Order Notifications
Order Notifications for EMG are notifications sent to customers or users to provide updates and information about their orders placed through the Equinix Messaging Gateway solution.
BreakFix/Trouble Ticket
Sample Outgoing Notification
"Task": {
"Id": "4f6ec8d0-902f-4892-aa31-8bfed1edc075",
"Source": "3e095d30-40ff-11e9-8959-5be078353003",
"Verb": "Update",
"Resource": "BreakFix",
"ContentType": "application/json",
"CreationTimeUTC": "2020-05-21T02:08:11.471Z",
"Version": "1.0",
"Body": {
"RequestorId": "123456789",
"ServicerId": "1-199912345789",
"State": “InProgress",
"Description": "Ticket 1-199912345789 has been scheduled || IBX: AT3 || Scheduled Date/Time: 2021-05-12T00:45:52"
"Signature": "RWNobwp7CiAgIklkIjogIjM1MGFlZjcwLTc4MWIt9keSI6IHsKICAZXVlIgogIH0KfQ=="
The description of the outgoing message is as follows:
Name | Type | Description |
Task | Object | The task object comprises a common set of header attributes and a unique set of body attributes. The header attributes are applicable to all order types, whereas the body attributes vary for each order. |
ID | String (Guid) | The unique identifier of the message. Equinix will send a unique value for each message. |
Source | String (Guid) | A unique value to identify the message sender. This value will be shared with the customer during the onboarding process. |
Verb | String | The verb for outgoing messages is "Update". Indicates it is an update from Equinix on the submitted order. |
Resource | String | Indicates the order type. For BreakFix orders, the supported value is: BreakFix |
ContentType | String | Supported Value : application/json |
CreateTimeUTC | String | Indicates the date and time at which the order was created at Equinix's end. |
Version | String | The version of the request and response schema. |
Body | Object | An object containing the details of the notification. |
RequestorId | String | The customer's reference number for this Trouble Ticket order. |
ServicerId | String | Indicates the Trouble Ticket order ID generated by Equinix after the order was submitted. |
State | String | The current state of the submitted order. Supported values: Open - Customer order has been successfully submitted into Equinix IT systems. InProgress - Customer order is being worked on by Equinix Datacenter Technician. Resolved-Servicer - The ticket has been resolved by Equinix with status as Equinix caused. Resolved-Requestor - The ticket has been resolved by Equinix with status as Customer caused. Closed - Customer order has been successfully completed by Equinix Datacenter Technician. Cancelled - Customer order has been cancelled in Equinix IT systems based on customer request. Pending Customer Input - Equinix Datacenter Technician has requested for additional information while working on customer order. |
Description | String | Additional details of the order created Ex: "Ticket 1-199912345789 has been updated to InProgress state." |
Attachments | Array [{ String, String }] | Includes all attachments for this request. Supported Value: [{"Name":<Attachment_Name>, "Url":<Attachment_URL>}] 5 files with 5MB size each Supported filetypes: .bmp,.jpeg,.jpg,.gif,.png,.tif,.txt,.doc,.docx,.xls,.tiff,.xlsx,.ppt,.pptx,.pdf,.vsd,.pps,.ppsx |
Signature | String | Base64 encoded signature. |
Sample Outgoing Notification
"Task": {
"Id": "4f6ec8d0-902f-4892-aa31-8bfed1edc075",
"Source": "3e095d30-40ff-11e9-8959-5be078353003",
"Verb": "Update",
"Resource": "Shipping",
"ContentType": "application/json",
"CreationTimeUTC": "2020-05-21T02:08:11.471Z",
"Version": "1.0",
"Body": {
"RequestorId": "123456789",
"ServicerId": "1-199912345789",
"State": “InProgress",
"Description": "Ticket 1-199912345789 has been updated to InProgress state"
"Signature": "RWNobwp7CiAgIklkIjogIjM1MGFlZjcwLTc4MWIt9keSI6IHsKICAZXVlIgogIH0KfQ=="
The description of the outgoing message is as follows:
Name | Type | Description |
Task | Object | The task object comprises a common set of header attributes and a unique set of body attributes. The header attributes are applicable to all order types, whereas the body attributes vary for each order. |
ID | String (Guid) | The unique identifier of the message. Equinix will send a unique value for each message. |
Source | String (Guid) | A unique value to identify the message sender. This value will be shared with the customer during the onboarding process. |
Verb | String | The verb for outgoing messages is "Update". Indicates it is an update from Equinix on the submitted order. |
Resource | String | Indicates the order type. For Shipments orders, the supported value is: Shipping |
ContentType | String | Supported Value : application/json |
CreateTimeUTC | String | Indicates the date and time at which the order was created at Equinix's end. |
Version | String | The version of the request and response schema. |
Body | Object | An object containing the details of the notification. |
RequestorId | String | The customer's reference number for this Shipment order. |
ServicerId | String | Indicates the Shipments order ID generated by Equinix after the order was submitted. |
State | String | The current state of the submitted order. Supported values: Open - Customer order has been successfully submitted into Equinix IT systems. InProgress - Customer order is being worked on by Equinix Datacenter Technician. Closed - Customer order has been successfully completed by Equinix Datacenter Technician. Cancelled - Customer order has been cancelled in Equinix IT systems based on customer request. Pending Customer Input - Equinix Datacenter Technician has requested for additional information while working on customer order. |
Description | String | Additional details of the order created Ex: "Ticket 1-199912345789 has been updated to InProgress state." |
Attachments | Array [{ String, String }] | Includes all attachments for this request. Supported Value: [{"Name":<Attachment_Name>, "Url":<Attachment_URL>}] 5 files with 5MB size each Supported filetypes: .bmp,.jpeg,.jpg,.gif,.png,.tif,.txt,.doc,.docx,.xls,.tiff,.xlsx,.ppt,.pptx,.pdf,.vsd,.pps,.ppsx |
Signature | String | Base64 encoded signature. |
Work Visit
Sample Outgoing Notification
"Task": {
"Id": "4f6ec8d0-902f-4892-aa31-8bfed1edc075",
"Source": "3e095d30-40ff-11e9-8959-5be078353003",
"Verb": "Update",
"Resource": "WorkVisit",
"ContentType": "application/json",
"CreationTimeUTC": "2020-05-21T02:08:11.471Z",
"Version": "1.0",
"Body": {
"RequestorId": "123456789",
"ServicerId": "1-199912345789",
"State": “InProgress",
"Description": "Ticket 1-199912345789 has been updated to InProgress state"
"Signature": "RWNobwp7CiAgIklkIjogIjM1MGFlZjcwLTc4MWIt9keSI6IHsKICAZXVlIgogIH0KfQ=="
The description of the outgoing message is as follows:
Name | Type | Description |
Task | Object | The task object comprises a common set of header attributes and a unique set of body attributes. The header attributes are applicable to all order types, whereas the body attributes vary for each order. |
ID | String (Guid) | The unique identifier of the message. Equinix will send a unique value for each message. |
Source | String (Guid) | A unique value to identify the message sender. This value will be shared with the customer during the onboarding process. |
Verb | String | The verb for outgoing messages is "Update". Indicates it is an update from Equinix on the submitted order. |
Resource | String | Indicates the order type. For WorkVisit orders, the supported value is: WorkVisit |
ContentType | String | Supported Value : application/json |
CreateTimeUTC | String | Indicates the date and time at which the order was created at Equinix's end. |
Version | String | The version of the request and response schema. |
Body | Object | An object containing the details of the notification. |
RequestorId | String | The customer's reference number for this WorkVisit order. |
ServicerId | String | Indicates the Shipments order ID generated by Equinix after the order was submitted. |
State | String | The current state of the submitted order. Supported values: Open - Customer order has been successfully submitted into Equinix IT systems. InProgress - Customer order is being worked on by Equinix Datacenter Technician. Closed - Customer order has been successfully completed by Equinix Datacenter Technician. Cancelled - Customer order has been cancelled in Equinix IT systems based on customer request. |
Description | String | Additional details of the order created Ex: "Ticket 1-199912345789 has been updated to InProgress state." |
Attachments | Array [{ String, String }] | Includes all attachments for this request. Supported Value: [{"Name":<Attachment_Name>, "Url":<Attachment_URL>}] 5 files with 5MB size each Supported filetypes: .bmp,.jpeg,.jpg,.gif,.png,.tif,.txt,.doc,.docx,.xls,.tiff,.xlsx,.ppt,.pptx,.pdf,.vsd,.pps,.ppsx |
Signature | String | Base64 encoded signature. |
Sample Outgoing Notification
"Task": {
"Id": "4f6ec8d0-902f-4892-aa31-8bfed1edc075",
"Source": "3e095d30-40ff-11e9-8959-5be078353003",
"Verb": "Update",
"Resource": "SmartHands",
"ContentType": "application/json",
"CreationTimeUTC": "2020-05-21T02:08:11.471Z",
"Version": "1.0",
"Body": {
"RequestorId": "123456789",
"ServicerId": "1-199912345789",
"State": "InProgress",
"SubState": "Pending Expedite Negotiation",
"Description": "Ticket 1-199912345789 has been scheduled || IBX: AT3 || Scheduled Date/Time: 2021-05-12T00:45:52"
"Signature": "RWNobwp7CiAgIklkIjogIjM1MGFlZjcwLTc4MWIt9keSI6IHsKICAZXVlIgogIH0KfQ=="
The description of the outgoing message is as follows:
Name | Type | Description |
Task | Object | The task object comprises a common set of header attributes and a unique set of body attributes. The header attributes are applicable to all order types, whereas the body attributes vary for each order. |
ID | String (Guid) | The unique identifier of the message. Equinix will send a unique value for each message. |
Source | String (Guid) | A unique value to identify the message sender. This value will be shared with the customer during the onboarding process. |
Verb | String | The verb for outgoing messages is "Update". Indicates it is an update from Equinix on the submitted order. |
Resource | String | Indicates the order type. For SmartHands orders, the supported value is: SmartHands |
ContentType | String | Supported Value : application/json |
CreateTimeUTC | String | Indicates the date and time at which the order was created at Equinix's end. |
Version | String | The version of the request and response schema. |
Body | Object | An object containing the details of the notification. |
RequestorId | String | The customer's reference number for this SmartHands order. |
ServicerId | String | Indicates the SmartHands order ID generated by Equinix after the order was submitted. |
State | String | The current state of the submitted order. Supported values: Open - Customer order has been successfully submitted into Equinix IT systems. InProgress - Customer order is being worked on by Equinix Datacenter Technician. Resolved - The ticket has been resolved by Equinix. Closed - Customer order has been successfully completed by Equinix Datacenter Technician. Cancelled - Customer order has been cancelled in Equinix IT systems based on customer request. Pending Customer Input - Equinix Datacenter Technician has requested for additional information while working on customer order. |
SubState | String | The substate of the current state in a form of negotiation messages of order from Equinix to the customer. Supported values: Pending Expedite Negotiation - a negotiation messages of order to determine the expected date of the order completion. Pending Scheduled Negotiation - a negotiation messages of order to determine scheduled time (with start date and completion date) as customer requested maintenance. |
Description | String | Additional details of the order created Ex: "Ticket 1-199912345789 has been updated to InProgress state." |
Attachments | Array [{ String, String }] | Includes all attachments for this request. Supported Value: [{"Name":<Attachment_Name>, "Url":<Attachment_URL>}] 5 files with 5MB size each Supported filetypes: .bmp,.jpeg,.jpg,.gif,.png,.tif,.txt,.doc,.docx,.xls,.tiff,.xlsx,.ppt,.pptx,.pdf,.vsd,.pps,.ppsx |
Signature | String | Base64 encoded signature. |
Cross Connect
Sample Outgoing Notification
"Task": {
"Id": "4f6ec8d0-902f-4892-aa31-8bfed1edc075",
"Source": "3e095d30-40ff-11e9-8959-5be078353003",
"Verb": "Update",
"Resource": "CrossConnect",
"ContentType": "application/json",
"CreationTimeUTC": "2020-05-21T02:08:11.471Z",
"Version": "1.0",
"Body": {
"RequestorId": "123456789",
"ServicerId": "1-199912345789",
"State": “InProgress",
"Description": "Ticket 1-199912345789 has been updated to InProgress state"
"Signature": "RWNobwp7CiAgIklkIjogIjM1MGFlZjcwLTc4MWIt9keSI6IHsKICAZXVlIgogIH0KfQ=="
The description of the outgoing message is as follows:
Name | Type | Description |
Task | Object | The task object comprises a common set of header attributes and a unique set of body attributes. The header attributes are applicable to all order types, whereas the body attributes vary for each order. |
ID | String (Guid) | The unique identifier of the message. Equinix will send a unique value for each message. |
Source | String (Guid) | A unique value to identify the message sender. This value will be shared with the customer during the onboarding process. |
Verb | String | The verb for outgoing messages is "Update". Indicates it is an update from Equinix on the submitted order. |
Resource | String | Indicates the order type. For CrossConnect orders, the supported value is: CrossConnect |
ContentType | String | Supported Value : application/json |
CreateTimeUTC | String | Indicates the date and time at which the order was created at Equinix's end. |
Version | String | The version of the request and response schema. |
Body | Object | An object containing the details of the notification. |
RequestorId | String | The customer's reference number for this CrossConnect order. |
ServicerId | String | Id supplied by Equinix for the created Cross Connect Ticket |
StatusCode | No | String |
State | String | The current state of the submitted order. Supported values: Open - Customer order has been successfully submitted into Equinix IT systems. InProgress - Customer order is being worked on by Equinix Datacenter Technician. Closed - Customer order has been successfully completed by Equinix Datacenter Technician. Cancelled - Customer order has been cancelled in Equinix IT systems based on customer request. Pending Customer Input - Equinix Datacenter Technician has requested for additional information while working on customer order. |
Activity | No | String |
Description | String | Additional details of the order created Ex: "Ticket 1-199912345789 has been updated to InProgress state." |
Attachments | Array [{ String, String }] | Includes all attachments for this request. Supported Value: [{"Name":<Attachment_Name>, "Url":<Attachment_URL>}] 5 files with 5MB size each Supported filetypes: .bmp,.jpeg,.jpg,.gif,.png,.tif,.txt,.doc,.docx,.xls,.tiff,.xlsx,.ppt,.pptx,.pdf,.vsd,.pps,.ppsx |
Signature | String | Base64 encoded signature. |
Managed Services
Creation Case
Sample Notification
Equinix creates a case and sends notifications to the customer via EMG. The customer can create tickets/incidents using this notification on their ITSM application.
Sample Request:
"Task": {
"Id": "bf9f2707-d612-4d63-9958-4c8b1fcf3cc0",
"Source": "3e095d30-40ff-11e9-8959-5be078353003",
"Verb": "Create",
"Resource": "TroubleTicket.ManagedService",
"ContentType": "application/json",
"Version": "1.0",
"Body": {
"RequestorId": "123456789",
"AccountNumber": "123456",
"CustomerContact": "demo@equinix.com",
"Description": "Create Trouble Ticket",
"ShortDescription": "Create case",
"Impact": "High",
"SupplierTicketNumber": "Case Number"//Supplier Order number
"Signature": "RWNobwp7CiAgIklkIjogIjM1MGFlZjcwLTc4MWItMTFlOSogIH0KfQ=="
The description of the create request schema is as follows:
Name | Mandatory | Type | Applicable Value(s) | Description |
Task | Yes | Object | The task object comprises a common set of header attributes and a unique set of body attributes. The header attributes are applicable to all order types, whereas the body attributes vary for each order. | |
Id | Yes | String (Guid) | The unique identifier of the message. Customers must ensure to send a unique value for each message. | |
Source | Yes | String (Guid) | A unique value to identify the message sender. This value will be shared with the customer during the onboarding process. | |
Verb | Yes | String | Create | Indicates the action to be performed. |
Resource | Yes | String | TroubleTicket.ManagedService | Indicates the ticket type. |
ContentType | No | String | application/json | |
Version | Yes | String | 1.0 | The version of the request and response schema. |
Body | Yes | Object | An object containing the details of the ticket. The attributes within the object vary based on the resource and verb. | |
RequestorId | Yes | String | The customer's reference number for this Trouble Ticket order. This attribute is mandatory. | |
Account Number | Yes | String | Customer account number. | |
CustomerContact | Yes | String | The User ID of the user registered with Equinix Customer Portal. | |
Description | Yes | String | A detailed description of the scope of work. | |
Short Description | Yes | String | A Short description of the scope of work. | |
Impact | Yes | String | High/Medium/Low | Impact must be provided (High/Medium/Low) |
Urgency | Yes | String | High/Medium/Low | Urgency must be provided (High/Medium/Low) |
Supplier Ticket Number | Yes | String | Supplier Order Number. | |
Signature | Yes | String | Base64 encoded signature. |
Sample Response:
"Task": {
"Id": "69352cff-4f00-4c42-9dce-a1b5e5ecc40b",
"Source": "3e095d30-40ff-11e9-8959-5be078353003",
"Verb": "Ack",
"Resource": "TroubleTicket.ManagedService",
"ContentType": "application/json",
"CreateTimeUTC": "2019-12-13T15:45:04.553Z",
"Version": "1.0",
"OriginationId": "bf9f2707-d612-4d63-9958-4c8b1fcf3cc0",
"OriginationVerb": "Update",
"Body": {
"RequestorId": "123456789",
"ServicerId": "INC or PRB or CS", //Customer Ticekt unique number
"StatusCode": 201,
"Signature": "Jm2BpG/5ll6s3v0w3WWMULkRXsIEPog1e5AuYWT/kF3qW+hhNAFDZGCJ5lNmUT4Y3jUFid/3yb3diXK+Tr0hm7zwGLMDyi/mRwlc7LxYKRtbhHgHxWviQgTsLrreKlLuOJHbl81bCLxK2UEPrfRXuAOUbMyOT2mzBhidiCFg=="
The description of the create response schema is as follows:
Name | Type | Description |
Task | Object | The task object comprises a common set of header attributes and a unique set of body attributes. The header attributes are applicable to all order types, whereas the body attributes vary for each order. |
ID | String (Guid) | The unique identifier of the message. Customers must ensure to send a unique value for each message. |
Source | String (Guid) | A unique value to identify the message sender. This value will be shared with the customer during the onboarding process. |
Verb | String | Indicates the action to be performed. Applicable values are "Ack" and "Update". |
Resource | String | Indicates the ticket type. |
ContentType | String | |
CreateTimeUTC | String | Indicates the date and time at which the Trouble Ticket order was created at Equinix's end. |
Version | String | The version of the request and response schema. |
Body | Object | An object containing the details of the order. The attributes within the object will vary based on the resource and verb. |
RequestorId | String | The customer's reference number for this Trouble Ticket order. |
ServicerId | String | Indicates the Trouble Ticket order ID generated by Equinix after the order was submitted. |
StatusCode | String | The HTTP status code of the request. |
Signature | String | Base64 encoded signature. |
Update Case
Sample Notification
Equinix sends notifications of trouble ticket/service request updates to the customer via EMG.
For example, the status changed from submitted to in progress.
Sample Response:
"Task": {
"Id": "4f6ec8d0-902f-4892-aa31-8bfed1edc075",
"Source": "3e095d30-40ff-11e9-8959-5be078353003",
"Verb": "Update",
"Resource": "TroubleTicket.ManagedService",
"ContentType": "application/json",
"CreationTimeUTC": "2020-05-21T02:08:11.471Z",
"Version": "1.0",
"Body": {
"ServicerId": "c572cef497702950c9b930b6f053afd1",
"AccountNumber": "123456",
"SupplierTicketNumber": "1-2345678901",
"TicketState": "InProgress",
"Comments": "Ticket CS0634418 moved to InProgress state."
"Signature": "RWNobwp7CiAgIklkIjogIjM1MGFlZjcwLTc4MWIt9keSI6IHsKICAZXVlIgogIH0KfQ=="
The description of the update response schema is as follows:
Name | Type | Description |
Task | Object | The task object comprises a common set of header attributes and a unique set of body attributes. The header attributes are applicable to all order types, whereas the body attributes vary for each order. |
Id | String (Guid) | The unique identifier of the message. Customers must ensure to send a unique value for each message. |
Source | String (Guid) | A unique value to identify the message sender. This value will be shared with the customer during the onboarding process. |
Verb | String | Indicates the action to be performed. The verb for response messages is "Ack" and "Update". |
Resource | String | Indicates the ticket type. |
ContentType | String | |
CreateTimeUTC | String | Indicates the date and time at which the Trouble Ticket order was updated at Equinix's end. |
Version | String | The version of the request and response schema. |
Body | Object | An object containing the details of the order. The attributes within the object will vary based on the resource and verb. |
ServicerId | String | Indicates the Trouble Ticket order ID generated by Equinix after the order was submitted. |
Account Number | String | Customer account number. |
Supplier Ticket Number | String | Supplier Order Number. |
Ticket State | String | The state of the ticket. In Progress/ Awaiting Info / Work InProgress / Resolve / Closed |
Comments | String | Additional details of the order updated. Ex: "Ticket CS0634418 moved to InProgress state." |
Signature | String | Base64 encoded signature. |