Get Specified Connection - Parameters Mapping
This API returns details of a specified connection.
v3 request
curl -X
GET ''
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
v4 request
curl -X
GET ''
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
v3 API request | v4 API request | Description |
GET /ecx/v3/l2/connections/{uuid} | GET /fabric/v4/connections/{uuid} | Request: - Response: v3 and v4 connection objects have different structure and parameters' names. |
v3 request
"buyerOrganizationName": "sit-auto-200051-200051",
"uuid": "97d1850f-4df0-468c-9281-fa7b0dfa2096",
"name": "Taran_test_25_10G",
"vlanSTag": 29,
"portUUID": "b6c2157e-f161-161a-d7e0-328a5c00afec",
"portName": "sit-auto-CX-DC5-NL-Dot1q-STD-10G-PRI-JUN-77",
"asideEncapsulation": "dot1q",
"zsideEncapsulation": "qinq",
"asidePortPriority": "Primary",
"zsidePortPriority": "Secondary",
"metroCode": "DC",
"metroDescription": "Ashburn",
"providerStatus": "AVAILABLE",
"status": "PROVISIONED",
"billingTier": "Up to 10G",
"speed": 10000,
"speedUnit": "MB",
"redundancyType": "primary",
"sellerMetroCode": "DC",
"sellerMetroDescription": "Ashburn",
"sellerServiceName": "My Port/Device To Port Connection",
"sellerServiceUUID": "b430b299-0253-43bf-9730-37e6128af3fb",
"internalServiceProfile": false,
"notifications": [
"createdDate": "2021-01-14T19:56:38.799Z",
"createdBy": "sitautouser",
"createdByFullName": "sitautouser sitautouser",
"createdByEmail": "",
"lastUpdatedBy": "sitautouser",
"lastUpdatedDate": "2021-01-14T19:56:49.845Z",
"lastUpdatedByFullName": "sitautouser sitautouser",
"lastUpdatedByEmail": "",
"connectionEditable": true,
"updateInProgress": false,
"sellerApprovalPendingForBandwidth": false,
"accountName": "sit-auto-200051",
"zSidePortName": "sit-auto-CX-DC11-L-QinQ-STD-10G-SEC-NK-88",
"zSidePortUUID": "b6c2157e-f16b-16ba-d7e0-328a5c00afec",
"zSideVlanCTag": 23,
"zSideVlanSTag": 11,
"remote": false,
"private": false,
"self": false
v4 request
"type": "EVPL_VC",
"href": "",
"uuid": "d3ba5c1a-7763-492f-8881-091052420bb1",
"name": "SustainStandardConn"
"operation": {
"providerStatus": "AVAILABLE",
"equinixStatus": "PROVISIONED"
"order": {
"purchaseOrderNumber": "PO439401015499"
"notifications": [
"type": "ALL",
"emails": [
"account": {
"accountNumber": 270106,
"orgId": 91996,
"globalOrgId": "0016u000003JZ4rAAG"
"changeLog": {
"createdBy": "testV",
"createdDateTime": "2022-02-09T05:12:32.183Z",
"updatedBy": "testBuyerStandardUserAllPerm",
"updatedDateTime": "2022-02-09T05:12:33.078Z"
"bandwidth": 1000,
"redundancy": {
"priority": "PRIMARY"
"isRemote": false,
"direction": "INCOMING",
"aSide": {
"accessPoint": {
"type": "COLO",
"account": {
"accountNumber": 270106,
"orgId": 91996,
"organizationName": "testGlobalcust-270100",
"globalOrgId": "0016u000003JZ4rAAG"
"location": {
"href": "",
"region": "EMEA",
"metroName": "Brussels",
"metroCode": "BL"
"port": {
"href": "",
"uuid": "c791f8cb-5bf9-bf90-8ce0-306a5c00a4ee",
"name": "testGlobalcust-BL1-NL-Dot1q-STD-PRI-10G-JN-769",
"linkProtocol": {
"type": "DOT1Q",
"vlanTag": "1140"
"zSide": {
"accessPoint": {
"type": "SP",
"account": {
"orgId": 91997,
"organizationName": "testBuyer-270001",
"globalOrgId": "0016u000003JZ4sAAG"
"location": {
"href": "",
"region": "EMEA",
"metroName": "Brussels",
"metroCode": "BL"
"port": {
"href": "",
"uuid": "c791f8cb-5bd1-bd10-8ce0-306a5c00a4ee",
"name": "testBuyer-BL1-L-Dot1q-STD-PRI-10G-JN-729",
"profile": {
"href": "",
"type": "L2_PROFILE",
"name": "Sustain_Standard_USER_SP_L2_2",
"uuid": "73e92924-7ea7-4aff-9d2c-50d3faf6c792"
"linkProtocol": {
"type": "DOT1Q",
"vlanTag": "4080"
v3 parameter | v4 parameter | Example | Description |
- | type | EVPL_VC | New parameter defining connection type, introduced to support new use cases. EVPL_VC - Ethernet virtual private line connection type used for tagged layer 2 connections. |
- | href | d3ba5c1a-7763-492f-8881-091052420bb1 | New parameter specifying the absolute URL that returns details of the given asset. |
uuid | uuid | d3ba5c1a-7763-492f-8881-091052420bb1 | Equinix-assigned connection identifier. |
name | name | Connection | Connection name. |
- | operation | object | New container object for connection operational status. |
providerStatus | operation.providerStatus | PROVISIONED | Provider's progress towards provisioning a specified connection. |
status | opeartion.equinixStatus | PROVISIONED | Renamed parameter defining progress towards provisioning a specified connection. |
- | order | - | New object container for order details. |
purchaseOrderNumber | order.purchaseOrderNumber | 1-129105284100 | Subscriber's purchase order identifier. |
- | notifications | - | New object for email notifications configuration. |
- | notifications.type | ALL | New parameter enabling differentiation of notifications. |
notifications | notifications.emails | ["", ""] | List of up to 12 recipients. |
- | account | - | New container object for billing account information. |
- | account.accountNumber | 270106 | Equinix-assigned account number. |
- | account.orgId | 91996 | Equinix-assigned organization identifier. |
- | account.GlobalOrgId | 0016u000003JZ4rAAG | Equinix-assigned top-level organization identifier associated with the specified connection. |
- | changeLog | - | New container object for changelog information. |
createdBy | changeLog.createdBy | testBuyerStandardUserAllPerm | Identity of the asset creator. |
createdDate | changeLog.createdDate | 2022-02-09T05:12:33.078Z | Connection creation timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.000+0000 |
createdByFullName | - | John Doe | Full name of the asset creator, not present in the v4 API. |
createdByEmail | - | | Email address of the asset creator, not present in the v4 API. |
lastUpdatedBy | changeLog.updatedBy | testBuyerStandardUserAllPerm | Identity of the person who updated the asset. |
lastUpdatedDate | changeLog.updatedDateTime | 2022-02-09T05:12:33.078Z | Connection update timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.000+0000 |
lastUpdatedByFullName | - | John Doe | Full name of the person who updated the asset, not present in the v4 API. |
lastUpdatedByEmail | - | | Email address of the person who updated the asset, not present in the v4 API. |
billingTier | - | Up to 50 MB | Billing tier the connection belongs to based on the connection bandwidth, not present in v4 API. |
speed | bandwidth | 1000 | Connection bandwidth. |
speedUnit | - | - | In the v4 API the connection bandwidth is expressed in Mbps. |
- | redundancy | - | Redundancy details. Not required for primary connections. |
redundancyGroup | | 28c02121-f093-4340-90c9-081b17b239c8 | Unique Id of the redundancy group. This is only required for secondary connections. If you are creating a secondary connection, enter the group of the PRIMARY. You can find the group of the primary connection by calling Get Specified Connection or by checking the response you received in the "group" field at the time of creating primary connection. |
redundancyType | redundancy.priority | PRIMARY | Whether the connection is PRIMARY or SECONDARY. Don't provide a group Id for a primary connection. |
redundantUUID | - | f2666280-0e49-487f-af00-5c4341d80745 | Failover connection identifier, not present in v4 API. |
remote | isRemote | true | Connection property derived from endpoint locations, indicating whether the service provider and the subscriber are in the same metro or not. |
- | direction | INCOMING | New parameter determinig the direction of the connection from the requester's point of view. |
- | aSide | - | New object container for A-side connection configuration. |
- | aSide.accessPoint | - | New object container for A-side connection access point. |
- | aSide.accessPoint.type | COLO | New parameter defining access point type, introduced to support new access points such as Network Edge virtual devices or Fabric Cloud Router instances. COLO - Colocation space in an IBX data center. |
- | aSide.accessPoint.account | - | New container object for A-side account information. |
- | aSide.accessPoint.account.accountNumber | 270106 | Equinix-assigned account number. |
- | aSide.accessPoint.account.orgId | 91996 | Equinix-assigned organization identifier. |
buyerOrganizationName | aSide.accessPoint.organizationName | testGlobalcust | Equinix-assigned organization name. |
- | aSide.accessPoint.account.globalOrgId | 0016u000003JZ4rAAG | Equinix-assigned top-level organization identifier. |
- | location | - | New container object for location information. |
- | location.href | | New parameter specifying the absolute URL that returns details of the given asset. |
- | location.region | APAC | New parameter specifying broad geographical region. |
metroDescription | location.metroName | Sydney | Metropolitan area name. |
metroCode | location.metroCode | SY | Matropolitan area identifier. |
- | aSide.accessPoint.port | - | New object container for A-side port configuration. |
- | aSide.accessPoint.port.href | c791f8cb-5c71-c710-8ce0-306a5c00a4ee | New parameter specifying the absolute URL that returns details of the given asset. |
primaryPortUUID | aSide.accessPoint.port.uuid | c791f8cb-5904-9040-8ce0-306a5c00a4ee | A-side port identifier. |
portName | | testBuyer-SY1-L-Dot1q-STD-PRI-10G-JN-889 | Port name. |
- | aSide.accessPoint.linkProtocol | - | New object container for link protocol configuration. |
asideEncapsulation | aSide.accessPoint.linkProtocol.type | DOT1Q | A-side port encapsulation standard. |
vlanSTag | aSide.accessPoint.linkProtocol.vlanTag | 124 | DOT1Q encapsulation VLAN tag. |
- | zSide | - | New object container for Z-side connection configuration. |
- | zSide.accessPoint | - | New object container for Z-side connection access point. |
- | zSide.accessPoint.type | SP | New parameter defining access point type, introduced to support new access points such as Network Edge virtual devices or Fabric Cloud Router instances. COLO - Colocation space in an IBX data center. SP - Service profile. |
- | zSide.accessPoint.account | - | New container object for A-side account information. |
- | zSide.accessPoint.account.orgId | 91996 | Equinix-assigned organization identifier. |
buyerOrganizationName | zSide.accessPoint.organizationName | testGlobalcust | Equinix-assigned organization name. |
- | zSide.accessPoint.account.globalOrgId | 0016u000003JZ4rAAG | Equinix-assigned top-level organization identifier. |
- | zSide.accessPoint.account.globalOrganizationName | OrgName | Equinix-assigned name of the parent organization. |
- | location | - | New container object for location information. |
- | location.href | | New parameter specifying the absolute URL that returns details of the given asset. |
- | location.region | APAC | New parameter specifying broad geographical region. |
sellerMetroDescription | location.metroName | Sydney | Metropolitan area name. |
sellerMetroCode | location.metroCode | SY | Matropolitan area identifier. |
- | zSide.accessPoint.port | - | New object container for Z-side port configuration. |
- | zSide.accessPoint.port.href | c791f8cb-5bf9-bf90-8ce0-306a5c00a4ee | New parameter specifying the absolute URL that returns details of the given asset. |
zSidePortUUID | zSide.accessPoint.port.uuid | c791f8cb-5d01-d010-8ce0-306a5c00a4ee | Z-side port identifier. |
zSidePortName | | testSeller-SY1-L-Dot1q-STD-PRI-10G-JN-889 | Port name. |
- | aSide.accessPoint.profile | - | New container object for service profile configuration. |
- | aSide.accessPoint.profile.href | 73e92924-7ea7-4aff-9d2c-50d3faf6c792 | New parameter specifying the absolute URL that returns details of the given asset. |
- | aSide.accessPoint.profile.type | L2_PROFILE | Service profile type. L2_PROFILE - Layer 2 service profile for establishing connections in layer 2 of the OSI networking model. |
sellerServiceName | | Sustain_Standard_USER_SP_L2_2 | Service profile name. |
sellerServiceUUID | aSide.accessPoint.profile.uuid | 73e92924-7ea7-4aff-9d2c-50d3faf6c792 | Equinix-assigned service profile identifier. |
- | zSide.accessPoint.linkProtocol | - | New object container for link protocol configuration. |
zsideEncapsulation | zSide.accessPoint.linkProtocol.type | QINQ | Z-side port encapsulation standard. |
primaryZSideVlanSTag | zSide.accessPoint.linkProtocol.vlanTSag | 123 | QINQ protocol, outer (service) VLAN frame tag used to identify packets as they traverse trunk lines. |
primaryZSideVlanCTag | zSide.accessPoint.linkProtocol.vlanCTag | 124 | QINQ protocol, inner (customer) VLAN frame tag used to identify packets as they traverse trunk lines. |
- | zSide.accessPoint.sellerRegion | us-west-1 | Access point seller region. |
authorizationKey | zSide.accessPoint.authenticationKey | xx-xxx | Access point authentication key. |
- | zSide.accessPoint.providerConnectionId | - | |
- | additionalInfo | - | An array of key-value pair objects containing additional information. |
accountName | - | sit-auto-200051 | Name of the account, not present in the v4 API. |
connectionEditable | - | true | Indicates if a connection can be edited. |
updateInProgress | - | false | Indicates an update in progress, not present in the v4 API. |
sellerApprovalPendingForBandwidth | - | false | Indicates if the connection is pending seller's approval, not present in the v4 API. |
internalServiceProfile | - | false | Indicates an internal service profile, not present in the v4 API. |
private | - | false | Indicates whether or not this is a private service profile. If private, it can only be available for creating connections if correct permissions are granted (i.e. not public like AWS/Azure/Oracle/Google, etc.). Not present in the v4 API. |
self | - | false | Indicates whether the connection belongs to the same organization (i.e. the source and the destination belongs to the same organization), not present in the v4 API. |