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Migrate Connection to a Different Virtual Device


Step 1: Authenticate

Submit your user credentials, Client ID, and Client Secret for OAuth2 authentication.


Refer to Generating Client ID and Client Secret under the Getting Access Token section for instructions on how to create client ID and client secret and refer to Requesting Access and Refresh tokens section for instructions on how to call Oauth API to validate and authenticate your credentials.


If you are unaware of your user credentials for Equinix Fabric, contact your local Equinix Service Desk.

Step 2: Get Attribute Information

1. Determine Connection identifier
Call Retrieve Connections API to get a list of connections and determine the identifier of the connection that you want to migrate to a different Virtual Device.

2. Determine A-side Virtual Device information
You need a provisioned Equinix Virtual Device/Cluster with a registered license on the A-side. Check your available virtual devices/clusters by calling Get Virtual Devices or Get Virtual Device {uuid}. You may choose any available interface of the device for your connection. However, Equinix will select an interface if you do not specify any.

Step 3: Update Connection

Use the PATCH /fabric/v4/connections/{uuid} API request to change the connection's A-side Virtual Device.

 PATCH /fabric/v4/connections/{uuid}
URL or Endpoint/fabric/v4/connections/{uuid}
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Path Parametersuuid
Query ParametersNot applicable
Body Parametersop, path, value

Sample curl request

curl -X
-H 'content-type: application/json-patch+json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-d '[
"op": "replace",
"path": "/aSide/accessPoint",
"value": {
"type": "VD",
"virtualDevice": {
"type": "EDGE",
"uuid": "e8b49cd7-9b4c-4123-8bd4-fbead83c3436"
"interface": {
"type": "NETWORK",
"id": 5

Path parameters

ParameterMandatoryTypeExampleApplicable ValuesDescription
uuidyesstring3a58dd05-f46d-4b1d-a154-2e85c396ea62-Equinix-assigned connection identifier.

Body parameters

ParameterMandatoryTypeExampleApplicable ValuesDescription
opyesstringreplacereplaceUpdate reqest type.
pathyesstring/aSide/accessPoint/aSide/accessPointParameter path.
typeyesstringVDVDVD - Virtual Device.
virtualDeviceyesobject-Virtual Device details.
uuidyesstring78rtdd05-f46d-4b1d-a154-2e85c396yt56Unique Id of the new Virtual Device.
interfacenoobjectInterface details.
idnointeger5Interface of the Virtual Device.

If you get “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for Equinix Fabric Portal access.

Sample response

"href": "",
"type": "EVPL_VC",
"uuid": "3a58dd05-f46d-4b1d-a154-2e85c396ea62",
"name": "Conn-Name-2",
"state": "PROVISIONED",
"order": {
"purchaseOrderNumber": "1-129105284100",
"billingTier": "Up to 1 Gbps"
"bandwidth": 1000,
"redundancy": {
"group": "m167f685-41b0-1b07-6de0-320a5c00abeu",
"priority": "PRIMARY"
“aSide”: {
“accessPoint”: {
"interface": {
“id”: 7,
“type”: "NETWORK"
“location”: {
“metroCode”: "AM"
“virtualDevice”: {
“type”: "EDGE"
"zSide": {
"accessPoint": {
"type": "SP",
"profile": {
"href": "",
"type": "L2_Profile",
"uuid": "20d32a80-0d61-4333-bc03-707b591ae2f4"
"location": {
"href": "",
"metrocode": "SV",
"region": "AMER"
"notifications": [
"type": "ALL",
"emails": [
"operation": {
"equinixStatus": "PROVISIONED",
"providerStatus": "PROVISIONED"
"changeLog": {
"createdDateTime": "2021-07-15T19:30:29.526Z",
"updatedDateTime": "2021-08-15T19:30:29.526Z",

Response payload body description

ParameterTypeExample valuesDescription
hrefstring absolute URL that returns the specified connection.
typestringEVPL_VCConnection type.

EVPL_VC - Ethernet virtual private line connection type used for tagged layer 2 connections.
uuidstring3a58dd05-f46d-4b1d-a154-2e85c396ea62Equinix-assigned connection identifier.
namestringConn-Name-2Connection name.
statestringPROVISIONINGLifecycle stage of a connection.
orderobject-Order details.
order.purchaseOrderNumberstring1-129105284100Subscriber's purchase order identifier.
order.billingTierstringUp to 1 GbpsBilling tier for connection bandwidth.
bandwidthinteger1000Connection bandwidth in Mbps.
redundancyobjectObject containing redundancy details.
redundancy.groupstring7a58dd05-f46d-4b1d-a154-2e85c396ea63Unique Id of the redundancy group.
redundancy.prioritystringPRIMARYWhether the connection is PRIMARY or SECONDARY.
aSideobjectSource definition.
aSide.accessPointobject-Connection endpoint configuration from the A-side.
accesspoint.interfaceobject-Object containing interface details.
interface.uuidstringXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXUnique id of the interface.
interface.idinteger7Id of the device interface.
interface.typestringNETWORKType of interface.
accesspoint.locationobjectObject containing A-side location details.
location.metroCodestringAMA-side Metropolitan area identifier.
accesspoint.virtualDeviceobjectObject containing virtual device details.
virtualDevice.typestringEDGEType of virtual device.
virtualDevice.uuidstringXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXUnique Id of the old virtual device.
zSideobject-Connection destinatino definition.
zSide.accessPointobject-Connection endpoint configuration.
accessPoint.typestringSPConnection endpoint type.

SP - Service profile.
accessPoint.profileobject-The service profile associated with this access point.
profile.hrefstring absolute URL that returns the specified service profile.
profile.typestringL2_PROFILEService profile type.

L2_PROFILE - layer 2 service profile for establishing connections in layer 2 of the OSI networking model.
profile.uuidstring20d32a80-0d61-4333-bc03-707b591ae2f5Unique identifier assigned to the service profile associated with this access point.
accessPoint.locationobject-Attributes associated with the specified asset location.
location.hrefstring absolute URL that returns the specified metro.
location.metroCodestringSVMetropolitan area identifier.
location.regionstringAMERBroad geographic area in which a specified Equinix asset is located.
notificationsarray[object]-Subscriber preferences for notification of changes in asset configuration or status.
notifications.typestringALLNotification preferences for a specified asset, such as a service token, port, access point, or profile.
notifications.emailsarray[string][""]List of recipients.
operationobject-Access point operational data.
operation.equinixStatusstringPROVISIONEDProgress towards provisioning a specified connection.
operation.providerStatusstringPROVISIONEDProvider's progress towards provisioning a specified connection.
changeLogobject-A permanent record of asset creation, modification, or deletion.
changeLog.createdDateTimestring2021-07-15T19:30:29.526ZConnection creation timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format:
changeLog.updatedDateTimestring2021-08-15T19:30:29.526ZConnection creation timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format: