Get All Ports - Parameters Mapping
This API returns a data set with all user-provisioned ports.
v3 request
curl -X
GET ''
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
v4 request
curl -X
GET ''
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
v3 API request | v4 API request | Description |
GET /ecx/v3/port/userport | GET /fabric/v4/ports | Request: - Response: v3 and v4 port objects have different structure and parameters' names. |
v3 request
"uuid": "9a1b30c7-baaf-aaf0-96e0-30ac188c7099",
"name": "johnDoePort",
"provisionStatus": "ADDED",
"region": "AMER",
"device": "1C00A955256C0027A0D544A68EE8C911",
"totalBandwidth": 1000000000,
"buyout": true,
"custOrgId": "99966",
"ibx": "SV1",
"metroCode": "SV",
"metroDescription": "Silicon Valley",
"deviceGroup": "2",
"devicePriority": "Primary",
"encapsulation": "Dot1q",
"viewPortPermission": true,
"placeVcOrderPermission": true,
"createdDate": "2018-11-07 21:56:59.0",
"lastUpdatedDate": "2018-11-07 21:56:59.0",
"userPorts": [
"bandwidth": 1000000000,
"crossConnectId": "20883104"
"layer3Enabled": true,
"lag": false
v4 request
"pagination": {
"offset": 0,
"limit": 999,
"total": 134
"data": [
"href": "",
"type": "XF_PORT",
"uuid": "c791f8cb-59c8-9c80-8ce0-306a5c00a4ee",
"name": "testBuyer-DC6-NL-Dot1q-STD-SEC-10G-JN-208",
"state": "ACTIVE",
"cvpId": "1614658",
"bandwidth": 10000,
"usedBandwidth": 6701,
"availableBandwidth": 3299,
"location": {
"href": "",
"ibx": "DC6",
"metroCode": "DC",
"metroName": "Ashburn",
"region": "AMER"
"device": {
"name": "qa3-dc-a2.lab",
"redundancy": {
"priority": "SECONDARY"
"encapsulation": {
"type": "DOT1Q",
"tagProtocolId": "0x8100"
"lag": {
"enabled": false
"settings": {
"buyout": false,
"placeVcOrderPermission": true,
"viewPortPermission": true
"physicalPorts": [
"state": "ACTIVE",
"id": 1426489,
"bandwidth": 10000,
"tether": {
"crossConnectId": "ECX.01.00003040",
"cabinetNumber": "Demarc",
"systemName": "DC6:01:001001"
"settings": {
"sharedPortType": "NA",
"sharedPortProduct": "NA"
"operation": {
"operationalStatus": "UP",
"opStatusChangedAt": "2021-12-02T00:00:00Z"
"operation": {
"operationalStatus": "UP",
"opStatusChangedAt": "2021-07-20T17:05:46Z",
"connectionCount": 51,
"evplVCCount": 51,
"fgVCCount": 0,
"accessVCCount": 0
"account": {
"accountNumber": "270001",
"accountName": "testBuyer",
"ucmId": "08374E19-9B56-4c27-84BA-33D42BB0940C",
"globalCustId": "0016u000003JZ4sAAG",
"orgId": "91997",
"organizationName": "testBuyer-270001"
"changeLog": {
"updatedDateTime": "2021-07-20T17:05:46Z",
"createdDateTime": "2021-07-20T17:05:46Z"
v3 parameter | v4 parameter | Example | Description |
- | pagination | - | New container object for pagination parameters. |
- | pagination.offset | 200 | New parameter specifying the results page offset. |
- | pagination.limit | 100 | New parameter specifying the number of items returned on a single page. |
- | | 1000 | New parameter specifying the total number of objects in the data set. |
- | href | c791f8cb-59c8-9c80-8ce0-306a5c00a4ee | New parameter specifying the absolute URL that returns details of the given asset. |
- | type | XF_PORT | New parameter specifying port type. |
uuid | uuid | c791f8cb-59c8-9c80-8ce0-306a5c00a4ee | Equinix-assigned port identifier. |
name | name | Equinix-EM-CX-xxx-L-Dot1q-BO-100G-PRI-xx | Port name |
provisionStatus | state | ACTIVE | Port lifecycle stage. Note that v3 and v4 values for this parameter are different. |
- | cvpId | 1616246 | New parameter, unique identifier for a virtual port. |
totalBandwidth | bandwidth | 10000 | Data transfer capacity in Mbps (v4) or in bytes (v3). |
- | usedBandwidth | 1000 | New parameter, port bandwidth consumed (Mbps). |
- | availableBandwidth | 9000 | New parameter, remaining port bandwidth (Mbps). |
- | location | - | New container object for location information. |
- | location.href | | New parameter specifying the absolute URL that returns details of the given asset. |
ibx | location.ibx | SY1 | IBX data center identifier. |
metroCode | location.metroCode | SY | Metropolitan area identifier. |
metroDescription | location.metroName | Sydney | Metropolitan area name. |
region | location.region | APAC | Broad geographical region. |
- | device | - | New container object for device configuration settings. |
device | | qa2-gv-nk-e2.lab | Equinix-assigned device identifier. |
- | device.redundancy | - | Device redundancy configuration. |
devicePriority | device.redundancy.priority | PRIMARY | Port's realative priority in the redundancy group. |
deviceGroup | | 1 | Equinix-assigned redudancy group identifier. |
- | encapsulation | - | New container object for port encapsulation configuration. |
encapsulation | encapsulation.type | DOT1Q | Port encapsulation type. |
- | encapsulation.tagProtocolId | 0x8100 | New parameter, Port encapsulation tag protocol identifier. |
- | lag | New container object for port link aggregation configuration. | |
lag | lag.enabled | true | Indicates if LAG is enabled. |
- | settings | - | New container object for port settings. |
buyout | settings.buyout | false | Buyout (true) or standard port configuration. Buyout ports offer free unlimited connections. Standard ports (false) do not. The default value is false. |
placeVcOrderPermission | settings.placeVcOrderPermission | true | Permission to order a virtual connection. The default value is false. |
viewPortPermission | settings.viewPortPermission | true | Authorization to view port permissions. The default value is false. |
userPorts | physicalPorts | - | Physical ports configuration. |
- | physicalPorts.state | PROVISIONED | Port availability. |
- | physicalPorts.type | XF_PHYSICAL_PORT | Physical port type. |
- | | 6967 | Physical port identifier. |
userPorts.bandwidth | physicalPorts.bandwidth | 10000 | Data transfer capacity from source to destination (Mbps). |
- | physicalPorts.tether | - | Specifications for a physical port connector. |
userPorts.crossConnectId | physicalPorts.tether.crossConnectId | - | Cross-connection identifier. |
- | physicalPorts.tether.cabinetNumber | Demarc | Rack cabinet number where the tether is housed. |
- | physicalPorts.tether.systemName | DC6:01:001001 | Name of the system to which the tether belongs. |
- | physicalPorts.settings | - | Port settings |
- | physicalPorts.settings.sharedPortType | NA | Type of shared port. A shared port is a single physical port that handles multiple virtual connections. |
- | physicalPorts.settings.sharedPortProduct | NA | Name of the Equinix product associated with the shared port. |
- | physicalPorts.operation | - | New container object for physical port's operational status information. |
- | physicalPorts.operation.operationalStatus | UP | Physical port's operational status. |
- | physicalPorts.operation.opStatusChangedAt | 2021-12-02T00:00:00Z | Status change timestamp. |
- | operation | - | New container object for port's operational status information. |
- | operation.operationalStatus | UP | Port's operational status. |
- | operation.opStatusChangedAt | 2021-12-02T00:00:00Z | Status change timestamp. |
- | operation.connectionCount | 51 | Total number of connections served by the given port. |
- | operation.evplVCCount | 51 | Number of EVPL connections served by the given port. |
- | operation.fgVCCount | 0 | Number of Fabric Cloud Router connections served by the given port. |
- | operation.accessVCCount | 0 | Number of network access connections served by the given port. |
custOrgId | - | 99966 | The organization ID of the customer who owns the port. |
layer3Enabled | - | true | Indicates whether the port is enabled for Layer 3 connections. |
account | - | New container object for billing account information. | |
- | account.accountNumber | 270106 | Equinix-assigned account number. |
account.accountName | testBuyer | Account name. | |
- | account.ucmId | 08374E19-9B56-4c27-84BA-33D42BB0940C | |
- | account.globalCustId | 0016u000003JZ4rAAG | Equinix-assigned top-level customer identifier associated with the specified asset. |
- | account.orgId | 91996 | Equinix-assigned organization identifier. |
- | account.organizationName | testBuyer-270001 | Equinix-assigned organization name. |
- | changeLog | - | New container object for changelog information. |
- | changeLog.createdBy | testBuyerStandardUserAllPerm | Identity of the asset creator. |
- | changeLog.createdDate | 2022-02-09T05:12:33.078Z | Connection creation timestamp in the IETF ISO 8601 extended date/time format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.000+0000 |