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Effective 10 September 2024, API Documentation can be found on our Equinix Product Documentation site.
The content on this page will not be updated after 1 Oct 2024 and will be inaccessible after 31st Dec 2024.

Hierarchy APIs

GET Location Hierarchy

 GET /hierarchy/v1/location
URL or End Point/hierarchy/v1/location
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Query ParametersaccountNo, ibx
BodyNot applicable

Given an account number, IBX code, and an assetId, return the corresponding locations hierarchy of related assets.


If you are unaware of how to obtain an authorization token, refer Requesting Access and Refresh tokens under Getting Access Token.

The following screenshots show a sample curl request to get location hierarchy details for the given account number and IBX and a JSON response containing result.

curl -X 
GET ""
-H "content-type: application/json"
-H "authorization: Bearer asxQMSbBwcNzI2fCCNwSwTh3phV2'

The description of the query parameters is as follows:

Query Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleApplicable valuesDescription
accountNoYstring1234Customer account number
ibxYstringAB2Name of the IBX for which data is being requested.
"levelType": "IBX",
"levelValue": "SV4",
"label": "SV4",
"children": [
"levelType": "ZONE",
"levelValue": "SV4:1:01:ColoA:1",
"label": "SV4:1:01:ColoA:1",
"children": [
"levelType": "CAGE",
"levelValue": "1852",
"label": "SV4:01:001150",
"children": [
"levelType": "CABINET",
"levelValue": "138094",
"label": "SV4:01:001150:0000",
"children": []
"levelType": "CABINET",
"levelValue": "74147",
"label": "SV4:01:001150:0101",
"children": []
"levelType": "ZONE",
"levelValue": "SV4:1:01:ColoB:2",
"label": "SV4:1:01:ColoB:2",
"children": [
"levelType": "CAGE",
"levelValue": "1948",
"label": "SV4:01:002100",
"children": [
"levelType": "CABINET",
"levelValue": "139474",
"label": "SV4:01:002100:0000",
"children": []
"levelType": "CABINET",
"levelValue": "78970",
"label": "SV4:01:002100:0102",
"children": []
"levelType": "CAGE",
"levelValue": "2053",
"label": "SV4:01:002520",
"children": [
"levelType": "CABINET",
"levelValue": "137692",
"label": "SV4:01:002520:0000",
"children": []

The description of the response payload is as follows:

Field nameTypeExampleDescription
levelTypestringibx, zone, cage, cabinet, sensorIndicates the level at which a node in the location hierarchy belongs to.
levelValuestringSV4Indicates the concrete name of the level type such as the IBX code, zone usId, cage usId, cabinet usId, sensor number.
labelstringcageType of space asset.
childrenlist of the ordered map with childrenSee the example JSON response above.

If you get “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for Equinix Smart View portal access.

GET Power Hierarchy

 GET /hierarchy/v1/power
URL or End Point/hierarchy/v1/power
HeadersAuthorization, Content-Type
Query ParametersaccountNo, ibx
BodyNot applicable

Given an account number, IBX code, and an assetId, return the corresponding power hierarchy of related assets.


If you are unaware of how to obtain an authorization token, refer Requesting Access and Refresh tokens under Getting Access Token.

The following screenshots show a sample curl request to get power hierarchy details for the given account number and IBX and a JSON response containing result.

curl -X 
GET ""
-H "content-type: application/json"
-H "authorization: Bearer asxQMSbBwcNzI2fCCNwSwTh3phV2'

The description of the query parameters is as follows:

Query Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExampleApplicable valuesDescription
accountNoYstring1234Customer account number
ibxYstringAB2Name of the IBX for which data is being requested.
"levelType": "IBX",
"levelValue": "SV4",
"label": "SV4",
"children": [
"levelType": "CAGE",
"levelValue": "1844",
"label": "SV4:01:000120",
"children": [
"levelType": "CABINET",
"levelValue": "74006",
"label": "SV4:01:000120:0101",
"children": [
"levelType": "CIRCUIT",
"levelValue": "20853717",
"label": "120V 20A 1Ph Red (3717)",
"children": []
"levelType": "CIRCUIT",
"levelValue": "20853716",
"label": "120V 20A 1Ph Pri (3716)",
"children": []
"levelType": "CABINET",
"levelValue": "74007",
"label": "SV4:01:000120:0103",
"children": [
"levelType": "CIRCUIT",
"levelValue": "20853719",
"label": "120V 20A 1Ph Red (3719)",
"children": []
"levelType": "CIRCUIT",
"levelValue": "14158128",
"label": "120V 20A 1Ph Pri (8128)",
"children": []
"levelType": "CAGE",
"levelValue": "6451",
"label": "SV4:01:000130",
"children": [
"levelType": "CABINET",
"levelValue": "102831",
"label": "SV4:01:000130:0101",
"children": [
"levelType": "CIRCUIT",
"levelValue": "865343",
"label": "120V 20A 1Ph Pri (5343)",
"children": []
"levelType": "CIRCUIT",
"levelValue": "865335",
"label": "120V 20A 1Ph Pri (5335)",
"children": []
"levelType": "CABINET",
"levelValue": "102832",
"label": "SV4:01:000130:0102",
"children": [
"levelType": "CIRCUIT",
"levelValue": "1129134",
"label": "120V 20A 1Ph Red (9134)",
"children": []
"levelType": "CIRCUIT",
"levelValue": "1129133",
"label": "120V 20A 1Ph Pri (9133)",
"children": []
"levelType": "CAGE",
"levelValue": "104154",
"label": "SV4:01:VBCM000-1-271",
"children": [
"levelType": "CABINET",
"levelValue": "104158",
"label": "SV4:01:VBCM000-1-271:V9999",
"children": [
"levelType": "CIRCUIT",
"levelValue": "818563",
"label": "120V 20A 1Ph Red (8563)",
"children": []
"levelType": "CIRCUIT",
"levelValue": "20184661",
"label": "120V 20A 1Ph Pri (4661)",
"children": []

The description of the response payload is as follows:

Field nameTypeExampleDescription
levelTypestringIBXIndicates the level at which a node in the location hierarchy belongs to. Applicable values are - IBX, CAGE, CABINET, CIRCUIT
levelValuestringSV4Indicates the concrete name of the level type such as the IBX code, cage usId, cabinet usId, circuit usId
labelstringcageType of space asset.
childrenlist of the ordered map with childrenSee the example JSON response above.

If you get “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for Equinix Smart View portal access.