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Effective 10 September 2024, API Documentation can be found on our Equinix Product Documentation site.
The content on this page will not be updated after 1 Oct 2024 and will be inaccessible after 31st Dec 2024.

API Reference

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Name of APIDescription
Setup (V1)
Get Device TypesReturns all available device types on the Network Edge platform.
Get Allowed InterfacesReturns the number of interfaces possible for your selected core.
Get Available MetrosReturns all available metros on the Network Edge platform.
Get Accounts {metro}Returns all available billing accounts of an organization.
Get Agreement StatusChecks the validity of a customer's agreement.
Create AgreementCreates an agreement between a customer and Network Edge.
Get Vendor TermsReturns a link to the terms of the vendor of your virtual device, e.g. Cisco, Juniper, or others.
Get Order TermsReturns the order and vendor-specific terms and conditions.
Get PriceChecks the price of a virtual device or the price of additional services for an existing virtual device.
Get Order SummaryReturns an Equinix order summary as a printable pdf file.
Get Public KeysReturns public keys associated with the user's organization.
Create Public KeyPosts a keyName and keyValue pair.
Get Downtime NotificationsReturns all planned and unplanned downtime notifications related to Network Edge APIs/infrastructure.
Upload FileUploads a license or a cloud_init file.
Licensing (V1)
Post License FilePosts a license file from your vendor in case you want to bring your own license (BYOL) for a new virtual device.
Post License {uuid}Re-posts a license file in case a provisioned device experiences a license registration failure.
Update LicenseUpdate a license token/code/ID in case your license fails to register at the time of device creation.
Virtual Devices (V1)
Get Virtual DevicesReturns the details of all virtual devices on the Network Edge platform.
Get Virtual Device {uuid}Returns the details of a virtual device on the Network Edge platform.
Create Self-Configured DeviceCreate a self-configured device.
Create SDWAN DeviceCreate an SDWAN device.
Create Cluster DeviceCreate a cluster device.
Update Device DraftUpdates a draft device.
Get Device InterfacesReturns the status of the interfaces of a device.
Update Additional BandwidthUpdates the additional bandwidth of an existing device or adds additional bandwidth to an existing device.
Ping Virtual DevicePings a virtual device to ensure it is reachable.
Delete Virtual DevicesDeletes virtual devices on the Network Edge platform.
Update Virtual DeviceUpdates the name, term length, status, and notification list of a device.
Add Secondary DeviceAdd a secondary device to an existing device.
Device Reload HistoryReturns the reload history of a device.
Trigger Soft RebootTriggers the soft reboot of a device.
Get Interface StatisticsReturns the throughput statistics of a device interface.
Get Device Upgrade HistoryReturns the upgrade history of a device.
Layer 2 Connections & Service Profiles
Connect to AWSEstablish a connection between your Equinix Virtual Device and AWS Direct Connect.
Connect to AzureEstablish a connection between your Equinix Virtual Device and Azure Express Route.
Connect to GoogleEstablish a connection between your Equinix Virtual Device and Google Cloud Platform.
Connect to OracleEstablish a connection between your Equinix Virtual Device and Oracle FastConnect.
Connect to AlibabaEstablish a connection between your Equinix Virtual Device and Alibaba.
Connect to IBM Cloud Direct Link 2.0Establish a connection between your Equinix Virtual Device and IBM Cloud Direct Link 2.0.
Connect to Other Service ProvidersEstablish a connection between your Equinix Virtual Device and Other Service Providers.
Create Connection v4Creates a connection to cloud service providers, your colocation assets or other third-parties present on Equinix Platform using service tokens, invitations or generic service profiles.
Get Specified Connection v4Returns details of a specified connection.
Retrieve Connections v4Retrieves connections that match provided search criteria.
Update Connection v4Modifies connection parameters.
Manage Connection v4Enables approving/rejecting connections, approving/rejecting connection bandwidth update, accepting connection deletion, triggering BGP synchronization.
Delete Connection v4Deletes a specified connection.
Validate Connection Authorization Key v4Validates the authorization key required for establishing connections to cloud service providers.
Device Link (V1)
Get Device LinkReturns device link groups.
Create Device LinkCreates a device link between provisioned virtual devices.
Get Device Link {uuid}Returns a device link group by its unique ID.
Update Device LinkUpdates a device link group.
Delete Device LinkDeletes a device link group.
BGP (V1)
Get BGP PeeringsReturns BGP configurations.
Get BGP Peering {uuid}Returns a BGP configuration by its uuid.
Create BGP PeeringEstablish a point-to-point connection between your virtual device and your cloud service provider.
Update BGP PeeringUpdates the BGP peering between a virtual device and a cloud service provider.
VPN (V1)
Get VPN ConfigurationsReturns VPNs.
Get VPN Configuration {uuid}Returns the details of a VPN configuration by its unique ID.
Create VPNEnable VPN for Equinix-configured devices.
Update VPN ConfigurationUpdates a VPN configuration.
Delete VPN ConfigurationDeletes a VPN configuration by its unique ID.
ACL Template (V1)
Get ACL TemplateReturns the details of device ACL templates.
Get ACL Template {uuid}Returns the details of an ACL template.
Create ACL TemplateCreates an ACL template.
Update ACL TemplateUpdates an ACL template.
Delete ACL Template {uuid}Deletes an ACL template
Get ACL of Virtual DeviceReturns the ACL templates of a device.
Add ACL to Virtual DeviceAdd ACL to virtual device.
Update ACL of Virtual DeviceUpdates the ACL templates of a device.
SSH User (V1)
Get SSH UsersReturns SSH user details.
Get SSH User {uuid}Returns the SSH user details by the unique ID of an SSH user.
Create SSH UserCreates a new SSH user and associates it to a virtual device. You can only associate a user with an active device.
Update SSH User {uuid}Associates a device to an SSH user.
Update SSH User PasswordUpdates the password of an SSH user.
Delete SSH UserDissociates an SSH user from a  device. The user will be if there is no other device associated with it.
Device Backup & Restore (V1)
Get Backups of DeviceReturns the backups of a virtual device.
Get Backups of Device {uuid}Returns the details of a backup.
Download a BackupDownloads the backup in the format of a string.
Create Device BackupCreates the backup of a device.
Update Device BackupUpdates the name of a backup.
Delete Backup of DeviceDeletes a backup by its unique ID.
Check Feasibility of RestoreChecks the feasibility of restoring the backup of a virtual device.
Restore a BackupRestores a Backup
Device RMA (V1)
Trigger Device RMATriggers a request to create an RMA of a device.
Image Download (V1)
Get Downloadable ImagesReturns the downloadable images of a device type.
Download ImageReturns a link to download an image.

Use Postman Scripts to Run APIs.