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SupportPlans (V2 Beta)

Equinix Smart Hands™ Support Plans allow you to prepay for Smart Hands hours at a discount. SupportPlans (V2 Beta) API allows an authenticated user with the required permission to retrieve their available support plans.


See Smart Hands Support Plans for more information.

GET SupportPlans

 GET /supportPlans
URL or End Point/colocations/v2/supportPlans
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Query ParametersaccountNumbers, ibxs, offset, limit, sorts, planIds
BodyNot applicable

This method retrieves a summary of Smart Hands support plans for the active months and year based on your search criteria. Only an authenticated user with Smart Hands support plan notifications permission may view these support plans. The authorization token and content-type are the only headers that are passed to this API and a response is received based on the values passed.


If you are unaware of how to obtain an authorization token, refer to Requesting Access and Refresh tokens under the Getting Access Token section.

The following screenshots show a sample curl request and successful JSON responses for different types of support plans.

curl -X
GET ",123456&ibxs=AM1,AM2&offset=0&limit=3&sorts=ASSET_NUMBER"
-H "content-type: application/json"
-H "authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"

The description of the query parameters is as follows:

Query Parameter nameMandatoryTypeExampleApplicable ValuesDescription
accountNumbersNoarray [strings]111111, 123456

Account numbers associated with the support plans. Multiple account numbers should be comma-separated.

Default value: all user's permitted account numbers
ibxsNoarray [strings]AM1, AM2

IBX location codes of the associated IBX data centers. Multiple IBXs should be comma-separated.

Default value: all user's permitted IBXs

Defines the index of the first item returned in the response. By specifying the offset, the response returns a subset of records starting with the offset value.

For example, if the offset is 10, the starting item returned in the response would be the 11th item. 

Default value: 0

Defines the maximum number of items returned per page. 

Default value: 10

Limit: 1 to 100
sortsNoarray [strings]IDACCOUNT_NUMBER,

Sorting preference for the returned list of support plans.

Sorts - Description
ACCOUNT_NUMBER - Support plans will be returned in ascending alphanumeric order of their associated account number.
ID - Support plans will be returned in ascending alphanumeric order of their associated Equinix asset number or ID.
PLAN_NAME - Support plans will be returned in ascending alphanumeric order of their plan name.
START_DATE - Support plans will be returned in ascending chronological order of their start date.
END_DATE - Support plans will be returned in ascending chronological order of their end date.

When these sorts values are prefixed by '-' support plans will be returned in descending order instead.

Default value: ACCOUNT_NUMBER
planIdsNoarray [strings]12_0101529685

Allows filtering existing support plans based on plan ID. Multiple plan IDs should be comma-separated.

You can provide up to 10 plan IDs.

These are the different types of support plans that can be returned in your response payload:

  • Monthly plan
  • Monthly rollover plan
  • Prepaid plan
  • Plan of any type for a reseller account

Monthly plan
All the fields returned in this sample response payload are applicable for monthly support plans. This support plan type can be identified by the plan frequency 'MONTHLY.'

"data": [
"id": "4-111111111111",
"accountNumber": "111111",
"planName": "Monthly Smart Hands Support Plan",
"productCode": "PS00022.ELEM",
"ibxs": [
"ibxSpecific": false,
"planFrequency": "MONTHLY",
"purchasedMinutes": 10800,
"assignedMinutes": 10800,
"consumedMinutes": 1980,
"remainingMinutes": 8820,
"currentConsumedMinutes": 1980,
"startDate": "2021-03-01",
"endDate": "2021-03-31",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"createdDateTime": "2021-03-01T00:00:00Z",
"updatedDateTime": "2021-03-15T16:22:56Z"
"pagination": {
"offset": 0,
"limit": 2,
"total": 1,
"next": "/supportPlans?accountNumbers=111111,222222&ibxs=AM1,AM2&sorts=ASSET_NUMBER&limit=2&offset=0",
"previous": "/supportPlans?accountNumbers=111111,222222&ibxs=AM1,AM2&sorts=ASSET_NUMBER&limit=2&offset=2"

Monthly rollover plan
All the fields returned in this sample response payload are applicable for monthly rollover support plans. This support plan type can be identified by the plan frequency 'MONTHLY_ROLLOVER.' Once the rollover plan has passed its first month, two plan names associated with the same support plan ID will be returned; Monthly Smart Hands Support Plan (this represents the current month), and Monthly Smart Hands Support Plan [Rollover] (this represents the previous month which has remaining minutes that can be rolled over).

"data": [
"id": "4-111111111111",
"accountNumber": "111111",
"planName": "Monthly Smart Hands Support Plan",
"productCode": "PS00022.ELEM",
"ibxs": [
"ibxSpecific": false,
"planFrequency": "MONTHLY_ROLLOVER",
"purchasedMinutes": 10800,
"assignedMinutes": 10800,
"consumedMinutes": 1980,
"remainingMinutes": 8820,
"previousConsumedMinutes": 0,
"currentConsumedMinutes": 1980,
"startDate": "2021-03-01",
"endDate": "2021-04-30",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"createdDateTime": "2021-03-01T00:00:00Z",
"updatedDateTime": "2021-03-15T16:22:56Z",
"assignment": {
"status": "UNASSIGNED",
"eligible": false

"id": "4-111111111111",
"accountNumber": "111111",
"planName": "Monthly Smart Hands Support Plan (Rollover)",
"productCode": "PS00022.ELEM",
"ibxs": [
"ibxSpecific": false,
"planFrequency": "MONTHLY_ROLLOVER",
"purchasedMinutes": 10800,
"consumedMinutes": 0,
"remainingMinutes": 10800,
"previousConsumedMinutes": 0,
"currentConsumedMinutes": 0,
"startDate": "2021-02-01",
"endDate": "2021-03-31",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"createdDateTime": "2021-03-01T00:00:00Z",
"updatedDateTime": "2021-03-15T16:22:56Z"
"pagination": {
"offset": 0,
"limit": 3,
"total": 2,
"next": "/supportPlans?accountNumbers=111111,222222&ibxs=AM1,AM2&sorts=ASSET_NUMBER&limit=3&offset=0",
"previous": "/supportPlans?accountNumbers=111111,222222&ibxs=AM1,AM2&sorts=ASSET_NUMBER&limit=3&offset=0"

Prepaid plan
All the fields returned in this sample response payload are applicable for prepaid support plans. This support plan type can be identified by the plan frequency 'ANNUAL.'

"data": [
"id": "4-111111111111",
"accountNumber": "111111",
"planName": "Prepaid Smart Hands Hours",
"productCode": "PS00021.ELEM",
"ibxs": [
"ibxSpecific": false,
"planFrequency": "ANNUAL",
"purchasedMinutes": 10800,
"assignedMinutes": 10800,
"consumedMinutes": 1980,
"remainingMinutes": 8820,
"prepaidConsumedMinutes": 1980,
"startDate": "2021-03-01",
"endDate": "2022-02-28",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"createdDateTime": "2021-03-01T00:00:00Z",
"updatedDateTime": "2021-03-15T16:22:56Z"
"pagination": {
"offset": 0,
"limit": 2,
"total": 1,
"next": "/supportPlans?accountNumbers=111111,222222&ibxs=AM1,AM2&sorts=ASSET_NUMBER&limit=2&offset=0",
"previous": "/supportPlans?accountNumbers=111111,222222&ibxs=AM1,AM2&sorts=ASSET_NUMBER&limit=2&offset=2"

Reseller assigned plans
This scenario is specific only to resellers who can assign their support plans to their own customers. In this sample response payload, the data returned shows that the reseller's monthly support plan with "id": "4-111111111111" had been reassigned from Customer_A to the reseller, and then to Customer_Z.

"data": [
"id": "4-111111111111",
"accountNumber": "111111",
"planName": "Monthly Smart Hands Support Plan",
"ibxs": [
"ibxSpecific": false,
"planFrequency": "MONTHLY",
"purchasedMinutes": 10800,
"assignedMinutes": 10800,
"consumedMinutes": 1980,
"remainingMinutes": 8820,
"currentConsumedMinutes": 1980,
"transitionMinutes": 8820,
"startDate": "2021-03-15",
"endDate": "2021-03-31",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"createdDateTime": "2021-03-01T00:00:00Z",
"updatedDateTime": "2021-03-15T16:22:56Z",
"assignment": {
"status": "ASSIGNED",
"eligible": true,
"accountNumber": "999999",
"name": "Customer_Z"
"id": "4-111111111111",
"accountNumber": "111111",
"planName": "Monthly Smart Hands Support Plan",
"ibxs": [
"ibxSpecific": false,
"planFrequency": "MONTHLY",
"purchasedMinutes": 10800,
"assignedMinutes": 10800,
"consumedMinutes": 1980,
"remainingMinutes": 8820,
"currentConsumedMinutes": 1980,
"transitionMinutes": -8820,
"startDate": "2021-03-15",
"endDate": "2021-03-15",
"status": "CANCELLED",
"createdDateTime": "2021-03-01T00:00:00Z",
"updatedDateTime": "2021-03-15T16:22:56Z",
"assignment": {
"status": "CANCELLED",
"eligible": true
"id": "4-111111111111",
"accountNumber": "111111",
"planName": "Monthly Smart Hands Support Plan",
"ibxs": [
"ibxSpecific": false,
"planFrequency": "MONTHLY",
"purchasedMinutes": 10800,
"assignedMinutes": 10800,
"consumedMinutes": 1980,
"remainingMinutes": 8820,
"currentConsumedMinutes": 1980,
"transitionMinutes": -8820,
"startDate": "2021-03-01",
"endDate": "2021-03-15",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"createdDateTime": "2021-03-01T00:00:00Z",
"updatedDateTime": "2021-03-15T12:20:56Z",
"assignment": {
"status": "CANCELLED",
"eligible": true,
"accountNumber": "222222",
"name": "Customer_A"
"pagination": {
"offset": 0,
"limit": 3,
"total": 3,
"next": "/supportPlans?accountNumbers=111111,222222&ibxs=AM1,AM2&sorts=ASSET_NUMBER&limit=3&offset=0",
"previous": "/supportPlans?accountNumbers=111111,222222&ibxs=AM1,AM2&sorts=ASSET_NUMBER&limit=3&offset=0"

The description of the response payload is as follows:

Field nameTypeExampleDescription
dataarray [objects]Data returned from your query. Each billing document object comprises the following fields where applicable: id, accountNumber, planName, ibxs, ibxSpecific, planFrequency, purchasedMinutes, assignedMinutes, consumedMinutes, remainingMinutes, prepaidConsumedMinutes, previousConsumedMinutes, currentConsumedMinutes, startDate, endDate, status, createdDateTime, updatedDateTime, assignment.
idstring4-111111111111Equinix ID of the support plan, also known as Equinix asset number.
accountNumberstring111111Account number.
planNamestringMonthly Smart Hands Support Plan

Name of your Smart Hands support plan. 

Currently, the following plan names are returned.
  • Prepaid Smart Hands Hours
  • Monthly Smart Hands Support Plan
  • Monthly Smart Hands Support Plan (Rollover)
Dependency on this plan name should be avoided and the field 'planFrequency' should be viewed to verify your plan type instead.
productCodestringPS00022.ELEMEquinix product catalog code of your support plan.
ibxsarray [strings]AM1, AM2Associated IBX location codes.

Indicates if the support plan is only applicable to a specific IBX.

When true, the plan is applicable only to the IBX location code listed in field 'ibxs.' When false, the plan is not limited to a single IBX.

Frequency of the support plan. 

Plan frequency - Description
MONTHLY - This is a subscription plan with pre-bundled hours renewed on a monthly basis. Any unused pre-paid hours remaining at the end of the applicable period will expire, and will not be refunded or rolled over to the following period.
MONTHLY_ROLLOVER - This plan is similar to the MONTHLY support plan type, except that any unused pre-paid hours remaining at the end of the applicable period will roll over for one additional thirty day period. Smart Hands hours from the current period will be consumed first, followed by any roll over hours. Any roll over hours that remain unused at the end of the applicable month will expire and will not be refunded or rolled over to the following period.
ANNUAL - This is a one-time purchase plan with a twelve month term that does not auto-renew.
purchasedMinutesinteger10800Contracted pre-purchased minutes for your specific plan.

Pre-purchased minutes applicable for the specified time period (defined by the fields 'startDate' and 'endDate').

When MONTHLY or MONTHLY_ROLLOVER plans have a start date after the first day the month, the assigned minutes are prorated to reflect this. Otherwise, the assigned minutes of any plan is the same as its purchased minutes.
consumedMinutesinteger1980Number of minutes consumed for the specified time period.
remainingMinutesinteger8820Number of minutes left for the specified time period.
previousConsumedMinutesinteger0Number of minutes consumed in the previous month. This is only applicable for plans with plan frequency 'MONTHLY_ROLLOVER.'
currentConsumedMinutesinteger1980Number of minutes consumed in the current month. This is only applicable for plans with plan frequency 'MONTHLY' and  'MONTHLY_ROLLOVER.'
prepaidConsumedMinutesinteger1980Number of prepaid minutes consumed in the current month. This is only applicable for plans with plan frequency 'ANNUAL.'

Number of minutes that has been transitioned. This is only applicable for reseller accounts. 

When the value is positive, the minutes have not been transferred, and are applicable to this account. 
When the value is negative, the minutes have been transferred, and are no longer applicable to this account.

Start date of the applicable month or year.

Format: YYYY-MM-DD.

End date of the applicable month or year.

Format: YYYY-MM-DD.
statusstringACTIVEStatus of the support plan, which can be ACTIVE or CANCELLED.

Date and time the support plan was created.

ISO 8601 format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ.

Date and time the support plan was last updated. 

ISO 8601 format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ.
assignmentobjectAssignment details of your support plan. This object comprises the following fields where applicable: status, eligible, accountNumber, name. This is only applicable to resellers.

Assignment status of your support plan. 

Status - Description
ASSIGNED - This support plan is currently assigned to your customer. 
UNASSIGNED - This support plan is not been assigned to any customer. 
PENDING_ASSIGNED - This support plan was just assigned to a customer, pending finalization. 
PENDING_UNASSIGNED - This support plan was just unassigned from a customer, pending finalization.
CANCELLED - This support plan was cancelled for your account, and assigned to a customer.

Indicates if this plan is eligible for assignment.

When true, plan can be assigned. This is only applicable for plans purchased after August 2020.
When false, plan cannot be assigned. Plans purchased before August 2020 are not assignable.
accountNumberstring999999Customer account number.
namestringCustomer_ZCustomer account name
paginationobjectPage information. This object comprises the following fields: offset, limit, total, next, previous.
offsetinteger0Offset of the first item in the response.
limitinteger2Maximum number of items in the response.
totalinteger1Total number of available items in the record.
URL for the next page of results.
URL for the previous page of results.

If you get “Insufficient permissions” error, contact your Master Administrator.