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Effective 10 September 2024, API Documentation can be found on our Equinix Product Documentation site.
The content on this page will not be updated after 1 Oct 2024 and will be inaccessible after 31st Dec 2024.

Asset APIs

Get Assets

 GET /asset/v1/list
Path ParametersNot applicable
Query ParametersaccountNo, ibx, classification, cages
Body ParametersNot applicable

This API request returns a list of assets of a specified category (electrical or mechanical), in a given IBX data center and associated with a specified customer account.


If you are unaware of how to obtain an authorization token, refer Requesting Access and Refresh tokens under Getting Access Token.

Sample curl request

curl -X 
GET ""
-H "authorization: Bearer asxQMSbBwcNzI2fCCNwSwTh3phV2'

Query parameters

accountNo string
Customer account number.
Example: 1234
ibx string
IBX data center identifier.
Example: SV1
classification string
Asset classification category.
Applicable values:
  • Electrical
  • Mechanical
cages array[string]
Colocation cage identifier. If not specified, assets are retrieved from all customer cages in the specified location.
Example: CH1:05:000550

Sample response

"payLoad": {
"classification": "Mechanical",
"categories": [
"templates": [
"assets": [
"assetId": "CH1.FC 2",
"ibx": "CH1",
"alarmStatus": "OK",
"resiliencyStatus": "Resiliency Not Configured",
"alarmLastTriggeredTime": null,
"alarmLastClearedTime": null
"templateId": "Fan Coil"
"assets": [],
"templateId": "Fans"
"assets": [],
"templateId": "Humidifier"
"assets": [],
"templateId": "RAH with Chilled Water"
"categoryName": "Air Handling"
"templates": [
"assets": [],
"templateId": "Chiller Air Cooled"
"assets": [
"assetId": "CH1.Lead Chilled Water Manager",
"ibx": "CH1",
"alarmStatus": "NOT OK",
"resiliencyStatus": "Resiliency Not Configured",
"alarmLastTriggeredTime": "Feb 15,2019 02:59 AM",
"alarmLastClearedTime": "Currently Active"
"templateId": "Cooling Plant"
"categoryName": "Cooling"
"templates": [
"assets": [
"assetId": "CH1.VESDA",
"ibx": "CH1",
"alarmStatus": "OK",
"resiliencyStatus": "Resiliency Not Configured",
"alarmLastTriggeredTime": "Aug 21,2018 10:52 AM",
"alarmLastClearedTime": "Aug 21,2018 01:52 PM"
"templateId": "Early Smoke Detection"
"assets": [
"assetId": "CH1.Fire Alarm System",
"ibx": "CH1",
"alarmStatus": "OK",
"resiliencyStatus": "Resiliency Not Configured",
"alarmLastTriggeredTime": "Feb 01,2019 11:25 AM",
"alarmLastClearedTime": "Feb 01,2019 12:25 PM"
"templateId": "Fire Alarm"
"categoryName": "Fire, Smoke Detection"
"templates": [
"assets": [],
"templateId": "Leak Detection"
"categoryName": "Leak Detection"
"status": {
"type": "INFO",
"statuscode": "1000",
"msg": "OK"

Response payload body description

classification string
Asset classification.
Possible values:
  • Electrical
  • Mechanical
categories array[object]
Dataset containing assets grouped by category.
templates array[object]
Asset information data structure.
assets array[object]
Dataset containing assets of a given category.
assetId string
Asset identifier.
Example: DC5.UPS-R1
ibx string
IBX data center identifier.
Example: SV1
alarmStatus string
Asset's alarm status.
Example: OK
resiliencyStatus string
Asset's resiliency status.
Example: Resiliency as Designed
alarmLastTriggeredTime string
Date and time the alarm was triggered most recently.
Example: Aug 21,2017 04:52 AM
alarmLastClearedTime string
Date and time the alarm was cleared most recently.
Example: Aug 21,2017 04:52 AM
templateId string
Asset template identifier.
Example: Fan Coil
categoryName string
Asset category name.
Example: Air Handling

Get Asset Details

 GET /asset/v1/details
Path ParametersNot applicable
Query ParametersaccountNo, ibx, classification, assetId
Body ParametersNot applicable

This API request returns details of a specified asset instance.


If you are unaware of how to obtain an authorization token, refer Requesting Access and Refresh tokens under Getting Access Token.

Sample curl request

curl -X 
GET ""
-H "authorization: Bearer asxQMSbBwcNzI2fCCNwSwTh3phV2'

Query parameters

accountNo string
Customer account number.
Example: 1234
ibx string
IBX data center identifier.
Example: SV1
classification string
Asset classification category.
Applicable values:
  • Electrical
  • Mechanical
assetId string
Asset identifier.
Example: AB2.FC1

Sample response

"payLoad": {
"assetId": "CH1.FC 2",
"assetType": "",
"userPrefTimeZone": "America/New_York",
"tags": [
"value": 4.9,
"tagId": "CH1.Chiller-1:evapleavingwatertemperature",
"tagDisplayName": "Evaporator Leaving Water Temperature",
"uom": "°C",
"alarmStatus": "OK",
"readingTime": "20170907060449"
"lastMaintenanceDate": "Dec 19,2018",
"manufacturerName": "",
"equipmentModelNumber": "",
"equipmentSerialNumber": "",
"alarmLastTriggeredTime": null,
"alarmLastProcessedTime": null
"status": {
"type": "INFO",
"statuscode": "1000",
"msg": "OK"

Response payload body description

assetId string
Asset identifier.
Example: CH1.FC2
assetType string
Dataset containing assets grouped by category.
Example: cooling
userPrefTimeZone string
User timezone.
Example: America/New_York
tags array[object]
Data set containing tag points.
value string
Tag point reading value.
Example: 4.9
tagId string
Tag point identifier.
Example: CH1.Chiller-1:evapleavingwatertemperature
tagDisplayName string
Tag point label.
Example: Evaporator Leaving Water Temperature
uom string
Unit of measure in which the reading value is expressed.
Example: °C
alarmStatus string
Tag point's alarm status.
Example: OK
readingTime string
Date and time when the reading was taken.
Example: 20170907060449
lastMaintenanceDate string
Asset classification.
Example: Aug 03,2016
manufacturerName string
Asset manufacturer name.
Example: SMARDT
equipmentModelNumber string
Asset model identifier.
Example: SACAC110-3EXX-2A1-16A-010
equipmentSerialNumber string
Asset instance serial number.
alarmLastTriggeredTime string
Date and time when the latest alarm was triggered on the asset.
Example: Aug 21,2017 04:38 AM
alarmLastProcessedTime string
Date and time when the latest alarm was processed on the asset.
Example: Aug 21,2017 05:52 AM

If you get “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for Equinix Smart View portal access.

POST Asset Details

 POST /asset/v1/details
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Path ParametersNot applicable
Query ParametersNot applicable
Body ParametersaccountNo, ibx, classification, assetId list

Given an account number, IBX code, asset classification (Electrical, Mechanical), and the assetId list return the asset details including tag points list for each asset. The response includes the assetId, IBX, alarmStatus, resiliencyStatus, alarmLastTriggeredTime, alarmLastClearedTime information for each asset.


If you are unaware of how to obtain an authorization token, refer Requesting Access and Refresh tokens under Getting Access Token.

Sample curl request

curl -X 
POST ' -H 'Authorization: Bearer 21T65PfrRgJK5guVYceyLnSLRl1s'
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer asxQMSbBwcNzI2fCCNwSwTh3phV2' 
-d '{
  "accountNo": "1",
  "ibx": "CH1",
  "assetIds": [
    "CH1.FC 2",
    "CH1.Lead Chilled Water Manager"

The description of the request payload is as follows:

Body Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleApplicable valuesDescription
accountNoYstring1234Customer account number
ibxYstringAB2Name of the IBX for which data is being requested.
classificationYstringMechanicalElectrical, MechanicalEnum value indication the asset classification for which to fetch the list.
assetIdsYthe array of assetid'sAB2.FC1Unique identifier for the asset.
"payLoad": {
"totalCount": 2,
"assetDetails": [
"assetId": "CH1.FC 2",
"assetType": "",
"userPrefTimeZone": "America/New_York",
"tags": [],
"lastMaintenanceDate": "Dec 19,2018",
"manufacturerName": "",
"equipmentModelNumber": "",
"equipmentSerialNumber": "",
"alarmLastTriggeredTime": null,
"alarmLastProcessedTime": null
"assetId": "CH1.Lead Chilled Water Manager",
"assetType": "",
"userPrefTimeZone": "America/New_York",
"tags": [
"value": "42.26",
"tagId": "CH1.Lead Chilled Water Manager:primarychilledwatersupplytemperature",
"tagDisplayName": "Primary Chilled Water Supply Temperature",
"uom": "°F",
"alarmStatus": "NOT OK",
"readingTime": "20190218205638"
"lastMaintenanceDate": "",
"manufacturerName": "",
"equipmentModelNumber": "",
"equipmentSerialNumber": "",
"alarmLastTriggeredTime": "Dec 31,1969 07:00 PM",
"alarmLastProcessedTime": "Currently Active"
"status": {
"type": "INFO",
"statuscode": "1000",
"msg": "OK"

The description of the response payload is as follows:

Field nameTypeExampleDescription
totalCountnumber2The total number of assets that match the request.
assetDetailsan array of assetdetails objectAsset details, including the tag points with data for the asset.
assetIdstringCH1.FC2Indicates the unique identifier for the asset.
assetTypestringcoolingIndicates the template name for the asset.
userPrefTimeZonestring"America/New_York"Timezone for the user.
tagsarray of the tag objectSpecifies the list of tag points for the asset.
valuestring4.9The current data value for the tag point.
tagIdstringCH1.Chiller1:evapleavingwatertemperatureUnique identifier for the tag point.
tagDisplayNamestringEvaporator leaving water temperatureThe display name for the tag point.
uomstringoCUnit of measure for the tag point data value.
alarmStatusstringOKAlarm status for the tag point.
readingTimestring20170907060449Date-time when the tag point value was read from the device.
lastMaintenanceDatestring"Dec 19,2018"Date-time when the asset had its last maintenance.
manufacturerNamestringSMARDTAsset manufacturer name.
equipmentModelNumberstringSACAC110-3EXX-2A1-16A-010Equipment model number.
equipmentSerialNumberstringFF0010I233Q1276Equipment serial number.
alarmLastTriggeredTimestringAug 21,2017 04:38 AMDate-time when the latest alarm was triggered on the asset.
alarmLastProcessedTimestringAug 21,2017 05:52 AMDate-time when the latest alarm was processed on the asset.

If you get “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for Equinix Smart View portal access.

GET Affected Locations For a Given Asset

 GET /asset/v1/tagpoint/affected-assets
URL or End Point/asset/v1/tagpoint/affected-assets
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Query ParametersaccountNo, ibx, classification assetId
BodyNot applicable

Given an account number, IBX code, and an assetId, return the corresponding locations hierarchy of related assets.


If you are unaware of how to obtain an authorization token, refer Requesting Access and Refresh tokens under Getting Access Token.

The following screenshots show a sample curl request to get assets location hierarchy details for the account number 1 and a JSON response containing result.

curl -X 
GET ""     
-H "content-type: application/json"
-H "authorization: Bearer asxQMSbBwcNzI2fCCNwSwTh3phV2' 

The description of the query parameters is as follows:

Query Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleApplicable valuesDescription
accountNoYstring1234Customer account number
ibxYstringAB2Name of the IBX for which data is being requested.
classificationYstringMechanicalElectrical, MechanicalEnum value indication the asset classification for which to fetch the list for.
assetIdYstringAB2.FC1Unique identifier for the asset.
"payLoad": {
"cages": [
"name": "CH1:05:FE00021",
"type": "cage",
"cabinets": [
"name": "CH1:05:FE00021:0101",
"type": "cabinet",
"circuits": [
"name": "20744057",
"type": "circuit"
"circuits": null
"name": "CH1:05:BCM000",
"type": "cage",
"cabinets": [
"name": "CH1:05:BCM000:9999",
"type": "cabinet",
"circuits": [
"name": "15137957",
"type": "circuit"
"name": "20679433",
"type": "circuit"
"name": "20626057",
"type": "circuit"
"circuits": null
"status": {
"type": "INFO",
"statuscode": "1000",
"msg": "OK"

The description of the response payload is as follows:

Field nameTypeExampleDescription
cagesarray of Cages object
namestringCH1:05:FE00021Cage unique space identifier.
typestringcageType of the space asset.
cabinetsarray of Cabinet objects
cabinets.namestringCH1:05:FE00021.0101Cabinet name.
cabinets.typestringcabinetType of the space asset.
cabinets.circuitsarray of Circuits objects
cabinets.circuits.namestring15137957Circuit name.
cabinets.circuits.typestringcircuitType of the space asset.
circuitsarray of CircuitsMapWithCage object
circuits.namestring877484Circuit name.
circuits.typestringcircuitType of the space asset.

If you get “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for Equinix Smart View portal access.

GET Asset Tag Point

 GET /asset/v1/tagpoint/current
URL or End Point/asset/v1/tagpoint/current
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Query ParametersaccountNo, ibx, tagId
BodyNot applicable

Given an account number, IBX code, and asset tag point, return its latest value.


If you are unaware of how to obtain an authorization token, refer Requesting Access and Refresh tokens under Getting Access Token.

The following screenshots show a sample curl request to get asset tagpoint and a JSON response containing result.

curl -X 
GET ""
-H "content-type: application/json"
-H "authorization: Bearer asxQMSbBwcNzI2fCCNwSwTh3phV2'

The description of the query parameters is as follows:

Query Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleApplicable valuesDescription
accountNoYstring1234Customer account number
ibxYstringCH1Name of the IBX for which data is being requested.
tagIdYstringCH1.Lead Chilled Water Manager:primarychilledwatersupplytemperatureUnique identifier for the tagpoint.
"payLoad": [
"value": "5.7",
"tagId": "CH1.Lead Chilled Water Manager:primarychilledwatersupplytemperature",
"tagDisplayName": "Primary Chilled Water Supply Temperature",
"uom": "°C",
"readingTime": "20190218225701"
"status": {
"type": "INFO",
"statuscode": "1000",
"msg": "OK"

The description of the response payload is as follows:

Field nameTypeExampleDescription
valuestring4.9Current data value for the tag point.
tagIdstringCH1.Chiller1:evapleavingwatertemperatureUnique identifier for the tag point.
tagDisplayNamestringEvaporator leaving water temperatureDisplay name for the tag point.
uomstringoCUnit of measure for the tag point data value.
alarmStatusstringOKAlarm status for the tag point.
readingTimestring20170907060449Date-time when the tag point value was read from the device.

If you get “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for Equinix Smart View portal access.

POST Asset Tag Points

 POST /asset/v1/tagpoint/current
URL or End Point/asset/v1/tagpoint/current
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Query ParametersNot applicable
BodyaccountNo, ibx, tagId

Given an account number, IBX code, and asset tag point, return its latest value.


If you are unaware of how to obtain an authorization token, refer Requesting Access and Refresh tokens under Getting Access Token.

The following screenshots show a sample curl request to get an asset tagpoint and a JSON response containing the result.

curl -X 
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer jBilbaA9AAdePnHhQLC29ZK7fj5b'
-d '{
"accountNo": "1",
"tagIds": [
"CH1.Lead Chilled Water Manager:primarychilledwatersupplytemperature",
"ibx": "CH1"

The description of the request payload is as follows:

Body Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleApplicable valuesDescription
accountNoYstring1234Customer account number
ibxYstringCH1Name of the IBX for which data is being requested.
tagIdsYstringCH1.Lead Chilled Water Manager:primarychilledwatersupplytemperature, CH1.UPS-5:batterytimeremainingUnique identifier list for the tagpoints.
"payLoad": [
"tagId": "CH1.UPS-5:batterytimeremaining",
"tagDisplayName": "Battery Time Remaining",
"uom": "",
"readingTime": "20190218233515"
"value": "5.7",
"tagId": "CH1.Lead Chilled Water Manager:primarychilledwatersupplytemperature",
"tagDisplayName": "Primary Chilled Water Supply Temperature",
"uom": "°C",
"readingTime": "20190218225701"
"status": {
"type": "INFO",
"statuscode": "1000",
"msg": "OK"

The description of the response payload is as follows:

Field nameTypeExampleDescription
valuestring4.9The current data value for the tag point.
tagIdstringCH1.Chiller1:evapleavingwatertemperatureUnique identifier for the tag point.
tagDisplayNamestringEvaporator leaving water temperatureThe display name for the tag point.
uomstringoCUnit of measure for the tag point data value.
alarmStatusstringOKAlarm status for the tag point.
readingTimestring20170907060449Date-time when the tag point value was read from the device.

If you get “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for Equinix Smart View portal access.

 GET /asset/v1/tagpoint/trending
URL or End Point/asset/v1/tagpoint/trending
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Query ParametersaccountNo, ibx, tagId
BodyNot applicable

Given an account number, IBX code, and asset tagpoint return the corresponding trending information.


If you are unaware of how to obtain an authorization token, refer Requesting Access and Refresh tokens under Getting Access Token.

The following screenshots show a sample curl request to get asset tagpoint trending data and a JSON response containing the result.

curl -X 
GET ""
-H "content-type: application/json"
-H "authorization: Bearer asxQMSbBwcNzI2fCCNwSwTh3phV2'

The description of the query parameters is as follows:

Query Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleApplicable valuesDescription
accountNoYstring1234Customer account number
ibxYstringCH1Name of the IBX for which data is being requested.
tagIdYstringCH1.Lead Chilled Water Manager:primarychilledwatersupplytemperatureUnique identifier for the tagpoint.
intervalYstring1d1hr, 1d, readingSpecifies the interval for the trend data.
fromDateYstring1483244949000Indicates the start date-time in UTC.
toDateYstring1493958549001Indicates the end date-time in UTC.
"payLoad": {
"accountNumber": "1",
"ibx": "CH1",
"interval": "1d",
"uom": "°C",
"tagId": "CH1.Lead Chilled Water Manager:primarychilledwatersupplytemperature",
"tagDisplayName": "Primary Chilled Water Supply Temperature",
"dataType": "Float",
"data": [
"datetime": "1483401600000",
"value": "5.11"
"datetime": "1486857600000",
"value": "5.44"
"datetime": "1487289600000",
"value": "5.5"
"datetime": "1493736289000",
"value": "7.06"
"status": {
"type": "INFO",
"statuscode": "1000",
"msg": "OK"

The description of the response payload is as follows:

Field nameTypeExampleDescription
accountNostring1234Customer account number.
ibxstringCH1IBX code
intervalstring1h, 1d, readingData collection interval.
uomstringoCUnit of measure for the tag point data value.
valuestring4.9The current data value for the tag point.
tagIdstringCH1.Chiller1:evapleavingwatertemperatureUnique identifier for the tag point.
tagDisplayNamestringEvaporator leaving water temperatureThe display name for the tag point.
dataTypestringstringThe data type of the trend data values.
dataarrayThe array of DateTime and value pair of the collected values of the trend data tag point.
datetimestring20170907060449Date-time when the tag point value was read from the device.
valuestring4.2Tag point value.

If you get “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for Equinix Smart View portal access.

 GET /asset/v1/search
URL or End Point/asset/v1/search
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Query ParametersaccountNo, ibx, searchString
BodyNot applicable

Given an AssetId and the specified search string, all the results matching the search string will be retrieved. The search string support wild cards.


If you are unaware of how to obtain an authorization token, refer Requesting Access and Refresh tokens under Getting Access Token.

The following screenshots show a sample curl request to search assets for the given searchString and a JSON response containing the result.

curl -X 
GET ""
-H "content-type: application/json"
-H "authorization: Bearer asxQMSbBwcNzI2fCCNwSwTh3phV2'

The description of the query parameters is as follows:

Query Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleApplicable valuesDescription
accountNoYstring1234Customer account number
ibxYstringAB2Name of the IBX for which data is being requested.
searchStringYstringCH1.UPS-5Search string.
"payLoad": {
"totalCount": 1,
"assetsList": [
"assetId": "CH1.UPS-5",
"type": "UPS",
"assetLabel": "CH1.UPS-5",
"assetClassification": "Electrical"
"status": {
"type": "INFO",
"statuscode": "1000",
"msg": "OK"

The description of the response payload is as follows:

Field nameTypeExampleDescription
totalCountnumber2The total number of assets that match the request.
assetListarray of assetsAsset list, matching the search string.
assetIdstringCH1.FC2Indicates the circuit number, sensor id, asset id, asset id for type circuit, sensor, electrical and mechanical resp.
typestringASTSIndicates the template name for the asset.
assetLabelstringCH1.FC2Indicates the Circuit display label, Sensor ID, and Asset ID for types circuit, sensor, electrical and mechanical resp
assetClassificationstringElectrical, MechanicalIndicates the asset classification.
alarmLastTriggeredTimestringAug 21,2017 04:38 AMDate-time when the latest alarm was triggered on the asset.
alarmLastProcessedTimestringAug 21,2017 05:52 AMDate-time when the latest alarm was processed on the asset.

If you get “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for Equinix Smart View portal access.