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Effective 10 September 2024, API Documentation can be found on our Equinix Product Documentation site.
The content on this page will not be updated after 1 Oct 2024 and will be inaccessible after 31st Dec 2024.

Environment v2 APIs

GET IBX sensors current readings

 GET /smartview/v2/environmental/ibxs/{ibx}/sensors/readings
URL or End Point/smartview/v2/environmental/ibxs/{ibx}/sensors/readings
Path Parametersibx
Query Parameterstype, zone, offset, limit
BodyNot applicable

This API returns current environmental (temperature and humidity) readings of BMS sensors installed within an IBX in a paginated way. These BMS sensors and their data points are part of the “Data Plus” solution. To obtain readings from these sensors, they first need to be enabled by Equinix for a user, based on the agreement.

The authorization token is the only header that is passed to this API and a response is received based on the values passed.


If you are unaware of how to obtain an authorization token, refer Requesting Access and Refresh tokens under Getting Access Token.

The following screenshots show a sample curl request to obtain the requested environmental data for an IBX and its respective JSON response containing the result.

curl -X
GET ""
-H "authorization: Bearer 000amyyznhgQvtMSVVe1PhNLjG4K"

The description of the path parameter is as follows:

Path Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExample ValuesDescription
ibxYstringDC2IBX where the sensor is located

The description of the query parameters is as follows:

Query Parameter NameMandatoryTypeExample ValuesDescription
typeNstringDC2IBX where the sensor is located
zoneNstringHUMIDITYType of sensor data to display
offsetNinteger0Results offset you want to retrieve
limitNinteger20Number of records to retrieve per request

"data": [
"sensorId": "DC2.Environmental.Colo4-ZoneHumidity1",
"zoneId": "DC2:1:06:ColoArea:1",
"ibx": "DC2",
"humidity": {
"value": "33.3",
"unit": "PERCENT"
"temperature": {
"value": "33.3",
"unit": "CELSIUS"
"pagination": {
"offset": 0,
"limit": 0,
"total": 0,
"next": "string",
"previous": "string"


The description of the response payload is as follows:

Field NameTypeExample ValuesDescription
dataobject arraydata[{...}]List of data objects listing the sensor readings
data.sensorIdstringDC2.Environmental.Colo4-ZoneHumidity1Sensor identifier
data.zoneIdstringDC2:1:06:ColoArea:1Zone where the sensor is placed
data.ibxstringDC2IBX where the sensor is placed
data.humidityobjecthumidity{...}Single value with related unit in percentage
data.temperatureobjecttemperature{...}Single value with related unit in Celsius degree
valueobject33.3Specific value, to be read together with unit
unitobjectCELSIUS, PERCENTUnit for value
paginationobjectpagination{...}Represents pagination component of the paginated response
pagination.offsetinteger0The number of elements to skip
pagination.limitinteger0Page size
pagination.totalinteger0Total number of elements in the result set
pagination.nextstringstringRelative link to the next page - This can be empty if there is no next page available
pagination.previousstringstringRelative link to the previous page - This can be empty if there is no previous page available

If you get “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for Equinix Smart View portal access.

GET single sensor current values

 GET /smartview/v2/environmental/ibxs/{ibx}/sensors/{sensorId}/readings
URL or End Point/smartview/v2/environmental/ibxs/{ibx}/sensors/{sensorId}/readings
Path Parametersibx, sensorId
BodyNot applicable

This API returns current environmental sensor readings such as temperature and humidity for a requested sensor ID in an IBX. The authorization token is the only header that is passed to this API and a response is received based on the values passed.


If you are unaware of how to obtain an authorization token, refer Requesting Access and Refresh tokens under Getting Access Token.

The following screenshots show a sample curl request to obtain the requested environmental data for a sensor in an IBX and its respective JSON response containing the result.

curl -X
GET ""
-H "authorization: Bearer 000amyyznhgQvtMSVVe1PhNLjG4K"

The description of the path parameters is as follows:

Path Parameter NameMandatoryDescription
YIBX where the sensor is located
Example: DC2
YSensor identifier
Example: DC2.ZoneTemperature-10

"sensorId": "DC2.Environmental.Colo4-ZoneHumidity1",
"zoneId": "DC2:1:06:ColoArea:1",
"ibx": "DC2",
"humidity": {
"value": "33.3",
"unit": "CELSIUS"
"temperature": {
"value": "33.3",
"unit": "CELSIUS"


The description of the response payload is as follows:

Field NameDescription
Sensor identifier
Example: DC2.Environmental.Colo4-ZoneHumidity1
Zone where the sensor is placed
Example: DC2:1:06:ColoArea:1
IBX where the sensor is placed
Example: DC2
Single value with related unit in percentage
Example: humidity{...}
Single value with related unit in Celsius degree
Example: temperature{...}
Specific value, to be read together with unit
Example: 33.3
Unit for value

If you get “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for Equinix Smart View portal access.