Report Management
An Equinix Customer Portal user may request new reports or update recurring scheduled reports. The types of reports a user may be able to request or update depends on their permissions. The types of reports use cases currently supported by Equinix Customer Portal APIs may be found here.
Request install base report
Step 1: Authenticate
Submit your user credentials, Client ID, and Client Secret for OAuth2 authentication.
Refer to Generating Client ID and Client Secret under Getting Access Token section for instructions on how to create client ID and client secret and refer to Requesting Access and Refresh tokens for instructions on how to call Oauth API to validate and authenticate your credentials.
If you are unaware of your user credentials for Equinix Customer Portal, contact your local Equinix Service Desk.
Step 2: Check Report permissions
To request an Install Base report, the user must have Install Base permissions. If you are unaware of your user permissions, contact your Master Administrator.
Retrieve the report type and its related parameters.
Use this API to check the user's permission to request for the "install_base_report", and to check the required report parameters.
Refer to GET Reports Definitions {reportName} under the API Reference section to retrieve the specific report and parameters, or GET Reports Definitions under the API Reference section to retrieve all reports and parameters. You may skip this step if you already have the report name and parameters.
Step 3: Get Report Metadata
Retrieve the required IBX information.
Retrieve the user's permissible IBX information from your organization. The IBX location codes and cage ID numbers will be passed as the value for the paramenters "name": "ibxs" and "name": "cages", respectively.
You may skip this step if you already have the IBX information.
Step 4: Request an Install Base Report
POST /reportCenter/reports/scheduler | |
Method | POST |
URL or End Point | /v1/reportCenter/reports/scheduler |
Headers | Authorization, Content-Type |
Query Parameters | Not applicable |
Body | {name, parameters [{name, value}, {name, value}, {name, value}, {name, value}, {name, value}, {name, value}], scheduleType, period} |
The POST reportCenter reports scheduler API requests a new recurring or ad-hoc report based on a standard or customized date range by a user with the related permission.
The Install Base report returns a summary of assets to the user. This report can be customised by IBX or cage/suite, product type, and date range.
The required permission for Install Base report is as follows:
Report Name | Permission |
install_base_report | Install Base permission |
If you are looking for all report types, refer to GET Reports Definitions under the API Reference section for more information.
The authorization token and content-type are the only headers that are passed to this API and a response is received based on the values passed.
If you are unaware of how to obtain an authorization token, refer to Requesting Access and Refresh tokens under the Getting Access Token section.
The following screenshots show a sample curl request and JSON response for this API.
The requests indicate the following types of reports scheduled both with a standard and customized date range.
Recurring Install Base report with standard date range (for specific IBXs and all their corresponding cages)
curl -X
-H "content-type: application/json"
-H "authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
"name": "install_base_report",
"parameters": [
"name": "ibxs",
"value": "AM1,AT2,CH3,DC4,LD5,NY7,SV8,TR1"
"name": "showReports",
"name": "notifyEmails",
"value": ""
"scheduleType": "MONTHLY",
"period": "30_DAYS"
Ad-hoc Install Base report with customized date range (for specific cages in an IBX)
curl -X
-H "content-type: application/json"
-H "authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
"name": "install_base_report",
"parameters": [
"name": "ibxs",
"value": "AM1"
"name": "cages",
"value": "AM1:03:010704,AM1:03:010705"
"name": "showReports",
"name": "notifyEmails",
"value": ""
"name": "startDate",
"value": "2019-07-01"
"name": "endDate",
"value": "2020-01-30"
"scheduleType": "ONE_TIME",
"period": "CUSTOM"
Ad-hoc Install Base report with all records (for specific IBXs and all their corresponding cages)
curl -X
-H "content-type: application/json"
-H "authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
"name": "install_base_report",
"parameters": [
"name": "ibxs",
"value": "AM1,AT2,CH3,DC4,LD5,NY7,SV8,TR1"
"name": "showReports",
"value": "ALL"
"name": "notifyEmails",
"value": ""
"scheduleType": "ONE_TIME",
"period": "NONE"
The description of the body parameters is as follows:
When 'Conditional' is indicated for a Body Parameter, refer to Description for further details.
Body Parameter name | Mandatory | Type | Example | Applicable Values | Description |
name | Yes | string | install_base_report | occupied_ports_report, orders_report, user_details_report, ibx_notification_report, audit_report, install_base_report, order_notification_report | Name of scheduled report to update. Name - Descriptionoccupied_ports_report - Occupied Ports report returns a summary list of occupied ports by patch panel. orders_report - Orders report returns a list of all orders related to IBX by status, product type and date range. user_details_report - User Details report returns a list of users with their corresponding permissions and access. ibx_notification_report - IBX and Network Notification report returns a summary list of all IBX maintenance and network notifications by status, notification and date range. audit_report - User Audit report returns a list of users with any changes made to their corresponding permissions and access. install_base_report - Install Base report returns a list of all your assets. This included cages, cabinets, power and interconnections. order_notification_report - Order Notification report returns notifications related to IBX by notification type and date range. traffic_report - Traffic report returns the network traffic for a specific port. Traffic report is currently not supported by API. Refer to Report Management under the Getting Started for ECP use cases section for instructions on how to request different report types. |
parameters | Yes | array[objects] | Report parameters. To view all the parameters related to each scheduled report, refer to GET Reports Definitions under the API Reference section for more information. It is important to include ALL the parameter names and values when requesting a report, unless these parameter names and/or values are to be excluded. | ||
name | Conditional | string | ibxs | Parameter name. 'ibxs' filters the assets linked to these IBXs that should be included in the report. Fields "name" and value" are mandatory to include in an object.It is important to include ALL the parameter names and values when requesting a report, unless these parameter names and/or values are to be excluded. | |
value | Conditional | string | AM1,AT2,CH3,DC4, LD5,NY7,SV8,TR1 | Parameter value. The values for 'ibxs' are IBX location codes. Multiple IBX location codes should be comma-separated. Fields "name" and value" are mandatory to include in an object.It is important to include ALL the parameter names and values when requesting a report, unless these parameter names and/or values are to be excluded. | |
name | Conditional | string | cages | Parameter name. 'cages' filters the assets linked to these specific cages that should be included in the report. This filter applies only when a single IBX location code is provided for 'ibxs'. This filter cannot be used with multiple IBX location codes. Fields "name" and value" are mandatory to include in an object.It is important to include ALL the parameter names and values when requesting a report, unless these parameter names and/or values are to be excluded. | |
value | Conditional | string | AM1:03:010704, AM1:03:010705 | Parameter value. The values for 'cages' are the cage ID numbers. Multiple cage ID numbers should be comma-separated. Fields "name" and value" are mandatory to include in an object.It is important to include ALL the parameter names and values when requesting a report, unless these parameter names and/or values are to be excluded. | |
name | Conditional | string | showReports | Parameter name. 'showReports' filters the asset types that should be included in the report. Fields "name" and value" are mandatory to include in an object.It is important to include ALL the parameter names and values when requesting a report, unless these parameter names and/or values are to be excluded. | |
value | Conditional | string | ACCESSORIES, | ALL, OTHERS, CAGE, CABINET, CUSTOMER_PROVIDED_CABINET, PATCH_PANEL, POWER, IBX_SMARTVIEW_SENSOR, IBX_SMARTVIEW, EQUINIX_ETHERNET_EXCHANGE, CLOUD_EXCHANGE, CROSS_CONNECT, ACCESSORIES | Parameter value. The values for 'showReports' are the applicable asset types that should be included in the report. Multiple asset types should be comma-separated. Show reports value - DescriptionALL - All assets inclusive of cage, cabinet, customer provided cabinet, patch panel, power, IBX Smartview Sensor, IBX Smartview, Equinix Ethernet Exchange, Cloud Exchange, cross connect, accessories, and others. OTHERS - All other asset types not listed. CAGE - Cage in the data centre. CABINET - Cabinet provided by Equinix. CUSTOMER_PROVIDED_CABINET - Cabinet provided by customer. PATCH_PANEL - Patch panel. POWER - Power. OTHERS - All other asset types not listed. IBX_SMARTVIEW_SENSOR - IBX Smartview Environment Sensor. IBX_SMARTVIEW - IBX Smartview. EQUINIX_ETHERNET_EXCHANGE - Equinix Carrier Ethernet Exchange. CLOUD_EXCHANGE - Equinix Cloud Exchange Fabric. CROSS_CONNECT - Cross connect. ACCESSORIES - Accessories. Fields "name" and value" are mandatory to include in an object. For further description of these assets, refer to the Glossary. It is important to include ALL the parameter names and values when requesting a report, unless these parameter names and/or values are to be excluded. |
name | Conditional | string | notifyEmails | Parameter name. 'notifyEmails' are the additional email addresses that the report will be sent to once generated. The requesting user's email address is already included by default. Fields "name" and value" are mandatory to include in an object.It is important to include ALL the parameter names and values when requesting a report, unless these parameter names and/or values are to be excluded. | |
value | Conditional | string | | Parameter value. The values for 'notifyEmails' are additional email addresses to send the generated reports to. Multiple email addresses should be comma-separated. The requesting user's email address is already included by default. Fields "name" and value" are mandatory to include in an object.It is important to include ALL the parameter names and values when requesting a report, unless these parameter names and/or values are to be excluded. | |
name | Conditional | string | startDate | Parameter name. 'startDate' is the custom start date of the report. This field is mandatory when the date range is 'CUSTOM', and is only applicable with 'CUSTOM'. If passed with other date range, it will be ignored. Fields "name" and value" are mandatory to include in an object.It is important to include ALL the parameter names and values when requesting a report, unless these parameter names and/or values are to be excluded. | |
value | Conditional | string | 2019-07-01 | Parameter value. The value for 'startDate' is the custom start date of the report provided in the following ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DD. Fields "name" and value" are mandatory to include in an object.It is important to include ALL the parameter names and values when requesting a report, unless these parameter names and/or values are to be excluded. | |
name | Conditional | string | endDate | Parameter name. 'endDate' is the custom end date of the report. This field is mandatory when the date range is 'CUSTOM', and is only applicable with 'CUSTOM'. If passed with other date range, it will be ignored. Fields "name" and value" are mandatory to include in an object.It is important to include ALL the parameter names and values when requesting a report, unless these parameter names and/or values are to be excluded. | |
value | Conditional | string | 2020-01-30 | Parameter value. The value for 'endDate' is the custom end date of the report provided in the following ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DD. Fields "name" and value" are mandatory to include in an object.It is important to include ALL the parameter names and values when requesting a report, unless these parameter names and/or values are to be excluded. | |
scheduleType | Yes | string | MONTHLY, ONE_TIME | ONE_TIME, DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY, QUARTERLY, ANNUALLY | Preferred scheduled frequency for generation of report. Schedule type - Description MONTHLY_20TH - This value is no longer applicable, and will be removed in the near future. QUARTERLY_28TH - This value is no longer applicable, and will be removed in the near future. |
period | Yes | string | 30_DAYS, CUSTOM, NONE | 1_DAY, 7_DAYS, 14_DAYS, 30_DAYS, 90_DAYS, 180_DAYS, 1_YEAR, CUSTOM, NONE | Date range from which report publishes data. Period - Description1_DAY - Report generated based on data from the past 1 day. 7_DAYS - Report generated based on data from the past 7 days. 14_DAYS - Report generated based on data from the past 14 days. 30_DAYS - Report generated based on data from the past 30 days. 90_DAYS - Report generated based on data from the past 90 days. 180_DAYS - Report generated based on data from the past 180 days. 1_YEAR - Report generated based on data from the past 1 year. CUSTOM - Report generated based on customised date range. Equinix only guarantees information up to one year before this report is scheduled. You may request a report beyond this period up to your own discretion. NONE - Report will generate based on all data, but this is only applicable for Occupied Ports, Install Base, and User Details reports. If NONE is selected for all other report types, the reports will be blank. |
This is the response body for the Ad-hoc Install Base report with customized date range. The response payload attributes are similar for all reports with only the parameters differing, as these vary based on the requested report.
"scheduledId": "12ab34c5-d6ef-78g-hi90-1j2kl345m678",
"reportName": "install_base_report",
"scheduleType": "ONE_TIME",
"period": "CUSTOM",
"createdBy": "JaneSmith",
"createdDate": "2020-02-16T03:08:53.596Z",
"lastAttemptedDate": "2020-02-16T03:08:53.596Z",
"customerOrganizationId": 1234,
"forOrg": 1234,
"forUser": "5671234",
"numberOfFailedAttempts": 0,
"status": "ACTIVE",
"parameters": [
"name": "ibxs",
"value": "AM1",
"type": "ARRAY"
"name": "cages",
"value": "AM1:03:010704,AM1:03:010705",
"type": "ARRAY"
"name": "showReports",
"type": "ARRAY"
"name": "startDate",
"value": "2019-07-01",
"type": "STRING"
"name": "endDate",
"value": "2020-01-30",
"type": "STRING"
"name": "custOrgId",
"value": "1234",
"type": "STRING"
"name": "userCustOrgId",
"value": "1234",
"type": "STRING"
"name": "contactUCId",
"value": "5671234",
"type": "STRING"
"name": "scheduleType",
"value": "ONE_TIME",
"type": "STRING"
"name": "userLocale",
"value": "EN_GB",
"type": "STRING"
"name": "userTimezone",
"value": "Asia/Singapore",
"type": "STRING"
"name": "notifyEmails",
"value": ",",
"type": "ARRAY"
"name": "username",
"value": "JaneSmith",
"type": "STRING"
"name": "PARAM_ORG_NAME",
"value": "JOHNDOECORP",
"type": "STRING"
"reports": [
"reportId": "dcf12caa-ab34-56bb-bff7-89e0123456f7",
"scheduledId": "12ab34c5-d6ef-78g-hi90-1j2kl345m678",
"createdBy": "5671234",
"createdDate": "2020-02-16T03:08:53.616Z",
"startTime": "2020-02-16T03:08:53.643Z",
"endTime": "2020-02-16T03:08:55.122Z",
"status": "IN_PROGRESS",
"location": "abcd2e96-f988-46g6-860h-379i8jklm84n",
"numberOfDownloads": 0,
"numberOfAttempts": 1,
"parameters": [
"name": "ibxs",
"value": "AM1",
"type": "ARRAY"
"name": "cages",
"value": "AM1:03:010704,AM1:03:010705",
"type": "ARRAY"
"name": "showReports",
"type": "ARRAY"
"name": "startDate",
"value": "2019-07-01",
"type": "STRING"
"name": "endDate",
"value": "2020-01-30",
"type": "STRING"
"name": "custOrgId",
"value": "1234",
"type": "STRING"
"name": "userCustOrgId",
"value": "1234",
"type": "STRING"
"name": "contactUCId",
"value": "5671234",
"type": "STRING"
"name": "scheduleType",
"value": "MONTHLY",
"type": "STRING"
"name": "userLocale",
"value": "EN_GB",
"type": "STRING"
"name": "userTimezone",
"value": "Asia/Singapore",
"type": "STRING"
"name": "notifyEmails",
"value": ",",
"type": "ARRAY"
"name": "username",
"value": "JaneSmith",
"type": "STRING"
"name": "PARAM_ORG_NAME",
"value": "JOHNDOECORP",
"type": "STRING"
The description of the response payload is as follows:
Field name | Type | Example | Description |
scheduledId | string | 12ab34c5-d6ef-78g- hi90-1j2kl345m678 | Identification (ID) number of the scheduled report. All reports, whether recurring or ad-hoc, will be issued with a schedule ID number. This is differentt from the report ID number. |
reportName | string | install_base_report | The name of the report type scheduled. For a full list of report names, refer to the description of the body parameter, "name". |
scheduleType | string | ONE_TIME | Frequency with which scheduled report would be generated. For a full list of schedule types, refer to the description of the body parameter, "scheduleType". |
period | string | CUSTOM | Date range selected from which report publishes data. For a full list of schedule types, refer to the description of the body parameter, "period". |
createdBy | string | JaneSmith | Username of the user who first triggered or scheduled this report. |
createdDate | string | 2020-02-16T03:08:53.596Z | The date and time this report was first scheduled. The date and time (UTC timezone) are represented in ISO 8601 format, yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ. |
lastAttemptedDate | string | 2020-02-16T03:08:53.596Z | The last date and time the report tried to generate. The date and time (UTC timezone) are represented in ISO 8601 format, yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ. |
customerOrganizationId | integer | 1234 | ID number of the customer organization of the user who triggered this report. |
forOrg | integer | 1234 | ID number of the customer organization of the user who this report was scheduled for. |
forUser | string | 5671234 | Equinix reference of the user who this report was scheduled for. You may ignore this. |
numberOfFailedAttempts | integer | 0 | Number of times the generation of report failed. |
status | string | ACTIVE | The scheduling status of report generation. INACTIVE - The report generation schedule is no longer in effect. SUSPENDED - The report generation schedule has been suspended. |
parameters | array[objects] | Indicates the report parameters linked to the scheduled report. All the parameters and values listed in the requested report will be reflected here. | |
name | string | ibxs | Parameter name. Refer to the descriptions of the body parameter "name" with value 'ibxs' and corresponding body parameter "value" for more information on the parameter name and corresponding value. |
value | string | AM1 | Parameter value. Refer to the descriptions of the body parameter "name" with value 'ibxs' and corresponding body parameter "value" for more information on the parameter name and corresponding value. |
type | string | ARRAY | Data type of the parameter in the Equinix system. Data types This is not reflective of how the value is passed in the request body. All values are passed as STRING in the request body when scheduling a report. |
name | string | cages | Parameter name. Refer to the descriptions of the body parameter "name" with value 'cages' and corresponding body parameter "value" for more information on the parameter name and corresponding value. |
value | string | AM1:03:010704, AM1:03:010705 | Parameter value. Refer to the descriptions of the body parameter "name" with value 'cages' and corresponding body parameter "value" for more information on the parameter name and corresponding value. |
type | string | ARRAY | Data type of the parameter in the Equinix system. Data types This is not reflective of how the value is passed in the request body. All values are passed as STRING in the request body when scheduling a report. |
name | string | showReports | Parameter name. Refer to the descriptions of the body parameter "name" with value 'showReports' and corresponding body parameter "value" for more information on the parameter name and corresponding value. |
value | string | ACCESSORIES, CABINET, CAGE, CUSTOMER_PROVIDED_CABINET | Parameter value. Refer to the descriptions of the body parameter "name" with value 'showReports' and corresponding body parameter "value" for more information on the parameter name and corresponding value. |
type | string | ARRAY | Data type of the parameter in the Equinix system. Data types This is not reflective of how the value is passed in the request body. All values are passed as STRING in the request body when scheduling a report. |
name | string | startDate | Parameter name. E.g. 'startDate' refers to the start date of the scheduled report. |
value | string | 2019-07-01 | Parameter value. E.g. '2019-07-01' is the start date of the scheduled report. |
type | string | STRING | Data type of the parameter in the Equinix system. Data types This is not reflective of how the value is passed in the request body. All values are passed as STRING in the request body when scheduling a report. |
name | string | endDate | Parameter name. E.g. 'endDate' refers to the end date of the scheduled report. |
value | string | 2020-01-30 | Parameter value. E.g. '2020-01-30' is the end date of the scheduled report. |
type | string | STRING | Data type of the parameter in the Equinix system. Data types This is not reflective of how the value is passed in the request body. All values are passed as STRING in the request body when scheduling a report. |
name | string | custOrgId | Parameter name. E.g. 'custOrgId' refers to the customer organization ID number that this report is for. |
value | string | 1234 | Parameter value. E.g. '1234' is the customer organization ID number. |
type | string | STRING | Data type of the parameter in the Equinix system. Data types This is not reflective of how the value is passed in the request body. All values are passed as STRING in the request body when scheduling a report. |
name | string | userCustOrgId | Parameter name. E.g. 'userCustOrgId' refers to the customer organization of the user who this report was scheduled for. |
value | string | 1234 | Parameter value. E.g. '1234' is the user's customer organization ID number. |
type | string | STRING | Data type of the parameter in the Equinix system. Data types This is not reflective of how the value is passed in the request body. All values are passed as STRING in the request body when scheduling a report. |
name | string | contactUCId | Parameter name. E.g. 'contactUCId' refers to Equinix reference of the user. You may ignore this. |
value | string | 5671234 | Parameter value. E.g. '5671234' is the Equinix reference of the user. You may ignore this. |
type | string | STRING | Data type of the parameter in the Equinix system. Data types This is not reflective of how the value is passed in the request body. All values are passed as STRING in the request body when scheduling a report. |
name | string | scheduleType | Parameter name. For a full list of schedule types, refer to the description of the body parameter, "scheduleType". |
value | string | ONE_TIME | Parameter value. For a full list of schedule types, refer to the description of the body parameter, "scheduleType". |
type | string | STRING | Data type of the parameter in the Equinix system. Data types This is not reflective of how the value is passed in the request body. All values are passed as STRING in the request body when scheduling a report. |
name | string | userLocale | Parameter name. E.g. 'userLocale' refers to the requesting user's language preference, and the language the report is generated in. |
value | string | EN_GB | Parameter value. E.g. 'EN_GB' is British English. Locale - DescriptionEN_US - English (America) EN_GB - English (Great Britain) FR_FR - French (France) DE_DE - German (Germany) NL_NL - Dutch (Netherlands) JA_JP - Japanese (Japan) ZH_CN - Mandarin Chinese (Simplified) PT_BR - Portugese (Brazil) BG_BG - Bulgarian (Bulgaria) RU_RU - Russian IT_IT - Italian (Italy) PL_PL - Polish (Poland) ES_ES - Spanish (Spain) ES_LA - Spanish (Latin America) HI_IN - Hindi (India) PT_PT - Portugese (Portugal) TR_TR - Turkish (Turkey) KO_KR - Korean (Korea) |
type | string | STRING | Data type of the parameter in the Equinix system. Data types This is not reflective of how the value is passed in the request body. All values are passed as STRING in the request body when scheduling a report. |
name | string | userTimezone | Parameter name. E.g. 'userTimezone' refers to the time zone of the requesting user. |
value | string | Asia/Singapore | Parameter value. E.g. 'Asia/Singapore' indicates the requesting user's timezone is in Singapore. |
type | string | STRING | Data type of the parameter in the Equinix system. Data types This is not reflective of how the value is passed in the request body. All values are passed as STRING in the request body when scheduling a report. |
name | string | notifyEmails | Parameter name. E.g. 'notifyEmails' refers to the email addresses that the report will be sent to once generated, including the requesting user. Refer to the descriptions of the body parameter "name" with value 'notifyEmails' and corresponding body parameter "value" for more information on the parameter name and corresponding value. |
value | string |, | Parameter value. E.g. the values for 'notifyEmails' are the email addresses the scheduled reports will be sent to, including the requesting user's email address. Refer to the descriptions of the body parameter "name" with value 'notifyEmails' and corresponding body parameter "value" for more information on the parameter name and corresponding value. |
type | string | ARRAY | Data type of the parameter in the Equinix system. Data types This is not reflective of how the value is passed in the request body. All values are passed as STRING in the request body when scheduling a report. |
name | string | username | Parameter value. E.g. 'username' refers to user who first requested the report to be generated. |
value | string | JaneSmith | Parameter name. E.g. 'JaneSmith' refers to Equinix registered username of the user who first requested the report to be generated. |
type | string | STRING | Data type of the parameter in the Equinix system. Data types This is not reflective of how the value is passed in the request body. All values are passed as STRING in the request body when scheduling a report. |
name | string | PARAM_ORG_NAME | Parameter name. E.g. 'PARAM_ORG_NAME' refers to the organization name of the user that this report was scheduled for. |
value | string | JOHNDOECORP | Parameter value. E.g. 'JOHNDOECORP' is the customer organization name. |
type | string | STRING | Data type of the parameter in the Equinix system. Data types This is not reflective of how the value is passed in the request body. All values are passed as STRING in the request body when scheduling a report. |
reports | array[objects] | Array of generated scheduled reports. | |
reportId | string | dcf12caa-ab34-56bb-bff7- 89e0123456f7 | Report ID number of this report generated from this schedule. |
scheduledId | string | 12ab34c5-d6ef-78g-hi90-1j2kl345m678 | Schedule ID number of the scheduled report that this generated report belongs to. |
createdBy | string | 5671234 | Equinix reference of the user who this report was generated for. You may ignore this. |
createdDate | string | 2020-02-16T03:08:53.616Z | The date and time this report was first generated. The date and time (UTC timezone) are represented in ISO 8601 format, yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ. |
startTime | string | 2020-02-16T03:08:53.643Z | Processing start date and time of this report. The date and time (UTC timezone) are represented in ISO 8601 format, yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ. |
endTime | string | 2019-11-18T06:17:50.07Z | Processing end date and time of this report. The date and time (UTC timezone) are represented in ISO 8601 format, yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ. |
status | object | IN_PROGRESS | Status of report generation. Status - DescriptionIN_PROGRESS - Report is being generated. DELAYED - Report is experiencing a delay in generation. SUCCESS - Report was successfully generated. ERROR - An error was encountered during report generation. INACTIVE - Report is not being generated. |
errorMessage | string | Contains an error message if report status is 'ERROR'. | |
location | string | abcd2e96-f988-46g6-860h-379i8jklm84n | Location number of the report once it is generated. This is also known as the publisher information document ID number. |
numberOfDownloads | integer | 0 | Number of times this report was downloaded. |
numberOfAttempts | integer | 1 | Number of attempts to generate this report. |
parameters | array[objects] | Indicates the parameters linked to this generated report. All parameters, values, and types linked to this report should match the scheduled report, unless otherwise updated. |
If you get “Insufficient permissions” error, contact your Master Administrator.