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Get Specified Service Profile - Parameters Mapping

This API returns a specified service profile.

Buyer perspective

v3 request
curl -X
GET ''
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
v4 request
curl -X
GET ''
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-H 'ic-version: v4.2'

v3 API requestv4 API requestDescription
GET /ecx/v3/l2/serviceprofiles/services/{uuid}GET /fabric/v4/serviceProfiles/{uuid}Request: v3 API uses a dedicated endpoint to return service profile details relevant for subscribers while the v4 API introduces the viewPoint parameter that specifies the relevant data set. The v4 API requires the ic-version header parameter.

Response: The v3 and the v4 service profile objects have different structure and parameters' names.

Seller perspective

v3 request
curl -X
GET ''
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
v4 request
curl -X
GET ''
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-H 'ic-version: v4.2'

v3 API requestv4 API requestDescription
GET /ecx/v3/l2/serviceprofiles/{uuid}GET /fabric/v4/serviceProfiles/{uuid}Request: v3 API uses a dedicated endpoint to return service profile details relevant for service providers while the v4 API introduces the viewPoint parameter that specifies the relevant data set. The v4 API requires the ic-version header parameter.

Response: The v3 and the v4 service profile objects have different structure and parameters' names.


v3 request
"uuid": "3c5d81c1-4301-4d7a-aba1-3a0bf237f6c1",
"name": "NVK-PDS-SP-255",
"connectionNameLabel": "Connection",
"requiredRedundancy": false,
"allowCustomSpeed": false,
"speedBands": [
"speed": 50,
"unit": "MB"
"speed": 200,
"unit": "MB"
"speed": 500,
"unit": "MB"
"speed": 1000,
"unit": "MB"
"metros": [
"code": "SV",
"name": "Silicon Valley",
"ibxs": [
"displayName": "Silicon Valley"
"code": "DC",
"name": "Ashburn",
"ibxs": [
"displayName": "Ashburn"
"createdDate": "2018-12-07T13:31:58.525Z",
"createdBy": "John-Doe",
"lastUpdatedDate": "2018-12-07T13:58:28.258Z",
"lastUpdatedBy": "John-Doe",
"vlanSameAsPrimary": false,
"tagType": "CTAG",
"apiAvailable": false,
"selfProfile": false,
"speedFromAPI": false,
"profileEncapsulation": "Qinq",
"authorizationKey": "[a-z|A-z|0-9]",
"organizationName": "John-Doe-Corp",
"private": false,
"features": {
"cloudReach": true,
"testProfile": false
v4 request
"data": [
"state": "ACTIVE",
"account": {
"organizationName": "John-Doe-Corp",
"globalOrgId": "0016u000003JZ4xAAG"
"changeLog": {
"createdBy": "John-Doe",
"createdByFullName": "John Doe",
"createdByEmail": "",
"createdDateTime": "2022-04-05T20:50:36.236Z",
"updatedBy": "eqx-admin",
"updatedByFullName": "eqx-admin eqx-admin",
"updatedByEmail": "",
"updatedDateTime": "2022-04-05T20:54:15.139Z"
"href": "",
"type": "L2_PROFILE",
"name": "NVK-PDS-SP-255",
"uuid": "3c5d81c1-4301-4d7a-aba1-3a0bf237f6c1",
"description": "<p>QA3 TEST</p>",
"visibility": "PUBLIC",
"accessPointTypeConfigs": [
"type": "COLO",
"uuid": "c85e5938-988b-494d-8d66-cd03a7883fca",
"supportedBandwidths": [
"allowRemoteConnections": true,
"allowCustomBandwidth": false,
"allowBandwidthAutoApproval": false,
"linkProtocolConfig": {
"encapsulationStrategy": "CTAGED",
"reuseVlanSTag": false,
"encapsulation": "QINQ"
"enableAutoGenerateServiceKey": false,
"connectionRedundancyRequired": false,
"apiConfig": {
"apiAvailable": false,
"integrationId": "",
"bandwidthFromApi": false
"connectionLabel": "Connection",
"authenticationKey": {
"required": false
"type": "COLO",
"uuid": "c85e5938-988b-494d-8d66-cd03a7883fca",
"supportedBandwidths": [
"allowRemoteConnections": true,
"allowCustomBandwidth": false,
"allowBandwidthAutoApproval": false,
"linkProtocolConfig": {
"encapsulationStrategy": "CTAGED",
"reuseVlanSTag": false,
"encapsulation": "QINQ"
"enableAutoGenerateServiceKey": false,
"connectionRedundancyRequired": false,
"apiConfig": {
"apiAvailable": false,
"bandwidthFromApi": false
"connectionLabel": "Connection",
"authenticationKey": {
"required": false
"marketingInfo": {
"promotion": true
"metros": [
"code": "SV",
"name": "Silicon Valley",
"ibxs": [
"displayName": "Singapore"
"code": "DC",
"name": "Ashburn",
"ibxs": [
"displayName": "Ashburn"
"selfProfile": false
"pagination": {
"offset": 0,
"limit": 2,
"total": 51,
"next": "/serviceProfiles?offset=2&limit=2"

v3 parameterv4 parameterExampleDescription
-stateACTIVENew parameter specifying the service profile lifecycle stage.
-account-New container object for billing account information.
organizationNameaccount.organizationNamepmSuveer-270163Equinix-assigned organization name.
-account.globalOrgId0016u000003JZ4xAAGEquinix-assigned top-level organization identifier.
-changeLog-New container object for changelog information.
createdBychangeLog.createdBypmSuveerIdentity of the asset creator.
-changeLog.createdByFullNamepmSuveer pmSuveerFull name of the asset creator.
-changeLog.createdByEmailpmSuveer@equinix.comEmail address of the asset creator.
createdDatechangeLog.createdDateTime2022-04-05T20:50:36.236ZAsset creation timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format.
lastUpdatedBychangeLog.updatedByeqx-adminIdentity of the person who updated the asset.
-changeLog.updatedByFullNameeqx-admin eqx-adminFull name of the person who updated the asset.
-changeLog.updatedByEmaileqx-admin@equinix.comEmail address of the person who updated the asset.
lastUpdatedDatechangeLog.updatedDateTime2022-04-05T20:54:15.139ZAsset update timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format.
-href 3c5d81c1-4301-4d7a-aba1-3a0bf237f6c1?viewPoint=aSideNew parameter specifying the absolute URL that returns details of the given asset.
-typeL2_PROFILENew parameter defining connection type, introduced to support new use cases.

L2_PROFILE - layer 2 service profile for establishing connections in layer 2 of the OSI networking model.
L3_PROFILE - layer 3 service profile for establishing connections in layer 2 of the OSI networking model.
namenameNVK-PDS-SP-255Service profile name.
uuiduuid3c5d81c1-4301-4d7a-aba1-3a0bf237f6c1Equinix-assigned service profile identifier.
-description<p>QA3 TEST</p>Service description.
privatevisibilityPUBLICNew parameter for specifying service profile's accessability.

PUBLIC - Public service profiles are listed on the Equinix Fabric portal allowing anyone to establish connections to advertised services.
PRIVATE - Establishing a connection based on a private service profile requires provider's authorization.
-accessPointTypeConfigs-New container object supporting multiple access points definitions.
-accessPointTypeConfigs[0].typeCOLONew parameter for specifying access point type.

COLO - Colocation space in an IBX data center.
VD - Network Edge virtual device.
-accessPointTypeConfigs[0].uuidc85e5938-988b-494d-8d66-cd03a7883fcaAccess point identifier.
speedBandsaccessPointTypeConfigs[0].supportedBandwidths[50,200,500,1000]In the v4 API, available connection bandwidths is specified in an array of integers while the v3 API defines available values as an array of objects.
speedBands[0].unit-MBIn the v4 API, the connection bandwidth is specified in Mbps while in the v3 API, the connection bandwidth unit was specified in a separate parameter.
features--An object containing feature-related information such as cloudReach, testProfile, etc.
features.cloudReachaccessPointTypeConfigs[0].allowRemoteConnectionstrueAuthorization to establish connections from remote locations.
features.testProfile-falseThe v4 API introduces type parameter with TEST being one of the applicable values.
allowCustomSpeedaccessPointTypeConfigs[0].allowCustomBandwidthfalseAuthorization to set a custom connection bandwidth.
-accessPointTypeConfigs[0].allowBandwidthAutoApprovalfalseNew parameter indicating if bandwidth change requests are approved automatically.
-accessPointTypeConfigs[0].linkProtocolConfig-New container object for settings and preferences for the link protocol used at the access point.
tagTypeaccessPointTypeConfigs[0].linkProtocolConfig.encapsulationStrategyCTAGEDSpecifies additional tagging information required by the service provider.
-accessPointTypeConfigs[0].linkProtocolConfig.reuseVlanSTagfalseAutomatically accept subsequent DOT1Q to QINQ connections that use the same authentication key. These connections will have the same VLAN S-tag assigned as the initial connection.
profileEncapsulationaccessPointTypeConfigs[0].linkProtocolConfig.encapsulationQINQData frames encapsulation standard.
-accessPointTypeConfigs[0].enableAutoGenerateServiceKeyfalseApplicable to Verizon Software Defined Interconnect service profile.
requiredRedundancyaccessPointTypeConfigs[0].connectionRedundancyRequiredfalseIndicates if connecting to the service requires creating a pair of redundant connections.
-accessPointTypeConfigs[0].apiConfig-New object container for API specific configuration.
apiAvailableaccessPointTypeConfigs[0].apiConfig.apiAvailablefalseIndicates whether the service profile has been integrated via APIs with Equinix for automated provisioning of connections.
speedFromAPIaccessPointTypeConfigs[0].apiConfig.bandwidthFromApifalseIndicates whether the bandwidth of the connection can be obtained directly from the cloud service provider.
connectionNameLabelaccessPointTypeConfigs[0].connectionLabelConnectionAn alternative term for connection in case it's different in your organization.
authorizationKeyaccessPointTypeConfigs[0].authenticationKey-Authentication key configuration.
-accessPointTypeConfigs[0].authenticationKey.requiredfalseRequirement to provide an authentication key.
-marketingInfo-New object container for optional service profile branding, such as the customer's logo.
-marketingInfo.promotiontrueNew parameter for authorization to promote the given service profile on Equinix website and other products.
metrosmetros-Locations where subscribers can access services available through the given service profile.
metros[0].codemetros[0].codeSVMetropolitan area identifier.
metros[0].namemetros[0].nameSilicon ValleyMetropolitan area name.
metros[0].ibxsmetros[0].ibxs["SV5"]List of IBX data centers within the given metro where subscribers can access services provided by the given service profile.
metros[0].displayNamemetros[0].displayNameSilicon ValleyMetropoiltan area name displayed on the service profile in the Equinix Fabric portal.
selfProfileselfProfilefalseIndicates if the service profile and the user interacting with the API belong to the same organization.
vlanSameAsPrimary-falseIndicates whether the same VLAN can be used for both primary and secondary connections, not present in the v4 API.