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Create Service Profile - Parameters Mapping

This API creates a service profile.

v3 request
curl -X
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-d '{
"name": "A-to-Z-2",
"privateUserEmails": [
"connectionNameLabel": "Connection",
"ctagLabel": "",
"equinixManagedPortAndVlan": true,
"allowOverSubscription": false,
"overSubscription": "",
"apiAvailable": false,
"integrationId": "1234",
"private": true,
"features": {
"cloudReach": true,
"testProfile": false
"requiredRedundancy": false,
"tagType": CTAGED,
"vlanSameAsPrimary": false,
"enableAutoGenerateServiceKey": null,
"additionalBuyerInfo": [],
"ports": [
"id": "cecd1039-eadd-add3-31e0-387a5c00aeb9",
"metroCode": "SV"
"allowCustomSpeed": false,
"speedFromAPI": false,
"speedBands": [
"speed": 50,
"unit": "MB"
"speed": 200,
"unit": "MB"
"speed": 500,
"unit": "MB"
"speed": 1000,
"unit": "MB"
v4 request
curl -X
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'ic-version: v4.2'
-d '{
"type": "L2_PROFILE",
"name": "A-to-Z-2",
"description": "Testing, testing, 1... 2... 3...",
"visibility": "PRIVATE",
"allowedEmails": [
"tags": [
"accessPointTypeConfigs": [
"type": "COLO",
"supportedBandwidths": [
"allowRemoteConnections": true,
"allowCustomBandwidth": false,
"bandwidthAlertThreshold": 80,
"allowBandwidthAutoApproval": false,
"linkProtocolConfig": {
"encapsulationStrategy": "CTAGED",
"reuseVlanSTag": false,
"encapsulation": "QINQ"
"enableAutoGenerateServiceKey": false,
"connectionRedundancyRequired": false,
"apiConfig": {
"apiAvailable": false,
"equinixManagedVlan": true,
"equinixManagedPort": true,
"allowOverSubscription": false,
"bandwidthFromApi": false,
"integrationId": null
"connectionLabel": "Connection",
"authenticationKey": {
"required": false
"customFields": [
"label": "Global",
"description": "Optional ",
"required": false,
"dataType": "STRING",
"captureInEmail": false
"label": "ASN",
"description": "Number. Mandatory field.",
"required": true,
"dataType": "NUMBER",
"captureInEmail": false
"marketingInfo": {
"promotion": true
"ports": [
"type": "COLO",
"uuid": "cecd1039-eadd-add3-31e0-387a5c00aeb9"

v3 API requestv4 API requestDescription
POST /ecx/v3/l2/serviceprofiles/servicesPOST /fabric/v4/serviceProfilesRequest: v3 and v4 service profile objects have different structure and parameters' names. The v4 API requires the ic-version header parameter.

Response: v4 API reqest response includes the entire service profile object, while the v3 API request returns only the uuid.
v3 parameterv4 parameterExampleDescription
-typeL2_PROFILENew parameter defining connection type, introduced to support new use cases.

L2_PROFILE - layer 2 service profile for establishing connections in layer 2 of the OSI networking model.
L3_PROFILE - layer 3 service profile for establishing connections in layer 2 of the OSI networking model.
namenameA-to-Z-2Service profile name.
-descriptionTesting, testing, 1... 2... 3...Service description.
privatevisibilityPUBLICThe v3 API uses the private boolean parameter to indicate whether the profile is private or not. The v4 API introduces the visibility parameter with enumerated values: PRIVATE, PUBLIC.
privateUserEmailsallowedEmails[""]Email addresses of users allowed to establish connections based on this service profile.
-tags["SaaS", "IaaS"]New parameter for labels identifying the type of the services advertised by given service profile.
-accessPointTypeConfigs-New container object supporting multiple access points definitions.
-accessPointTypeConfigs[0].typeCOLONew parameter for specifying access point type.

COLO - Colocation space in an IBX data center.
VD - Network Edge virtual device.
speedBandsaccessPointTypeConfigs[0].supportedBandwidths[50,200,500,1000]In the v4 API, available connection bandwidths is specified in an array of integers while the v3 API defines available values as an array of objects.
speedBands[0].unit-MBIn the v4 API, the connection bandwidth is specified in Mbps while in the v3 API, the connection bandwidth unit was specified in a separate parameter.
features--An object containing feature-related information such as cloudReach, testProfile, etc.
features.cloudReachaccessPointTypeConfigs[0].allowRemoteConnectionstrueAuthorization to establish connections from remote locations.
features.testProfiletype=TESTfalseThe v4 API introduces type parameter with TEST being one of the applicable values.
allowCustomSpeedaccessPointTypeConfigs[0].allowCustomBandwidthfalseAuthorization to set a custom connection bandwidth.
-accessPointTypeConfigs[0].allowBandwidthAutoApprovalfalseNew parameter indicating if bandwidth change requests are approved automatically.
-accessPointTypeConfigs[0].linkProtocolConfig-New container object for settings and preferences for the link protocol used at the access point.
tagTypeaccessPointTypeConfigs[0].linkProtocolConfig.encapsulationStrategyCTAGEDSpecifies additional tagging information required by the service provider.
-accessPointTypeConfigs[0].linkProtocolConfig.reuseVlanSTagfalseAutomatically accept subsequent DOT1Q to QINQ connections that use the same authentication key. These connections will have the same VLAN S-tag assigned as the initial connection.
profileEncapsulationaccessPointTypeConfigs[0].linkProtocolConfig.encapsulationQINQData frames encapsulation standard.
-accessPointTypeConfigs[0].enableAutoGenerateServiceKeyfalseApplicable to Verizon Software Defined Interconnect service profile.
requiredRedundancyaccessPointTypeConfigs[0].connectionRedundancyRequiredfalseIndicates if connecting to the service requires creating a pair of redundant connections.
-accessPointTypeConfigs[0].apiConfig-New object container for API specific configuration.
apiAvailableaccessPointTypeConfigs[0].apiConfig.apiAvailablefalseIndicates whether the service profile has been integrated via APIs with Equinix for automated provisioning of connections.
equinixManagedPortAndVlanaccessPointTypeConfigs[0].apiConfig.equinixManagedVlantrueThe v3 API has a single parameter indicating Equinix-managed  port and VLAN, while the v4 API has dedicate parameters for port and VLAN management.
-accessPointTypeConfigs[0].apiConfig.equinixManagedPorttrueThe v3 API has a single parameter indicating Equinix-managed  port and VLAN, while the v4 API has dedicate parameters for port and VLAN management.
allowOverSubscriptionaccessPointTypeConfigs[0].apiConfig.allowOverSubscriptionfalseAllow services sales to exceed the available network bandwidth.
speedFromAPIaccessPointTypeConfigs[0].apiConfig.bandwidthFromApifalseIndicates whether the bandwidth of the connection can be obtained directly from the cloud service provider.
integrationIdaccessPointTypeConfigs[0].apiConfig.integrationId1234Specifies the API integration identifier that was provided to the customer during onboarding.
connectionNameLabelaccessPointTypeConfigs[0].connectionLabelConnectionAn alternative term for connection in case it's different in your organization.
authorizationKeyaccessPointTypeConfigs[0].authenticationKey-Authentication key configuration.
-accessPointTypeConfigs[0].authenticationKey.requiredfalseRequirement to provide an authentication key.
additionalBuyerInfocustomFields-The v3 API specified additional information using an array of strings while the v4 API introduces a more elaborate container object for custom fields.
-customFields.labelGlobalLabel under which a custom parameter is presented on the Equnix Fabric portal or exposed through an API.
-customFields.descriptionOptionalCustom parameter description.
-customFields.requiredfalseIndicates if a given custom field is mandatory.
-customFields.dataTypeSTRINGCustom field data type.

INTEGER - Integer.
STRING - String.
-customFields.captureInEmailfalseCapture the input value and include it in the email notification.
-marketingInfo-New object container for optional service profile branding, such as the customer's logo.
-marketingInfo.promotiontrueNew parameter for authorization to promote the given service profile on Equinix website and other products.
portsports-Ports associated with the service profile.
-ports[0].typeCOLONew parameter specifying port type.
ports[0].idports[0].uuidcecd1039-eadd-add3-31e0-387a5c00aeb9Equinix-assigned port identifier.
ports[0].metroCode-SVMetro where the port is located.
metrosmetros-Locations where subscribers can access services available through the given service profile.
metros[0].codemetros[0].codeSVMetropolitan area identifier.
metros[0].namemetros[0].nameSilicon ValleyMetropolitan area name.
metros[0].ibxsmetros[0].ibxs["SV5"]List of IBX data centers within the given metro where subscribers can access services provided by the given service profile.
metros[0].displayNamemetros[0].displayNameSilicon ValleyMetropoiltan area name displayed on the service profile in the Equinix Fabric portal.
vlanSameAsPrimary-falseIndicates whether the same VLAN can be used for both primary and secondary connections, not present in the v4 API.
ctagLabel-C-tagUser-defined name of the C-Tag/Inner-Tag of the connection.