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Effective 10 September 2024, API Documentation can be found on our Equinix Product Documentation site.
The content on this page will not be updated after 1 Oct 2024 and will be inaccessible after 31st Dec 2024.

Virtual Device

Get Virtual Devices

 GET /ne/v1/devices
URL or End Point/ne/v1/devices
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Query Parametersoffset, limit, metroCode, status, accountUcmId, sort, searchText
BodyNot applicable

Returns the details of virtual devices.


To retrieve drafts, query with the status "DRAFT."


To obtain an authorization token, refer to Requesting Access and Refresh tokens under the Getting Access Token section.

Sample curl request:

curl -X
GET ""
-H "content-type: application/json"
-H "authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"

Query parameters:

Query Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleApplicable ValuesDescription
offsetNointeger0Specifies where to start a page. It is the starting point of the collection returned from the server.
limitNointeger100Specifies the page size.
metroCodeNostringDCMetro for which you want virtual devices.
accountUcmIdNostring678907Unique Id of the account. A reseller querying for a customer's devices can input the accountUcmId of the customer's account. To find out the accountUcmId of your customer's account, please check the Equinix account creation portal (ECP) or call Get account API.
searchTextNostringmyDeviceSearch with a partial string to find matching device names.
sortNostringsort=sortKey1, -sortKey2, sortKey3Sorts the output by certain names. You can sort by name, status, metro, createdDate, lastUpdatedDate, vendor (sorts by deviceTypeVendor), and type (sorts by deviceTypeCategory). Add the prefix "-" to sort in descending order.

Sample response:

"pagination": {
"offset": 0,
"limit": 20,
"total": 1,
"next": "/nfv/v1/devices?status=PROVISIONED&offset=20&limit=20"
"data": [

"uuid": "76e33e9e-6155-472e-ae76-37b5401f888f",
"serviceId": "31794-1667500136461-vd",
"name": "Gnasit_csr8K_170901a_DEC_pod17",
"deviceTypeCode": "C8000V",
"deviceTypeName": "8000V (Autonomous Mode)",
"deviceTypeVendor": "Cisco",
"deviceTypeCategory": "ROUTER",
"status": "PROVISIONED",
"licenseStatus": "APPLIED",
"metroCode": "SY",
"metroName": "Sydney",
"podName": "GEN2",
"ibx": "SY4",
"region": "APAC",
"hostName": "myhost-2",
"packageCode": "network-advantage",
"packageName": "DNA Advantage",
"version": "17.09.01a",
"licenseType": "BYOL",
"licenseName": "Bring Your Own License",
"createdBy": "eqxnfvuser1",
"createdDate": "2022-11-03T18:28:56.465Z",
"lastUpdatedBy": "eqxnfvuser1",
"lastUpdatedDate": "2022-11-03T18:30:31.999Z",
"aclTemplateUuid": "dbdcb672-e37d-4072-85e2-19c4d0eaf5ef",
"sshIpAddress": "",
"sshIpFqdn": "",
"sshIpFqdnStatus": "ASSIGNED",
"accountNumber": "201098",
"accountName": "eqx-nfv-201098",
"notifications": [
"redundancyType": "PRIMARY",
"connectivity": "INTERNET-ACCESS",
"managementIp": "",
"managementGatewayIp": "",
"publicIp": "",
"publicGatewayIp": "",
"primaryDnsName": "",
"secondaryDnsName": "",
"termLength": 1,
"billingCommencementDate": "12/11/2022 18:30:13",
"billingEnabled": true,
"additionalBandwidth": 0,
"vendorConfig": {
"adminPassword": "5NYsj6qv7y"
"orderingContact": {
"username": "eqxnfvuser1"
"interfaceCount": 10,
"core": {
"core": 2,
"memory": 4,
"unit": "GB",
"tier": 2
"deviceManagementType": "SELF-CONFIGURED",
"userPublicKey": {
"username": "csrktestify2022_123",
"publicKeyName": "situser",
"publicKey": "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDtd7Vdo6+kjz80JJyc80R6mMrD/rOc9i5wpiAxS1BvBeoQx/RWzpba2W6h3Q9dP9n+VhrTGK3hNpZafrCIdmmQjTYUS0GvKnW4lo4B+rPGxpJvJTzvRqWYWn0eo2wzCjixIZ6xY6+JEBKdNgOnHy9BHqSf9JH9j4joJ1otWpLu4VQRYVstThruNPPlePpn80DTPra9uR7DRjyBKsFdY64m+eblz8XKFkKC0EkyaVmKpILilkezZRbo9C4rky9QrKk/wKnsSGpzblIsbMYiGRqyXW+Q4QtY5vRARXvwMHhk7XijWmdTJ7EEc2eN3FwLsM/euqcFT4c10TA/QTNbg2B9 situser@spirent-centos",
"publicKeyType": "RSA"
"networkScope": "TENANT",
"plane": "PRIMARY",
"interfaces": [
"id": 1,
"name": "GigabitEthernet1",
"macAddress": null,
"status": null,
"type": "MGMT",
"ipAddress": null,
"vxLan": null,
"assignedType": "Equinix Managed"
"id": 2,
"name": "GigabitEthernet2",
"macAddress": null,
"status": null,
"type": "SSH",
"ipAddress": null,
"vxLan": 6640,
"assignedType": "Equinix Managed"
"id": 3,
"name": "GigabitEthernet3",
"macAddress": "fa:16:3e:c1:b5:ad",
"status": "AVAILABLE",
"type": "DATA",
"ipAddress": null,
"vxLan": 9556,
"assignedType": ""
"id": 4,
"name": "GigabitEthernet4",
"macAddress": "fa:16:3e:b6:69:72",
"status": "AVAILABLE",
"type": "DATA",
"ipAddress": null,
"vxLan": 9557,
"assignedType": ""
"id": 5,
"name": "GigabitEthernet5",
"macAddress": "fa:16:3e:b0:86:ba",
"status": "AVAILABLE",
"type": "DATA",
"ipAddress": null,
"vxLan": 9558,
"assignedType": ""
"id": 6,
"name": "GigabitEthernet6",
"macAddress": "fa:16:3e:06:07:3e",
"status": "AVAILABLE",
"type": "DATA",
"ipAddress": null,
"vxLan": 9559,
"assignedType": ""
"id": 7,
"name": "GigabitEthernet7",
"macAddress": "fa:16:3e:73:b3:62",
"status": "AVAILABLE",
"type": "DATA",
"ipAddress": null,
"vxLan": 9560,
"assignedType": ""
"id": 8,
"name": "GigabitEthernet8",
"macAddress": "fa:16:3e:c0:db:da",
"status": "AVAILABLE",
"type": "DATA",
"ipAddress": null,
"vxLan": 9561,
"assignedType": ""
"id": 9,
"name": "GigabitEthernet9",
"macAddress": "fa:16:3e:1d:24:fb",
"status": "AVAILABLE",
"type": "DATA",
"ipAddress": null,
"vxLan": 9562,
"assignedType": ""
"id": 10,
"name": "GigabitEthernet10",
"macAddress": "fa:16:3e:bb:46:b4",
"status": "AVAILABLE",
"type": "DATA",
"ipAddress": null,
"vxLan": 9563,
"assignedType": ""

The description of the response:

Field NameTypeExample ValuesDescription
paginationobjectAn object that has pagination information.
offsetinteger0It is the starting point of the collection returned from the server.
limitinteger20The page size.
totalinteger100The total number of results.
dataarrayAn array of virtual device objects.
uuidstringec68e425-f973-452e-a866-76be5844d0baThe unique Id of the virtual device (uuid).
namestringTest-device-003-SROYThe name of the virtual device.
deviceTypeCodestringC8000VDevice type code.
deviceTypeNamestringC8000VDevice type name.
deviceTypeVendorstringCiscoThe vendor of the device.
deviceTypeCategorystringROUTERThe category of the device.
diverseFromDeviceNamestringMy-Other-DeviceThe name of a device that is in a location different from this device.
diverseFromDeviceUuidstring4cfb5675-5c3f-4275-adba-0c9e3c26c96bThe unique Id of a device that is in a location different from this device.
statusstringPROVISIONEDThe status of the device.
licenseStatusstringREGISTEREDThe status of the license.
expirystringNeverLicense expiry.
metroCodestringDCThe metro where the device is located.
metroNamestringAshburnThe name of the metro.
ibxstringDC1Name of Equinix exchange. One metro may have several exchanges.
regionstringAMERThe region in which the metro is located
throughputinteger500Throughput of the device
throughputUnitstringMbpsThroughput unit.
hostNamestringTC12Host name.
packageCodestringSECSoftware package code.
packageNamestringSecuritySoftware package name.
versionstring16.09.02The version of the software.
licenseTypestringBYOLThe type of license. As of now, we only offer BYOL.
licenseNamestringBring Your Own LicenseThe name of the license.
licenseFileldstring9125e24a-708b-4c6e-8694-2c3ca727b081The license file Id. You get a licenseFileId when you upload the license file from your vendor to the Equinix platform.
createdBystringmynaCreated by.
createdDatestring2019-05-03T03:11:44.127ZCreation date.
deletedBystringmynaDeleted by.
deletedDatestring2019-05-03T03:11:44.127ZDeletion date.
lastUpdatedBystringmynaLast updated by.
lastUpdatedDatestring2019-05-03T03:11:44.127ZLast update date.
sshIpAddressstring64.191.210.44SshIpAddress of the device.
deviceSerialNostring92CONAW32JCThe serial number of the device.
sshIpFqdnstringmyhost-2-44-210-191-64-DC.nfv-uat1.eis.lab.equinix.comThe fully qualified domain name of the device.
sshIpFqdnStatusstringASSIGNEDsshIpFqdnStatus. Possible values:
  • ASSIGNED: DNS assigned successfully
  • UNASSIGNED: We are in the process of assigning DNS
  • RELEASED: The DNS is released
accountNumberstring2252619Account number.
accountNamestringnfv-sit1Account name.
notificationsarray[]test@equinix.comThe list of email addresses that will receive device life-cycle notifications.
purchaseOrderNumberstring3456778Customer's purchase order number.
redundancyTypestringPRIMARYWhether this device is primary or secondary. Secondary devices are redundant devices that ensure high availability. For cluster devices, the redundancy type is CLUSTER.
redundantUuidstring086d0425-69b7-4c8e-8a29-a3d5a1e543daUnique Id of the redundant device. If this device is primary, then this field will have the unique Id of the secondary device. Otherwise, if this device is a secondary device, then this will field will have the unique Id of the primary device.
connectivitystringINTERNET-ACCESSSpecifies the connectivity on the device. Possible values:
  • PRIVATE: A private device will not have ACLs or bandwidth.
managementIpstring10.198.251.54/24Management IP. This optional parameter is relevant for SD-WAN devices.
managementGatewayIpstring10.198.251.1Management Gateway IP. This optional parameter is relevant for SD-WAN devices.
publicIpstring149.97.198.97/31Public IP. This optional parameter is relevant for SD-WAN devices.
publicGatewayIpstring149.97.198.96Public Gateway IP. This optional parameter is relevant for SD-WAN devices.
primaryDnsNamestring4.0.0.53Primary DNS name. This optional parameter is relevant for SD-WAN devices.
secondaryDnsNamestring129.250.35.250Secondary DNS name. This optional parameter is relevant for SD-WAN devices.
termLengthinteger24The length of the contract.
billingCommencementDatestring09/07/2020 21:16:49Billing commencement date.
additionalBandwidthinteger100Additional bandwidth in Mbps.
pricingDetailsobjectAn object that has the pricing details of a quote created for Network Edge on Siebel.
termLengthstring36The term length of a quote created for Network Edge on Siebel.
orderNumberstring1-198735018693The order number of a quote created for Network Edge on Siebel.
coreinteger4The number of cores on a quote created for Network Edge on Siebel.
throughputinteger1The throughput on a quote created for Network Edge on Siebel.
throughputUnitstringGbpsThe throughput unit on a quote created for Network Edge on Siebel.
packageCodestringAXThe software package on a quote created for Network Edge on Siebel.
additionalBandwidthstring100The additional bandwidth on a quote created for Network Edge on Siebel.
primaryobjectAn object with the pricing details of the primary device.
chargesarrayAn array with the charges.
descriptionstringVIRTUAL_DEVICEThe description of the price.
monthlyRecurringChargesstring200The monthly recurring charges.
currencystringUSDThe currency of the price.
channelPartnerstringSDCIThe name of the channel partner.
secondaryobjectAn object with the pricing details of the secondary device.
interfaceCountinteger24The total number of interfaces.
coreobjectAn object with the details of the core.
core.coreinteger2The number of cores.
core.memoryinteger4The amount of memory.
core.unitstringGBThe unit of memory.
core.tierinteger2Tier is only relevant for Cisco 8000v devices.
deviceManagementTypestringSELF-CONFIGUREDWhether the device is SELF-CONFIGURED or not.
licenseKeystring1404-991d81bb-2567-43e5-a14c-1493ace58046License key (ION key). Relevant only for CloudGenix devices.
licenseSecretstringd29dceeef2d2b494c9eb76937a361890786e609dLicense secret (Secret key). Relevant only for CloudGenix devices.
localIdstringSDWAN-Branch@Versa.comEmail address of the branch location. Relevant only for Versa SD-WAN devices.
remoteIdstringController-01-staging@Versa.comEmail address of the controller side. Relevant only for Versa SD-WAN devices.
controller1string54.219.248.29Ip address of the SD-WAN controller1. Relevant only for Versa SD-WAN devices.
controller2string54.177.220.115Ip address of the SD-WAN controller2. Relevant only for Versa SD-WAN devices.
userPublicKeyobjectAn object that has the SSH public key details. Relevant only for self-configured devices.
usernamestringtest-user1The SSH username. Relevant only for self-configured devices.
publicKeyNamestringtest-pk-2The SSH publicKeyName. Relevant only for self-configured devices.
publicKeystringssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAklOUpkDHrfHY17SbrmTIpNLTGK9Tjom/BWDSU\nThe SSH publicKey. Relevant only for self-configured devices.
publicKeyTypestringRSAThe SSH publicKeyType, whether RSA or DSA.
clusterDetailsobjectAn object that has the cluster details. This field is only relevant for cluster devices.
clusterIdstring34b7838c-ec82-4166-ac19-efa03b4e34feThe Id of the cluster. This field is only relevant for cluster devices.
clusterNamestringmyClusterDeviceThe name of the cluster device. This field is only relevant for cluster devices.
numOfNodesinteger2The number of nodes in the cluster. This field is only relevant for cluster devices.
nodesarray[objects]An array of the two node objects
namestringmyClusterDevice-Node0The name of the node. This field is only relevant for cluster devices.
uuidstring34b7838c-ec82-4166-ac19-efa03b4e34feThe unique Id of the node. This field is only relevant for cluster devices.
nodeinteger0The sequence number of the node. This field is only relevant for cluster devices.
vendorConfigobjectAn object that has fields relevant to the vendor of the device.
vendorConfig.adminPasswordstringZQelDI7sUdThe administrative password of the device. You can use it to log in to the console. This field is not available for all device types.
vendorConfig.siteIdstring567Site Id. Relevant only for Cisco SD-WAN devices. A siteId is a particular physical location within the Viptela overlay network, such as a branch office, or a campus.
vendorConfig.systemIpAddressstring2.2.2.2System IP address. Relevant only for Cisco SD-WAN devices. Each CSRSDWAN router and vSmart controller is assigned a system IP address.
vendorConfig.connectToCloudVisionbooleantrueOnly relevant for Arista devices. A "true" value means your Arista device is connected to Cloud Vision.
vendorConfig.cvpTypestringAs-a-Service or On-PremiseOnly relevant for Arista devices.
vendorConfig.cvpFqdnstringwww.NetworkSolutions.comFully qualified domain name for Cloud Vision As-a-Service. Only relevant for Arista devices.
vendorConfig.cvpIpAddressstring192.168.0.10Only relevant for Arista devices. Cloud Vision Portal's IP address.
vendorConfig.cvaasPortstring443Cvaas Port number. Only relevant for Arista devices.
vendorConfig.cvpPortstring443Cloud Vision Portal's port number. Only relevant for Arista devices.
vendorConfig.cvpTokenstring123Cloud Vision Portal's token. Only relevant for Arista devices.
vendorConfig.privateAddressstring192.168.20.32Private address. Relevant for BlueCat devices.
vendorConfig.privateCidrMaskstring24Private CIDR Mask. Relevant for BlueCat devices.
vendorConfig.privateGatewaystring192.168.20.1Private gateway. Relevant for BlueCat devices.
vendorConfig.licenseIdstring000000123457777License Id. Relevant for BlueCat devices.
vendorConfig.panoramaIpAddressstring1.1.1.1IP address of the Panorama controller for Panorama integration. Relevant for Palo Alto Self-Configured devices with Internet Access
vendorConfig.panoramaAuthKeystring123456Supports secure onboarding of Palo Alto firewall devices (Panorama integration). Relevant for Palo Alto Self-Configured devices with Internet Access.
serialNumberstring4545454The customer selects a serial number when setting up the device template on Versa director. Relevant only for Versa SD-WAN devices.
planestringPRIMARYCompute plane. This field indicates whether the device is PRIMARY or SECONDARY.
interfacesarray[object]An array of interface objects.
idinteger1The Id of the interface.
namestringGigabitEthernet1The name of the interface.
statusstringAVAILABLEStatus of the interface, whether it is AVAILABLE, RESERVED, or ASSIGNED. Assigned interfaces are already in use. Reserved interfaces can only be used to bring your own connection (BYOC) from your Network Service Providers.
operationStatusstringdownThe operation status of the interface, whether it is up or not.
macAddressstringfa16.3e1c.a8d8Media access control address. It is the hardware identification number that uniquely identifies each device on a network.
ipAddressstring2.2.2.2Ip address.
assignedTypestringEquinix ManagedEquinix-managed interfaces are not available to create connections.
typestringMGMTThe type of interface.
asninteger1029Global ASN of the device.

If you get “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk.

Get Virtual Device {uuid}

 GET /ne/v1/devices/{uuid}
URL or End Point/ne/v1/devices/{uuid}
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Path Parameteruuid
BodyNot applicable

Returns the details of a virtual device by its unique Id.


To retrieve a draft, provide the unique Id of the draft (draftUuid).


To obtain an authorization token, refer to Requesting Access and Refresh tokens under the Getting Access Token section.

Sample curl request:

curl -X
GET ""
-H "content-type: application/json"
-H "authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"

Path parameter:

Path Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleApplicable ValuesDescription
uuidYesstringec68e425-f973-452e-a866-76be5844d0baUnique ID of the virtual device. To retrieve a draft, provide the unique Id of the draft (draftUuid).

Sample response:

"uuid": "f7cb93ac-df6d-4df4-92c2-557d36664341",
"name": "Test_device#2",
"deviceTypeCode": "C8000V",
"deviceTypeName": "C8000V (Autonomous Mode)",
"deviceTypeVendor": "Cisco",
"deviceTypeCategory": "ROUTER",
"status": "PROVISIONED",
"licenseStatus": "REGISTERED",
"metroCode": "DC",
"metroName": "Ashburn",
"ibx": "DC11",
"region": "AMER",
"throughput": "500",
"throughputUnit": "Mbps",
"hostName": "TestDevice",
"packageCode": "APPX",
"packageName": "AppX",
"version": "16.09.03",
"licenseType": "BYOL",
"licenseName": "Bring Your Own License",
"createdBy": "nfvsit01",
"createdDate": "2020-09-08T17:30:12.392Z",
"lastUpdatedBy": "nfvsit01",
"lastUpdatedDate": "2020-09-08T17:41:19.005Z",
"sshIpAddress": "",
"deviceSerialNo": "9U8K0JYXT6W",
"sshIpFqdn": "",
"sshIpFqdnStatus": "ASSIGNED",
"accountNumber": "200541",
"accountName": "nfv-sit1",
"notifications": [
"deviceOrderNumber": "1-198877551881",
"redundancyType": "PRIMARY",
"connectivity": "INTERNET-ACCESS",
"termLength": 1,
"billingCommencementDate": "09/22/2020 17:31:14",
"additionalBandwidth": 0,
"orderingContact": {
"username": "nfvsit01",
"email": "",
"firstName": "nfvsit01",
"lastName": "nfvsit01"
"interfaceCount": 10,
"core": {
"core": 2,
"memory": 4,
"unit": "GB",
"tier": 2
"deviceManagementType": "SELF-CONFIGURED",
"userPublicKey": {
"username": "csrktestify2022_123",
"publicKeyName": "situser",
"publicKey": "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDtd7Vdo6+kjz80JJyc80R6mMrD/rOc9i5wpiAxS1BvBeoQx/RWzpba2W6h3Q9dP9n+VhrTGK3hNpZafrCIdmmQjTYUS0GvKnW4lo4B+rPGxpJvJTzvRqWYWn0eo2wzCjixIZ6xY6+JEBKdNgOnHy9BHqSf9JH9j4joJ1otWpLu4VQRYVstThruNPPlePpn80DTPra9uR7DRjyBKsFdY64m+eblz8XKFkKC0EkyaVmKpILilkezZRbo9C4rky9QrKk/wKnsSGpzblIsbMYiGRqyXW+Q4QtY5vRARXvwMHhk7XijWmdTJ7EEc2eN3FwLsM/euqcFT4c10TA/QTNbg2B9 situser@spirent-centos",
"publicKeyType": "RSA"
"networkScope": "DEVICE",
"channelPartner": "SDCI",
"plane": "PRIMARY",
"interfaces": [
"id": 1,
"name": "GigabitEthernet1",
"status": null,
"operationalStatus": null,
"macAddress": null,
"ipAddress": null,
"assignedType": "Equinix Managed",
"type": "MGMT"
"id": 2,
"name": "GigabitEthernet2",
"status": null,
"operationalStatus": null,
"macAddress": null,
"ipAddress": null,
"assignedType": "Equinix Managed",
"type": "SSH"
"id": 3,
"name": "GigabitEthernet3",
"status": "RESERVED",
"operationalStatus": "down",
"macAddress": "fa16.3ec5.ae7e",
"ipAddress": null,
"assignedType": "Connection to Network Service Provider",
"type": "DATA"
"id": 4,
"name": "GigabitEthernet4",
"status": "AVAILABLE",
"operationalStatus": "down",
"macAddress": "fa16.3eef.ae56",
"ipAddress": null,
"assignedType": "",
"type": "DATA"
"id": 5,
"name": "GigabitEthernet5",
"status": "AVAILABLE",
"operationalStatus": "down",
"macAddress": "fa16.3e03.ee0b",
"ipAddress": null,
"assignedType": "",
"type": "DATA"
"id": 6,
"name": "GigabitEthernet6",
"status": "AVAILABLE",
"operationalStatus": "down",
"macAddress": "fa16.3ea3.bee5",
"ipAddress": null,
"assignedType": "",
"type": "DATA"
"id": 7,
"name": "GigabitEthernet7",
"status": "AVAILABLE",
"operationalStatus": "down",
"macAddress": "fa16.3eb6.86f0",
"ipAddress": null,
"assignedType": "",
"type": "DATA"
"id": 8,
"name": "GigabitEthernet8",
"status": "AVAILABLE",
"operationalStatus": "down",
"macAddress": "fa16.3e48.4c07",
"ipAddress": null,
"assignedType": "",
"type": "DATA"
"id": 9,
"name": "GigabitEthernet9",
"status": "AVAILABLE",
"operationalStatus": "down",
"macAddress": "fa16.3eca.19fc",
"ipAddress": null,
"assignedType": "",
"type": "DATA"
"id": 10,
"name": "GigabitEthernet10",
"status": "ASSIGNED",
"operationalStatus": "down",
"macAddress": "fa16.3e94.1577",
"ipAddress": null,
"assignedType": "test_approval_vikrant(nfv-sp-DC1)",
"type": "DATA"

The description of the response:

Field NameTypeExample ValuesDescription
uuidstringec68e425-f973-452e-a866-76be5844d0baUnique Id of the virtual device (uuid).
namestringTest-device-003-SROYName of the virtual device.
deviceTypeCodestringC8000VDevice type code.
deviceTypeNamestringC8000V (Autonomous mode)Device type name.
deviceTypeVendorstringCiscoVendor of the device.
deviceTypeCategorystringROUTERCategory of the device.
diverseFromDeviceNamestringMy-Other-DeviceThe name of a device that is in a location different from this device.
diverseFromDeviceUuidstring4cfb5675-5c3f-4275-adba-0c9e3c26c97bThe unique Id of a device that is in a location different from this device.
statusstringPROVISIONEDStatus of the device.
licenseStatusstringREGISTEREDStatus of the license.
metroCodestringDCMetro where the device is located.
metroNamestringAshburnMetro name.
ibxstringDC1Name of the Equinix exchange. A metro location may have several exchanges.
regionstringAMERThe region in which the metro is located
throughputinteger500Throughput of the device
throughputUnitstringMbpsThroughput unit.
hostNamestringTC12Host name.
packageCodestringSECSoftware package code.
packageNamestringSecuritySoftware package name.
versionstring16.09.02Version of the software.
licenseTypestringBYOLType of license. As of now, we only offer BYOL.
licenseNamestringBring Your Own LicenseName of license.
licenseFileldstring9125e24a-708b-4c6e-8694-2c3ca727b081License file Id. You get a licenseFileId when you upload a license file from your vendor to Equinix.
createdBystringmynaCreated by.
createdDatestring2019-05-03T03:11:44.127ZCreation date.
deletedBystringmynaDeleted by.
deletedDatestring2019-05-03T03:11:44.127ZDeletion date.
lastUpdatedBystringmynaLast updated by.
lastUpdatedDatestring2019-05-03T03:11:44.127ZLast update date.
sshIpAddressstring101.97.33.201Ip Address of the device.
deviceSerialNostring92CONAW32JCThe serial number of the device.
sshIpFqdnstringtesthost-201-33-97-101-SY.eis.lab.equinix.comThe fully qualified domain name of the device.
sshIpFqdnStatusstringASSIGNEDsshIpFqdnStatus. Applicable values:
  • ASSIGNED: Assigned DNS successfully
  • UNASSIGNED: We are in the process of assigning DNS
  • RELEASED: The DNS is released
accountNumberstring2252619Account number.
accountNamestringnfv-sit1Account name.
notificationsarray[]test@equinix.comList of email addresses that will receive notifications.
purchaseOrderNumberstring3456778Customer's purchase order number.
redundancyTypestringPRIMARYWhether this device is primary or secondary. Secondary devices are redundant devices that ensure high availability.
redundantUuidstring086d0425-69b7-4c8e-8a29-a3d5a1e543daUnique Id of the redundant device. If this device is primary, then this field will have the unique Id of the secondary device. Otherwise, if this device is a secondary device, then this will field will have the unique Id of the primary device.
connectivitystringINTERNET-ACCESSSpecifies the connectivity on the device. Possible values:
  • PRIVATE: A private device will not have ACLs or bandwidth.
managementIpstring10.198.251.54/24Management IP. This is an optional parameter relevant for SDWAN devices.
managementGatewayIpstring10.198.251.1Management Gateway IP. This is an optional parameter relevant for SDWAN devices.
publicIpstring149.97.198.97/31Public IP. This is an optional parameter relevant for SDWAN devices.
publicGatewayIpstring149.97.198.96Public Gateway IP. This is an optional parameter relevant for SDWAN devices.
primaryDnsNamestring4.0.0.53Primary DNS name. This is an optional parameter relevant for SDWAN devices.
secondaryDnsNamestring129.250.35.250Secondary DNS name. This is an optional parameter relevant for SDWAN devices.
termLengthinteger24The term length of the contract.
billingCommencementDatestring09/07/2020 21:16:49Billing commencement date.
additionalBandwidthinteger100Additional bandwidth in Mbps.
pricingDetailsobjectAn object that has the pricing details of a quote created for Network Edge on Siebel.
termLengthstring36The term length of a quote created for Network Edge on Siebel.
orderNumberstring1-198735018693The order number of a quote created for Network Edge on Siebel.
coreinteger4The number of cores on a quote created for Network Edge on Siebel.
throughputinteger1The throughput on a quote created for Network Edge on Siebel.
throughputUnitstringGbpsThe throughput unit on a quote created for Network Edge on Siebel.
packageCodestringAXThe software package on a quote created for Network Edge on Siebel.
additionalBandwidthstring100The additional bandwidth on a quote created for Network Edge on Siebel.
channelPartnerstringSDCIThe name of the channel partner.
primaryobjectAn object with the pricing details of the primary device.
chargesarrayAn array with all the charges.
descriptionstringVIRTUAL_DEVICEThe description of the price.
monthlyRecurringChargesstring200The monthly recurring charges.
currencystringUSDThe currency of the price.
secondaryobjectAn object with the pricing details of the secondary device.
interfaceCountinteger24The total number of interfaces.
coreobjectAn object with the details of the core.
core.coreinteger2The number of cores.
core.memoryinteger4The amount of memory.
core.unitstringGBThe unit of memory.
core.tierinteger2Tier is only relevant for Cisco 8000v devices.
deviceManagementTypestringSELF-CONFIGUREDWhether the device is SELF-CONFIGURED or not.
licenseKeystring1404-991d81bb-2567-43e5-a14c-1493ace58046License key (ION key). Relevant only for CloudGenix devices.
licenseSecretstringd29dceeef2d2b494c9eb76937a361890786e609dLicense secret (Secret key). Relevant only for CloudGenix devices.
localIdstringSDWAN-Branch@Versa.comEmail address of the branch location. Relevant only for Versa SD-WAN devices.
remoteIdstringController-01-staging@Versa.comEmail address of the controller side. Relevant only for Versa SD-WAN devices.
controller1string54.219.248.29Ip address of the SD-WAN controller1. Relevant only for Versa SD-WAN devices.
controller2string54.177.220.115Ip address of the SD-WAN controller2. Relevant only for Versa SD-WAN devices.
userPublicKeyobjectAn object that has the SSH public key details. Relevant only for self-configured devices.
usernamestringtest-user1The SSH username. Relevant only for self-configured devices.
publicKeyNamestringtest-pk-2The SSH publicKeyName. Relevant only for self-configured devices.
publicKeystringssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAklOUpkDHrfHY17SbrmTIpNLTGK9Tjom/BWDSU\nThe SSH publicKey. Relevant only for self-configured devices.
publicKeyTypestringRSAThe SSH publicKeyType, whether RSA or DSA.
clusterDetailsobjectAn object that has the cluster details. This field is only relevant for cluster devices.
clusterIdstring34b7838c-ec82-4166-ac19-efa03b4e34feThe Id of the cluster. This field is only relevant for cluster devices.
clusterNamestringmyClusterDeviceThe name of the cluster device. This field is only relevant for cluster devices.
numOfNodesinteger2The number of nodes in the cluster. This field is only relevant for cluster devices.
nodesarray[objects]An array of the two node objects
namestringmyClusterDevice-Node0The name of the node. This field is only relevant for cluster devices.
uuidstring34b7838c-ec82-4166-ac19-efa03b4e34feThe unique Id of the node. This field is only relevant for cluster devices.
nodeinteger0The sequence number of the node. This field is only relevant for cluster devices.
vendorConfigobjectAn object that has the fields relevant to the vendor of the device.
vendorConfig.adminPasswordstringZQelDI7sUdThe administrative password of the device. You can use it to log in to the console. This field is not available for all device types.
vendorConfig.siteIdstring567Site Id. Relevant only for Cisco SD-WAN devices. A siteId is a particular physical location within the Viptela overlay network, such as a branch office, or a campus.
vendorConfig.systemIpAddressstring2.2.2.2System IP address. Relevant only for Cisco SD-WAN devices. Each CSRSDWAN router and vSmart controller is assigned a system IP address.
vendorConfig.connectToCloudVisionbooleantrueOnly relevant for Arista devices. A "true" value means your Arista device is connected to Cloud Vision.
vendorConfig.cvpTypestringAs-a-Service or On-PremiseOnly relevant for Arista devices.
vendorConfig.cvpFqdnstringwww.NetworkSolutions.comFully qualified domain name for Cloud Vision As-a-Service. Only relevant for Arista devices.
vendorConfig.cvpIpAddressstring192.168.0.10Only relevant for Arista devices. Cloud Vision Portal's IP address.
vendorConfig.cvaasPortstring443Cvaas Port number. Only relevant for Arista devices.
vendorConfig.cvpPortstring443Cloud Vision Portal's port number. Only relevant for Arista devices.
vendorConfig.cvpTokenstring123Cloud Vision Portal's token. Only relevant for Arista devices.
vendorConfig.privateAddressstring192.168.20.32Private address. Relevant for BlueCat devices.
vendorConfig.privateCidrMaskstring24Private CIDR Mask. Relevant for BlueCat devices.
vendorConfig.privateGatewaystring192.168.20.1Private gateway. Relevant for BlueCat devices.
vendorConfig.licenseIdstring000000123457777License Id. Relevant for BlueCat devices.
vendorConfig.panoramaIpAddressstring1.1.1.1IP address of the Panorama controller for Panorama integration. Relevant for Palo Alto Self-Configured devices with Internet Access
vendorConfig.panoramaAuthKeystring123456Supports secure onboarding of Palo Alto firewall devices (Panorama integration). Relevant for Palo Alto Self-Configured devices with Internet Access.
serialNumberstring4545454The customer selects a serial number when setting up the device template on Versa director. Relevant only for Versa SD-WAN devices.
planestringPRIMARYCompute plane. This field indicates whether the device is PRIMARY or SECONDARY.
interfacesarray[object]An array of interface objects.
idinteger1Id of the interface.
namestringGigabitEthernet1Name of the interface.
statusstringAVAILABLEStatus of the interface, whether it is AVAILABLE, RESERVED, or ASSIGNED. Assigned interfaces are already in use. Reserved interfaces can only be used to bring your own connection (BYOC) from your Network Service Providers.
operationStatusstringdownOperation status of the interface, whether it is up or down.
macAddressstringfa16.3e1c.a8d8Media access control address. It is the hardware identification number that uniquely identifies each device on a network.
ipAddressstring2.2.2.2Ip address.
assignedTypestringEquinix ManagedEquinix managed interfaces are not available to create connections.
typestringMGMTThe type of interface.
asninteger1029Global ASN of the device.

If you get “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk.

Update Device Draft

 PUT /ne/v1/devices/{uuid}
URL or End Point/ne/v1/devices/{uuid}
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Query Parametersdraft
Path Parametersuuid
Body ParametersadditionalBandwidth, deviceTypeCode, hostNamePrefix, licenseFileId, licenseKey, licenseMode, licenseSecret, licenseToken, metroCode, notifications[...], packageCode, siteId, sshUsers[sshUserUuid, action, sshUsername, sshPassword], systemIpAddress, termLength, throughput, throughputUnit, virtualDeviceName, acl[...], accountNumber, accountReferenceId, purchaseOrderNumber, secondary {accountNumber, accountReferenceId, acl[...], additionalBandwidth, licenseFileId, licenseKey, licenseSecret, licenseToken, metroCode, notifications[...], siteId, sshUsers[{sshUserUuid, action, sshUsername, sshPassword}], systemIpAddress, virtualDeviceName"}

Updates a draft device.


To obtain an authorization token, refer to Requesting Access and Refresh tokens under the Getting Access Token section.

Sample curl request:

curl -X
PUT ""
-H "content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer jnSoUKaJHpzMnU0toROpUHmqnwEP"
-d '{
"additionalBandwidth": 100,
"deviceTypeCode": "C8000V",
"hostNamePrefix": "myhostSR",
"licenseToken": "ASGIFSD989FSDFDSi90f43fdsgfd543534%43$ASGIFSD989FSDFDSi90f43fdsgfd543534",
"licenseMode": "BYOL",
"metroCode": "DC",
"notifications": [
"packageCode": "IPBASE",
"sshUsers": [
"sshUserUuid": "",
"action": "CREATE",
"sshUsername": "cust0001_DC",
"sshPassword": "projPass"
"termLength": 1,
"throughput": 500,
"throughputUnit": "Mbps",
"virtualDeviceName": "Router8000v",
"acl": [
"accountNumber": "708979",
"purchaseOrderNumber": "123456"

Query parameter:

Query Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExamplePossible ValuesDescription
draftYesbooleanTrueTrueTo save a draft, set draft=true. You cannot create/update a provisioned device using this API. You must provide deviceTypeCode, accountNumber/accountReferenceId, and metroCode to save a draft. SshUsers and licenseFileId information will not be saved for drafts. Also, this API will not do access control list validation when you save a draft.

Path parameter:

Path Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExamplePossible ValuesDescription
uuidYesstringec68e425-f973-452e-a866-76be5844d0baThe unique Id of the draft (draftUuid).

Body parameters:

Body Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExamplePossible ValuesDescription
additionalBandwidthNointeger100Additional bandwidth. You may have a different additional bandwidth for your secondary device, in case you have a secondary device for high availability.
deviceTypeCodeYesstringC8000VVirtual device type (device type code).
hostNamePrefixNostringmySEHost name prefix. This gets included as part of an FQDN that ensures that the device is reachable from approved sources, if desired. Only a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and hyphen(-) are allowed. It should start with a letter and end with a letter or a digit. Also, it should be a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 10 characters long.
licenseFileIDNostring6651aef5-e738-411f-8675-5f6b7b9cd429License file Id is mandatory for some devices. For Juniper redundant devices, you may use the same license file for both devices.
licenseKeyNostring6735-vwe64568-6a91-4112-8734-bea12d91f7y7License key (primarily for CloudGenix SDWAN devices).
licenseModeNostringBYOLBYOLLicense type. As of now, we only offer BYOL (bring your own license).
licenseSecretNostringh5j0i45e83324pblbfca764532c4a640e7801f0License secret (primarily for CloudGenix SDWAN devices).
licenseTokenNostringV74191621License token is mandatory for some devices that provide/accept a license token. You do not need to provide a license token if your vendor provides license files.
metroCodeYesstringSVMetro code. You do not need to provide two different metros for your redundant device, but you may if you want to.
notificationsNoarray[]Email addresses for notification. We need a minimum of 1 and no more than 5 email addresses. You may have a different notification list for your secondary device in case you are creating a redundant device.
packageCodeNostringVM100Software package code.
siteIdNostringSite Id. A siteId is a particular physical location within the Viptela overlay network, such as a branch office or a campus.
"sshUserUuid": "",
"action": "CREATE",
      "sshUsername": "cust00011_DCT",
"sshPassword": "projPass!"
SSH users. You may have two distinct sets of ssh users in case you have a redundant device.
sshUserUuidNostringef673cd4-9fc2-4ab4-810e-7274aaf7bc2dRequired for DELETE, REUSE operations. In case you want to REUSE an existing user, please provide the unique Id of the user.
actionNostringCREATECREATE, DELETE, REUSEAction to be performed, whether you want to create a new user, delete a user, or reuse a user.
sshUsernameNostringcust00011_DCTSSH username.
sshPasswordNostringprojPass!SSH user password.
systemIpAddressNostring192.168.1.5System Ip Address. Mandatory for Cisco SDWAN devices. Each vEdge router and vSmart controller is assigned a system IP address. It should be in decimal four-part dotted notation, just like IPv4 address.
termLengthNointeger12Billing term length in months.
throughputNointeger500Throughput of the device.
throughputUnitNostringMbpsThroughput unit.
virtualDeviceNameNostringCiscoSTROYVirtual device name for identification. This should be a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 50 characters long.
aclNoarray[string][""]IP addresses, no more than 50, in CIDR format. You may have two distinct sets of ACLs in case you have a redundant device.
accountNumberNostring10478397Account number. Either an account number or an account referenceId is required to create a draft device.
accountReferenceIdNostring791281Account reference Id. This is a temporary ID that can be used to create a draft device when your account is still pending, not active. Either an account number or an account referenceId is required to create a draft device.
purchaseOrderNumberNostring3456789Purchase order number. Optional field that customers can use to track this device creation to their own purchase order number.
secondaryNoobjectsecondary{}An object containing the optional secondary device details.

Sample response.

204: No Content

The description of the response payload:

HTTP statusDescription
204The request was successfully processed.

Query the details of a draft by calling Get Virtual Device {uuid}. You can delete a draft by calling Delete Virtual Devices.

Get Device Interfaces

 GET /ne/v1/devices/{uuid}/interfaces
URL or End Point/ne/v1/devices/{uuid}/interfaces
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Path Parameteruuid
BodyNot applicable

Returns the status of the interfaces of a device.


To obtain an authorization token, refer to Requesting Access and Refresh tokens under the Getting Access Token section.

Sample curl request:

curl -X
GET ""
-H "content-type: application/json"
-H "authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
Path Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleApplicable ValuesDescription
uuidYesstringec68e425-f973-452e-a866-76be5844d0baUnique Id of a virtual device.

Sample response:

"id": 1,
"name": "fxp0",
"status": null,
"operationalStatus": null,
"macAddress": null,
"ipAddress": null,
"assignedType": "Equinix Managed",
"type": "MGMT"
"id": 2,
"name": "ge-0/0/0",
"status": null,
"operationalStatus": null,
"macAddress": null,
"ipAddress": null,
"assignedType": "Equinix Managed",
"type": "SSH"
"id": 3,
"name": "ge-0/0/1",
"status": "RESERVED",
"operationalStatus": "up",
"macAddress": "fa:16:3e:06:93:69",
"ipAddress": null,
"assignedType": "Connection to Network Service Provider",
"type": "DATA"
"id": 4,
"name": "ge-0/0/2",
"status": "AVAILABLE",
"operationalStatus": "up",
"macAddress": "fa:16:3e:e2:32:96",
"ipAddress": null,
"assignedType": "",
"type": "DATA"
"id": 5,
"name": "ge-0/0/3",
"status": "AVAILABLE",
"operationalStatus": "up",
"macAddress": "fa:16:3e:31:b3:01",
"ipAddress": null,
"assignedType": "",
"type": "DATA"
"id": 6,
"name": "ge-0/0/4",
"status": "AVAILABLE",
"operationalStatus": "up",
"macAddress": "fa:16:3e:42:a7:60",
"ipAddress": null,
"assignedType": "",
"type": "DATA"
"id": 7,
"name": "ge-0/0/5",
"status": "AVAILABLE",
"operationalStatus": "up",
"macAddress": "fa:16:3e:d8:4c:cc",
"ipAddress": null,
"assignedType": "",
"type": "DATA"
"id": 8,
"name": "ge-0/0/6",
"status": "AVAILABLE",
"operationalStatus": "up",
"macAddress": "fa:16:3e:5d:12:f8",
"ipAddress": null,
"assignedType": "",
"type": "DATA"
"id": 9,
"name": "ge-0/0/7",
"status": "AVAILABLE",
"operationalStatus": "up",
"macAddress": "fa:16:3e:07:f5:9f",
"ipAddress": null,
"assignedType": "",
"type": "DATA"
"id": 10,
"name": "ge-0/0/8",
"status": "AVAILABLE",
"operationalStatus": "up",
"macAddress": "fa:16:3e:63:f1:51",
"ipAddress": null,
"assignedType": "",
"type": "DATA"

The description of the response:

Field NameTypeExample ValuesPossible ValuesDescription
idstring10Id of an interface.
namestringethernet1/9Name of the interface.
statusstringAVAILABLEAVAILABLE, ASSIGNED, RESERVEDAssigned interfaces are already in use. Reserved interfaces can only be used to bring your connection (BYOC) from your Network Service Provider.
operationalStatusstringdownup, downOperational status of the interface, whether it is up or down.
macAddressstringfa:16:3e:5f:41:06Media access control address.
ipAddressstringIp address.
assignedTypestringtest(AWS Direct Connect)This field has the connection name and the service profile of the connection in brackets.
typestringDataType of interface.
asninteger1029ASN number.

If you get “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk.

Update Additional Bandwidth

 PUT /ne/v1/devices/{uuid}/additionalBandwidths
URL or End Point/ne/v1/devices/{uuid}/additionalBandwidths
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Path Parameteruuid
Body ParameteradditionalBandwidth

Call this API to update the additional bandwidth of an existing device or add additional bandwidth to an existing device that is registered and provisioned. You must have set up an ACL (access control) list before you can add additional bandwidth to a device.


To obtain an authorization token, refer to Requesting Access and Refresh tokens under the Getting Access Token section.

curl -X
PUT ""
-H "content-type: application/json"
-H "authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d "{
"additionalBandwidth": 200

The description of the path parameter is as follows:

Path Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleApplicable ValuesDescription
uuidYesstringf61e75d2-2008-43f4-bfee-1dd17b1e1a28The unique Id of a virtual device.

The description of the body is as follows:

Body Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleApplicable ValuesDescription
additionalBandwidthYesinteger200Additional bandwidth.
204 No Content

The description of the response payload is as follows:

HTTP statusDescription
204 No ContentThe request was successfully processed.

If you get “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk.

Ping Virtual Device

 GET /ne/v1/devices/{uuid}/ping
URL or End Point/ne/v1/devices/{uuid}/ping
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Path Parameteruuid
BodyNot applicable

Pings a virtual device to ensure it's reachable. At this point, you can only ping a few SELF-CONFIGURED devices.


To obtain an authorization token, refer to Requesting Access and Refresh tokens under the Getting Access Token section.

The following screenshots show a sample curl request and its respective JSON response.

curl -X
GET ""
-H "content-type: application/json"
-H "authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
Path Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleApplicable ValuesDescription
uuidYesstringec68e425-f973-452e-a866-76be5844d0baThe unique ID of the virtual device.

Sample response:

200 okay

The description of the response is as follows:

HTTP statusDescription
200The device is reachable.

If you get “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk.

Delete Virtual Devices

 DELETE /ne/v1/devices/{uuid}
URL or End Point/ne/v1/devices/{uuid}
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Query ParameterdeleteRedundantDevice
Path Parameteruuid

Deletes a virtual device. For some devices, you only need to pass the device Id as a path parameter. For Palo Alto BYOL devices, you can also provide a deactivation key as a body parameter. If you do not provide a deactivation key for a Palo Alto BYOL device, you must contact your vendor to release the license.

For a redundant device pair, the query parameter "deleteRedundantDevice" must be marked "True" so we delete both the devices simultaneously.


To obtain an authorization token, refer to Requesting Access and Refresh tokens under the Getting Access Token section.

Sample curl request to delete a Palo Alto device.

curl -X
-H "content-type: application/json"
-H "authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d '{
"deactivationKey": "8fdsfds9gdf7gdfldfsafdsfdsa898gdfsgfd8990908gdfsgdfgdsfgfd90gdf90g",
"secondary": {
"deactivationKey": "8fdsfds9gdf7gdfldfsafdsfdsa898gdfsgfd8990908gdfsgdfgdsfgfd90gdf90g"

Sample curl request to delete a Cisco device.

curl -X
-H "content-type: application/json"
-H "authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"

Path parameter:

Path Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleApplicable ValuesDescription
uuidYesstring5f888d91-d2c5-45bb-9b51-fed99f57f0acUnique Id of the virtual device.

Query parameter:

Query Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleApplicable ValuesDescription
deleteRedundantDeviceNoBooleanTrueOptional parameter in case you have a secondary device. As both primary and secondary devices are deleted simultaneously, this field must be marked True for Equinix to successfully delete both the devices.

Body parameter:

Body Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleApplicable ValuesDescription
If you do not provide a deactivation key for a Palo Alto BYOL device, you must contact your vendor to release the license.
secondaryNoobjectAn object that has the secondary deactivation key.

Sample response:

204 No Content : Deletion request accepted.

Response payload:

HTTP statusDescription
204 No ContentDeletion request successfully accepted.

If you get “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk.

Update Virtual Device

 PATCH /ne/v1/devices/{uuid}
URL or End Point/ne/v1/devices/{uuid}
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Path Parametersuuid
Body Parameterscore, notifications[...], termLength, virtualDeviceName, clusterName, status, vendorConfig

Updates the name, term length, core, status, vendorConfig fields, and notification list of a device.


To obtain an authorization token, refer to Requesting Access and Refresh tokens under the Getting Access Token section.

Sample curl request:

curl -X
-H "content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer jnSoUKaJHpzMnU0toROpUHmqnwEP"
-d '{
"notifications": [
"termLength": 12,
"virtualDeviceName": "Auto_SROY_11-21",
"vendorConfig": {
"disablePassword": true

Path parameter:

Path Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExamplePossible ValuesDescription
uuidYesstringec68e425-f973-452e-a866-76be5844d0baThe unique Id of a device.

Body parameters:

Body Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExamplePossible ValuesDescription
coreNointeger8Use this field to resize your device. When you call this API for resizing, you cannot change other fields simultaneously.
notificationsNoarray[]Email addresses for device life-cycle notifications. Equinix needs a minimum of 1 and no more than 5 email addresses. You may have a different notification list for your redundant device.
termLengthNointeger4Term length in months. You can upgrade or downgrade the term length any time you want. However, any downgrade will only be effective at the end of the original term.
virtualDeviceNameNostringCiscoSTROYVirtual device name. This should be a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 50 characters.
clusterNameNostringnewClusterNameUse this field to update a cluster name.
statusNostringPROVISIONEDUse this field to update the license status of a device.
vendorConfigNoobjectUse this object to update vendorConfig fields.
disablePasswordNobooleantrueDisable the password of the device.

Sample response.

204: No Content

Description of the response payload:

HTTP statusDescription
204The request was succeessfully fulfilled.

Get Device Reload History

 GET /ne/v1/devices/{virtualDeviceUUID}/softReboot
URL or End Point/ne/v1/devices/{virtualDeviceUUID}/softReboot
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Query Parametersoffset, limit
Path ParametersvirtualDeviceUUID
BodyNot applicable

Returns the reload history of a device.


To obtain an authorization token, refer to Requesting Access and Refresh tokens under the Getting Access Token section.

Sample curl request:

curl -X
GET "{virtualDeviceUUID}/softReboot"
-H "content-type: application/json"
-H "authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"

Query parameters:

Query Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleApplicable ValuesDescription
offsetNointeger0Specifies where to start a page. It is the starting point of the collection returned from the server.
limitNointeger100Specifies the page size.

Path parameter:

Path Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleApplicable ValuesDescription
virtualDeviceUUIDYesstring4cfb5675-5c3f-4275-adba-0c9e3c26c96bThe unique Id of a virtual device.

Sample response:

"pagination": {
"offset": 0,
"limit": 20,
"total": 1
"data": [
"deviceUUID": "2a6f1f8c-525d-486b-9985-c43058b502ef",
"status": "SUCCESS",
"requestedBy": "eqxnfvuser1",
"requestedDate": "2021-10-15T22:05:40.657Z",
"completionDate": "2021-10-15T22:18:28.054Z"

Description of the response payload:

Field NameTypeExample ValuesDescription
paginationobjectAn object with pagination information.
offsetinteger0It is the starting point of the collection returned from the server.
limitinteger20Page size.
totalinteger100The total number of results.
nextstringThe next result set.
previousstringThe previous result set.
dataarrayAn array containing device-type objects.
deviceUUIDstringac8a8497-1b6e-42d1-9075-acf23a62ed50Unique Id of the device.
statusstringSUCCESSThe reboot was successful.
requestedBystringeqxnfvuser1Requested by.
requestedDatestring2021-10-15T22:05:40.657ZRequested date.
completionDatestring2021-10-15T22:05:40.657ZCompletion date.

If you get “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk.

Trigger Soft Reboot

 POST /ne/v1/devices/{virtualDeviceUUID}/softReboot
URL or End Point/ne/v1/devices/{virtualDeviceUUID}/softReboot
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Query ParametersNot applicable
Path ParametervirtualDeviceUUID

Triggers the soft reboot of a device.


To obtain an authorization token, refer to Requesting Access and Refresh tokens under the Getting Access Token section.

Sample curl request:

curl -X
POST "{virtualDeviceUUID}/softReboot"
-H "content-type: application/json"
-H "authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"

Path parameter:

Path Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleApplicable ValuesDescription
virtualDeviceUUIDYesstringac8a8497-1b6e-42d1-9075-acf23a62ed50The unique Id of a device.

Sample response:

201 Created

The description of the response payload:

201A request to trigger a soft reboot has been created. To query the status of the reboot, please call Get Device Reload History.

If you get “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk.

Get Interface Statistics

 GET /ne/v1/devices/{virtualDeviceUuid}/interfaces/{interfaceId}/stats
URL or Endpoint/ne/v1/devices/{virtualDeviceUuid}/interfaces/{interfaceId}/stats
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Path ParametersvirtualDeviceUuid, interfaceId
Query ParametersstartDateTime, endDateTime
Body ParametersNot applicable

Returns the throughput statistics of a device interface.

Sample curl request

curl -X
GET ''
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'

Path parameters

Parameter name
virtualDeviceUuid string
Unique Id of a device.
Example: abd643a3-c91f-4aae-829f-861d170579e2
interfaceId integer
Interface Id of the device.
Example: 4

Query parameters

Parameter name
startDateTime string
Start time of the duration for which you want stats. Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ.
Example: 2021-01-07T19:26:22Z
endDateTime string
End time of the duration for which you want stats. Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ.
Example: 2021-01-07T19:30:22Z

Sample response

"stats": {
"startDateTime": "2023-11-10T19:06:06Z",
"endDateTime": "2023-11-11T19:06:06Z",
"unit": "Mbps",
"inbound": {
"max": 29.906034624747683,
"mean": 6.341387726453309,
"lastPolled": 4.2551751570268115,
"metrics": [
"intervalEndDateTime": "2023-11-10T19:32:14Z",
"mean": 26.400827255770395
"intervalEndDateTime": "2023-11-10T19:37:34Z",
"mean": 20.391284894943237
"intervalEndDateTime": "2023-11-10T19:42:16Z",
"mean": 20.818065426873822
"outbound": {
"max": 125.17436381084163,
"mean": 12.167520951671307,
"lastPolled": 8.862741237733422,
"metrics": [
"intervalEndDateTime": "2023-11-10T19:32:14Z",
"mean": 9.549439345514042
"intervalEndDateTime": "2023-11-10T19:37:34Z",
"mean": 9.325965023040771
"intervalEndDateTime": "2023-11-10T19:42:16Z",
"mean": 12.87771525281541


Response payload body description

stats object
An object that has the throughput statistics of the interface.
startDateTime string
Start time of the duration for which you want stats.
Example: 2023-11-10T19:06:06Z
endDateTime string
End date and time of the duration for which you want stats.
Example: 2023-11-17T19:06:06Z
unit string
Example: Mbps
inbound object
An object that has the stats of inbound traffic.
max number
Max throughput during the time interval.
Example: 26.400827255770395
mean number
Mean throughput during the time interval.
Example: 6.341387726453309
lastPolled number
The throughput of the last polled data.
Example: 4.2551751570268115
metrics array
An array that has a list of mean traffic and the interval end times.
intervalEndDateTime string
The end of a polled time period.
Example: 2023-11-10T19:32:14Z
mean number
Mean traffic throughput.
Example: 26.400827255770395
outbound object
An object that has the stats of outbound traffic.

If you get “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk.

Get Device Upgrade History

 GET /ne/v1/devices/{virtualDeviceUuid}/resourceUpgrade
URL or End Point/ne/v1/devices/{virtualDeviceUuid}/resourceUpgrade
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Query Parametersoffset, limit
Path ParametersvirtualDeviceUuid
BodyNot applicable

Returns the upgrade history of a device.


To obtain an authorization token, refer to Requesting Access and Refresh tokens under the Getting Access Token section.

Sample curl request:

curl -X
GET "{virtualDeviceUuid}/resourceUpgrade"
-H "content-type: application/json"
-H "authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"

Query parameters:

Query Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleApplicable ValuesDescription
offsetNointeger0Specifies where to start a page. It is the starting point of the collection returned from the server.
limitNointeger100Specifies the page size.

Path parameter:

Path Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleApplicable ValuesDescription
virtualDeviceUuidYesstring4cfb5675-5c3f-4275-adba-0c9e3c26c96bThe unique Id of a virtual device.

Sample response:

"pagination": {
"offset": 0,
"limit": 20,
"total": 1
"data": [
"uuid": "be7ef79e-31e7-4769-be5b-e192496f48aa",
"virtualDeviceUuid": "8ed6ffcb-cef5-4801-83a3-2aa2b6c682f0",
"status": "SUCCESS",
"requestedDate": "2020/10/03T19:41:17.976Z",
"completiondDate": "2020/10/03T19:41:17.976Z",
"requestedBy": "eqxnfvuser1"

Description of the response payload:

Field NameTypeExample ValuesDescription
paginationobjectAn object with pagination information.
offsetinteger0It is the starting point of the collection returned from the server.
limitinteger20Page size.
totalinteger100The total number of results.
nextstringThe next result set.
previousstringThe previous result set.
dataarrayAn array containing the details of upgrades.
uuidstringnm8a8497-1b6e-42d1-9075-acf23a62ed70Unique Id of the upgrade.
virtualDeviceUuidstringac8a8497-1b6e-42d1-9075-acf23a62ed50Unique Id of the device.
statusstringSUCCESSThe status of the upgrade.
requestedBystringeqxnfvuser1Requested by.
requestedDatestring2021-10-15T22:05:40.657ZRequested date.
completionDatestring2021-10-15T22:05:40.657ZCompletion date.

If you get “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk.