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Effective 10 September 2024, API Documentation can be found on our Equinix Product Documentation site.
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Users (V2)

Users (V2) API allows an authenticated user with the required permissions to retrieve users within their organizations.

GET Users

 GET /users
URL or End Point/access/v2/users
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Query Parameterskeyword, status, favoriteOnly, userRoles, sorts, offset, limit
BodyNot applicable

This method retrieves a list of existing portal users in your organization based on your search criteria. Only an authenticated user from your organization with portal access can use this method.The authorization token and content-type are the only headers that are passed to this API and a response is received based on the values passed.


If you are unaware of how to obtain an authorization token, refer to Requesting Access and Refresh tokens under the Getting Access Token section.

The following screenshots show sample curl requests for different scenarios, and a successful JSON response for this method. The request was for a user retrieving their own profile information, and the response returned shows the request was successful.

Search for users with various status types

curl -X
GET ",APPROVED,LOCKED&favoriteOnly=true&userRoles=USER&sorts=STATUS&offset=0&limit=1"
-H "content-type: application/json"
-H "authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"

Search for users with status type = TERMINATED

curl -X
GET ""
-H "content-type: application/json"
-H "authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"

The description of the query parameter is as follows:

Query Parameter nameMandatoryTypeExampleApplicable ValuesDescription

Filters search according to this keyword. This is free text input.

For example, this could be a first name (given name), last name (surname), username, or primary email. Any user with this keyword in their first name, last name, username or primary email address will be returned.

Limit: 1200 characters
statusNoarray [strings]ACTIVE,

Status of the user. Multiple statuses should be comma-separated.

Default value: all statuses except TERMINATED

Status - Description
NEW - User was invited by the administrator through the portal, and submitted their user profile for your administrator approval.
APPROVED - User was created or approved by your administrator. User can be listed as a notification or technical contact.
ACTIVE - Approved user with permissions assigned by your administrator. Once a user has their password created, they can log into the portal. User can be an ordering, notification or technical contact.
INACTIVE - User was deactivated, and can no longer access the portal or IBX.

To reactivate your account, contact your Master Administrator.

LOCKED - User profile is locked. User is unable to log into the portal, but can still be listed as a notification or technical contact.
TERMINATED - User's portal profile, permissions, and IBX access have been terminated. This status is permanent and cannot be changed.


Searches for users marked as favorite.

Default value: false

When true, only favorite users of the authenticated user will be returned. When false, all users will be returned.
userRolesNoarray [strings]USERMASTER_ADMIN,

User role or portal user type. Multiple roles should be comma-separated.

Default value: all user roles

User role - Description
MASTER_ADMIN - Master Administrators can create and manage other master administrators, IBX administrators and common users for all IBXs.
IBX_ADMIN - IBX Administrators may create and manage common users for selected IBXs or cages.
USER - Common user with permissions assigned to them by Master or IBX administrators.
sortsNoarray [string]STATUSEMAIL,

Sorting preference for the returned record.

Default: Users are sorted in descending order of their activation date

Sorts - Description
EMAIL - Users will be returned in ascending alphanumeric order of their primary email address.
FIRST_NAME - Users will be returned in ascending alphanumeric order of their first or given name.
LAST_NAME - Users will be returned in ascending alphanumeric order of their last name or surname.
ROLE - Users will be returned in ascending alphanumeric order of their user role.
STATUS - Users will be returned in ascending alphanumeric order of their user status.

When these sorts values are prefixed by '-' users will be returned in descending order instead.

Defines the index of the first record returned in the response. By specifying the offset, the response returns a subset of records starting with the offset value.

For example, if the offset is 10, the starting record returned in the response would be the 11th record.

Default value: 0

Defines the maximum number of records returned in your query.

Default value: 10

Limit: 1 to 200
"data": [
"username": "johndoe1",
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"email": "",
"title": "Manager",
"department": "Procurement",
"status": "TERMINATED",
"securityProfile": "COMPLETED",
"userRole": "USER",
"isFavourite": false,
"activationDateTime": "2021-05-20T13:58:09Z",
"deactivationDateTime": "2022-01-29T01:10:11Z",
"deletedDateTime": "2022-03-29T01:10:11Z",
"createdDateTime": "2021-05-20T13:58:09Z",
"updatedDateTime": "2021-05-20T14:34:15Z"

"pagination": {
"offset": 0,
"limit": 1,
"total": 1,
"next": "/users?keyword=John&status=TERMINATED&favoriteOnly=flase&userRoles=USER&sorts=STATUS&offset=0&limit=1",
"previous": "/users?keyword=John&status=TERMINATED&favoriteOnly=false&userRoles=USER&sorts=STATUS&offset=0&limit=1"

The description of the response payload is as follows:

Field nameTypeExampleDescription
Data returned from your query. Each user object comprises the following fields where applicable: username, firstName, lastName, email, title, department, status, securityProfile, userRole, isFavourite.
usernamestringjohndoe1Username of the portal user.
firstNamestringJohnathanLegal first name or given name.
lastNamestringDoeLegal last name, surname, or family name.
emailstringjohndoe@corp.comPrimary email address.

Job title or designation of user.

Limit: 1 - 50 characters.

Department to which the new user belongs.

Limit: 1 - 50 characters.

Status of the user.

Refer to the description of query parameter 'status' for more information.

IBX security profile status.

Security profile status - Description
COMPLETED - User has set up their security profile to access the IBX.
NOT_COMPLETED - User has not completed setting up their security profile. Until their security profile is completed, they cannot physically access any IBX.
NOT_APPLICABLE - Security profile setup is not applicable to the user. You need to assign permissions to the user.

User role or portal user type.

Refer to the description of query parameter 'userRole' for more information.

Favorite status of the user.

Refer to the description of query parameter 'FavouriteOnly' for more information.

Date and time of user's activation.

Activation applies to the ACTIVE state. Refer to the description of query parameter 'status' for more information.

Date and time of user's deactivation.

Deactivation applies to the INACTIVE state. Refer to the description of query parameter 'status' for more information.

Date and time of user's profile termination.

Termination applies to the TERMINATED state. Refer to the description of query parameter 'status' for more information.

Date and time of user's profile creation.

Creation applies to the APPROVED state. Refer to the description of query parameter 'status' for more information.
updatedDateTimestring2021-05-20T14:34:15ZDate and time of user's profile update.
paginationobjectPage information. This object comprises the following fields: offset, limit, total, next, previous.
offsetinteger1Offset of the first record in the response, as defined in the query parameter 'offset'.
limitinteger1Maximum number of records in the response, as defined in the query parameter 'limit'.
totalinteger11Total number of available records.
nextstring/users?offset=1&limit=1URL for the next page of results.
previousstring/users?offset=0&limit=1URL for the previous page of results.

To verify the username is associated with the intended user, retrieve the user's profile for further details with GET Users {username}. This method is applicable for existing portal users, and does not apply to terminated users.


If you get “Insufficient permissions” error, contact your Master Administrator.

GET Users {username}

 GET /users/{username}
URL or End Point/access/v2/users/{username}
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Query ParametersNot applicable
BodyNot applicable

This method retrieves a portal user's profile details by their username. An authenticated user with any portal permissions may retrieve the profile information of any user in their organization. The authorization token and content-type are the only headers that are passed to this API and a response is received based on the values passed.


This method retrieves the user profiles for users with the following statuses:

  • NEW

For more information on these statuses, refer below to the description of the response payload field 'status'.


If you are unaware of how to obtain an authorization token, refer to Requesting Access and Refresh tokens under the Getting Access Token section.

The following screenshots show a sample curl request and JSON response for this method. The request was for a user retrieving their own profile information, and the response returned shows the request was successful.

curl -X
GET ""
-H "content-type: application/json"
-H "authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"

The description of the URL parameters is as follows:

URL Parameter nameMandatoryTypeExampleApplicable ValuesDescription

Username of the portal user whose profile you want to retrieve.

If you are unsure of the exact username, contact your Master Administrator.

Limit: 8-250 characters.
"status": "ACTIVE",
"username": "johndoe1",
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"localName": "ジョン・ドー",
"contactDetails": [
"type": "PHONE",
"value": "+1-987-654-3210"
"type": "EMAIL",
"value": ""
"type": "MOBILE",
"value": "+1-987-123-4567"
"value": ""
"companyName": "Sample Company",
"companyLocalName": "サンプル会社",
"title": "Manager",
"department": "Procurement",
"activationDateTime": "2021-05-20T13:58:09Z",
"createdDateTime": "2021-05-20T13:58:09Z",
"updatedDateTime": "2021-05-20T14:34:15Z",
"updatedByFullName": "Chris Admin",
"timezone": "Asia/Tokyo",
"locale": "JA_JP"

The description of the response payload is as follows:

Field nameTypeExampleDescription

Status of the user.

Status - Description
NEW - User was invited by the administrator through the portal, and submitted their user profile for your administrator approval.
APPROVED - User was created or approved by your administrator. User can be listed as a notification or technical contact.
ACTIVE - Approved user with permissions assigned by your administrator. Once a user has their password created, they can log into the portal. User can be an ordering, notification or technical contact.
INACTIVE - User was deactivated, and can no longer access the portal.

To reactivate your account, contact your Master Administrator.

LOCKED - User profile is locked. User is unable to log into the portal, but can still be listed as a notification or technical contact.

Profiles of users with other statuses will not be returned.
usernamestringjohndoe1Username of the portal user. This is either provided during the user profile creation, or defaulted to the user's primary email address when the username was not provided.
firstNamestringJohnathanLegal first name or given name.
lastNamestringDoeLegal last name, surname, or family name.
localNamestringジョン・ドーUser's legal name in non-Western characters.
contactDetailsarray [objects] List of contact details for this person. Each contact detail object consists of the following fields: type, value.

Type of contact detail in the type-value pair.

Type - Description
PHONE - Primary phone number.
EMAIL - Email address.
MOBILE - Mobile phone number. This is the secondary contact number.
SECONDARY_EMAIL - Secondary email address.
valuestring+1-987-654-3210Value related to the contact detail type in the type-value pair.
companyNamestringSample CompanyCompany name associated with user.
companyLocalNamestringサンプル会社Name of the company in non-Western characters.
titlestringManagerJob title or designation of user.
departmentstringProcurementDepartment to which the new user belongs.

Date and time of user's activation.

Refer to the description of query parameter 'status' for more information.

Date and time of user's profile creation.

Creation applies to the APPROVED state. Refer to the description of query parameter 'status' for more information.
updatedDateTimestring2021-05-20T14:34:15ZDate and time of user's profile update.
updatedByFullNamestringChris AdminThe full name of the administrator who updated the user's profile.

User's preferred time zone to be contacted.

For a full list of time zones, see Time Zone in the Appendix.

Preferred language of the user.

For a full list of locale codes, see Locale Codes in the Appendix.

If you get “Insufficient permissions” error, contact your Master Administrator.