Device RMA
Trigger Device RMA
POST /ne/v1/devices/{virtualDeviceUuid}/rma | |
Method | POST |
URL or End Point | /ne/v1/devices/{virtualDeviceUuid}/rma |
Headers | Authorization, Content-Type |
Query Parameters | Not applicable |
Path Parameters | virtualDeviceUuid |
Body | version, cloudInitFileId, vendorConfig{} |
Triggers a request to create RMA of a device. You will need to enter a license token/file/cloudInitFileId to create an RMA. The process to upload license will be the same as the one to create device.
The payload to create RMA is different for different vendors. Download the Postman script on the API reference page to get the exact payload.
To obtain an authorization token, refer to Requesting Access and Refresh tokens under the Getting Access Token section.
Sample curl request to trigger the RMA of a Cisco8KV SD-WAN: (You can find the exact RMA payloads of other vendors in the Postman script on the API Reference.)
curl -X
-H "content-type: application/json"
-H "authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI"
-d "
"version": "17.09.01a",
"cloudInitFileId": "029a0bcd-0b2f-4bc5-b875-b506aa4b9738",
"vendorConfig": {
"systemIpAddress": "",
"siteId": "1234"
Path parameters
Parameter name | Description |
virtualDeviceUuid string REQUIRED | Unique Id of a device. |
Body parameters
Parameter name | Description |
version string REQUIRED | Any version you want. |
cloudInitFileId string Conditional | For a C8KV device, this is the Id of the uploaded bootstrap file. Upload your Cisco bootstrap file by calling Upload File. In the response, you'll get a fileUuid that you can enter here as cloudInitFileId. This field may be required for some vendors. Example: 029a0bcd-0b2f-4bc5-b875-b506aa4b9738 |
vendorConfig object Conditional | An object that has vendor specific details. This may be required for some vendors. |
systemIpAddress string Conditional | IP assigned to CSRSDWAN router and vSmart controller (relevant only for Cisco SD-WANs) Example: |
siteId string Conditional | Physical location within the Viptela overlay network, such as a branch office, or a campus (relevant only for Cisco SD-WANs). Example: 1234 |
controller1 string Conditional | For FortiGate devices, this is the System IP address. Example: |
adminPassword string Conditional | Admin password. You can use it to log in to the console. This field is not available for all device types. Should be at least 6 characters long and must include an uppercase letter and a number. This field may be required for some vendors. Example: ThisPassword9 |
activationKey string Conditional | Activation key. Available on VMware Orchestration Portal. Example: GJUK-JM2X-59BJ-SAMPLE |
licenseSecret string Conditional | License secret (Secret key). Mandatory for CloudGenix devices. Example: a11dceeef2d2b494c9eb76937a3618907sample |
licenseKey string Conditional | License key (ION key). Mandatory for CloudGenix devices. Example: 1234-111d81bb-1234-43e5-abcd-1493sample |
provisioningKey string Conditional | Provisioning key. Mandatory for Zscaler devices. Example: provisioningKeysample |
cvpIpAddress string No | CvpIpAddress is relevant for Arista with CloudVision (On-Premise) devices. Example: |
cvpPort string No | CvpPort is relevant for Arista with CloudVision (On-Premise) devices. Example: 443 |
cvpFqdn string No | Fully qualified domain name for CloudVision. CvpFqdn is relevant for Arista with CloudVision (As-a-Service) devices. Example: |
cvaasPort string No | CvaasPort is relevant for Arista with CloudVision (As-a-Service) devices. Example: 443 |
cvpToken string No | CvpToken is relevant for Arista with CloudVision (As-a-Service) devices. Example: 123 |
panoramaIpAddress string No | IP address of the Panorama controller. Provide this value to have Panorama integration. Relevant for Palo Alto Self-Configured devices with Internet Access Example: |
panoramaAuthKey object Conditional | This key supports secure onboarding of the Palo Alto firewall devices. Provide this value to have Panorama integration. Relevant for Palo Alto Self-Configured devices with Internet Access. Example: 123456 |
username string Conditional | Username. This field is optional for Cisco, Checkpoint, and Arista devices. You can change the existing username by passing a new value. This field may be required for some vendors. Example: test |
keyName string Conditional | Key name. This field is optional for Cisco, Checkpoint, and Arista devices. Passing an empty string will remove the existing keyName. This field may be required for some vendors. The keyName must be an existing keyName associated with an existing keyValue. To set up a new keyName and keyValue pair, call Create Public Key. Example: abc |
licenseFileId string Conditional | This is the Id of the uploaded license file. For a CSR1KV SDWAN device, upload your license file by calling Post License File. In the response, you'll get a fileId that you can enter here as licenseFileId. This field may be required for some vendors. Example:58228de9-0b90-4ce9-871c-eede9a772cc3 |
token string Conditional | License token. This is optional for Cisco devices. For a cluster, you will need to provide license tokens for both node0 and node1. To get the exact payload for different vendors, check the Postman script on the API Reference page. Example: 897gjikk888 |
Sample response.
204: No Content
The description of the response payload:
HTTP Status | Description |
204: No Content | You successfully triggered an RMA request. |
If you get “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk.