Hello everyone,
I'm working with Yahoo on a project that involves monitoring power data for a large number of PDUs—more than 1000—every hour. We've hit a snag, though. The API we're using has a daily limit of 1000 calls.
Here's the current API we're using:
bashCopy code
curl -s -X GET "https://api.equinix.com/power/v1/current?accountNo=${EQUINIX_ACCOUNT_NUMBER}&ibx=${EQUINIX_IBX}&levelType=CIRCUIT&levelValue=${LEVELVALUE}"
I've tried adding multiple values to "levelValue," but it's not working as expected.
The challenge is that we have to check so many PDUs every hour that making a single call per PDU isn't practical. If we go that route, we'll hit the API limit in just one hour.
I found an alternative approach on the forum:
bashCopy code
curl -s -X POST "https://api.equinix.com/power/v1/current" -H "content-type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer ${1}" -d '{ "accountNo": "'${2}'", "ibx": "'${3}'", "levelType": "circuit" }'
This method provides data for all PDUs in a single response. However, the "levelValue" returned varies:
In the original API call: "levelValue": "DB3:280355"
In the alternative API call: "levelValue": "DB3:DT-340276"
While "DB3:280355" aligns with our PDU naming scheme and is visible in reports, "DB3:DT-340276" doesn't show up in any reports, including SmartViews generated reports.
I'd appreciate your insights and suggestions. If you've faced similar challenges or have recommendations, please share.
Hello, I have a question.
## Question.
Is there a best practice to get all CIRCUIT,SENSOR data?
## Background
We are developing and operating a monitoring system for current and temperature sensors in a Datacenter.
We would like to import data from Smartview into our monitoring system and are considering using the API.
We need data for each CIRCUIT and SENSOR, but if we use the following API, we can only get summary data for the specified unit.
=== e.g. Current (Power_v1) request
❯ curl --request GET \
∙ --url 'https://api.equinix.com/power/v1/current?accountNo={accountNo}&ibx={ibx}&levelType=ibx&levelValue={ibx}' \
∙ --header 'accept: application/json' \
∙ --header 'authorization: Bearer {bearer}' \
∙ --header 'content-type: application/json'
Next, we considered how to obtain a list of CIRCUIT,SENSOR from the HierarchyAPI and request one of each.
However, we found that the API limits the number of requests to 1,000 per day.
We have more than 1,000 CIRCUITs and SENSORs that we want to retrieve and cannot monitor with 1,000 requests/day.
ref: https://developer.equinix.com/forum/power-api-interval-queries
Is there a better way to get all CIRCUIT,SENSOR values using Smartview API?
Thank you.
When i try to Get a list of all the alarms, the response of my quey is :
GET : https://api.equinix.com/alarm/v1/smartview/alarms?accountNo=XXXX&limit=10
"code": 3005,
"uid": null
why i have this problem ?
I've been trying to call /getAlerts and /getAlertsActivityLog but keep getting '503 Service Unavailable'
Below are the links I used which are found in the documentations
I've been doing POST /power/v1/current for levelType of 'cabinet' for awhile now. But every once in a while (6 hours - 24 hours), the endpoint would return me with an error ECONNRESET. I've checked online and it states that this error usually means that connection on the other end (Equinix) got closed.
Here's a list of APIs my application is executing every now and then:
- GET /alarm/v1/smartview/alarms
- GET /environment/v1/listCurrent for levelType of 'ibx'
- POST /power/v1/current for levelType of 'ibx'
- POST /power/v1/current for levelType of 'cabinet'
And only the mentioned endpoint is receiving this error.
Currently, I've set the timeout to 300s for the request as the response from you guys is pretty huge.
A few questions for API access and usage.
-1st question regarding your infra:
Please can you give me the interval of query for your different levels (power/temperature/etc...).
I want to configure a prob who will call your API every x minutes according to your granularity.
-2nd question for the API queries restriction:
What is the maximum query per second on the API ?
Did you have a limitation with token creation (quantity / over time / other)?
-3rd Next features for the API:
Did you plan to have the possibility to stream data to an endpoint, I see specific endpoint like GCP/AWS/Azure but what if I want to have my own endpoint?
Did you have a roadmap?
Thanks for your answers.
Jerome Baudet.
Did you have or plan to have a playground (or a pre production env for your customer) ?
When I create a new app I have this message for the playground creation : "Sandbox (Available only for ECX V3 and ECP V1 APIs)"
Access denied only when trying to get Power Data through API
Can we get Power Data for multiple circuits of Cabinet using below API.
- GET /Power/v1/current
Access denied only when trying to get Power Data.
I am trying to get near real time or at least data that is more current than what SmartView reports give us.
I can do all the other API calls (asset, subscriptions, auth, etc.) but not Power. Here is my call for GET power/v1/current
For GET power/v1/current API - we are getting "type": "ERROR", "statuscode": "4000", "msg": "INTERNAL_ERROR".
For GET /power/v1/current, I put in levelType=cage so I can see my entire cage power usage (preferably every cabinet in the cage).Theres so many things in the description with no example. Can I get some help?
I'd like to check a few things regarding the Alarms API.
- How are we supposed to treat the Severity being return by the API?
- With severity levels of Low, High, Warning, Urgent (and possibly more?), what are we supposed to interpret from these values?
- What is the difference between the levels?
- At which level(s) must immediate action be taken?
- How can we map the different alarm types and classifications, to the Electrical/Mechanical Alarms guide provided?
- We'd like to link up the different active alarms that we get from the API reply to the different categories in our application to indicate the severity of the different categories of assets in our datacenter
For /alarm/v1/smartview/alarms,
it shows that the default value for groupByIBX is false.
However, when groupByIBX is set to true,
I receive a code 1000 with a message 404 Not Found.
For /alarm/v1/smartview/alarms,
it shows that the default value for limit is 0.
However, it is not the case as it shows all.
When I manually set as 0, no record is shown.
What is the Quota Limit for any API per day.
I'm having error code S1003, saying that my account has been locked. What happened and needs to be done?
How long will the access token last for IBX SmartView APIs before expiring?
For same user and account, I am getting Error for different IBX with status code 3001 and message Permission Denied
GET /asset/v1/list doesn't show what the affected customer assets are like it does in the IBX Smartview web interface.
1. GET /alarm/v1/smartview/alarms have a date range variable but it's still nowhere to be found
2. GET /alarm/v1/smartview/alarms doesn't show the affected customer assets like it is shown in the IBX Smartview web interface.
3. GET /alarm/v1/smartview/confusion between IBX Smartview web interface and API.
When will the new/modified set of IBX Smartview APIs will be released and how we will get notified?
Are there any streaming capabilities for environmental statistics? If yes, where do I find the details?
How will I know which sites are enabled with the API Integration? Is it global?
I do not see any documentation related to the API Integration? Where can I find it?
Equinix Smart View
Equinix Smart View APIs enable real-time environmental and power draw monitoring within IBX facilities.