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Effective 10 September 2024, API Documentation can be found on our Equinix Product Documentation site.
The content on this page will not be updated after 1 Oct 2024 and will be inaccessible after 31st Dec 2024.

Device Link

 GET /ne/v1/links
URL or End Point/ne/v1/links
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Query Parametersmetro, virtualDeviceUuid, accountUcmId, groupUuid, groupName, offset, limit
BodyNot applicable

Returns device links.


To obtain an authorization token, refer to Requesting Access and Refresh tokens under the Getting Access Token section.

A sample curl request.

curl -X
GET ""
-H "content-type: application/json"
-H "authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
Query ParametersMandatoryTypeExampleApplicable ValuesDescription
metroNostringDAMetro code.
virtualDeviceUuidNostring7ef81cbe-01ed-4c27-8b2f-69d3a3fd4d6aUnique Id of a virtual device.
accountUcmIdNostring6ef81cbe-01ed-4c27-8b2f-69d3a3fd4d6bUnique Id of the account. A reseller querying for a customer's linking groups can pass the accountUcmId of the customer's account. To get the accountUcmId of your customer's account, please check the Equinix account creation portal (ECP) or call Get account API.
groupUuidNostring4cfb5675-5c3f-4275-adba-0c9e3c26c96bThe unique Id of the link group.
groupNameNostringmy-linkThe name of the link group.
offsetNointeger0Specifies where to start a page. It is the starting point of the collection returned from the server.
limitNointeger100Specifies the page size.

Sample response:


"pagination": {
"offset": 0,
"limit": 20,
"total": 1
"data": [
"uuid": "8a9b73a2-01ba-4e57-a3a2-a3a105b0b49e",
"groupName": "test-link",
"subnet": "",
"status": "PROVISIONING",
"createdBy": "nfv-sit5",
"createdDate": "2021-01-05T01:44:44.924Z",
"lastUpdatedBy": "nfv-sit5",
"lastUpdatedDate": "2021-01-05T01:44:44.924Z",
"redundancyType": "PRIMARY",
"metroLinks": [
"accountName": "Samsung",
"accountNumber": 270218,
"accountReferenceID": 1234,
"metroCode": "SV",
"metroName": "Silicon Valley",
"throughput": 500,
"throughputUnit": "Mbps"
"linkDevices": [
"deviceUuid": "d186dc1a-29e7-4829-bb5e-50fa57aca923",
"deviceName": "CSR-DEMO-3",
"metroCode": "SY",
"metroName": "Sydney",
"deviceTypeCode": "C8000V",
"category": "ROUTER",
"ipAssigned": "",
"interfaceId": 5,
"status": "PROVISIONING",
"deviceManagementType": "SELF-CONFIGURED",
"networkScope": "DEVICE",
"isDeviceAccessible": true
"deviceUuid": "ea128600-1875-4f7a-80e9-307a5bbeac51",
"deviceName": "NEAut-IjvTe-C8000V-SEC",
"metroCode": "SY",
"metroName": "Sydney",
"deviceTypeCode": "C8000V",
"category": "ROUTER",
"ipAssigned": "",
"interfaceId": 5,
"status": "PROVISIONING",
"deviceManagementType": "SELF-CONFIGURED",
"networkScope": "TENANT",
"isDeviceAccessible": true

The description of the response payload:

FieldTypeExample ValuesDescription
paginationobjectAn object that has pagination information.
offsetinteger0It is the starting point of the collection returned from the server.
limitinteger20Page size.
totalinteger100The total number of results.
nextstringThe next set of records.
previousstringThe previous set of records.
dataarrayAn array of link objects.
uuidstring6ea5a0e4-2bf7-45c2-9aa7-e846a8cd5567The unique Id of the linked group.
groupNamestringvik-chainGroup name.
subnetstring10.0.0.0/27The subnet of the device linking group.
statusstringPROVISIONINGThe status of the device link group.
redundancyTypestringPRIMARYWhether the connection is created through Fabric's PRIMARY or SECONDARY port. If one connection is through the primary port and the other through the secondary port, then the redundancyType is HYBRID.
metroLinksarrayAn array of links associated with the linked group.
accountNamestringEQX16B76E96-3161-4f15-86F7-CB871DB2F53CThe account name associated with the link.
metroCodestringSYThe metro you want to link.
metroNamestringSydneyThe name of the metro you want to link.
throughputstring200The throughput of the link.
throughputUnitstringMbpsThe throughput unit of the link.
linkDevicesarrayAn array of devices in the link.
deviceUuidstring9ea5a0e4-2bf7-45c2-9aa7-e846a8cd5560The unique Id of the device.
deviceNamestringcsr-sroy1The name of the device.
metroCodestringSYMetro code.
metroNamestringSydneyMetro name.
deviceTypeCodestringC8000VDevice type code.
categorystringROUTERThe category of the device.
ipAssignedstring10.0.0.2/27The assigned IP address of the device.
interfaceIdstring6d5b942a-429e-494e-87e0-993845951cfThe unique Id of the interface used to link the device.
statusstringPROVISIONINGThe status of the device.
deviceManagementTypestringSELF-CONFIGUREDDevice management type.
createdBystringnfv-sit1Created by username.
createdDatestring2018-08-30T04:20:36.033ZCreated date.
lastUpdatedBystringnfv-sit1Last updated by.
lastUpdatedDatestring2018-08-30T04:20:36.033ZLast update date.

Note: The links array and all the fields associated with it are deprecated and replaced by metroLinks.


If you get “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk.

 GET /ne/v1/links/{uuid}
URL or End Point/ne/v1/links/{uuid}
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Path Parametersuuid
BodyNot applicable

Returns a device link.


To obtain an authorization token, refer to Requesting Access and Refresh tokens under the Getting Access Token section.

A sample curl request.

curl -X
GET ""
-H "content-type: application/json"
-H "authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"

The description of the path parameter is as follows:

Path ParameterMandatoryTypeExampleApplicable ValuesDescription
uuidYesstring7ef81cbe-01ed-4c27-8b2f-69d3a3fd4d6aThe unique Id of a device link group.

Sample response:

"uuid": "8a9b73a2-01ba-4e57-a3a2-a3a105b0b49e",
"groupName": "test-link",
"subnet": "",
"status": "PROVISIONING",
"redundancyType": "PRIMARY",
"createdBy": "nfv-sit5",
"createdDate": "2021-01-05T01:44:44.924Z",
"lastUpdatedBy": "nfv-sit5",
"lastUpdatedDate": "2021-01-05T01:44:44.924Z",
"metroLinks": [
"accountName": "Samsung",
"accountNumber": 270218,
"accountReferenceID": 1234,
"metroCode": "SV",
"metroName": "Silicon Valley",
"throughput": 500,
"throughputUnit": "Mbps"
"linkDevices": [
"deviceUuid": "d186dc1a-29e7-4829-bb5e-50fa57aca923",
"deviceName": "CSR-DEMO-3",
"metroCode": "SY",
"metroName": "Sydney",
"deviceTypeCode": "C8000V",
"category": "ROUTER",
"ipAssigned": "",
"interfaceId": 5,
"status": "PROVISIONING",
"deviceManagementType": "SELF-CONFIGURED",
"networkScope": "DEVICE",
"isDeviceAccessible": true
"deviceUuid": "ea128600-1875-4f7a-80e9-307a5bbeac51",
"deviceName": "NEAut-IjvTe-C8000V-SEC",
"metroCode": "SY",
"metroName": "Sydney",
"deviceTypeCode": "C8000V",
"category": "ROUTER",
"ipAssigned": "",
"interfaceId": 5,
"status": "PROVISIONING",
"deviceManagementType": "SELF-CONFIGURED",
"networkScope": "TENANT",
"isDeviceAccessible": true

The description of the response payload is as follows:

FieldTypeExample ValuesDescription
uuidstring6ea5a0e4-2bf7-45c2-9aa7-e846a8cd5567The unique Id of the linked group.
groupNamestringvik-chainThe group name.
subnetstring10.0.0.0/27The subnet of the device linking group.
statusstringPROVISIONINGThe status of the device link group.
redundancyTypestringPRIMARYWhether the connection is created through Fabric's PRIMARY or SECONDARY port. If one connection is through the primary port and the other through the secondary port, then the redundancyType is HYBRID.
metroLinksarrayAn array of links associated with the linked group.
accountNamestringEQX16B76E96-3161-4f15-86F7-CB871DB2F53CThe account name associated with the link.
metroCodestringSYThe metro you want to link.
metroNamestringSydneyThe name of the metro you want to link.
throughputstring200The throughput of the link.
throughputUnitstringMbpsThe throughput unit of the link.
linkDevicesarrayAn array of devices in the link.
deviceUuidstring9ea5a0e4-2bf7-45c2-9aa7-e846a8cd5560The unique Id of a device.
deviceNamestringcsr-sroy1The name of the device.
metroCodestringSYMetro code.
metroNamestringSydneyMetro name.
deviceTypeCodestringC8000VDevice type code.
categorystringROUTERThe category of the device.
ipAssignedstring10.0.0.2/27The assigned IP address of the device.
interfaceIdstring6d5b942a-429e-494e-87e0-993845951cfThe unique Id of the interface used to link the device.
statusstringPROVISIONINGThe status of the device.
deviceManagementTypestringSELF-CONFIGUREDDevice management type.
createdBystringnfv-sit1Created by username.
createdDatestring2018-08-30T04:20:36.033ZCreated date.
lastUpdatedBystringnfv-sit1Last updated by.
lastUpdatedDatestring2018-08-30T04:20:36.033ZLast update date.

Note: The links array and all the fields associated with it are deprecated and replaced by metroLinks array.


If you get “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk.

 PATCH /ne/v1/links/{uuid}
URL or End Point/ne/v1/links/{uuid}
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Path Parametersuuid
Body ParametersgroupName, subnet, redundancyType, linkDevices[deviceUuid, asn, interfaceId], metroLinks[ {accountNumber, throughput, throughputUnit, metroCode}]

To obtain an authorization token, refer to Requesting Access and Refresh tokens under the Getting Access Token section.

A sample curl request to update a link.

curl -X
-H "content-type: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer jnSoUKaJHpzMnU0toROpUHmqnwEP"
-d '{
  "groupName": "test-link",
  "subnet": "",
"redundancyType": "SECONDARY",
  "linkDevices": [
      "deviceUuid": "d186dc1a-29e7-4829-bb5e-50fa57aca923",
      "asn": 65414,
      "interfaceId": 6
      "deviceUuid": "ea128600-1875-4f7a-80e9-307a5bbeac51",
      "asn": 100,
      "interfaceId": 6
  "metroLinks": [
      "accountNumber": "2393479",
      "throughput": "200",
      "throughputUnit": "Mbps",
      "metroCode": "SY"


Path parameter:

Path Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleApplicable ValuesDescription
uuidYesstring6953b3d7-713d-4412-b6d7-0c5fc5e2a800The unique Id a device link.

The description of the body parameters is as follows:

Body Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExamplePossible ValuesDescription
groupNameYesstringvik-chainGroup name.
subnetstring10.0.0.0/27The subnet of the link group.
redundancyTypestringSECONDARYWhether you want to create connection through Fabric's primary or secondary port. Possible Values:
linkDevicesYesarrayAn array of devices you wish to link.
deviceUuidYesstringd186dc1a-29e7-4829-bb5e-50fa57aca923The unique Id of a device you wish to link.
asnNointeger25678ASN number. The request will fail if you provide a new ASN for a device that already has an ASN.
interfaceIdNointeger6Any available device interface. Equinix will select an interface if you do not provide one.
metroLinksNoarrayAn array of links to be created/updated.
accountNumberNostring2393478Account number. You may provide the account number of either the source or the destination metro.
throughputUnitNostringMbpsThroughput unit.
metroCodeNostringSYThe metro you want to link.

Response payload:

HTTP statusDescription
204: No ContentThe request was successfully processed.
 DELETE /ne/v1/links/{uuid}
URL or End Point/ne/v1/links/{uuid}
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Query ParameterNA
Path ParameterUnique Id of a device link group

Deletes a device link group.


To obtain an authorization token, refer to Requesting Access and Refresh tokens under the Getting Access Token section.

A sample curl request to delete a device linking group.

curl -X
-H "content-type: application/json"
-H "authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
Path Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleApplicable ValuesDescription
uuidYesstring5f888d91-d2c5-45bb-9b51-fed99f57f0acUnique Id of a device link group.

Sample response:

204: No Content

The description of the response is as follows:

HTTP statusDescription
204The request was successfully processed.

If you get “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk.