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Connect Using Service Token - Parameters Mapping

Connection using a Z-side service token

v3 request
curl -X POST 'https: //'
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
-H ''
-d '{
"primaryName": "ZST-token-details-test",
"speed": 500,
"speedUnit": "MB",
"notifications": [
"purchaseOrderNumber": "PO",
"primaryPortUUID": "c791f8cb-5a9f-a9f0-8ce0-306a5c00a4ee",
"primaryVlanSTag": "316",
"sellerMetroCode": "SG",
"primaryZSideServiceToken": "4d4e245b-f608-4650-b288-880564946f05"
v4 request
curl -X
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-d '{
"type": "EVPL_VC",
"name": "Conn-1",
"order": {
"purchaseOrderNumber": "1-129105284100"
"bandwidth": 1000,
"aSide": {
"accessPoint": {
"type": "COLO",
"port": {
"uuid": "a867f685-41b0-1b07-6de0-320a5c00abdd"
"linkProtocol": {
"type": "DOT1Q",
"vlanTag": 1001
"zSide": {
"serviceToken": {
"uuid": "20d32a80-0d61-4333-bc03-707b591ae2f4"
"notifications": [
"type": "ALL",
"emails": [

v3 API requestv4 API requestDescription
POST /ecx/v3/l2/connectionsPOST /fabric/v4/connectionsRequest: - 

Response: v4 API reqest response includes the entire connection object, while the v3 API request returns only a request status message.
v3 parameterv4 parameterExampleDescription
-typeEVPL_VCNew parameter defining connection type, introduced to support new use cases.

EVPL_VC - Ethernet virtual private line connection type used for tagged layer 2 connections.
 order-New object container for order details.
purchaseOrderNumberorder.purchaseOrderNumber1-129105284100Subscriber's purchase order identifier.
speedbandwidth1000Connection bandwidth.
speedUnit-MBIn the v4 API the connection bandwidth is expressed in Mbps.
-aSide-New object container for A-side connection configuration.
-aSide.accessPoint-New object container for A-side connection access point.
-aSide.accessPoint.typeCOLONew parameter defining access point type, introduced to support new access points such as Network Edge virtual devices or Fabric Cloud Router instances.

COLO - Colocation space in an IBX data center.
-aSide.accessPoint.port-New object container for A-side port configuration.
primaryPortUUIDaSide.accessPoint.port.uuidc791f8cb-5a9f-a9f0-8ce0-306a5c00a4eeA-side port identifier.
 aSide.accessPoint.linkProtocol-New object container for link protocol configuration.
 aSide.accessPoint.linkProtocol.typeQINQNew parameter that explicitly specifies the encapsulation standard.
primaryVlanCTagaSide.accessPoint.linkProtocol.vlanCTag QINQ protocol, inner virtual local area network (VLAN) customer frame tag used to identify packets as they traverse trunk lines.
primaryVlanSTagaSide.accessPoint.linkProtocol.vlanSTag QINQ protocol, outer virtual local area network (VLAN) service frame tag used to identify packets as they traverse trunk lines.
-zSide-New object container for Z-side connection configuration.
-zSide.serviceToken-New object container for Z-side service token configuration.
primaryZSideServiceTokenzSide.serviceToken.uuid4d4e245b-f608-4650-b288-880564946f05Equinix-assigned service token identifier.
sellerMetroCode-SGSeller's metropolitan area identifier.
-notifications-New object for email notifications configuration.
-notifications.typeALLNew parameter enabling differentiation of notifications.
notificationsnotifications.emails["", ""]List of up to 12 recipients.