Developer Forum Equinix Fabric™ APIs Questions about Service TokenClosed
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API User
Friday, April 1, 2022 - 17:52


When i create a zSide Service Token, then only connection.type available seems : EVPL_VC
However on GET
/fabric/v4/connections/{connectionId} enum is : "VG_VC" "EVPL_VC" "EPL_VC" "EC_VC" "GW_VC"

Can you confirm that EVPL_VC is the only value available on service token creation or could you describe the available values ?

I see some "action" on Connection ( POST /fabric/v4/connections/{connectionId}/actions )
If I create a zSide Service Token and my customer create the aSide using the token. Will it create a Connection in PENDING ? Or connection are directly validated when using Service Token ?

Service Token seems to be a way to do an order quicker than using the Service Profile of a company.
Usualy I list my customer Connections using GET /ecx/v3/l2/seller/connections with profileId argument. Is there a way to link Connection created by Service Token to a Service Profile ?

I tried to use Service Token endpoints on sandbox to get my answers, but call failed, it doesn't seem available on sandbox.

Best regards

API User
Wednesday, April 13, 2022 - 19:37


I had some feedback from my equinix contact :

Connection type available:

«- Currently, only EVPL port is supported for service token connections. Therefore please only use EVPL_VC»


De we need to approve connection :

« No action is required from your end. When a connection is initiated by an A side participant, the respective Z side token will be validated by Equinix. After validating the token, the connection will be provisioned accordingly . »

Could connection be linked to a service profile ?

« As service tokens are associated with ports and not profiles, there is no direct link.

However, as multiple ports maybe assigned to a service profile, you can identify the profile by finding which port is associated with a service token and then identify whether this port is part of any service profile. »


Is sandbox available ?

« As Sandbox is a mock environment without no actual ports, token APIs have yet to be exposed in this environment . »



I was wondering, do you know how are we informed of connection termination ?

Connection ordered on my service profile has the status « PENDING_DELETE » that i need to confirm. Is it working the same way with connection created by Service Token ? (it doesn't look like)

Should i pull regulary connection to find if a connection in an "ACTIVE" state become "DEPROVISIONED" ?

Best regards,