Developer Forum Equinix Customer Portal APIs 500 Error with sandbox Users v2Closed
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API User
Wednesday, July 19, 2023 - 04:14

Hello, I have been attempting to mess with the sandbox and create.

The two things I have done (using Postman) are get a token and create a user.
I have been putting the Bearer Token in Auth and receive this, with a 500 error:




        "errorCode": "EQ-2021101",

        "errorMessage": "The server has encountered an unexpected error. We apologize for the inconvenience. Please try again later.",

        "correlationId": "230718201317567"



Let me know if you need more information, as I am lost on where to go next.

Equinix Customer Portal

APIs that enables all aspects of Equinix Customer Portal features in a programmatic way. Includes user administration, order management & many other capabilities.