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Get Service Profiles - Parameters Mapping

This API returns a data set containing service profiles that match provided query parameters.

Buyer perspective

v3 request
curl -X
GET ''
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
v4 request
curl -X
GET ''
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-H 'ic-version: v4.2'

v3 API requestv4 API requestDescription
GET /ecx/v3/l2/serviceprofiles/servicesGET /fabric/v4/serviceProfiles?viewPoint=aSideRequest: v3 API uses a dedicated endpoint to list service profiles for subscribers while the v4 API introduces the viewPoint parameter that specifies the data set relevant to subscribers. The v4 API requires the ic-version header parameter.

Response: v3 and v4 service profile objects have different structure and parameters' names.

Seller perspective

v3 request
curl -X
GET ''
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
v4 request
curl -X
GET ''
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-H 'ic-version: v4.2'

v3 API requestv4 API requestDescription
GET /ecx/v3/l2/serviceprofiles/servicesGET /fabric/v4/serviceProfiles?viewPoint=zSideRequest: The v3 API uses a dedicated endpoint to list service profiles for subscribers while the v4 API introduces the viewPoint parameter that specifies the data set relevant to subscribers. The v4 API requires the ic-version header parameter.

Response: The v3 and the v4 service profile objects have different structure and parameters' names.


v3 request
"isLastPage": false,
"totalCount": 23,
"isFirstPage": true,
"pageSize": 20,
"content": [
"uuid": "97d1850f-4df0-468c-9281-fa7b0dfa2096",
"name": "John-Doe Demo",
"connectionNameLabel": "JohnDoeConnection",
"requiredRedundancy": false,
"allowCustomSpeed": false,
"speedBands": [
"speed": 50,
"unit": "MB"
"speed": 200,
"unit": "MB"
"speed": 500,
"unit": "MB"
"speed": 1000,
"unit": "MB"
"metros": [
"code": "SV",
"name": "Silicon Valley",
"ibxs": [
"displayName": "Silicon Valley"
"code": "DC",
"name": "Ashburn",
"ibxs": [
"displayName": "Ashburn"
"createdDate": "2018-12-07T13:31:58.525Z",
"createdBy": "John-Doe",
"lastUpdatedDate": "2018-12-07T13:58:28.258Z",
"lastUpdatedBy": "John-Doe",
"vlanSameAsPrimary": false,
"tagType": "BOTH",
"apiAvailable": false,
"selfProfile": false,
"speedFromAPI": false,
"profileEncapsulation": "Qinq",
"authorizationKey": "[a-z|A-z|0-9]",
"organizationName": "John-Doe-Corp",
"private": false,
"features": {
"cloudReach": true,
"testProfile": false
"pageNumber": 0
v4 request
"data": [
"state": "ACTIVE",
"account": {
"organizationName": "pmSuveer-270163",
"globalOrgId": "0016u000003JZ4xAAG"
"changeLog": {
"createdBy": "pmSuveer",
"createdByFullName": "pmSuveer pmSuveer",
"createdByEmail": "",
"createdDateTime": "2022-04-05T20:50:36.236Z",
"updatedBy": "eqx-admin",
"updatedByFullName": "eqx-admin eqx-admin",
"updatedByEmail": "",
"updatedDateTime": "2022-04-05T20:54:15.139Z"
"href": "",
"type": "L2_PROFILE",
"name": "NVK-PDS-SP-255",
"uuid": "3c5d81c1-4301-4d7a-aba1-3a0bf237f6c1",
"description": "<p>QA3 TEST</p>",
"visibility": "PUBLIC",
"accessPointTypeConfigs": [
"type": "COLO",
"uuid": "c85e5938-988b-494d-8d66-cd03a7883fca",
"supportedBandwidths": [
"allowRemoteConnections": true,
"allowCustomBandwidth": false,
"allowBandwidthAutoApproval": false,
"linkProtocolConfig": {
"encapsulationStrategy": "CTAGED",
"reuseVlanSTag": false,
"encapsulation": "QINQ"
"enableAutoGenerateServiceKey": false,
"connectionRedundancyRequired": false,
"apiConfig": {
"apiAvailable": false,
"integrationId": "",
"bandwidthFromApi": false
"connectionLabel": "Connection",
"authenticationKey": {
"required": false
"type": "COLO",
"uuid": "c85e5938-988b-494d-8d66-cd03a7883fca",
"supportedBandwidths": [
"allowRemoteConnections": true,
"allowCustomBandwidth": false,
"allowBandwidthAutoApproval": false,
"linkProtocolConfig": {
"encapsulationStrategy": "CTAGED",
"reuseVlanSTag": false,
"encapsulation": "QINQ"
"enableAutoGenerateServiceKey": false,
"connectionRedundancyRequired": false,
"apiConfig": {
"apiAvailable": false,
"integrationId": "",
"bandwidthFromApi": false
"connectionLabel": "Connection",
"authenticationKey": {
"required": false
"marketingInfo": {
"promotion": true
"metros": [
"code": "SG",
"name": "Singapore",
"ibxs": [
"displayName": "Singapore"
"code": "SY",
"name": "Sydney",
"ibxs": [
"displayName": "Sydney"
"selfProfile": false
"pagination": {
"offset": 0,
"limit": 2,
"total": 51,
"next": "/serviceProfiles?offset=2&limit=2"

v3 parameterv4 parameterExampleDescription
isLastPage-trueIndicates the first page of results set.
isFirstPage-falseIndicates the last page of results set.
pageNumber-222Results set page number.
-pagination-New container object for pagination parameters.
-pagination.offset200New parameter specifying the results page offset.
pageSizepagination.limit100Number of items returned on a single page.
totalCountpagination.total1000Total number of objects in the data set. parameter specyfing the next results page url.
-pagination.previous/serviceProfiles?offset=0&limit=2New parameter specyfing the previous results page url.
contentdata-An array of connection objects.
For details on the remaining parameters mapping, refer to Get Specified Service Profile - Parameters Mapping.