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Connect to Microsoft Azure - Parameters Mapping

Non-redundant connection to Microsoft Azure ExpressRoute from a DOT1Q port

v3 request
curl -X
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-d '{
"primaryName": "JohnDoe_Dot1q_Private",
"profileUUID": "84c6616c-573a-447d-a478-9fab8fff284d",
"speed": 50,
"speedUnit": "MB",
"purchaseOrderNumber": "",
"primaryPortUUID": "7f891d3b-973e-73e0-bae0-30ac1885197a",
"primaryVlanSTag": "458",
"secondaryName": "TestS110",
"secondaryVlanSTag": "442",
"secondaryPortUUID": "7f891d3b-9740-7400-bae0-30ac1885197a",
"namedTag": "Private",
"sellerMetroCode": "SV",
"authorizationKey": "76e781b5-2992-4042-b2a2-37d0d5eb6735",
"notifications": [
v4 request
curl -X
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-d '{
"type": "EVPL_VC",
"name": "Conn-1",
"order": {
"purchaseOrderNumber": "1-129105284100"
"bandwidth": 1000,
"redundancy": {
"priority": "PRIMARY"
"aSide": {
"accessPoint": {
"type": "COLO",
"port": {
"uuid": "a867f685-41b0-1b07-6de0-320a5c00abdd"
"linkProtocol": {
"type": "DOT1Q",
"vlanTag": 1001
"zSide": {
"accessPoint": {
"type": "SP",
"profile": {
"uuid": "20d32a80-0d61-4333-bc03-707b591ae2f5"
"location": {
"metroCode": "SV"
"linkProtocol": {
"type": "QINQ",
"vlanCTag": 1001
"authenticationKey": "xx-xx-xx",
"peeringType": "PRIVATE"
"notifications": [
"type": "ALL",
"emails": [

v3 API requestv4 API requestDescription
POST /ecx/v3/l2/connectionsPOST /fabric/v4/connectionsRequest: v4 API introduces a more nested structure and new parameters to accomodate for new use case scenarios involving new entities.

Response: v4 API reqest response includes the entire connection object, while the v3 API request returns only a request status message.
v3 parameterv4 parameterExampleDescription
-typeEVPL_VCNew parameter defining connection type, introduced to support new use cases.

EVPL_VC - Ethernet virtual private line connection type used for tagged layer 2 connections.
primaryNamenameConnectionConnection name.
-order-New container object for order details.
purchaseOrderNumberorder.purchaseOrderNumber1-129105284100Subscriber's purchase order identifier.
speedbandwidth1000Connection bandwidth.
speedUnit--In the v4 API the connection bandwidth is expressed in Mbps.
-aSide-New container object for A-side connection configuration.
-aSide.accessPoint-New container object for A-side connection access point.
-aSide.accessPoint.typeCOLONew parameter defining access point type, introduced to support new access points such as Network Edge virtual devices or Fabric Cloud Router instances.

COLO - Colocation space in an IBX data center.
-aSide.accessPoint.port-New container object for A-side port configuration.
primaryPortUUIDaSide.accessPoint.port.uuidc791f8cb-5904-9040-8ce0-306a5c00a4eeA-side port identifier.
-aSide.accessPoint.linkProtocol-New container object for link protocol configuration.
-aSide.accessPoint.linkProtocol.typeDOT1QNew parameter that explicitly specifies the encapsulation standard.
primaryVlanSTagaSide.accessPoint.linkProtocol.vlanTag124DOT1Q encapsulation VLAN tag.
-zSide-New container object for Z-side connection configuration.
-zSide.accessPoint-New container object for Z-side connection access point.
-zSide.accessPoint.typeSPNew parameter defining access point type, introduced to support new access points such as Network Edge virtual devices or Fabric Cloud Router instances.

SP - Service profile.
-zSide.accessPoint.profile-New container object for Z-side service profile configuration.
profileUUIDzSide.accessPoint.profile.uuidc791f8cb-5d01-d010-8ce0-306a5c00a4eeZ-side profile identifier.
-zSide.accessPoint.location-New container object for endpoint location configuration.
sellerMetroCodezSide.accessPoint.location.metroCodeSVMetropolitan area identifier.
-zSide.accessPoint.linkProtocol-New container object for link protocol configuration.
-zSide.accessPoint.linkProtocol.typeQINQNew parameter that explicitly specifies the encapsulation standard.
primaryZSideVlanCTagzSide.accessPoint.linkProtocol.vlanCTag123QINQ protocol, inner virtual local area network (VLAN) customer frame tag used to identify packets as they traverse trunk lines.
authorizationKeyzSide.accessPoint.authenticationKeyxx-xxxAccess point authentication key.
namedTagzSide.accessPoint.peeringTypePRIVATEAccess point peering type. Applicable to connections originating from DOT1Q ports.
-notifications-New object for email notifications configuration.
-notifications.typeALLNew parameter enabling differentiation of notifications.
notificationsnotifications.emails["", ""]List of up to 12 recipients.

Non-redundant connection to Microsoft Azure ExpressRoute from a QINQ port

v3 request
curl -X
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-d '{
"purchaseOrderNumber": "1234567890",
"primaryName": "JohnDoe_Azure_QinQ",
"secondaryName": "JohnDoe2_Azure_QinQ",
"primaryPortUUID": "7f891d3b-973d-73d0-bae0-30ac1885197a",
"secondaryPortUUID": "7f891d3b-973d-73d0-bae0-30ac1885197a",
"primaryVlanSTag": 640,
"secondaryVlanSTag": 650,
"profileUUID": "84c6616c-573a-447d-a478-9fab8fff284d",
"authorizationKey": "e03da869-8243-4dac-ae49-a95c80f5425d",
"sellerMetroCode": "DC",
"speed": 50,
"speedUnit": "MB",
"notifications": [
v4 request
curl -X
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-d '{
"type": "EVPL_VC",
"name": "Conn-1",
"order": {
"purchaseOrderNumber": "1-129105284100"
"bandwidth": 1000,
"redundancy": {
"priority": "PRIMARY"
"aSide": {
"accessPoint": {
"type": "COLO",
"port": {
"uuid": "a867f685-41b0-1b07-6de0-320a5c00abdd"
"linkProtocol": {
"type": "QINQ",
"vlanSTag": 1003
"zSide": {
"accessPoint": {
"type": "SP",
"profile": {
"uuid": "20d32a80-0d61-4333-bc03-707b591ae2f5"
"location": {
"metroCode": "SV"
"linkProtocol": {
"type": "QINQ"
"authenticationKey": "xx-xx-xx"
"notifications": [
"type": "ALL",
"emails": [

v3 API requestv4 API requestDescription
POST /ecx/v3/l2/connectionsPOST /fabric/v4/connectionsRequest: v4 API introduces a more nested structure and new parameters to accomodate for new use case scenarios involving new entities.

Response: v4 API reqest response includes the entire connection object, while the v3 API request returns only a request status message.
v3 parameterv4 parameterExampleDescription
-typeEVPL_VCNew parameter defining connection type, introduced to support new use cases.

EVPL_VC - Ethernet virtual private line connection type used for tagged layer 2 connections.
primaryNamenameConnectionConnection name.
-order-New container object for order details.
purchaseOrderNumberorder.purchaseOrderNumber1-129105284100Subscriber's purchase order identifier.
speedbandwidth1000Connection bandwidth.
speedUnit--In the v4 API the connection bandwidth is expressed in Mbps.
-aSide-New container object for A-side connection configuration.
-aSide.accessPoint-New container object for A-side connection access point.
-aSide.accessPoint.typeCOLONew parameter defining access point type, introduced to support new access points such as Network Edge virtual devices or Fabric Cloud Router instances.

COLO - Colocation space in an IBX data center.
-aSide.accessPoint.port-New container object for A-side port configuration.
primaryPortUUIDaSide.accessPoint.port.uuidc791f8cb-5904-9040-8ce0-306a5c00a4eeA-side port identifier.
-aSide.accessPoint.linkProtocol-New container object for link protocol configuration.
-aSide.accessPoint.linkProtocol.typeQINQNew parameter that explicitly specifies the encapsulation standard.
primaryVlanSTagaSide.accessPoint.linkProtocol.vlanSTag124QINQ protocol, outer virtual local area network (VLAN) service frame tag used to identify packets as they traverse trunk lines.
-zSide-New container object for Z-side connection configuration.
-zSide.accessPoint-New container object for Z-side connection access point.
-zSide.accessPoint.typeSPNew parameter defining access point type, introduced to support new access points such as Network Edge virtual devices or Fabric Cloud Router instances.

SP - Service profile.
-zSide.accessPoint.profile-New container object for Z-side service profile configuration.
profileUUIDzSide.accessPoint.profile.uuidc791f8cb-5d01-d010-8ce0-306a5c00a4eeZ-side profile identifier.
-zSide.accessPoint.location-New container object for endpoint location configuration.
sellerMetroCodezSide.accessPoint.location.metroCodeSVMetropolitan area identifier.
-zSide.accessPoint.linkProtocol-New container object for link protocol configuration.
-zSide.accessPoint.linkProtocol.typeQINQNew parameter that explicitly specifies the encapsulation standard.
authorizationKeyzSide.accessPoint.authenticationKeyxx-xxxAccess point authentication key.
namedTagzSide.accessPoint.peeringTypePRIVATEAccess point peering type. Applicable to connections originating from DOT1Q ports.
-notifications-New object for email notifications configuration.
-notifications.typeALLNew parameter enabling differentiation of notifications.
notificationsnotifications.emails["", ""]List of up to 12 recipients.

Redundant connections to Microsoft Azure ExpressRoute from DOT1Q ports

v3 request
curl -X
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-d '{
"primaryName": "JohnDoe_Dot1q_Private",
"profileUUID": "84c6616c-573a-447d-a478-9fab8fff284d",
"speed": 50,
"speedUnit": "MB",
"purchaseOrderNumber": "",
"primaryPortUUID": "7f891d3b-973e-73e0-bae0-30ac1885197a",
"primaryVlanSTag": "458",
"secondaryName": "TestS110",
"secondaryVlanSTag": "442",
"secondaryPortUUID": "7f891d3b-9740-7400-bae0-30ac1885197a",
"namedTag": "Private",
"sellerMetroCode": "SV",
"authorizationKey": "76e781b5-2992-4042-b2a2-37d0d5eb6735",
"notifications": [
v4 request
curl -X
POST 'https: //'
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-d '{
"data": [
"type": "EVPL_VC",
"name": "Conn-1",
"order": {
"purchaseOrderNumber": "1-129105284100"
"bandwidth": 100,
"redundancy": {
"priority": "PRIMARY"
"aSide": {
"accessPoint": {
"type": "COLO",
"port": {
"uuid": "a867f685-41b0-1b07-6de0-320a5c00abdd"
"linkProtocol": {
"type": "DOT1Q",
"vlanTag": 1001
"zSide": {
"accessPoint": {
"type": "SP",
"profile": {
"uuid": "20d32a80-0d61-4333-bc03-707b591ae2f5"
"location": {
"metroCode": "SV",
"region": "us-west-1"
"linkProtocol": {
"type": "QINQ",
"vlanSTag": 2001
"authenticationKey": "xx-xx-xx",
"peeringType": "PRIVATE"
"notifications": [
"type": "ALL",
"emails": [
"type": "EVPL_VC",
"name": "Conn-2",
"order": {
"purchaseOrderNumber": "1-129105284100"
"bandwidth": 100,
"redundancy": {
"group": "j167f685-41b0-1b07-6de0-320a5c00abie",
"priority": "SECONDARY"
"aSide": {
"accessPoint": {
"type": "COLO",
"port": {
"uuid": "a867f685-41b0-1b07-6de0-320a5c00abdd"
"linkProtocol": {
"type": "DOT1Q",
"vlanTag": 1002
"zSide": {
"accessPoint": {
"type": "SP",
"profile": {
"uuid": "20d32a80-0d61-4333-bc03-707b591ae2f5"
"location": {
"metroCode": "SV",
"region": "us-west-1"
"linkProtocol": {
"type": "QINQ",
"vlanSTag": 2002
"authenticationKey": "xx-xx-xx",
"peeringType": "PRIVATE"
"notifications": [
"type": "ALL",
"emails": [

v3 API requestv4 API requestDescription
POST /ecx/v3/l2/connectionsPOST /fabric/v4/connections/bulkV4 API introduces a new endpoint dedicated to creating redundant connections.
v3 parameterv4 parameterExampleDescription
-data[0].typeEVPL_VCNew parameter defining connection type, introduced to support new use cases.

EVPL_VC - Ethernet virtual private line connection type used for tagged layer 2 connections.
primaryNamedata[0].nameConnectionConnection name.
-data[0].order-New container object for order details.
purchaseOrderNumberdata[0].order.purchaseOrderNumber1-129105284100Subscriber's purchase order identifier.
speeddata[0].bandwidth1000Connection bandwidth.
speedUnit--In the v4 API the connection bandwidth is expressed in Mbps.
-data[0].redundancy-Redundancy details. Not required for primary connections
-data[0].redundancy.groupcea65afb-aa33-a336-2ae0-387a5c00a944Unique Id of the redundancy group. This is only required for secondary connections. If you are creating a secondary connection, enter the group of the PRIMARY. You can find the group of the primary connection by calling Get Specified Connection or by checking the response you received in the "group" field at the time of creating primary connection.
-data[0].redundancy.priorityPRIMARYWhether the connection is PRIMARY or SECONDARY. Don't provide a redundancy group Id for a PRIMARY connection.
-data[0].aSide-New container object for A-side connection configuration.
-data[0].aSide.accessPoint-New container object for A-side connection access point.
-data[0].aSide.accessPoint.typeCOLONew parameter defining access point type, introduced to support new access points such as Network Edge virtual devices or Fabric Cloud Router instances.

COLO - Colocation space in an IBX data center.
-data[0].aSide.accessPoint.port-New container object for A-side port configuration.
primaryPortUUIDdata[0].aSide.accessPoint.port.uuidc791f8cb-5904-9040-8ce0-306a5c00a4eeA-side port identifier.
-data[0].aSide.accessPoint.linkProtocol-New container object for link protocol configuration.
-data[0].aSide.accessPoint.linkProtocol.typeDOT1QNew parameter that explicitly specifies the encapsulation standard.
primaryVlanSTagdata[0].aSide.accessPoint.linkProtocol.vlanTag124DOT1Q encapsulation VLAN tag.
-data[0].zSide-New container object for Z-side connection configuration.
-data[0].zSide.accessPoint-New container object for Z-side connection access point.
-data[0].zSide.accessPoint.typeSPNew parameter defining access point type, introduced to support new access points such as Network Edge virtual devices or Fabric Cloud Router instances.

SP - Service profile.
-data[0].zSide.accessPoint.profile-New container object for Z-side service profile configuration.
profileUUIDdata[0].zSide.accessPoint.profile.uuidc791f8cb-5d01-d010-8ce0-306a5c00a4eeZ-side profile identifier.
-data[0].zSide.accessPoint.location-New container object for endpoint location configuration.
sellerMetroCodedata[0].zSide.accessPoint.location.metroCodeSVMetropolitan area identifier.
-data[0].zSide.accessPoint.linkProtocol-New container object for link protocol configuration.
-data[0].zSide.accessPoint.linkProtocol.typeQINQNew parameter that explicitly specifies the encapsulation standard.
primaryZSideVlanCTagdata[0].zSide.accessPoint.linkProtocol.vlanCTag123QINQ protocol, inner virtual local area network (VLAN) customer frame tag used to identify packets as they traverse trunk lines.
authorizationKeydata[0].zSide.accessPoint.authenticationKeyxx-xxxAccess point authentication key.
namedTagdata[0].zSide.accessPoint.peeringTypePRIVATEAccess point peering type. Applicable to connections originating from DOT1Q ports.
-data[0].notifications-New object for email notifications configuration.
-data[0].notifications.typeALLNew parameter enabling differentiation of notifications.
notificationsdata[0].notifications.emails["", ""]List of up to 12 recipients.
-data[1].typeEVPL_VCNew parameter defining connection type, introduced to support new use cases.

EVPL_VC - Ethernet virtual private line connection type used for tagged layer 2 connections.
secondaryNamedata[1].nameConnectionConnection name.
-data[1].order-New container object for order details.
purchaseOrderNumberdata[1].order.purchaseOrderNumber1-129105284100Subscriber's purchase order identifier.
speeddata[1].bandwidth1000Connection bandwidth.
speedUnit--In the v4 API the connection bandwidth is expressed in Mbps.
-data[1].redundancy-Redundancy details. Not required for primary connections.
-data[1].redundancy.groupcea65afb-aa33-a336-2ae0-387a5c00a944Unique Id of the redundancy group. This is only required for secondary connections. If you are creating a secondary connection, enter the group of the PRIMARY. You can find the group of the primary connection by calling Get Specified Connection or by checking the response you received in the "group" field at the time of creating primary connection.
-data[1].redundancy.prioritySECONDARYWhether the connection is PRIMARY or SECONDARY. Don't provide a redundancy group Id for a PRIMARY connection.
-data[1].aSide-New container object for A-side connection configuration.
-data[1].aSide.accessPoint-New container object for A-side connection access point.
-data[1].aSide.accessPoint.typeCOLONew parameter defining access point type, introduced to support new access points such as Network Edge virtual devices or Fabric Cloud Router instances.

COLO - Colocation space in an IBX data center.
-data[1].aSide.accessPoint.port-New container object for A-side port configuration.
secondaryPortUUIDdata[1].aSide.accessPoint.port.uuidc791f8cb-5904-9040-8ce0-306a5c00a4eeA-side port identifier.
-data[1].aSide.accessPoint.linkProtocol-New container object for link protocol configuration.
-data[1].aSide.accessPoint.linkProtocol.typeDOT1QNew parameter that explicitly specifies the encapsulation standard.
secondaryVlanSTagdata[1].aSide.accessPoint.linkProtocol.vlanTag124DOT1Q encapsulation VLAN tag.
-data[1].zSide-New container object for Z-side connection configuration.
-data[1].zSide.accessPoint-New container object for Z-side connection access point.
-data[1].zSide.accessPoint.typeSPNew parameter defining access point type, introduced to support new access points such as Network Edge virtual devices or Fabric Cloud Router instances.

SP - Service profile.
-data[1].zSide.accessPoint.profile-New container object for Z-side service profile configuration.
profileUUIDdata[1].zSide.accessPoint.profile.uuidc791f8cb-5d01-d010-8ce0-306a5c00a4eeZ-side profile identifier.
-data[1].zSide.accessPoint.location-New container object for endpoint location configuration.
sellerMetroCodedata[1].zSide.accessPoint.location.metroCodeSVMetropolitan area identifier.
-data[1].zSide.accessPoint.linkProtocol-New container object for link protocol configuration.
-data[1].zSide.accessPoint.linkProtocol.typeQINQNew parameter that explicitly specifies the encapsulation standard.
secondaryZSideVlanCTagdata[1].zSide.accessPoint.linkProtocol.vlanCTag123QINQ protocol, inner virtual local area network (VLAN) customer frame tag used to identify packets as they traverse trunk lines.
authorizationKeydata[1].zSide.accessPoint.authenticationKeyxx-xxxAccess point authentication key.
namedTagdata[1].zSide.accessPoint.peeringTypePRIVATEAccess point peering type. Applicable to connections originating from DOT1Q ports.
-data[1].notifications-New object for email notifications configuration.
-data[1].notifications.typeALLNew parameter enabling differentiation of notifications.
notificationsdata[1].notifications.emails["", ""]List of up to 12 recipients.

Redundant connections to Microsoft Azure ExpressRoute from QINQ ports

v3 request
curl -X
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-d '{
"primaryName": "JohnDoe_Dot1q_Private",
"profileUUID": "84c6616c-573a-447d-a478-9fab8fff284d",
"speed": 50,
"speedUnit": "MB",
"purchaseOrderNumber": "",
"primaryPortUUID": "7f891d3b-973e-73e0-bae0-30ac1885197a",
"primaryVlanSTag": "458",
"secondaryName": "TestS110",
"secondaryVlanSTag": "442",
"secondaryPortUUID": "7f891d3b-9740-7400-bae0-30ac1885197a",
"namedTag": "Private",
"sellerMetroCode": "SV",
"authorizationKey": "76e781b5-2992-4042-b2a2-37d0d5eb6735",
"notifications": [
v4 request
curl -X
POST 'https: //'
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-d '{
"data": [
"type": "EVPL_VC",
"name": "Conn-1",
"order": {
"purchaseOrderNumber": "1-129105284100"
"bandwidth": 100,
"redundancy": {
"priority": "PRIMARY"
"aSide": {
"accessPoint": {
"type": "COLO",
"port": {
"uuid": "a867f685-41b0-1b07-6de0-320a5c00abdd"
"linkProtocol": {
"type": "QINQ",
"vlanSTag": 1001
"zSide": {
"accessPoint": {
"type": "SP",
"profile": {
"uuid": "20d32a80-0d61-4333-bc03-707b591ae2f5"
"location": {
"metroCode": "SV",
"region": "us-west-1"
"linkProtocol": {
"type": "QINQ"
"authenticationKey": "xx-xx-xx",
"peeringType": "PRIVATE"
"notifications": [
"type": "ALL",
"emails": [
"type": "EVPL_VC",
"name": "Conn-2",
"order": {
"purchaseOrderNumber": "1-129105284100"
"bandwidth": 100,
"redundancy": {
"group": "j167f685-41b0-1b07-6de0-320a5c00abie",
"priority": "SECONDARY"
"aSide": {
"accessPoint": {
"type": "COLO",
"port": {
"uuid": "a867f685-41b0-1b07-6de0-320a5c00abdd"
"linkProtocol": {
"type": "QINQ",
"vlanSTag": 1002
"zSide": {
"accessPoint": {
"type": "SP",
"profile": {
"uuid": "20d32a80-0d61-4333-bc03-707b591ae2f5"
"location": {
"metroCode": "SV",
"region": "us-west-1"
"linkProtocol": {
"type": "QINQ"
"authenticationKey": "xx-xx-xx",
"peeringType": "PRIVATE"
"notifications": [
"type": "ALL",
"emails": [

v3 API requestv4 API requestDescription
POST /ecx/v3/l2/connectionsPOST /fabric/v4/connections/bulkV4 API introduces a new endpoint dedicated to creating redundant connections.
v3 parameterv4 parameterExampleDescription
-data[0].typeEVPL_VCNew parameter defining connection type, introduced to support new use cases.

EVPL_VC - Ethernet virtual private line connection type used for tagged layer 2 connections.
primaryNamedata[0].nameConnectionConnection name.
-data[0].order-New container object for order details.
purchaseOrderNumberdata[0].order.purchaseOrderNumber1-129105284100Subscriber's purchase order identifier.
speeddata[0].bandwidth1000Connection bandwidth.
speedUnit--In the v4 API the connection bandwidth is expressed in Mbps.
-data[0].redundancy-Redundancy details. Not required for PRIMARY connections.
-data[0].redundancy.groupcea65afb-aa33-a336-2ae0-387a5c00a944Unique Id of the redundancy group. This is only required for secondary connections. If you are creating a secondary connection, enter the group of the PRIMARY. You can find the group of the primary connection by calling Get Specified Connection or by checking the response you received in the "group" field at the time of creating primary connection.
-data[0].redundancy.priorityPRIMARYWhether the connection is PRIMARY or SECONDARY. Don't provide a redundancy group Id for a PRIMARY connection.
-data[0].aSide-New container object for A-side connection configuration.
-data[0].aSide.accessPoint-New container object for A-side connection access point.
-data[0].aSide.accessPoint.typeCOLONew parameter defining access point type, introduced to support new access points such as Network Edge virtual devices or Fabric Cloud Router instances.

COLO - Colocation space in an IBX data center.
-data[0].aSide.accessPoint.port-New container object for A-side port configuration.
primaryPortUUIDdata[0].aSide.accessPoint.port.uuidc791f8cb-5904-9040-8ce0-306a5c00a4eeA-side port identifier.
-data[0].aSide.accessPoint.linkProtocol-New container object for link protocol configuration.
-data[0].aSide.accessPoint.linkProtocol.typeQINQNew parameter that explicitly specifies the encapsulation standard.
primaryVlanSTagdata[0].aSide.accessPoint.linkProtocol.vlanSTag124QINQ protocol, outer virtual local area network (VLAN) service frame tag used to identify packets as they traverse trunk lines.
-data[0].zSide-New container object for Z-side connection configuration.
-data[0].zSide.accessPoint-New container object for Z-side connection access point.
-data[0].zSide.accessPoint.typeSPNew parameter defining access point type, introduced to support new access points such as Network Edge virtual devices or Fabric Cloud Router instances.

SP - Service profile.
-data[0].zSide.accessPoint.profile-New container object for Z-side service profile configuration.
profileUUIDdata[0].zSide.accessPoint.profile.uuidc791f8cb-5d01-d010-8ce0-306a5c00a4eeZ-side profile identifier.
-data[0].zSide.accessPoint.location-New container object for endpoint location configuration.
sellerMetroCodedata[0].zSide.accessPoint.location.metroCodeSVMetropolitan area identifier.
-data[0].zSide.accessPoint.linkProtocol-New container object for link protocol configuration.
-data[0].zSide.accessPoint.linkProtocol.typeQINQNew parameter that explicitly specifies the encapsulation standard.
authorizationKeydata[0].zSide.accessPoint.authenticationKeyxx-xxxAccess point authentication key.
namedTagdata[0].zSide.accessPoint.peeringTypePRIVATEAccess point peering type. Applicable to connections originating from DOT1Q ports.
-data[0].notifications-New object for email notifications configuration.
-data[0].notifications.typeALLNew parameter enabling differentiation of notifications.
notificationsdata[0].notifications.emails["", ""]List of up to 12 recipients.
-data[1].typeEVPL_VCNew parameter defining connection type, introduced to support new use cases.

EVPL_VC - Ethernet virtual private line connection type used for tagged layer 2 connections.
secondaryNamedata[1].nameConnectionConnection name.
-data[1].order-New container object for order details.
purchaseOrderNumberdata[1].order.purchaseOrderNumber1-129105284100Subscriber's purchase order identifier.
speeddata[1].bandwidth1000Connection bandwidth.
speedUnit--In the v4 API the connection bandwidth is expressed in Mbps.
-data[1].redundancy-Redundancy details. Not required for PRIMARY connections.
-data[1].redundancy.groupcea65afb-aa33-a336-2ae0-387a5c00a944Unique Id of the redundancy group. This is only required for secondary connections. If you are creating a secondary connection, enter the group of the PRIMARY. You can find the group of the primary connection by calling Get Specified Connection or by checking the response you received in the "group" field at the time of creating primary connection.
-data[1].redundancy.prioritySECONDARYWhether the connection is PRIMARY or SECONDARY. Don't provide a redundancy group Id for a PRIMARY connection.
-data[1].aSide-New container object for A-side connection configuration.
-data[1].aSide.accessPoint-New container object for A-side connection access point.
-data[1].aSide.accessPoint.typeCOLONew parameter defining access point type, introduced to support new access points such as Network Edge virtual devices or Fabric Cloud Router instances.

COLO - Colocation space in an IBX data center.
-data[1].aSide.accessPoint.port-New container object for A-side port configuration.
secondaryPortUUIDdata[1].aSide.accessPoint.port.uuidc791f8cb-5904-9040-8ce0-306a5c00a4eeA-side port identifier.
-data[1].aSide.accessPoint.linkProtocol-New container object for link protocol configuration.
-data[1].aSide.accessPoint.linkProtocol.typeQINQNew parameter that explicitly specifies the encapsulation standard.
secondaryVlanSTagdata[1].aSide.accessPoint.linkProtocol.vlanSTag124QINQ protocol, outer virtual local area network (VLAN) service frame tag used to identify packets as they traverse trunk lines.
-data[1].zSide-New container object for Z-side connection configuration.
-data[1].zSide.accessPoint-New container object for Z-side connection access point.
-data[1].zSide.accessPoint.typeSPNew parameter defining access point type, introduced to support new access points such as Network Edge virtual devices or Fabric Cloud Router instances.

SP - Service profile.
-data[1].zSide.accessPoint.profile-New container object for Z-side service profile configuration.
profileUUIDdata[1].zSide.accessPoint.profile.uuidc791f8cb-5d01-d010-8ce0-306a5c00a4eeZ-side profile identifier.
-data[1].zSide.accessPoint.location-New container object for endpoint location configuration.
sellerMetroCodedata[1].zSide.accessPoint.location.metroCodeSVMetropolitan area identifier.
-data[1].zSide.accessPoint.linkProtocol-New container object for link protocol configuration.
-data[1].zSide.accessPoint.linkProtocol.typeQINQNew parameter that explicitly specifies the encapsulation standard.
authorizationKeydata[1].zSide.accessPoint.authenticationKeyxx-xxxAccess point authentication key.
namedTagdata[1].zSide.accessPoint.peeringTypePRIVATEAccess point peering type. Applicable to connections originating from DOT1Q ports.
-data[1].notifications-New object for email notifications configuration.
-data[1].notifications.typeALLNew parameter enabling differentiation of notifications.
notificationsdata[1].notifications.emails["", ""]List of up to 12 recipients.