System Alerts v2
Retrieve System Alerts
POST /smartview/v2/systemAlerts/search | |
Method | POST |
Endpoint | /smartview/v2/systemAlerts/search |
Headers | Authorization, Content-Type |
Path Parameters | Not applicable |
Query Parameters | Not applicable |
Body Parameters | filter, pagination, sort |
This API request returns system alerts that match provided search criteria.
For instructions on how to obtain an authorization token, refer to Requesting Access and Refresh Tokens.
Sample curl request
curl -X POST ''
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-H 'authorization: Bearer qwErtY8zyW1abcdefGHI'
-d '{
"filter": {
"and": [
"property": "/status",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
"property": "/asset/ibx",
"operator": "IN",
"values": [
"property": "/asset/assetUid",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
"property": "/assetTagUid",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
"property": "/assetTagDisplayName",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
"Arc Reactor Alarm"
"property": "/asset/assetType",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
"Arc Reactor"
"property": "/asset/assetClassification",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
"property": "/asset/assetUnderMaintenance",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
"property": "/configuration/thresholdType",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
"property": "/configuration/conditionName",
"operator": "=",
"values": [
"property": "/activeProcessing/edgeCollectedOn",
"operator": ">=",
"values": [
"pagination": {
"offset": 0,
"limit": 50
"sort": [
"direction": "ASC",
"property": "/asset/ibx"
"direction": "DESC",
"property": "/activeProcessing/edgeCollectedOn"
Body parameters
Parameter | Description |
filter object REQUIRED | Object defining search conditions. |
and array[object] REQUIRED | Array of search parameters. |
property string REQUIRED | Search parameter. Applicable values:
operator string REQUIRED | Search parameter operator. Applicable values:
values string REQUIRED | Search parameter value. Example: DIGITAL |
pagination object OPTIONAL | Search results pagination settings. |
offset integer OPTIONAL | Index of the first item returned in the response. Minimum: 0 Default: 0 |
limit integer OPTIONAL | Maximum number of items returned per page. Minimum: 1 Maximum: 100 Default: 20 |
sort array[object] OPTIONAL | Search results sorting settings. This API request supports multiple sorting parameters. Parameters are applied in the order they are listed in the request payload. |
direction string OPTIONAL | Search results sorting direction. Applicable values:
property string OPTIONAL | Search results sorting parameter. Applicable values:
/status | Example: "property": "/status", "operator": "=", "values": [ "ACTIVE" ] |
operator string REQUIRED | Search field parameter operator. Applicable values:
value array[string] REQUIRED | System alert status. Applicable values:
/assetTagUid | Example: "property": "/assetTagUid", "operator": "=", "values": [ "PA8A.CB-CRITICAL-DB2:tripped" ] |
operator string REQUIRED | Search field parameter operator. Applicable values:
value array[string] REQUIRED | Asset tag point identifier. Example: ["PA8A.CB-CRITICAL-DB2:tripped"] |
/assetTagDisplayName | Example: "property": "/assetTagDisplayName", "operator": "=", "values": [ "ALARM" ] |
operator string REQUIRED | Search field parameter operator. Applicable values:
value array[integer] REQUIRED | Active tag display name. Example: ["ALARM"] |
/configuration/thresholdType | Example: "property": "/configuration/thresholdType", "operator": "=", "values": [ "DIGITAL" ] |
operator string REQUIRED | Search field parameter operator. Applicable values:
value array[integer] REQUIRED | Alarm threshold type. Applicable values:
/configuration/conditionName | Example: "property": "/configuration/conditionName", "operator": "=", "values": [ "ALARM" ] |
operator string REQUIRED | Search field parameter operator. Applicable values:
value array[string] REQUIRED | System alert condition name. Applicable values:
/asset/ibx | Example: "property": "/asset/ibx", "operator": "=", "values": [ "WA3" ] |
operator string REQUIRED | Search field parameter operator. Applicable values:
value array[integer] REQUIRED | IBX data center identifier. Example: ["WA3"] |
/asset/assetType | Example: "property": "/asset/assetType", "operator": "=", "values": [ "Circuit Breaker with Metering" ] |
operator string REQUIRED | Search field parameter operator. Applicable values:
value array[string] REQUIRED | Identifies asset template. Example: ["Circuit Breaker with Metering"] |
/asset/assetClassification | Example: "property": "/asset/assetClassification", "operator": "=", "values": [ "0e9daf19-72bd-4ba7-b305-e0132740224b" ] |
operator string REQUIRED | Search field parameter operator. Applicable values:
value array[string] REQUIRED | Asset classification category. Applicable values:
/asset/assetUid | Example: "property": "/asset/assetUid", "operator": "=", "values": [ "PA8A.CB-CRITICAL-DB2:tripped#DIGITAL:ALARM" ] |
operator string REQUIRED | Search field parameter operator. Applicable values:
value array[integer] REQUIRED | Asset identifier. Example: ["PA8A.CB-CRITICAL-DB2:tripped#DIGITAL:ALARM"] |
/activeProcessing/edgeCollectedOn | Example: "property": "/activeProcessing/edgeCollectedOn", "operator": "=", "values": [ "SV" ] |
operator string REQUIRED | Search field parameter operator. Applicable values:
value array[string] REQUIRED | Tag point reading timestamp. Example: ["2022-09-23T13:40:53.449276Z"] |
/asset/assetUnderMaintenance | Example: "property": "/asset/assetUnderMaintenance", "operator": "=", "values": [ "false" ] |
operator string REQUIRED | Search field parameter operator. Applicable values:
value array[string] REQUIRED | Indicates if the asset was under maintenance during alert processing. Applicable values:
Sample response
"data": [
"id": 1931,
"alertUid": "LD9.Generator-DH09-PG2:gensetavailableinauto#DIGITAL:ALARM",
"traceUid": "1687495706640/LD9.Generator-DH09-PG2:gensetavailableinauto#DIGITAL:ALARM",
"assetTagUid": "LD9.Generator-DH09-PG2:gensetavailableinauto",
"assetTagDisplayName": "Genset Available In Auto",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"value": {
"alertTagValue": "true",
"alertTagValueDisplayName": "OPEN",
"activeAlertTagValueDisplayName": "OPEN",
"currentTagValue": "CLOSED"
"asset": {
"ibx": "LD9",
"assetUid": "LD9.Generator-DH09-PG2",
"assetType": "Generator",
"assetClassification": "Electrical",
"assetRegion": null,
"assetUnderMaintenance": false
"configuration": {
"thresholdValue": "1",
"thresholdValueDisplayName": "OPEN",
"unitOfMeasurement": "&",
"thresholdType": "DIGITAL",
"conditionName": "ALARM",
"configurationVersion": "1.0"
"activeProcessing": {
"edgeCollectedOn": "2023-06-23T04:48:26.640Z",
"tagCalculationJobProcessedOn": "2023-06-23T04:48:26.840Z",
"processingStartOn": "2023-06-23T04:49:01.182223Z",
"processingEndOn": "2023-06-23T04:49:01.282301Z",
"publishedOn": "2023-06-23T04:49:01.282301Z"
"inactiveProcessing": {
"edgeCollectedOn": null,
"tagCalculationJobProcessedOn": null,
"processingStartOn": null,
"processingEndOn": null,
"publishedOn": null
"id": 9684,
"alertUid": "LD4.UPS-4-2-G-15:lowbatteryalarm#DIGITAL:ALARM",
"traceUid": "1687474008537/LD4.UPS-4-2-G-15:lowbatteryalarm#DIGITAL:ALARM",
"assetTagUid": "LD4.UPS-4-2-G-15:lowbatteryalarm",
"assetTagDisplayName": "Low Battery Alarm",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"value": {
"alertTagValue": "true",
"alertTagValueDisplayName": "OPEN",
"activeAlertTagValueDisplayName": "OPEN",
"currentTagValue": "OPEN"
"asset": {
"ibx": "LD4",
"assetUid": "LD4.UPS-4-2-G-15",
"assetType": "UPS",
"assetClassification": "Electrical",
"assetRegion": null,
"assetUnderMaintenance": false
"configuration": {
"thresholdValue": "1",
"thresholdValueDisplayName": "OPEN",
"unitOfMeasurement": "&",
"thresholdType": "DIGITAL",
"conditionName": "ALARM",
"configurationVersion": "1.0"
"activeProcessing": {
"edgeCollectedOn": "2023-06-22T22:46:48.537Z",
"tagCalculationJobProcessedOn": "2023-06-22T22:46:48.737Z",
"processingStartOn": "2023-06-22T22:47:37.722099Z",
"processingEndOn": "2023-06-22T22:47:37.802681Z",
"publishedOn": "2023-06-22T22:47:37.802681Z"
"inactiveProcessing": {
"edgeCollectedOn": null,
"tagCalculationJobProcessedOn": null,
"processingStartOn": null,
"processingEndOn": null,
"publishedOn": null
"pagination": {
"offset": 20,
"limit": 10,
"total": 2
Response payload body description
Parameter | Description |
data array[object] | Data array containing search results. |
id integer | System alert database entry identifier. Example: 420 |
alertUid string | System alert identifier. Example: PA8A.CB-CRITICAL-DB2:tripped#DIGITAL:ALARM |
traceUid string | Identifies a specific system alert trigger event instance. Example: 1652686263561/PA8A.CB-CRITICAL-DB2:tripped#DIGITAL:ALARM |
assetTagUid string | Asset tag point identifier. Example: assetTagUid |
assetTagDisplayName string | Asset tag point display name. Example: Temperature |
status string | System alert status. Possible values:
value object | Value of the tag point reading related to a given system alert. |
alertTagValue string | Tag point reading raw value. Example: 1 |
alertTagValueDisplayName object | Tag point reading displayed value. Example: NORMAL |
activeAlertTagValueDisplayName object | Tag point reading displayed value when active. Example: ALARM |
currentTagValue object | Current tag reading display value. Example: NORMAL |
asset object | Asset information. |
ibx string | Identifier of the IBX data center where the asset is located. Example: WA3 |
assetUid string | Asset identifier. Example: PA8A.CB-CRITICAL-DB2 |
assetType string | Indicates asset template. Example: Circuit Breaker with Metering |
assetClassification string | Asset classification category. Example: 1-129105284100 |
assetRegion string | Broad geographical region where the asset is located. Example: EMEA |
assetUnderMaintenance boolean | Indicates if the asset is undergoing maintenance. Example: false |
configuration object | System alert configuration information. |
thresholdValue string | System alert trigger threshold value. Example: 0 |
thresholdValueDisplayName string | Threshold value display name. Example: ALARM |
unitOfMeasurement string | Tag point reading unit of measurement. Example: °C |
thresholdType string | System alert threshold type. Possible values:
conditionName string | System alert trigger condition name. Possible values:
configurationVersion string | System alert configuration revision. Example: 1.0 |
activeProcessing object | Processing details for when the system alert has been triggered. |
edgeCollectedOn string | Timestamp when the reading was taken. Example: 2023-01-11T16:06:10.082Z |
tagCalculationJobProcessedOn string | Timestamp when tag reading was processed by tag-calculation RTP. Example: 2023-01-11T16:06:10.082Z |
processingStartOn string | Timestamp when the tag reading was accepted by the alert RTP. Example: 2023-01-11T16:06:10.082Z |
processingEndOn string | Timestamp when the tag processing was completed. Example: 2023-01-11T16:06:10.082Z |
publishedOn string | Timestamp when the tag reading was published by the alert RTP. Example: 2023-01-11T16:06:10.082Z |
inactiveProcessing object | Processing details for when the system alert has been normalized. |
edgeCollectedOn string | Timestamp when the reading was taken. Example: 2023-01-11T16:06:10.082Z |
tagCalculationJobProcessedOn string | Timestamp when tag reading was processed by tag-calculation RTP. Example: 2023-01-11T16:06:10.082Z |
processingStartOn string | Timestamp when the tag reading was accepted by the alert RTP. Example: 2023-01-11T16:06:10.082Z |
processingEndOn string | Timestamp when the tag processing was completed. Example: 2023-01-11T16:06:10.082Z |
publishedOn string | Timestamp when the tag reading was published by the alert RTP. Example: 2023-01-11T16:06:10.082Z |
pagination object | Search results pagination settings. |
offset integer | Index of the first item returned in the response. Example: 0 |
limit integer | Maximum number of items returned per page. Example: 20 |
total integer | Total number of items in the dataset. Example: 20 |