the remote connection.
Example: 50000

If you get an “Access Denied” error, please contact your local Equinix Service Desk for help.


Create Port

 POST /fabric/v4/ports
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/ports
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Path ParametersNot applicable
Query ParametersNot applicable
Body Parameterstype, physicalPortsSpeed, physicalPortsType, connectivitySourceType, location, project, demarcationPointIbx, tetherIbx, settings, lagEnabled, encapsulation, account, notifications, physicalPorts

This API request creates a virtual Fabric port that can be used as an endpoint in virtual connections.


To obtain an authorization token, see the Getting Access Token section under Requesting Access and Refresh Tokens.

Sample curl request - colocation, non-LAG port

curl -X POST ''
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
-H 'Authorization: Bearer 000aI9YU3IRxFjQsuSyVhBSvfQAo'
-d '{
"type": "XF_PORT",
"physicalPortsSpeed": 1000,
"physicalPortsType": "1000BASE_LX",
"connectivitySourceType": "COLO",
"location": {
"metroCode": "GV"
"project": {
"projectId": "1234567"

"demarcationPointIbx": "GV1",
"settings": {
"packageType": "STANDARD"
"lagEnabled": false,
"encapsulation": {
"type": "DOT1Q",
"tagProtocolId": "33024"
"account": {
"accountNumber": 270848
"notifications": [
"registeredUsers": [
"type": "TECHNICAL"
"physicalPorts": [
"demarcationPoint": {
"ibx": "GV1",
"cabinetUniqueSpaceId": "Demarc",
"cageUniqueSpaceId": "GV1:01:002174",
"patchPanel": "CP:Demarc:1259684",
"patchPanelPortA": 8,
"patchPanelPortB": 9,
"connectorType": "SC"
"demarcationPoint": {
"ibx": "GV1",
"cabinetUniqueSpaceId": "Demarc",
"cageUniqueSpaceId": "GV1:01:002174",
"patchPanel": "CP:Demarc:1259684",
"patchPanelPortA": 10,
"patchPanelPortB": 11,
"connectorType": "SC"

Body parameters

type string
Port instance type.
Applicable values: XF_PORT - Fabric port
physicalPortsSpeed integer
Rated port bandwidth capacity in Mbps.
Example: 1000
physicalPortsType string
Physical ports type.
Example: 1000BASE_LX
connectivitySourceType string
Port type based on its location in the data center facility.
Applicable values:
  • COLO - Customer's cage in Equinix IBX colocation space.
location object
Geographic attributes of the port.
metroCode string
Metropolitan area identifier.
Example: GV
project object
Customer resource hierarchy project information.
Applicable to customers onboarded to Equinix Identity and Access Management. For more information see Identity and Access Management: Projects.
projectId string
Customer project identifier.
Example: 377533000114703
demarcationPointIbx string
Physical ports demarcation point IBX.
Example: GV1
tetherIbx string
Physical ports tether IBX.
Example: GV1
settings object
Port configuration settings.
packageType string
Port package determinig its use.
Applicable values:
  • FREE
lagEnabled boolean
Indicator showing if port is LAG enabled.
Example: false
encapsulation object
Encapsulation specification.
type string
Encapsulation protocol.
Applicable values:
  • DOT1Q
  • QINQ
  • NULL
tagProtocolId string
Ethertype value that identifies the tagging protocol.
Applicable values:
  • 33024
  • 34984
  • 37120
  • 37376
  • NONE
account object
Account information.
accountNumber integer
Equinix-assigned account number.
Example: 24124
notifications array[object]
Notifications settings for messages related to the asset configuration or its status.
registeredUsers array[string]
Usernames of registered users.
Example: ["mikeScott","dwightShrute"]
type string
Notification messages category.
Applicable values:
  • NOTIFICATION - Notifications related to asset's lifecycle.
  • TECHNICAL - Contact information for technical inquiries.
physicalPorts array[object]
Physical ports that implement virtual port instance.
demarcationPoint object
Customer-side physical port connector information.
ibx string
IBX data center identifier.
Example: GV1
cabinetUniqueSpaceId string
Identifier of the colocation space where the cabinet is located.
Example: AM1:02:032575:0105
cageUniqueSpaceId string
Identifier of the colocation space where the cage is located.
Example: AM1:02:032575
patchPanel string
Patch panel identifier.
Example: CP:Demarc:1259684
patchPanelPortA integer
Patch panel port number. If the port number isn't provided, next available port is selected.
Example: 8
patchPanelPortB integer
Patch panel port number. If the port number isn't provided, next available port is selected.
Example: 9
connectorType string
Physical port connector type.
Applicable values: For applicable values, use the Lookup - Get Patch Panel Details.
Example: ST

Sample response

"href": "",
"type": "XF_PORT",
"uuid": "0f6bdb36-e130-4924-b038-ee1785fad166",
"state": "PENDING",
"physicalPortsType": "10GBASE_LR",
"physicalPortsSpeed": 10000,
"physicalPortsCount": 1,
"location": {
"metroCode": "AM"
"project": {
"projectId": "1234567"

"demarcationPointIbx": "AM1",
"redundancy": {
"group": "1f6bdb37-f131-5925-c039-fe1785fad165",
"priority": "PRIMARY"

"lagEnabled": false,
"encapsulation": {
"type": "DOT1Q",
"tagProtocolId": "33024"
"settings": {
"sharedPortType": false,
"packageType": "STANDARD"
"account": {
"accountNumber": 1000
"order": {
"orderNumber": "1-207799950758"
"notifications": [
"type": "TECHNICAL",
"registeredUsers": [
"registeredUsers": [
"physicalPorts": [
"demarcationPoint": {
"ibx": "GV1",
"cabinetUniqueSpaceId": "Demarc",
"cageUniqueSpaceId": "GV1:01:002174",
"patchPanel": "CP:Demarc:1259684",
"patchPanelPortA": 8,
"patchPanelPortB": 9,
"connectorType": "SC"
"demarcationPoint": {
"ibx": "GV1",
"cabinetUniqueSpaceId": "Demarc",
"cageUniqueSpaceId": "GV1:01:002174",
"patchPanel": "CP:Demarc:1259684",
"patchPanelPortA": 10,
"patchPanelPortB": 11,
"connectorType": "SC"

Response payload body description

href string
Absolute URL that returns the specified asset.
type string
Port instance type.
Possible values: XF_PORT - Fabric port
uuid string
Port instance identifier.
Example: 0f6bdb36-e130-4924-b038-ee1785fad166
state string
Fabric port operational status.
Example: PENDING
physicalPortsSpeed integer
Rated port bandwidth capacity in Mbps.
Example: 1000
physicalPortsType string
Physical ports type.
Example: 1000BASE_LX
physicalPortsCount integer
Number of physical ports that comprise the given virtual port instance.
Example: 1
location object
Geographic attributes of the port.
metroCode string
Mtropolitan area identifier.
Example: AM
project object
Customer resource hierarchy project information.
Applicable to customers onboarded to Equinix Identity and Access Management. For more information see Identity and Access Management: Projects.
projectId string
Customer project identifier.
Example: 377533000114703
demarcationPointIbx string
Physical ports demarcation point IBX.
Example: AM1
tetherIbx string
Physical ports tether point IBX.
Example: AM1
device object
Device configuration settings.
name string
Equinix-assigned device identifier.
Example: dev-int-vsim-2.lab
redundancy object
Device redundancy configuration.
group integer
Device redundancy group.
Example: 1
priority string
Relative priority in redundancy group.
Example: PRIMARY
lagEnabled boolean
Indicator showing if port is LAG enabled.
Example: false
encapsulation object
Encapsulation specification.
type string
Encapsulation protocol.
Possible values:
  • DOT1Q
  • QINQ
  • NULL
tagProtocolId string
Tagging protocol identifier.
Possible values:
  • 33024
  • 34984
  • 37120
  • 37376
  • NONE
settings object
Port configuration settings.
sharedPortType boolean
A shared port is a single physical port that handles multiple virtual connections. True value signifies a port that can handle multiple virtual connections.
Example: true
packageType string
Package type.
Possible values:
  • FREE
account object
Customer account information.
accountNumber integer
Equinix-assigned account number.
Example: 24124
order object
Asset order information.
orderNumber string
Asset order number.
Example: 1-207799950758
notifications array[object]
Notifications settings for messages related to the asset configuration or its status.
registeredUsers array[string]
Usernames of registered users.
Example: ["mikeScott","dwightShrute"]
type string
Notification messages category.
Possible values:
  • NOTIFICATION - Notifications related to asset's lifecycle.
  • TECHNICAL - Contact information for technical inquiries.
physicalPorts array[object]
Physical ports that implement virtual port instance.
demarcationPoint object
Customer-side physical port connector information.
ibx string
IBX data center identifier.
Example: GV1
cabinetUniqueSpaceId string
Identifier of the colocation space where the cabinet is located.
Example: AM1:02:032575:0105
cageUniqueSpaceId string
Identifier of the colocation space where the cage is located.
Example: AM1:02:032575
patchPanel string
Patch panel identifier.
Example: CP:Demarc:1259684
connectorType string
Physical port connector type.
  • SC

Create Pair of Redundant Ports

 POST /fabric/v4/ports/bulk
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/ports/bulk
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Path ParametersNot applicable
Query ParametersNot applicable
Body Parameterstype, description, physicalPortsSpeed, physicalPortsType, connectivitySourceType, location, project, demarcationPointIbx, tetherIbx, settings, lag, encapsulation, account, notifications, physicalPorts

This API request creates a pair of redundant Fabric ports that can be used as an endpoint in virtual connections.


To obtain an authorization token, see the Getting Access Token section under Requesting Access and Refresh Tokens.

Sample curl request - redundant, colocation, non-LAG ports

curl -X POST ''
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
-H 'Authorization: Bearer 000aI9YU3IRxFjQsuSyVhBSvfQAo'
-d '{
"data": [
"type": "XF_PORT",
"name": "L2-DEV-USER01-CX-10G-PRIMARY",
"description": "Test Redundant port in Amsterdam",
"physicalPortsSpeed": 10000,
"lagEnabled": false,
"demarcationPointIbx": "AM1",
"encapsulation": {
"type": "DOT1Q",
"tagProtocolId": "33024"
"account": {
"accountNumber": 1000
"order": {
"purchaseOrder": {
"number": 156576,
"amount": 10,
"startDate": "2018-06-11",
"endDate": "2018-07-11",
"selectionType": "NEW"
"signature": {
"signatory": "DELEGATE",
"delegate": {
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"email": ""
"redundancy": {
"priority": "PRIMARY"
"project": {
"projectId": "1234567"
"physicalPorts": [
"demarcationPoint": {
"ibx": "AM1",
"cabinet": "AM1:02:032575:0105",
"cage": "AM1:02:032575",
"patchPanel": "PP:0105:1260379",
"patchPanelPortA": 14,
"patchPanelPortB": 15,
"connectorType": "LC"
"type": "XF_PORT",
"name": "L2-DEV-USER01-CX-10G-SECONDARY",
"description": "Test Redundant port in Amsterdam",
"physicalPortsSpeed": 10000,
"lagEnabled": false,
"demarcationPointIbx": "AM1",
"encapsulation": {
"type": "DOT1Q",
"tagProtocolId": "33024"
"account": {
"accountNumber": 1000
"order": {
"purchaseOrderNumber": "1-129105284100"
"redundancy": {
"priority": "SECONDARY"
"project": {
"projectId": "1234567"
"physicalPorts": [
"demarcationPoint": {
"ibx": "AM1",
"cabinet": "AM1:02:032575:0105",
"cage": "AM1:02:032575",
"patchPanel": "PP:0105:1260379",
"patchPanelPortA": 16,
"patchPanelPortB": 17,
"connectorType": "LC"

Body parameters


For body parameters descriptions, refer to the Response payload body parameters section in Create Port.

Sample response

"data": [
"href": "",
"type": "XF_PORT",
"uuid": "0f6bdb36-e130-4924-b038-ee1785fad999",
"state": "PENDING",
"connectivitySourceType": "COLO",
"physicalPortsType": "10GBASE_LR",
"physicalPortsSpeed": 10000,
"location": {
"metroCode": "AM"
"project": {
"projectId": "1234567"
"demarcationPointIbx": "AM1",
"redundancy": {
"group": 1,
"priority": "PRIMARY"
"lagEnabled": false,
"encapsulation": {
"type": "DOT1Q",
"tagProtocolId": "33024"
"settings": {
"sharedPortType": false,
"packageType": "STANDARD"
"account": {
"accountNumber": 1000
"order": {
"orderNumber": "1-210210611904"
"notifications": [
"type": "TECHNICAL",
"registeredUsers": [
"registeredUsers": [
"href": "",
"type": "XF_PORT",
"uuid": "0f6bdb36-e130-4924-b038-ee1785fad999",
"state": "PENDING",
"connectivitySourceType": "COLO",
"physicalPortsType": "10GBASE_LR",
"physicalPortsSpeed": 10000,
"location": {
"metroCode": "AM"
"project": {
"projectId": "1234567"
"demarcationPointIbx": "AM1",
"redundancy": {
"group": 1,
"priority": "SECONDARY"
"lagEnabled": false,
"encapsulation": {
"type": "DOT1Q",
"tagProtocolId": "33024"
"settings": {
"sharedPortType": false,
"packageType": "STANDARD"
"account": {
"accountNumber": 1000
"order": {
"orderNumber": "1-210210611904"

Response payload body description


For body parameters descriptions, refer to the Response payload body description section in Create Port.

Add Physical Ports to Virtual Port

 POST /fabric/v4/ports/{uuid}/physicalPorts/bulk
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/ports/{uuid}/physicalPorts/bulk
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Path Parametersuuid
Query ParametersNot applicable
Body Parameterstype, demarcationPoint, account, order

Adds physical ports to a virtual port.


To obtain an authorization token, see the Getting Access Token section under Requesting Access and Refresh Tokens.

Sample curl request - colocation, non-LAG port

curl -X POST ''
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
-H 'Authorization: Bearer 000aI9YU3IRxFjQsuSyVhBSvfQAo'
-d '{
"data": [
"demarcationPoint": {
"ibx": "AM1",
"cabinetUniqueSpaceId": "AM1:02:032575:0105",
"cageUniqueSpaceId": "AM1:02:032575",
"patchPanel": "PP:0105:1260379",
"patchPanelPortA": 14,
"patchPanelPortB": 15,
"connectorType": "LC"
"account": {
"accountNumber": 17829
"order": {
"purchaseOrder": {
"number": 156576,
"amount": 10,
"startDate": "2018-06-11",
"endDate": "2018-07-11",
"selectionType": "NEW"
"signature": {
"signatory": "DELEGATE",
"delegate": {
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"email": ""
"account": {
"accountNumber": 17829
"demarcationPoint": {
"ibx": "AM1",
"cabinetUniqueSpaceId": "AM1:02:032575:0105",
"cageUniqueSpaceId": "AM1:02:032575",
"patchPanel": "PP:0105:1260379",
"patchPanelPortA": 16,
"patchPanelPortB": 17,
"connectorType": "LC"
"order": {
"purchaseOrder": {
"number": 156576,
"amount": 10,
"startDate": "2018-06-11",
"endDate": "2018-07-11",
"selectionType": "NEW"
"signature": {
"signatory": "DELEGATE",
"delegate": {
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"email": ""

Path parameters

uuid string
Fabric port identifier.

Body parameters

data array[object]
Array of physical ports definitions.
type string
Port instance type.
Applicable values: XF_PORT - Fabric port
demarcationPoint object
Demarcation point.
ibx string
IBX data center identifier.
Example: GV1
cabinetUniqueSpaceId string
Identifier of the colocation space where the cabinet is located.
Example: AM1:02:032575:0105
cageUniqueSpaceId string
Identifier of the colocation space where the cage is located.
Example: AM1:02:032575
patchPanel string
Patch panel.
patchPanelPortA integer
Patch panel PortA identifier.
Example: 14
patchPanelPortB integer
Patch panel PortB identifier.
Example: 15
connectorType string
Physical port connector type.
Applicable values:
  • SC
account object
Port owner's account details.
accountNumber integer
Port owner's account number.
Example: 17829
order object
Order details.
purchaseOrder object
Purchase order details.
number integer
Purchase order number.
Example: 156576
amount integer
Purchase order amount.
Example: 10
startDate string
Purchase order start date.
Example: 2018-06-11
endDate string
Purchase order end date.
Example: 2018-07-11
Selection type.
Example: NEW
signature object
Signature details.
signatory string
Signatory details.
Applicable values:
  • SELF
delegate object
Details of the delegate.
firstname string
Firstname of the delegate.
lasttname string
Lastname of the delegate.
email string
Email of the delegate.
loas array[object]
An array of objects containing the unique Ids of Letters of Agreements (LOAs).
uuid string
Unique Ids of Letters of Agreements (LOAs).
Example: g42de7e5-7fe7-41e6-b984-80d5aa159a8m

Sample response

"data": [
"demarcationPoint": {
"cabinetUniqueSpaceId": "Demarc",
"cageUniqueSpaceId": "GV1:01:002174",
"patchPanel": "CP:Demarc:1259684",
"patchPanelPortA": "39",
"patchPanelPortB": "40",
"connectorType": "SC",
"ibx": "GV1"
"order": {
"orderNumber": "1-210210611904"
"demarcationPoint": {
"cabinetUniqueSpaceId": "Demarc",
"cageUniqueSpaceId": "GV1:01:002174",
"patchPanel": "CP:Demarc:1259684",
"patchPanelPortA": "41",
"patchPanelPortB": "42",
"connectorType": "SC",
"ibx": "GV1"
"order": {
"orderNumber": "1-210210611904"

Response payload description

pagination objectData set pagination information.
offset integer
Index of the first item returned in the response.
Example: 0
limit integer
Maximum number of items returned per page.
Example: 20
total integer
Total number of items returned.
Example: 123
data array[object]
Array of physical ports definitions.
type string
Port instance type.
Example value: XF_PORT - Fabric port
demarcationPoint object
Demarcation point details.
ibx string
IBX data center identifier.
Example: GV1
cabinetUniqueSpaceId string
Identifier of the colocation space where the cabinet is located.
Example: AM1:02:032575:0105
cageUniqueSpaceId string
Identifier of the colocation space where the cage is located.
Example: AM1:02:032575
patchPanel string
Patch panel identifier.
Example: CP:Demarc:1259684
patchPanelPortA integer
Patch panel PortA identifier.
Example: 14
patchPanelPortB integer
Patch panel PortB identifier.
Example: 15
connectorType string
Physical port connector type.
Example values:
  • SC
portReservationId string
Port reservation Id.
Example values:1793011453
portGroup string
Port group.
Example values:
key string
Additional information parameter.
Example values:
  • internalReferenceId
  • quoteReferenceId
  • orderUuid
  • lagType
  • connectivitySourceType
  • physicalPortsType
  • packageType
  • notification
value string/integer
Additional information parameter value. Note that the value's data type and its applicable values depend on the selected key parameter.
order object
Order details.
orderNumber string
Order number.
Example values:1-210210611904

Get All Ports

 GET /fabric/v4/ports
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/ports
Path ParametersNot applicable
Query ParametersNot applicable
Body ParametersNot applicable

This API request returns details of all available ports for the specified user credentials.


To obtain an authorization token, see the Getting Access Token section under Requesting Access and Refresh Tokens.

Sample curl request

curl -X GET ''
-H 'Authorization: Bearer 000aI9YU3IRxFjQsuSyVhBSvfQAo'

Sample Response

"pagination": {
"offset": 0,
"limit": 999,
"total": 133
"data": [
"href": "",
"type": "XF_PORT",
"uuid": "c791f8cb-599b-99b0-8ce0-306a5c00a4ee",
"name": "testBuyer-DC5-NL-Dot1q-BO-PRI-10G-JN-163",
"state": "ACTIVE",
"cvpId": "1614613",
"bandwidth": 10000,
"usedBandwidth": 6165,
"availableBandwidth": 3835,
"location": {
"href": "",
"ibx": "DC5",
"metroCode": "DC",
"metroName": "Ashburn",
"region": "AMER"
"project": {
"projectId": "1234567"

"device": {
"name": "qa3-dc-a1.lab",
"redundancy": {
"priority": "PRIMARY"
"encapsulation": {
"type": "DOT1Q",
"tagProtocolId": "0x8100"
"lag": {
"enabled": false
"settings": {
"buyout": true,
"placeVcOrderPermission": true,
"viewPortPermission": true
"physicalPorts": [
"uuid": "dfd8884bb-4f65-4ab3-8f77-500dec2f87777",
"state": "ACTIVE",
"id": 1426515,
"bandwidth": 10000,
"tether": {
"crossConnectId": "ECX.01.00002995",
"cabinetNumber": "Demarc",
"systemName": "DC5:01:001015",
"patchPanelName": "PP:Demarc:00001016",
"patchPanelPortA": "1",
"patchPanelPortB": "2",
"demarcationPoint": {
"patchPanelName": "PP:Demarc:00001015",
"patchPanelPortA": "5",
"patchPanelPortB": "6",
"ibx": "DC5"
"settings": {
"sharedPortType": false,
"sharedPortProduct": "NA"
"operation": {
"operationalStatus": "UP",
"opStatusChangedAt": "2021-12-02T00:00:00Z"
"operation": {
"operationalStatus": "UP",
"opStatusChangedAt": "2021-07-20T17:04:18Z",
"connectionCount": 53,
"evplVCCount": 53,
"fgVCCount": 0,
"accessVCCount": 0
"account": {
"accountNumber": 270001,
"accountName": "testBuyer",
"ucmId": "08374E19-9B56-4c27-84BA-33D42BB0940C",
"globalCustId": "0016u000003JZ4sAAG",
"orgId": "91997",
"organizationName": "testBuyer-270001"
"changeLog": {
"updatedDateTime": "2021-07-20T17:04:18Z",
"createdDateTime": "2021-07-20T17:04:18Z"

Use the Metros API to create a list of all metros your account can connect to.

Response payload body description

ParameterData TypeExample ValuesDescription
paginationobject-Search results pagination settings.
dataarray[object]-Data array containing returned objects.
offsetinteger?offset=0Index of the first item returned in the response. The value must be >=0, and the default is 0.
limitinteger?limit=10Maximum number of items returned per page. Number must be between 1 and 1000, and the default is 999.
totalinteger1Total number of items returned.
hrefstring absolute URL that returns the specified asset.
typestringXF_PORTType of port.
uuidstringe91484bb-4f65-4ab3-8f77-500dec2f855dEquinix-assigned port identifier.
namestringAT1-Dot1q-L-Secondary-108608Port name.
statestringACTIVEPort lifecycle status.
cvpIdstring108608CloudVision Portal port identifier.
bandwidthinteger1000Data transfer capacity (Mbps).
usedBandwidthinteger0Port bandwidth consumed (Mbps).
availableBandwidthinteger1000Remaining port bandwidth (Mbps).
locationobject-Geographic attributes of the specified access point.
projectobject-Customer resource hierarchy project information.
Applicable to customers onboarded to Equinix Identity and Access Management. For more information see Identity and Access Management: Projects.
deviceobject-Device configuration settings.
encapsulationobject-Encapsulation specification.
lagobject-Link aggregation group (LAG) configuration.
settingsobject-Port configuration settings.
physicalPortsarray[object]-Preferences and settings for physical ports.
operationobject-Port operational status.
accountobject-Port owner account information.
changeLogobject-A permanent record of asset creation, modification, or deletion.
hrefstring absolute URL that returns the specified asset.
ibxstringAT1Alphanumeric identifier assigned to an Equinix International Business Exchange (IBX) data center in which a specified asset is located.
metroCodestringATMetropolitan area identifier.
metroNamestringAtlantaMetropolitan area name.
regionstringAMERBroad geographic area in which a specified Equinix asset is located:
  • AMER — The Americas
  • APAC — Asia-Pacific)
  • EMEA — Europe, the Middle East, and Africa
projectIdstring377533000114703Customer project identifier.
namestringdev-m7a2.labEquinix-assigned device identifier.
redundancyobject-Port redundancy configuration.
prioritystringSecondaryRelative priority in the redundancy group.
typestringDOT1QEncapsulation protocol.
tagProtocolIdstring0x8100Tagging protocol identifier.
  • 0x8100 - DOT1Q
  • 0x9100 - QINQ
idstring108608Link aggregation group (LAG) ID.
enabledbooleantrueIndicator showing if port is LAG enabled. The default value is false.
namestringae-108608LAG name.
buyoutbooleanfalseBuyout (true) or standard port configuration. Buyout ports offer free unlimited connections. Standard ports (false) do not. The default value is false.
placeVcOrderPermissionbooleantruePermission to order a virtual connection. The default value is false.
viewPortPermissionbooleantrueIndicates if the user can see the port. The default value is false.
uuidstringdfd8884bb-4f65-4ab3-8f77-500dec2f87777Unique Id of the switch port.
statestringPROVISIONEDPort availability.
typestringXF_PHYSICAL_PORTPhysical port type.
idinteger6967Physical port identifier.
bandwidthinteger10000Data transfer capacity (Mbps).
tetherobject-Equinix-side physical port connector information.
demarcationPointobject-Customer-side physical port connector information.
settingsobject-Physical port specifications.
operationobject-Operational data for a specified port.
crossConnectIdstring100179-ACross-connection identifier.
cabinetNumberstringDemarcCabinet name.
systemNamestringGV1:01:001032Colocation cage identifier.
patchPanelNamestringPP:956:66107Name of the patch panel where the given port is located.
patchPanelPortAstring5ID for the origin of a cross-connect port interface.
patchPanelPortBstring42ID for the destination side of a cross-connect port interface.
patchPanelNamestringPP:956:66107Name of the patch panel where the given port is located.
patchPanelPortAstring5ID for the origin of a cross-connect port interface.
patchPanelPortBstring42ID for the destination side of a cross-connect port interface.
ibxstringDC6Identifier of the IBX data center where the given physical port is located.
sharedPortTypebooleanfalseType of shared port. A shared port is a single physical port that handles multiple virtual connections.
sharedPortProductstringNAName of the Equinix product associated with the shared port.
operationalStatusstringUPAvailability of a given physical port.
operationalStatusstringUPAvailability of a given port.
opStatusChangedAtstring2021-08-14T19:30:29.526ZDate and time at which port availability changed in IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format:
YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.000+0000 or
connectionCountinteger0Total number of connections established using this port.
accountNumberinteger100179Equinix-assigned account number.
accountNamestringL2Legal name of the accountholder.
globalCustIdstring007700000090982RG8Equinix-assigned ID of the subscriber's parent organization.
orgIdstring100179Equinix-assigned ID of the subscriber's organization.
organizationNamestringCust_Org_100179Equinix-assigned name of the subscriber's organization.
createdDateTimestring2021-08-14T19:30:29.526ZAsset creation timestamp in IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format:
YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.000+0000 or

If you get an “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for help.

Get Specified Port

 GET /fabric/v4/ports/{portUuid}
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/ports/{portUuid}
Path Parametersuuid
Query ParametersNot applicable
Body ParametersNot applicable

This API request returns details for the specified port.


To obtain an authorization token, see the Getting Access Token section under Requesting Access and Refresh Tokens.

Sample curl request

curl -X GET ''
-H 'Authorization: Bearer 000aI9YU3IRxFjQsuSyVhBSvfQAo'

Path parameters

ParameterMandatoryTypeExampleApplicable ValuesDescription
uuidnostringe91484bb-4f65-4ab3-8f77-500dec2f855d-Equinix-assigned port identifier.

Sample response

"href": "",
"type": "XF_PORT",
"uuid": "cecd1039-eadd-add3-31e0-387a5c00aeb9",
"name": "testBuyer-DC6-NL-Qinq-STD-SEC-10G-JUN-2",
"state": "ACTIVE",
"cvpId": "1617846",
"bandwidth": 10000,
"usedBandwidth": 3596,
"availableBandwidth": 6403,
"location": {
"href": "",
"ibx": "DC6",
"metroCode": "DC",
"metroName": "Ashburn",
"region": "AMER"
"project": {
"projectId": "1234567"

"device": {
"name": "qa3-dc-a2.lab",
"redundancy": {
"priority": "SECONDARY"
"encapsulation": {
"type": "QINQ",
"tagProtocolId": "0x9100"
"lag": {
"enabled": false
"settings": {
"buyout": false,
"placeVcOrderPermission": true,
"viewPortPermission": true
"physicalPorts": [
"uuid": "dfd8884bb-4f65-4ab3-8f77-500dec2f87777",
"state": "ACTIVE",
"id": 1426505,
"bandwidth": 10000,
"tether": {
"crossConnectId": "21864962",
"cabinetNumber": "Demarc",
"systemName": "DC6:01:001285",
"patchPanelName": "CP:Demarc:1258531",
"patchPanelPortA": "1",
"patchPanelPortB": "2"
"demarcationPoint": {
"patchPanelName": "CP:Demarc:1258533",
"patchPanelPortA": "3",
"patchPanelPortB": "4",
"ibx": "DC6"
"settings": {
"sharedPortType": false,
"sharedPortProduct": "NA"
"operation": {
"operationalStatus": "UP",
"opStatusChangedAt": "2021-12-02T00:00:00Z"
"operation": {
"operationalStatus": "UP",
"opStatusChangedAt": "2021-10-20T17:25:24Z",
"connectionCount": 30,
"evplVCCount": 30,
"fgVCCount": 0,
"accessVCCount": 0
"account": {
"accountNumber": 270001,
"accountName": "testBuyer",
"ucmId": "08374E19-9B56-4c27-84BA-33D42BB0940C",
"globalCustId": "0016u000003JZ4sAAG",
"orgId": "91997",
"organizationName": "testBuyer-270001"
"changeLog": {
"updatedDateTime": "2021-10-20T17:25:24Z",
"createdDateTime": "2021-10-20T17:25:24Z"

Use the Metros API to create a list of all metros your account can connect to.

Response payload body description

hrefstring absolute URL that returns the specified asset.
typestringXF_PORTType of port.
uuidstringe91484bb-4f65-4ab3-8f77-500dec2f855dEquinix-assigned port identifier.
namestringAT1-Dot1q-L-Secondary-108608Port name.
statestringACTIVEPort lifecycle status.
cvpIdstring108608CloudVision Portal port identifier.
bandwidthinteger1000Data transfer capacity (Mbps).
usedBandwidthinteger0Port bandwidth consumed (Mbps).
availableBandwidthinteger1000Remaining port bandwidth (Mbps).
locationobject-Geographic attributes of the specified access point.
projectobject-Customer resource hierarchy project information.
Applicable to customers onboarded to Equinix Identity and Access Management. For more information see Identity and Access Management: Projects.
deviceobject-Device configuration settings.
encapsulationobject-Encapsulation specification.
lagobject-Link aggregation group (LAG) configuration.
settingsobject-Port configuration settings.
physicalPortsarray[object]-Preferences and settings for physical ports.
operationobject-Port operational status.
accountobject-Port owner account information.
changeLogobject-A permanent record of asset creation, modification, or deletion.
hrefstring absolute URL that returns the specified asset.
ibxstringAT1Alphanumeric identifier assigned to an Equinix International Business Exchange (IBX) data center in which a specified asset is located.
metroCodestringATMetropolitan area identifier.
metroNamestringAtlantaMetropolitan area name.
regionstringAMERBroad geographic area in which a specified Equinix asset is located:
  • AMER — The Americas
  • APAC — Asia-Pacific)
  • EMEA — Europe, the Middle East, and Africa
projectIdstring377533000114703Customer project identifier.
namestringdev-m7a2.labEquinix-assigned device identifier.
redundancyobject-Port redundancy configuration.
prioritystringSecondaryRelative priority in the redundancy group.
typestringDOT1QEncapsulation protocol.
tagProtocolIdstring0x8100Tagging protocol identifier.
  • 0x8100 - DOT1Q
  • 0x9100 - QINQ
idstring108608Link aggregation group (LAG) ID.
enabledbooleantrueIndicator showing if port is LAG enabled. The default value is false.
namestringae-108608LAG name.
buyoutbooleanfalseBuyout (true) or standard port configuration. Buyout ports offer free unlimited connections. Standard ports (false) do not. The default value is false.
placeVcOrderPermissionbooleantruePermission to order a virtual connection. The default value is false.
viewPortPermissionbooleantrueIndicates if the user can see the port. The default value is false.
uuidstringdfd8884bb-4f65-4ab3-8f77-500dec2f87777Unique Id of the switch port.
statestringPROVISIONEDPort availability.
typestringXF_PHYSICAL_PORTPhysical port type.
idinteger6967Physical port identifier.
bandwidthinteger10000Data transfer capacity (Mbps).
tetherobject-Equinix-side physical port connector information.
demarcationPointobject-Customer-side physical port connector information.
settingsobject-Physical port specifications.
operationobject-Operational data for a specified port.
crossConnectIdstring100179-ACross-connection identifier.
cabinetNumberstringDemarcCabinet name.
systemNamestringGV1:01:001032Colocation cage identifier.
patchPanelNamestringPP:956:66107Name of the patch panel where the given port is located.
patchPanelPortAstring5ID for the origin of a cross-connect port interface.
patchPanelPortBstring42ID for the destination side of a cross-connect port interface.
patchPanelNamestringPP:956:66107Name of the patch panel where the given port is located.
patchPanelPortAstring5ID for the origin of a cross-connect port interface.
patchPanelPortBstring42ID for the destination side of a cross-connect port interface.
ibxstringDC6Identifier of the IBX data center where the given physical port is located.
sharedPortTypebooleanfalseType of shared port. A shared port is a single physical port that handles multiple virtual connections.
sharedPortProductstringNAName of the Equinix product associated with the shared port.
operationalStatusstringUPAvailability of a given physical port.
operationalStatusstringUPAvailability of a given port.
opStatusChangedAtstring2021-08-14T19:30:29.526ZDate and time at which port availability changed in IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format:
YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.000+0000 or
connectionCountinteger0Total number of connections established using this port.
accountNumberinteger100179Equinix-assigned account number.
accountNamestringL2Legal name of the accountholder.
globalCustIdstring007700000090982RG8Equinix-assigned ID of the subscriber's parent organization.
orgIdstring100179Equinix-assigned ID of the subscriber's organization.
organizationNamestringCust_Org_100179Equinix-assigned name of the subscriber's organization.
createdDateTimestring2021-08-14T19:30:29.526ZAsset creation timestamp in IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format:
YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.000+0000 or

If you get an “Access Denied” error, please contact your local Equinix Service Desk for help.

Delete Specified Port

 DELETE /fabric/v4/ports/{portUuid}
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/ports/{portUuid}
Path Parametersuuid
Query ParametersNot applicable
Body ParametersNot applicable

Deletes a port.


To obtain an authorization token, see the Getting Access Token section under Requesting Access and Refresh Tokens.

Sample curl request

curl -X DELETE ''
-H 'Authorization: Bearer 000aI9YU3IRxFjQsuSyVhBSvfQAo'

Path parameters

portUuid string
Unique Id of a port.
Example: 3a58dd05-f46d-4b1d-a154-2e85c396ea62

Sample response

"href": "",
"type": "XF_PORT",
"uuid": "e91484bb-4f65-4ab3-8f77-500dec2f855d",
"name": "test-AT1-Dot1q-L-Secondary-108608",
"bandwidth": 10000,
"usedBandwidth": 0,
"availableBandwidth": 20000,
"redundancy": {
"group": "C91484bb-4f65-4ab3-8f77-500dec2f855C",
"priority": "PRIMARY"
"location": {
"metroHref": "",
"ibx": "AT1",
"metroCode": "AT",
"metroName": "Atlanta",
"region": "AMER"
"device": {
"name": "dev-m7a2.lab",
"redundancy": {
"group": "C91484bb-4f65-4ab3-8f77-500dec2f855C",
"priority": "PRIMARY"
"encapsulation": {
"type": "DOT1Q",
"tagProtocolId": 33024
"lagEnabled": true,
"lag": {
"enabled": true
"settings": {
"buyout": false,
"placeVcOrderPermission": true,
"viewPortPermission": true
"physicalPorts": [
"bandwidth": 10000,
"tether": {
"crossConnectId": "100179-A",
"patchPanel": "PP:8118:1586",
"patchPanelPortA": "92",
"patchPanelPortB": "24"
"demarcationPoint": {
"ibx": "AT1",
"patchPanel": "PP:8118:1586",
"patchPanelName": "PP:8118:1586",
"patchPanelPortA": "92",
"patchPanelPortB": "24"
"account": {
"accountNumber": 100179,
"accountName": "L2 account",
"globalCustId": "007700000090982RG8",
"orgId": 100179,
"organizationName": "Cust_Org_100179"
"changeLog": {
"createdDateTime": "2018-06-14T17:21:25.587Z"

Response payload body description


For a detailed description of the response, refer to the response of Get Specified Port.

Get Used Vlans

 GET /fabric/v4/ports/{portUuid}/linkProtocols
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/ports/{portUuid}/linkProtocols
Path Parametersuuid
Query Parametersoffset, limit
Body ParametersNot applicable

This API returns used Vlans for a specified port.


To obtain an authorization token, see the Getting Access Token section under Requesting Access and Refresh Tokens.

Sample curl request

curl -X GET ''
-H 'Authorization: Bearer 000aI9YU3IRxFjQsuSyVhBSvfQAo'

Path parameters

ParameterMandatoryTypeExampleApplicable ValuesDescription
uuidnostringe91484bb-4f65-4ab3-8f77-500dec2f855d-Equinix-assigned port identifier.

Sample response

"pagination": {
"offset": 0,
"limit": 20,
"total": 3
"data": [
"href": "",
"uuid": "fcd4ffdf-d4ef-45c8-9a83-7389d4912695",
"state": "RESERVED",
"type": "DOT1Q",
"vlanSTag": 2288,
"connection": {
"uuid": "9624b2bf-dd4c-40f2-9a13-72c7601b1d8a",
"bandwidth": 50000000
"changeLog": {
"createdDateTime": "2023-01-19T23:03:47.192Z"
"href": "",
"uuid": "6648145c-01e9-4437-b6f7-5dab4a2c8a8d",
"state": "RESERVED",
"type": "DOT1Q",
"vlanTagMin": 0,
"vlanTagMax": 0,
"vlanSTag": 588,
"vlanCTagMin": 0,
"vlanCTagMax": 0,
"serviceToken": {
"uuid": "f6e45f4c-71df-4640-b344-21db9343562f",
"bandwidth": 50000000
"changeLog": {
"createdDateTime": "2023-03-06T23:09:13.249Z"
"href": "",
"uuid": "da4711ee-63a4-4eb4-9f0d-861313e2c247",
"state": "RESERVED",
"type": "DOT1Q",
"vlanTagMin": 0,
"vlanTagMax": 0,
"vlanSTag": 663,
"vlanCTagMin": 0,
"vlanCTagMax": 0,
"connection": {
"uuid": "7f32f834-24f8-460f-a704-bd27b3dff9af",
"bandwidth": 5000000
"changeLog": {
"createdDateTime": "2023-03-08T16:56:28.093Z"

Use the Metros API to create a list of all metros your account can connect to.

Response payload body description

paginationobject-Search results pagination settings.
dataarray[object]-Data array containing returned objects.
offsetinteger?offset=0Index of the first item returned in the response. The value must be >=0, and the default is 0.
limitinteger?limit=10Maximum number of items returned per page. Number must be between 1 and 1000, and the default is 999.
totalinteger1Total number of items returned.
hrefstring absolute URL that returns the specified asset.
uuidstringe91484bb-4f65-4ab3-8f77-500dec2f855dEquinix-assigned port identifier.
statestringRESERVEDWhether the port is RESERVED or not.
vlanSTaginteger588QINQ protocol outer (service) VLAN tag used to identify packets as they traverse trunk lines.
vlanCTaginteger588QINQ protocol inner (customer) VLAN tag used to identify packets as they traverse trunk lines.
vlanCTagMininteger0QINQ protocol lowest customer VLAN tag value.
vlanCTagMaxinteger0QINQ protocol highest customer VLAN tag value.
vlanTagMininteger0DOT1Q protocol VLAN tag range lowest value.
vlanTagMaxinteger0DOT1Q protocol VLAN tag range highest value.
serviceTokenobject-An object that has the details of the service token.
connectionobject-An object that has the details of the connection.
changeLogobject-A permanent record of asset creation, modification, or deletion.
uuidstringe91484bb-4f65-4ab3-8f77-500dec2f855dEquinix-assigned service token identifier.
uuidstringe91484bb-4f65-4ab3-8f77-500dec2f855dEquinix-assigned connection identifier.
createdBystring_systemCreated by
createdDateTimestring2021-08-14T19:30:29.526ZAsset creation timestamp in IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format:
YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.000+0000 or
updatedDateTimestring2021-08-14T19:30:29.526ZAsset creation timestamp in IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format:
YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.000+0000 or

If you get an “Access Denied” error, please contact your local Equinix Service Desk for help.

Search Ports

 POST /fabric/v4/ports/search
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/ports/search
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Path ParametersNot applicable
Query ParametersNot applicable
Body Parametersfilter

Search for ports.


For instructions on how to obtain an authorization token, refer to Requesting Access and Refresh Tokens.

Sample curl request

curl -X POST ''
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-d '{
"filter": {
"or": [
"and": [
"operator": "=",
"property": "/project/projectId",
"values": [
"operator": "=",
"property": "/state",
"values": [
"operator": "=",
"property": "/settings/productCode",
"values": [
"pagination": {
"limit": 25,
"offset": 0,
"total": 0
"sort": [
"property": "/device/name",
"direction": "DESC"

Body parameters

filter object
Object containing filtering criteria to search for ports.
or array[object]
Array of criteria joined by the "or" operator.
and array[object]
Array of criteria joined by the "and" operator.
property string
Search for ports based on filtering criteria.
Applicable values:
  • /project/projectId
  • /state
  • /settings/productCode
operator string
Parameter operator.
Applicable values:
  • =
values string
Parameter value.
Example: 3a58dd05-f46d-4b1d-a154-2e85c396ea62
"property": "/project/projectId",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
operator string
Search field operator.
Applicable values:
  • =
value array[string]
Connection name.
Example: ["xx-xx-xx"]
"property": "/state",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
operator string
Search field operator.
Applicable values:
  • =
value array[string]
State of the port.
Example: ["ACTIVE"]
"property": "/settings/productCode",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
operator string
Search field operator.
Applicable values:
  • =
value array[string]
Search by the state of ports.
Example: ["CX"]

Sample response - ports

"pagination": {
"offset": 0,
"limit": 999,
"total": 133
"data": [
"href": "",
"type": "XF_PORT",
"uuid": "c791f8cb-599b-99b0-8ce0-306a5c00a4ee",
"name": "testBuyer-DC5-NL-Dot1q-BO-PRI-10G-JN-163",
"state": "ACTIVE",
"cvpId": "1614613",
"bandwidth": 10000,
"usedBandwidth": 6165,
"availableBandwidth": 3835,
"location": {
"href": "",
"ibx": "DC5",
"metroCode": "DC",
"metroName": "Ashburn",
"region": "AMER"
"project": {
"projectId": "1234567"

"device": {
"name": "qa3-dc-a1.lab",
"redundancy": {
"priority": "PRIMARY"
"encapsulation": {
"type": "DOT1Q",
"tagProtocolId": "0x8100"
"lag": {
"enabled": false
"settings": {
"buyout": true,
"placeVcOrderPermission": true,
"viewPortPermission": true
"physicalPorts": [
"state": "ACTIVE",
"id": 1426515,
"bandwidth": 10000,
"tether": {
"crossConnectId": "ECX.01.00002995",
"cabinetNumber": "Demarc",
"systemName": "DC5:01:001015",
"patchPanelName": "PP:Demarc:00001016",
"patchPanelPortA": "1",
"patchPanelPortB": "2",
"demarcationPoint": {
"patchPanelName": "PP:Demarc:00001015",
"patchPanelPortA": "5",
"patchPanelPortB": "6",
"ibx": "DC5"
"settings": {
"sharedPortType": false,
"sharedPortProduct": "NA"
"operation": {
"operationalStatus": "UP",
"opStatusChangedAt": "2021-12-02T00:00:00Z"
"operation": {
"operationalStatus": "UP",
"opStatusChangedAt": "2021-07-20T17:04:18Z",
"connectionCount": 53,
"evplVCCount": 53,
"fgVCCount": 0,
"accessVCCount": 0
"account": {
"accountNumber": 270001,
"accountName": "testBuyer",
"ucmId": "08374E19-9B56-4c27-84BA-33D42BB0940C",
"globalCustId": "0016u000003JZ4sAAG",
"orgId": "91997",
"organizationName": "testBuyer-270001"
"changeLog": {
"updatedDateTime": "2021-07-20T17:04:18Z",
"createdDateTime": "2021-07-20T17:04:18Z"

Response payload body description

ParameterData TypeExample ValuesDescription
paginationobject-Search results pagination settings.
dataarray[object]-Data array containing returned objects.
offsetinteger?offset=0Index of the first item returned in the response. The value must be >=0, and the default is 0.
limitinteger?limit=10Maximum number of items returned per page. Number must be between 1 and 1000, and the default is 999.
totalinteger1Total number of items returned.
hrefstring absolute URL that returns the specified asset.
typestringXF_PORTType of port.
uuidstringe91484bb-4f65-4ab3-8f77-500dec2f855dEquinix-assigned port identifier.
namestringAT1-Dot1q-L-Secondary-108608Port name.
statestringACTIVEPort lifecycle status.
cvpIdstring108608CloudVision Portal port identifier.
bandwidthinteger1000Data transfer capacity (Mbps).
usedBandwidthinteger0Port bandwidth consumed (Mbps).
availableBandwidthinteger1000Remaining port bandwidth (Mbps).
locationobject-Geographic attributes of the specified access point.
projectobject-Customer resource hierarchy project information.
Applicable to customers onboarded to Equinix Identity and Access Management. For more information see Identity and Access Management: Projects.
deviceobject-Device configuration settings.
encapsulationobject-Encapsulation specification.
lagobject-Link aggregation group (LAG) configuration.
settingsobject-Port configuration settings.
physicalPortsarray[object]-Preferences and settings for physical ports.
operationobject-Port operational status.
accountobject-Port owner account information.
changeLogobject-A permanent record of asset creation, modification, or deletion.
hrefstring absolute URL that returns the specified asset.
ibxstringAT1Alphanumeric identifier assigned to an Equinix International Business Exchange (IBX) data center in which a specified asset is located.
metroCodestringATMetropolitan area identifier.
metroNamestringAtlantaMetropolitan area name.
regionstringAMERBroad geographic area in which a specified Equinix asset is located:
  • AMER — The Americas
  • APAC — Asia-Pacific)
  • EMEA — Europe, the Middle East, and Africa
projectIdstring377533000114703Customer project identifier.
namestringdev-m7a2.labEquinix-assigned device identifier.
redundancyobject-Port redundancy configuration.
prioritystringSecondaryRelative priority in the redundancy group.
typestringDOT1QEncapsulation protocol.
tagProtocolIdstring0x8100Tagging protocol identifier.
  • 0x8100 - DOT1Q
  • 0x9100 - QINQ
idstring108608Link aggregation group (LAG) ID.
enabledbooleantrueIndicator showing if port is LAG enabled. The default value is false.
namestringae-108608LAG name.
buyoutbooleanfalseBuyout (true) or standard port configuration. Buyout ports offer free unlimited connections. Standard ports (false) do not. The default value is false.
placeVcOrderPermissionbooleantruePermission to order a virtual connection. The default value is false.
viewPortPermissionbooleantrueIndicates if the user can see the port. The default value is false.
statestringPROVISIONEDPort availability.
typestringXF_PHYSICAL_PORTPhysical port type.
idinteger6967Physical port identifier.
bandwidthinteger10000Data transfer capacity (Mbps).
tetherobject-Equinix-side physical port connector information.
demarcationPointobject-Customer-side physical port connector information.
settingsobject-Physical port specifications.
operationobject-Operational data for a specified port.
crossConnectIdstring100179-ACross-connection identifier.
cabinetNumberstringDemarcCabinet name.
systemNamestringGV1:01:001032Colocation cage identifier.
patchPanelNamestringPP:956:66107Name of the patch panel where the given port is located.
patchPanelPortAstring5ID for the origin of a cross-connect port interface.
patchPanelPortBstring42ID for the destination side of a cross-connect port interface.
patchPanelNamestringPP:956:66107Name of the patch panel where the given port is located.
patchPanelPortAstring5ID for the origin of a cross-connect port interface.
patchPanelPortBstring42ID for the destination side of a cross-connect port interface.
ibxstringDC6Identifier of the IBX data center where the given physical port is located.
sharedPortTypebooleanfalseType of shared port. A shared port is a single physical port that handles multiple virtual connections.
sharedPortProductstringNAName of the Equinix product associated with the shared port.
operationalStatusstringUPAvailability of a given physical port.
operationalStatusstringUPAvailability of a given port.
opStatusChangedAtstring2021-08-14T19:30:29.526ZDate and time at which port availability changed in IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format:
YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.000+0000 or
connectionCountinteger0Total number of connections established using this port.
accountNumberinteger100179Equinix-assigned account number.
accountNamestringL2Legal name of the accountholder.
globalCustIdstring007700000090982RG8Equinix-assigned ID of the subscriber's parent organization.
orgIdstring100179Equinix-assigned ID of the subscriber's organization.
organizationNamestringCust_Org_100179Equinix-assigned name of the subscriber's organization.
createdDateTimestring2021-08-14T19:30:29.526ZAsset creation timestamp in IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format:
YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.000+0000 or

If you get an “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for help.


Retrieve Pricing

 POST /fabric/v4/prices/search
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/prices/search
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Path ParametersNot applicable
Query ParametersNot applicable
Body Parametersfilter

This API request retrieves pricing information for a specified product.

Refer to one of the following for specific use case examples:


For instructions on how to obtain an authorization token, refer to Requesting Access and Refresh Tokens.

Sample curl request - pricing information for a connection between a colocation port and a service profile

curl -X POST ''
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-d '{
"filter": {
"and": [
"property": "/type",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
"property": "/connection/type",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
"property": "/connection/bandwidth",
"operator": "IN",
"values": [
"property": "/connection/aSide/accessPoint/type",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
"property": "/connection/aSide/accessPoint/location/metroCode",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
"property": "/connection/aSide/accessPoint/port/settings/buyout",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
"property": "/connection/zSide/accessPoint/location/metroCode",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
"property": "/connection/zSide/accessPoint/type",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
"property": "/connection/zSide/accessPoint/profile/uuid",
"operator": "=",
"values": [

Body parameters

Parameter NameMandatoryData TypeExampleApplicable ValuesDescription
filteryesobjectArray of objects defining search conditions.  
andyesarray[object]Logical operator.



Search field parameter. Note that the property value determines the list of applicable operators and values.
Search field parameter operator.
Search field parameter value.
/typeyes "property": "/type",
"operator": "=",
"values": [       
 Product type.

Note that the product type determines the properties required to retrieve pricing information.
operatoryesstring==Search field parameter operator.
/account/accountNumberconditional "property": "/account/accountNumber",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
 Billing account number.

Mandatory for port pricing.
operatoryesstring==Search field parameter operator.



Connection product specific properties

/connection/typeyes "property": "/connection/type",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
 Connection type.

Note that the connection type determines the A-side and the Z-side endpoints' properties.
operatoryesstring==Search field parameter operator.
EVPL_VC - Ethernet virtual private line‒virtual connection.
IP_VC - Fabric Cloud Router virtual connection.
VD_CHAIN_VC - Device link connection between Network Edge virtual devices.
/connection/bandwidthyes "property": "/connection/bandwidth",
"operator": "IN",
"values": [
 Connection bandwidth (Mbps).
operatoryesstringININSearch field parameter operator.
valuesyesarray[integer][200, 500]50
/connection/aSide /accessPoint/typeyes "property": "/connection/aSide/accessPoint/type",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
 Type of access point.
operatoryesstring==Search field parameter operator.
COLO - Colocation space in an IBX data center.
CLOUD_ROUTER - Fabric Cloud Router instance.
VD - Network Edge virtual device.
/connection/aSide /accessPoint/location/metroCoderequired "property": "/connection/aSide/accessPoint/location/metroCode",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
 Metropolitan area identifier.
operatoryesstring==Search field parameter operator.

Use the Get All Metros API request to retrieve the list of metros.


/connection/aSide /accessPoint/port/settings/buyout

"property": "/connection/aSide/accessPoint/port/settings/buyout",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
 Buyout (true) or standard (false) configuration of the port at this access point. Buyout ports offer free unlimited connections. Standard ports do not.
operatoryesstring==Search field parameter operator.

Default: false

/connection/zSide /accessPoint/location/metroCode

no "property": "/connection/zSide/accessPoint/location/metroCode",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
 Metropolitan area identifier.
operatoryesstring==Search field parameter operator.

Use the Get All Metros API request to retrieve the list of metros.

/connection/zSide /accessPoint/typeyes {
     "property": "/connection/zSide/accessPoint/type",
     "operator": "=",
     "values": [
 Type of access point.
operatoryesstring==Search field parameter operator.
CHAINGROUP - Device link group.
COLO - Colocation space in an IBX data center.
SP - Service profile.
/connection/zSide /accessPoint/profile/uuidcontitional "property": "/connection/zSide/accessPoint/profile/uuid",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
 Equinix-assigned service profile identifier.

Required for the SP access point type.
operatoryesstring==Search field parameter operator.
/connection/zSide /accessPoint/bridge/package/codeconditional "property": "/connection/zSide/accessPoint/bridge/package/code",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
 Connection bridge package code.

Required for the CHAINGROUP access point type.
GLOBAL - across all regions/metros.
REGIONAL - within a region.
LOCAL - within a metro

IP block product specific properties
/ipBlock/typeyes "property": "/ipBlock/type",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
 IP addressing block type.
operatoryesstring==Search field parameter operator.
valuesyesarray[string]["IPv4"]IPv4IPv4 - IP version 4 addressing.
/ipBlock/prefixLengthyes "property": "/ipBlock/prefixLength",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
 The number of bits in the IP address that identify the network.
operatoryesstring==Search field parameter operator.
/ipBlock/location/metroCodeyes "property": "/ipBlock/location/metroCode",
"operator": "IN",
"values": [
   "SV", "WA", "AM"
Metropolitan area identifier.
operatoryesstringININSearch field parameter operator.
valuesyesarray[string]["SV", "WA", "AM"]

Use the Get All Metros API request to retrieve the list of metros.


Fabric Cloud Router product specific properties
/router/location/metroCodeyes "property": "/router/location/metroCode",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
 Metropolitan area identifier.
operatoryesstring==Search field parameter operator.

Use the Get All Metros API request to retrieve the list of metros.

/router/package/codeyes "property": "/router/package/code",
"operator": "IN",
"values": [

Fabric Cloud Router package identifier.

operatoryesstringININSearch field parameter operator.
valuesyesarray[string]["LAB", "STANDARD"]LAB

LAB - Max Routes IPv4 = 50, Max Routes IPv6 = 50; 10Mbps max per connection ingress/egress bandwidth limit; Max connections per FCR: 10 (Trial package)

STANDARD - Max Routes IPv4 = 1000, Max Routes IPv6 = 100.


Virtual Port product specific properties
/port/location/ibxyes "property": "/port/location/ibx",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
 Equinix IBX data center identifier.
operatoryesstring==Search field parameter operator.

Use the Get All Metros API request to retrieve the list of metros.

/port/typeyes "property": "/port/type",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
 Type of port.
operatoryesstring==Search field parameter operator.
valuesyesarray[string]["XF_PORT"]XF_PORTXF_PORT - Equinix Fabric port used as a Fabric connection endpoint.
/port/bandwidthyes "property": "/port/bandwidth",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
 Port bandwidth in Mbps.
operatoryesstring==Search field parameter operator.
/port/settings/buyoutno "property": "/port/settings/buyout",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
 Buyout (true) or standard (false) configuration of the port at this access point. Buyout ports offer free, unlimited connections. Standard ports do not.
operatoryesstring==Search field parameter operator.

Default: false
/port/connectivitySource/typeno "property": "/port/connectivitySource/type",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
 Port connectivity source type.
operatoryesstring==Search field parameter operator.

Default: COLO
BMMR - Building's Meet Me Room available in one of the multitenant data centers.
COLO - Colocation space in an Equinix IBX data center.
REMOTE - Remote ports enable access to Equinix Fabric services through a third party such as an NSP.
/port/serviceTypeno "property": "/port/serviceType",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
 Port service type.
operatoryesstring==Search field parameter operator.

Default: MSP
EPL - Ethernet Private Line port for untagged, EPL connections.
MSP - Managed service port.
/port/lag/enabledno "property": "/port/lag/enabled",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
 Indicator showing if a port can be part of a link aggregation group.
operatoryesstring==Search field parameter operator.

Default: false

Sample response

"data": [
"code": "ECX00015.PROD",
"name": "Equinix Fabric Virtual Connection Product",
"description": "Equinix Fabric Virtual Connection",
"charges": [
"price": 250.0
"currency": "USD",
"connection": {
"type": "EVPL_VC",
"bandwidth": 50,
"aSide": {
"accessPoint": {
"type": "COLO",
"location": {
"metroCode": "CH"
"zSide": {
"accessPoint": {
"type": "SP",
"location": {
"metroCode": "DC"
"profile": {
"uuid": "e0346949-00af-480b-801b-bdd2b8980c6e"
"code": "ECX00015.PROD",
"name": "Equinix Fabric Virtual Connection Product",
"description": "Equinix Fabric Virtual Connection",
"charges": [
"price": 900.0
"currency": "USD",
"connection": {
"type": "EVPL_VC",
"bandwidth": 1000,
"aSide": {
"accessPoint": {
"type": "COLO",
"location": {
"metroCode": "CH"
"zSide": {
"accessPoint": {
"type": "SP",
"location": {
"metroCode": "DC"
"profile": {
"uuid": "e0346949-00af-480b-801b-bdd2b8980c6e"
"pagination": {
"offset": 0,
"limit": 2,
"total": 2

Response body description

Field  NameData TypeExample ValuesDescription


stringECX00015.PRODProduct code.


stringEquinix Fabric Virtual Connection ProductProduct name.


stringEquinix Fabric Virtual ConnectionProduct description.
accountobjectCustomer billing account information.
chargesarray[object]List of product offerings with properties and prices.
currencystringUSDProduct offering price currency.
conenctionobjectConnection information.
accountNumberstring270001Billing account number.
typestringMONTHLY_RECURRINGCharge type.
pricenumber900.0Offering price.
typestringEVPL_VCConnection type.


integer1000Connection bandwidth (Mbps).
aSide/zSideobjectAn A-Side (subscriber) or Z-side (provider) connection configuration.
accessPointobjectCarrier-neutral network hub for interconnectivity among global internet access providers.
typestringSPType of access point.
locationobjectAttributes associated with the location of the specified connection.
metroCodestringCHCode assigned to an Equinix International Business Exchange (IBX) data center in a specified metropolitan area.
offsetinteger0Index of the first item returned in the response.
limitinteger2Maximum number of items returned per page.
totalinteger2Total number of items that match request criteria.

If you get an “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for Equinix Fabric Portal access.

Routing Table Entries

Retrieve Routing Tables Entries

 POST /fabric/v4/routers/{uuid}/routes/search
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/routers/{uuid}/routes/search
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Path Parametersuuid
Query ParametersNot applicable
Body Parametersfilter, pagination, sort

This API request retrieves Fabric Cloud Router instances routing table entries that match provided search criteria.


For instructions on how to obtain an authorization token, refer to Requesting Access and Refresh Tokens.

Sample curl request - AND logical operator

curl -X POST '{uuid}/routes/search'
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-d '{
"filter": {
"and": [
"property": "/type",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
"pagination": {
"offset": 0,
"limit": 20
"sort": [
"direction": "DESC",
"property": "/changeLog/createdDateTime"

Sample curl request - AND logical operator in conjunction with OR logical operator

curl -X POST 'http: //{uuid}/routes/search'
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-d '{
"filter": {
"and": [
"or": [
"property": "/type",
"operator": "LIKE",
"values": [
"property": "/type",
"operator": "LIKE",
"values": [
"pagination": {
"offset": 0,
"limit": 20
"sort": [
"direction": "DESC",
"property": "/changeLog/createdDateTime"

Path parameters

ParameterMandatoryTypeExampleApplicable ValuesDescription
uuidyesstring638895bc-4458-4627-9a3d-02c76ab362d7-Equinix-assigned Fabric Cloud Router instance identifier.

Body parameters

ParameterMandatoryTypeExampleApplicable ValuesDescription
filternoobject--Array of objects defining search conditions.  
paginationnoobject--Search results pagination settings.
sortnoobject--Search results sorting settings.
andyesarray[object]--Logical operator.


Search field parameter. Note that the property value determines the list of applicable operators and values.

/nextHop - The IP address of the next router through which a packet must pass on the way to its destination.
/prefix - Subscriber subnet prefix.

/type - Routing table entries type.
/status - Routing table entry status.
/* - All categories search.

Search field parameter operator.

~* - Case-insensitive all-category like.
valuesyesarray[string]["IPv4_BGP_ROUTE"]-Search field parameter value.
/nextHopno "property": "/nextHop",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
 The IP address of the next router through which a packet must pass on the way to its destination.
Search field parameter operator.


/stateno "property": "/state",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
 Routing table entry status.
Search field parameter operator.
ACTIVE - Routing trable entry represents an active route.
INACTIVE - Routing trable entry represents an inactive route.
/prefixno {
     "property": "/prefix",
     "operator": "=",
     "values": [
 Subscriber subnet prefix.
Search field parameter operator.
/typeno "property": "/type",
"operator": "=",
"values": [       

Routing table entry type.

Search field parameter operator.


IPv4_BGP_ROUTE - IPv4 BGP protocol routing entry.
IPv6_BGP_ROUTE - IPv6 BGP protocol routing entry.
/*no "property": "/*",
"operator": "LIKE",
"values": [
 All category search.
Search field parameter operator.
ornoarray[objects]-Maximum: 3 array elements

Array of objects defining search criteria.


Refer to filtering parameters for information on available search options.

offsetnointeger0Minimum: 0
Default: 0
Index of the first item returned in the response.
limitnointeger20Minimum: 1
Default: 20
Maximum number of items returned per page.  
Search results sorting direction.

Default: /changeLog/createdDateTime
Search results sorting parameter.

Sample response - AND logical operator

"pagination": {
"offset": 0,
"limit": 20,
"total": 100
"data": [
"type": "IPv4_BGP_ROUTE",
"state": "ACTIVE",
"age": "PT5M30S",
"prefix": "",
"nextHop": "",
"metric": 5,
"localPreference": 200,
"asPath": [
"connection": {
"uuid": "81331c52-04c0-4656-a4a7-18c52669348f",
"name": "My-Connection"
"changeLog": {
"createdDateTime": "2022-03-15T10:33:42.579Z",
"updatedDateTime": "2022-03-15T10:33:42.579Z"

Response payload body description

ParameterTypeExample valuesDescription
paginationobject-Search results pagination settings.
dataarray[object]-Data array containing search results.
offsetinteger0Index of the first item returned in the response.
limitinteger20Maximum number of items returned per page.
totalinteger1Total number of items returned.
typestringIPv4_BGP_ROUTERouting table entry type.

IPv4_BGP_ROUTE - IPv4 BGP protocol routing entry.
IPv6_BGP_ROUTE - IPv6 BGP protocol routing entry.
statestringACTIVERouting table entry status.

ACTIVE - Routing trable entry represents an active route.
INACTIVE - Routing trable entry represents an inactive route.
agestringPT5M30SThe time that has passed since the entry has been added to the routing table, in ISO 8601 date and time format.
prefixstring192.168.10.0/24Subscriber subnet prefix.
nextHopstring10.10.10.5The IP address of the next router through which a packet must pass on the way to its destination.
metricinteger5The minimum number of hops it takes to reach the destination.
localPreferenceinteger200Local preference value determining the best path for outbound traffic.
asPatharray[integer][66008, 12672]The list of autonomous systems that must be traversed to reach a given destination.
connectionobject-Equinix Fabric connection associated with a given routing table entry.
changeLogobject-A permanent record of asset creation, modification, or deletion.
uuidstring81331c52-04c0-4656-a4a7-18c52669348fEquinix-assigned connection identifier.
namestringMy-ConnectionConnection name.
createdDateTimestring2021-07-15T19:30:29.526ZAsset creation timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format:
updatedDateTimestring2021-07-15T19:30:29.526ZAsset update timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format:

If you get an “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for Equinix Fabric Portal access.

Routing Protocols

Create Routing Protocol Instance

 POST /fabric/v4/connections/{connectionUuid}/routingProtocols
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/connections/{connectionUuid}/routingProtocols
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Path ParametersconnectionUuid
Query ParametersNot applicable
Body Parameterstype, name, directIpv4, directIpv6, bgpIpv4, bgpIpv6, asOverrideEnabled, customerAsn, bgpAuthKey, bfd

This API request adds a routing protocol definition to a given connection.

Sample curl request - direct routing instance

curl -X
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-d '{
"type": "DIRECT",
"name": "My-Direct-route-1",
"directIpv4": {
"equinixIfaceIp": ""
"directIpv6": {
"equinixIfaceIp": "2001:7a9::34f4:0:f3dd:1/126"

Sample curl request - BGP routing protocol instance

curl -X
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-d '{
"type": "BGP",
"bgpIpv4": {
"customerPeerIp": "",
"enabled": true,
"outboundASPrependCount": 1
"bgpIpv6": {
"customerPeerIp": "2001:db8:c59b::1",
"enabled": true,
"outboundASPrependCount": 1
"customerAsn": 65002,
"bgpAuthKey": "string",
"bfd": {
"enabled": true,
"interval": 100

Sample curl request - connection to Google Cloud Platform - direct routing instance (IPv4)

curl -X
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-d '{
"type": "DIRECT",
"directIpv4": {
"equinixIfaceIp": ""

Sample curl request - connection to Google Cloud Platform - BGP routing protocol instance

curl -X
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'-d '{
"type": "BGP",
"bgpIpv4": {
"customerPeerIp": "",
"enabled": true,
"outboundASPrependCount": 1
"customerAsn": 65002,
"bgpAuthKey": "string",
"bfd": {
"enabled": true,
"interval": 100

Path parameters

ParameterMandatoryTypeExample ValuesApplicable ValuesDescription

Use the Retrieve Connections API request to retrieve the list of connections.

Equinix-assigned connection identifier.

Body Parameters

ParameterMandatoryTypeExample ValuesApplicable ValuesDescription
Routing protocol type.

BGP - Border gateway protocol defining peering between routers on customer and Equinix side.
DIRECT - Direct connection specification.
namenostringMy-BGP-route-1-Routing protocol definition name.
directIpv4yesobject--Direct routing related IPv4 addressing configuration.
directIpv6yesobject--Direct routing related IPv6 addressing configuration.
asOverrideEnablednobooleantruetrue, falseDefines the optional AS override policy (defaults to false/off). The policy is applied to one or more IPv4 and/or IPv6 peering sessions as an outbound route map.
equinixIfaceIpyesstring192.168.100.1/30IPv4 address in CIDR notation.Networking interface IPv4 address on Equinix side. Applicable to DIRECT type routing protocol instances.
equinixIfaceIpyesstring2001:7a9::34f4:0:f3dd:1/126IPv6 address in CIDR notation.Networking interface IPv6 address on Equinix side. Applicable to DIRECT type routing protocol instances.
bgpIpv4noobject--BGP related IPv4 addressing configuration.
bgpIpv6noobject--BGP related IPv6 addressing configuration for BGP type routing protocol instances.
customerAsnyesinteger65002Minimum: 1
Maximum: 4294967294


IANA special Purpose: 0, 112, 23456, 64000 - 64495, 64496- 64511, 65535, 65536 - 65551, 4294967295
Equinix reserved: 64600, 4200000000 - 42000000002
Customer's autonomous system number (ASN). Applicable to BGP type routing protocol instances.
bgpAuthKeynostringa667d47acc18ea6bMaximum: 80 charactersBorder gateway protocol authentication key for authenticating point-to-point TCP connections between peering routers. Applicable to BGP type routing protocol instances.
bfdnoobject--Bidirectional failure detection (BFD) configuration settings applicable to Fabric Cloud Router connections. Applicable to BGP type routing protocol instances.
customerPeerIpyesstring10.1.1.2IPv4 address.Customer side BGP peering IPv4 address. Applicable to BGP type routing protocol instances.
enablednobooleantrueWhether bgpIpv4 peering should be enabled or not. True=enabled
outboundASPrependCountnointeger10,1,3,5We use outboundASPrependCount to prepend the FCR's ASN toward an IPv4 BGP peer. A value of 0 disables AS Path Prepend.
inboundMEDnointeger11 - 4294967295The MED value that an AS receives from a neighboring AS and uses to make routing decisions for traffic coming from that AS. It helps the receiving AS choose the preferred path for incoming traffic.
outboundMEDnointeger11 - 4294967295The MED value that an AS sets and advertises to neighboring AS's to suggest a preferred path for traffic destined to that AS. It helps in influencing the routing decisions of the neighboring AS for traffic going towards the advertising AS.
customerPeerIpyesstring2001:db8:c59b::1IPv6 address.Customer side BGP peering IPv6 address. Applicable to BGP type routing protocol instances.
enablednobooleantrueWhether bgpIpv6 peering should be enabled or not. True=enabled
outboundASPrependCountnointeger10,1,3,5We use outboundASPrependCount to prepend the FCR's ASN toward an IPv6 BGP peer. A value of 0 disables AS Path Prepend.
inboundMEDnointeger11 - 4294967295The MED value that an AS receives from a neighboring AS and uses to make routing decisions for traffic coming from that AS. It helps the receiving AS choose the preferred path for incoming traffic.
outboundMEDnointeger11 - 4294967295The MED value that an AS sets and advertises to neighboring AS's to suggest a preferred path for traffic destined to that AS. It helps in influencing the routing decisions of the neighboring AS for traffic going towards the advertising AS.

Default: false
Parameter showing whether bidirectional failure detection (BFD) is enabled. Applicable to BGP type routing protocol instances.
intervalnointeger100Minimum: 100
Maximum: 1000
Bidirectional failure detection (BFD) keep-alive interval (ms). Applicable to BGP type routing protocol instances.

If you get an “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for Equinix Fabric portal access.

Sample response - direct routing instance

"href": "",
"uuid": "c9b8e7a2-f3b1-4576-a4a9-1366a63df170",
"state": "PROVISIONING",
"change": {
"uuid": "3c9b8e7a2-f3b1-4576-a4a9-1366a63df170",
"href": "",
"changelog": {
"createdDateTime": "2021-07-15T19:30:29.526Z"
"type": "DIRECT",
"directIpv4": {
"equinixIfaceIp": ""
"directIpv6": {
"equinixIfaceIp": "2001:7a9::34f4:0:f3dd:1/126"

Sample response - BGP

"pagination": {
"offset": 0,
"limit": 1,
"total": 1
"data": [
"type": "BGP",
"bgpIpv4": {
"customerPeerIp": "",
"enabled": true,
"outboundASPrependCount": 0,
"operation": {
"operationalStatus": "UNKNOWN"
"bgpIpv6": {
"customerPeerIp": "2001:7a9::34f4:0:f3dd:1/126",
"enabled": true,
"outboundASPrependCount": 0,
"operation": {
"operationalStatus": "UNKNOWN"
"customerAsn": 20034,
"bgpAuthKey": "",
"bfd": {
"enabled": false,
"interval": ""
"href": "",
"uuid": "ad5ae215-6f50-40d1-91db-0afb6537301b",
"state": "PROVISIONING",
"change": {
"uuid": "5c4efb71-b0ff-40fb-97a6-02faa7d8d4a2",
"href": ""
"changelog": {
"createdBy": "jaguser1",
"createdByEmail": "",
"createdDateTime": "2024-04-24T19:48:30.095Z",
"updatedBy": "jaguser1",
"updatedByEmail": "",
"updatedDateTime": "2024-04-24T19:48:30.095Z"

Response payload body description

ParameterTypeExample valuesDescription
hrefstring absolute URL that returns complete specification for the given routing protocol definition.
uuidstring55cbab42-7e8e-11ec-90d6-0242ac120003Equinix-assigned routing protocol definition identifier.
statestringPROVISIONINGEntity lifecycle status.
changeobject-Details of the latest change.
changeLogobject-A permanent record of asset creation, modification, or deletion.
typestringBGPRouting protocol type.
namestringMy-BGP-route-1Routing protocol definition name.
bgpIpv4object-IPv4 addressing configuration.
bgpIpv6object-IPv6 addressing configuration.
asOverrideEnabledbooleantrueDefines the optional AS override policy (defaults to false/off). The policy is applied to one or more IPv4 and/or IPv6 peering sessions as an outbound route map.
customerAsninteger65002Customer's autonomous system number (ASN).
equinixAsninteger65003Equinix's autonomous system number (ASN).
bgpAuthKeystringa667d47acc18ea6bBorder gateway protocol authentication key for authenticating point-to-point TCP connections between peering routers.
bfdobject-Bidirectional failure detection (BFD) configuration settings applicable to Fabric Cloud Router connections.
uuidstring75cbab42-7e8e-11ec-90d6-0242ac12879Unique Id of the latest configuration.
hrefstring to the latest configuration.
customerPeerIpstring10.1.1.2Customer side BGP peering IPv4 address.
equinixPeerIpstring10.1.1.3Equinix side BGP peering IPv4 address.
enabledbooleantrueWhether bgpIpv4 peering is enabled or not. True=enabled
outboundASPrependCountinteger1The number of times FCR's ASN is prepended toward an IPv4 BGP peer.
inboundMEDinteger1The MED value that an AS receives from a neighboring AS and uses to make routing decisions for traffic coming from that AS. It helps the receiving AS choose the preferred path for incoming traffic.
outboundMEDinteger1The MED value that an AS sets and advertises to neighboring AS's to suggest a preferred path for traffic destined to that AS. It helps in influencing the routing decisions of the neighboring AS for traffic going towards the advertising AS.
customerPeerIpstring2001:db8:c59b::1Customer side BGP peering IPv6 address.
equinixPeerIpstring2001:db8:c59b::1Equinix side BGP peering IPv6 address.
enabledbooleantrueWhether bgpIpv6 peering is enabled or not. True=enabled
outboundASPrependCountinteger1The number of times FCR's ASN is prepended toward an IPv6 BGP peer.
inboundMEDinteger1The MED value that an AS receives from a neighboring AS and uses to make routing decisions for traffic coming from that AS. It helps the receiving AS choose the preferred path for incoming traffic.
outboundMEDinteger1The MED value that an AS sets and advertises to neighboring AS's to suggest a preferred path for traffic destined to that AS. It helps in influencing the routing decisions of the neighboring AS for traffic going towards the advertising AS.
enabledbooleantrueParameter showing whether bidirectional failure detection (BFD) is enabled.
intervalstring100Bidirectional failure detection (BFD) keep-alive interval (ms).
createdDateTimestring2021-07-15T19:30:29.526ZAsset creation timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format:
updatedDateTimestring2022-01-24T10:28:51.024ZAsset modification timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format:

Create Routing Protocol Instances

 POST /fabric/v4/connections/{connectionUuid}/routingProtocols/bulk
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/connections/{connectionUuid}/routingProtocols/bulk
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Path ParametersconnectionUuid
Query ParametersNot applicable
Body Parameterstype, name, directIpv4, directIpv6, bgpIpv4, bgpIpv6, asOverrideEnabled, customerAsn, equinixAsn, bgpAuthKey, bfd

This API request adds routing protocol definitions to a given connection.

Sample curl request - direct routing instance

curl -X
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-d '{
"data": [
"type": "DIRECT",
"name": "My-Direct-route-1",
"directIpv4": {
"equinixIfaceIp": ""
"directIpv6": {
"equinixIfaceIp": "2001:7a9::34f4:0:f3dd:1/126"

Sample curl request - BGP routing protocol instance

curl -X
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-d '{
"data": [
"type": "BGP",
"bgpIpv4": {
"customerPeerIp": "",
"enabled": true,
"outboundASPrependCount": 1
"bgpIpv6": {
"customerPeerIp": "2001:db8:c59b::1",
"enabled": true,
"outboundASPrependCount": 1
"customerAsn": 65002,
"bgpAuthKey": "string",
"bfd": {
"enabled": true,
"interval": 100

Sample curl request - direct routing and BGP routing protocol instances

curl -X
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-d '{
"data": [
"type": "BGP",
"bgpIpv4": {
"customerPeerIp": "",
"enabled": true,
"outboundASPrependCount": 1

"bgpIpv6": {
"customerPeerIp": "2001:db8:c59b::1",
"enabled": true,
"outboundASPrependCount": 1
"customerAsn": 65002,
"bgpAuthKey": "string",
"bfd": {
"enabled": true,
"interval": 100
"type": "BGP",
"bgpIpv4": {
"customerPeerIp": "",
"outboundASPrependCount": 1
"bgpIpv6": {
"customerPeerIp": "2001:db8:c59b::1",
"outboundASPrependCount": 1
"customerAsn": 65002,
"bgpAuthKey": "string",
"bfd": {
"enabled": true,
"interval": 100

Path parameters

Field NameMandatoryTypeExample ValuesApplicable ValuesDescription

Use the Retrieve Connections API request to retrieve the list of connections.

Equinix-assigned connection identifier.

Body Parameters

ParameterMandatoryTypeExample ValuesApplicable ValuesDescription
datayesarray[object]--Data array containing search results.
Routing protocol type.

BGP - Border gateway protocol defining peering between routers on customer and Equinix side.
DIRECT - Direct connection specification.
namenostringMy-BGP-route-1-Routing protocol definition name.
directIpv4yesobject--Direct routing related IPv4 addressing configuration.
directIpv6yesobject--Direct routing related IPv6 addressing configuration.
asOverrideEnablednobooleantruetrue, falseDefines the optional AS override policy (defaults to false/off). The policy is applied to one or more IPv4 and/or IPv6 peering sessions as an outbound route map.
equinixIfaceIpyesstring192.168.100.1/30IPv4 address in CIDR notation.Networking interface IPv4 address on Equinix side. Applicable to DIRECT type routing protocol instances.
equinixIfaceIpyesstring2001:7a9::34f4:0:f3dd:1/126IPv6 address in CIDR notation.Networking interface IPv6 address on Equinix side. Applicable to DIRECT type routing protocol instances.
bgpIpv4noobject--BGP related IPv4 addressing configuration.
bgpIpv6noobject--BGP related IPv6 addressing configuration for BGP type routing protocol instances.
customerAsnyesinteger65002Minimum: 1
Maximum: 4294967294


IANA special Purpose: 0, 112, 23456, 64000 - 64495, 64496- 64511, 65535, 65536 - 65551, 4294967295
Equinix reserved: 64600, 4200000000 - 42000000002
Customer's autonomous system number (ASN). Applicable to BGP type routing protocol instances.
bgpAuthKeynostringa667d47acc18ea6bMaximum: 80 charactersBorder gateway protocol authentication key for authenticating point-to-point TCP connections between peering routers. Applicable to BGP type routing protocol instances.
bfdnoobject--Bidirectional failure detection (BFD) configuration settings applicable to Fabric Cloud Router connections. Applicable to BGP type routing protocol instances.
customerPeerIpyesstring10.1.1.2IPv4 address.Customer side BGP peering IPv4 address. Applicable to BGP type routing protocol instances.
enablednobooleantrueWhether bgpIpv4 peering should be enabled or not. True=enabled
outboundASPrependCountnointeger10,1,3,5We use outboundASPrependCount to prepend the FCR's ASN toward an IPv4 BGP peer. A value of 0 disables AS Path Prepend.
inboundMEDnointeger11 - 4294967295The MED value that an AS receives from a neighboring AS and uses to make routing decisions for traffic coming from that AS. It helps the receiving AS choose the preferred path for incoming traffic.
outboundMEDnointeger11 - 4294967295The MED value that an AS sets and advertises to neighboring AS's to suggest a preferred path for traffic destined to that AS. It helps in influencing the routing decisions of the neighboring AS for traffic going towards the advertising AS.
customerPeerIpyesstring2001:db8:c59b::1IPv6 address.Customer side BGP peering IPv6 address. Applicable to BGP type routing protocol instances.
enablednobooleantrueWhether bgpIpv6 peering should be enabled or not. True=enabled
outboundASPrependCountnointeger10,1,3,5We use outboundASPrependCount to prepend the FCR's ASN toward an IPv6 BGP peer. A value of 0 disables AS Path Prepend.
inboundMEDnointeger11 - 4294967295The MED value that an AS receives from a neighboring AS and uses to make routing decisions for traffic coming from that AS. It helps the receiving AS choose the preferred path for incoming traffic.
outboundMEDnointeger11 - 4294967295The MED value that an AS sets and advertises to neighboring AS's to suggest a preferred path for traffic destined to that AS. It helps in influencing the routing decisions of the neighboring AS for traffic going towards the advertising AS.

Default: false
Parameter showing whether bidirectional failure detection (BFD) is enabled. Applicable to BGP type routing protocol instances.
intervalnointeger100Minimum: 100
Maximum: 1000
Bidirectional failure detection (BFD) keep-alive interval (ms). Applicable to BGP type routing protocol instances.

If you get an “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for Equinix Fabric portal access.

Sample response - direct routing instance

"href": "",
"uuid": "c9b8e7a2-f3b1-4576-a4a9-1366a63df170",
"state": "PROVISIONING",
"change": {
"uuid": "3c9b8e7a2-f3b1-4576-a4a9-1366a63df170",
"href": "",
"changelog": {
"createdDateTime": "2021-07-15T19:30:29.526Z"
"type": "DIRECT",
"directIpv4": {
"equinixIfaceIp": ""
"directIpv6": {
"equinixIfaceIp": "2001:7a9::34f4:0:f3dd:1/126"

Sample response - BGP

"pagination": {
"offset": 0,
"limit": 1,
"total": 1
"data": [
"type": "BGP",
"bgpIpv4": {
"customerPeerIp": "",
"enabled": true,
"outboundASPrependCount": 0,
"operation": {
"operationalStatus": "UNKNOWN"
"bgpIpv6": {
"customerPeerIp": "2001:7a9::34f4:0:f3dd:1/126",
"enabled": true,
"outboundASPrependCount": 0,
"operation": {
"operationalStatus": "UNKNOWN"
"customerAsn": 20034,
"bgpAuthKey": "",
"bfd": {
"enabled": false,
"interval": ""
"href": "",
"uuid": "ad5ae215-6f50-40d1-91db-0afb6537301b",
"state": "PROVISIONING",
"change": {
"uuid": "5c4efb71-b0ff-40fb-97a6-02faa7d8d4a2",
"href": ""
"changelog": {
"createdBy": "jaguser1",
"createdByEmail": "",
"createdDateTime": "2024-04-24T19:48:30.095Z",
"updatedBy": "jaguser1",
"updatedByEmail": "",
"updatedDateTime": "2024-04-24T19:48:30.095Z"

Response payload body description

ParameterTypeExample valuesDescription
dataarray[object]-Data array containing search results.
hrefstring absolute URL that returns complete specification for the given routing protocol definition.
uuidstring55cbab42-7e8e-11ec-90d6-0242ac120003Equinix-assigned routing protocol definition identifier.
statestringPROVISIONINGEntity lifecycle status.
changeobject-Details of the latest change.
changeLogobject-A permanent record of asset creation, modification, or deletion.
typestringBGPRouting protocol type.
namestringMy-BGP-route-1Routing protocol definition name.
bgpIpv4object-IPv4 addressing configuration.
bgpIpv6object-IPv6 addressing configuration.
asOverrideEnabledbooleantrueDefines the optional AS override policy (defaults to false/off). The policy is applied to one or more IPv4 and/or IPv6 peering sessions as an outbound route map.
customerAsninteger65002Customer's autonomous system number (ASN).
equinixAsninteger65003Equinix's autonomous system number (ASN).
bgpAuthKeystringa667d47acc18ea6bBorder gateway protocol authentication key for authenticating point-to-point TCP connections between peering routers.
bfdobject-Bidirectional failure detection (BFD) configuration settings applicable to Fabric Cloud Router connections.
uuidstring75cbab42-7e8e-11ec-90d6-0242ac12879Unique Id of the latest configuration.
hrefstring to the latest configuration.
customerPeerIpstring10.1.1.2Customer side BGP peering IPv4 address.
enabledbooleantrueWhether bgpIpv4 peering is enabled or not. True=enabled
equinixPeerIpstring10.1.1.3Equinix side BGP peering IPv4 address.
outboundASPrependCountinteger1The number of times FCR's ASN is prepended toward an IPv4 BGP peer.
inboundMEDinteger1The MED value that an AS receives from a neighboring AS and uses to make routing decisions for traffic coming from that AS. It helps the receiving AS choose the preferred path for incoming traffic.
outboundMEDinteger1The MED value that an AS sets and advertises to neighboring AS's to suggest a preferred path for traffic destined to that AS. It helps in influencing the routing decisions of the neighboring AS for traffic going towards the advertising AS.
customerPeerIpstring2001:db8:c59b::1Customer side BGP peering IPv6 address.
enabledbooleantrueWhether bgpIpv6 peering is enabled or not. True=enabled
equinixPeerIpstring2001:db8:c59b::1Equinix side BGP peering IPv6 address.
outboundASPrependCountinteger1The number of times FCR's ASN is prepended toward an IPv6 BGP peer.
inboundMEDinteger1The MED value that an AS receives from a neighboring AS and uses to make routing decisions for traffic coming from that AS. It helps the receiving AS choose the preferred path for incoming traffic.
outboundMEDinteger1The MED value that an AS sets and advertises to neighboring AS's to suggest a preferred path for traffic destined to that AS. It helps in influencing the routing decisions of the neighboring AS for traffic going towards the advertising AS.
enabledbooleantrueParameter showing whether bidirectional failure detection (BFD) is enabled.
intervalstring100Bidirectional failure detection (BFD) keep-alive interval (ms).
createdDateTimestring2021-07-15T19:30:29.526ZAsset creation timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format:
updatedDateTimestring2022-01-24T10:28:51.024ZAsset modification timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format:

Get Specified Routing Protocol Instance

 GET /fabric/v4/connections/{connectionUuid}/routingProtocols/{routingProtocolUuid}
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/connections/{connectionUuid}/routingProtocols/{routingProtocolUuid}
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Path ParametersconnectionUuid, routingProtocolUuid
Query ParametersNot applicable
Body ParametersNot applicable

This API request retrieves details of a specified routing protocol definition associated with a given connection.

Sample cURL request

curl -X
GET ''
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'

Path parameters

Field NameMandatoryTypeExample ValuesApplicable ValuesDescription

Use the Retrieve Connections API request to retrieve the list of connections.

Equinix-assigned connection identifier.

Use the Get All Routing Protocol Instances API request to retrieve the list of routing protocols associated with a given connection.

Equinix-assigned routing protocol definition identifier.

If you get an “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for Equinix Fabric portal access.

Sample response - BGP routing protocol instance

"href": "",
"uuid": "c9b8e7a2-f3b1-4576-a4a9-1366a63df170",
"state": "PROVISIONING",
"change": {
"uuid": "3c9b8e7a2-f3b1-4576-a4a9-1366a63df170",
"href": "",
"changeLog": {
"createdDateTime": "2022-01-26T07:42:52.199Z",
"updatedDateTime": "2022-01-26T07:42:52.199Z"
"type": "BGP",
"bgpIpv4": {
"customerPeerIp": "",
"equinixPeerIp": "",
"enabled": true,
"outboundASPrependCount": 1,
"operation": {
"operationalStatus": "UNKNOWN"
"bgpIpv6": {
"customerPeerIp": "2001:db8:c59b::1",
"equinixPeerIp": "2001:db8:c59b::1",
"enabled": true,
"outboundASPrependCount": 1,
"operation": {
"operationalStatus": "UNKNOWN"
"customerAsn": 0,
"equinixAsn": 0,
"bgpAuthKey": "a667d47acc18ea6b",
"bfd": {
"enabled": true,
"interval": 100

Sample response - direct routing protocol instance

"href": "",
"uuid": "c9b8e7a2-f3b1-4576-a4a9-1366a63df170",
"state": "PROVISIONING",
"change": {
"uuid": "3c9b8e7a2-f3b1-4576-a4a9-1366a63df170",
"href": "",
"changeLog": {
"createdDateTime": "2021-07-15T19:30:29.526Z"
"type": "DIRECT",
"directIpv4": {
"equinixIfaceIp": ""
"directIpv6": {
"equinixIfaceIp": "2001:7a9::34f4:0:f3dd:1/126"

Response payload body description

ParameterTypeExample valuesDescription
hrefstring absolute URL that returns complete specification for the given routing protocol definition.
uuidstring55cbab42-7e8e-11ec-90d6-0242ac120003Equinix-assigned routing protocol definition identifier.
statestringPROVISIONEDEntity lifecycle status.
changeobject-Details of the latest change.
changelogobject-A permanent record of asset creation, modification, or deletion.
typestringBGPRouting protocol type.
namestringMy-BGP-route-1Routing protocol definition name.
bgpIpv4object-BGP routing IPv4 addressing configuration.
bgpIpv6object-BGP routing IPv6 addressing configuration.
asOverrideEnabledbooleantrueDefines the optional AS override policy (defaults to false/off). The policy is applied to one or more IPv4 and/or IPv6 peering sessions as an outbound route map.
operationobject-BGP operational state.
directIpv4object-Direct routing IPv4 addressing configuration.
directIpv6object-Direct routing IPv6 addressing configuration.
customerAsninteger65002Customer's autonomous system number (ASN).
equinixAsninteger65003Equinix's autonomous system number (ASN).
bgpAuthKeystringa667d47acc18ea6bBorder gateway protocol authentication key for authenticating point-to-point TCP connections between peering routers.
bfdobject-Bidirectional failure detection (BFD) configuration settings applicable to Fabric Cloud Router connections.
uuidstring75cbab42-7e8e-11ec-90d6-0242ac12879Unique Id of the latest configuration.
hrefstring to the latest configuration.
customerPeerIpstring10.1.1.2Customer side BGP peering IPv4 address.
equinixPeerIpstring10.1.1.3Equinix side BGP peering IPv4 address.
enabledbooleantrueWhether bgpIpv4 peering is enabled or not. True=enabled
outboundASPrependCountinteger1The number of times FCR's ASN is prepended toward an IPv4 BGP peer.
inboundMEDinteger1The MED value that an AS receives from a neighboring AS and uses to make routing decisions for traffic coming from that AS. It helps the receiving AS choose the preferred path for incoming traffic.
outboundMEDinteger1The MED value that an AS sets and advertises to neighboring AS's to suggest a preferred path for traffic destined to that AS. It helps in influencing the routing decisions of the neighboring AS for traffic going towards the advertising AS.
operationalStatusstringUPBGP operational state. UP, DOWN, or UNKNOWN.
opStatusChangedAtstring2020-05-21T10:30:00ZWhen the bgpIpv4 operational status changed last.
customerPeerIpstring2001:db8:c59b::1Customer side BGP peering IPv6 address.
equinixPeerIpstring2001:db8:c59b::1Equinix side BGP peering IPv6 address.
enabledbooleantrueWhether bgpIpv6 peering is enabled or not. True=enabled
outboundASPrependCountinteger1The number of times FCR's ASN is prepended toward an IPv6 BGP peer.
inboundMEDinteger1The MED value that an AS receives from a neighboring AS and uses to make routing decisions for traffic coming from that AS. It helps the receiving AS choose the preferred path for incoming traffic.
outboundMEDinteger1The MED value that an AS sets and advertises to neighboring AS's to suggest a preferred path for traffic destined to that AS. It helps in influencing the routing decisions of the neighboring AS for traffic going towards the advertising AS.
operationalStatusstringUPBGP operational state. UP, DOWN, or UNKNOWN.
opStatusChangedAtstring2020-05-21T10:30:00ZWhen the bgpIpv6 operational status changed last.
enabledbooleantrueParameter showing whether bidirectional failure detection (BFD) is enabled.
intervalstring100Bidirectional failure detection (BFD) keep-alive interval (ms).
equinixIfaceIpstring192.168.100.1/30Networking interface IPv4 address on Equinix side.
equinixIfaceIpstring2001:7a9::34f4:0:f3dd:1/126Networking interface IPv6 address on Equinix side.
createdDateTimestring2021-07-15T19:30:29.526ZAsset creation timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format:
updatedDateTimestring2022-01-24T10:28:51.024ZAsset modification timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format:

Get All Routing Protocol Instances

 GET /fabric/v4/connections/{connectionUuid}/routingProtocols
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/connections/{connectionUuid}/routingProtocols
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Path ParametersconnectionUuid
Query ParametersNot applicable
Body ParametersNot applicable

This API request retrieves routing protocol definitions associated with a specified connection.

Sample curl request

curl -X
GET ''
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'

Path parameters

Field NameMandatoryTypeExample ValuesApplicable ValuesDescription

Use the Retrieve Connections API request to retrieve the list of connections.

Equinix-assigned connection identifier.

If you get an “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for Equinix Fabric portal access.

Sample response

"pagination": {
"offset": 0,
"limit": 20,
"total": 2
"data": [

"href": "",
"uuid": "c9b8e7a2-f3b1-4576-a4a9-1366a63df170",
"state": "PROVISIONING",
"change": {
"uuid": "3c9b8e7a2-f3b1-4576-a4a9-1366a63df170",
"href": "",
"changeLog": {
"createdDateTime": "2022-01-26T07:42:52.199Z",
"updatedDateTime": "2022-01-26T07:42:52.199Z"
"type": "BGP",
"bgpIpv4": {
"customerPeerIp": "",
"equinixPeerIp": "",
"enabled": true,
"outboundASPrependCount": 1,
"operation": {
"operationalStatus": "UNKNOWN"
"bgpIpv6": {
"customerPeerIp": "2001:db8:c59b::1",
"equinixPeerIp": "2001:db8:c59b::1",
"enabled": true,
"outboundASPrependCount": 1,
"operation": {
"operationalStatus": "UNKNOWN"
"customerAsn": 0,
"equinixAsn": 0,
"bgpAuthKey": "string",
"bfd": {
"enabled": true,
"interval": 100
"href": "",
"uuid": "c9b8e7a2-f3b1-4576-a4a9-1366a63df170",
"state": "PROVISIONING",
"change": {
"uuid": "3c9b8e7a2-f3b1-4576-a4a9-1366a63df170",
"href": "",
"changeLog": {
"createdDateTime": "2022-01-26T07:42:52.199Z",
"updatedDateTime": "2022-01-26T07:42:52.199Z"
"type": "DIRECT",
"directIpv4": {
"equinixIfaceIp": ""
"directIpv6": {
"equinixIfaceIp": "2001:7a9::34f4:0:f3dd:1/126"

Response payload body description

ParameterTypeExample valuesDescription
paginationobject-Search results pagination settings.
offsetinteger0Index of the first item returned in the response.
limitinteger20Maximum number of items returned per page.
totalinteger99Total number of items available.
dataarray[object]-Data array containing search results.
hrefstring absolute URL that returns complete specification for the given routing protocol definition.
uuidstring55cbab42-7e8e-11ec-90d6-0242ac120003Equinix-assigned routing protocol definition identifier.
statestringPROVISIONEDEntity lifecycle status.
changeobject-Details of the latest change.
changelogobject-A permanent record of asset creation, modification, or deletion.
typestringBGPRouting protocol type.
namestringMy-BGP-route-1Routing protocol definition name.
bgpIpv4object-BGP routing IPv4 addressing configuration.
bgpIpv6object-BGP routing IPv6 addressing configuration.
operationobject-BGP operational state.
directIpv4object-Direct routing IPv4 addressing configuration.
directIpv6object-Direct routing IPv6 addressing configuration.
asOverrideEnabledbooleantrueDefines the optional AS override policy (defaults to false/off). The policy is applied to one or more IPv4 and/or IPv6 peering sessions as an outbound route map.
customerAsninteger65002Customer's autonomous system number (ASN).
equinixAsninteger65003Equinix's autonomous system number (ASN).
bgpAuthKeystringa667d47acc18ea6bBorder gateway protocol authentication key for authenticating point-to-point TCP connections between peering routers.
bfdobject-Bidirectional failure detection (BFD) configuration settings applicable to Fabric Cloud Router connections.
uuidstring75cbab42-7e8e-11ec-90d6-0242ac12879Unique Id of the latest configuration.
hrefstring to the latest configuration.
customerPeerIpstring10.1.1.2Customer side BGP peering IPv4 address.
equinixPeerIpstring10.1.1.3Equinix side BGP peering IPv4 address.
enabledbooleantrueWhether bgpIpv4 peering is enabled or not. True=enabled
outboundASPrependCountinteger1The number of times FCR's ASN is prepended toward an IPv4 BGP peer.
inboundMEDinteger1The MED value that an AS receives from a neighboring AS and uses to make routing decisions for traffic coming from that AS. It helps the receiving AS choose the preferred path for incoming traffic.
outboundMEDinteger1The MED value that an AS sets and advertises to neighboring AS's to suggest a preferred path for traffic destined to that AS. It helps in influencing the routing decisions of the neighboring AS for traffic going towards the advertising AS.
operationalStatusstringUPBGP connection status. UP, DOWN, or UNKNOWN.
opStatusChangedAtstring2020-05-21T10:30:00ZWhen the BGP operational status changed last.
customerPeerIpstring2001:db8:c59b::1Customer side BGP peering IPv6 address.
equinixPeerIpstring2001:db8:c59b::1Equinix side BGP peering IPv6 address.
enabledbooleantrueWhether bgpIpv6 peering is enabled or not. True=enabled
outboundASPrependCountinteger1The number of times FCR's ASN is prepended toward an IPv6 BGP peer.
inboundMEDinteger1The MED value that an AS receives from a neighboring AS and uses to make routing decisions for traffic coming from that AS. It helps the receiving AS choose the preferred path for incoming traffic.
outboundMEDinteger1The MED value that an AS sets and advertises to neighboring AS's to suggest a preferred path for traffic destined to that AS. It helps in influencing the routing decisions of the neighboring AS for traffic going towards the advertising AS.
operationalStatusstringUPBGP connection status. UP, DOWN, or UNKNOWN.
opStatusChangedAtstring2020-05-21T10:30:00ZWhen the BGP operational status changed last.
enabledbooleantrueParameter showing whether bidirectional failure detection (BFD) is enabled.
intervalstring100Bidirectional failure detection (BFD) keep-alive interval (ms).
equinixIfaceIpstring192.168.100.1/30Networking interface IPv4 address on Equinix side.
equinixIfaceIpstring2001:7a9::34f4:0:f3dd:1/126Networking interface IPv6 address on Equinix side.
createdDateTimestring2021-07-15T19:30:29.526ZAsset creation timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format:
updatedDateTimestring2022-01-24T10:28:51.024ZAsset modification timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format:

Replace Routing Protocol Instance

 PUT /fabric/v4/connections/{connectionUuid}/routingProtocols/{routingProtocolUuid}
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/connections/{connectionUuid}/routingProtocols/{routingProtocolUuid}
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Path ParametersconnectionUuid, routingProtocolUuid
Query ParametersNot applicable
Body Parameterstype, name, directIpv4, directIpv6, bgpIpv4, bgpIpv6, asOverrideEnabled, customerAsn, bgpAuthKey, bfd

This API request replaces a specified routing protocol definition associated with a given connection.

Sample curl request - DIRECT

curl -X
PUT ''
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-d '{
"type": "DIRECT",
"name": "My-updated-DIRECT-route",
"directIpv4": {
"equinixIfaceIp": ""
"directIpv6": {
"equinixIfaceIp": "2001:7a9::34f4:0:f3dd:1/126"

Sample curl request - BGP

curl -X
PUT ''
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-d '
"type": "BGP",
"bgpIpv4": {
"customerPeerIp": "",
"enabled": true,
"outboundASPrependCount": 1
"bgpIpv6": {
"customerPeerIp": "2001:7a9::1111:2",
"enabled": true,
"outboundASPrependCount": 3
"customerAsn": "1000"

Path parameters

Field NameMandatoryTypeExample ValuesApplicable ValuesDescription

Use the Retrieve Connections API request to retrieve the list of connections.

Equinix-assigned connection identifier.

Use the Get All Routing Protocol Instances API request to retrieve the list of routing protocols associated with a given connection.

Equinix-assigned routing protocol definition identifier.

Body parameters

ParameterMandatoryTypeExample ValuesApplicable ValuesDescription
Routing protocol type.

BGP - Border gateway protocol defining peering between routers on customer and Equinix side.
DIRECT - Direct connection specification.
namenostringMy-BGP-route-1-Routing protocol definition name.
directIpv4yesobject--Direct routing related IPv4 addressing configuration.
directIpv6yesobject--Direct routing related IPv6 addressing configuration.
asOverrideEnablednobooleantruetrue, falseDefines the optional AS override policy (defaults to false/off). The policy is applied to one or more IPv4 and/or IPv6 peering sessions as an outbound route map.
bgpIpv4noobject--BGP related IPv4 addressing configuration.
bgpIpv6noobject--BGP related IPv6 addressing configuration for BGP type routing protocol instances.
customerAsnyesinteger65002Minimum: 1
Maximum: 4294967294


IANA special Purpose: 0, 112, 23456, 64000 - 64495, 64496- 64511, 65535, 65536 - 65551, 4294967295
Equinix reserved: 64600, 4200000000 - 42000000002
Customer's autonomous system number (ASN). Applicable to BGP type routing protocol instances.
bgpAuthKeynostringa667d47acc18ea6bMaximum: 80 charactersBorder gateway protocol authentication key for authenticating point-to-point TCP connections between peering routers. Applicable to BGP type routing protocol instances.
bfdnoobject--Bidirectional failure detection (BFD) configuration settings applicable to Fabric Cloud Router connections. Applicable to BGP type routing protocol instances.
equinixIfaceIpyesstring192.168.100.1/30IPv4 address in CIDR notation.Networking interface IPv4 address on Equinix side. Applicable to DIRECT type routing protocol instances.
equinixIfaceIpyesstring2001:7a9::34f4:0:f3dd:1/126IPv6 address in CIDR notation.Networking interface IPv6 address on Equinix side. Applicable to DIRECT type routing protocol instances.
customerPeerIpyesstring10.1.1.2IPv4 address.Customer side BGP peering IPv4 address. Applicable to BGP type routing protocol instances.
enablednobooleantrueWhether bgpIpv4 peering should be enabled or not. True=enabled
outboundASPrependCountnointeger10,1,3,5We use outboundASPrependCount to prepend the FCR's ASN toward an IPv4 BGP peer. A value of 0 disables AS Path Prepend.
inboundMEDnointeger11 - 4294967295The MED value that an AS receives from a neighboring AS and uses to make routing decisions for traffic coming from that AS. It helps the receiving AS choose the preferred path for incoming traffic.
outboundMEDnointeger11 - 4294967295The MED value that an AS sets and advertises to neighboring AS's to suggest a preferred path for traffic destined to that AS. It helps in influencing the routing decisions of the neighboring AS for traffic going towards the advertising AS.
customerPeerIpyesstring2001:db8:c59b::1IPv6 address.Customer side BGP peering IPv6 address. Applicable to BGP type routing protocol instances.
enablednobooleantrueWhether bgpIpv6 peering should be enabled or not. True=enabled
outboundASPrependCountnointeger10,1,3,5We use outboundASPrependCount to prepend the FCR's ASN toward an IPv6 BGP peer. A value of 0 disables AS Path Prepend.
inboundMEDnointeger11 - 4294967295The MED value that an AS receives from a neighboring AS and uses to make routing decisions for traffic coming from that AS. It helps the receiving AS choose the preferred path for incoming traffic.
outboundMEDnointeger11 - 4294967295The MED value that an AS sets and advertises to neighboring AS's to suggest a preferred path for traffic destined to that AS. It helps in influencing the routing decisions of the neighboring AS for traffic going towards the advertising AS.

Default: false
Parameter showing whether bidirectional failure detection (BFD) is enabled. Applicable to BGP type routing protocol instances.
intervalnointeger100Minimum: 100
Maximum: 1000
Bidirectional failure detection (BFD) keep-alive interval (ms). Applicable to BGP type routing protocol instances.

If you get an “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for Equinix Fabric portal access.

Sample response - DIRECT

"href": "",
"uuid": "c9b8e7a2-f3b1-4576-a4a9-1366a63df170",
"change": {
"uuid": "3c9b8e7a2-f3b1-4576-a4a9-1366a63df170",
"href": "",
"changelog": {
"createdBy": "",
"createdByFullName": "abc",
"createdByEmail": "",
"createdDateTime": "2021-10-30T07:21:39Z",
"updatedBy": "",
"updatedByFullName": "abc",
"updatedByEmail": "",
"updatedDateTime": "2021-10-30T07:21:39Z"
"type": "DIRECT",
"name": "My-updated-DIRECT-route",
"directIpv4": {
"equinixIfaceIp": ""
"directIpv6": {
"equinixIfaceIp": "2001:7a9::34f4:0:f3dd:1/126"

Sample response - BGP

"type": "BGP",
"bgpIpv4": {
"customerPeerIp": "",
"equinixPeerIp": "",
"enabled": true,
"outboundASPrependCount": 1,
"operation": {
"operationalStatus": "UNKNOWN"
"customerAsn": 20034,
"bgpAuthKey": "",
"bfd": {
"enabled": false,
"interval": ""
"href": "",
"uuid": "ad5ae215-6f50-40d1-91db-0afb6537301b",
"change": {
"uuid": "51f86ed1-1348-47bf-bf79-a49498d3126e",
"href": ""
"changelog": {
"createdBy": "jaguser1",
"createdByEmail": "",
"createdDateTime": "2024-04-24T19:48:30.095Z",
"updatedBy": "jaguser1",
"updatedByEmail": "",
"updatedDateTime": "2024-04-24T19:59:01.012757Z"

Response payload body description

ParameterTypeExample valuesDescription
hrefstring absolute URL that returns complete specification for the given routing protocol definition.
uuidstring3c9b8e7a2-f3b1-4576-a4a9-1366a63df170Routing protocol definition identifier.
statestringREPROVISIONINGEntity lifecycle status.
changeobject-Routing protocol change request definition.
changelogobject-A permanent record of asset creation, modification, or deletion.
typestringDIRECTRouting protocol type.
namestringMy-direct-route-1Routing protocol definition name.
directIpv4object-Direct routing related IPv4 addressing configuration.
directIpv6object-Direct routing related IPv6 addressing configuration.
asOverrideEnabledbooleantrueDefines the optional AS override policy (defaults to false/off). The policy is applied to one or more IPv4 and/or IPv6 peering sessions as an outbound route map.
uuidstring3c9b8e7a2-f3b1-4576-a4a9-1366a63df170Routing protocol change request identifier.
hrefstring absolute URL that returns complete specification for the given routing protocol definition change request.
typestringROUTING_PROTOCOL_UPDATERouting protocol definition change request type.
equinixIfaceIpstring192.168.100.1/30Networking interface IPv4 address on Equinix side. Applicable to DIRECT type routing protocol instances.
equinixIfaceIpstring2001:7a9::34f4:0:f3dd:1/126Networking interface IPv6 address on Equinix side. Applicable to DIRECT type routing protocol instances.

Update Routing Protocol

 PATCH /fabric/v4/connections/{connectionUuid}/routingProtocols/{routingProtocolUuid}
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/connections/{connectionUuid}/routingProtocols/{routingProtocolUuid}
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Path ParametersconnectionUuid, routingProtocolUuid
Query ParametersNot applicable
Body Parametersop, path, value

This API enables or disables bgpIpv4 and bgpIpv6 protocols.

Sample curl request

curl -X
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-d '{
"op": "replace",
"path": "/bgpIpv6/enabled",
"value": false


Path parameters

Field NameMandatoryTypeExample ValuesApplicable ValuesDescription

Use the Retrieve Connections API request to retrieve the list of connections.

Equinix-assigned connection identifier.

Use the Get All Routing Protocol Instances API request to retrieve the list of routing protocols associated with a given connection.

Equinix-assigned routing protocol definition identifier.

Body parameters

ParameterMandatoryTypeExample ValuesApplicable ValuesDescription
opyesstringreplacereplaceOperation to perform. As of now, we only support "replace."
pathyesstring/bgpIpv6/enabled/bgpIpv6/enabled, /bgpIpv4/enabledSpecify the parameter you want to update. As of now, we only support bgpIpv4 and bgpIpv6
valueyesbooleantruetrue, falseThe new value of the parameter.

If you get an “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for Equinix Fabric portal access.

Sample response

"href": "",
"uuid": "c9b8e7a2-f3b1-4576-a4a9-1366a63df170",
"change": {
"uuid": "3c9b8e7a2-f3b1-4576-a4a9-1366a63df170",
"href": "",
"changelog": {
"createdBy": "",
"createdByFullName": "abc",
"createdByEmail": "",
"createdDateTime": "2021-10-30T07:21:39Z",
"updatedBy": "",
"updatedByFullName": "abc",
"updatedByEmail": "",
"updatedDateTime": "2021-10-30T07:21:39Z"
"type": "BGP",
"bgpIpv4": {
"enabled": true,
"customerPeerIp": "",
"outboundASPrependCount": 1
"customerAsn": 10000,
"equinixAsn": 10001

Response payload body description

ParameterTypeExample valuesDescription
hrefstring absolute URL that returns complete specification for the given routing protocol definition.
uuidstring3c9b8e7a2-f3b1-4576-a4a9-1366a63df170Routing protocol definition identifier.
statestringREPROVISIONINGEntity lifecycle status.
changeobject-Routing protocol change request definition.
changelogobject-A permanent record of asset creation, modification, or deletion.
typestringBGPRouting protocol type.
customerAsnnumber10000Customer Asn.
equinixAsnnumber10001Equinix Asn.
bgpIpv4object-Direct routing related bgpIpv4 addressing configuration.
bgpIpv6object-Direct routing related bgpIpv6 addressing configuration.
uuidstring3c9b8e7a2-f3b1-4576-a4a9-1366a63df170Routing protocol change request identifier.
hrefstring absolute URL that returns complete specification for the given routing protocol definition change request.
typestringROUTING_PROTOCOL_UPDATERouting protocol definition change request type.
createdBystringabc@xyz.comCreated by.
createdByFullNamestringabc ramFull name of the creator.
createdByEmailstringabc@xyz.comEmail of the creator.
createdDateTimestring"2021-10-30T07:21:39Z"Time of creation.
updatedBystringabc@xyz.comUpdated by.
updatedByFullNamestringabc ramFull name of the updator.
updatedByEmailstringabc@xyz.comEmail of the updator.
updatedDateTimestring"2021-10-30T07:21:39Z"Time of update.
customerPeerIpstring10.1.1.3Customer side BGP peering Ipv4 address.
enabledbooleantrueWhether bgpIpv4 peering is enabled or not. True=enabled.
outboundASPrependCountinteger1The number of times FCR's ASN is prepended toward an IPv4 BGP peer.
customerPeerIpstring2001:7a9:34f4:1Customer side BGP peering Ipv6 address.
enabledbooleantrueWhether bgpIpv6 peering is enabled or not. True=enabled.
outboundASPrependCountinteger1The number of times FCR's ASN is prepended toward an IPv6 BGP peer.

Get All Routing Protocol Change Requests

 GET /fabric/v4/connections/{connectionUuid}/routingProtocols/{routingProtocolUuid}/changes
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/connections/{connectionUuid}/routingProtocols/{routingProtocolUuid}/changes
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Path ParametersconnectionUuid, routingProtocolUuid
Query ParametersNot applicable
Body ParametersNot applicable

This API request returns all change requests associated with a given routing protocol definition.

Sample curl request

curl -X
GET ''
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'

Path parameters

Field NameMandatoryTypeExample ValuesApplicable ValuesDescription

Use the Retrieve Connections API request to retrieve the list of connections and then use the Get All Routing Protocol Instances to get the list of routing protocol definitions for a given connection.

Equinix-assigned connection identifier.

Use the Get All Routing Protocol Instances API request to retrieve the list of routing protocols associated with a given connection.

Equinix-assigned routing protocol definition identifier.

Sample response

"pagination": {
"offset": 0,
"limit": 20,
"total": 1
"data": [
"href": "",
"uuid": "4b17da68-3d6b-436d-9c8f-2105f3b950d9",
"status": "COMPLETED",
"createdDateTime": "2020-05-21T10:30:00Z",
"updatedDateTime": "2020-05-21T10:30:50Z",
"data": {
"op": "replace",
"path": "/",
"value": {
"type": "BGP",
"name": "My-BGP-route-1",
"bgpIpv4": {
"customerPeerIp": "",
"equinixPeerIp": "",
"enabled": true,
"outboundASPrependCount": 1
"bgpIpv6": {
"customerPeerIp": "2001:db8:c59b::2",
"equinixPeerIp": "2001:db8:c59b::1",
"enabled": true,
"outboundASPrependCount": 1
"customerAsn": 0,
"equinixAsn": 0,
"bgpAuthKey": "string",
"bfd": {
"enabled": true,
"interval": "100"
"href": "",
"uuid": "4b17da68-3d6b-436d-9c8f-2105f3b950d9",
"status": "COMPLETED",
"createdDateTime": "2020-05-21T10:30:00Z",
"updatedDateTime": "2020-05-21T10:30:50Z",
"data": {
"op": "add",
"path": "/",
"value": {
"type": "BGP",
"name": "My-BGP-route-1",
"bgpIpv4": {
"customerPeerIp": "",
"equinixPeerIp": "",
"enabled": true,
"outboundASPrependCount": 1
"bgpIpv6": {
"customerPeerIp": "2001:db8:c59b::2",
"equinixPeerIp": "2001:db8:c59b::1",
"enabled": true,
"outboundASPrependCount": 1
"customerAsn": 0,
"equinixAsn": 0,
"bgpAuthKey": "string",
"bfd": {
"enabled": true,
"interval": "100"

Response payload body description

ParameterTypeExample valuesDescription
paginationobject-Search results pagination settings.
dataarray[object]-Data array containing returned objects.
offsetinteger0Index of the first item returned in the response.
limitinteger20Maximum number of items returned per page.
totalinteger99Total number of items available.
hrefstring absolute URL that returns complete specification for the given routing protocol definition.
typestringROUTING_PROTOCOL_UPDATERouting protocol change request type.
uuidstring3c9b8e7a2-f3b1-4576-a4a9-1366a63df170Routing protocol change request identifier.
statusstringCOMPLETEDRouting protocol change request status.
createdDateTimestring2020-05-21T10:30:00ZRouting protocol change request creation timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format:
updatedDateTimestring2020-05-21T10:30:00ZRouting protocol change request update timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format:
dataobject-Routing protocol change request information.
opstringreplaceChange request operation.
pathstring/Parameter path.
valueobject-Parameter value.
typestringBGPRouting protocol type.
namestringMy-BGP-route-1Routing protocol definition name.
bgpIpv4object-IPv4 addressing configuration.
bgpIpv6object-IPv6 addressing configuration.
customerAsninteger65002Customer's autonomous system number (ASN).
equinixAsninteger65003Equinix's autonomous system number (ASN).
bgpAuthKeystringa667d47acc18ea6bBorder gateway protocol authentication key for authenticating point-to-point TCP connections between peering routers.
bfdobject-Bidirectional failure detection (BFD) configuration settings applicable to Fabric Cloud Router connections.
customerPeerIpstring10.1.1.2Customer side BGP peering IPv4 address.
equinixPeerIpstring10.1.1.3Equinix side BGP peering IPv4 address.
enabledbooleantrueWhether bgpIpv4 peering is enabled or not. True=enabled
outboundASPrependCountinteger1The number of times FCR's ASN is prepended toward an IPv4 BGP peer.
customerPeerIpstring2001:db8:c59b::2Customer side BGP peering IPv6 address.
equinixPeerIpstring2001:db8:c59b::1Equinix side BGP peering IPv6 address.
enabledbooleantrueWhether bgpIpv6 peering is enabled or not. True=enabled
outboundASPrependCountinteger1The number of times FCR's ASN is prepended toward an IPv6 BGP peer.
enabledbooleantrueParameter showing whether bidirectional failure detection (BFD) is enabled.
intervalstring100Bidirectional failure detection (BFD) keep-alive interval (ms).

Get Specified Routing Protocol Change Request

 GET /fabric/v4/connections/{connectionUuid}/routingProtocols/{routingProtocolUuid}/changes/{changeRequestUuid}
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/connections/{connectionUuid}/routingProtocols/{routingProtocolUuid}/changes/{changeRequestUuid}
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Path ParametersconnectionUuid, routingProtocolUuid, changeRequestUuid
Query ParametersNot applicable
Body ParametersNot applicable

This API request returns the details of a specified routing protocol change request.

Sample curl request

curl -X
GET ''
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'

Path parameters

Field NameMandatoryTypeExample ValuesApplicable ValuesDescription

Use the Retrieve Connections API request to retrieve the list of connections and then use the Get All Routing Protocol Instances to get the list of routing protocol definitions for a given connection.

Equinix-assigned connection identifier.

Use the Get All Routing Protocol Instances API request to retrieve the list of routing protocols associated with a given connection.

Equinix-assigned routing protocol definition identifier.

Use the Get All Routing Protocol Change Requests API request to retrieve the list of change request for a given routing protocol definition.

Equinix-assigned routing protocol definition identifier.

Sample response

"href": "",
"uuid": "4b17da68-3d6b-436d-9c8f-2105f3b950d9",
"status": "COMPLETED",
"createdDateTime": "2020-05-21T10:30:00Z",
"updatedDateTime": "2020-05-21T10:30:50Z",
"data": {
"op": "replace",
"path": "/",
"value": {
"type": "BGP",
"name": "My-BGP-route-1",
"bgpIpv4": {
"customerPeerIp": "",
"equinixPeerIp": "",
"enabled": true,
"outboundASPrependCount": 1
"bgpIpv6": {
"customerPeerIp": "2001:db8:c59b::2",
"equinixPeerIp": "2001:db8:c59b::1",
"enabled": true,
"outboundASPrependCount": 1
"customerAsn": 0,
"equinixAsn": 0,
"bgpAuthKey": "string",
"bfd": {
"enabled": true,
"interval": "100"

Response payload body description

ParameterTypeExample valuesDescription
hrefstring absolute URL that returns complete specification for the given routing protocol definition.
typestringROUTING_PROTOCOL_UPDATERouting protocol change request type.
uuidstring4b17da68-3d6b-436d-9c8f-2105f3b950d9Routing protocol change request identifier.
statusstringCOMPLETEDRouting protocol change request status.
createdDateTimestring2020-05-21T10:30:00ZRouting protocol change request creation timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format:
updatedDateTimestring2020-05-21T10:30:00ZRouting protocol change request update timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format:
dataobject-Routing protocol change request information.
opstringreplaceChange request operation.
pathstring/Parameter path.
valueobject-Parameter value.
typestringBGPRouting protocol type.
namestringMy-BGP-route-1Routing protocol definition name.
bgpIpv4object-IPv4 addressing configuration.
bgpIpv6object-IPv6 addressing configuration.
customerAsninteger65002Customer's autonomous system number (ASN).
equinixAsninteger65003Equinix's autonomous system number (ASN).
bgpAuthKeystringa667d47acc18ea6bBorder gateway protocol authentication key for authenticating point-to-point TCP connections between peering routers.
bfdobject-Bidirectional failure detection (BFD) configuration settings applicable to Fabric Cloud Router connections.
customerPeerIpstring10.1.1.2Customer side BGP peering IPv4 address.
equinixPeerIpstring10.1.1.3Equinix side BGP peering IPv4 address.
enabledbooleantrueWhether bgpIpv4 peering is enabled or not. True=enabled
outboundASPrependCountinteger1The number of times FCR's ASN is prepended toward an IPv4 BGP peer.
customerPeerIpstring2001:db8:c59b::2Customer side BGP peering IPv6 address.
equinixPeerIpstring2001:db8:c59b::1Equinix side BGP peering IPv6 address.
enabledbooleantrueWhether bgpIpv6 peering is enabled or not. True=enabled
outboundASPrependCountinteger1The number of times FCR's ASN is prepended toward an IPv6 BGP peer.
enabledbooleantrueParameter showing whether bidirectional failure detection (BFD) is enabled.
intervalstring100Bidirectional failure detection (BFD) keep-alive interval (ms).

Clear or Reset BGP

 POST /fabric/v4/connections/{connectionUuid}/routingProtocols/{routingProtocolId}/actions
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/connections/{connectionUuid}/routingProtocols/{routingProtocolId}/actions
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Path ParametersconnectionUuid, routingProtocolId
Query ParametersNot applicable
Body Parameterstype

Clears or resets the BGP session of a routing protocol

Sample curl request

curl -X
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-d '{
"type": "CLEAR_BGPIPV4"

Path parameters

ParameterMandatoryTypeExample ValuesApplicable ValuesDescription

Use the Retrieve Connections API request to get your list of connections.

Equinix-assigned connection identifier.
routingProtocolIdyesstring657400f8-d360-11e9-bb65-2a2ae2dbcce5Equinix-assigned routing-protocol identifier.

Body Parameters

ParameterMandatoryTypeExample ValuesDescription
typeyesstringCLEAR_BGPIPV4Possible values:
  • CLEAR_BGPIPV4: soft clear bgp ipv4 session
  • CLEAR_BGPIPV6:soft clear bgp ipv6 session
  • CLEAR_BGPIPV4_INBOUND:soft clear bgp ipv4 session, inbound only
  • CLEAR_BGPIPV6_INBOUND: soft clear bgp ipv6 session, inbound only
  • RESET_BGPIPV4: hard clear bgp ipv4 session
  • RESET_BGPIPV6: hard clear bgp ipv6 session

If you get an “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for Equinix Fabric portal access.

Sample response

"href": "",
"uuid": "123ed98a-92ba-9951-bb17-17d0234dd096",
"type": "RESET_BGPIPV6",
"description": "hard reset bgp ipv6 session",
"state": "PENDING",
"changeLog": {
"createdBy": "adminuser",
"createdByEmail": "",
"createdByFullName": "adminuser adminuser",
"createdDateTime": "2020-05-21T10:30:00Z"

Response payload body description

ParameterTypeExample valuesDescription
hrefstring of the asset.
uuidstring55cbab42-7e8e-11ec-90d6-0242ac120003Equinix-assigned action Id.
typestringRESET_BGPIPV6Type of reset.
descriptionstringhard reset bgp ipv6 sessionDescription of the reset.
statestringPENDINGState of the reset.
changeLogobject-A permanent record of asset creation, modification, or deletion.
createdBystringadminCreated by.
createdByEmailstringtestuser@equinix.comCreated by email.
createdByFullNamestringtestuser testuserFull name of creator.
createdDateTimestring2021-07-15T19:30:29.526ZAsset creation timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format:
updatedBystringadminUpdated by.
updatedByEmailstringtestuser@equinix.comUpdated by email.
updatedByFullNamestringtestuser testuserUpdated by full name.
updatedDateTimestring2021-07-15T19:30:29.526ZAsset update timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format:

Get BGP Actions

 GET /fabric/v4/connections/{connectionUuid}/routingProtocols/{routingProtocolId}/actions
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/connections/{connectionUuid}/routingProtocols/{routingProtocolId}/actions
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Path ParametersconnectionUuid, routingProtocolId
Query Parametersoffset, limit
Body ParametersNot applicable

Returns BGP actions.

Sample curl request

curl -X
GET ''
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'

Query parameters
offset integer
Index of the first item returned in the response.
Minimum: 0
Default value: 0
limit integer
Maximum number of items returned per page.
Minimum: 1
Maximum: 100
Default value: 20

Path parameters

Field NameMandatoryTypeExample ValuesApplicable ValuesDescription

Use the Retrieve Connections API request to get your list of connections.

Equinix-assigned connection identifier.
routingProtocolIdyesstring667400f8-d360-11e9-bb65-2a2ae2dbcce8Equinix-assigned routing-protocol identifier.

If you get an “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for Equinix Fabric portal access.

Sample response

"pagination": {
"offset": 0,
"limit": 20,
"total": 2
"data": [
"href": "",
"uuid": "835ed234-1dbb-5634-c320-25d0234dd117",
"description": "soft clear bgp ipv6 inbound session",
"state": "SUCCEEDED",
"changeLog": {
"createdBy": "testuser",
"createdByEmail": "",
"createdByFullName": "testuser testuser",
"createdDateTime": "2020-05-21T10:30:00Z",
"updatedBy": "testuser",
"updatedByEmail": "",
"updatedByFullName": "testuser testuser",
"updatedDateTime": "2020-05-21T10:35:00Z"
"href": "",
"uuid": "995ed98b-1db9-6653-c323-19d0234dd999",
"description": "soft clear bgp ipv4 inbound session",
"state": "FAILED",
"changeLog": {
"createdBy": "testuser",
"createdByEmail": "",
"createdByFullName": "testuser testuser",
"createdDateTime": "2020-05-21T10:20:00Z",
"updatedBy": "testuser",
"updatedByEmail": "",
"updatedByFullName": "testuser testuser",
"updatedDateTime": "2020-05-21T10:25:00Z"

Response description

ParameterTypeExample valuesDescription
paginationobject-Search results pagination settings.
dataarray[object]-Data array containing returned objects.
offsetinteger0Index of the first item returned in the response.
limitinteger20Maximum number of items returned per page.
totalinteger99Total number of items available.
hrefstring of the asset.
uuidstring55cbab42-7e8e-11ec-90d6-0242ac120003Equinix-assigned action Id.
typestringRESET_BGPIPV6Type of reset.
descriptionstringhard reset bgp ipv6 sessionDescription of the reset.
statestringPENDINGState of the reset.
changeLogobject-A permanent record of asset creation, modification, or deletion.
createdBystringadminCreated by.
createdByEmailstringtestuser@equinix.comCreated by email.
createdByFullNamestringtestuser testuserFull name of creator.
createdDateTimestring2021-07-15T19:30:29.526ZAsset creation timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format:
updatedBystringadminUpdated by.
updatedByEmailstringtestuser@equinix.comUpdated by email.
updatedByFullNamestringtestuser testuserUpdated by full name.
updatedDateTimestring2021-07-15T19:30:29.526ZAsset update timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format:

Get Specified BGP Action

 GET /fabric/v4/connections/{connectionUuid}/routingProtocols/{routingProtocolId}/actions/{actionId}
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/connections/{connectionUuid}/routingProtocols/{routingProtocolId}/actions/{actionId}
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Path ParametersconnectionUuid, routingProtocolId, actionId
Query ParametersNot applicable
Body ParametersNot applicable

Returns BGP action for a specific Id.

Sample curl request

curl -X
GET ''
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'

Path parameters

Field NameMandatoryTypeExample ValuesApplicable ValuesDescription

Use the Retrieve Connections API request to get your list of connections.

Equinix-assigned connection identifier.
routingProtocolIdyesstring667400f8-d360-11e9-bb65-2a2ae2dbcce8Equinix-assigned routing-protocol identifier.
actionIdyesstring347400f8-d360-11e9-bb65-2a2ae2dbcce9Equinix-assigned action identifier.

If you get an “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for Equinix Fabric portal access.

Sample response


"href": "",
"uuid": "835ed234-1dbb-5634-c320-25d0234dd117",
"description": "soft clear bgp ipv6 inbound session",
"state": "SUCCEEDED",
"changeLog": {
"createdBy": "testuser",
"createdByEmail": "",
"createdByFullName": "testuser testuser",
"createdDateTime": "2020-05-21T10:30:00Z",
"updatedBy": "testuser",
"updatedByEmail": "",
"updatedByFullName": "testuser testuser",
"updatedDateTime": "2020-05-21T10:35:00Z"


Response description

ParameterTypeExample valuesDescription
hrefstring of the asset.
uuidstring55cbab42-7e8e-11ec-90d6-0242ac120003Equinix-assigned action Id.
typestringRESET_BGPIPV6Type of reset.
descriptionstringhard reset bgp ipv6 sessionDescription of the reset.
statestringPENDINGState of the reset.
changeLogobject-A permanent record of asset creation, modification, or deletion.
createdBystringadminCreated by.
createdByEmailstringtestuser@equinix.comCreated by email.
createdByFullNamestringtestuser testuserFull name of creator.
createdDateTimestring2021-07-15T19:30:29.526ZAsset creation timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format:
updatedBystringadminUpdated by.
updatedByEmailstringtestuser@equinix.comUpdated by email.
updatedByFullNamestringtestuser testuserUpdated by full name.
updatedDateTimestring2021-07-15T19:30:29.526ZAsset update timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format:

Delete Routing Protocol Instance

 DELETE /fabric/v4/connections/{connectionUuid}/routingProtocols/{routingProtocolUuid}
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/connections/{connectionUuid/routingProtocols/{routingProtocolUuid}
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Path ParametersconnectionUuid, routingProtocolUuid
Query ParametersNot applicable
Body ParametersNot applicable

This API request deletes a specified routing protocol definition associated with a given connection.

Sample curl request

curl -X
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'

Path parameters

Field NameMandatoryTypeExample ValuesApplicable ValuesDescription

Use the Retrieve Connections API request to retrieve the list of connections.

Equinix-assigned connection identifier.

Use the Get All Routing Protocol Instances API request to retrieve the list of routing protocols associated with a given connection.

Equinix-assigned routing protocol definition identifier.

If you get an “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for Equinix Fabric portal access.

Sample response

"type": "BGP",
"name": "My-BGP-route-1",
"bgpIpv4": {
"customerPeerIp": "",
"equinixPeerIp": "",
"outboundASPrependCount": 1
"bgpIpv6": {
"customerPeerIp": "2001:db8:c59b::1",
"equinixPeerIp": "2001:db8:c59b::1",
"outboundASPrependCount": 1
"customerAsn": 65002,
"equinixAsn": 65002,
"bgpAuthKey": "a667d47acc18ea6b",
"bfd": {
"enabled": true,
"interval": "100"
"href": "string",
"uuid": "c9b8e7a2-f3b1-4576-a4a9-1366a63df170",
"change": {
"uuid": "3c9b8e7a2-f3b1-4576-a4a9-1366a63df170",
"href": "",
"changelog": {
"createdDateTime": "2022-01-26T07:42:52.199Z",
"updatedDateTime": "2022-01-26T07:42:52.199Z"

Response payload body description

ParameterTypeExample valuesDescription
typestringBGPRouting protocol type.
namestringMy-BGP-route-1Routing protocol definition name.
bgpIpv4object-IPv4 addressing configuration.
bgpIpv6object-IPv6 addressing configuration.
customerAsninteger65002Customer's autonomous system number (ASN).
equinixAsninteger65003Equinix's autonomous system number (ASN).
bgpAuthKeystringa667d47acc18ea6bBorder gateway protocol authentication key for authenticating point-to-point TCP connections between peering routers.
bfdobject-Bidirectional failure detection (BFD) configuration settings applicable to Fabric Cloud Router connections.
hrefstring absolute URL that returns complete specification for the given routing protocol definition.
uuidstring55cbab42-7e8e-11ec-90d6-0242ac120003Equinix-assigned routing protocol definition identifier.
statestringDEPROVISIONINGEntity lifecycle status.
changeobject-Details of the latest change.
changelogobject-A permanent record of asset creation, modification, or deletion.
customerPeerIpstring10.1.1.2Customer side BGP peering IPv4 address.
equinixPeerIpstring10.1.1.3Equinix side BGP peering IPv4 address.
outboundASPrependCountinteger1The number of times FCR's ASN is prepended toward an IPv4 BGP peer.
customerPeerIpstring2001:db8:c59b::1Customer side BGP peering IPv6 address.
equinixPeerIpstring2001:db8:c59b::1Equinix side BGP peering IPv6 address.
outboundASPrependCountinteger1The number of times FCR's ASN is prepended toward an IPv6 BGP peer.
enabledbooleantrueParameter showing whether bidirectional failure detection (BFD) is enabled.
intervalstring100Bidirectional failure detection (BFD) keep-alive interval (ms).
uuidstring75cbab42-7e8e-11ec-90d6-0242ac12879Unique Id of the latest configuration.
hrefstring to the latest configuration.
createdDateTimestring2021-07-15T19:30:29.526ZAsset creation timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format:
updatedDateTimestring2022-01-24T10:28:51.024ZAsset modification timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format:

Validate Subnet

 POST /fabric/v4/routers/{routerId}/validate
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/routers/{routerId}/validate
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Path ParametersrouterId
Query ParametersNot applicable
Body Parametersfilter

Validates all subnets associated with a connection in the given FCR.


For instructions on how to obtain an authorization token, refer to Requesting Access and Refresh Tokens.

Sample curl request

curl -X POST '{routerId}/validate'
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-d '{
"filter": {
"and": [
"property": "/directIpv4/equinixIfaceIp",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
"property": "/connection/uuid",
"operator": "=",
"values": [

Body parameters

filter object
Object containing subnets to validate.
and array[object]
Array of objects that have subnets and connection identifiers.
property string
Either Ipv4 subnet or Ipv6 subnet is required.
Applicable values:
  • /directIpv4/equinixIfaceIp
  • /directIpv6/equinixIfaceIp
  • /connection/uuid
operator string
Parameter operator.
Applicable values:
  • =
values array[string]
Subnet values or connection identifiers. Connection identifiers are not required. However, you must provide either an ipv4 or ipv6 subnet to validate.
"property": "/directIpv4/equinixIfaceIp",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
operator string
Search field parameter operator.
Applicable values:
  • =
value array[string]
Ipv4 subnet value.
Example: [""]
"property": "/directIpv6/equinixIfaceIp",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
operator string
Search field operator.
Applicable values:
  • =
value array[string]
Ipv6 subnet value.
Example: ["1202:ABCD::20:1::11/30"]
"property": "/connection/uuid",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
operator string
Search field parameter operator.
Applicable values:
  • =
value array[string]
Unique Id of connections.
Example: ["a96f16d3-e504-44a7-a628-4916b5750008"]

Sample response - validate subnet

"additionalInfo": [
"key": "message",
"value": "The provided subnet is valid."

Response payload body description

additionalInfo array[object]
An array of key-value pair objects containing additional information.
key string
Key parameter.
Example: message
value string
Validation message.
Example: There is no overlapping or duplicate subnets in the same Fabric cloud router.

Service Profiles

Create Service Profile

 POST /fabric/v4/serviceProfiles
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/serviceProfiles
Headersauthorization, content-type, ic-version
Path ParametersNot applicable
Query ParametersNot applicable
Body Parameterstype, name, description, notifications, visibility, allowedEmails, tags, accessPointTypeConfigs, customFields, marketingInfo, ports

This API request creates a service profile, which enables other Platform Equinix participants to connect and subscribe to your services.

Sample curl request

curl -X
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'ic-version: v4.2'
-d '{
"name": "Service Profile 1",
"description": "Sample_description",
"type": "L2_PROFILE",
"notifications": [
"emails": [
"visibility": "PUBLIC",
"allowedEmails": [
"ports": [
"uuid": "c791f8cb-5cc9-cc90-8ce0-306a5c00a4ee",
"type": "XF_PORT",
"location": {
"metroCode": "SY"
"marketingInfo": {
"promotion": true
"accessPointTypeConfigs": [
"type": "COLO",
"connectionRedundancyRequired": false,
"allowBandwidthAutoApproval": false,
"allowRemoteConnections": false,
"connectionLabel": "Connection",
"enableAutoGenerateServiceKey": false,
"bandwidthAlertThreshold": 10,
"allowCustomBandwidth": true,
"apiConfig": {
"apiAvailable": false,
"equinixManagedVlan": true,
"bandwidthFromApi": false,
"integrationId": null,
"equinixManagedPort": true
"authenticationKey": {
"required": false,
"label": "Service Key",
"description": "XYZ"
"supportedBandwidths": [

Header parameters

ParameterMandatoryData TypeExample ValuesApplicable ValuesDescription
authorizationyesstringBearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI-API request authorization token.
content-typeyesstringapplication/jsonapplication/jsonSpecifies the resource media type.
ic-versionyesstringv4.2v4.2API version specifier.

Body parameters

ParameterTypeMandatoryExampleApplicable valuesDescription
namestringyesA-to-ZMaximum: 50 characters

Allowed characters: alpha-numeric, hyphens ('-'), underscores ('_') and white spaces (' ').
Service profile name.
descriptionstringyesA-to-Z services for your daily cloud needs. Han Solo approved.Maximum: 375 charactersService description.
Service profile type.

L2_PROFILE - layer 2 service profile for establishing connections in layer 2 of the OSI networking model.
L3_PROFILE - layer 3 service profile for establishing connections in layer 2 of the OSI networking model.
notificationsobjectno--Notification preferences and a list of recipients.
Service profile visibility.

PUBLIC - Public service profiles are listed on the Equinix Fabric portal allowing anyone to establish connections to advertised services.

PRIVATE - Establishing a connection based on a private service profile requires provider's authorization.
allowedEmailsarray[string]no["",""]-Email addresses of users allowed to establish connections based on this service profile. Applicable to PRIVATE visibility service profiles.
tagsarray[string]noSaaS-Labels identifying the type of the services advertised by given service profile.
portsarray[object]no--Ports associated with the given service profile.
accessPointTypeConfigsarray[object]yes--Available access points types.
customFieldsarray[object]no--User-defined fields added to a service profile.
marketingInfoobjectno--Optional service profile branding, such as the customer's logo.
emailsarray[string]no[""]-List of receipients of a given type of notification.
Notification type.

BANDWIDTH_ALERT - Bandwidth alert threshold has been reached.
CONNECTION_APPROVAL - Connection request awaiting approval.
PROFILE_LIFECYCLE - Service profile lifecycle has changed.
Port type.
uuidstringyescecd1039-eadd-add3-31e0-387a5c00aeb9-Equinix-assigned port identifier.
Connection endpoint type.

COLO - Colocation space in an IBX data center.
VD - Network Edge virtual device.
connectionRedundancyRequiredbooleannofalse-Requirement to configure a redundant connection.
Parameter indicating if bandwidth change requests are approved automatically.
Authorization to establish connections from remote locations.
connectionLabelstringnoConnection-An alternative term for connection in case it's different in your organization.
Applicable to Verizon Software Defined Interconnect service profile.
bandwidthAlertThresholdintegerno75Maximum: 100Send a bandwidth usage alert when the percentage value of the total bandwidth of the ports associated with the given service profile has been consumed by your subscribers.
Authorization to set a custom connection bandwidth.
apiConfigobject --API configuration settings and preferences.
authenticationKeyobjectno--Authentication key configuration.
supportedBandwidthsarray[integer]no[200,500,700,1000]-Allowed connection bandwidths (Mbps).
Authorization to establish connections with this service profile using API.
Setting indicating that the port is managed by Equinix.
Setting indicating that the VLAN is managed by Equinix.
Allow services sales to exceed the available network bandwidth.

Minimum: 1

Maximum: 20

Port bandwidth multiplier that determines the total bandwidth that can be allocated to users creating connections to your services.

For example, a 10 Gbps port combined with an overSubscriptionLimit parameter value of 10 allows your subscribers to create connections with a total bandwidth of 100 Gbps.
Indicates if the connection bandwidth can be obtained directly from the cloud service provider.
Requirement to provide an authentication key.
labelstringnoCloud Account ID-Name of the parameter that must be provided to authorize the connection.
descriptionstringnoXYZ-Description to help subscribers identify their authentication key.
labelstringyesASN-Label under which a custom parameter is presented on the Equnix Fabric portal or exposed through an API.
descriptionstringyesExcluded ASNs: 0, 13884, 36351, 64512, 64513, 65100, 65201‍–‍65234, 65402‍–‍65433, 65500, and 4201065000‍–‍4201065999.-Custom parameter description.
Indicates if a given custom field is mandatory.
Custom field data type.

INTEGER - Integer.
STRING - String.
Capture the input value and include it in the email notification.
Authorization to promote the given service profile on Equinix website and other products.
processStepsarray[object]no--A data structure describing the steps necessary to establish connection to the given service provider.
titlestringnoCreate Equinix Fabric Connection-Step title.
subTitlestringnoon the Equinix Fabric-Step's subtitle.
descriptionstringnoSome very creative and descriptive description.-Details of the actions which must be taken to complete the given step.

If you get an “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for Equinix Fabric Portal access.

Sample response

"account": {
"orgId": 91785,
"globalOrgId": "0016u000003JZ4tAAG"
"changeLog": {
"createdDateTime": {}
"href": "",
"type": "L2_PROFILE",
"name": "Service Profile 1",
"uuid": "ea4b5141-e4d2-49f1-9768-4ea6e215b37f",
"description": "Sample_description",
"notifications": [
"emails": [
"visibility": "PUBLIC",
"allowedEmails": [
"accessPointTypeConfigs": [
"type": "COLO",
"uuid": "f20c49cd-b022-4aeb-b3e4-49db4389aff3",
"supportedBandwidths": [
"allowRemoteConnections": false,
"allowCustomBandwidth": true,
"bandwidthAlertThreshold": 10,
"allowBandwidthAutoApproval": false,
"linkProtocolConfig": {
"encapsulationStrategy": "CTAGED",
"reuseVlanSTag": false,
"encapsulation": "DOT1Q"
"enableAutoGenerateServiceKey": false,
"connectionRedundancyRequired": false,
"apiConfig": {
"apiAvailable": false,
"equinixManagedPort": true,
"equinixManagedVlan": true,
"allowOverSubscription": false,
"overSubscriptionLimit": 1,
"bandwidthFromApi": false
"connectionLabel": "true1",
"authenticationKey": {
"required": false,
"label": "Service Key"
"marketingInfo": {
"promotion": true
"ports": [
"type": "XF_PORT",
"uuid": "c791f8cb-5cc9-cc90-8ce0-306a5c00a4ee",
"location": {
"href": "",
"metroCode": "SY"
"metros": [
"code": "SY",
"ibxs": [

Response payload body description


Response payload includes configuration parameters defined in the request body. The following table contains descriptions of additional information included in the response payload. For descriptions of the remaining fields, refer to the Body parameters section.

statestringPENDING_APPROVALService profile lifecycle stage.

ACTIVE - Service profile is active and enables establishing connections.
DELETED - Service profile has been deleted.
PENDING APPROVAL - Service profile awaiting administrator approval.
REJECTED - Service profile has been rejected by the administrator.
accountobject-Customer account information.
changeLogobject-A permanent record of asset creation, modification, or deletion.
hrefstring 57186196-505d-4075-80f5-60e819e30310An absolute URL that returns complete specification for the given entity.
uuidstring57186196-505d-4075-80f5-60e819e30310Equinix-assigned service profile identifier.
accessPointTypeConfigsarray[object]-Available access points types.
portsarray[object]-Ports associated with the given service profile.
metrosarray[object]-Locations where subscribers can access services available through the given service profile.
orgIdstring92214Equinix-assigned organization identifier.
organizationNamestringtestBuyer-270001Equinix-assigned organization name.
globalOrgIdstring0016C00000UlveoQABEquinix-assigned top-level organization identifier associated with the specified service profile.


stringCloudEquinix-assigned top-level organization name associated with the specified service profile.
createdDateTimestring2022-01-04T13:31:31.814ZAsset creation timestamp.
uuidstringf20c49cd-b022-4aeb-b3e4-49db4389aff3Equinix-assigned access point identifier.
locationobject-Attributes associated with the specified asset location.
hrefstring absolute URL that returns complete specification for the given entity.
metroCodestringSYMetropolitan area identifier.
codestringSVMetropolitan area identifier.
namestringSilicon ValleyMetropolitan area name.
ibxsarray[string]["SV5","SV1"]List of IBX data centers within the given metro where subscribers can access services provided by the given service profile.
displayNamestringSilicon ValleyMetropoiltan area name displayed on the service profile in the Equinix Fabric portal.

Get Service Profiles

 GET /fabric/v4/serviceProfiles
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/serviceProfiles
Headersauthorization, ic-version
Path ParametersNot applicable
Query Parametersoffset, limit, viewPoint, style
Body ParametersNot applicable

This API request retrieves service profiles available on Equinix Platform. Service profiles define the services offered by service providers enabling other participants to find and connect to them.

Sample curl request

curl -X
GET ''
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-H 'ic-version: v4.2'

Header parameters

ParameterMandatoryData TypeExample ValuesApplicable ValuesDescription
authorizationyesstringBearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI-API request authorization token.
ic-versionyesstringv4.2v4.2API version specifier.

Query parameters

ParameterMandatoryTypeExampleApplicable valuesDescription
offsetnointeger2Default: 0Index of the first item returned in the response.
limitnointeger30Default: 20Maximum number of items returned per page, starting from the index denoted by the offset item.

Default: aSide
Returns service profile data set with parameters relevant to a buyer (aSide) or a seller (zSide).

If you get an “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for Equinix Fabric Portal access.

Sample response

"data": [
"state": "ACTIVE",
"account": {
"organizationName": "l3-qa-1-270253"
"changeLog": {
"createdBy": "l3qa1user1",
"createdByFullName": "l3qa1user1 l3qa1user1",
"createdByEmail": "",
"createdDateTime": {},
"updatedBy": "eqx-admin",
"updatedByFullName": "eqx-admin eqx-admin",
"updatedByEmail": "",
"updatedDateTime": {}
"href": "",
"type": "L2_PROFILE",
"name": "E2E-SPHL2Name-060422130614789",
"uuid": "c2ba267e-0168-4254-93a2-32487de4ed7c",
"description": "<p>E2E-This is SPH Description With <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow noopener noreferrer\">Hyperlink</a>-060422130617254</p>",
"tags": [
"visibility": "PUBLIC",
"accessPointTypeConfigs": [
"type": "COLO",
"uuid": "d68c95c1-f289-4b52-8aee-7f4e2660e070",
"supportedBandwidths": [
"allowRemoteConnections": true,
"allowCustomBandwidth": false,
"allowBandwidthAutoApproval": false,
"linkProtocolConfig": {
"encapsulationStrategy": "CTAGED",
"reuseVlanSTag": false,
"encapsulation": "DOT1Q"
"enableAutoGenerateServiceKey": false,
"connectionRedundancyRequired": false,
"apiConfig": {
"apiAvailable": false,
"integrationId": "",
"bandwidthFromApi": false
"connectionLabel": "Connection",
"authenticationKey": {
"required": false
"marketingInfo": {
"promotion": true
"metros": [
"code": "DA",
"name": "Dallas",
"ibxs": [
"displayName": "Dallas"
"selfProfile": false
"pagination": {
"offset": 0,
"limit": 1,
"total": 52,
"next": "/serviceProfiles?offset=1&limit=1"

Response payload body description

dataobject-Data array containing data model entities.
paginationobject-An absolute URL that returns the specified connection.
statestringACTIVEService profile lifecycle stage.

ACTIVE - Service profile is active and enables establishing connections.
DELETED - Service profile has been deleted.
PENDING APPROVAL - Service profile awaiting administrator approval.
REJECTED - Service profile has been rejected by the administrator.
accountobject-Customer account information.
changeLogobject-A permanent record of asset creation, modification, or deletion.
hrefstring 57186196-505d-4075-80f5-60e819e30310An absolute URL that returns complete specification for the given entity.
typestringL2_PROFILEService profile type.

L2_PROFILE - layer 2 service profile for establishing connections in layer 2 of the OSI networking model.
L3_PROFILE - layer 3 service profile for establishing connections in layer 2 of the OSI networking model.
namestringE2E-SPHL2Name-040122133102496Service profile name.
uuidstringd48daade-4c18-446d-9c4d-92f6e2f93f55Equinix-assigned service profile identifier.
descriptionstringE2E-This is SPH Description [...]Service description.
notificationsobject-Notification preferences and a list of recipients.

Applicable for viewPoint query parameter set to zSide.
tagsarray[string]SaaSLabels identifying the type of the services advertised by given service profile.
visibilitystringPRIVATEService profile visibility.

PUBLIC - Public service profiles are listed on the Equinix Fabric portal allowing anyone to establish connections to advertised services.

PRIVATE - Establishing a connection based on a private service profile requires provider's authorization.
allowedEmailsarray[string]["",""]Email addresses of users allowed to establish connections based on this service profile.
accessPointTypeConfigsarray[object]-Available access points types.
customFieldsarray[object]-User-defined fields added to a service profile.
marketingInfoobject-Optional service profile branding, such as the customer's logo.
portsarray[object]-Ports associated with the given service profile.

Applicable for viewPoint query parameter set to zSide.
metrosarray[object]-Locations where subscribers can access services available through the given service profile.
selfProfilebooleantrueIndicates if the service profile and the user interacting with the API belong to the same organization.

Applicable for viewPoint query parameter set to aSide.
orgIdstring92214Equinix-assigned organization identifier.

Applicable for viewPoint query parameter set to zSide.
organizationNamestringtestBuyer-270001Equinix-assigned organization name.
globalOrgIdstring0016C00000UlveoQABEquinix-assigned top-level organization identifier associated with the specified service profile.


stringCloudEquinix-assigned top-level organization name associated with the specified service profile.
createdBystringtestBuyer999Identity of the asset creator.
createdDateTimestring2022-01-04T13:31:31.814ZAsset creation timestamp.
updatedBystringeqx-admin999Identity of the person who updated the asset.
updatedDateTimestring2022-01-04T13:31:45.981ZAsset update request timestamp.
createdByEmailstringtestBuyer999@equinix.comEmail address of the asset creator.
updatedByEmailstringeqx-admin999@equinix.comEmail address of the person who updated the asset.
createdByFullNamestringtestBuyer999 testBuyer999First and last name of the asset creator.
updatedByFullNamestringeqx-admin999 eqx-admin999First and last name of the person who updated the asset.
emailsarray[string][""]List of receipients of a given type of notification.
typestringBANDWIDTH_ALERTNotification type.

BANDWIDTH_ALERT - Bandwidth alert threshold has been reached.
CONNECTION_APPROVAL - Connection request awaiting approval.
PROFILE_LIFECYCLE - Service profile lifecycle has changed.
typestringCOLOAccess point type.

COLO - Colocation space in an IBX data center.
VD - Network Edge virtual device.
uuidstringf1d3b691-09cb-4570-8567-137ce1ca6328Equinix-assigned access point identifier.
supportedBandwidthsarray[integer][200,500,700,1000]Allowed connection bandwidths (Mbps).
allowRemoteConnectionsbooleantrueAuthorization to establish connections from remote locations.
allowCustomBandwidthbooleantrueAuthorization to set a custom connection bandwidth.
bandwidthAlertThresholdinteger75Send a bandwidth usage alert when the percentage value of the total bandwidth of the ports associated with the given service profile has been consumed by your subscribers.

Applicable for viewPoint query parameter set to zSide.
allowBandwidthAutoApprovalbooleanfalseParameter indicating if bandwidth change requests are approved automatically.
linkProtocolConfigobject-Settings and preferences for the link protocol used at the access point.
enableAutoGenerateServiceKeybooleanfalseApplicable to Verizon Software Defined Interconnect service profile.
connectionRedundancyRequiredbooleanfalseIndicates if connecting to the service requires creating a pair of redundant connections.
apiConfigobject-API configuration settings and preferences.
connectionLabelstringConnectionAn alternative term for connection in case it's different in your organization.
authenticationKeyobject-Authentication key configuration.
metadataobject-Additional connection information.
encapsulationStrategystringCTAGEDAdditional tagging information required by the seller profile.
reuseVlanSTagbooleanfalseAutomatically accept subsequent DOT1Q to QINQ connections that use the same authentication key. These connections will have the same VLAN S-tag assigned as the initial connection.
encapsulationstringDOT1QData frames encapsulation standard.

UNTAGGED - Untagged encapsulation for EPL connections.
DOT1Q - DOT1Q encapsulation standard.
QINQ - QINQ encapsulation standard.
apiAvailablebooleanfalseIndicates if it's possible to establish connections based on the given service profile using the Equinix Fabric API.
integrationIdstringAWS-DirectConnect-01A unique identifier issued during onboarding and used to integrate the customer's service profile with the Equinix Fabric API.
equinixManagedPortbooleanfalseSetting indicating that the port is managed by Equinix.

Applicable for viewPoint query parameter set to zSide.
equinixManagedVlanbooleanfalseSetting indicating that the VLAN is managed by Equinix.

Applicable for viewPoint query parameter set to zSide.
allowOverSubscriptionbooleanfalseAllow services sales to exceed the available network bandwidth.

Applicable for viewPoint query parameter set to zSide.
overSubscriptionLimitinteger1Port bandwidth multiplier that determines the total bandwidth that can be allocated to users creating connections to your services.

For example, a 10 Gbps port combined with an overSubscriptionLimit parameter value of 10 allows your subscribers to create connections with a total bandwidth of 100 Gbps.

Applicable for viewPoint query parameter set to zSide.
bandwidthFromApibooleanfalseIndicates if the connection bandwidth can be obtained directly from the cloud service provider.
requiredbooleantrueRequirement to configure an authentication key.
labelstringCloud Account IDName of the parameter that must be provided to authorize the connection.
allowVcMigrationbooleantrueIndicates if connections established based on the given service profile can be migrated to a different A-side port.
labelstringASNLabel under which a custom parameter is presented on the Equnix Fabric portal or exposed through an API.
descriptionstringExcluded ASNs: 0, 13884, 36351, 64512, 64513, 65100, 65201‍–‍65234, 65402‍–‍65433, 65500, and 4201065000‍–‍4201065999.Custom parameter description.
requiredbooleantrueIndicates if a given custom field is mandatory.
dataTypestringINTEGERCustom field data type.

INTEGER - Integer.
STRING - String.
captureInEmailbooleanfalseCapture the input value and include it in the email notification.
promotionbooleantrueAuthorization to promote the given service profile on Equinix website and other products.
processStepsarray[object]-A data structure describing the steps necessary to establish connection to the given service provider.
titlestringCreate Equinix Fabric ConnectionStep title.
subTitlestringon the Equinix FabricStep's subtitle.
descriptionstringSome very creative and descriptive description.Details of the actions which must be taken to complete the given step.
typestringCOLOPort type.
uuidstringc791f8cb-5c8f-c8f0-8ce0-306a5c00a4eeEquinix-assigned port identifier.
locationobject-Attributes associated with the specified asset location.
sellerRegionstringap-southeast-2Seller region where the port is located.
hrefstring absolute URL that returns complete specification for the given entity.
metroCodestringSVMetropolitan area identifier.
codestringSVMetropolitan area identifier.
namestringSilicon ValleyMetropolitan area name.
ibxsarray[string]["SV5","SV1"]List of IBX data centers within the given metro where subscribers can access services provided by the given service profile.
displayNamestringSilicon ValleyMetropoiltan area name displayed on the service profile in the Equinix Fabric portal.
offsetinteger2Index of the first item returned in the response.
limitinteger2Maximum number of items returned per page.
totalinteger2309Total number of service profiles. 
nextstring/serviceProfiles?offset=4&limit=2Next data page url.
previousstring/serviceProfiles?offset=0&limit=2Previous data page url.

Get Specified Service Profile

 GET /fabric/v4/serviceProfiles/{uuid}
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/serviceProfiles/{uuid}
HeadersAuthorization, ic-version
Path Parametersuuid
Query ParametersviewPoint, style
Body ParametersNot applicable

This API request retrieves a specified service profile. Service profiles define the services offered by service providers enabling other participants to find and connect to them.

Sample curl request

curl -X
GET ''
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-H 'ic-version: v4.2'

Header parameters

ParameterMandatoryData TypeExample ValuesApplicable ValuesDescription
authorizationyesstringBearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI-API request authorization token.
ic-versionyesstringv4.2v4.2API version specifier.

Path parameters

ParameterMandatoryData TypeExample ValuesDescription
uuidyesstring13c0f286-1190-480c-8a45-b3df00cad9cfEquinix-assigned service profile identifier.

Query parameters

ParameterMandatoryData TypeExample ValuesApplicable ValuesDescription

Defalt: aSide
Returns service profile data set with parameters relevant to a buyer (aSide) or a seller (zSide).

If you get an “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for Equinix Fabric Portal access.

Sample response

"state": "ACTIVE",
"account": {
"organizationName": "l3-qa-1-270253"
"changeLog": {
"createdBy": "l3qa1user1",
"createdByFullName": "l3qa1user1 l3qa1user1",
"createdByEmail": "",
"createdDateTime": {},
"updatedBy": "eqx-admin",
"updatedByFullName": "eqx-admin eqx-admin",
"updatedByEmail": "",
"updatedDateTime": {}
"href": "",
"type": "L2_PROFILE",
"name": "E2E-SPHL2Name-060422130614789",
"uuid": "c2ba267e-0168-4254-93a2-32487de4ed7c",
"description": "<p>E2E-This is SPH Description With <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow noopener noreferrer\">Hyperlink</a>-060422130617254</p>",
"tags": [
"visibility": "PUBLIC",
"accessPointTypeConfigs": [
"type": "COLO",
"uuid": "d68c95c1-f289-4b52-8aee-7f4e2660e070",
"supportedBandwidths": [
"allowRemoteConnections": true,
"allowCustomBandwidth": false,
"allowBandwidthAutoApproval": false,
"linkProtocolConfig": {
"encapsulationStrategy": "CTAGED",
"reuseVlanSTag": false,
"encapsulation": "DOT1Q"
"enableAutoGenerateServiceKey": false,
"connectionRedundancyRequired": false,
"apiConfig": {
"apiAvailable": false,
"integrationId": "",
"bandwidthFromApi": false
"connectionLabel": "Connection",
"authenticationKey": {
"required": false
"marketingInfo": {
"promotion": true
"metros": [
"code": "DA",
"name": "Dallas",
"ibxs": [
"displayName": "Dallas"
"selfProfile": false

Response payload body description

statestringACTIVEService profile lifecycle stage.

ACTIVE - Service profile is active and enables establishing connections.
DELETED - Service profile has been deleted.
PENDING APPROVAL - Service profile awaiting administrator approval.
REJECTED - Service profile has been rejected by the administrator.
accountobject-Customer account information.
changeLogobject-A permanent record of asset creation, modification, or deletion.
hrefstring 57186196-505d-4075-80f5-60e819e30310An absolute URL that returns complete specification for the given entity.
typestringL2_PROFILEService profile type.

L2_PROFILE - layer 2 service profile for establishing connections in layer 2 of the OSI networking model.
L3_PROFILE - layer 3 service profile for establishing connections in layer 2 of the OSI networking model.
namestringE2E-SPHL2Name-040122133102496Service profile name.
uuidstringd48daade-4c18-446d-9c4d-92f6e2f93f55Equinix-assigned service profile identifier.
descriptionstringE2E-This is SPH Description [...]Service description.
notificationsobject-Notification preferences and a list of recipients.

Applicable for viewPoint query parameter set to zSide.
tagsarray[string]SaaSLabels identifying the type of the services advertised by given service profile.
visibilitystringPRIVATEService profile visibility.

PUBLIC - Public service profiles are listed on the Equinix Fabric portal allowing anyone to establish connections to advertised services.

PRIVATE - Establishing a connection based on a private service profile requires provider's authorization.
allowedEmailsarray[string]["",""]Email addresses of users allowed to establish connections based on this service profile.
accessPointTypeConfigsarray[object]-Available access points types.
customFieldsarray[object]-User-defined fields added to a service profile.
marketingInfoobject-Optional service profile branding, such as the customer's logo.
portsarray[object]-Ports associated with the given service profile.

Applicable for viewPoint query parameter set to zSide.
metrosarray[object]-Locations where subscribers can access services available through the given service profile.
selfProfilebooleantrueIndicates if the service profile and the user interacting with the API belong to the same organization.

Applicable for viewPoint query parameter set to aSide.
orgIdstring92214Equinix-assigned organization identifier.

Applicable for viewPoint query parameter set to zSide.
organizationNamestringtestBuyer-270001Equinix-assigned organization name.
globalOrgIdstring0016C00000UlveoQABEquinix-assigned top-level organization identifier associated with the specified service profile.


stringCloudEquinix-assigned top-level organization name associated with the specified service profile.
createdBystringtestBuyer999Identity of the asset creator.
createdDateTimestring2022-01-04T13:31:31.814ZAsset creation timestamp.
updatedBystringeqx-admin999Identity of the person who updated the asset.
updatedDateTimestring2022-01-04T13:31:45.981ZAsset update request timestamp.
createdByEmailstringtestBuyer999@equinix.comEmail address of the asset creator.
updatedByEmailstringeqx-admin999@equinix.comEmail address of the person who updated the asset.
createdByFullNamestringtestBuyer999 testBuyer999First and last name of the asset creator.
updatedByFullNamestringeqx-admin999 eqx-admin999First and last name of the person who updated the asset.
emailsarray[string][""]List of receipients of a given type of notification.
typestringBANDWIDTH_ALERTNotification type.

BANDWIDTH_ALERT - Bandwidth alert threshold has been reached.
CONNECTION_APPROVAL - Connection request awaiting approval.
PROFILE_LIFECYCLE - Service profile lifecycle has changed.
typestringCOLOAccess point type.

COLO - Colocation space in an IBX data center.
VD - Network Edge virtual device.
uuidstringf1d3b691-09cb-4570-8567-137ce1ca6328Equinix-assigned access point identifier.
supportedBandwidthsarray[integer][200,500,700,1000]Allowed connection bandwidths (Mbps).
allowRemoteConnectionsbooleantrueAuthorization to establish connections from remote locations.
allowCustomBandwidthbooleantrueAuthorization to set a custom connection bandwidth.
bandwidthAlertThresholdinteger75Send a bandwidth usage alert when the percentage value of the total bandwidth of the ports associated with the given service profile has been consumed by your subscribers.

Applicable for viewPoint query parameter set to zSide.
allowBandwidthAutoApprovalbooleanfalseParameter indicating if bandwidth change requests are approved automatically.
linkProtocolConfigobject -Settings and preferences for the link protocol used at the access point.
enableAutoGenerateServiceKeybooleanfalseApplicable to Verizon Software Defined Interconnect service profile.
connectionRedundancyRequiredbooleanfalseIndicates if connecting to the service requires creating a pair of redundant connections.
apiConfigobject-API configuration settings and preferences.
connectionLabelstringConnectionAn alternative term for connection in case it's different in your organization.
authenticationKeyobject-Authentication key configuration.
metadataobject-Additional connection information.
encapsulationStrategystringCTAGEDAdditional tagging information required by the seller profile.
reuseVlanSTagbooleanfalseAutomatically accept subsequent DOT1Q to QINQ connections that use the same authentication key. These connections will have the same VLAN S-tag assigned as the initial connection.
encapsulationstringDOT1QData frames encapsulation standard.

UNTAGGED - Untagged encapsulation for EPL connections.
DOT1Q - DOT1Q encapsulation standard.
QINQ - QINQ encapsulation standard.
apiAvailablebooleanfalseIndicates if it's possible to establish connections based on the given service profile using the Equinix Fabric API.
integrationIdstringAWS-DirectConnect-01A unique identifier issued during onboarding and used to integrate the customer's service profile with the Equinix Fabric API.
equinixManagedPortbooleanfalseSetting indicating that the port is managed by Equinix.

Applicable for viewPoint query parameter set to zSide.
equinixManagedVlanbooleanfalseSetting indicating that the VLAN is managed by Equinix.

Applicable for viewPoint query parameter set to zSide.
allowOverSubscriptionbooleanfalseAllow services sales to exceed the available network bandwidth.

Applicable for viewPoint query parameter set to zSide.
overSubscriptionLimitinteger1Port bandwidth multiplier that determines the total bandwidth that can be allocated to users creating connections to your services.

For example, a 10 Gbps port combined with an overSubscriptionLimit parameter value of 10 allows your subscribers to create connections with a total bandwidth of 100 Gbps.

Applicable for viewPoint query parameter set to zSide.
bandwidthFromApibooleanfalseIndicates if the connection bandwidth can be obtained directly from the cloud service provider.
requiredbooleantrueRequirement to configure an authentication key.
labelstringCloud Account IDName of the parameter that must be provided to authorize the connection.
allowVcMigrationbooleantrueIndicates if connections established based on the given service profile can be migrated to a different A-side port.
labelstringASNLabel under which a custom parameter is presented on the Equnix Fabric portal or exposed through an API.
descriptionstringExcluded ASNs: 0, 13884, 36351, 64512, 64513, 65100, 65201‍–‍65234, 65402‍–‍65433, 65500, and 4201065000‍–‍4201065999.Custom parameter description.
requiredbooleantrueIndicates if a given custom field is mandatory.
dataTypestringINTEGERCustom field data type.

INTEGER - Integer.
STRING - String.
captureInEmailbooleanfalseCapture the input value and include it in the email notification.
promotionbooleantrueAuthorization to promote the given service profile on Equinix website and other products.
processStepsarray[object]-A data structure describing the steps necessary to establish connection to the given service provider.
titlestringCreate Equinix Fabric ConnectionStep title.
subTitlestringon the Equinix FabricStep's subtitle.
descriptionstringSome very creative and descriptive description.Details of the actions which must be taken to complete the given step.
typestringCOLOPort type.
uuidstringc791f8cb-5c8f-c8f0-8ce0-306a5c00a4eeEquinix-assigned port identifier.
locationobject-Attributes associated with the specified asset location.
sellerRegionstringap-southeast-2Seller region where the port is located.
hrefstring absolute URL that returns complete specification for the given entity.
metroCodestringSVMetropolitan area identifier.
codestringSVMetropolitan area identifier.
namestringSilicon ValleyMetropolitan area name.
ibxsarray[string]["SV5","SV1"]List of IBX data centers within the given metro where subscribers can access services provided by the given service profile.
displayNamestringSilicon ValleyMetropoiltan area name displayed on the service profile in the Equinix Fabric portal.

Retrieve Service Profiles

 POST /fabric/v4/serviceProfiles/search
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/serviceProfiles/search
Headersauthorization, content-type, ic-version
Path ParametersNot applicable
Query ParametersNot applicable
Body Parametersfilter, pagination, sort

This API request retrieves service profiles that match provided search criteria.


For instructions on how to obtain an authorization token, refer to Requesting Access and Refresh Tokens.

Sample curl request

curl -X POST 'http: //'
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-H 'ic-version: v4.2'
-d '{
"filter": {
"and": [
"property": "/name",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
"property": "/type",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
"pagination": {
"offset": 0,
"limit": 20
"sort": [
"direction": "DESC",
"property": "/changeLog/createdDateTime"

Header parameters

ParameterMandatoryData TypeExample ValuesApplicable ValuesDescription
authorizationyesstringBearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI-API request authorization token.
ic-versionyesstringv4.2v4.2API version specifier.

Body parameters

ParameterMandatoryData TypeExampleApplicable ValuesDescription
filternoobject--Array of objects defining search conditions.  
paginationnoobject--Search results pagination settings.
sortnoobject--Search results sorting settings.
andyesarray[object]--Logical operator.
Search field parameter. Note that the property value determines the list of applicable operators and values.
Search field parameter operator.

~* - Case-insensitive like.


Search field parameter value.
/nameno "property": "/name",
"operator": "=",
"values": [       
   "Service Profile"
 Service profile name.
Search field parameter operator.
valuesyesarray[string]["HanSolo Inc."]--
/uuidno "property": "/uuid",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
 Equinix-assigned service profile identifier.
operatoryesstring==Search field parameter operator.


/stateno "property": "/state",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
 Asstet lifecycle status.
Search field parameter operator.


/metros/codeno {
     "property": "/metros/code",
     "operator": "=",
     "values": [
 Metropolitan area identifier.
Search field parameter operator.

Use the Get All Metros API request to retrieve the list of metros.

/visibilityno "property": "/visibility",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
 Service profile visibility on Platform Equinix.
Search field parameter operator.


PRIVATE - Establishing connectins based on a private service profile requires service provider's authorization.
PUBLIC - Public service profiles are listed on the Equinix Fabric portal allowing anyone to establish connections to advertised services.
/typeno "property": "/type",
"operator": "=",
"values": [

Service profile type.

Search field parameter operator.
L2_PROFILE - Layer 2 service profile for establishing connections in layer 2 of the OSI networking model.

L3_PROFILE - Layer 3 service profile for establishing connections in layer 3 of the OSI networking model.
offsetnointeger0Minimum: 0
Default: 0
Index of the first item returned in the response.
limitnointeger20Minimum: 1
Default: 20
Maximum number of items returned per page.  
Search results sorting direction.

Default: /changeLog/updatedDateTime
Search results sorting parameter.

Sample response

"data": [
"state": "ACTIVE",
"account": {
"organizationName": "pmSuveer-270163",
"globalOrgId": "0016u000003JZ4xAAG"
"changeLog": {
"createdBy": "pmSuveer",
"createdByFullName": "pmSuveer pmSuveer",
"createdByEmail": "",
"createdDateTime": "2022-04-05T20:50:36.236Z",
"updatedBy": "eqx-admin",
"updatedByFullName": "eqx-admin eqx-admin",
"updatedByEmail": "",
"updatedDateTime": "2022-04-05T20:54:15.139Z"
"href": "",
"type": "L2_PROFILE",
"name": "NVK-PDS-SP-255",
"uuid": "3c5d81c1-4301-4d7a-aba1-3a0bf237f6c1",
"description": "<p>QA3 TEST</p>",
"visibility": "PUBLIC",
"accessPointTypeConfigs": [
"type": "COLO",
"uuid": "c85e5938-988b-494d-8d66-cd03a7883fca",
"supportedBandwidths": [
"allowRemoteConnections": true,
"allowCustomBandwidth": false,
"allowBandwidthAutoApproval": false,
"linkProtocolConfig": {
"encapsulationStrategy": "CTAGED",
"reuseVlanSTag": false,
"encapsulation": "QINQ"
"enableAutoGenerateServiceKey": false,
"connectionRedundancyRequired": false,
"apiConfig": {
"apiAvailable": false,
"integrationId": "",
"bandwidthFromApi": false
"connectionLabel": "Connection",
"authenticationKey": {
"required": false
"type": "COLO",
"uuid": "c85e5938-988b-494d-8d66-cd03a7883fca",
"supportedBandwidths": [
"allowRemoteConnections": true,
"allowCustomBandwidth": false,
"allowBandwidthAutoApproval": false,
"linkProtocolConfig": {
"encapsulationStrategy": "CTAGED",
"reuseVlanSTag": false,
"encapsulation": "QINQ"
"enableAutoGenerateServiceKey": false,
"connectionRedundancyRequired": false,
"apiConfig": {
"apiAvailable": false,
"integrationId": "",
"bandwidthFromApi": false
"connectionLabel": "Connection",
"authenticationKey": {
"required": false
"marketingInfo": {
"promotion": true
"metros": [
"code": "SG",
"name": "Singapore",
"ibxs": [
"displayName": "Singapore"
"code": "SY",
"name": "Sydney",
"ibxs": [
"displayName": "Sydney"
"selfProfile": false
"state": "ACTIVE",
"account": {
"organizationName": "testBuyer-270001",
"globalOrgId": "0016u000003JZ4sAAG"
"changeLog": {
"createdBy": "testBuyer",
"createdByFullName": "testBuyer testBuyer",
"createdByEmail": "",
"createdDateTime": "2022-04-05T14:03:09.762Z",
"updatedBy": "eqx-admin",
"updatedByFullName": "eqx-admin eqx-admin",
"updatedByEmail": "",
"updatedDateTime": "2022-04-05T14:03:19.326Z"
"href": "",
"type": "L2_PROFILE",
"name": "E2E-SPHL2Name-050422140237776",
"uuid": "bff14ddf-0681-4e01-841b-2e0900ce0117",
"description": "<p>E2E-This is SPH...</p>",
"tags": [
"visibility": "PUBLIC",
"accessPointTypeConfigs": [
"type": "COLO",
"uuid": "573b83c9-8c75-4eb0-8d13-95bca877970f",
"supportedBandwidths": [
"allowRemoteConnections": true,
"allowCustomBandwidth": true,
"allowBandwidthAutoApproval": false,
"linkProtocolConfig": {
"encapsulationStrategy": "CTAGED",
"reuseVlanSTag": false,
"encapsulation": "DOT1Q"
"enableAutoGenerateServiceKey": false,
"connectionRedundancyRequired": false,
"apiConfig": {
"apiAvailable": false,
"integrationId": "",
"bandwidthFromApi": false
"connectionLabel": "Connection",
"authenticationKey": {
"required": false
"type": "COLO",
"uuid": "573b83c9-8c75-4eb0-8d13-95bca877970f",
"supportedBandwidths": [
"allowRemoteConnections": true,
"allowCustomBandwidth": true,
"allowBandwidthAutoApproval": false,
"linkProtocolConfig": {
"encapsulationStrategy": "CTAGED",
"reuseVlanSTag": false,
"encapsulation": "DOT1Q"
"enableAutoGenerateServiceKey": false,
"connectionRedundancyRequired": false,
"apiConfig": {
"apiAvailable": false,
"integrationId": "",
"bandwidthFromApi": false
"connectionLabel": "Connection",
"authenticationKey": {
"required": false
"marketingInfo": {
"promotion": true
"metros": [
"code": "DA",
"name": "Dallas",
"ibxs": [
"displayName": "Dallas"
"selfProfile": true
"pagination": {
"offset": 0,
"limit": 2,
"total": 51

Response payload body description

dataobject-Data array containing data model entities.
paginationobject-An absolute URL that returns the specified connection.
statestringACTIVEService profile lifecycle stage.

ACTIVE - Service profile is active and enables establishing connections.
DELETED - Service profile has been deleted.
PENDING APPROVAL - Service profile awaiting administrator approval.
REJECTED - Service profile has been rejected by the administrator.
accountobject-Customer account information.
changeLogobject-A permanent record of asset creation, modification, or deletion.
hrefstring 57186196-505d-4075-80f5-60e819e30310An absolute URL that returns complete specification for the given entity.
typestringL2_PROFILEService profile type.

L2_PROFILE - layer 2 service profile for establishing connections in layer 2 of the OSI networking model.
L3_PROFILE - layer 3 service profile for establishing connections in layer 2 of the OSI networking model.
namestringE2E-SPHL2Name-040122133102496Service profile name.
uuidstringd48daade-4c18-446d-9c4d-92f6e2f93f55Equinix-assigned service profile identifier.
descriptionstringE2E-This is SPH Description [...]Service description.
notificationsobject-Notification preferences and a list of recipients.

Applicable for viewPoint query parameter set to zSide.
tagsarray[string]SaaSLabels identifying the type of the services advertised by given service profile.
visibilitystringPRIVATEService profile visibility.

PUBLIC - Public service profiles are listed on the Equinix Fabric portal allowing anyone to establish connections to advertised services.

PRIVATE - Establishing a connection based on a private service profile requires provider's authorization.
allowedEmailsarray[string]["",""]Email addresses of users allowed to establish connections based on this service profile.
accessPointTypeConfigsarray[object]-Available access points types.
customFieldsarray[object]-User-defined fields added to a service profile.
marketingInfoobject-Optional service profile branding, such as the customer's logo.
portsarray[object]-Ports associated with the given service profile.

Applicable for viewPoint query parameter set to zSide.
metrosarray[object]-Locations where subscribers can access services available through the given service profile.
selfProfilebooleantrueIndicates if the service profile and the user interacting with the API belong to the same organization.
orgIdstring92214Equinix-assigned organization identifier.

Applicable for viewPoint query parameter set to zSide.
organizationNamestringtestBuyer-270001Equinix-assigned organization name.
globalOrgIdstring0016C00000UlveoQABEquinix-assigned top-level organization identifier associated with the specified service profile.


stringCloudEquinix-assigned top-level organization name associated with the specified service profile.
createdBystringtestBuyer999Identity of the asset creator.
createdDateTimestring2022-01-04T13:31:31.814ZAsset creation timestamp.
updatedBystringeqx-admin999Identity of the person who updated the asset.
updatedDateTimestring2022-01-04T13:31:45.981ZAsset update request timestamp.
createdByEmailstringtestBuyer999@equinix.comEmail address of the asset creator.
updatedByEmailstringeqx-admin999@equinix.comEmail address of the person who updated the asset.
createdByFullNamestringtestBuyer999 testBuyer999First and last name of the asset creator.
updatedByFullNamestringeqx-admin999 eqx-admin999First and last name of the person who updated the asset.
emailsarray[string][""]List of receipients of a given type of notification.
typestringBANDWIDTH_ALERTNotification type.

BANDWIDTH_ALERT - Bandwidth alert threshold has been reached.
CONNECTION_APPROVAL - Connection request awaiting approval.
PROFILE_LIFECYCLE - Service profile lifecycle has changed.
typestringCOLOAccess point type.

COLO - Colocation space in an IBX data center.
VD - Network Edge virtual device.
uuidstringf1d3b691-09cb-4570-8567-137ce1ca6328Equinix-assigned access point identifier.
supportedBandwidthsarray[integer][200,500,700,1000]Allowed connection bandwidths (Mbps).
allowRemoteConnectionsbooleantrueAuthorization to establish connections from remote locations.
allowCustomBandwidthbooleantrueAuthorization to set a custom connection bandwidth.
bandwidthAlertThresholdinteger75Send a bandwidth usage alert when the percentage value of the total bandwidth of the ports associated with the given service profile has been consumed by your subscribers.

Applicable for viewPoint query parameter set to zSide.
allowBandwidthAutoApprovalbooleanfalseParameter indicating if bandwidth change requests are approved automatically.
linkProtocolConfigobject-Settings and preferences for the link protocol used at the access point.
enableAutoGenerateServiceKeybooleanfalseApplicable to Verizon Software Defined Interconnect service profile.
connectionRedundancyRequiredbooleanfalseIndicates if connecting to the service requires creating a pair of redundant connections.
apiConfigobject-API configuration settings and preferences.
connectionLabelstringConnectionAn alternative term for connection in case it's different in your organization.
authenticationKeyobject-Authentication key configuration.
metadataobject-Additional connection information.
encapsulationStrategystringCTAGEDAdditional tagging information required by the seller profile.
reuseVlanSTagbooleanfalseAutomatically accept subsequent DOT1Q to QINQ connections that use the same authentication key. These connections will have the same VLAN S-tag assigned as the initial connection.
encapsulationstringDOT1QData frames encapsulation standard.

UNTAGGED - Untagged encapsulation for EPL connections.
DOT1Q - DOT1Q encapsulation standard.
QINQ - QINQ encapsulation standard.
apiAvailablebooleanfalseIndicates if it's possible to establish connections based on the given service profile using the Equinix Fabric API.
integrationIdstringAWS-DirectConnect-01A unique identifier issued during onboarding and used to integrate the customer's service profile with the Equinix Fabric API.
equinixManagedPortbooleanfalseSetting indicating that the port is managed by Equinix.

Applicable for viewPoint query parameter set to zSide.
equinixManagedVlanbooleanfalseSetting indicating that the VLAN is managed by Equinix.

Applicable for viewPoint query parameter set to zSide.
allowOverSubscriptionbooleanfalseAllow services sales to exceed the available network bandwidth.

Applicable for viewPoint query parameter set to zSide.
overSubscriptionLimitinteger1Port bandwidth multiplier that determines the total bandwidth that can be allocated to users creating connections to your services.

For example, a 10 Gbps port combined with an overSubscriptionLimit parameter value of 10 allows your subscribers to create connections with a total bandwidth of 100 Gbps.

Applicable for viewPoint query parameter set to zSide.
bandwidthFromApibooleanfalseIndicates if the connection bandwidth can be obtained directly from the cloud service provider.
requiredbooleantrueRequirement to configure an authentication key.
labelstringCloud Account IDName of the parameter that must be provided to authorize the connection.
allowVcMigrationbooleantrueIndicates if connections established based on the given service profile can be migrated to a different A-side port.
labelstringASNLabel under which a custom parameter is presented on the Equnix Fabric portal or exposed through an API.
descriptionstringExcluded ASNs: 0, 13884, 36351, 64512, 64513, 65100, 65201‍–‍65234, 65402‍–‍65433, 65500, and 4201065000‍–‍4201065999.Custom parameter description.
requiredbooleantrueIndicates if a given custom field is mandatory.
dataTypestringINTEGERCustom field data type.

INTEGER - Integer.
STRING - String.
captureInEmailbooleanfalseCapture the input value and include it in the email notification.
promotionbooleantrueAuthorization to promote the given service profile on Equinix website and other products.
processStepsarray[object]-A data structure describing the steps necessary to establish connection to the given service provider.
titlestringCreate Equinix Fabric ConnectionStep title.
subTitlestringon the Equinix FabricStep's subtitle.
descriptionstringSome very creative and descriptive description.Details of the actions which must be taken to complete the given step.
typestringCOLOPort type.
uuidstringc791f8cb-5c8f-c8f0-8ce0-306a5c00a4eeEquinix-assigned port identifier.
locationobject-Attributes associated with the specified asset location.
sellerRegionstringap-southeast-2Seller region where the port is located.
hrefstring absolute URL that returns complete specification for the given entity.
metroCodestringSVMetropolitan area identifier.
codestringSVMetropolitan area identifier.
namestringSilicon ValleyMetropolitan area name.
ibxsarray[string]["SV5","SV1"]List of IBX data centers within the given metro where subscribers can access services provided by the given service profile.
displayNamestringSilicon ValleyMetropoiltan area name displayed on the service profile in the Equinix Fabric portal.
offsetinteger2Index of the first item returned in the response.
limitinteger2Maximum number of items returned per page.
totalinteger2309Total number of service profiles.

Update Service Profile

 PATCH /fabric/v4/serviceProfiles/{uuid}
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/serviceProfiles/{uuid}
Headersauthorization, content-type, ic-version
Path Parametersuuid
Query ParametersNot applicable
Body Parametersop, path, value

This API modifies a service profile.

Sample curl request

curl -X
PATCH 'https: //'
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-H 'ic-version: v4.2'
-d '[
"op": "replace",
"path": "/name",
"value": "Service Profile 2"

Header parameters

ParameterMandatoryData TypeExample ValuesApplicable ValuesDescription
authorizationyesstringBearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI-API request authorization token.
content-typeyesstringapplication/jsonapplication/jsonSpecifies the resource media type.
ic-versionyesstringv4.2v4.2API version specifier.

Path parameters

ParameterMandatoryTypeExample ValuesApplicable ValuesDescription
uuidyesstring3a58dd05-f46d-4b1d-a154-2e85c396ea62-Equinix-assigned service profile identifier.

Body parameters

ParameterMandatoryTypeExample ValuesApplicable ValuesDescription
opyesstringreplacereplaceUpdate reqest type.
Parameter path.
valueyesstringService Profile 2-Parameter value.
valueyesstringService Profile 2Maximum: 50 characters

Allowed characters: alpha-numeric, hyphens ('-'), underscores ('_') and white spaces (' ').
Service profile name.
Service profile accessibility.

PUBLIC - Public service profiles are listed on the Equinix Fabric portal allowing anyone to establish connections to advertised services.
PRIVATE - Establishing a connection based on a private service profile requires provider's authorization.
valueyesstringService profile description.Maximum: 375 characters.Service description.
valueyesarray[string]["IaaS","SaaS"]-Labels identifying the type of the services advertised by given service profile.
valueyesarray[string]["",""]-Email addresses of users allowed to establish connections based on this service profile. Applicable to PRIVATE visibility service profiles.
        "label": "Global",
        "description": "Optional ",
        "required": false,
        "dataType": "STRING",
        "captureInEmail": false
        "label": "ASN",
        "description": "Number. Mandatory field.",
        "required": true,
        "dataType": "NUMBER",
        "captureInEmail": false
 User-defined fields added to a service profile.

If you get an “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for Equinix Fabric Portal access.

Sample response

"state": "ACTIVE",
"account": {
"orgId": 91997,
"globalOrgId": "0016u000003JZ4sAAG"
"changeLog": {
"createdBy": "fusiontestbuyer",
"createdByFullName": "fusiontestBuyer fusiontestBuyer",
"createdByEmail": "",
"createdDateTime": "2022-04-12T12:34:38.381Z",
"updatedBy": "fusiontestbuyer",
"updatedByFullName": "fusiontestBuyer fusiontestBuyer",
"updatedByEmail": "",
"updatedDateTime": "2022-04-13T09:23:10.214Z"
"href": "",
"type": "L2_PROFILE",
"name": "Service Profile 2",
"uuid": "50cee78c-29b8-4596-901d-edbdbc0b8aff",
"description": "Sample_description",
"visibility": "PRIVATE",
"allowedEmails": [
"accessPointTypeConfigs": [
"type": "COLO",
"uuid": "39ec4e87-47a6-4200-a32d-7fc41da6754a",
"supportedBandwidths": [
"allowRemoteConnections": true,
"allowCustomBandwidth": false,
"bandwidthAlertThreshold": 80,
"allowBandwidthAutoApproval": false,
"linkProtocolConfig": {
"encapsulationStrategy": "CTAGED",
"reuseVlanSTag": false,
"encapsulation": "QINQ"
"enableAutoGenerateServiceKey": false,
"connectionRedundancyRequired": false,
"apiConfig": {
"apiAvailable": false,
"equinixManagedPort": false,
"equinixManagedVlan": false,
"allowOverSubscription": false,
"overSubscriptionLimit": 1,
"bandwidthFromApi": false
"connectionLabel": "Connection",
"authenticationKey": {
"required": false
"marketingInfo": {
"promotion": true
"ports": [
"type": "XF_PORT",
"uuid": "cecd1039-eadd-add3-31e0-387a5c00aeb9",
"location": {
"href": "",
"metroCode": "DC"
"metros": [
"code": "DC",
"ibxs": [

Response payload body description

statestringACTIVEService profile lifecycle stage.

ACTIVE - Service profile is active and enables establishing connections.
DELETED - Service profile has been deleted.
PENDING APPROVAL - Service profile awaiting administrator approval.
REJECTED - Service profile has been rejected by the administrator.
accountobject-Customer account information.
changeLogobject-A permanent record of asset creation, modification, or deletion.
hrefstring 57186196-505d-4075-80f5-60e819e30310An absolute URL that returns complete specification for the given entity.
typestringL2_PROFILEService profile type.

L2_PROFILE - layer 2 service profile for establishing connections in layer 2 of the OSI networking model.
L3_PROFILE - layer 3 service profile for establishing connections in layer 2 of the OSI networking model.
namestringE2E-SPHL2Name-040122133102496Service profile name.
uuidstringd48daade-4c18-446d-9c4d-92f6e2f93f55Equinix-assigned service profile identifier.
descriptionstringE2E-This is SPH Description [...]Service description.
notificationsobject-Notification preferences and a list of recipients.

Applicable for viewPoint query parameter set to zSide.
tagsarray[string]SaaSLabels identifying the type of the services advertised by given service profile.
visibilitystringPRIVATEService profile visibility.

PUBLIC - Public service profiles are listed on the Equinix Fabric portal allowing anyone to establish connections to advertised services.

PRIVATE - Establishing a connection based on a private service profile requires provider's authorization.
allowedEmailsarray[string]["",""]Email addresses of users allowed to establish connections based on this service profile.
accessPointTypeConfigsarray[object]-Available access points types.
customFieldsarray[object]-User-defined fields added to a service profile.
marketingInfoobject-Optional service profile branding, such as the customer's logo.
portsarray[object]-Ports associated with the given service profile.

Applicable for viewPoint query parameter set to zSide.
metrosarray[object]-Locations where subscribers can access services available through the given service profile.
orgIdstring92214Equinix-assigned organization identifier.

Applicable for viewPoint query parameter set to zSide.
organizationNamestringtestBuyer-270001Equinix-assigned organization name.
globalOrgIdstring0016C00000UlveoQABEquinix-assigned top-level organization identifier associated with the specified service profile.


stringCloudEquinix-assigned top-level organization name associated with the specified service profile.
createdBystringtestBuyer999Identity of the asset creator.
createdDateTimestring2022-01-04T13:31:31.814ZAsset creation timestamp.
updatedBystringeqx-admin999Identity of the person who updated the asset.
updatedDateTimestring2022-01-04T13:31:45.981ZAsset update request timestamp.
createdByEmailstringtestBuyer999@equinix.comEmail address of the asset creator.
updatedByEmailstringeqx-admin999@equinix.comEmail address of the person who updated the asset.
createdByFullNamestringtestBuyer999 testBuyer999First and last name of the asset creator.
updatedByFullNamestringeqx-admin999 eqx-admin999First and last name of the person who updated the asset.
emailsarray[string][""]List of receipients of a given type of notification.
typestringBANDWIDTH_ALERTNotification type.

BANDWIDTH_ALERT - Bandwidth alert threshold has been reached.
CONNECTION_APPROVAL - Connection request awaiting approval.
PROFILE_LIFECYCLE - Service profile lifecycle has changed.
typestringCOLOAccess point type.

COLO - Colocation space in an IBX data center.
VD - Network Edge virtual device.
uuidstringf1d3b691-09cb-4570-8567-137ce1ca6328Equinix-assigned access point identifier.
supportedBandwidthsarray[integer][200,500,700,1000]Allowed connection bandwidths (Mbps).
allowRemoteConnectionsbooleantrueAuthorization to establish connections from remote locations.
allowCustomBandwidthbooleantrueAuthorization to set a custom connection bandwidth.
bandwidthAlertThresholdinteger75Send a bandwidth usage alert when the percentage value of the total bandwidth of the ports associated with the given service profile has been consumed by your subscribers.

Applicable for viewPoint query parameter set to zSide.
allowBandwidthAutoApprovalbooleanfalseParameter indicating if bandwidth change requests are approved automatically.
linkProtocolConfigobject -Settings and preferences for the link protocol used at the access point.
enableAutoGenerateServiceKeybooleanfalseApplicable to Verizon Software Defined Interconnect service profile.
connectionRedundancyRequiredbooleanfalseIndicates if connecting to the service requires creating a pair of redundant connections.
apiConfigobject-API configuration settings and preferences.
connectionLabelstringConnectionAn alternative term for connection in case it's different in your organization.
authenticationKeyobject-Authentication key configuration.
metadataobject-Additional connection information.
encapsulationStrategystringCTAGEDAdditional tagging information required by the seller profile.
reuseVlanSTagbooleanfalseAutomatically accept subsequent DOT1Q to QINQ connections that use the same authentication key. These connections will have the same VLAN S-tag assigned as the initial connection.
encapsulationstringDOT1QData frames encapsulation standard.

UNTAGGED - Untagged encapsulation for EPL connections.
DOT1Q - DOT1Q encapsulation standard.
QINQ - QINQ encapsulation standard.
apiAvailablebooleanfalseIndicates if it's possible to establish connections based on the given service profile using the Equinix Fabric API.
integrationIdstringAWS-DirectConnect-01A unique identifier issued during onboarding and used to integrate the customer's service profile with the Equinix Fabric API.
equinixManagedPortbooleanfalseSetting indicating that the port is managed by Equinix.

Applicable for viewPoint query parameter set to zSide.
equinixManagedVlanbooleanfalseSetting indicating that the VLAN is managed by Equinix.

Applicable for viewPoint query parameter set to zSide.
allowOverSubscriptionbooleanfalseAllow services sales to exceed the available network bandwidth.

Applicable for viewPoint query parameter set to zSide.
overSubscriptionLimitinteger1Port bandwidth multiplier that determines the total bandwidth that can be allocated to users creating connections to your services.

For example, a 10 Gbps port combined with an overSubscriptionLimit parameter value of 10 allows your subscribers to create connections with a total bandwidth of 100 Gbps.

Applicable for viewPoint query parameter set to zSide.
bandwidthFromApibooleanfalseIndicates if the connection bandwidth can be obtained directly from the cloud service provider.
requiredbooleantrueRequirement to configure an authentication key.
labelstringCloud Account IDName of the parameter that must be provided to authorize the connection.
allowVcMigrationbooleantrueIndicates if connections established based on the given service profile can be migrated to a different A-side port.
labelstringASNLabel under which a custom parameter is presented on the Equnix Fabric portal or exposed through an API.
descriptionstringExcluded ASNs: 0, 13884, 36351, 64512, 64513, 65100, 65201‍–‍65234, 65402‍–‍65433, 65500, and 4201065000‍–‍4201065999.Custom parameter description.
requiredbooleantrueIndicates if a given custom field is mandatory.
dataTypestringINTEGERCustom field data type.

INTEGER - Integer.
STRING - String.
captureInEmailbooleanfalseCapture the input value and include it in the email notification.
promotionbooleantrueAuthorization to promote the given service profile on Equinix website and other products.
processStepsarray[object]-A data structure describing the steps necessary to establish connection to the given service provider.
titlestringCreate Equinix Fabric ConnectionStep title.
subTitlestringon the Equinix FabricStep's subtitle.
descriptionstringSome very creative and descriptive description.Details of the actions which must be taken to complete the given step.
typestringCOLOPort type.
uuidstringc791f8cb-5c8f-c8f0-8ce0-306a5c00a4eeEquinix-assigned port identifier.
locationobject-Attributes associated with the specified asset location.
sellerRegionstringap-southeast-2Seller region where the port is located.
hrefstring absolute URL that returns complete specification for the given entity.
metroCodestringSVMetropolitan area identifier.
codestringSVMetropolitan area identifier.
namestringSilicon ValleyMetropolitan area name.
ibxsarray[string]["SV5","SV1"]List of IBX data centers within the given metro where subscribers can access services provided by the given service profile.
displayNamestringSilicon ValleyMetropoiltan area name displayed on the service profile in the Equinix Fabric portal.

Replace Service Profile

 PUT /fabric/v4/serviceProfiles/{uuid}
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/serviceProfiles/{uuid}
Headersauthorization, content-type, ic-version, if-match
Path Parametersuuid
Query ParametersNot applicable
Body Parameterstype, name, description, notifications, visibility, allowedEmails, tags, accessPointTypeConfigs, customFields, marketingInfo, ports

This API request replaces a service profile definition.

Sample curl request

curl -X
PUT ''
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'ic-version: v4.2'
-H 'if-match: 1'
-d '{
"name": "Service Profile 2",
"description": "Sample_description",
"type": "L2_PROFILE",
"notifications": [
"emails": [
"visibility": "PUBLIC",
"allowedEmails": [
"ports": [
"uuid": "c791f8cb-5cc9-cc90-8ce0-306a5c00a4ee",
"type": "XF_PORT",
"location": {
"metroCode": "SY"
"marketingInfo": {
"promotion": true
"accessPointTypeConfigs": [
"type": "COLO",
"connectionRedundancyRequired": false,
"allowBandwidthAutoApproval": false,
"allowRemoteConnections": false,
"connectionLabel": "true1",
"enableAutoGenerateServiceKey": false,
"bandwidthAlertThreshold": 10,
"allowCustomBandwidth": true,
"apiConfig": {
"apiAvailable": false,
"equinixManagedVlan": true,
"bandwidthFromApi": false,
"integrationId": null,
"equinixManagedPort": true
"authenticationKey": {
"required": false,
"label": "Service Key",
"description": "XYZ"
"supportedBandwidths": [

Header parameters

ParameterMandatoryData TypeExample ValuesApplicable ValuesDescription
authorizationyesstringBearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI-API request authorization token.
content-typeyesstringapplication/jsonapplication/jsonSpecifies the resource media type.
ic-versionyesstringv4.2v4.2API version specifier.
if-matchyesstring1-Entity tag (ETag) value for the given resource.

Path parameters

ParameterMandatoryData TypeExample ValuesDescription
uuidyesstring13c0f286-1190-480c-8a45-b3df00cad9cfEquinix-assigned service profile identifier.

Body parameters

ParameterTypeMandatoryExampleApplicable valuesDescription
Service profile type.

L2_PROFILE - layer 2 service profile for establishing connections in layer 2 of the OSI networking model.
L3_PROFILE - layer 3 service profile for establishing connections in layer 2 of the OSI networking model.
namestringyesA-to-ZMaximum: 50 characters

Allowed characters: alpha-numeric, hyphens ('-'), underscores ('_') and white spaces (' ').
Service profile name.
descriptionstringyesA-to-Z services for your daily cloud needs. Han Solo approved.Maximum: 375 charactersService description.
notificationsobjectno--Notification preferences and a list of recipients.
Service profile visibility.

PUBLIC - Public service profiles are listed on the Equinix Fabric portal allowing anyone to establish connections to advertised services.

PRIVATE - Establishing a connection based on a private service profile requires provider's authorization.
allowedEmailsarray[string]no["",""]-Email addresses of users allowed to establish connections based on this service profile. Applicable to PRIVATE visibility service profiles.
tagsarray[string]noSaaS-Labels identifying the type of the services advertised by given service profile.
accessPointTypeConfigsarray[object]yes--Available access points types.
customFieldsarray[object]no--User-defined fields added to a service profile.
marketingInfoobjectno--Optional service profile branding, such as the customer's logo.
portsarray[object]no--Ports associated with the given service profile.
emailsarray[string]no[""]-List of receipients of a given type of notification.
Notification type.

BANDWIDTH_ALERT - Bandwidth alert threshold has been reached.
CONNECTION_APPROVAL - Connection request awaiting approval.
PROFILE_LIFECYCLE - Service profile lifecycle has changed.
Connection endpoint type.

COLO - Colocation space in an IBX data center.
VD - Network Edge virtual device.
supportedBandwidthsarray[integer]no[200,500,700,1000]-Allowed connection bandwidths (Mbps).
Authorization to establish connections from remote locations.
Authorization to set a custom connection bandwidth.
bandwidthAlertThresholdintegerno75Maximum: 100Send a bandwidth usage alert when the percentage value of the total bandwidth of the ports associated with the given service profile has been consumed by your subscribers.
Parameter indicating if bandwidth change requests are approved automatically.
linkProtocolConfigobject no--Settings and preferences for the link protocol used at the access point.
connectionRedundancyRequiredbooleannofalse-Requirement to configure a redundant connection.
connectionLabelstringnoConnection-An alternative term for connection in case it's different in your organization.
authenticationKeyobjectno--Authentication key configuration.
apiConfigobject --API configuration settings and preferences.
apiAvailableboolean false Authorization to establish connections with this service profile using API.
equinixManagedPortboolean false Setting indicating that the port is managed by Equinix.
equinixManagedVlanboolean false Setting indicating that the VLAN is managed by Equinix.
allowOverSubscriptionboolean false Allow services sales to exceed the available network bandwidth.

Minimum: 1

Maximum: 20

Port bandwidth multiplier that determines the total bandwidth that can be allocated to users creating connections to your services.

For example, a 10 Gbps port combined with an overSubscriptionLimit parameter value of 10 allows your subscribers to create connections with a total bandwidth of 100 Gbps.
bandwidthFromApiboolean false Indicates if the connection bandwidth can be obtained directly from the cloud service provider.
Additional tagging information required by the seller profile.
reuseVlanSTagbooleannofalse-Automatically accept subsequent DOT1Q to QINQ connections that use the same authentication key. These connections will have the same VLAN S-tag assigned as the initial connection.
Data frames encapsulation standard.

UNTAGGED - Untagged encapsulation for EPL connections.
DOT1Q - DOT1Q encapsulation standard.
QINQ - QINQ encapsulation standard.
Requirement to configure an authentication key.
labelstringnoCloud Account ID-Name of the parameter that must be provided to authorize the connection.
labelstringyesASN-Label under which a custom parameter is presented on the Equnix Fabric portal or exposed through an API.
descriptionstringyesExcluded ASNs: 0, 13884, 36351, 64512, 64513, 65100, 65201‍–‍65234, 65402‍–‍65433, 65500, and 4201065000‍–‍4201065999.-Custom parameter description.
Indicates if a given custom field is mandatory.
Custom field data type.

INTEGER - Integer.
STRING - String.
Capture the input value and include it in the email notification.
Authorization to promote the given service profile on Equinix website and other products.
processStepsarray[object]no--A data structure describing the steps necessary to establish connection to the given service provider.
titlestringnoCreate Equinix Fabric Connection-Step title.
subTitlestringnoon the Equinix Fabric-Step's subtitle.
descriptionstringnoSome very creative and descriptive description.-Details of the actions which must be taken to complete the given step.
Port type.

Use the Get All Ports API request to retrieve the list of procured ports.<

Equinix-assigned port identifier.

If you get an “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for Equinix Fabric Portal access.

Sample response

"state": "ACTIVE",
"account": {
"orgId": 91785,
"organizationName": "testSeller-270010",
"globalOrgId": "0016u000003JZ4tAAG"
"changeLog": {
"createdBy": "fusiontestseller",
"createdByFullName": "fusiontestSeller fusiontestSeller",
"createdByEmail": "",
"createdDateTime": {},
"updatedDateTime": {}
"href": "",
"type": "L2_PROFILE",
"name": "Service Profile 2",
"uuid": "ea4b5141-e4d2-49f1-9768-4ea6e215b37f",
"description": "Sample_description",
"notifications": [
"emails": [
"visibility": "PUBLIC",
"allowedEmails": [
"accessPointTypeConfigs": [
"type": "COLO",
"uuid": "f20c49cd-b022-4aeb-b3e4-49db4389aff3",
"supportedBandwidths": [
"allowRemoteConnections": false,
"allowCustomBandwidth": true,
"bandwidthAlertThreshold": 10,
"allowBandwidthAutoApproval": false,
"linkProtocolConfig": {
"encapsulationStrategy": "CTAGED",
"reuseVlanSTag": false,
"encapsulation": "DOT1Q"
"enableAutoGenerateServiceKey": false,
"connectionRedundancyRequired": false,
"apiConfig": {
"apiAvailable": false,
"equinixManagedPort": true,
"equinixManagedVlan": true,
"allowOverSubscription": false,
"overSubscriptionLimit": 1,
"bandwidthFromApi": false
"connectionLabel": "true1",
"authenticationKey": {
"required": false,
"label": "Service Key"
"marketingInfo": {
"promotion": true
"ports": [
"type": "XF_PORT",
"uuid": "c791f8cb-5cc9-cc90-8ce0-306a5c00a4ee",
"location": {
"href": "",
"metroCode": "SY"
"metros": [
"code": "SY",
"name": "Sydney",
"ibxs": [
"displayName": "Sydney"

Response payload body description


Response payload includes configuration parameters defined in the request body. The following table contains descriptions of additional information included in the response payload. For descriptions of the remaining fields, refer to the Body parameters section.

statestringACTIVEService profile lifecycle stage.

ACTIVE - Service profile is active and enables establishing connections.
DELETED - Service profile has been deleted.
PENDING APPROVAL - Service profile awaiting administrator approval.
REJECTED - Service profile has been rejected by the administrator.
accountobject-Customer account information.
changeLogobject-A permanent record of asset creation, modification, or deletion.
hrefstring 57186196-505d-4075-80f5-60e819e30310An absolute URL that returns complete specification for the given entity.
uuidstringd48daade-4c18-446d-9c4d-92f6e2f93f55Equinix-assigned service profile identifier.
accessPointTypeConfigsarray[object]-Available access points types.
portsarray[object]-Ports associated with the given service profile.
metrosarray[object]-Locations where subscribers can access services available through the given service profile.
orgIdstring92214Equinix-assigned organization identifier.
organizationNamestringtestBuyer-270001Equinix-assigned organization name.
globalOrgIdstring0016C00000UlveoQABEquinix-assigned top-level organization identifier associated with the specified service profile.


stringCloudEquinix-assigned top-level organization name associated with the specified service profile.
createdDateTimestring2022-01-04T13:31:31.814ZAsset creation timestamp.
uuidstringf20c49cd-b022-4aeb-b3e4-49db4389aff3Equinix-assigned access point identifier.
locationobject-Attributes associated with the specified asset location.
hrefstring absolute URL that returns complete specification for the given entity.
metroCodestringSYMetropolitan area identifier.
codestringSVMetropolitan area identifier.
namestringSilicon ValleyMetropolitan area name.
ibxsarray[string]["SV5","SV1"]List of IBX data centers within the given metro where subscribers can access services provided by the given service profile.
displayNamestringSilicon ValleyMetropoiltan area name displayed on the service profile in the Equinix Fabric portal.

Delete Service Profile

 DELETE /fabric/v4/serviceProfiles/{uuid}
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/serviceProfiles/{uuid}
Headersauthorization, ic-version
Path Parametersuuid
Query ParametersNot applicable
Body ParametersNot applicable

This API request deletes a specified service profile.


Deleting a service profile doesn't deprovision already established connections.

Sample curl request

curl -X DELETE ''
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-H 'ic-version: v4.2'

Header parameters

ParameterMandatoryData TypeExample ValuesApplicable ValuesDescription
authorizationyesstringBearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI-API request authorization token.
ic-versionyesstringv4.2v4.2API version specifier.

Path parameters

ParameterMandatoryData TypeExampleApplicable ValuesDescription

Use the Retrieve Service Profiles API request to identify the service profile you want to delete.

Equinix-assigned service profile identifier.

Sample response

"state": "DELETED",
"account": {
"orgId": 91785,
"organizationName": "testSeller-270010",
"globalOrgId": "0016u000003JZ4tAAG"
"changeLog": {
"createdBy": "fusiontestseller",
"createdByFullName": "fusiontestSeller fusiontestSeller",
"createdByEmail": "",
"createdDateTime": {},
"updatedBy": "fusiontestseller",
"updatedByFullName": "fusiontestSeller fusiontestSeller",
"updatedByEmail": "",
"updatedDateTime": {}
"href": "",
"type": "L2_PROFILE",
"name": "Service Profile 2",
"uuid": "ea4b5141-e4d2-49f1-9768-4ea6e215b37f",
"description": "Sample_description",
"notifications": [
"emails": [
"emails": [
"emails": [
"tags": [
"visibility": "PUBLIC",
"allowedEmails": [
"accessPointTypeConfigs": [
"type": "COLO",
"uuid": "f20c49cd-b022-4aeb-b3e4-49db4389aff3",
"supportedBandwidths": [
"allowRemoteConnections": false,
"allowCustomBandwidth": true,
"bandwidthAlertThreshold": 10,
"allowBandwidthAutoApproval": false,
"linkProtocolConfig": {
"encapsulationStrategy": "CTAGED",
"reuseVlanSTag": false,
"encapsulation": "DOT1Q"
"enableAutoGenerateServiceKey": false,
"connectionRedundancyRequired": false,
"apiConfig": {
"apiAvailable": false,
"equinixManagedPort": true,
"equinixManagedVlan": true,
"allowOverSubscription": false,
"overSubscriptionLimit": 1,
"bandwidthFromApi": false
"connectionLabel": "true1",
"authenticationKey": {
"required": false,
"label": "Service Key"
"marketingInfo": {
"promotion": true
"ports": [
"type": "XF_PORT",
"uuid": "c791f8cb-5cc9-cc90-8ce0-306a5c00a4ee",
"location": {
"href": "",
"metroCode": "SY"
"metros": [
"code": "SY",
"name": "Sydney",
"ibxs": [
"displayName": "Sydney"

Response payload body description

statestringACTIVEService profile lifecycle stage.

ACTIVE - Service profile is active and enables establishing connections.
DELETED - Service profile has been deleted.
PENDING APPROVAL - Service profile awaiting administrator approval.
REJECTED - Service profile has been rejected by the administrator.
accountobject-Customer account information.
changeLogobject-A permanent record of asset creation, modification, or deletion.
hrefstring 57186196-505d-4075-80f5-60e819e30310An absolute URL that returns complete specification for the given entity.
typestringL2_PROFILEService profile type.

L2_PROFILE - layer 2 service profile for establishing connections in layer 2 of the OSI networking model.
L3_PROFILE - layer 3 service profile for establishing connections in layer 2 of the OSI networking model.
namestringE2E-SPHL2Name-040122133102496Service profile name.
uuidstringd48daade-4c18-446d-9c4d-92f6e2f93f55Equinix-assigned service profile identifier.
descriptionstringE2E-This is SPH Description [...]Service description.

Notification preferences and a list of recipients.

tagsarray[string]SaaSLabels identifying the type of the services advertised by given service profile.
visibilitystringPRIVATEService profile visibility.

PUBLIC - Public service profiles are listed on the Equinix Fabric portal allowing anyone to establish connections to advertised services.

PRIVATE - Establishing a connection based on a private service profile requires provider's authorization.
allowedEmailsarray[string]["",""]Email addresses of users allowed to establish connections based on this service profile.
accessPointTypeConfigsarray[object]-Available access points types.
customFieldsarray[object]-User-defined fields added to a service profile.
marketingInfoobject-Optional service profile branding, such as the customer's logo.

Ports associated with the given service profile.

metrosarray[object]-Locations where subscribers can access services available through the given service profile.
selfProfilebooleantrueIndicates if the service profile and the user interacting with the API belong to the same organization.

Equinix-assigned organization identifier.

organizationNamestringtestBuyer-270001Equinix-assigned organization name.
globalOrgIdstring0016C00000UlveoQABEquinix-assigned top-level organization identifier associated with the specified service profile.


stringCloudEquinix-assigned top-level organization name associated with the specified service profile.
createdBystringtestBuyer999Identity of the asset creator.
createdDateTimestring2022-01-04T13:31:31.814ZAsset creation timestamp.
updatedBystringeqx-admin999Identity of the person who updated the asset.
updatedDateTimestring2022-01-04T13:31:45.981ZAsset update request timestamp.
createdByEmailstringtestBuyer999@equinix.comEmail address of the asset creator.
updatedByEmailstringeqx-admin999@equinix.comEmail address of the person who updated the asset.
createdByFullNamestringtestBuyer999 testBuyer999First and last name of the asset creator.
updatedByFullNamestringeqx-admin999 eqx-admin999First and last name of the person who updated the asset.
emailsarray[string][""]List of receipients of a given type of notification.
typestringBANDWIDTH_ALERTNotification type.

BANDWIDTH_ALERT - Bandwidth alert threshold has been reached.
CONNECTION_APPROVAL - Connection request awaiting approval.
PROFILE_LIFECYCLE - Service profile lifecycle has changed.
typestringCOLOAccess point type.

COLO - Colocation space in an IBX data center.
VD - Network Edge virtual device.
uuidstringf1d3b691-09cb-4570-8567-137ce1ca6328Equinix-assigned access point identifier.
supportedBandwidthsarray[integer][200,500,700,1000]Allowed connection bandwidths (Mbps).
allowRemoteConnectionsbooleantrueAuthorization to establish connections from remote locations.
allowCustomBandwidthbooleantrueAuthorization to set a custom connection bandwidth.
bandwidthAlertThresholdinteger75Send a bandwidth usage alert when the percentage value of the total bandwidth of the ports associated with the given service profile has been consumed by your subscribers.
allowBandwidthAutoApprovalbooleanfalseParameter indicating if bandwidth change requests are approved automatically.
linkProtocolConfigobject-Settings and preferences for the link protocol used at the access point.
enableAutoGenerateServiceKeybooleanfalseApplicable to Verizon Software Defined Interconnect service profile.
connectionRedundancyRequiredbooleanfalseIndicates if connecting to the service requires creating a pair of redundant connections.
apiConfigobject-API configuration settings and preferences.
connectionLabelstringConnectionAn alternative term for connection in case it's different in your organization.
authenticationKeyobject-Authentication key configuration.
metadataobject-Additional connection information.
encapsulationStrategystringCTAGEDAdditional tagging information required by the seller profile.
reuseVlanSTagbooleanfalseAutomatically accept subsequent DOT1Q to QINQ connections that use the same authentication key. These connections will have the same VLAN S-tag assigned as the initial connection.
encapsulationstringDOT1QData frames encapsulation standard.

UNTAGGED - Untagged encapsulation for EPL connections.
DOT1Q - DOT1Q encapsulation standard.
QINQ - QINQ encapsulation standard.
apiAvailablebooleanfalseIndicates if it's possible to establish connections based on the given service profile using the Equinix Fabric API.
integrationIdstringAWS-DirectConnect-01A unique identifier issued during onboarding and used to integrate the customer's service profile with the Equinix Fabric API.
equinixManagedPortbooleanfalseSetting indicating that the port is managed by Equinix.
equinixManagedVlanbooleanfalseSetting indicating that the VLAN is managed by Equinix.
allowOverSubscriptionbooleanfalseAllow services sales to exceed the available network bandwidth.
overSubscriptionLimitinteger1Port bandwidth multiplier that determines the total bandwidth that can be allocated to users creating connections to your services.

For example, a 10 Gbps port combined with an overSubscriptionLimit parameter value of 10 allows your subscribers to create connections with a total bandwidth of 100 Gbps.

Applicable for viewPoint query parameter set to zSide.
bandwidthFromApibooleanfalseIndicates if the connection bandwidth can be obtained directly from the cloud service provider.
requiredbooleantrueRequirement to configure an authentication key.
labelstringCloud Account IDName of the parameter that must be provided to authorize the connection.
allowVcMigrationbooleantrueIndicates if connections established based on the given service profile can be migrated to a different A-side port.
labelstringASNLabel under which a custom parameter is presented on the Equnix Fabric portal or exposed through an API.
descriptionstringExcluded ASNs: 0, 13884, 36351, 64512, 64513, 65100, 65201‍–‍65234, 65402‍–‍65433, 65500, and 4201065000‍–‍4201065999.Custom parameter description.
requiredbooleantrueIndicates if a given custom field is mandatory.
dataTypestringINTEGERCustom field data type.

INTEGER - Integer.
STRING - String.
captureInEmailbooleanfalseCapture the input value and include it in the email notification.
promotionbooleantrueAuthorization to promote the given service profile on Equinix website and other products.
processStepsarray[object]-A data structure describing the steps necessary to establish connection to the given service provider.
titlestringCreate Equinix Fabric ConnectionStep title.
subTitlestringon the Equinix FabricStep's subtitle.
descriptionstringSome very creative and descriptive description.Details of the actions which must be taken to complete the given step.
typestringCOLOPort type.
uuidstringc791f8cb-5c8f-c8f0-8ce0-306a5c00a4eeEquinix-assigned port identifier.
locationobject-Attributes associated with the specified asset location.
sellerRegionstringap-southeast-2Seller region where the port is located.
hrefstring absolute URL that returns complete specification for the given entity.
metroCodestringSVMetropolitan area identifier.
codestringSVMetropolitan area identifier.
namestringSilicon ValleyMetropolitan area name.
ibxsarray[string]["SV5","SV1"]List of IBX data centers within the given metro where subscribers can access services provided by the given service profile.
displayNamestringSilicon ValleyMetropoiltan area name displayed on the service profile in the Equinix Fabric portal.

Service Tokens

Create Service Token

 POST /fabric/v4/serviceTokens
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/serviceTokens
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Path ParametersNot applicable
Query ParametersNot applicable
Body Parameterstype, issuerSide, expirationDateTime, connection, notifications, project

This API request creates a service token. Service tokens authorize creation of connections based on a set of predefined parameters. For more information, see Equinix Fabric: Service Tokens.


To learn how to obtain an authorization token, see Requesting Access and Refresh Tokens under the Getting Access Token section.

Sample curl request - create A-side service token

Create A-side service tokens and share them with your customers to allow them to use your A-side port to establish connections to any destination available on the Equinix Fabric.

curl -X
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
-H 'Authorization: Bearer 000aI9YU3IRxFjQsuSyVhBSvfQAo'
-d '{
"type": "VC_TOKEN",
"issuerSide": "A_Side",
"connection": {
"type": "EVPL_VC",
"bandwidthLimit": 1000,
"allowRemoteConnection": true,
"aSide": {
"accessPointSelectors": [
"type": "COLO",
"hideAssetInfo": false,
"port": {
"uuid": "cecd1039-eadd-add3-31e0-387a5c00aeb9"
"linkProtocol": {
"type": "QINQ",
"vlanSTag": 1234,
"vlanCTag": 2345
"expirationDateTime": "2023-02-20T00:00:00Z",
"notifications": [
"emails": [
"project": {
"projectId": "377533000114703"

Sample curl request - create Z-side service token

Create a Z-side service token and share them with other Equinix Fabric customers to allow them to connect to your services or ports.

curl -X
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
-H 'Authorization: Bearer 000aI9YU3IRxFjQsuSyVhBSvfQAo'
-d '{
"type": "VC_TOKEN",
"issuerSide": "Z_Side",
"connection": {
"type": "EVPL_VC",
"allowRemoteConnection": true,
"allowCustombandwidth": false,
"supportedBandwidths": [
"zSide": {
"accessPointSelectors": [
"type": "COLO",
"hideAssetInfo": false,
"port": {
"uuid": "b840a1db-5413-413f-97e0-328a5c00a874"
"linkProtocol": {
"type": "QINQ",
"vlanCTag": 1399,
"vlanSTag": 1388
"expiry": 77,
"notifications": [
"emails": [
"project": {
"projectId": "377533000114703"

Body parameters

type string
Type of service token.
Applicable values:
  • VC_TOKEN - Virtual connection token
issuerSide string
Token issuer side.
Applicable values:
  • A_Side - A-side service tokens enable your customers to connect to service providers using your shared port.
  • Z_side - Z-side service token enable others to connect to your services based on predefined parameters.
connection object
Connection specification.
type string
Connection type.
Applicable values:
  • EVPL_VC - Ethernet virtual private line connection.
bandwidthLimit integer
Connection bandwidth limit in Mbps.
Applicable to A-side service tokens.
Example: 1000
supportedBandwidths array[integer]
Supported connection bandwidths in Mbps.
Applicable to Z-side service tokens.
Applicable values:
  • 10
  • 50
  • 200
  • 500
  • 1000
  • 2000
  • 5000
  • 10000
allowRemoteConnection boolean
Authorization to establish connection from a different metro.
Example: true
aSide object
A-side port parameters. Applicable to A-side service tokens.
accessPointSelectors array[object]
List of available connection endpoints.
type string
Connection endpoint type.
Applicable values:
  • COLO - Colocation space in an IBX data center.
hideAssetInfo boolean
Hide endpoint details.
Default: false
port object
Port parameters.
uuid string
Equinix-assigned port identifier.
Example: 195eb264-9c10-408e-ae54-92e2d58f92fe
linkProtocol object
Link protocol configuration.
type string
Link protocol type.
Applicable values:
  • DOT1Q
  • QINQ
vlanTag integer
DOT1Q protocol VLAN tag.
Applicable to DOT1Q link protocol.
Applicable values: 2-4094
vlanSTag integer
QINQ protocol, inner virtual local area network (VLAN) customer frame tag used to identify packets as they traverse trunk lines.
Applicable to QINQ link protocol.
Applicable values: 2-4094
vlanCTag integer
QINQ protocol, outer virtual local area network (VLAN) service frame tag used to identify packets as they traverse trunk lines.
Applicable to QINQ link protocol.
Applicable values: 2-4094
vni integer

Virtual network identifier. Applicable to VXLAN link protocol.
Applicable values: 4097-16777215
zSide object
Z-side port parameters. Applicable to Z-side service tokens.
accessPointSelectors array[object]
List of available connection endpoints.
type string
Connection endpoint type.
Applicable values:
  • COLO - Colocation space in an IBX data center.
hideAssetInfo boolean
Hide endpoint details.
Default: false
port object
Endpoint port parameters.
uuid string
Equinix-assigned port identifier.
Example: 195eb264-9c10-408e-ae54-92e2d58f92fe
linkProtocol object
Link protocol configuration.
type string
Link protocol type.
Applicable values:
  • DOT1Q
  • QINQ
vlanTag integer
DOT1Q protocol VLAN tag.
Applicable to DOT1Q link protocol.
Applicable values: 2-4094
vlanSTag integer
QINQ protocol, inner virtual local area network (VLAN) customer frame tag used to identify packets as they traverse trunk lines.
Applicable to QINQ link protocol.
Applicable values: 2-4094
vlanCTag integer
QINQ protocol, outer virtual local area network (VLAN) service frame tag used to identify packets as they traverse trunk lines.
Applicable to QINQ link protocol.
Applicable values: 2-4094
vni integer

Virtual network identifier. Applicable to VXLAN link protocol.
Applicable values: 4097-16777215
expiry integer
The number of days the service token is valid.
Required if expirationDateTime isn't provided.
Applicable values:
  • Minimum: 1
  • Maximum: 90
expirationDateTime string
Service token expiration date timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format.
Required if expiry isn't provided.
Applicable values: The maximum service token validity is 90 days.
Example: 2023-01-20T00:22:11.831Z
notifications array[object]
Service token notification settings.
type string
Notification messages category.
Applicable values:
emails array[string]
Email addresses of up to 12 service token recipients. Service token is valid for a single use by one of the recipients.
Example: ["",""]
project object
Customer resource hierarchy project information.
Applicable to customers onboarded to Equinix Identity and Access Management. For more information see Identity and Access Management: Projects.
projectId string
Customer project identifier.
Example: 377533000114703

Sample response - create A-side service token

"href": "",
"type": "VC_TOKEN",
"uuid": "2025244e-aed0-4d72-b3c7-2b0e52cb3443",
"state": "INACTIVE",
"connection": {
"type": "EVPL_VC",
"allowRemoteConnection": true,
"bandwidthLimit": 1000,
"aSide": {
"accessPointSelectors": [
"type": "COLO",
"port": {
"uuid": "cecd1039-eadd-add3-31e0-387a5c00aeb9"
"linkProtocol": {
"type": "QINQ",
"vlanCTag": 2345,
"vlanSTag": 1234
"expiry": 89,
"expirationDateTime": "2023-02-20T00:00:00Z",
"notifications": [
"emails": [
"account": {
"orgId": "91997"
"changeLog": {
"createdBy": "902625",
"createdDateTime": "2022-11-22T12:55:15.037Z"
"project": {
"projectId": "377533000114703"

Response payload body description

href string
An absolute URL that returns the specified asset.
type string
Type of service token.
  • VC_TOKEN - Virtual connection token
uuid string
Equinix-assigned service token identifier.
Example: 213ee923-4099-45de-8e97-8e6021ed2761
state string
Lifecycle stage of a service token.
issuerSide string
Token issuer side.
Example: Z_side
connection object
Connection specification.
type string
Connection type.
  • EVPL_VC - Ethernet virtual private line connection.
allowRemoteConnection boolean
Authorization to establish connection from a different metro.
Example: true
bandwidthLimit integer
Connection bandwidth limit in Mbps.
Applicable to A-side service tokens.
Example: 1000
supportedBandwidths array[integer]
Supported connection bandwidths in Mbps.
Applicable to Z-side service tokens.
Applicable values:
  • 10
  • 50
  • 200
  • 500
  • 1000
  • 2000
  • 5000
  • 10000
aSide object
A-side port parameters. Applicable to A-side service tokens.
accessPointSelectors array[object]
List of available connection endpoints.
type string
Connection endpoint type.
  • COLO - Colocation space in an IBX data center.
hideAssetInfo boolean
Hide endpoint details.
Example: false
port object
Port parameters.
uuid string
Equinix-assigned port identifier.
Example: 195eb264-9c10-408e-ae54-92e2d58f92fe
linkProtocol object
Link protocol configuration.
type string
Link protocol type.
Example: DOT1Q
vlanTag integer
DOT1Q protocol VLAN tag.
Applicable to DOT1Q link protocol.
Example: 2345
vlanSTag integer
QINQ protocol, inner virtual local area network (VLAN) customer frame tag used to identify packets as they traverse trunk lines.
Applicable to QINQ link protocol.
Example: 123
vlanCTag integer
QINQ protocol, outer virtual local area network (VLAN) service frame tag used to identify packets as they traverse trunk lines.
Applicable to QINQ link protocol.
Example: 456
vni integer
Virtual network identifier.
Applicable to VXLAN link protocol.
Example: 5002
zSide object
Z-side port parameters. Applicable to Z-side service tokens.
accessPointSelectors array[object]
List of available connection endpoints.
type string
Connection endpoint type.
  • COLO - Colocation space in an IBX data center.
hideAssetInfo boolean
Hide endpoint details.
Example: false
port object
Endpoint port parameters.
uuid string
Equinix-assigned port identifier.
Example: 195eb264-9c10-408e-ae54-92e2d58f92fe
linkProtocol object
Link protocol configuration.
type string
Link protocol type.
Example: QINQ
vlanTag integer
DOT1Q protocol VLAN tag.
Applicable to DOT1Q link protocol.
Example: 123
vlanSTag integer
QINQ protocol, inner virtual local area network (VLAN) customer frame tag used to identify packets as they traverse trunk lines.
Applicable to QINQ link protocol.
Example: 123
vlanCTag integer
QINQ protocol, outer virtual local area network (VLAN) service frame tag used to identify packets as they traverse trunk lines.
Applicable to QINQ link protocol.
Example: 456
vni integer
Virtual network identifier.
Applicable to VXLAN link protocol.
Example: 5002
expiry integer
The number of days the service token is valid.
Example: 89
expirationDateTime string
Service token expiration date timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format.
Example: 2023-01-20T00:22:11.831Z
notifications array[object]
Service token notification settings.
type string
Notification messages category.
emails array[string]
Email addresses of up to 12 service token recipients. Service token is valid for a single use by one of the recipients.
Example: ["",""]
account object
Customer account information.
orgId string
Customer organization identifier.
Example: 94513
changeLog object
A permanent record of asset creation, modification, or deletion.
createdBy string
Identity of the asset creator.
Example: AverageJoe
createdDateTime string
Asset creation timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.000+0000
Example: 2021-07-15T19:30:29.526Z
project object
Customer resource hierarchy project information.
Applicable to customers onboarded to Equinix Identity and Access Management. For more information see Identity and Access Management: Projects.
projectId string
Customer project identifier.
Example: 377533000114703

Get All Service Tokens

 GET /fabric/v4/serviceTokens
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/serviceTokens
Path ParametersNot applicable
Query Parametersoffset, limit
Body ParametersNot applicable

This API request retrieves all service tokens associated with the user account. Service tokens authorize creation of connections based on a set of predefined parameters. For more information, see Equinix Fabric: Service Tokens.


To learn how to obtain an authorization token, see Requesting Access and Refresh Tokens under the Getting Access Token section.

Sample curl request

curl -X
GET ''
-H 'Authorization: Bearer 000aI9YU3IRxFjQsuSyVhBSvfQAo'

Query parameters

offset integer
Index of the first item returned in the response.
Minimum: 0
Default: 0
limit integer
Maximum number of items returned per page.
Minimum: 1
Default: 10

Sample response

"pagination": {
"offset": 2,
"limit": 2,
"total": 511,
"next": "/serviceTokens?offset=4&limit=2",
"previous": "/serviceTokens?offset=0&limit=2"
"data": [
"href": "",
"type": "VC_TOKEN",
"uuid": "c9c67f3a-9fea-4c4a-b7e6-16e4c8c33c04",
"state": "INACTIVE",
"expiry": 30,
"expirationDateTime": "2021-08-14T18:39:13.866Z",
"connection": {
"type": "EVPL_VC",
"allowRemoteConnection": false,
"supportedBandwidths": [
"allowCustomBandwidth": false,
"zSide": {
"accessPointSelectors": [
"type": "COLO",
"port": {
"uuid": "b840a1db-5758-758f-97e0-328a5c00a874"
"linkProtocol": {
"type": "QINQ",
"vlanCTag": 1399,
"vlanSTag": 1388
"notifications": [
"emails": [
"account": {
"orgId": "111437"
"changeLog": {
"createdBy": "849817",
"createdDateTime": "2021-07-15T18:39:13.866Z"
"project": {
"projectId": "377533000114703"
"href": "",
"type": "VC_TOKEN",
"uuid": "b1409597-7a84-4c23-a298-6803c089ecfa",
"state": "ACTIVE",
"expiry": 1,
"expirationDateTime": "2021-07-13T19:34:53.954Z",
"connection": {
"type": "EVPL_VC",
"allowRemoteConnection": true,
"bandwidthLimit": 500,
"aSide": {
"accessPointSelectors": [
"type": "COLO",
"port": {
"uuid": "b840a1db-53eb-3ebf-97e0-328a5c00a874"
"data": [
"href": "",
"type": "VC_TOKEN",
"uuid": "c9c67f3a-9fea-4c4a-b7e6-16e4c8c33c04",
"state": "INACTIVE",
"expiry": 30,
"expirationDateTime": "2021-08-14T18:39:13.866Z",
"connection": {
"type": "EVPL_VC",
"allowRemoteConnection": false,
"uuid": "53dc2010-5006-46b6-9e91-995c47415d5b",
"href": "",
"supportedBandwidths": [
"allowCustomBandwidth": false,
"zSide": {
"accessPointSelectors": [
"type": "COLO",
"port": {
"uuid": "b840a1db-5758-758f-97e0-328a5c00a874"
"linkProtocol": {
"type": "QINQ",
"vlanCTag": 1399,
"vlanSTag": 1388
"notifications": [
"emails": [
"account": {
"orgId": "111437"
"changeLog": {
"createdBy": "849817",
"createdDateTime": "2021-07-15T18:39:13.866Z"

"href": "",
"type": "VC_TOKEN",
"uuid": "b1409597-7a84-4c23-a298-6803c089ecfa",
"state": "ACTIVE",
"expiry": 1,
"expirationDateTime": "2021-07-13T19:34:53.954Z",
"connection": {
"type": "EVPL_VC",
"allowRemoteConnection": true,
"uuid": "63dc2010-5006-46b6-9e91-995c47415d5d",
"href": "",
"bandwidthLimit": 500,
"aSide": {
"accessPointSelectors": [
"type": "COLO",
"port": {
"uuid": "b840a1db-53eb-3ebf-97e0-328a5c00a874"
"linkProtocol": {
"type": "DOT1Q",
"vlanTag": 1279
"notifications": [
"emails": [
"account": {
"orgId": "111437"
"changeLog": {
"createdBy": "849817",
"createdDateTime": "2021-07-12T19:34:53.954Z",
"updatedDateTime": "2021-07-12T19:35:57.997Z"
"project": {
"projectId": "377533000114703"

Response payload body description

pagination object
Data set pagination settings.
offset integer
Index of the first item returned in the response.
Example: 20
limit integer
Maximum number of items returned per page.
Example: 20
total integer
Total number of items returned.
Example: 1
data array[object]
Array containing returned data set.
href string
An absolute URL that returns the specified asset.
type string
Type of service token.
  • VC_TOKEN - Virtual connection token
uuid string
Equinix-assigned service token identifier.
Example: 213ee923-4099-45de-8e97-8e6021ed2761
state string
Lifecycle stage of a service token.
issuerSide string
Token issuer side.
Example: Z_side
connection object
Connection specification.
type string
Connection type.
  • EVPL_VC - Ethernet virtual private line connection.
allowRemoteConnection boolean
Authorization to establish connection from a different metro.
Example: true
bandwidthLimit integer
Connection bandwidth limit in Mbps.
Applicable to A-side service tokens.
Example: 1000
supportedBandwidths array[integer]
Supported connection bandwidths in Mbps.
Applicable to Z-side service tokens.
Applicable values:
  • 10
  • 50
  • 200
  • 500
  • 1000
  • 2000
  • 5000
  • 10000
aSide object
A-side port parameters. Applicable to A-side service tokens.
accessPointSelectors array[object]
List of available connection endpoints.
type string
Connection endpoint type.
  • COLO - Colocation space in an IBX data center.
hideAssetInfo boolean
Hide endpoint details.
Example: false
port object
Port parameters.
uuid string
Equinix-assigned port identifier.
Example: 195eb264-9c10-408e-ae54-92e2d58f92fe
linkProtocol object
Link protocol configuration.
type string
Link protocol type.
Example: DOT1Q
vlanTag integer
DOT1Q protocol VLAN tag.
Applicable to DOT1Q link protocol.
Example: 2345
vlanSTag integer
QINQ protocol, inner virtual local area network (VLAN) customer frame tag used to identify packets as they traverse trunk lines.
Applicable to QINQ link protocol.
Example: 123
vlanCTag integer
QINQ protocol, outer virtual local area network (VLAN) service frame tag used to identify packets as they traverse trunk lines.
Applicable to QINQ link protocol.
Example: 456
vni integer
Virtual network identifier.
Applicable to VXLAN link protocol.
Example: 5002
zSide object
Z-side port parameters. Applicable to Z-side service tokens.
accessPointSelectors array[object]
List of available connection endpoints.
type string
Connection endpoint type.
  • COLO - Colocation space in an IBX data center.
hideAssetInfo boolean
Hide endpoint details.
Example: false
port object
Endpoint port parameters.
uuid string
Equinix-assigned port identifier.
Example: 195eb264-9c10-408e-ae54-92e2d58f92fe
linkProtocol object
Link protocol configuration.
type string
Link protocol type.
Example: QINQ
vlanTag integer
DOT1Q protocol VLAN tag.
Applicable to DOT1Q link protocol.
Example: 123
vlanSTag integer
QINQ protocol, inner virtual local area network (VLAN) customer frame tag used to identify packets as they traverse trunk lines.
Applicable to QINQ link protocol.
Example: 123
vlanCTag integer
QINQ protocol, outer virtual local area network (VLAN) service frame tag used to identify packets as they traverse trunk lines.
Applicable to QINQ link protocol.
Example: 456
vni integer
Virtual network identifier.
Applicable to VXLAN link protocol.
Example: 5002
expiry integer
The number of days the service token is valid.
Example: 89
expirationDateTime string
Service token expiration date timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format.
Example: 2023-01-20T00:22:11.831Z
notifications array[object]
Service token notification settings.
type string
Notification messages category.
emails array[string]
Email addresses of up to 12 service token recipients. Service token is valid for a single use by one of the recipients.
Example: ["",""]
account object
Customer account information.
orgId string
Customer organization identifier.
Example: 94513
changeLog object
A permanent record of asset creation, modification, or deletion.
createdBy string
Identity of the asset creator.
Example: AverageJoe
createdDateTime string
Asset creation timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.000+0000
Example: 2021-07-15T19:30:29.526Z
project object
Customer resource hierarchy project information.
Applicable to customers onboarded to Equinix Identity and Access Management. For more information see Identity and Access Management: Projects.
projectId string
Customer project identifier.
Example: 377533000114703

If you get an “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for help.

Get Specified Service Token

 GET /fabric/v4/serviceTokens/{uuid}
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/serviceTokens/{uuid}
Path Parametersuuid
Query ParametersNot applicable
Body ParametersNot applicable

This API request retrieves a specified service token. Service tokens authorize creation of connections based on a set of predefined parameters. For more information, see Equinix Fabric: Service Tokens.


To obtain an authorization token, see the Getting Access Token section in Requesting Access and Refresh Tokens.

Sample curl request

curl -X
GET ''
-H 'Authorization: Bearer 000aI9YU3IRxFjQsuSyVhBSvfQAo'

Path parameters

uuid string
Service token identifier.
Example: c9c67f3a-9fea-4c4a-b7e6-16e4c8c33c04

Sample response - A-side service token

"href": "",
"type": "VC_TOKEN",
"uuid": "2025244e-aed0-4d72-b3c7-2b0e52cb3443",
"state": "INACTIVE",
"connection": {
"type": "EVPL_VC",
"allowRemoteConnection": true,
"bandwidthLimit": 1000,
"aSide": {
"accessPointSelectors": [
"type": "COLO",
"port": {
"uuid": "cecd1039-eadd-add3-31e0-387a5c00aeb9"
"linkProtocol": {
"type": "QINQ",
"vlanCTag": 2345,
"vlanSTag": 1234
"href": "",
"type": "VC_TOKEN",
"uuid": "13c0f286-1190-480c-8a45-b3df00cad9cf",
"state": "INACTIVE",
"expiry": 30,
"expirationDateTime": "2021-08-14T20:40:15.330Z",
"connection": {
"type": "EVPL_VC",
"allowRemoteConnection": false,
"uuid": "53dc2010-5006-46b6-9e91-995c47415d5b",
"href": "",
"bandwidthLimit": 50,
"aSide": {
"accessPointSelectors": [
"type": "COLO",
"port": {
"uuid": "bdd4f4f6-e6f9-6f98-1fe0-36da5c00a3be"
"linkProtocol": {
"type": "DOT1Q",
"vlanTag": 1279
"expiry": 89,
"expirationDateTime": "2023-02-20T00:00:00Z",
"notifications": [
"emails": [
"account": {
"orgId": "91997"
"changeLog": {
"createdBy": "902625",
"createdDateTime": "2022-11-22T12:55:15.037Z"
"project": {
"projectId": "377533000114703"

Response payload body description

href string
An absolute URL that returns the specified asset.
type string
Type of service token.
  • VC_TOKEN - Virtual connection token
uuid string
Equinix-assigned service token identifier.
Example: 213ee923-4099-45de-8e97-8e6021ed2761
state string
Lifecycle stage of a service token.
issuerSide string
Token issuer side.
Example: Z_side
connection object
Connection specification.
type string
Connection type.
  • EVPL_VC - Ethernet virtual private line connection.
allowRemoteConnection boolean
Authorization to establish connection from a different metro.
Example: true
bandwidthLimit integer
Connection bandwidth limit in Mbps.
Applicable to A-side service tokens.
Example: 1000
supportedBandwidths array[integer]
Supported connection bandwidths in Mbps.
Applicable to Z-side service tokens.
Applicable values:
  • 10
  • 50
  • 200
  • 500
  • 1000
  • 2000
  • 5000
  • 10000
aSide object
A-side port parameters. Applicable to A-side service tokens.
accessPointSelectors array[object]
List of available connection endpoints.
type string
Connection endpoint type.
  • COLO - Colocation space in an IBX data center.
hideAssetInfo boolean
Hide endpoint details.
Example: false
port object
Port parameters.
uuid string
Equinix-assigned port identifier.
Example: 195eb264-9c10-408e-ae54-92e2d58f92fe
linkProtocol object
Link protocol configuration.
type string
Link protocol type.
Example: DOT1Q
vlanTag integer
DOT1Q protocol VLAN tag.
Applicable to DOT1Q link protocol.
Example: 2345
vlanSTag integer
QINQ protocol, inner virtual local area network (VLAN) customer frame tag used to identify packets as they traverse trunk lines.
Applicable to QINQ link protocol.
Example: 123
vlanCTag integer
QINQ protocol, outer virtual local area network (VLAN) service frame tag used to identify packets as they traverse trunk lines.
Applicable to QINQ link protocol.
Example: 456
vni integer
Virtual network identifier.
Applicable to VXLAN link protocol.
Example: 5002
zSide object
Z-side port parameters. Applicable to Z-side service tokens.
accessPointSelectors array[object]
List of available connection endpoints.
type string
Connection endpoint type.
  • COLO - Colocation space in an IBX data center.
hideAssetInfo boolean
Hide endpoint details.
Example: false
port object
Endpoint port parameters.
uuid string
Equinix-assigned port identifier.
Example: 195eb264-9c10-408e-ae54-92e2d58f92fe
linkProtocol object
Link protocol configuration.
type string
Link protocol type.
Example: QINQ
vlanTag integer
DOT1Q protocol VLAN tag.
Applicable to DOT1Q link protocol.
Example: 123
vlanSTag integer
QINQ protocol, inner virtual local area network (VLAN) customer frame tag used to identify packets as they traverse trunk lines.
Applicable to QINQ link protocol.
Example: 123
vlanCTag integer
QINQ protocol, outer virtual local area network (VLAN) service frame tag used to identify packets as they traverse trunk lines.
Applicable to QINQ link protocol.
Example: 456
vni integer
Virtual network identifier.
Applicable to VXLAN link protocol.
Example: 5002
expiry integer
The number of days the service token is valid.
Example: 89
expirationDateTime string
Service token expiration date timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format.
Example: 2023-01-20T00:22:11.831Z
notifications array[object]
Service token notification settings.
type string
Notification messages category.
emails array[string]
Email addresses of up to 12 service token recipients. Service token is valid for a single use by one of the recipients.
Example: ["",""]
account object
Customer account information.
orgId string
Customer organization identifier.
Example: 94513
changeLog object
A permanent record of asset creation, modification, or deletion.
createdBy string
Identity of the asset creator.
Example: AverageJoe
createdDateTime string
Asset creation timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.000+0000
Example: 2021-07-15T19:30:29.526Z
project object
Customer resource hierarchy project information.
Applicable to customers onboarded to Equinix Identity and Access Management. For more information see Identity and Access Management: Projects.
projectId string
Customer project identifier.
Example: 377533000114703


If you get an “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for help.

Update Service Token

 PATCH /fabric/v4/serviceTokens/{uuid}
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/serviceTokens/{uuid}
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Path Parametersuuid
Query ParametersNot applicable
Body Parametersop, path, value

This API request modifies a service token.

Sample curl request - update expiration date

curl -X
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-d '[
"op": "replace",
"path": "/expirationDateTime",
"value": "2023-01-20T18:50:34.696Z"

Sample curl request - update Z-side service token supported connection bandwidths

curl -X
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-d '[
"op": "replace",
"path": "/connection/supportedBandwidths",
"value": [

Sample curl request - update A-side service token maximum bandwidth

curl -X
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-d '[
"op": "replace",
"path": "/connection/bandwidthLimit",
"value": 10

Sample curl request - update notification recipients

curl -X
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-d '[
"op": "replace",
"path": "/notifications/emails",
"value": [

Path parameters

uuid string
Equinix-assigned service token identifier.
Example: 3a58dd05-f46d-4b1d-a154-2e85c396ea62

Body parameters

op string
Update reqest type.
Applicable values:
  • replace
  • add
  • remove
path string
Parameter path.
Applicable values:
  • /expirationDateTime
  • /notifications/emails
  • /connection/supportedBandwidths
  • /connection/bandwidthLimit
value string
New parameter value.
value string
Service token expiration date.
Example: 2023-01-20T18:50:34.696Z
value array[integer]
Z-side service token allowed connection bandwidth.
Example: [200, 500, 1000]
value integer
A-side service token bandwidth limit.
Example: 1000
value array[string]
Email addresses of up to 12 service token recipients.
Example: ["",""]

If you get an “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for Equinix Fabric Portal access.

Sample response - A-side service token

"href": "",
"type": "VC_TOKEN",
"uuid": "2025244e-aed0-4d72-b3c7-2b0e52cb3443",
"state": "INACTIVE",
"connection": {
"type": "EVPL_VC",
"allowRemoteConnection": true,
"bandwidthLimit": 1000,
"aSide": {
"accessPointSelectors": [
"type": "COLO",
"port": {
"uuid": "cecd1039-eadd-add3-31e0-387a5c00aeb9"
"linkProtocol": {
"type": "QINQ",
"vlanCTag": 2345,
"vlanSTag": 1234
"expiry": 89,
"expirationDateTime": "2023-02-20T00:00:00Z",
"notifications": [
"emails": [
"account": {
"orgId": "91997"
"changeLog": {
"createdBy": "902625",
"createdDateTime": "2022-11-22T12:55:15.037Z",
"updatedBy": "904885",
"updatedDateTime": "2022-11-25T10:59:39.560Z"
"project": {
"projectId": "377533000114703"

Response payload body description

href string
An absolute URL that returns the specified asset.
type string
Type of service token.
  • VC_TOKEN - Virtual connection token
uuid string
Equinix-assigned service token identifier.
Example: 213ee923-4099-45de-8e97-8e6021ed2761
state string
Lifecycle stage of a service token.
issuerSide string
Token issuer side.
Example: Z_side
connection object
Connection specification.
type string
Connection type.
  • EVPL_VC - Ethernet virtual private line connection.
allowRemoteConnection boolean
Authorization to establish connection from a different metro.
Example: true
bandwidthLimit integer
Connection bandwidth limit in Mbps.
Applicable to A-side service tokens.
Example: 1000
supportedBandwidths array[integer]
Supported connection bandwidths in Mbps.
Applicable to Z-side service tokens.
Applicable values:
  • 10
  • 50
  • 200
  • 500
  • 1000
  • 2000
  • 5000
  • 10000
aSide object
A-side port parameters. Applicable to A-side service tokens.
accessPointSelectors array[object]
List of available connection endpoints.
type string
Connection endpoint type.
  • COLO - Colocation space in an IBX data center.
hideAssetInfo boolean
Hide endpoint details.
Example: false
port object
Port parameters.
uuid string
Equinix-assigned port identifier.
Example: 195eb264-9c10-408e-ae54-92e2d58f92fe
linkProtocol object
Link protocol configuration.
type string
Link protocol type.
Example: DOT1Q
vlanTag integer
DOT1Q protocol VLAN tag.
Applicable to DOT1Q link protocol.
Example: 2345
vlanSTag integer
QINQ protocol, inner virtual local area network (VLAN) customer frame tag used to identify packets as they traverse trunk lines.
Applicable to QINQ link protocol.
Example: 123
vlanCTag integer
QINQ protocol, outer virtual local area network (VLAN) service frame tag used to identify packets as they traverse trunk lines.
Applicable to QINQ link protocol.
Example: 456
vni integer
Virtual network identifier.
Applicable to VXLAN link protocol.
Example: 5002
zSide object
Z-side port parameters. Applicable to Z-side service tokens.
accessPointSelectors array[object]
List of available connection endpoints.
type string
Connection endpoint type.
  • COLO - Colocation space in an IBX data center.
hideAssetInfo boolean
Hide endpoint details.
Example: false
port object
Endpoint port parameters.
uuid string
Equinix-assigned port identifier.
Example: 195eb264-9c10-408e-ae54-92e2d58f92fe
linkProtocol object
Link protocol configuration.
type string
Link protocol type.
Example: QINQ
vlanTag integer
DOT1Q protocol VLAN tag.
Applicable to DOT1Q link protocol.
Example: 123
vlanSTag integer
QINQ protocol, inner virtual local area network (VLAN) customer frame tag used to identify packets as they traverse trunk lines.
Applicable to QINQ link protocol.
Example: 123
vlanCTag integer
QINQ protocol, outer virtual local area network (VLAN) service frame tag used to identify packets as they traverse trunk lines.
Applicable to QINQ link protocol.
Example: 456
vni integer
Virtual network identifier.
Applicable to VXLAN link protocol.
Example: 5002
expiry integer
The number of days the service token is valid.
Example: 89
expirationDateTime string
Service token expiration date timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format.
Example: 2023-01-20T00:22:11.831Z
notifications array[object]
Service token notification settings.
type string
Notification messages category.
emails array[string]
Email addresses of up to 12 service token recipients. Service token is valid for a single use by one of the recipients.
Example: ["",""]
account object
Customer account information.
orgId string
Customer organization identifier.
Example: 94513
changeLog object
A permanent record of asset creation, modification, or deletion.
createdBy string
Identity of the asset creator.
Example: AverageJoe
createdDateTime string
Asset creation timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.000+0000
Example: 2021-07-15T19:30:29.526Z
updatedBy string
Identity of the person who updated the asset.
Example: AverageJoe
updatedDateTime string
Asset update timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.000+0000
Example: 2021-07-15T19:30:29.526Z
project object
Customer resource hierarchy project information.
Applicable to customers onboarded to Equinix Identity and Access Management. For more information see Identity and Access Management: Projects.
projectId string
Customer project identifier.
Example: 377533000114703

Delete Service Token

 DELETE /fabric/v4/serviceTokens/{uuid}
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/serviceTokens/{uuid}
Path Parametersuuid
Query ParametersNot applicable
Body ParametersNot applicable

This API request deletes a specified service token. Service tokens authorize creation of connections based on a set of predefined parameters. For more information, see Equinix Fabric: Service Tokens.


To learn how to obtain an authorization token, see Requesting Access and Refresh Tokens under the Getting Access Token section.

Path parameters

uuid string
Service token identifier.
Example: c9c67f3a-9fea-4c4a-b7e6-16e4c8c33c04

Sample curl request

curl -X
-H 'Authorization: Bearer 000aI9YU3IRxFjQsuSyVhBSvfQAo'

Sample response

"href": "",
"type": "VC_TOKEN",
"uuid": "2025244e-aed0-4d72-b3c7-2b0e52cb3443",
"state": "DELETED",
"connection": {
"type": "EVPL_VC",
"allowRemoteConnection": true,
"bandwidthLimit": 1000,
"aSide": {
"accessPointSelectors": [
"type": "COLO",
"port": {
"uuid": "cecd1039-eadd-add3-31e0-387a5c00aeb9"
"linkProtocol": {
"type": "QINQ",
"vlanCTag": 2345,
"vlanSTag": 1234
"expiry": 89,
"expirationDateTime": "2023-02-20T00:00:00Z",
"notifications": [
"emails": [
"account": {
"orgId": "91997"
"changeLog": {
"createdBy": "902625",
"createdDateTime": "2022-11-22T12:55:15.037Z",
"updatedBy": "904885",
"updatedDateTime": "2022-11-25T10:59:39.560Z"
"project": {
"projectId": "377533000114703"

Response payload body description

href string
An absolute URL that returns the specified asset.
type string
Type of service token.
  • VC_TOKEN - Virtual connection token
uuid string
Equinix-assigned service token identifier.
Example: 213ee923-4099-45de-8e97-8e6021ed2761
state string
Lifecycle stage of a service token.
Example: DELETED
issuerSide string
Token issuer side.
Example: Z_side
connection object
Connection specification.
type string
Connection type.
  • EVPL_VC - Ethernet virtual private line connection.
allowRemoteConnection boolean
Authorization to establish connection from a different metro.
Example: true
bandwidthLimit integer
Connection bandwidth limit in Mbps.
Applicable to A-side service tokens.
Example: 1000
supportedBandwidths array[integer]
Supported connection bandwidths in Mbps.
Applicable to Z-side service tokens.
Applicable values:
  • 10
  • 50
  • 200
  • 500
  • 1000
  • 2000
  • 5000
  • 10000
aSide object
A-side port parameters. Applicable to A-side service tokens.
accessPointSelectors array[object]
List of available connection endpoints.
type string
Connection endpoint type.
  • COLO - Colocation space in an IBX data center.
hideAssetInfo boolean
Hide endpoint details.
Example: false
port object
Port parameters.
uuid string
Equinix-assigned port identifier.
Example: 195eb264-9c10-408e-ae54-92e2d58f92fe
linkProtocol object
Link protocol configuration.
type string
Link protocol type.
Example: DOT1Q
vlanTag integer
DOT1Q protocol VLAN tag.
Applicable to DOT1Q link protocol.
Example: 2345
vlanSTag integer
QINQ protocol, inner virtual local area network (VLAN) customer frame tag used to identify packets as they traverse trunk lines.
Applicable to QINQ link protocol.
Example: 123
vlanCTag integer
QINQ protocol, outer virtual local area network (VLAN) service frame tag used to identify packets as they traverse trunk lines.
Applicable to QINQ link protocol.
Example: 456
vni integer
Virtual network identifier.
Applicable to VXLAN link protocol.
Example: 5002
zSide object
Z-side port parameters. Applicable to Z-side service tokens.
accessPointSelectors array[object]
List of available connection endpoints.
type string
Connection endpoint type.
  • COLO - Colocation space in an IBX data center.
hideAssetInfo boolean
Hide endpoint details.
Example: false
port object
Endpoint port parameters.
uuid string
Equinix-assigned port identifier.
Example: 195eb264-9c10-408e-ae54-92e2d58f92fe
linkProtocol object
Link protocol configuration.
type string
Link protocol type.
Example: QINQ
vlanTag integer
DOT1Q protocol VLAN tag.
Applicable to DOT1Q link protocol.
Example: 123
vlanSTag integer
QINQ protocol, inner virtual local area network (VLAN) customer frame tag used to identify packets as they traverse trunk lines.
Applicable to QINQ link protocol.
Example: 123
vlanCTag integer
QINQ protocol, outer virtual local area network (VLAN) service frame tag used to identify packets as they traverse trunk lines.
Applicable to QINQ link protocol.
Example: 456
vni integer
Virtual network identifier.
Applicable to VXLAN link protocol.
Example: 5002
expiry integer
The number of days the service token is valid.
Example: 89
expirationDateTime string
Service token expiration date timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format.
Example: 2023-01-20T00:22:11.831Z
notifications array[object]
Service token notification settings.
type string
Notification messages category.
emails array[string]
Email addresses of up to 12 service token recipients. Service token is valid for a single use by one of the recipients.
Example: ["",""]
account object
Customer account information.
orgId string
Customer organization identifier.
Example: 94513
changeLog object
A permanent record of asset creation, modification, or deletion.
createdBy string
Identity of the asset creator.
Example: AverageJoe
createdDateTime string
Asset creation timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.000+0000
Example: 2021-07-15T19:30:29.526Z
updatedBy string
Identity of the person who updated the asset.
Example: AverageJoe
updatedDateTime string
Asset update timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.000+0000
Example: 2021-07-15T19:30:29.526Z
project object
Customer resource hierarchy project information.
Applicable to customers onboarded to Equinix Identity and Access Management. For more information see Identity and Access Management: Projects.
projectId string
Customer project identifier.
Example: 377533000114703

If you get an “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for help.

Search for Service Tokens

 POST /fabric/v4/serviceTokens/search
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/serviceTokens/search
Path ParametersNot applicable
Query Parametersoffset, limit
Body ParametersNot applicable

Finds all service tokens for a search criteria.

Service tokens authorize you to access protected resources and services. They remove sensitive content from the environment, rather than just masking it, making the protected data impossible to unencrypt or decrypt. You can distribute the tokens to trusted partners and vendors, allowing them to work directly with Equinix network assets.


To learn how to obtain an authorization token, see Requesting Access and Refresh Tokens under the Getting Access Token section.

Sample curl request

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer 000aI9YU3IRxFjQsuSyVhBSvfQAo'\
-d '{
"filter": {
"and": [
"property": "/uuid",
"operator": "=",
"values": [

Query parameters

Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleApplicable ValuesDescription
offsetnointeger?offset=<integer>?offset=2Index of the first item returned in the response. The value must be >=0. The default is 0.
limitnointeger?limit=<integer>?limit=2Maximum number of search results returned per page. Number must be between 1 and 100. The default is 10.

Body parameters

Parameter NameMandatoryData TypeExample ValuesDescription
propertyyesstring/uuidThe property you want to filter by:
projectId, uuid, state
operatoryesstring=Operator of the filtering criterion.
valuesyesstring407f8239-254c-4fe2-a378-458f197e17c4Value of the property.

Sample response

"pagination": {
"offset": 2,
"limit": 2,
"total": 511,
"next": "/serviceTokens/search?offset=4&limit=2",
"previous": "/serviceTokens/search?offset=0&limit=2"
"data": [
"href": "",
"type": "VC_TOKEN",
"uuid": "c9c67f3a-9fea-4c4a-b7e6-16e4c8c33c04",
"state": "INACTIVE",
"expiry": 30,
"expirationDateTime": "2021-08-14T18:39:13.866Z",
"connection": {
"type": "EVPL_VC",
"allowRemoteConnection": false,
"uuid": "53dc2010-5006-46b6-9e91-995c47415d5b",
"href": "",
"supportedBandwidths": [
"allowCustomBandwidth": false,
"zSide": {
"accessPointSelectors": [
"type": "COLO",
"port": {
"uuid": "b840a1db-5758-758f-97e0-328a5c00a874"
"linkProtocol": {
"type": "QINQ",
"vlanCTag": 1399,
"vlanSTag": 1388
"notifications": [
"emails": [
"account": {
"orgId": "111437"
"changeLog": {
"createdBy": "849817",
"createdDateTime": "2021-07-15T18:39:13.866Z"

"href": "",
"type": "VC_TOKEN",
"uuid": "b1409597-7a84-4c23-a298-6803c089ecfa",
"state": "ACTIVE",
"expiry": 1,
"expirationDateTime": "2021-07-13T19:34:53.954Z",
"connection": {
"type": "EVPL_VC",
"allowRemoteConnection": true,
"uuid": "63dc2010-5006-46b6-9e91-995c47415d5d",
"href": "",
"bandwidthLimit": 500,
"aSide": {
"accessPointSelectors": [
"type": "COLO",
"port": {
"uuid": "b840a1db-53eb-3ebf-97e0-328a5c00a874"
"linkProtocol": {
"type": "DOT1Q",
"vlanTag": 1279
"notifications": [
"emails": [
"account": {
"orgId": "111437"
"changeLog": {
"createdBy": "849817",
"createdDateTime": "2021-07-12T19:34:53.954Z",
"updatedDateTime": "2021-07-12T19:35:57.997Z"

Response Body Description


Parameter NameData TypeExample ValuesDescription
offsetinteger?offset=2Index of the first item returned in the response. The value must be >=0, and the default is 0.
limitinteger?limit=2Maximum number of search results returned per page. Number must be between 1 and 100, and the default is 10.
totalinteger511Total number of elements returned.
nextstring/serviceTokens?offset=4&limit=2URL relative to the next item in the response.
previousstring/serviceTokens?offset=0&limit=2URL relative to the previous item in the response.


Parameter NameData TypeExample ValuesDescription
hrefstring absolute URL that is the subject of the link's context.
typestringVC_TOKENType of service token:

VC, virtual connection
uuidstringc9c67f3a-9fea-4c4a-b7e6-16e4c8c33c04Equinix-assigned service token uuid, a 128-bit namespace identifier.
statestringINACTIVELifecycle stage of the service token.
ACTIVE - A service token has been used to establish a connection.
INACTIVE - A valid service token that hasn't been used yet.
EXPIRED - A service token has reached its expiration date.
DELETED - The connection established through a given service token has been deleted or the service token itself has been deleted.
expiryinteger30Lifespan (in days) of the service token.
expirationDateTimestring2021-08-14T18:39:13.866ZExpiration date and time of the service token. Use IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format:



connectionobjectSpecifications for establishing a data connection.
notificationsarrayPreferences for notification of changes in service token configuration or status.
accountobjectYour account data.
changeLogobjectA permanent record of service token creation, modification, or deletion.


Parameter NameData TypeExample ValuesDescription
typestringEVPL_VCType of connection:
EVPL_VC, ethernet virtual private line‒virtual connection
allowRemoteConnectionbooleanfalseAuthorization to connect remotely.
uuidstring53dc2010-5006-46b6-9e91-995c47415d5bUnique Id of the connection.
hrefstring of the connection.
supportedBandwidthsarray[integers]100, 10, 108List of permitted bandwidths.
allowCustomBandwidthbooleanfalsePermission to use a bandwidth not otherwise allowed or supported.
zSideobjectA zSide (subscriber) connection configuration.


Parameter NameData TypeExample ValuesDescription
accessPointSelectorsarrayList of criteria for selecting network access points with optimal efficiency, security, compatibility, and availability.


Parameter NameData TypeExample ValuesDescription
typestringCOLOType of access point:

COLO, colocation
portobjectConfiguration details for the port used at the access point.
linkProtocolobjectLink protocol configuration.


Parameter NameData TypeExample ValuesDescription
uuidstringb840a1db-5758-758f-97e0-328a5c00a874The uuid of the port used at the access point.


Parameter NameData TypeExample ValuesDescription
typestringQINQType of link protocol. Possible values:

vlanTaginteger1279VLAN frame tag used to identify packets as they traverse trunk lines. DOT1Q protocol requires only a vlanTag.
vlanCTaginteger1399Virtual local area network (VLAN) inner "C" (customer) frame tag. QINQ protocol requires both a vlanCTag and a vlanSTag.
vlanSTaginteger1388Outer VLAN "S" (service) frame tag. QINQ protocol requires both a vlanCTag and a vlanSTag.
vniinteger5002Virtual network identifier. Applicable to VXLAN link protocol.


Parameter NameData TypeExample ValuesDescription
typestringNOTIFICATIONType of service token notifications you'd like to receive. Choosing NOTIFICATION means you'll receive service token details by email.
Email addresses of notification recipients.


Parameter NameData TypeExample ValuesDescription
orgIdstring111437Equinix-assigned organization ID.


Parameter NameData TypeExample ValuesDescription
createdBystring849817ID of the asset creator.
createdDateTimestring2021-07-15T19:30:29.526ZDate created. Use IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format:



Parameter NameData TypeExample ValuesDescription
hrefstring absolute URL that is the subject of the link's context.
typestringVC_TOKENType of service token:

VC, virtual connection
uuidstringb1409597-7a84-4c23-a298-6803c089ecfaEquinix-assigned service token uuid, a 128-bit namespace identifier.
statestringACTIVELifecycle stage of the service token.

ACTIVE - A service token has been used to establish a connection.
INACTIVE - A valid service token that hasn't been used yet.
EXPIRED - A service token has reached its expiration date.
DELETED - The connection established through a given service token has been deleted or the service token itself has been deleted.
expiryinteger1Lifespan (in days) of the service token.
expirationDateTimestring2021-07-13T19:34:53.954ZExpiration date and time of the service token. Use IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format:



connectionobjectSpecifications for establishing a data connection.
notificationsarrayPreferences for notification of changes in service token configuration or status.
accountobjectYour account data.
changeLogobjectA permanent record of service token creation, modification, or deletion.


Parameter NameData TypeExample ValuesDescription
typestringEVPL_VCType of connection:
EVPL_VC, ethernet virtual private line‒virtual connection
allowRemoteConnectionbooleantrueAuthorization to connect remotely.
uuidstring63dc2010-5006-46b6-9e91-995c47415d5cUnique Id of the connection.
hrefstring of the connection.
bandwidthLimitinteger500Permission to use a bandwidth not otherwise allowed or supported.
aSideobjectAn aSide (provider) connection configuration.


Parameter NameData TypeExample ValuesDescription
accessPointSelectorsarrayCriteria for selecting network access points with optimal efficiency, security, compatibility, and availability.


Parameter NameData TypeExample ValuesDescription
typestringCOLOType of access point:

COLO, colocation
portobjectConfiguration details for the port used at the access point.
linkProtocolobjectLink protocol configuration.


Parameter NameData TypeExample ValuesDescription
uuidstringb840a1db-5758-758f-97e0-328a5c00a874The uuid of the port used at the access point.


Parameter NameData TypeExample ValuesDescription
typestringDOT1QType of link protocol. Possible values:

vlanTaginteger1279VLAN frame tag used to identify packets as they traverse trunk lines. DOT1Q protocol requires only a vlanTag.
vlanCTaginteger1399Virtual local area network (VLAN) inner "C" (customer) frame tag. QINQ protocol requires both a vlanCTag and a vlanSTag.
vlanSTaginteger1388Outer VLAN "S" (service) frame tag. QINQ protocol requires both a vlanCTag and a vlanSTag.
vniinteger5002Virtual network identifier. Applicable to VXLAN link protocol.


Parameter NameData TypeExample ValuesDescription
typestringNOTIFICATIONType of service token notifications you'd like to receive. Choosing NOTIFICATION means you'll receive service token details by email.
Email addresses of notification recipients.


Parameter NameData TypeExample ValuesDescription
orgIdstring111437Equinix-assigned organization ID.


Parameter NameData TypeExample ValuesDescription
createdBystring849817ID of the asset creator.
createdDateTimestring2021-07-15T19:30:29.526ZDate created. Use IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format:




If you get an “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for help.


Get Specified Port Statistics

 GET /fabric/v4/ports/{uuid}/stats
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/ports/{uuid}/stats
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Path Parametersuuid
Query ParametersstartDateTime, endDateTime
Body ParametersNot applicable

This API request retrieves bandwidth utilization statistics for a specified port. This information is essential for managing service subscription sizing and bandwidth.


For instructions on how to obtain an authorization token, see Requesting Access and Refresh tokens.

Sample curl request

curl -X GET ''
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'

Path parameters

Parameter NameMandatoryData TypeExampleApplicable ValuesDescription
uuidyesstring16c71cc5-be29-4130-8e4c-2db248bb3d5b-Equinix-assigned port identifier.

Query parameters

ParameterMandatoryTypeExampleApplicable ValuesDescription
startDateTimeyesstring2021-01-07T19:26:22Z(ISO-8601 standard date-time stamp)Specifies start date and time of the duration for when statistics are calculated. Format of the value is YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ.
endDateTimeyesstring2021-01-26T19:55:22Z(ISO-8601 standard date-time stamp)Specifies end date and time of the duration for when statistics are calculated. Format of the value is YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ.

Response payload

"type": "XF_PORT",
"uuid": "xxxxx191-xx70-xxxx-xx04-xxxxxxxa37xx",
"name": "Equinix-EM-CX-xxx-L-Dot1q-BO-100G-PRI-xx",

"bandwidth": 10000,
"stats": {
"startDateTime": "2021-02-24T16:00:00Z",
"endDateTime": "2021-02-25T23:59:44Z",
"bandwidthUtilization": {
"unit": "Mbps",
"metricInterval": "PT5M",
"inbound": {
"max": 36.46022222224523,
"mean": 12.681258259259257,
"lastPolled": 24.67873548,
"metrics": [
"intervalEndDateTime": "2021-02-24T16:00:00Z",
"max": 24.197777777777777,
"mean": 9.460203703703565
"intervalEndDateTime": "2021-02-24T16:05:00Z",
"max": 29.237066666666667,
"mean": 11.487487592592595
"intervalEndDateTime": "2021-02-24T16:10:00Z",
"max": 31.2726757889999,
"mean": 11.77661203703704
"intervalEndDateTime": "2021-03-04T16:15:00Z",
"max": 28.179666666666666,
"mean": 7.414631481481509
"intervalEndDateTime": "2021-03-15T16:20:00Z",
"max": 29.29311111111111,
"mean": 6.247431481481508
"outbound": {
"max": 60.33548888888889,
"mean": 41.22711543985719,
"lastPolled": 55.14977777777778,
"metrics": [
"intervalEndDateTime": "2021-02-24T16:00:00Z",
"max": 53.790333333333336,
"mean": 39.80057592592591
"intervalEndDateTime": "2021-02-24T16:05:00Z",
"max": 57.353,
"mean": 38.678568800295
"intervalEndDateTime": "2021-02-24T16:10:00Z",
"max": 59.32777777777778,
"mean": 35.08689444444445
"intervalEndDateTime": "2021-02-24T16:15:00Z",
"max": 537274933333333300,
"mean": 23.855259259259284
"intervalEndDateTime: "2021-02-24T16:20:00Z",
"max": 57.75604444444444,
"mean": 41.36731129629629

Response payload body description

ParameterData TypeExampleDescription
typestringXF_PORTThe type of port.
uuidstring66I01dbf-87e8-4c1a-999c-28991799611cThe unique identifier of the port.
namestringAdmin-STATS-123-AbcUser-assigned name of the port.
statsobject-Object container for fields that detail the port statistics.
startDateTimestring2021-01-10T20:05:08ZStart date and time of the duration for calculating statistics. Format of the value is YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ.
endDateTimestring2021-01-10T21:05:08ZEnd date and time of the duration for calculating statistics. Format of the value is YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ. 
bandwidthinteger10000Port bandwidth (10000 Mbps, for example, is equal to 10 Gbps).
bandwidthUtilizationobject Object container for the fields that detail bandwidth utilization (counter is octet-based).
unitstringMbpsUnit of bandwidth speed for the response. Can be either Mbps or Gbps.
metricIntervalstringPT5MDuration from the start time to the end time for the time interval of each reported statistic. This value is in the P[n]Y[n]M[n]DT[n]H[n]M[n]S format of the ISO 8601 standard.
inboundobject Property that indicates that the port statistics are calculated based on either traffic from the A-Side Equinix Fabric router to the buyer edge router or traffic from the Z-side Equinix Fabric router to the cloud service provider edge router, depending on the role associated with the user of the port.
outboundobject Property that indicates that the port statistics are calculated based on either traffic from the buyer edge router to the A-side Equinix Fabric router or traffic from the cloud service provider edge router to the Z-side Equinix Fabric router, depending on the role associated with the user of the port. 
maxinteger68.38641687333333Highest bandwidth utilization of the port among all time intervals reported in the response. The value is in either Mbps or Gbps, depending on the definition of the unit field.
meaninteger39.96267986650665Mean bandwidth utilization of the port among all time intervals reported in the response. The value is in either Mbps or Gbps, depending on the definition of the unit field.
lastPolledinteger41.00905623111112Bandwidth utilization of the last measured time interval.
metricsarray[object] Array of objects that provide bandwidth utilization statistics for each separate time interval.
intervalEndDateTimestring2021-01-10T20:10:00ZEnd time of a calculated interval. Format of the value is YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ.
maxinteger42.56065261666111Highest bandwidth utilization of a particular time interval.
meaninteger31.52464373892222Mean bandwidth utilization of a particular time interval.

If you get an “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for Equinix Fabric Portal access.

Get Ports Statistics

 GET /fabric/v4/ports/stats
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/ports/stats
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Path ParametersNot Applicable
Query Parameterssort, top, duration, direction, metricInterval, metros, projectId
Body ParametersNot applicable

This API request returns traffic statistics for ports in a specified metro.


For instructions on how to obtain an authorization token, see Requesting Access and Refresh tokens.

Sample curl request

curl -X GET ',GV&duration=P3M'
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
-H 'Authorization: Bearer 000aI9YU3IRxFjQsuSyVhBSvfQAo'

Query parameters

ParameterMandatoryTypeExampleApplicable ValuesDesccription
sortnostring-bandwidthUtilization-bandwidthUtilizationKey or set of keys that organizes the search payload by property (such as bandwidthUtilization) or by direction. Ascending (ASC) is the default value. The "‒" prefix indicates descending (DESC) order.
topnointeger5Minimum: 1
Maximum: 10
Default: 5
Filter returning only the specified number of most heavily trafficked ports.


Duration of statistical analysis period. Format according to IETF ISO 8601 standards:

P, period; Y, years; M, months; DT, dateTime; H, hours; M, minutes; S, seconds; [n] represents values.

Direction of traffic from the requester's viewpoint. The default is outbound.
metricIntervalnostringP7DP7DAn interval-formatted value indicating the time period the metric objects within the response represent. The default is P7D.
metrosyesarray[string]SV,GVSV,GVTwo-letter prefix indicating the metropolitan area in which a specified Equinix asset is located.
projectIdnoarray[string]2607-Project identifier in customer resource hierarchy.

Sample Response Body

"pagination": {
"offset": 0,
"limit": 5,
"total": 5
"data": [
"href": "",
"type": "XF_PORT",
"uuid": "xxxxx191-xx70-xxxx-xx04-xxxxxxxa37xx",
"name": "testUser-CX-SV2-NL-Dot1Q-BO-1G-PRI-JP-15",
"bandwidth": 10000,
"stats": {
"startDateTime": "2020-05-21T08:00:00.000Z",
"endDateTime": "2020-05-28T10:30:00.000Z",
"bandwidthUtilization": {
"unit": "Mbps",
"metricInterval": "PT5M",
"inbound": {
"max": 1913400000,
"mean": 474960.24489120545,
"lastPolled": 53.333333333333336,
"metrics": [
"intervalEndDateTime": {},
"max": 53.333333333333336,
"mean": 53.333333333333336
"intervalEndDateTime": {},
"max": 53.333333333333336,
"mean": 53.333333333333336
"intervalEndDateTime": {},
"max": 53.333333333333336,
"mean": 53.333333333333336
"intervalEndDateTime": {},
"max": 53.333333333333336,
"mean": 53.333333333333336
"href": "",
"type": "XF_PORT",
"uuid": "xxxxx191-xx70-xxxx-xx04-xxxxxxxa37xx",
"name": "testUser-CX-SV2-NL-Dot1Q-BO-1G-PRI-JP-15",
"bandwidth": 10000,
"stats": {
"startDateTime": "2020-06-21T08:00:00.000Z",
"endDateTime": "2020-06-28T10:30:00.000Z",
"bandwidthUtilization": {
"unit": "Mbps",
"metricInterval": "PT5M",
"inbound": {}
"href": "",
"type": "XF_PORT",
"uuid": "xxxxx191-xx70-xxxx-xx04-xxxxxxxa37xx",
"name": "testUser-CX-SV2-NL-Dot1Q-BO-1G-PRI-JP-15",
"bandwidth": 10000,
"stats": {
"startDateTime": "2020-07-21T08:00:00.000Z",
"endDateTime": "2020-07-28T10:30:00.000Z",
"bandwidthUtilization": {
"unit": "Mbps",
"metricInterval": "PT5M",
"inbound": {}
"href": "",
"type": "XF_PORT",
"uuid": "xxxxx191-xx70-xxxx-xx04-xxxxxxxa37xx",
"name": "testUser-CX-SV2-NL-Dot1Q-BO-1G-PRI-JP-15",
"bandwidth": 10000,
"stats": {
"startDateTime": "2020-08-21T08:00:00.000Z",
"endDateTime": "2020-08-28T10:30:00.000Z",
"bandwidthUtilization": {
"unit": "Mbps",
"metricInterval": "PT5M",
"inbound": {}
"href": "",
"type": "XF_PORT",
"uuid": "xxxxx191-xx70-xxxx-xx04-xxxxxxxa37xx",
"name": "testUser-CX-SV2-NL-Dot1Q-BO-1G-PRI-JP-15",
"bandwidth": 10000,
"stats": {
"startDateTime": "2020-09-21T08:00:00.000Z",
"endDateTime": "2020-09-28T10:30:00.000Z",
"bandwidthUtilization": {
"unit": "Mbps",
"metricInterval": "PT5M",
"inbound": {}

Response Body Description

ParameterData TypeExampleDescription
paginationobject-Data set pagination settings.
dataarray[object]-Data array containing statistics for a set of ports determined by query parameters.
offsetinteger0Index of the first item returned in the response.
limitinteger20Maximum number of items returned per page.
totalinteger44Total number of items returned.
typestringXF_PORTThe type of port.
uuidstring66I01dbf-87e8-4c1a-999c-28991799611cThe unique identifier of the port.
namestringAdmin-STATS-123-AbcUser-assigned name of the port.
statsobject-Object container for fields that detail the port statistics.
startDateTimestring2021-01-10T20:05:08ZStart date and time of the duration for calculating statistics. Format of the value is YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ.
endDateTimestring2021-01-10T21:05:08ZEnd date and time of the duration for calculating statistics. Format of the value is YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ. 
bandwidthinteger10000Port bandwidth (10000 Mbps, for example, is equal to 10 Gbps).
bandwidthUtilizationobject-Object container for the fields that detail bandwidth utilization (counter is octet-based).
unitstringMbpsUnit of bandwidth speed for the response. Can be either Mbps or Gbps.
metricIntervalstringPT5MDuration from the start time to the end time for the time interval of each reported statistic. This value is in the P[n]Y[n]M[n]DT[n]H[n]M[n]S format of the ISO 8601 standard.
inboundobject-Property that indicates that the port statistics are calculated based on either traffic from the A-Side Equinix Fabric router to the buyer edge router or traffic from the Z-side Equinix Fabric router to the cloud service provider edge router, depending on the role associated with the user of the port.
outboundobject-Property that indicates that the port statistics are calculated based on either traffic from the buyer edge router to the A-side Equinix Fabric router or traffic from the cloud service provider edge router to the Z-side Equinix Fabric router, depending on the role associated with the user of the port. 
maxinteger68.38641687333333Highest bandwidth utilization of the port among all time intervals reported in the response. The value is in either Mbps or Gbps, depending on the definition of the unit field.
meaninteger39.96267986650665Mean bandwidth utilization of the port among all time intervals reported in the response. The value is in either Mbps or Gbps, depending on the definition of the unit field.
lastPolledinteger41.00905623111112Bandwidth utilization of the last measured time interval.
metricsarray[object]-Array of objects that provide bandwidth utilization statistics for each separate time interval.
intervalEndDateTimestring2021-01-10T20:10:00ZEnd time of a calculated interval. Format of the value is YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ.
maxinteger42.56065261666111Highest bandwidth utilization of a particular time interval.
meaninteger31.52464373892222Mean bandwidth utilization of a particular time interval.

If you get an “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for help.

Get Connection Statistics

 GET /fabric/v4/connections/{uuid}/stats
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/connections/{uuid}/stats
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Path Parametersuuid
Query ParametersstartDateTime, endDateTime, viewPoint
Body ParametersNot applicable

The API for virtual connection (VC) statistics provides service-level traffic metrics so that you can gather key information required to manage service subscription sizing and capacity.


For an overview of how Fabric integrates different network nodes and gateways, see Virtual Connections.

Running the VC statistics API retrieves bandwidth utilization statistics about a specified virtual connection.

  • Buyers can view utilization data on all outgoing connections.
  • Sellers can view utilization data about all incoming connections.

The diagram below shows the connection infrastructure, with traffic direction, that the VC statistics API can capture as performance statistics.



To learn how to obtain an authorization token, see Requesting Access and Refresh tokens under the Getting Access Token section.

Sample curl request

curl -X
-H "content-type: application/json"
-H "authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"

Path parameters

Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleApplicable ValuesDescription
uuidyesstring97d1850f-4df0-468c-9281-fa7b0dfa2096Unique identifier of the virtual connection.

Query parameters

Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleApplicable ValuesDescription
startDateTimeyesstring2021-01-07T19:26:22Z(ISO-8601 standard date-time stamp)Specifies start date and time of the duration for when statistics are calculated. Format of the value is YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ.
endDateTimeyesstring2021-01-26T19:55:22Z(ISO-8601 standard date-time stamp)Specifies end date and time of the duration for when statistics are calculated. Format of the value is YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ.


Default: aSide
Outgoing connection statistics are calculated based on traffic from the Equinix Fabric router (A-Side) to the customer edge router and traffic to the Equinix Fabric router (A-Side) from the customer edge router.

Incoming connection statistics are calculated based on traffic from the Equinix Fabric router (Z-Side) to the provider edge router and traffic to the Equinix Fabric router (Z-Side) from the provider edge router.

Sample response

"href": "",
"type": "EVPL_VC",
"uuid": "97d1850f-4df0-468c-9281-fa7b0dfa2096",
"name": "Admin-STATS-123-Abc",
"stats": {
"startDateTime": "2021-01-10T20:05:08Z",
"endDateTime": "2021-01-10T21:05:08Z",
"viewPoint": "aSide",
"bandwidthUtilization": {
"unit": "Mbps",
"metricInterval": "PT5M",
"inbound": {
"max": 68.38641687333333,
"mean": 39.96267986650665,
"lastPolled": 41.00905623111112,
"metrics": [
"intervalEndDateTime": "2021-01-10T20:05:00Z",
"max": 41.89234537555556,
"mean": 33.62481298948148
"intervalEndDateTime": "2021-01-10T20:10:00Z",
"max": 41.86234987534256,
"mean": 36.92451598748148
"intervalEndDateTime": "2021-01-10T20:15:00Z",
"max": 41.86907222888888,
"mean": 43.98230834555556
"intervalEndDateTime": "2021-01-10T20:20:00Z",
"max": 41.91562025333334,
"mean": 41.086565260765425
"outbound": {
"max": 67.79944363333334,
"mean": 38.116581250214345,
"lastPolled": 41.43428905111111,
"metrics": [
"intervalEndDateTime": "2021-01-10T20:05:00Z",
"max": 41.99068261111111,
"mean": 33.70374303096296
"intervalEndDateTime": "2021-01-10T20:10:00Z",
"max": 42.56065261666111,
"mean": 31.52464373892222
"intervalEndDateTime": "2021-01-10T20:15:00Z",
"max": 41.96735416222222,
"mean": 44.08555118977779
"intervalEndDateTime": "2021-01-10T20:20:00Z",
"max": 42.01401189333334,
"mean": 39.40894303096296

Response payload body description

FieldData TypeExampleDescription
hrefstring URL for virtual connection details pertaining to the uuid. 
typestringEVPL_VCConnection type.
uuidstring97d1850f-4df0-468c-9281-fa7b0dfa2096The unique identifier of the connection.
namestringAdmin-STATS-123-AbcUser-assigned name to the connection.
statsobject Object container for fields that detail the virtual connection statistics.


stats object


statsobject Object container for fields that detail the virtual connection statistics.
startDateTimestring2021-01-10T20:05:08ZStart date and time of the duration for calculating statistics. Format of the value is YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ.
endDateTimestring2021-01-10T21:05:08ZEnd date and time of the duration for calculating statistics. Format of the value is YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ. 
viewPointstringaSidePoint of view for connection metrics.
bandwidthUtilizationobject Object container for the fields that detail bandwidth utilization (counter is octet-based).


stats.bandwidthUtilization object


bandwidthUtilizationobject Object container for the fields that detail bandwidth utilization (counter is octet-based).
unitstringMbpsUnit of bandwidth speed for the response. Can be either Mbps or Gbps
metricIntervalstringPT5MDuration from the start time to the end time for the time interval of each reported statistic. This value is in the P[n]Y[n]M[n]DT[n]H[n]M[n]S format of the ISO 8601 standard.
inboundobject Property that indicates that the connection statistics are calculated based on either traffic from the A-Side Equinix Fabric router to the buyer edge router or traffic from the Z-side Equinix Fabric router to the cloud service provider edge router, depending on the role associated with the user of the connection.
outboundobject Property that indicates that the connection statistics are calculated based on either traffic from the buyer edge router to the A-side Equinix Fabric router or traffic from the cloud service provider edge router to the Z-side Equinix Fabric router, depending on the role associated with the user of the connection. 


stats.bandwidthUtilization.inbound object


inboundobject Property that indicates that the connection statistics are calculated based on either traffic from the A-Side Equinix Fabric router to the buyer edge router or traffic from the Z-side Equinix Fabric router to the cloud service provider edge router, depending on the role associated with the user of the connection.
maxdouble68.38641687333333Highest bandwidth utilization of the connection among all time intervals reported in the response. The value is in either Mbps or Gbps, depending on the definition of the unit field.
meandouble39.96267986650665Mean bandwidth utilization of the connection among all time intervals reported in the response. The value is in either Mbps or Gbps, depending on the definition of the unit field.
lastPolleddouble41.00905623111112Bandwidth utilization of the last measured time interval.
metricsarray[object] Array of objects that provide bandwidth utilization statistics for each separate time interval.


stats.bandwidthUtilization.inbound.metrics object


metricsarray[object] Array of objects that provide bandwidth utilization statistics for each separate time interval.
intervalEndDateTimestring2021-01-10T20:10:00ZEnd time of a calculated interval. Format of the value is YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ.
maxdouble42.56065261666111Highest bandwidth utilization of a particular time interval.
meandouble31.52464373892222Mean bandwidth utilization of a particular time interval.

If you get an “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for Equinix Fabric Portal access.

Fabric Networks

Fabric network enables creating port-based or a VLAN-based Layer 2 Ethernet multipoint to multipoint networks that connect your assets deployed across Equinix IBX data centers.

Create Fabric Network

 POST /fabric/v4/networks
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/networks
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Path ParametersNot applicable
Query ParametersNot applicable
Body Parameterstype, name, scope, project, notifications

This API request creates a Fabric network instance.


To obtain an authorization token, see the Getting Access Token section under Requesting Access and Refresh Tokens.

Sample curl request - regional network

curl -X POST ''
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
-H 'Authorization: Bearer 000aI9YU3IRxFjQsuSyVhBSvfQAo'
-d '{
"type": "IPVPN",
"name": "My-Network-1",
"scope": "REGIONAL",
"location": {
"region": "EMEA"
"project": {
"projectId": "1234567"
"notifications": [
"type": "ALL",
"emails": [

Body parameters

type string
Network type.
Applicable values:
  • EVPLAN - For connecting to DOT1Q ports or virtual devices.
  • EPLAN - For connecting to EPL ports.
  • IPVPN - For connecting to Fabric Cloud Routers.
name string
Network name.
Example: myEmeaNetwork
scope string
Network geographic scope.
Applicable values:
  • LOCAL - within a metro
  • REGIONAL - within a region
  • GLOBAL - across all regions/metros
location object
Geographic attributes of the network. Applicable to regional networks.
region string
Broad geographic region.
Example: EMEA
project object
Customer resource hierarchy project information.
Applicable to customers onboarded to Equinix Identity and Access Management. For more information see Identity and Access Management: Projects.
projectId string
Customer project identifier.
Example: 567
notifications array[object]
Notification settings for messages related to the asset configuration or its status.
type string
Notification messages category.
Applicable values:
  • ALL
emails array[string]
Email addresses of up to 12 recipients.
Example: ["",""]

Sample response

"href": "",
"type": "IPVPN",
"uuid": "92dc376a-a932-43aa-a6a2-c806dedbd784",
"name": "My-EVPLAN-1",
"state": "INACTIVE",
"change": {
"href": "",
"uuid": "6d500177-9404-41f2-99e8-2bf1a84d8db5",
"location": {
"region": "EMEA"
"scope": "REGIONAL",
"connectionsCount": 0,
"project": {
"projectId": "123456"
"notifications": [
"type": "ALL",
"emails": [
"operation": {
"equinixStatus": "PROVISIONING"
"changeLog": {
"createdBy": "testuser",
"createdDateTime": "2020-05-21T10:30:00Z",
"createdByEmail": "",
"createdByFullName": "testuser testuser"

Response payload body description

href string
Absolute URL that returns the specified asset.
type string
Network type.
Possible values:
  • EVPLAN - For connecting to DOT1Q ports or virtual devices.
  • EPLAN - For connecting to EPL ports.
  • IPVPN - For connecting to Fabric Cloud Routers.
uuid string
Network instance identifier.
Example: 92dc376a-a932-43aa-a6a2-c806dedbd784
name string
Network name.
Example: myEmeaNetwork
state string
Network lifecycle stage.
change object
Information on asset change operation.
href string
Absolute URL that returns asset change operation.
uuid string
Asset change operation identifier.
Example: 6d500177-9404-41f2-99e8-2bf1a84d8db5
type string
Asset change operation type.
location object
Geographic attributes of the network. Applicable to regional networks.
region string
Broad geographic region.
Example: EMEA
scope string
Network geographic scope.
Possible values:
  • LOCAL - within a metro
  • REGIONAL - within a region
  • GLOBAL - across all regions/metros
connectionsCount integer
Number of connections associated with this network.
Example: 0
project object
Customer resource hierarchy project information.
Applicable to customers onboarded to Equinix Identity and Access Management. For more information see Identity and Access Management: Projects.
projectId string
Customer project identifier.
Example: 567
notifications array[object]
Notification settings for messages related to the asset configuration or its status.
type string
Notification messages category.
Possible values:
  • ALL
emails array[string]
Email addresses of up to 12 recipients.
Example: ["",""]
operation object
Network operational status.
equinixStatus string
Progress towards provisioning a given asset.
changeLog object
A permanent record of asset creation, modification, or deletion.
createdBy string
Identity of the asset creator.
Example: AverageJoe
createdByFullName string
First and last name of the asset creator.
Example: Joe Average
createdByEmail string
Email address of the asset creator.
createdDateTime string
Asset creation timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.000+0000
Example: 2021-07-15T19:30:29.526Z

Get Specified Fabric Network

 GET /fabric/v4/networks/{uuid}
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/networks/{uuid}
Path Parametersuuid
Query ParametersNot applicable
Body ParametersNot applicable

This API request returns details for the specified Fabric network instance.


To obtain an authorization token, see the Getting Access Token section under Requesting Access and Refresh Tokens.

Sample curl request

curl -X GET ''
-H 'Authorization: Bearer 000aI9YU3IRxFjQsuSyVhBSvfQAo'

Path parameters

uuid string
Fabric network instance identifier.

Sample response

"href": "",
"type": "IPVPN",
"uuid": "92dc376a-a932-43aa-a6a2-c806dedbd784",
"name": "My-EVPLAN-1",
"state": "ACTIVE",
"location": {
"region": "EMEA"
"scope": "REGIONAL",
"connectionsCount": 0,
"project": {
"projectId": "123456"
"notifications": [
"type": "ALL",
"emails": [
"operation": {
"equinixStatus": "PROVISIONED"
"changeLog": {
"createdBy": "testuser",
"createdDateTime": "2020-05-21T10:30:00Z",
"createdByEmail": "",
"createdByFullName": "testuser testuser",
"updatedBy": "testuser",
"updatedDateTime": "2020-05-21T10:30:00Z",
"updatedByEmail": "",
"updatedByFullName": "testuser testuser"
"links": [
"href": "",
"rel": "getConnectionsByNetworkUuid",
"method": "GET",
"contentType": "application/json",
"authenticate": true

Response payload body description

href string
Absolute URL that returns the specified asset.
type string
Network type.
Possible values:
  • EVPLAN - For connecting to DOT1Q ports or virtual devices.
  • EPLAN - For connecting to EPL ports.
  • IPVPN - For connecting to Fabric Cloud Routers.
uuid string
Network instance identifier.
Example: 92dc376a-a932-43aa-a6a2-c806dedbd784
name string
Network name.
Example: myEmeaNetwork
state string
Network lifecycle stage.
Example: ACTIVE
change object
Information on asset change operation.
href string
Absolute URL that returns asset change operation.
uuid string
Asset change operation identifier.
Example: 6d500177-9404-41f2-99e8-2bf1a84d8db5
type string
Asset change operation type.
location object
Geographic attributes of the network. Applicable to regional networks.
region string
Broad geographic region.
Example: EMEA
scope string
Network geographic scope.
Possible values:
  • LOCAL - within a metro
  • REGIONAL - within a region
  • GLOBAL - across all regions/metros
connectionsCount integer
Number of connections associated with this network.
Example: 0
project object
Customer resource hierarchy project information.
Applicable to customers onboarded to Equinix Identity and Access Management. For more information see Identity and Access Management: Projects.
projectId string
Customer project identifier.
Example: 567
notifications array[object]
Notification settings for messages related to the asset configuration or its status.
type string
Notification messages category.
Possible values:
  • ALL
emails array[string]
Email addresses of up to 12 recipients.
Example: ["",""]
operation object
Network operational status.
equinixStatus string
Progress towards provisioning a given asset.
changeLog object
A permanent record of asset creation, modification, or deletion.
createdBy string
Identity of the asset creator.
Example: AverageJoe
createdByFullName string
First and last name of the asset creator.
Example: Joe Average
createdByEmail string
Email address of the asset creator.
createdDateTime string
Asset creation timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.000+0000
Example: 2021-07-15T19:30:29.526Z
links object
HATEOAS links specifying possible follow-up interactions.

If you get an “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for help.

Update Fabric Network

 PATCH /fabric/v4/networks/{uuid}
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/networks/{uuid}
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Path Parametersuuid
Query ParametersNot applicable
Body Parametersop, path, value

This API request updates a Fabric network instance.


To obtain an authorization token, see the Getting Access Token section under Requesting Access and Refresh Tokens.

Sample curl request

curl -X PATCH ''
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
-H 'Authorization: Bearer 000aI9YU3IRxFjQsuSyVhBSvfQAo'
-d '[
"op": "replace",
"path": "/name",
"value": "evenBetterName"

Path parameters

uuid string
Fabric network instance identifier.

Body parameters

op string
Update request type.
Applicable values:
  • replace
  • add
  • remove
path string
Parameter path.
Applicable values:
  • /name
value string
Parameter value.

Sample response

"href": "",
"type": "IPVPN",
"uuid": "92dc376a-a932-43aa-a6a2-c806dedbd784",
"name": "evenBetterName",
"state": "ACTIVE",
"change": {
"href": "",
"uuid": "6d500177-9404-41f2-99e8-2bf1a84d8db5",
"location": {
"region": "EMEA"
"scope": "REGIONAL",
"connectionsCount": 0,
"project": {
"projectId": "123456"
"notifications": [
"type": "ALL",
"emails": [
"operation": {
"equinixStatus": "PROVISIONED"
"changeLog": {
"createdBy": "testuser",
"createdDateTime": "2020-05-21T10:30:00Z",
"createdByEmail": "",
"createdByFullName": "testuser testuser",
"updatedBy": "testuser",
"updatedDateTime": "2020-05-21T10:30:00Z",
"updatedByEmail": "",
"updatedByFullName": "testuser testuser"
"links": [
"href": "",
"rel": "getConnectionsByNetworkUuid",
"method": "GET",
"contentType": "application/json",
"authenticate": true

Response payload body description

href string
Absolute URL that returns the specified asset.
type string
Network type.
Possible values:
  • EVPLAN - For connecting to DOT1Q ports or virtual devices.
  • EPLAN - For connecting to EPL ports.
  • IPVPN - For connecting to Fabric Cloud Routers.
uuid string
Network instance identifier.
Example: 92dc376a-a932-43aa-a6a2-c806dedbd784
name string
Network name.
Example: evenBetterName
state string
Network lifecycle stage.
Example: ACTIVE
change object
Information on asset change operation.
href string
Absolute URL that returns asset change operation.
uuid string
Asset change operation identifier.
Example: 6d500177-9404-41f2-99e8-2bf1a84d8db5
type string
Asset change operation type.
location object
Geographic attributes of the network. Applicable to regional networks.
region string
Broad geographic region.
Example: EMEA
scope string
Network geographic scope.
Possible values:
  • LOCAL - within a metro
  • REGIONAL - within a region
  • GLOBAL - across all regions/metros
connectionsCount integer
Number of connections associated with this network.
Example: 0
project object
Customer resource hierarchy project information.
Applicable to customers onboarded to Equinix Identity and Access Management. For more information see Identity and Access Management: Projects.
projectId string
Customer project identifier.
Example: 567
notifications array[object]
Notification settings for messages related to the asset configuration or its status.
type string
Notification messages category.
Possible values:
  • ALL
emails array[string]
Email addresses of up to 12 recipients.
Example: ["",""]
operation object
Network operational status.
equinixStatus string
Progress towards provisioning a given asset.
changeLog object
A permanent record of asset creation, modification, or deletion.
createdBy string
Username of the asset creator.
Example: AverageJoe
createdByFullName string
First and last name of the asset creator.
Example: Joe Average
createdByEmail string
Email address of the asset creator.
createdDateTime string
Asset creation timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.000+0000
Example: 2021-07-15T19:30:29.526Z
updatedBy string
Username of the user that modified the asset.
Example: AverageJoe
updatedByFullName string
First and last name of the user that modified the asset.
Example: Joe Average
updatedByEmail string
Email address of the user that modified the asset.
updatedDateTime string
Asset update timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.000+0000
Example: 2021-07-15T19:30:29.526Z
links object
HATEOAS links specifying possible follow-up interactions.

If you get an “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for help.

Retrieve Fabric Networks

 POST /fabric/v4/networks/search
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/networks/search
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Path ParametersNot applicable
Query ParametersNot applicable
Body Parameterstype, name, scope, project, notifications

This API request returns Fabric network instances that match the specified criteria.


To obtain an authorization token, see the Getting Access Token section under Requesting Access and Refresh Tokens.

Sample curl request

curl -X POST ''
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
-H 'Authorization: Bearer 000aI9YU3IRxFjQsuSyVhBSvfQAo'
-d '{
"filter": {
"and": [
"property": "/state",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
"pagination": {
"offset": 0,
"limit": 20
"sort": [
"direction": "DESC",
"property": "/changeLog/createdDateTime"

Body parameters

filter object
Object defining search conditions.
and array[object]
Array of up to eight search parameters.
property string
Search parameter.
Applicable values:
  • /name
  • /uuid
  • /state
  • /scope
  • /location/region
  • /project/projectId
  • /* - All categories search.
operator string
Search parameter operator.
Applicable values:
  • =
  • !=
  • >
  • >=
  • <
  • <=
  • LIKE
  • IN
  • NOT IN
  • ~* - Case insensitive like.
values string
Search field parameter value.
Example: ACTIVE
pagination object
Search results pagination settings.
offset integer
Index of the first item returned in the response.
Minimum: 0
Default value: 0
limit integer
Maximum number of items returned per page.
Minimum: 1
Maximum: 100
Default value: 20
sort object
Search results sorting settings.
direction string
Search results sorting direction.
Applicable values:
  • ASC
  • DESC
property string
Search results sorting parameter.
Applicable values:
  • /name
  • /uuid
  • /scope
  • /location/region
  • /project/projectId
  • /changeLog/createdDateTime
  • /changeLog/updatedDateTime

Default value: /changeLog/updatedDateTime

Sample response

"pagination": {
"offset": 0,
"limit": 0,
"total": 0,
"next": "string",
"previous": "string"
"data": [
"href": "",
"type": "IPVPN",
"uuid": "92dc376a-a932-43aa-a6a2-c806dedbd784",
"name": "My-EVPLAN-1",
"state": "INACTIVE",
"change": {
"href": "",
"uuid": "6d500177-9404-41f2-99e8-2bf1a84d8db5",
"location": {
"region": "EMEA"
"scope": "REGIONAL",
"connectionsCount": 0,
"project": {
"projectId": "123456"
"notifications": [
"type": "ALL",
"emails": [
"operation": {
"equinixStatus": "PROVISIONING"
"changeLog": {
"createdBy": "testuser",
"createdDateTime": "2020-05-21T10:30:00Z",
"createdByEmail": "",
"createdByFullName": "testuser testuser"
"sort": [
"property": "/changeLog/updatedDateTime",
"direction": "DESC"

Response payload body description

pagination object
Search results pagination settings.
offset integer
Index of the first item returned in the response.
Example: 20
limit integer
Maximum number of items returned per page.
Example: 20
total integer
Total number of items returned.
Example: 1
data array[object]
Data array containing search results.
href string
Absolute URL that returns the specified asset.
type string
Network type.
Possible values:
  • EVPLAN - For connecting to DOT1Q ports or virtual devices.
  • EPLAN - For connecting to EPL ports.
  • IPVPN - For connecting to Fabric Cloud Routers.
uuid string
Network instance identifier.
Example: 92dc376a-a932-43aa-a6a2-c806dedbd784
name string
Network name.
Example: myEmeaNetwork
state string
Network lifecycle stage.
change object
Information on asset change operation.
href string
Absolute URL that returns asset change operation.
uuid string
Asset change operation identifier.
Example: 6d500177-9404-41f2-99e8-2bf1a84d8db5
type string
Asset change operation type.
location object
Geographic attributes of the network. Applicable to regional networks.
region string
Broad geographic region.
Example: EMEA
scope string
Network geographic scope.
Possible values:
  • LOCAL - within a metro
  • REGIONAL - within a region
  • GLOBAL - across all regions/metros
connectionsCount integer
Number of connections associated with this network.
Example: 0
project object
Customer resource hierarchy project information.
Applicable to customers onboarded to Equinix Identity and Access Management. For more information see Identity and Access Management: Projects.
projectId string
Customer project identifier.
Example: 567
notifications array[object]
Notification settings for messages related to the asset configuration or its status.
type string
Notification messages category.
Possible values:
  • ALL
emails array[string]
Email addresses of up to 12 recipients.
Example: ["",""]
operation object
Network operational status.
equinixStatus string
Progress towards provisioning a given asset.
changeLog object
A permanent record of asset creation, modification, or deletion.
createdBy string
Identity of the asset creator.
Example: AverageJoe
createdByFullName string
First and last name of the asset creator.
Example: Joe Average
createdByEmail string
Email address of the asset creator.
createdDateTime string
Asset creation timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.000+0000
Example: 2021-07-15T19:30:29.526Z

Delete Fabric Network

 DELETE /fabric/v4/networks/{uuid}
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/networks/{uuid}
Path Parametersuuid
Query ParametersNot applicable
Body ParametersNot applicable

This API request deletes a given Fabric network instance.


To obtain an authorization token, see the Getting Access Token section under Requesting Access and Refresh Tokens.

Sample curl request

curl -X DELETE ''
-H 'Authorization: Bearer 000aI9YU3IRxFjQsuSyVhBSvfQAo'

Path parameters

uuid string
Fabric network instance identifier.

Sample response

"href": "",
"type": "IPVPN",
"uuid": "92dc376a-a932-43aa-a6a2-c806dedbd784",
"name": "My-EVPLAN-1",
"state": "INACTIVE",
"change": {
"href": "",
"uuid": "6d500177-9404-41f2-99e8-2bf1a84d8db5",
"location": {
"region": "EMEA"
"scope": "REGIONAL",
"connectionsCount": 0,
"project": {
"projectId": "123456"
"notifications": [
"type": "ALL",
"emails": [
"operation": {
"equinixStatus": "DEPROVISIONING"
"changeLog": {
"createdBy": "testuser",
"createdDateTime": "2020-05-21T10:30:00Z",
"createdByEmail": "",
"createdByFullName": "testuser testuser",
"deletedBy": "testuser1",
"deletedDateTime": "2020-05-21T10:30:00Z",
"deletedByEmail": "",
"deletedByFullName": "testuser testuser"

Response payload body description

href string
Absolute URL that returns the specified asset.
type string
Network type.
Possible values:
  • EVPLAN - For connecting to DOT1Q ports or virtual devices.
  • EPLAN - For connecting to EPL ports.
  • IPVPN - For connecting to Fabric Cloud Routers.
uuid string
Network instance identifier.
Example: 92dc376a-a932-43aa-a6a2-c806dedbd784
name string
Network name.
Example: myEmeaNetwork
state string
Network lifecycle stage.
change object
Information on asset change operation.
href string
Absolute URL that returns asset change operation.
uuid string
Asset change operation identifier.
Example: 6d500177-9404-41f2-99e8-2bf1a84d8db5
type string
Asset change operation type.
location object
Geographic attributes of the network. Applicable to regional networks.
region string
Broad geographic region.
Example: EMEA
scope string
Network geographic scope.
Possible values:
  • LOCAL - within a metro
  • REGIONAL - within a region
  • GLOBAL - across all regions/metros
connectionsCount integer
Number of connections associated with this network.
Example: 0
project object
Customer resource hierarchy project information.
Applicable to customers onboarded to Equinix Identity and Access Management. For more information see Identity and Access Management: Projects.
projectId string
Customer project identifier.
Example: 567
notifications array[object]
Notification settings for messages related to the asset configuration or its status.
type string
Notification messages category.
Possible values:
  • ALL
emails array[string]
Email addresses of up to 12 recipients.
Example: ["",""]
operation object
Network operational status.
equinixStatus string
Progress towards provisioning a given asset.
changeLog object
A permanent record of asset creation, modification, or deletion.
createdBy string
Identity of the asset creator.
Example: AverageJoe
createdByFullName string
First and last name of the asset creator.
Example: Joe Average
createdByEmail string
Email address of the asset creator.
createdDateTime string
Asset creation timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.000+0000
Example: 2021-07-15T19:30:29.526Z
deletedBy string
Usernamen of the user that deleted the asset.
Example: AverageJoe
deletedByFullName string
First and last name of the user that deleted the asset.
Example: Joe Average
deletedByEmail string
Email address of the user that deleted the asset.
deletedDateTime string
Asset deletion timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.000+0000
Example: 2021-07-15T19:30:29.526Z

If you get an “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for help.

Get Connections Associated With Specified Fabric Network

 GET /fabric/v4/networks/{uuid}/connections
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/networks/{uuid}/connections
Path Parametersuuid
Query ParametersNot applicable
Body ParametersNot applicable

This API request returns connections associated with the specified Fabric network instance.


To obtain an authorization token, see the Getting Access Token section under Requesting Access and Refresh Tokens.

Sample curl request

curl -X GET ''
-H 'Authorization: Bearer 000aI9YU3IRxFjQsuSyVhBSvfQAo'

Path parameters

uuid string
Fabric network instance identifier.

Sample response

"pagination": {
"offset": 0,
"limit": 20,
"total": 2
"data": [
"href": "",
"type": "IP_VC",
"uuid": "9b8c5042-b553-4d5e-a2ac-c73bf6d4fd81"
"href": "",
"type": "IP_VC",
"uuid": "38a1eb68-4daf-4ef0-bd7f-6970727b6fc1"

Response payload body description

pagination object
Search results pagination settings.
offset integer
Index of the first item returned in the response.
Example: 20
limit integer
Maximum number of items returned per page.
Example: 20
total integer
Total number of items returned.
Example: 1
data array[object]
Data array containing search results.
href string
Absolute URL that returns the specified asset.
type string
Connection type.
Example: IP_VC
uuid string
Connection identifier.
Example: 38a1eb68-4daf-4ef0-bd7f-6970727b6fc1

If you get an “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for help.

Get Fabric Network Changes

 GET /fabric/v4/networks/{uuid}/changes
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/networks/{uuid}/changes
Path Parametersuuid
Query ParametersNot applicable
Body ParametersNot applicable

This API request returns change log for a specified Fabric network instance.


To obtain an authorization token, see the Getting Access Token section under Requesting Access and Refresh Tokens.

Sample curl request

curl -X GET ''
-H 'Authorization: Bearer 000aI9YU3IRxFjQsuSyVhBSvfQAo'

Path parameters

uuid string
Fabric network instance identifier.

Sample response

"pagination": {
"offset": 0,
"limit": 20,
"total": 2
"data": [
"href": "",
"uuid": "4b17da68-3d6b-436d-9c8f-2105f3b950d9",
"status": "COMPLETED",
"createdDateTime": "2020-05-21T10:30:00Z",
"updatedDateTime": "2020-05-21T10:30:50Z"
"href": "",
"uuid": "da2a2f1b-9ba0-415b-85d6-234bd4c737ec",
"status": "REQUESTED",
"createdDateTime": "2020-05-21T10:30:00Z",
"updatedDateTime": "2020-05-21T10:30:00Z"

Response payload body description

pagination object
Search results pagination settings.
offset integer
Index of the first item returned in the response.
Example: 20
limit integer
Maximum number of items returned per page.
Example: 20
total integer
Total number of items returned.
Example: 2
data array[object]
Data array containing search results.
href string
Absolute URL that returns the details of the given change.
type string
Asset instance change request type.
uuid string
Asset change request identifier.
Example: 38a1eb68-4daf-4ef0-bd7f-6970727b6fc1
status string
Asset change request status.
createdDateTime string
Change request creation timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format.
Example: 2021-07-15T19:30:29.526Z
updatedDateTime string
Change request update timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format.
Example: 2021-07-15T19:30:29.526Z

If you get an “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for help.

Get Specified Fabric Network Change

 GET /fabric/v4/networks/{networkUuid}/changes/{changeUuid}
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/networks/{networkUuid}/changes/{changeUuid}
Path Parametersuuid
Query ParametersNot applicable
Body ParametersNot applicable

This API request returns a specified changelog item for a given Fabric network instance.


To obtain an authorization token, see the Getting Access Token section under Requesting Access and Refresh Tokens.

Sample curl request

curl -X GET ''
-H 'Authorization: Bearer 000aI9YU3IRxFjQsuSyVhBSvfQAo'

Path parameters

networkUuid string
Fabric network instance identifier.
changeUuid string
Changelog item identifier.

Sample response

"pagination": {
"offset": 0,
"limit": 20,
"total": 2
"data": [
"href": "",
"uuid": "4b17da68-3d6b-436d-9c8f-2105f3b950d9",
"status": "COMPLETED",
"createdDateTime": "2020-05-21T10:30:00Z",
"updatedDateTime": "2020-05-21T10:30:50Z"
"href": "",
"uuid": "da2a2f1b-9ba0-415b-85d6-234bd4c737ec",
"status": "REQUESTED",
"createdDateTime": "2020-05-21T10:30:00Z",
"updatedDateTime": "2020-05-21T10:30:00Z"

Response payload body description

href string
Absolute URL that returns the details of the given change.
type string
Asset instance change request type.
uuid string
Asset change request identifier.
Example: 38a1eb68-4daf-4ef0-bd7f-6970727b6fc1
status string
Asset change request status.
createdDateTime string
Change request creation timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format.
Example: 2021-07-15T19:30:29.526Z
updatedDateTime string
Change request update timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format.
Example: 2021-07-15T19:30:29.526Z

If you get an “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for help.

Precision Time

Get Time Service

 GET /fabric/v4/timeServices/{serviceId}
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/timeServices/{serviceId}
Path ParametersserviceId
Query ParametersNot applicable
Body ParametersNot applicable

Returns precision time service details.


For instructions on how to obtain an authorization token, refer to Requesting Access and Refresh Tokens.

Sample curl request

curl -X
GET ''
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'

Path parameters

uuid string
Equinix-assigned service Id.

Sample response

"href": "",
"uuid": "a8ba52de-faae-43b5-b0b1-6904d37ee011",
"name": "EPT-Single-Service",
"type": "NTP",
"state": "PROVISIONING",
"connections": [
"href": "",
"uuid": "06dbb0e3-e55d-4090-8aff-fc5654abaad0"
"package": {
"href": "",
"code": "NTP_STANDARD"
"ipv4": {
"primary": "",
"secondary": "",
"networkMask": "",
"defaultGateway": ""
"account": {
"accountNumber": 123456

Response payload body description

href string
An absolute URL that has the location of the EPT service.
uuid string
Equinix-assigned time service identifier.
Example: 3a58dd05-f46d-4b1d-a154-2e85c396ea62
name string
Time service name.
Example: EPT-Single-Service
type string
Type of time service.
  • NTP.
  • PTP
state string
State of the time service.
connections array
An array of connection objects.
href string
An absolute URL that has the location of the connection.
uuid string
Unique identifier of the connection.
Example: 06dbb0e3-e55d-4090-8aff-fc5654abaad0
package object
Package details.
href string
An absolute URL that has the location of the package.
code string
Cloud router package code.
ipv4 object
EPT service network information.
primary string
Primary ipv4.
secondary string
Secondary ipv4.
networkMask string
Network mask.
defaultGateway string
Default gateway.
account object
Customer account information.
accountNumber integer
Equinix-assigned account number.
Example: 270106

If you get an “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for Equinix Fabric Portal access.

Delete Time Service

 DELETE /fabric/v4/timeServices/{serviceId}
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/timeServices/{serviceId}
Path ParametersserviceId
Query ParametersNot applicable
Body ParametersNot applicable

Deletes precision time service by its unique identifier.


For instructions on how to obtain an authorization token, refer to Requesting Access and Refresh Tokens.

Sample curl request

curl -X
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'

Path parameters

uuid string
Equinix-assigned service Id.

Sample response

"href": "",
"uuid": "a8ba52de-faae-43b5-b0b1-6904d37ee011",
"name": "EPT-Single-Service",
"type": "NTP",
"state": "PROVISIONING",
"connections": [
"href": "",
"uuid": "06dbb0e3-e55d-4090-8aff-fc5654abaad0"
"package": {
"href": "",
"code": "NTP_STANDARD"
"ipv4": {
"primary": "",
"secondary": "",
"networkMask": "",
"defaultGateway": ""
"account": {
"accountNumber": 123456

Refer to the response of Get Time Service for the field descriptions.


If you get an “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for Equinix Fabric Portal access.

Patch Time Service

 PATCH /fabric/v4/timeServices/{serviceId}
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/timeServices/{serviceId}
Path ParametersserviceId
Query ParametersNot applicable
Body Parametersop, path, value

Updates time service parameters by ihe unique identifier of the service.


For instructions on how to obtain an authorization token, refer to Requesting Access and Refresh Tokens.

Sample curl request

curl -X
PATCH 'https: //'
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-d '[
"op": "replace",
"path": "/name",
"value": "EPT-Single-Service"

Path parameters

uuid string
Equinix-assigned service identifier.
Example: 3a58dd05-f46d-4b1d-a154-2e85c396ea62

Body parameters

op string
Request type.
Applicable values:
  • replace
  • add
  • remove
path string
The field you wish to replace.
Applicable values:
  • /name
  • /ipv4
  • /advanceConfiguration/ntp
  • /advanceConfiguration/ptp
  • /package
value string
New field value.

Sample response

"href": "",
"uuid": "a8ba52de-faae-43b5-b0b1-6904d37ee011",
"name": "EPT-Single-Service",
"type": "NTP",
"state": "PROVISIONING",
"connections": [
"href": "",
"uuid": "06dbb0e3-e55d-4090-8aff-fc5654abaad0"
"package": {
"href": "",
"code": "NTP_STANDARD"
"ipv4": {
"primary": "",
"secondary": "",
"networkMask": "",
"defaultGateway": ""
"account": {
"accountNumber": 123456

Refer to the response of Get Time Service for the field descriptions.


If you get an “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for Equinix Fabric Portal access.

Create Time Service

 POST /fabric/v4/timeServices
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/timeServices
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Path ParametersNot applicable
Query ParametersNot applicable
Body Parameterstype, name, connections, package, ipv4, advanceConfiguration

Creates a time service.

Sample curl request - create an NTP Standard Service

curl -X
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-d '{
"name": "EPT-Single-Service",
"type": "NTP",
"connections": [
"uuid": "06dbb0e3-e55d-4090-8aff-fc5654abaad0"
"package": {
"code": "NTP_STANDARD"
"ipv4": {
"primary": "",
"secondary": "",
"networkMask": "",
"defaultGateway": ""

Sample curl request - create a PTP Standard Service

curl -X
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-d '{
"name": "EPT-Single-Service",
"type": "PTP",
"connections": [
"uuid": "06dbb0e3-e55d-4090-8aff-fc5654abaad0"
"package": {
"code": "PTP_STANDARD"
"ipv4": {
"primary": "",
"secondary": "",
"networkMask": "",
"defaultGateway": ""

Sample curl request - create a PTP service with advanced configuration

curl -X
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-d '{
"name": "EPT-Single-Service",
"type": "PTP",
"connections": [
"uuid": "06dbb0e3-e55d-4090-8aff-fc5654abaad0"
"package": {
"code": "PTP_STANDARD"
"ipv4": {
"primary": "",
"secondary": "",
"networkMask": "",
"defaultGateway": ""
"advanceConfiguration": {
"ptp": {
"tailScale": true,
"domain": 10,
"priority1": 5,
"priority2": 7,
"logAnnounceInterval": 0,
"logSyncInterval": 0,
"logDelayReqInterval": 0

Body parameters

type string
Type of service.
Applicable values:
  • PTP
  • NTP
name string
Name of time service.
Applicable values:
  • Maximum: 24 characters
  • Allowed characters: alpha-numeric, hyphens ('-') and underscores ('_')
Example: EPT-Single-Service
connections array
An array of objects with unique identifiers of connections.
uuid string
Unique identifier of connection.
Example: 06dbb0e3-e55d-4090-8aff-fc5654abaad
package object
An object that has the package code.
code string
Package code.
Applicable values:
ipv4 object
An object that has Network IP Configurations for Timing Master Servers.
primary string
IPv4 address for the Primary Timing Master Server.
secondary string
IPv4 address for the Secondary Timing Master Server.
networkMask string
IPv4 address that defines the range of consecutive subnets in the network.
defaultGateway string
IPv4 address that establishes the Routing Interface where traffic is directed. It serves as the next hop in the Network.
advanceConfiguration object
An object that has advanced configuration options.
ptp object
An object that has advanced PTP configuration.
tailScale boolean
Time scale value. ARB denotes Arbitrary, and PTP denotes Precision Time Protocol.
domain integer
Represents the domain number associated with the PTP profile. This is used to differentiate multiple PTP networks within a single physical network.
priority1 integer
Specifies the priority level 1 for the clock. The value helps in determining the best clock in the PTP network. Lower values are considered higher priority.
priority2 integer
Specifies the priority level 2 for the clock. It acts as a tie-breaker if multiple clocks have the same priority 1 value. Lower values are considered higher priority.
logAnnounceInterval integer
Represents the log2 interval between consecutive PTP announce messages. For example, a value of 0 implies an interval of 2^0 = 1 second.
logSyncInterval integer
Represents the log2 interval between consecutive PTP synchronization messages. A value of 0 implies an interval of 2^0 = 1 second.
logDelayReqInterval integer
Represents the log2 interval between consecutive PTP delay request messages. A value of 0 implies an interval of 2^0 = 1 second.

Sample response

"href": "",
"uuid": "a8ba52de-faae-43b5-b0b1-6904d37ee011",
"name": "EPT-Single-Service",
"type": "NTP",
"state": "PROVISIONING",
"connections": [
"href": "",
"uuid": "06dbb0e3-e55d-4090-8aff-fc5654abaad0"
"package": {
"href": "",
"code": "NTP_STANDARD"
"ipv4": {
"primary": "",
"secondary": "",
"networkMask": "",
"defaultGateway": ""
"account": {
"accountNumber": 123456

Refer to the response of Get Time Service for the field descriptions.


If you get an “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for Equinix Fabric Portal access.

Route Filters

Create Route Filter

 POST /fabric/v4/routeFilters
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/routeFilters
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Path ParametersNot applicable
Query ParametersNot applicable
Body Parameterstype, name, description, project

Creates a Route Filter

Sample curl request

curl -X
POST 'https: //'
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-d '
"name": "My-route-filter-v4",
"description": "Test filter",
"project": {
"projectId": 567

Body parameters

type string
Route filter type.
name string
Example: My-direct-route-1
description string
Connection description.
Example:Test filter
project object
An object that has the project Id.
projectId string
Project Id.
Example: 567

Sample response

"href": "",
"uuid": "695a8471-6595-4ac6-a2f4-b3d96ed3a59d",
"name": "My-prefix-filter-v4",
"description": "Test filter",
"state": "PROVISIONING",
"change": {
"href": "",
"uuid": "04af0d37-9160-43d8-97ef-9da9786996a3"
"notMatchedRuleAction": "DENY",
"connectionsCount": 0,
"project": {
"href": "",
"projectId": 567
"changeLog": {
"createdBy": "testuser",
"createdByEmail": "",
"createdByFullName": "testuser testuser",
"createdDateTime": "2020-05-21T10:30:00Z"

Response description

href string
Route filter URI.
type string
Route filter type.
uuid string
Route filter Id.
Example: 65b025ef-022b-4180-85cf-82cfc1ab655b
name string
Example: My-direct-route-1
description string
Route filter description.
Example: Test filter
state string
Route filter state.
change object
An object that has the previous change.
href string
Route Filter Change URI.
type string
Type of change.
uuid string
Uniquely identifies a change.
Example: 65b025ef-022b-4180-85cf-82cfc1ab655b
notMatchedRuleAction string
Not matched rule action.
  • DENY
connectionsCount integer
Connections count.
Example: 0
project object
An object that has the project Id.
projectId string
Project Id.
Example: 567
href string
URI of the project.
changeLog object
A permanent record of asset creation, modification, or deletion.
createdBy string
Identity of the asset creator.
Example: AverageJoe
createdByFullName string
First and last name of the asset creator.
Example: Joe Average
createdByEmail string
Email address of the asset creator.
createdDateTime string
Asset creation timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.000+0000
Example: 2021-07-15T19:30:29.526Z

Get Route Filter

 GET /fabric/v4/routeFilters/{routeFilterId}
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/routeFilters/{routeFilterId}
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Path ParametersrouteFilterId
Query ParametersNot applicable
Body ParametersNot applicable

Returns a Route Filter by its unique Id.

Sample curl request

curl -X
GET 'https: //'
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'

Path parameters

routeFilterId string
Unique Id of a Route Filter.
Example: 3a58dd05-f46d-4b1d-a154-2e85c396ea62

Sample response

"href": "",
"uuid": "695a8471-6595-4ac6-a2f4-b3d96ed3a59d",
"name": "My-prefix-filter-v4",
"description": "Test filter",
"state": "PROVISIONED",
"change": {
"href": "",
"uuid": "04af0d37-9160-43d8-97ef-9da9786996a3"
"notMatchedRuleAction": "DENY",
"connectionsCount": 0,
"project": {
"href": "",
"projectId": 567
"changeLog": {
"createdBy": "testuser",
"createdByEmail": "",
"createdByFullName": "testuser testuser",
"createdDateTime": "2020-05-21T10:30:00Z"

Response description


For a detailed description of the response, refer to the response of Create Route Filter.

Search Route Filters

 POST /fabric/v4/routeFilters/search
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/routeFilters/search
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Path ParametersNot applicable
Query ParametersNot applicable
Body Parametersfilter, pagination, sort

Returns Route Filters that match the provided search criteria.


For instructions on how to obtain an authorization token, refer to Requesting Access and Refresh Tokens.

Sample curl request

curl -X POST ''
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-d '{
"filter": {
"and": [
"property": "/type",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
"property": "/name",
"operator": "like",
"values": [
"property": "/project/projectId",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
"pagination": {
"limit": 25,
"offset": 0,
"total": 0
"sort": [
"property": "/changeLog/updatedDateTime",
"direction": "DESC"

Body parameters

filter object
Object defining search conditions.
and array[object]
Array of search parameters.
property string
Search parameter.
Applicable values:
  • /type
  • /name
  • /project/projectId
  • /uuid
  • /state
operator string
Search parameter operator.
Applicable values:
  • =
  • LIKE
values string
Search parameter value.
pagination object
Pagination settings.
offset integer
Index of the first item returned in the response.
Minimum: 0
Default value: 0
limit integer
Maximum number of items returned per page.
Minimum: 1
Maximum: 100
Default value: 20
sort object
Sorting settings.
direction string
Sorting direction.
Applicable values:
  • ASC
  • DESC
property string
Sorting parameter.
Applicable values:
  • /type
  • /name
  • /project/projectId
  • /uuid
  • /state
"property": "/type",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
operator string
Search parameter.
Applicable values:
  • =
value array[string]
Route Filter type.
"property": "/name",
"operator": "LIKE",
"values": [
operator string
Search parameter .
Applicable values:
  • =
  • LIKE
value array[string]
Route Filter name.
Example: ["%Route_filter_demo%"]
"property": "/project/projectId",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
operator string
Search parameter.
Applicable values:
  • =
value array[string]
Project Id.
Example: ["567"]
"property": "/uuid",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
operator string
Search parameter.
Applicable values:
  • =
value array[string]
Route Filter Id.
Example: ["3a58dd05-f46d-4b1d-a154-2e85c396ea62"]
"property": "/state",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
operator string
Search parameter.
Applicable values:
  • =
value array[integer]
Route filter state.

Sample response

"pagination": {
"offset": 0,
"limit": 20,
"total": 2,
"next": null,
"previous": null
"data": [
"href": "",
"uuid": "695a8471-6595-4ac6-a2f4-b3d96ed3a59d",
"name": "My_Route_Filter_Demo_1",
"description": "Test filter",
"state": "PROVISIONING",
"notMatchedRuleAction": "DENY",
"connectionsCount": 1,
"project": {
"href": "",
"projectId": 567
"changeLog": {
"createdBy": "testuser",
"createdByEmail": "",
"createdByFullName": "testuser testuser",
"createdDateTime": "2020-05-21T10:30:00Z"
"href": "",
"uuid": "695a8471-6595-4ac6-a2f4-b3d96ed3a59d",
"name": "My_Route_Filter_Demo_2",
"description": "Test filter",
"state": "PROVISIONING",
"notMatchedRuleAction": "DENY",
"connectionsCount": 0,
"project": {
"href": "",
"projectId": 567
"changeLog": {
"createdBy": "testuser",
"createdByEmail": "",
"createdByFullName": "testuser testuser",
"createdDateTime": "2020-05-21T10:30:00Z"

Response payload body description


For a detailed description of the response, refer to the response of Create Route Filter.

Patch Route Filter

 PATCH /fabric/v4/routeFilters/{routeFilterId}
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/routeFilters/{routeFilterId}
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Path ParametersrouteFilterId
Query ParametersNot applicable
Body Parametersop, path, value

Updates a Route Filter partially.

Sample curl request

curl -X
PATCH 'https: //'
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-d '
"op": "replace",
"path": "/name",
"value": "My-route-filter-v4-updated"

Path parameters

routeFilterId string
Unique Id of a Route Filter.
Example: 3a58dd05-f46d-4b1d-a154-2e85c396ea62

Body parameters

op string
Update request type.
Example: replace
path string
Parameter path.
Example: /name
value string
New parameter value.
Example: My-route-filter-updated

Sample response

"href": "",
"uuid": "695a8471-6595-4ac6-a2f4-b3d96ed3a59d",
"name": "My-prefix-filter-v4",
"description": "Test filter",
"change": {
"href": "",
"uuid": "04af0d37-9160-43d8-97ef-9da9786996a3"
"notMatchedRuleAction": "DENY",
"connectionsCount": 0,
"project": {
"href": "",
"projectId": 567
"changeLog": {
"createdBy": "testuser",
"createdByEmail": "",
"createdByFullName": "testuser testuser",
"createdDateTime": "2020-05-21T10:30:00Z"

Response description


For a detailed description of the response, refer to the response of Create Route Filter.

Delete Route Filter

 DELETE /fabric/v4/routeFilters/{routeFilterId}
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/routeFilters/{routeFilterId}
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Path ParametersrouteFilterId
Query ParametersNot applicable
Body ParametersNot applicable

Deletes a Route Filter by its unique Id.

Sample curl request

curl -X
DELETE 'https: //'
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'

Path parameters

routeFilterId string
Unique Id of a Route Filter.
Example: 3a58dd05-f46d-4b1d-a154-2e85c396ea62

Sample response

"href": "",
"uuid": "695a8471-6595-4ac6-a2f4-b3d96ed3a59d",
"name": "My-prefix-filter-v4",
"description": "Test filter",
"change": {
"href": "",
"uuid": "04af0d37-9160-43d8-97ef-9da9786996a3"
"notMatchedRuleAction": "DENY",
"connectionsCount": 0,
"project": {
"href": "",
"projectId": 567
"changeLog": {
"createdBy": "testuser",
"createdByEmail": "",
"createdByFullName": "testuser testuser",
"createdDateTime": "2020-05-21T10:30:00Z"

Response description


For a detailed description of the response, refer to the response of Create Route Filter.

Attach Route Filter To Connection

 PUT /fabric/v4/connections/{connectionId}/routeFilters/{routeFilterId}
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/connections/{connectionId}/routeFilters/{routeFilterId}
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Path ParametersconnectionId, routeFilterId
Query ParametersNot applicable
Body ParametersNot applicable

Attaches a Route Filter to a Connection.

Sample curl request

curl -X
PUT 'https: //'
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-d '
"direction": "INBOUND"

Path parameters

connectionId string
Unique Id of a connection.
Example: 3a58dd05-f46d-4b1d-a154-2e85c396ea62
routeFilterId string
Unique Id of a Route Filter.
Example: 3a58dd05-f46d-4b1d-a154-2e85c396ea62

Body parameters

direction string
Direction of the connection.

Sample response

"href": "",
"uuid": "695a8471-6595-4ac6-a2f4-b3d96ed3a59d",
"attachmentStatus": "ATTACHING",
"direction": "INBOUND"

Response description


For a detailed description of the response, refer to the response of Get Route Filter With Connection.

Detach Route Filter From Connection

 DELETE /fabric/v4/connections/{connectionId}/routeFilters/{routeFilterId}
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/connections/{connectionId}/routeFilters/{routeFilterId}
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Path ParametersconnectionId, routeFilterId
Query ParametersNot applicable
Body ParametersNot applicable

Deletes a Route Filter attached to a connection.

Sample curl request

curl -X
DELETE 'https: //'
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'

Path parameters

connectionId string
Unique Id of a connection.
Example: 3a58dd05-f46d-4b1d-a154-2e85c396ea62
routeFilterId string
Unique Id of a Route Filter.
Example: 3a58dd05-f46d-4b1d-a154-2e85c396ea62

Sample response

"href": "",
"uuid": "695a8471-6595-4ac6-a2f4-b3d96ed3a59d",
"attachmentStatus": "DETACHING",
"direction": "INBOUND"

Response description


For a detailed description of the response, refer to the response of Get Route Filter.

Get Route Filter With Connection

 GET /fabric/v4/connections/{connectionId}/routeFilters/{routeFilterId}
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/connections/{connectionId}/routeFilters/{routeFilterId}
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Path ParametersconnectionId, routeFilterId
Query ParametersNot applicable
Body ParametersNot applicable

Returns a Route Filter attached to a connection.

Sample curl request

curl -X
GET 'https: //'
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'

Path parameters

connectionId string
Unique Id of a connection.
Example: 3a58dd05-f46d-4b1d-a154-2e85c396ea62
routeFilterId string
Unique Id of a Route Filter.
Example: 3a58dd05-f46d-4b1d-a154-2e85c396ea62

Sample response

"href": "",
"uuid": "695a8471-6595-4ac6-a2f4-b3d96ed3a59d",
"attachmentStatus": "ATTACHED",
"direction": "INBOUND"

Response description

href string
Route filter URI.
type string
Route filter type.
uuid string
Route filter Id.
Example: 65b025ef-022b-4180-85cf-82cfc1ab655b
attachmentStatus string
Attachment status.
direction string

Get Route Filters With Connection

 GET /fabric/v4/connections/{connectionId}/routeFilters
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/connections/{connectionId}/routeFilters
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Path ParametersconnectionId
Query Parametersoffset, limit
Body ParametersNot applicable

Returns all Route Filters attached to a connection.

Sample curl request

curl -X
GET 'https: //'
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'

Path parameters

connectionId string
Unique Id of a connection.
Example: 3a58dd05-f46d-4b1d-a154-2e85c396ea62

Query parameters

offset integer
Index of the first item returned in the response.
Minimum: 0
Default: 0
limit integer
Maximum number of items returned per data page.
Minimum: 1
Default: 20

Sample response

"pagination": {
"offset": 0,
"limit": 20,
"total": 4,
"next": null,
"previous": null
"data": [
"href": "",
"uuid": "695a8471-6595-4ac6-a2f4-b3d96ed3a59d",
"attachmentStatus": "DETACHING",
"direction": "INBOUND"
"href": "",
"uuid": "65d74639-8f48-4e10-9684-45d364645e97",
"attachmentStatus": "ATTACHED",
"direction": "OUTBOUND"

Response description

pagination object
Pagination settings.
offset integer
Index of the first item returned.
Example: 0
limit integer
Maximum number of items returned per page.
Example: 20
total integer
Total number of items returned.
Example: 10
next string
Next data page URL.
Example: /search?offset=40&limit=20
previous string
Previous data page URL.
Example: /search?offset=0&limit=20
data array[object]
List of Route Filters attached to the connection.
href string
Route filter URI.
type string
Route filter type.
uuid string
Route filter Id.
Example: 65b025ef-022b-4180-85cf-82cfc1ab655b
attachmentStatus string
Attachment status.
direction string

Get Connections Of Route Filter

 GET /fabric/v4/routeFilters/{routeFilterId}/connections
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/routeFilters/{routeFilterId}/connections
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Path ParametersrouteFilterId
Query ParametersNot applicable
Body ParametersNot applicable

Returns connections of a Route Filter Id.

Sample curl request

curl -X
GET 'https: //'
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'

Path parameters

routeFilterId string
Unique Id of a Route Filter.
Example: 3a58dd05-f46d-4b1d-a154-2e85c396ea62

Sample response

"pagination": {
"offset": 0,
"limit": 20,
"total": 1,
"next": null,
"previous": null
"data": {
"href": "",
"type": "IP_VC",
"name": "test-connection",
"uuid": "05de355a-6c9d-4636-8d7d-7b7595821c15"

Response description

pagination object
Pagination settings.
offset integer
Index of the first item returned.
Example: 0
limit integer
Maximum number of items returned per page.
Example: 20
total integer
Total number of items returned.
Example: 10
next string
Next data page URL.
Example: /search?offset=40&limit=20
previous string
Previous data page URL.
Example: /search?offset=0&limit=20
data array[object]
List of connections of the Route Filter Id.
href string
Connection URI.
type string
Connection type.
  • IP_VC
uuid string
Route filter Id.
Example: 65b025ef-022b-4180-85cf-82cfc1ab655b
name string
Connection name.
Example Connection-1


If you get an “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for Equinix Fabric Portal access.

Route Filter Rules

Create Route Filter Rule

 POST /fabric/v4/routeFilters/{routeFilterId}/routeFilterRules
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/routeFilters/{routeFilterId}/routeFilterRules
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Path ParametersrouteFilterId
Query ParametersNot applicable
Body ParametersName, description, prefix, prefixMatch

Creates a Route Filter Rule.

Sample curl request

curl -X
POST 'https: //'
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-d '
"name": "Private-subnet-filter",
"description": "Test rule",
"prefix": "",
"prefixMatch": "exact"

Path parameters

routeFilterId string
Route Filter Id.
Example: 3a58dd05-f46d-4b1d-a154-2e85c396ea62

Body parameters

name string
Example: Private-subnet-filter-2
description string
Filter rule description.
Example: Test-rule
prefix string
prefixMatch string
Prefix matching operator. Default: "orlonger"
Example: exact

Sample response

"href": "",
"uuid": "9890d520-1579-4489-8003-154b34b8f403",
"state": "PROVISIONING",
"name": "Private-subnet-filter",
"description": "Test rule",
"change": {
"href": "",
"uuid": "ff9653dc-88c5-47b5-b552-8a08d2f73f7e"
"action": "PERMIT",
"prefix": "",
"prefixMatch": "exact",
"changeLog": {
"createdBy": "testuser",
"createdByEmail": "",
"createdByFullName": "testuser testuser",
"createdDateTime": "2020-05-21T10:30:00Z"

Response description

href string
Route filter rules URI.
type string
Route filter type.
uuid string
Route filter rule Id.
Example: 65b025ef-022b-4180-85cf-82cfc1ab655b
state string
Route filter rule state.
name string
Example: Private-subnet-filter-2
description string
Filter rule description.
Example: Test-rule
prefixMatch string
Prefix matching operator.
  • exact
  • orlonger
action string
Example: PERMIT
prefix string
change object
An object that has the previous change.
href string
Route Filter Change URI.
type string
Type of change.
uuid string
Uniquely identifies a change.
Example: 65b025ef-022b-4180-85cf-82cfc1ab655b
changeLog object
A permanent record of asset creation, modification, or deletion.
createdBy string
Identity of the asset creator.
Example: AverageJoe
createdByFullName string
First and last name of the asset creator.
Example: Joe Average
createdByEmail string
Email address of the asset creator.
createdDateTime string
Asset creation timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.000+0000
Example: 2021-07-15T19:30:29.526Z

Create Route Filter Rules

 POST /fabric/v4/routeFilters/{routeFilterId}/routeFilterRules/bulk
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/routeFilters/{routeFilterId}/routeFilterRules/bulk
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Path ParametersrouteFilterId
Query ParametersNot applicable
Body ParametersName, description, prefix, prefixMatch

Creates Route Filter Rules in bulk.

Sample curl request

curl -X
POST 'https: //'
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-d '
"data": [
"name": "Private-subnet-filter",
"description": "string",
"prefix": "",
"prefixMatch": "orlonger"

Path parameters

routeFilterId string
Route Filter Id.
Example: 3a58dd05-f46d-4b1d-a154-2e85c396ea62

Body parameters

data array
An array of Route Filter Rules.
name string
Example: Private-subnet-filter-2
description string
Filter rule description.
Example: Test-rule
prefix string
prefixMatch string
Prefix matching operator. Default: orlonger.
  • exact
  • orlonger

Sample response

"pagination": {
"offset": 0,
"limit": 20,
"total": 2,
"next": null,
"previous": null
"data": [
"href": "",
"uuid": "65b025ef-022b-4180-85cf-82cfc1ab655b",
"state": "PROVISIONING",
"name": "Private-subnet-filter-2",
"description": "Test rule",
"prefixMatch": "exact",
"action": "PERMIT",
"prefix": "",
"change": {
"href": "",
"uuid": "9397f111-19aa-489c-b3c7-349c86818f2d"
"changeLog": {
"createdBy": "testuser",
"createdByEmail": "",
"createdByFullName": "testuser testuser",
"createdDateTime": "2020-05-21T10:30:00Z"

Response description

pagination object
Search results pagination settings.
offset integer
Index of the first item returned in the response.
Example: 0
limit integer
Maximum number of items returned per page.
Example: 20
total integer
Total number of items returned.
Example: 10
next string
Next data page URL.
Example: /search?offset=40&limit=20
previous string
Previous data page URL.
Example: /search?offset=0&limit=20
data array[object]
Data array containing objects that match the provided search criteria.
href string
Route filter rules URI.
type string
Route filter type.
uuid string
Route filter rule Id.
Example: 65b025ef-022b-4180-85cf-82cfc1ab655b
state string
Route filter rule state.
name string
Example: Private-subnet-filter-2
description string
Filter rule description.
Example: Test-rule
prefixMatch string
Prefix matching operator.
  • exact
  • orlonger
action string
Example: PERMIT
prefix string
change object
An object that has the previous change.
href string
Route Filter Change URI.
type string
Type of change.
uuid string
Uniquely identifies a change.
Example: 65b025ef-022b-4180-85cf-82cfc1ab655b
changeLog object
A permanent record of asset creation, modification, or deletion.
createdBy string
Identity of the asset creator.
Example: AverageJoe
createdByFullName string
First and last name of the asset creator.
Example: Joe Average
createdByEmail string
Email address of the asset creator.
createdDateTime string
Asset creation timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.000+0000
Example: 2021-07-15T19:30:29.526Z

Get Route Filter Rule

 GET /fabric/v4/routeFilters/{routeFilterId}/routeFilterRules/{routeFilterRuleId}
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/routeFilters/{routeFilterId}/routeFilterRules/{routeFilterRuleId}
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Path ParametersrouteFilterId, routeFilterRuleId
Query ParametersNot applicable
Body ParametersNot applicable

Returns a specific Route Filter Rule by its unique Id.

Sample curl request

curl -X
GET 'https: //'
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'

Path parameters

routeFilterId string
Route Filter Id.
Example: 3a58dd05-f46d-4b1d-a154-2e85c396ea62
routeFilterRuleId string
Route Filter Rule Id.
Example: 7658dd05-f46d-4b1d-a154-2e85c396ea94

Response description


For a detailed description of the response, refer to the response of Create Route Filter Rule.

Get Route Filter Rules

 GET /fabric/v4/routeFilters/{routeFilterId}/routeFilterRules
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/routeFilters/{routeFilterId}/routeFilterRules
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Path ParametersrouteFilterId
Query Parametersoffset, limit
Body ParametersNot applicable

Returns all Route Filter Rules for Fabric.

Sample curl request

curl -X
GET 'https: //'
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'

Path parameters

routeFilterId string
Route Filter Id.
Example: 3a58dd05-f46d-4b1d-a154-2e85c396ea62

Query parameters

offset integer
Index of the first item returned in the response.
Minimum: 0
Default: 0
limit integer
Maximum number of items returned per data page.
Minimum: 1
Default: 20

Response description


For a detailed description of the response, refer to the response of Create Route Filter Rules.

Patch Route Filter Rule

 PATCH /fabric/v4/routeFilters/{routeFilterId}/routeFilterRules/{routeFilterRuleId}
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/routeFilters/{routeFilterId}/routeFilterRules/{routeFilterRuleId}
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Path ParametersrouteFilterId, routeFilterRuleId
Query ParametersNot applicable
Body Parametersop, path, value

Partially updates a Route Filter Rule.

Sample curl request

curl -X
PATCH 'https: //'
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-d '
"op": "replace",
"path": "/prefixMatch",
"value": "orlonger"

Path parameters

routeFilterId string
Route Filter Id.
Example: 3a58dd05-f46d-4b1d-a154-2e85c396ea62
routeFilterRuleId string
Route Filter Rule Id.
Example: 7658dd05-f46d-4b1d-a154-2e85c396ea94

Body parameters

op string
Update request type.
Example: replace
path string
Parameter path.
Example: /prefixMatch
value string
New parameter value.
Example: orlonger

Sample response

"href": "",
"uuid": "9890d520-1579-4489-8003-154b34b8f403",
"name": "Private-subnet-filter-update",
"description": "Test rule",
"prefixMatch": "exact",
"action": "PERMIT",
"change": {
"href": "",
"uuid": "a25ca469-721a-4614-89a9-cdef287aa628"
"prefix": "",
"changeLog": {
"createdBy": "testuser",
"createdByEmail": "",
"createdByFullName": "testuser testuser",
"createdDateTime": "2020-05-21T10:30:00Z",
"updatedBy": "testuser1",
"updatedByEmail": "",
"updatedByFullName": "testuser testuser",
"updatedDateTime": "2020-05-21T10:30:00Z"

Response description


For a detailed description of the response, refer to the response of Create Route Filter Rule.

Replace Route Filter Rule

 PUT /fabric/v4/routeFilters/{routeFilterId}/routeFilterRules/{routeFilterRuleId}
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/routeFilters/{routeFilterId}/routeFilterRules/{routeFilterRuleId}
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Path ParametersrouteFilterId, routeFilterRuleId
Query ParametersNot applicable
Body Parametersname, description, prefix, prefixMatch

Completely updates a Route Filter Rule.

Sample curl request

curl -X
PUT 'https: //'
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-d '
"name": "Private-subnet-filter-update",
"description": "Test rule",
"prefix": "",
"prefixMach": "exact"

Path parameters

routeFilterId string
Route Filter Id.
Example: 3a58dd05-f46d-4b1d-a154-2e85c396ea62
routeFilterRuleId string
Route Filter Rule Id.
Example: 7658dd05-f46d-4b1d-a154-2e85c396ea94

Body parameters

name string
Example: Private-subnet-filter-2
description string
Filter rule description.
Example: Test-rule
prefix string
prefixMatch string
Prefix matching operator. Default: orlonger.
Example: exact

Sample response

"href": "",
"uuid": "9890d520-1579-4489-8003-154b34b8f403",
"name": "Private-subnet-filter-update",
"description": "Test rule",
"prefixMatch": "exact",
"action": "PERMIT",
"change": {
"href": "",
"uuid": "a25ca469-721a-4614-89a9-cdef287aa628"
"prefix": "",
"changeLog": {
"createdBy": "testuser",
"createdByEmail": "",
"createdByFullName": "testuser testuser",
"createdDateTime": "2020-05-21T10:30:00Z",
"updatedBy": "testuser1",
"updatedByEmail": "",
"updatedByFullName": "testuser testuser",
"updatedDateTime": "2020-05-21T10:30:00Z"

Response description


For a detailed description of the response, refer to the response of Create Route Filter Rule.

Delete Route Filter Rule

 DELETE /fabric/v4/routeFilters/{routeFilterId}/routeFilterRules/{routeFilterRuleId}
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/routeFilters/{routeFilterId}/routeFilterRules/{routeFilterRuleId}
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Path ParametersrouteFilterId, routeFilterRuleId
Query ParametersNot applicable
Body ParametersNot applicable

Deletes a Route Filter Rule by its unique Id.

Sample curl request

curl -X
DELETE 'https: //'
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'

Path parameters

routeFilterId string
Route Filter Id.
Example: 3a58dd05-f46d-4b1d-a154-2e85c396ea62
routeFilterRuleId string
Route Filter Rule Id.
Example: 7658dd05-f46d-4b1d-a154-2e85c396ea94

Sample response

"href": "",
"uuid": "9890d520-1579-4489-8003-154b34b8f403",
"name": "Private-subnet-filter",
"description": "Test rule",
"change": {
"href": "",
"uuid": "e8528788-14d3-4a7b-a740-99b702067485"
"action": "PERMIT",
"prefix": "",
"prefixMatch": "exact",
"changeLog": {
"createdBy": "testuser",
"createdByEmail": "",
"createdByFullName": "testuser testuser",
"createdDateTime": "2020-05-21T10:30:00Z",
"updatedBy": "testuser1",
"updatedByEmail": "",
"updatedByFullName": "testuser testuser",
"updatedDateTime": "2020-05-21T10:30:00Z",
"deletedBy": "testuser1",
"deletedByEmail": "",
"deletedByFullName": "testuser testuser",
"deletedDateTime": "2020-05-21T10:30:00Z"

Response description


For a detailed description of the response, refer to the response of Create Route Filter Rule.


If you get an “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for Equinix Fabric Portal access.