Managed Services (Beta)
Managed Services:
This feature is currently in Beta stage. For more information on Beta features, refer to our FAQ.
With Equinix Messaging Gateway (EMG) solution, customers can subscribe to Managed Services and manage their trouble tickets, products, and services. The EMG provides an integration layer for customers to communicate with Equinix based on the IT Service Management (ITSM) applications.
The Managed Services is end-to-end communication between ITSM applications on the customer and Equinix sides. The two-way communication via EMG can be as follows:
Use case 1:
- Create a case (trouble ticket/service request) from your application to Equinix
- Update a case (trouble ticket/service request) from your application to Equinix
- Receive notification of case status (update of trouble ticket/order of service)
Use case 2:
- Equinix creates a case on record and sends a notification to your application
- Equinix requires your application to acknowledge the notification when the case is created on your application.
Managed Services
Create or update a Service Managed case from your application to Equinix
Create Case
Customers can submit trouble tickets/service requests via EMG. The case is created on the Equinix side.
Sample Request:
"Task": {
"Id": "bf9f2707-d612-4d63-9958-4c8b1fcf3cc0",
"Source": "3e095d30-40ff-11e9-8959-5be078353003",
"Verb": "Create",
"Resource": "TroubleTicket.ManagedService",
"ContentType": "application/json",
"Version": "1.0",
"Body": {
"RequestorId": "123456789",
"AccountNumber": "123456",
"CustomerContact": "",
"Description": "Create Trouble Ticket",
"ShortDescription": "Create case",
"Impact": "High",
"Signature": "RWNobwp7CiAgIklkIjogIjM1MGFlZjcwLTc4MWItMTFlOSogIH0KfQ=="
The description of the create request schema is as follows:
Name | Mandatory | Type | Applicable Value(s) | Description |
Task | Yes | Object | The task object comprises a common set of header attributes and a unique set of body attributes. The header attributes are applicable to all order types, whereas the body attributes vary for each order. | |
Id | Yes | String (Guid) | The unique identifier of the message. Customers must ensure to send a unique value for each message. | |
Source | Yes | String (Guid) | A unique value to identify the message sender. This value will be shared with the customer during the onboarding process. | |
Verb | Yes | String | Create | Indicates the action to be performed. |
Resource | Yes | String | TroubleTicket.ManagedService | Indicates the ticket type. |
ContentType | No | String | application/json | |
Version | Yes | String | 1.0 | The version of the request and response schema. |
Body | Yes | Object | An object containing the details of the order. The attributes within the object will vary based on the resource and verb. | |
RequestorId | Yes | String | The customer's reference number for this Trouble Ticket order. This attribute is mandatory. | |
AccountNumber | Yes | String | Customer account number. | |
CustomerContact | Yes | String | The User ID of the user registered with Equinix Customer Portal. | |
Description | Yes | String | A detailed description of the scope of work. | |
Short Description | Yes | String | A Short description of the scope of work. | |
Impact | Yes | String | High/Medium/Low | Impact must be provided (High/Medium/Low) |
Urgency | Yes | String | High/Medium/Low | Urgency must be provided (High/Medium/Low) |
Signature | Yes | String | Base64 encoded signature. |
Sample Response:
"Task": {
"Id": "69352cff-4f00-4c42-9dce-a1b5e5ecc40b",
"Source": "3e095d30-40ff-11e9-8959-5be078353003",
"Verb": "Ack",
"Resource": "TroubleTicket.ManagedService",
"ContentType": "application/json",
"CreateTimeUTC": "2019-12-13T15:45:04.553Z",
"Version": "1.0",
"OriginationId": "bf9f2707-d612-4d63-9958-4c8b1fcf3cc0",
"OriginationVerb": "Create",
"Body": {
"RequestorId": "123456789",
"CaseSysId": "32 bit uinque number sys_id",
"StatusCode": 200
"Description": "Ticket has been created"
"Signature": "Jm2BpG/5ll6s3v0w3WWMULkRXsIEPog1e5AuYWT/kF3qW+hhNAFDZGCJ5lNmUT4Y3jUFid/3yb3diXK+Tr0hm7zwGLMDyi/mRwlc7LxYKRtbhHgHxWviQgTsLrreKlLuOJHbl81bCLxK2UEPrfRXuAOUbMyOT2mzBhidiCFg=="
The description of the create response schema is as follows:
Name | Type | Description |
Task | Object | The task object comprises a common set of header attributes and a unique set of body attributes. The header attributes are applicable to all order types, whereas the body attributes vary for each order. |
Id | String (Guid) | The unique identifier of the message. Customers must ensure to send a unique value for each message. |
Source | String (Guid) | A unique value to identify the message sender. This value will be shared with the customer during the onboarding process. |
Verb | String | Indicates the action to be performed. Applicable values are "Ack" and "Update". |
Resource | String | Indicates the ticket type. |
ContentType | String | |
CreateTimeUTC | String | Indicates the date and time at which the Trouble Ticket order was created at Equinix's end. |
Version | String | The version of the request and response schema. |
OriginationId | String (Guid) | The unique identifier of the message in the request schema. |
OriginationVerb | String | Indicates the action to be performed in the request schema. |
Body | Object | An object containing the details of the order. The attributes within the object vary based on the resource and verb. |
RequestorId | String | The customer's reference number for this Trouble Ticket order. |
ServicerId | String | Indicates the Trouble Ticket order ID generated by Equinix after the order was submitted. |
StatusCode | String | The HTTP status code of the request. |
Description | String | Additional details of the order created Ex: "Equinix BreakFix Managed Service Ticket: CS0634418 Was created in reference to: 123456789" |
Signature | String | Base64 encoded signature. |
Update Case
Customer can update their trouble tickets/request services via EMG. The case is updated on the Equinix side.
Sample Request:
"Task": {
"Id": "2352c576-fab3-4856-a431-0a4b55a2babe",
"Source": "3e095d30-40ff-11e9-8959-5be078353003",
"Verb": "Update",
"Resource": "TroubleTicket.ManagedService",
"ContentType": "application/json",
"Version": "1.0",
"Body": {
"ServicerId": "c572cef497702950c9b930b6f053afd1",
"TicketState": "Open/Inprogress/Resolved/StopNotice",
"Comments": "Update Trouble Ticket"
"Signature": "RWNobwp7CiAgIklkIjogIjM1MGFlZjcwLTc4MWItMTFlOSogIH0KfQ=="
The description of the update request schema is as follows:
Name | Mandatory | Type | Applicable Value(s) | Description |
Task | Yes | Object | The task object comprises a common set of header attributes and a unique set of body attributes. The header attributes are applicable to all order types, whereas the body attributes vary for each order. | |
Id | Yes | String (Guid) | The unique identifier of the message. Customers must ensure to send a unique value for each message. | |
Source | Yes | String (Guid) | A unique value to identify the message sender. This value will be shared with the customer during the onboarding process. | |
Verb | Yes | String | Update | Indicates the action to be performed. |
Resource | Yes | String | TroubleTicket.ManagedService | Indicates the ticket type. |
ContentType | No | String | application/json | |
Version | Yes | String | 1.0 | The version of the request and response schema. |
Body | Yes | Object | An object containing the details of the ticket. The attributes within the object will vary based on the resource and verb. | |
RequestorId | Yes | String | Indicates the Trouble Ticket Case ID generated by Equinix after the order was submitted. | |
TicketState | Yes | String | The state of the ticket. Open/Inprogress/Resolved/Stop notice | |
Comments | Yes | String | Additional comments. | |
Signature | Yes | String | Base64 encoded signature. |
Sample Response:
"Task": {
"Id": "69352cff-4f00-4c42-9dce-a1b5e5ecc40b",
"Source": "3e095d30-40ff-11e9-8959-5be078353003",
"Verb": "Ack",
"Resource": "TroubleTicket.ManagedService",
"ContentType": "application/json",
"CreateTimeUTC": "2019-12-13T15:45:04.553Z",
"Version": "1.0",
"OriginationId": "bf9f2707-d612-4d63-9958-4c8b1fcf3cc0",
"OriginationVerb": "Update",
"Body": {
"RequestorId": "123456789",
"StatusCode": 200,
"Description": "Equinix BreakFix Managed Service Ticket: CS0634418 was updated"
"Signature": "Jm2BpG/5ll6s3v0w3WWMULkRXsIEPog1e5AuYWT/kF3qW+hhNAFDZGCJ5lNmUT4Y3jUFid/3yb3diXK+Tr0hm7zwGLMDyi/mRwlc7LxYKRtbhHgHxWviQgTsLrreKlLuOJHbl81bCLxK2UEPrfRXuAOUbMyOT2mzBhidiCFg=="
The description of the update response schema is as follows:
Name | Type | Description |
Task | Object | The task object comprises a common set of header attributes and a unique set of body attributes. The header attributes are applicable to all order types, whereas the body attributes vary for each order. |
Id | String (Guid) | The unique identifier of the message. Customers must ensure to send a unique value for each message. |
Source | String (Guid) | A unique value to identify the message sender. This value will be shared with the customer during the onboarding process. |
Verb | String | Indicates the action to be performed. The verb for response messages is "Ack" and "Update". |
Resource | String | Indicates the ticket type. |
ContentType | String | |
CreateTimeUTC | String | Indicates the date and time at which the Trouble Ticket order was updated at Equinix's end. |
Version | String | The version of the request and response schema. |
OriginationId | String (Guid) | The unique identifier of the message in the request schema. |
OriginationVerb | String | Indicates the action to be performed in the request schema. |
Body | Object | An object containing the details of the order. The attributes within the object will vary based on the resource and verb. |
RequestorId | String | The customer's reference number for this Trouble Ticket order. |
StatusCode | String | The HTTP status code of the request. |
Description | String | Additional details of the order updated. Ex: "Equinix BreakFix Managed Service Ticket: CS0634418 was updated" |
Signature | String | Base64 encoded signature. |
Sample Notifications
For more information, refer to:
- Order Notifications: Managed Services - Creation Case
- Order Notifications: Managed Services Update Case
Acknowledgment of Case Update
Client sends an acknowledgment of the trouble ticket/request service update to the Equinix via EMG.
Sample Request:
"Task": {
"Id": "69352cff-4f00-4c42-9dce-a1b5e5ecc40b",
"Source": "3e095d30-40ff-11e9-8959-5be078353003",
"Verb": "Ack",
"Resource": "TroubleTicket.ManagedService",
"ContentType": "application/json",
"CreateTimeUTC": "2019-12-13T15:45:04.553Z",
"Version": "1.0",
"OriginationId": "bf9f2707-d612-4d63-9958-4c8b1fcf3cc0",
"OriginationVerb": "Update",
"Body": {
"RequestorId": "123456789",
"ServicerId": "INC or PRB or CS", //Customer Ticekt unique number
"StatusCode": 201,
"Description": "Equinix BreakFix Managed Service Ticket: CS0634418 was updated"
"Signature": "Jm2BpG/5ll6s3v0w3WWMULkRXsIEPog1e5AuYWT/kF3qW+hhNAFDZGCJ5lNmUT4Y3jUFid/3yb3diXK+Tr0hm7zwGLMDyi/mRwlc7LxYKRtbhHgHxWviQgTsLrreKlLuOJHbl81bCLxK2UEPrfRXuAOUbMyOT2mzBhidiCFg=="
The description of the ACK Trouble Ticket is as follows:
Name | Type | Description |
Task | Object | The task object comprises a common set of header attributes and a unique set of body attributes. The header attributes are applicable to all order types, whereas the body attributes vary for each order. |
ID | String (Guid) | The unique identifier of the message. Customers must ensure to send a unique value for each message. |
Source | String (Guid) | A unique value to identify the message sender. This value will be shared with the customer during the onboarding process. |
Verb | String | Indicates the action to be performed. Applicable values are "Ack" and "Update". |
Resource | String | Indicates the ticket type. |
ContentType | String | |
CreateTimeUTC | String | Indicates the date and time at which the Trouble Ticket order was created at Equinix's end. |
Version | String | The version of the request and response schema. |
Body | Object | An object containing the details of the order. The attributes within the object will vary based on the resource and verb. |
RequestorId | String | The customer's reference number for this Trouble Ticket order. |
ServicerId | String | Indicates the Trouble Ticket order ID generated by Equinix after the order was submitted. |
Signature | String | Base64 encoded signature. |