400: Bad Request
The 400 (Bad request) status code indicates that server cannot process the request due to something that is perceived to be a client error (for example, the syntax of the request was malformed or the authorization was invalid).
Code | 400 |
Description | Validation Error. |
Generic Cause | Malformed request due to field or business validation. |
Quick Fix | Ensure the payload sent adheres to the parameter requirements. |
There are different types of validation errors and this section provides sample error scenarios as well as tips on how to identify where the error occurred.
IC-LAYER2-402: Maximum 24 Characters
Code | IC - LAYER2 - 402 |
Description | Invalid request. |
Generic Cause | Value exceeds the configured limit of characters. |
Quick Fix | Rename the value to satisfy the criteria. |
MESSAGE: "Invalid Request"
MOREINFO: "Size: Max 24 characters are allowed for Primary Connection Name"
PROPERTY: "PrimaryName"
Verify the length of the primaryName body parameter and modify the value accordingly.
Rename the primaryName to John_Demo_Connection.
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/ecx/v3/l2/connections"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
"primaryName": "JohnDoe_Demo_Connection_Testing_Maximum_Characters_Allowed",
"profileUUID": "937d83b1-ce02-452e-b60b-80955eb91c",
"speed": 50,
"speedUnit": "MB",
"notifications": [
"purchaseOrderNumber": "1234567890",
"primaryPortUUID": "7e7374c4-a357-3570-f2e0-30ac195544ce",
"primaryVlanSTag": "555",
"namedTag": "Manual",
"sellerMetroCode": "SV"
IC-LAYER2-402: Invalid Pattern
Code | IC - LAYER2 - 402 |
Description | Invalid request. |
Generic Cause | Invalid argument passed to the method. |
Quick Fix | Verify the PrimaryName value passed. |
MESSAGE: "Invalid Request"
MOREINFO: "Pattern: Only number,characters,'_' and space between words are allowed"
PROPERTY: "PrimaryName"
Verify PrimaryName, remove invalid characters and modify the value as shown below.
Remove the '@' symbol and rename the primaryName to John_Demo_Connection.
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/ecx/v3/l2/connections"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
"primaryName": "JohnDoe_Demo_Connection@",
"profileUUID": "937d83b1-ce02-452e-b60b-80955eb91c",
"speed": 50,
"speedUnit": "MB",
"notifications": [
"purchaseOrderNumber": "1234567890",
"primaryPortUUID": "7e7374c4-a357-3570-f2e0-30ac195544ce",
"primaryVlanSTag": "555",
"namedTag": "Manual",
"sellerMetroCode": "SV"
IC-LAYER2-402: Invalid UUID
Code | IC - LAYER2 - 402 |
Description | Invalid request. |
Generic Cause | Invalid profile UUID passed to the method. |
Quick Fix | Verify the profile UUID value passed. |
MESSAGE: "Invalid Request"
Verify profileUUID and modify the value as shown below.
Rename the profile UUID.
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/ecx/v3/l2/connections"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
"primaryName": "JohnDoe_Demo_Connection",
"profileUUID": "937d83b1-ce02-452e-b60b-80955eb91cxxxxx",
"speed": 50,
"speedUnit": "MB",
"notifications": [
"purchaseOrderNumber": "1234567890",
"primaryPortUUID": "7e7374c4-a357-3570-f2e0-30ac195544ce",
"primaryVlanSTag": "555",
"namedTag": "Manual",
"sellerMetroCode": "SV"
IC-LAYER2-402: Maximum 30 Characters
Code | IC - LAYER2 - 402 |
Description | Invalid request. |
Generic Cause | The value passed to the method exceeds the configured limit of characters. |
Quick Fix | Verify and rename the purchaseOrderNumber to satisfy the criteria. |
MESSAGE: "Invalid Request"
MOREINFO: "Size: Maximum 30 characters allowed on Purchase Order Number"
PROPERTY: "purchaseOrderNumber"
Verify the length of the purchaseOrderNumber argument and modify the value as shown below.
Rename the purchaseOrderNumber to "123456789".
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/ecx/v3/l2/connections"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
"primaryName": "JohnDoe_Demo_Connection",
"profileUUID": "937d83b1-ce02-452e-b60b-80955eb91c",
"speed": 50,
"speedUnit": "MB",
"notifications": [
"purchaseOrderNumber": "12345678909999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999",
"primaryPortUUID": "7e7374c4-a357-3570-f2e0-30ac195544ce",
"primaryVlanSTag": "555",
"namedTag": "Manual",
"sellerMetroCode": "SV"
IC-LAYER2-402: Invalid Enum Value
Code | IC - LAYER2 - 402 |
Description | Invalid request. |
Generic Cause | Invalid value passed in enum. |
Quick Fix | Verify the enum value passed for speedUnit. |
MESSAGE: "Invalid Request"
MOREINFO: "ValidEnum: Invalid value. Valid values are: [MB, GB]"
PROPERTY: "speedUnit"
Verify speedUnit and modify the value as shown below.
Rename speedUnit from "XD" to "MB" or "GB".
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/ecx/v3/l2/connections"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
"primaryName": "JohnDoe_Demo_Connection",
"profileUUID": "937d83b1-ce02-452e-b60b-80955eb91c",
"speed": 50,
"speedUnit": "XD",
"notifications": [
"purchaseOrderNumber": "1234567890",
"primaryPortUUID": "7e7374c4-a357-3570-f2e0-30ac195544ce",
"primaryVlanSTag": "555",
"namedTag": "Manual",
"sellerMetroCode": "SV"
IC-LAYER2-402: C-Tag Range
Code | IC - LAYER2 - 402 |
Description | Invalid request. |
Generic Cause | The value passed for Primary C-Tag exceeds the configured limit of characters. |
Quick Fix | Verify the Primary C-Tag value passed. |
MESSAGE: "Invalid Request"
MOREINFO: "Range: Primary CTag must be between 2 and 4094"
PROPERTY: "primaryVlanCTag"
Verify the length of the primaryVlanCTag and modify the value as shown below.
Rename the primaryVlanCTag to 555.
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/ecx/v3/l2/connections"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
"primaryName": "JohnDoe_Demo_Connection",
"profileUUID": "937d83b1-ce02-452e-b60b-80955eb91c",
"speed": 50,
"speedUnit": "MB",
"notifications": [
"purchaseOrderNumber": "1234567890",
"primaryPortUUID": "7e7374c4-a357-3570-f2e0-30ac195544ce",
"primaryVlanSTag": "555",
"primaryVlanCtag": :555555"
"namedTag": "Manual",
"sellerMetroCode": "SV"
IC-LAYER2-402: S-Tag Range
Code | IC - LAYER2 - 402 |
Description | Invalid request. |
Generic Cause | The value passed for Primary S-Tag exceeds the configured limit of characters. |
Quick Fix | Verify the Primary S-Tag value passed. |
MESSAGE: "Invalid Request"
MOREINFO: "Range: Primary STag must be between 2 and 4094"
PROPERTY: "primaryVlanSTag"
Verify the length of the primaryVlanSTag and modify the value as shown below.
Rename the primaryVlanSTag to 555.
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/ecx/v3/l2/connections"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
"primaryName": "JohnDoe_Demo_Connection",
"profileUUID": "937d83b1-ce02-452e-b60b-80955eb91c",
"speed": 50,
"speedUnit": "MB",
"notifications": [
"purchaseOrderNumber": "1234567890",
"primaryPortUUID": "7e7374c4-a357-3570-f2e0-30ac195544ce",
"primaryVlanSTag": "55555",
"namedTag": "Manual",
"sellerMetroCode": "SV"
IC-LAYER2-402: Invalid Port ID
Code | IC - LAYER2 - 402 |
Description | Invalid request. |
Generic Cause | The value passed for primaryPortUUID doesn't match with the primaryPortUUID criteria. |
Quick Fix | Verify the primaryPortUUID value passed. |
MESSAGE: "Invalid Request"
MOREINFO: "For input string: \"30ac195544cexxx\"
PROPERTY: "primaryPortUUID"
Verify the primaryportUUID and modify the value as shown below.
Rename the primaryportuuid to 7e7374c4-a357-3570-f2e0-30ac195544ce..
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/ecx/v3/l2/connections"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
"primaryName": "JohnDoe_Demo_Connection",
"profileUUID": "937d83b1-ce02-452e-b60b-80955eb91c",
"speed": 50,
"speedUnit": "MB",
"notifications": [
"purchaseOrderNumber": "1234567890",
"primaryPortUUID": "7e7374c4-a357-3570-f2e0-30ac195544cexxxx",
"primaryVlanSTag": "555",
"namedTag": "Manual",
"sellerMetroCode": "SV"
Code | IC - LAYER2 - 4023 |
Description | Connection error. |
Generic Cause | The value passed as connection ID does not exist or does not belong to the user. |
Quick Fix | Verify the connection ID passed in the URL. |
CODE: "IC-LAYER2-4023"
MESSAGE: "Connection does not exist or do not belong to user,Please check connection Id"
PROPERTY: "uuid"
Verify the connection ID passed in the URL and modify the value as shown below.
The endpoint URL is incorrect. Replace the ID with the correct ID.
curl -X
GET "https://api.equinix.com/ecx/v3/l2/connections/97d1850f-4df0-468c-9281-fa7b0dfa2096"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
Code | IC - LAYER2 - AUTH - 006 |
Description | Invalid request. |
Generic Cause | The given named tag has already been used in another connection. |
Quick Fix | Verify whether there is an existing connection with the given NamedTag associated with the given authorization/service key. |
MESSAGE: "Error while validating Authorization Key, NamedTag already in use"
PROPERTY: "authorizationkey"
Verify the namedTag and modify the value as shown below.
Rename the namedTag to another value such as "Public", "Microsoft", or "Manual".
curl -X
GET "https://api.equinix.com/ecx/v3/l2/connections"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
"primaryName": "johnDoePrimary",
"profileUUID": "84c6616c-573a-447d-a478-9fab8fff284d",
"speed": 50,
"speedUnit": "MB",
"purchaseOrderNumber": "",
"primaryPortUUID": "7f891d3b-973e-73e0-bae0-30ac1885197a",
"primaryVlanSTag": "458",
"secondaryName": "johnDoeSecondary",
"secondaryVlanSTag": "442",
"secondaryPortUUID": "7f891d3b-9740-7400-bae0-30ac1885197a",
"namedTag": "Private",
"sellerMetroCode": "SV",
"authorizationKey": "76e781b5-2992-4042-b2a2-37d0d5eb6735",
"notifications": [
Code | IC - LAYER2 - AUTH - 007 |
Description | Invalid request. |
Generic Cause | The given authorization key is not associated with the given seller/destination metro. |
Quick Fix | Verify whether the given authorization key is permitted to create connections to the desired metro. |
MESSAGE: "Authorization Key does not match the destination Metro. Please verify the Authorization key"
PROPERTY: "authorizationKey"
Verify the sellerMetroCode and modify the value as shown below.
Use a SellerMetroCode associated with the given authorization key.
curl -X
GET "https://api.equinix.com/ecx/v3/l2/connections"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
"primaryName": "johnDoePrimary",
"profileUUID": "84c6616c-573a-447d-a478-9fab8fff284d",
"speed": 50,
"speedUnit": "MB",
"purchaseOrderNumber": "",
"primaryPortUUID": "7f891d3b-973e-73e0-bae0-30ac1885197a",
"primaryVlanSTag": "458",
"secondaryName": "johnDoeSecondary",
"secondaryVlanSTag": "442",
"secondaryPortUUID": "7f891d3b-9740-7400-bae0-30ac1885197a",
"namedTag": "Private",
"sellerMetroCode": "SV",
"authorizationKey": "76e781b5-2992-4042-b2a2-37d0d5eb6735",
"notifications": [
Code | IC - LAYER2 - DOT1Q - 001 |
Description | Invalid request. |
Generic Cause | Maximum number of connections reached for a given Microsoft service key. |
Quick Fix | Verify the number of connections under the authorization key and use another key. |
MESSAGE: "Cannot create more than three Dot1Q connections for the given Authorization Key"
PROPERTY: "authorizationKey"
Verify the authorization key and modify the value as shown below.
Use a different authorization key to create the connections.
curl -X
GET "https://api.equinix.com/ecx/v3/l2/connections"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
"primaryName": "JohnDoe_Dot1q_Public",
"profileUUID": "84c6616c-573a-447d-a478-9fab8fff284d",
"speed": 50,
"speedUnit": "MB",
"purchaseOrderNumber": "",
"primaryPortUUID": "7f891d3b-973e-73e0-bae0-30ac1885197a",
"primaryVlanSTag": "458",
"secondaryName": "TestS110",
"secondaryVlanSTag": "442",
"secondaryPortUUID": "7f891d3b-9740-7400-bae0-30ac1885197a",
"namedTag": "Private",
"sellerMetroCode": "SV",
"authorizationKey": "76e781b5-2992-4042-b2a2-37d0d5eb6735",
"notifications": [
Code | IC - LAYER2 - PORTS - 001 |
Description | Invalid request. |
Generic Cause | Incorrect port uuid has been passed. |
Quick Fix | Verify the primaryPortUUID passed. |
MESSAGE: "Port does not exist or not belong to user"
PROPERTY: "primaryPortUUID"
Verify primaryPortUUID and modify the value as shown below.
Add the correct portID.
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/ecx/v3/l2/connections"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
"primaryName": "JohnDoe_Demo_Connection",
"profileUUID": "937d83b1-ce02-452e-b60b-80955eb91c",
"speed": 50,
"speedUnit": "MB",
"notifications": [
"purchaseOrderNumber": "1234567890",
"primaryPortUUID": "7e7374c4-a357-3570-f2e0-30ac195544de",
"primaryVlanSTag": "55555",
"namedTag": "Manual",
"sellerMetroCode": "SV"
Code | IC - LAYER2 - PORTS - 016 |
Description | Invalid request. |
Generic Cause | Different port types used. |
Quick Fix | Verify the secondary port ID passed. |
MESSAGE: "Ports do not have same type (buyout/standard "
MOREINFO: "Primary Buyout Port: Y Secondary Buyout Port: N"
PROPERTY: "secondaryPortUUID"
Verify secondaryPortUUID and modify the value as shown below.
Pass the correct secondary port ID.
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/ecx/v3/l2/connections"
-H "content-type: application/json"
-H "authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
"primaryName": "JohnDoe_Dot1q_Private",
"profileUUID": "84c6616c-573a-447d-a478-9fab8fff284d",
"speed": 50,
"speedUnit": "MB",
"purchaseOrderNumber": "",
"primaryPortUUID": "7f891d3b-973e-73e0-bae0-30ac1885197a",
"primaryVlanSTag": "458",
"secondaryName": "TestS110",
"secondaryVlanSTag": "442",
"secondaryPortUUID": "7f891d3b-9740-7400-bae0-30ac1885197a",
"namedTag": "Private",
"sellerMetroCode": "SV",
"authorizationKey": "76e781b5-2992-4042-b2a2-37d0d5eb6735",
"notifications": [
Code | IC - LAYER2 - REMOTE - 003 |
Description | Invalid request. |
Generic Cause | Invalid metro code passed. |
Quick Fix | Verify and pass the correct metro code. |
MESSAGE: "Metros are not remotely connected"
PROPERTY: "sellerMetroCode"
Verify whether the correct seller metrocode is used and modify the value as shown below.
Rename the sellerMetroCode from "SL" to "SV".
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/ecx/v3/l2/connections"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
"primaryName": "JohnDoe_Demo_Connection",
"profileUUID": "937d83b1-ce02-452e-b60b-80955eb91c",
"speed": 50,
"speedUnit": "MB",
"notifications": [
"purchaseOrderNumber": "1234567890",
"primaryPortUUID": "7e7374c4-a357-3570-f2e0-30ac195544ce",
"primaryVlanSTag": "55555",
"namedTag": "Manual",
"sellerMetroCode": "SL"
Code | IC - LAYER2 - TAGS- 001 |
Description | Invalid request. |
Generic Cause | The given namedTag is not associated with the peering type. |
Quick Fix | Verify whether the coorect namedTag is passed. |
MESSAGE: "Given namedTag doesn't match with seller named tag"
PROPERTY: "namedTag"
Verify the namedTag and modify the value as shown below.
Replace "microsoft" with "Microsoft".
curl -X
GET "https://api.equinix.com/ecx/v3/l2/connections"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
"primaryName": "johnDoePrimary",
"profileUUID": "84c6616c-573a-447d-a478-9fab8fff284d",
"speed": 50,
"speedUnit": "MB",
"purchaseOrderNumber": "",
"primaryPortUUID": "7f891d3b-973e-73e0-bae0-30ac1885197a",
"primaryVlanSTag": "458",
"secondaryName": "johnDoeSecondary",
"secondaryVlanSTag": "442",
"secondaryPortUUID": "7f891d3b-9740-7400-bae0-30ac1885197a",
"namedTag": "microsoft",
"sellerMetroCode": "SV",
"authorizationKey": "76e781b5-2992-4042-b2a2-37d0d5eb6735",
"notifications": [
Code | IC - LAYER2 - VLAN - 005 |
Description | Invalid request. |
Generic Cause | Invalid or inapplicable tagging information sent in request payload. |
Quick Fix | Remove Primary C-Tag from the request payload. |
MESSAGE: "Vlan Inner tag not required"
PROPERTY: "primaryVlanCTag"
Verify whether a primaryVlanCTag is sent and remove the field as shown below.
Remove primaryVlanCTag as its inapplicable.
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/ecx/v3/l2/connections"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
"primaryName": "JohnDoe_Demo_Connection",
"profileUUID": "937d83b1-ce02-452e-b60b-80955eb91c",
"speed": 50,
"speedUnit": "MB",
"notifications": [
"purchaseOrderNumber": "1234567890",
"primaryPortUUID": "7e7374c4-a357-3570-f2e0-30ac195544ce",
"primaryVlanSTag": "55555",
"primaryVlanCTag": "55555",
"namedTag": "Manual",
"sellerMetroCode": "SV"
Code | IC - LAYER2 - VLAN - 007 |
Description | Invalid request. |
Generic Cause | Missing VLAN tagging information in the request payload. |
Quick Fix | Add Primary C-Tag for the request payload. |
MESSAGE: "Vlan Inner tag required"
PROPERTY: "primaryVlanCTag"
Verify whether a primaryVlanCTag is added as shown below.
Add the missing primaryVlanCTag
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/ecx/v3/l2/connections"
-H "content-type: application/json"
-H "authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
"primaryName": "JohnDoeOracleQinQ",
"profileUUID": "c7f5469b-9618-4d8e-b7dc-9e643rd0a8b8",
"speed": 1,
"speedUnit": "GB",
"notifications": [
"purchaseOrderNumber": "1111",
"primaryPortUUID": "7f891e3b-974f-74f0-bae0-30ec1885143a",
"primaryVlanSTag": "3273",
"primaryVlanCTag": "1111",
"sellerRegion": "us-ashburn-1",
"sellerMetroCode": "DC",
"authorizationKey": "ocid1.virtualcircuit.oc1.iad.aaaaabcdp2mwua7njveex3vmhchwqwyzzka5zrrhbo4wc7uz46pzlqghkzgq"
Code | IC - LAYER2 - VLAN - 008 |
Description | Connection error. |
Generic Cause | Duplicate VLAN ID argument passed to the method. |
Quick Fix | Verify and rename the VLAN ID value passed. |
MESSAGE: "Connection has duplicate buyer-side VLAN ID for primary port or the same VLAN ID is the process of being deleted and should be freed up soon"
PROPERTY: "PrimaryVlanStag"
Verify the primary VLAN tag and modify the value as shown below.
Rename the primary VLAN S-Tag with a different Tag.
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/ecx/v3/l2/connections"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
"primaryName": "johnDoePrimary",
"profileUUID": "84c6616c-573a-447d-a478-9fab8fff284d",
"speed": 50,
"speedUnit": "MB",
"purchaseOrderNumber": "",
"primaryPortUUID": "7f891d3b-973e-73e0-bae0-30ac1885197a",
"primaryVlanSTag": "458",
"secondaryName": "johnDoeSecondary",
"secondaryVlanSTag": "442",
"secondaryPortUUID": "7f891d3b-9740-7400-bae0-30ac1885197a",
"namedTag": "Private",
"sellerMetroCode": "SV",
"authorizationKey": "76e781b5-2992-4042-b2a2-37d0d5eb6735",
"notifications": [
Code | IC - LAYER2 - VLAN - 009 |
Description | Connection error. |
Generic Cause | Duplicate secondary VLAN ID argument passed to the method. |
Quick Fix | Verify and rename the secondary VLAN ID value passed. |
MESSAGE: "Connection has duplicate buyer-side VLAN ID for secondary port or the same VLAN ID is the process of being deleted and should be freed up soon"
PROPERTY: "SecondaryVlanStag"
Verify the secondary VLAN tag and modify the value as shown below.
Rename the secondary VLAN S-Tag with another Tag ID.
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/ecx/v3/l2/connections"
-H "Content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
"primaryName": "johnDoePrimary",
"profileUUID": "84c6616c-573a-447d-a478-9fab8fff284d",
"speed": 50,
"speedUnit": "MB",
"purchaseOrderNumber": "",
"primaryPortUUID": "7f891d3b-973e-73e0-bae0-30ac1885197a",
"primaryVlanSTag": "458",
"secondaryName": "johnDoeSecondary",
"secondaryVlanSTag": "442",
"secondaryPortUUID": "7f891d3b-9740-7400-bae0-30ac1885197a",
"namedTag": "Private",
"sellerMetroCode": "SV",
"authorizationKey": "76e781b5-2992-4042-b2a2-37d0d5eb6735",
"notifications": [
Code | EQ-3040054 |
Description | Invalid request. |
Generic Cause | Invalid argument passed to the method. |
Quick Fix | The Update Fabric Cloud Router API request supports changing the name, package or notification properties. |
"errorCode": "EQ-3040054",
"errorMessage": "Invalid Argument passed",
"correlationId": "c82ff3bc-de07-47e5-b3ec-53a009d01515",
"details": "Only replace name, replace package and replace notifications operations are supported."