Which API call should one use to retrieve datacenter visit history?
"Equinix Customer Portal API --> Orders_History API ( https://api.equinix.com/v1/retrieve-orders)" works indeed, thanks!
But unfortunately, it does only show at what time the order was created, but not the start and end time.
When via the Portal we schedule a Work Visit, we have to provide a Start and End time. How can I retrieve this information?
So is it possible to get Full Details of an order?
Currently to retrieve the Order Details, you need to use the same Order_History API and use source "Order Number" and provide an order number to fetch the complete details. Example: /v1/retrieve-orders/{Equinix Order Number}
Sample Order Number: 1-174057374942
Please use Equinix Customer Portal API --> Orders_History API ( https://api.equinix.com/v1/retrieve-orders) with product type filter "WORK_VISIT".