Equinix API Offerings

Unified Notification

Unified Notification provides notifications for different categories, such as orders, IBX maintenance announcements, incidents and advisories.

Equinix Fabric™

Equinix Fabric™ offers various functions to connect to our highly reliable, secure & network rich fabric instantaneously.

Network Edge

Network Edge allows users to configure, virtualize and run network appliances and services on a generic device without additional hardware.

Equinix Metal

Get on-demand, high performance bare metal, directly integrated with Equinix Fabric™.

Equinix Customer Portal

APIs that enables all aspects of Equinix Customer Portal features in a programmatic way. Includes user administration, order management & many other capabilities.

Equinix Smart View

Equinix Smart View APIs enable real-time environmental and power draw monitoring within IBX facilities.

Digital LOA

Connect to partners faster and more efficiently with enhanced security by providing Digital Authorization Documents

Equinix Internet Access

Equinix Internet Access provides direct access to the Internet with scalable bandwidth options in IBX data centers.

Customer Resource Hierarchy

Manage organizations, projects and assets.

Access Management

Access Management implements role based access control with support for hierarchical structure of resources.

Secure Cabinet

Order business-ready Secure Cabinets with pre-installed power and networking, interconnection-ready, and a flexible internal configuration tailored to meet your business needs.

Unified Case Management

Unified Case Management API allows user to create, retrieve, modify and cancel a support ticket.

Accounts & Authentication

APIs to manage all aspects of Authentication & Authorization to gain access to Equinix API ecosystem.

Developer Environments


Sandbox is a global mock test environment to simulate Equinix production behavior. It uses synthetic data in its responses and can only be accessed by Equinix customers. Customers can use this environment to play around and integrate with Equinix APIs before moving to Production. Read More >


Production environment is the LIVE environment. You can access this environment only with your valid Equinix account & permissions. Read More >