Hi everyone, I'm trying to create an Azure Express Route connection and when I try to send my POST request body:
{"primaryName": "TestName-PRI", "primaryPortUUID": "abcdefghijklmonopqrustuvwxyz", "primaryVlanSTag": 511, "profileUUID": "abcdefghijklmonopqrustuvwxyz", "authorizationKey": "abcdefghijklmonopqrustuvwxyz", "speed": 100, "speedUnit": "MB", "notifications": "abcdefghijklmonopqrustuvwxyz", "sellerRegion": "ADAD", "sellerMetroCode": "xx", "secondaryName": "TestName-SEC", "secondaryPortUUID": "abcdefghijklmonopqrustuvwxyz", "secondaryVlanSTag": 511, "namedTag": "Microsoft", "primaryZSideVlanCTag": ###, "secondaryZSideVlanCTag": ###}
Obviously I will not post content with real data from my company so I filled it in with dummy data.
I keep getting back the following error:
"errorCode": "IC-LAYER2-401",
"errorMessage": "Json syntax error,Please check request body",
"moreInfo": "Please refer the contracts for correct fields",
"property": ""
Am I missing something in the request body?
Hi did you get an answer to this? I'm getting the same error. Thx