Power APIs
GET Power Data
GET /power/v1/current | |
Method | GET |
Endpoint | /power/v1/current |
Headers | Authorization, Content-Type |
Path Parameters | Not applicable |
Query Parameters | accountNo, ibx, levelType, levelValue |
Body Parameters | Not applicable |
The Get Power Current API, returns the power consumption info for all level values, given a customer account number, IBX and level type of ibx, cage, cabinet or circuit.
If you are unaware of how to obtain an authorization token, refer Requesting Access and Refresh tokens under Getting Access Token.
Sample curl request
curl -X
GET "https://api.equinix.com/power/v1/current?accountNo=1&ibx=CH1&levelType=IBX&levelValue=CH1"
-H "accept: application/json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer PMQuChryibV7JFRfNuA3fLV8Hw1x"
Query parameters
Parameter | Description |
accountNo string REQUIRED | Customer account number. Example: 1234 |
ibx string REQUIRED | IBX data center identifier. Example: CH1 |
levelType string REQUIRED | Determines the level at which the power value reading is taken. Applicable values:
LevelValue string REQUIRED | Value for the corresponding levelType:
"payLoad": {
"ibx": "CH1",
"accountNo": "1",
"levelType": "IBX",
"levelValue": "CH1",
"isAlarm": null,
"kva": 175.334,
"amps": null,
"soldKva": 1370.285,
"cabinetRating": null,
"contractualKva": 373.9,
"percentageKva": 46.893,
"comparisonData": {
"datapoint": "percentageKva",
"yesterday": -0.106,
"lastweek": -0.034,
"lastmonth": 2.379,
"lastquarter": 2.964
"peakKvaLastSevenDays": 176.195,
"peakKvaLastSevenDaysPercentage": 47.123,
"peakKvaLastSevenDaysContractualKva": 373.899,
"peakKvaLastSevenDaysTime": null,
"soldAmps": null,
"primaryKva": 111.586,
"redundantKva": 63.747,
"kw": 92.28,
"powerFactor": null,
"readingTime": "1550379600000",
"lastUpdatedTime": "1550379960000",
"customerName": "EQUINIX"
"status": {
"type": "INFO",
"statuscode": "1000",
"msg": "OK"
Response payload body description
Field Name | Type | Example | Description |
ibx | string | ABC | IBX code. |
accountNumber | string | ABC | Customer account number. |
levelType | string | ibx Enum:Array [4] | Power hierarchy node levelType, linked to the power data. |
levelValue | string | ABC | Power hierarchy node levelValue, linked to the power data. |
isAlarm | string | true | Boolean based on breaker trip alarm. |
kva | number | 54.402 | Power consumption in KVA. |
amps | number | 123 | Instantaneous current amp reading on circuits. |
soldKva | number | 598.349 | Maximum amp draw, allowable on a circuit. |
cabinetRating | number | 341.54 | Maximum kVA draw allowed for the cabinet when the levelType is cabinet. Null otherwise. |
contractualKva | number | 341.54 | The maximum power draw contractually allowable in a private cage. |
percentageKva | number | 341.54 | Calculated field KVA divided by contractualKva. |
comparisonData | object | ComparisonData{...} | |
peakKvaLastSevenDays | number | 55.296 | |
peakKvaLastSevenDaysPercentage | number | 55.296 | |
peakKvaLastSevenDaysContractualKva | number | 55.296 | |
peakKvaLastSevenDaysTime | integer | 55.296 | |
soldAmps | integer | 123 | Circuit description when the levelType is a circuit. Null otherwise. |
primaryKva | number | 28.31 | Sum of instantaneous power draw reading on all the primary circuits within the levelType. |
redundantKva | number | 26.092 | Sum of instantaneous power draw reading on all the redundant circuits within the levelType. |
kw | number | 92.81 | The measure of real power expressed in KiloWatt. Applicable to IBX data centers that have the capability of energy meter reading. |
powerFactor | string | NA | The ratio between real power and apparent power in a circuit.(kW/kVA)|value will be “NA” for AMER and APAC regions |
readingTime | string | 1497410400000 | Date-time when the latest value was read in (epoch - milliseconds). |
lastUpdatedTime | string | 1497410520000 | Date-time when the latest value was updated (epoch - milliseconds). |
customerName | string | ABC |
If you get “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for Equinix Smart View portal access.
GET Trending Power Data
GET /power/v1/trending | |
Method | GET |
Endpoint | /power/v1/trending |
Headers | Authorization, Content-Type |
Path Parameters | Not applicable |
Query Parameters | accountNo, ibx, levelType, levelValue |
Body Parameters | Not applicable |
Get Trending Data for Power Consumption for input asset (ibx / cage / cabinet / circuit ). The trending power data for draw kVA to max allowed (%) for the given input asset.
If you are unaware of how to obtain an authorization token, refer Requesting Access and Refresh tokens under Getting Access Token.
Sample curl request
curl -X
GET "https://api.equinix.com/power/v1/trending?accountNo=1&ibx=CH1&levelType=IBX&levelValue=CH1&fromDate=1460429200000&toDate=1460908800000&interval=1d"
-H "content-type: application/json"
-H "authorization: Bearer asxQMSbBwcNzI2fCCNwSwTh3phV2'
Query parameters
Parameter | Description |
accountNo string REQUIRED | Customer account number. Example: 1234 |
ibx string REQUIRED | IBX data center identifier. Example: CH1 |
levelType string REQUIRED | Determines the level at which the power value reading is taken. Applicable values:
LevelValue string REQUIRED | Value for the corresponding levelType:
fromDate string REQUIRED | Unix timestamp in milliseconds. Example: 1460429200000 |
toDate string REQUIRED | Unix timestamp in milliseconds. Example: 1460429200000 |
"payLoad": {
"accountNumber": "1",
"ibx": "CH1",
"levelType": "IBX",
"levelValue": "CH1",
"interval": "1d",
"data": [
"datetime": "20160412",
"value": "126.57762661666668"
"datetime": "20160413",
"value": "126.63028427466666"
"datetime": "20160415",
"value": "126.51104850258822"
"datetime": "20160416",
"value": "126.22532176866669"
"datetime": "20160417",
"value": "126.2215849868889"
"status": {
"type": "INFO",
"statuscode": "1000",
"msg": "OK"
Response payload body description
Field name | Type | Example | Description |
ibx | string | AB1 | IBX code |
accountNo | string | 123 | Customer account number |
levelType | string | IBX, CAGE, CABINET, CIRCUIT | Indicates the level type. |
levelValue | string | AB1 | Indicates the level value for the given level type. |
interval | string | 5m, 15m, 1h, 1d | Enum value indicating the interval at which the data is collected. |
data | object | The array of data and corresponding collected value. | |
datetime | string | 20160417 | Instantaneous current amp reading on circuits. |
value | string | 126.2215849868889 | Maximum amp draw, allowable on a circuit. |
If you get “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for Equinix Smart View portal access.
POST Power Data For a Given Level Type
POST /power/v1/current | |
Method | POST |
Endpoint | /power/v1/current |
Headers | Authorization, Content-Type |
Path Parameters | Not applicable |
Query Parameters | Not applicable |
Body Parameters | accountNo, ibx, levelType |
Given a customer account number, IBX and level type of ibx, cage, cabinet or circuit, returns the power consumption info for all level values.
If you are unaware of how to obtain an authorization token, refer Requesting Access and Refresh tokens under Getting Access Token.
Sample curl request
curl -X
POST "https://api.equinix.com/power/v1/current
-H "content-type: application/json"
-H "authorization: Bearer R2KsiEM1ATlhBr8YdJqkHhbqZfdq"
-d '{
"accountNo": "1",
"ibx": "CH1",
"levelType": "IBX"
Body parameters
Parameter | Description |
accountNo string REQUIRED | Customer account number. Example: 1234 |
ibx string REQUIRED | IBX data center identifier. Example: CH1 |
levelType string REQUIRED | Determines the level at which the power value reading is taken. Applicable values:
"payLoad": {
"data": [
"ibx": "CH1",
"accountNo": "1",
"levelType": "IBX",
"levelValue": "CH1",
"isAlarm": null,
"kva": 175.951,
"amps": null,
"soldKva": 1370.285,
"cabinetRating": null,
"contractualKva": 373.9,
"percentageKva": 47.058,
"comparisonData": {
"datapoint": "percentageKva",
"yesterday": 0.213,
"lastweek": 0.497,
"lastmonth": 2.751,
"lastquarter": 3.049
"peakKvaLastSevenDays": 176.195,
"peakKvaLastSevenDaysPercentage": 47.123,
"peakKvaLastSevenDaysContractualKva": 373.899,
"peakKvaLastSevenDaysTime": null,
"soldAmps": null,
"primaryKva": 111.794,
"redundantKva": 64.157,
"kw": "NA",
"powerFactor": "NA",
"readingTime": "1550506500000",
"lastUpdatedTime": "1550506860000",
"customerName": "EQUINIX"
"status": {
"type": "INFO",
"statuscode": "1000",
"msg": "OK"
Response payload body description
Field name | Type | Example | Description |
ibx | string | AB1 | IBX code |
accountNo | string | 123 | Customer account number |
levelType | string | IBX | Indicates the level type. |
levelValue | string | AB1 | Indicates the level value for the given level type. |
isAlarm | string | true, false | Boolean based on breaker trip alarm. |
kva | number | 54.402 | Power consumption in KVA |
amps | number | 123 | Instantaneous current amp reading on circuits. |
soldKva | number | 598.349 | Maximum amp draw, allowable on a circuit. |
cabinetRating | number | 341.54 | Maximum kVA draw allowed for the cabinet when the level type is cabinet. Null otherwise. |
contractualKva | number | 341.54 | The maximum power draw contractually allowable in a power cage. |
percentageKva | number | 341.54 | Calculated field kVA divided by the contractual kVA. |
comparisionData | object | comparisonData{...} | |
peakKvaLastSevenDays | number | 55.296 | |
PeakKvaLastSevenDaysPercentage | number | 55.296 | |
PeakKvaLastSevenDaysContractualKva | number | 55.296 | |
PeakKvaLastSevenDaysTime | number | 55.296 | |
soldAmps | number | 123 | Circuit description when the level type is a circuit. Null otherwise. |
primaryKva | number | 28.31 | Sum of instantaneous power draw reading on all the primary circuits within the level type. |
redundantKva | number | 26.092 | Sum of instantaneous power draw reading on all the redundant circuits within the level type. |
kw | number | 92.81 | The measure of real power expressed in KiloWatt. Applicable to IBX data centers that have the capability of energy meter reading. |
powerFactor | string | NA | The ratio between the real power and apparent power in a circuit (KW/KVA). Value will be "NA" for AMER and APAC regions. |
readingTime | string | 1497410400 | Date-time when the latest value was read in (epoch - milliseconds). |
lastUpdatedTime | string | 1497410400 | Date-time when the latest value was updated in (epoch - milliseconds). |
customerName | string | ABC | Name of the customer. |
If you get “Access Denied” error, contact your local Equinix Service Desk for Equinix Smart View portal access.